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    Name/Gene IDDescriptionLocationAliases
    ID: 31271
    white [Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly)]Chromosome X, NC_004354.4 (2790599..2796466, complement)Dmel_CG2759, BACN33B1.1, CG2759, DMWHITE, DmWhite, Dmel\CG2759, EG:BACN33B1.1, W, White, c23, e(g), m(g), mini-white, mw(AT)[[13]], w
    ID: 11307
    ATP binding cassette subfamily G member 1 [Mus musculus (house mouse)]Chromosome 17, NC_000083.7 (31276668..31336958)Abc8, White
    ID: 1271671
    eye pigment precursor family transporter white [Anopheles gambiae (African malaria mosquito)]Chromosome X, NC_064600.1 (9935515..9946315)AGAP000553, white
    ID: 100499163
    protein white [Nasonia vitripennis (jewel wasp)]NW_022279659.1 (23030..438010, complement)
    ID: 100865348
    ABC transporter G family member 3 [Apis florea (little honeybee)]NW_003790258.1 (35789..44993)white
    ID: 107994082
    ABC transporter G family member 3 [Apis cerana (Asiatic honeybee)]Chromosome LG11, NC_083862.1 (15780433..15790704, complement)white
    ID: 102676157
    ABC transporter G family member 3-like [Apis dorsata (giant honeybee)]NW_006263826.1 (32881..41952)white
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