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Rhizopus arrhizus
Representative genome: Rhizopus arrhizus (assembly ASM2422050v1)
BLAST against Rhizopus arrhizus genome
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ID: 322
Rhizopus arrhizus

Pathogenic filamentous fungus that is the most common cause of mucormycosis

Lineage: Eukaryota[15558]; Fungi[5219]; Fungi incertae sedis[363]; Mucoromycota[182]; Mucoromycotina[99]; Mucoromycetes[89]; Mucorales[89]; Mucorineae[51]; Rhizopodaceae[7]; Rhizopus[6]; Rhizopus arrhizus[1]
Rhizopus oryzae, also known as Rhizopus arrhizus, is a filamentous fungus that is the most common cause of mucormycosis, also referred to as zygomycosis. An opportunistic pathogen, Rhizopus oryzae causes disease primarily in immunocompromised people, such as those with diabetes mellitus, cancer, or AIDS. Rhizopus oryzae is More...


Sequence data: genome assemblies: 51; sequence reads: 106 (See  Genome Assembly and Annotation report)
Statistics: median total length (Mb): 42.8416
 median protein count: 14387
 median GC%: 34.9869

 Representative (genome information for reference and representative genomes)

    Reference genome:

    • minus sign  Rhizopus arrhizus ASM2422050v1

      Submitter: Guizhou Academy of Tobacco Science

      Loc Type Name RefSeq INSDC Size (Mb) GC%

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