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NCBI Haliaeetus leucocephalus Annotation Release 100

The RefSeq genome records for Haliaeetus leucocephalus were annotated by the NCBI Eukaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline, an automated pipeline that annotates genes, transcripts and proteins on draft and finished genome assemblies. This report presents statistics on the annotation products, the input data used in the pipeline and intermediate alignment results.

The annotation products are available in the sequence databases and on the FTP site.

This report provides:

For more information on the annotation process, please visit the NCBI Eukaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline page.

Annotation Release information

This annotation should be referred to as NCBI Haliaeetus leucocephalus Annotation Release 100

Annotation release ID: 100
Date of Entrez queries for transcripts and proteins: Dec 4 2014
Date of submission of annotation to the public databases: Dec 6 2014
Software version: 6.2


The following assemblies were included in this annotation run:
Assembly nameAssembly accessionSubmitterAssembly dateReference/AlternateAssembly content
Haliaeetus_leucocephalus-4.0GCF_000737465.1The Bald Eagle Consortium08-04-2014Referenceunplaced scaffolds

Gene and feature statistics

Counts and length of annotated features are provided below for each assembly.

Feature counts

Genes and pseudogenes help15,655
  genes with variants4,424
  with > 5% ab initio help2,284
  with filled gap(s) help0
  known RefSeq (NM_) help0
  model RefSeq (XM_)25,265
Other RNAs help1,830
  with > 5% ab initio help0
  with filled gap(s) help0
  known RefSeq (NR_) help0
  model RefSeq (XR_) help1,599
  with > 5% ab initio help2,580
  with major correction(s) help460
  known RefSeq (NP_) help0
  model RefSeq (XP_) help25,265

Detailed reports

Masking of genomic sequence

Transcript and protein alignments are performed on the repeat-masked genome. Below are the percentages of genomic sequence masked by WindowMasker and RepeatMasker for each assembly. RepeatMasker results are only used for organisms for which a comprehensive repeat library is available.

For this annotation run, transcripts and proteins were aligned to the genome masked with WindowMasker only.
Assembly nameAssembly accession% Masked with RepeatMasker% Masked with WindowMasker

Transcript and protein alignments

The annotation pipeline relies heavily on alignments of experimental evidence for gene prediction. Below are the sets of transcripts and proteins that were retrieved from Entrez, aligned to the genome by Splign or ProSplign and passed to Gnomon, NCBI's gene prediction software.

Depending on the other evidence available, long 454 reads (with average length above 250 nt) may be aligned as traditional evidence and reported in the Transcript alignments section or aligned with short reads and reported in the Short read transcript alignments section.

Transcript alignments

Short read transcript alignments

The following short reads (RNA-Seq) from the Sequence Read Archive were also used for gene prediction:

  Hide alignments statistics, by sample (SAME, SAMN, SAMD, DRS)
  Show alignments statistics, by run (ERR, SRR, DRR)

Protein alignments
