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    HTZ1 [ Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C ]

    Gene ID: 854150, updated on 22-Aug-2024

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    Transcription destabilizes centromere function.

    Transcription destabilizes centromere function.
    Nakabayashi Y, Seki M.

    Improving the Level of the Tyrosine Biosynthesis Pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae through HTZ1 Knockout and Atmospheric and Room Temperature Plasma (ARTP) Mutagenesis.

    Improving the Level of the Tyrosine Biosynthesis Pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae through HTZ1 Knockout and Atmospheric and Room Temperature Plasma (ARTP) Mutagenesis.
    Cai M, Wu Y, Qi H, He J, Wu Z, Xu H, Qiao M.

    Swr1 localization to its targets is dependent on H2A.Z during directional transcription in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

    The histone variant H2A.Z in yeast is almost exclusively incorporated into the +1 nucleosome in the direction of transcription.
    Bagchi DN, Battenhouse AM, Park D, Iyer VR., Free PMC Article

    Study shows that the H2A.Z histone variant impacts various aspects of meiotic development adding further insight into the relevance of chromatin dynamics for accurate gametogenesis.

    Functional Impact of the H2A.Z Histone Variant During Meiosis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
    González-Arranz S, Cavero S, Morillo-Huesca M, Andújar E, Pérez-Alegre M, Prado F, San-Segundo P., Free PMC Article

    It has been found that the level of yeast histone variant H2A.Z in the G2/M-phase is actively kept low by the ubiquitin proteasome system and SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligases.

    Quantitative regulation of histone variant H2A.Z during cell cycle by ubiquitin proteasome system and SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligases.
    Takahashi D, Orihara Y, Kitagawa S, Kusakabe M, Shintani T, Oma Y, Harata M.

    We found that ectopic CENP-A(Cse4) is enriched at promoters that contain histone H2A.Z(Htz1) nucleosomes, but that H2A.Z(Htz1) is not required for CENP-A(Cse4) mislocalization

    Regulation of Budding Yeast CENP-A levels Prevents Misincorporation at Promoter Nucleosomes and Transcriptional Defects.
    Hildebrand EM, Biggins S., Free PMC Article

    analysis suggests that Htz1 and nucleosome dynamics change in response to oleate stress.

    Functional role of histone variant Htz1 in the stress response to oleate in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
    Liu H, Li G, Liu L, Wan Y., Free PMC Article

    Data show that the histone chaperones POB3 protein FACT and chromatin-remodeling histone chaperone Spt6 prevent widespread accumulation of histone H2A.Z.

    The Histone Chaperones FACT and Spt6 Restrict H2A.Z from Intragenic Locations.
    Jeronimo C, Watanabe S, Kaplan CD, Peterson CL, Robert F., Free PMC Article

    Incorporation of histone H2A.Z (Htz1) variant by SWR-C (Swr1) remodeling enzyme may stimulate Exo1 activity, as well as enhance the fidelity of replication by Pol delta, the repair of mismatches generated by Pol delta, or both.

    Deposition of histone H2A.Z by the SWR-C remodeling enzyme prevents genome instability.
    Van C, Williams JS, Kunkel TA, Peterson CL., Free PMC Article

    these results define the distinct roles for histone chaperones Chz1 and Nap1 to regulate Htz1 incorporation into chromatin.

    Distinct roles for histone chaperones in the deposition of Htz1 in chromatin.
    Liu H, Zhu M, Mu Y, Liu L, Li G, Wan Y., Free PMC Article

    identify genetic links between Thr4 and the histone variant Htz1 and show that Thr4, as well as the Ino80 chromatin remodeler, is required for activation-associated eviction of Htz1 specifically from promoters of the Thr4-dependent genes

    Threonine-4 of the budding yeast RNAP II CTD couples transcription with Htz1-mediated chromatin remodeling.
    Rosonina E, Yurko N, Li W, Hoque M, Tian B, Manley JL., Free PMC Article

    results suggest that the discrimination of Spt16 to Htz1-bound genes is due to the priority of Chz1 over Spt16 in binding to the Htz1-bound genomic regions; Chz1-escorted Htz1 therefore impairs Spt16 binding at chromatin

    Histone chaperone Chz1 facilitates the disfavouring property of Spt16 to H2A.Z-containing genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
    Liu H, Luo K, Zhou Z, Mu Y, Wan Y.

    nalysis of between-line variation shows the morphological effects of eliminating HTZ1 to be highly dependent on the line, which implies that HTZ1 interacts with mutations that have accumulated in the lines.

