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Mucor circinelloides
Representative genome: Mucor circinelloides (assembly ASM3797494v1)
BLAST against Mucor circinelloides genome
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ID: 2804
Mucor circinelloides

Model system for studying light response regulation

Lineage: Eukaryota[15558]; Fungi[5219]; Fungi incertae sedis[363]; Mucoromycota[182]; Mucoromycotina[99]; Mucoromycetes[89]; Mucorales[89]; Mucorineae[51]; Mucoraceae[26]; Mucor[12]; Mucor circinelloides[1]
Serves as a model system for studying light response regulation but is also an emerging opportunistic pathogen in immunocomprimised patients. The fungus is dimorphic thus it grows as a budding yeast anaerobically and as a filamentous fungus aerobically and is in the same family (Mucoraceae More...


Sequence data: genome assemblies: 17; sequence reads: 18 (See  Genome Assembly and Annotation report)
Statistics: median total length (Mb): 33.4459
 median protein count: 12227
 median GC%: 39.2

 Representative (genome information for reference and representative genomes)

    Reference genome:

    • minus sign  Mucor circinelloides ASM3797494v1

      Submitter: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Lisbon

      Loc Type Name RefSeq INSDC Size (Mb) GC%
      master WGS-JBBNAA000000000.140.8839.1

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