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Platform GPL17773 Query DataSets for GPL17773
Status Public on Sep 27, 2013
Title NimbleGen - Botrytis cinerea - 4*72K - INRA improved (2009) [091123_INRA_Botrytis_expr]
Technology type in situ oligonucleotide
Distribution custom-commercial
Organism Botrytis cinerea
Manufacturer NimbleGen
Manufacture protocol High-density DNA array prepared with Maskless Array Synthesizer (MAS) technology. See manufacturer's website at
Description INRA improved (2009) 4plex expression design for Botrytis cinerea, 3 probes per gene (62478 probes covering 20885 gene models + 9559 RANDOM probes), 1 copy on the array.
Web link
Submission date Sep 26, 2013
Last update date Sep 27, 2013
Contact name Adeline SIMON
Organization name INRAE
Street address 22 place de l'agronomie
City Palaiseau
ZIP/Postal code 91120
Country France
Samples (41) GSM1240372, GSM1240373, GSM1240374, GSM1240375, GSM1240376, GSM1240377 
Series (3)
GSE51192 Light and BcLTF1-dependent gene expression profiles in the phytopathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea
GSE63021 The VELVET complex in the gray mold fungus Botrytis cinerea: impact of BcLAE1 on differentiation, secondary metabolism and virulence
GSE65559 Analysis of the molecular dialogue between Botrytis cinerea and Vitis vinifera reveals a clear shift in defence mechanisms during berry ripening.

Data table header descriptions
SPOT_ID GENE_NAME: Gene name for the ORF to which the indicated probe is directed, more informations available for Botrytis cinerea T4 (BofuT4_Pxxxxxx.1) and B0510 (BC1G_xxxxx.1) genes at

Data table
AL110624 AL110624
AL110645 AL110645
AL110650 AL110650
AL110654 AL110654
AL110689 AL110689
AL110771 AL110771
AL110790 AL110790
AL110824 AL110824
AL110829 AL110829
AL110841 AL110841
AL110854 AL110854
AL110857 AL110857
AL110862 AL110862
AL110865 AL110865
AL110879 AL110879
AL110895 AL110895
AL110909 AL110909
AL110947 AL110947
AL110966 AL110966
AL110987 AL110987

Total number of rows: 20885

Table truncated, full table size 704 Kbytes.

Download family Format
SOFT formatted family file(s) SOFTHelp
MINiML formatted family file(s) MINiMLHelp

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GPL17773_091123_INRA_Botrytis_expr.ndf.gz 3.4 Mb (ftp)(http) NDF

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