    Histone variant HTZ1 shows extensive epistasis with, but does not increase robustness to, new mutations.
    Richardson JB, Uppendahl LD, Traficante MK, Levy SF, Siegal ML., Free PMC Article

    The results indicates a function for Htz1 in promoting nucleotide excision repair in the Htz1-containing nucleosomes by regulating the occupancy of Gcn5 on chromatin, the UV-induced histone H3 acetylation and the binding of Rad14 to damaged DNA in the nucleosomes.

    Histone variant Htz1 promotes histone H3 acetylation to enhance nucleotide excision repair in Htz1 nucleosomes.
    Yu Y, Deng Y, Reed SH, Millar CB, Waters R., Free PMC Article

    Nucleosome-free region is critical for the targeting of multisubunit chromatin remodeler SWR1, it is not required for postrecruitment enzyme activity, which requires binding of the H2A.Z-H2B dimer.

    Nucleosome-free region dominates histone acetylation in targeting SWR1 to promoters for H2A.Z replacement.
    Ranjan A, Mizuguchi G, FitzGerald PC, Wei D, Wang F, Huang Y, Luk E, Woodcock CL, Wu C., Free PMC Article

    Nucleosomes containing Htz1p are primarily composed of H4 K12ac and H3 K4me3 but not H3 K36me3.

    Single-molecule tools elucidate H2A.Z nucleosome composition.
    Chen J, Miller A, Kirchmaier AL, Irudayaraj JM., Free PMC Article

    The short forms of H2A.Z in both yeast and human cells are more loosely associated with chromatin than the full-length proteins, indicating a conserved function for the H2A.Z C-terminal tail in regulating the association of H2A.Z with nucleosomes.

    A conserved function for the H2A.Z C terminus.
    Wratting D, Thistlethwaite A, Harris M, Zeef LA, Millar CB., Free PMC Article

    We verified an Swr1-independent role for H2A.Z following genotoxic stress in vivo.

    Podbat: a novel genomic tool reveals Swr1-independent H2A.Z incorporation at gene coding sequences through epigenetic meta-analysis.
    Sadeghi L, Bonilla C, Strålfors A, Ekwall K, Svensson JP., Free PMC Article

    Here we have identified key functional regions located in the C-terminal docking domain in histone variant H2A.Z.

    Key functional regions in the histone variant H2A.Z C-terminal docking domain.
    Wang AY, Aristizabal MJ, Ryan C, Krogan NJ, Kobor MS., Free PMC Article

    Data suggest that residues F32 and I109 appear to have an Htz1-specific role.

    Global analysis for functional residues of histone variant Htz1 using the comprehensive point mutant library.
    Kawano A, Hayashi Y, Noguchi S, Handa H, Horikoshi M, Yamaguchi Y.

    Set3 may participate in the dynamic deposition and remodeling of Htz1-containing nucleosomes.

    Genetic analysis implicates the Set3/Hos2 histone deacetylase in the deposition and remodeling of nucleosomes containing H2A.Z.
    Hang M, Smith MM., Free PMC Article

    H2A.Z is required to target a soluble Mps3 fragment to the nucleus and to localize full-length Mps3 in the inner nuclear membrane, indicating that H2A.Z has a novel chromatin-independent function in INM targeting of SUN proteins

    Targeting of the SUN protein Mps3 to the inner nuclear membrane by the histone variant H2A.Z.
    Gardner JM, Smoyer CJ, Stensrud ES, Alexander R, Gogol M, Wiegraebe W, Jaspersen SL., Free PMC Article

    In the absence of INO80, H2A.Z nucleosomes are mislocalized, and H2A.Z levels at promoters show reduced responsiveness to transcriptional changes, suggesting that INO80 controls H2A.Z dynamics.

    Global regulation of H2A.Z localization by the INO80 chromatin-remodeling enzyme is essential for genome integrity.
    Papamichos-Chronakis M, Watanabe S, Rando OJ, Peterson CL., Free PMC Article

    each Htz1 N-terminal lysine is deacetylated by Hda1 in response to benomyl and reacetylated when this agent is removed. Such active regulation suggests that acetylation plays a significant role in Htz1 function.

    Individual lysine acetylations on the N terminus of Saccharomyces cerevisiae H2A.Z are highly but not differentially regulated.
    Mehta M, Braberg H, Wang S, Lozsa A, Shales M, Solache A, Krogan NJ, Keogh MC., Free PMC Article

    These results suggest that the combination of H2A-containing nucleosome and free H2A.Z-H2B dimer acting as both effector and substrate for SWR1 governs the specificity and outcome of the replacement reaction.

    Stepwise histone replacement by SWR1 requires dual activation with histone H2A.Z and canonical nucleosome.
    Luk E, Ranjan A, Fitzgerald PC, Mizuguchi G, Huang Y, Wei D, Wu C., Free PMC Article

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