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    Exo1 exonuclease 1 [ Mus musculus (house mouse) ]

    Gene ID: 26909, updated on 17-Aug-2024

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    Dynamic regulation of EXO1 promotes the progression from liver fibrosis to HCC through TGF-beta1/Smad signaling feedback loop.

    Dynamic regulation of EXO1 promotes the progression from liver fibrosis to HCC through TGF-β1/Smad signaling feedback loop.
    Li M, Huang F, Zhu W, Peng Y, Xu F, Li W, Zhao Q, Liu L., Free PMC Article

    Role of EXO1 nuclease activity in genome maintenance, the immune response and tumor suppression in Exo1D173A mice.

    Role of EXO1 nuclease activity in genome maintenance, the immune response and tumor suppression in Exo1D173A mice.
    Wang S, Lee K, Gray S, Zhang Y, Tang C, Morrish RB, Tosti E, van Oers J, Amin MR, Cohen PE, MacCarthy T, Roa S, Scharff MD, Edelmann W, Chahwan R., Free PMC Article

    Calcium-stimulated AMPK-dependent phosphorylation of Exo1 protects stressed replication forks from aberrant resection.

    Ca(2+)-Stimulated AMPK-Dependent Phosphorylation of Exo1 Protects Stressed Replication Forks from Aberrant Resection.
    Li S, Lavagnino Z, Lemacon D, Kong L, Ustione A, Ng X, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Zheng B, Piwnica-Worms H, Vindigni A, Piston DW, You Z., Free PMC Article

    It has been found that deletion of 53BP1 can relieve several of the repair deficiencies observed in B-cells lacking BLM and Exo1, just as it does in cells lacking BRCA1.

    DNA repair and cell cycle checkpoint defects in a mouse model of 'BRCAness' are partially rescued by 53BP1 deletion.
    Misenko SM, Patel DS, Her J, Bunting SF., Free PMC Article

    mice homozygous for a point mutation (D173A) in Exo1 that eliminates its nuclease activity but retains its native conformation, shows a level of trinucleotide expansion that is intermediate between Exo1+/+ and Exo1-/- animals.

    MutLγ promotes repeat expansion in a Fragile X mouse model while EXO1 is protective.
    Zhao X, Zhang Y, Wilkins K, Edelmann W, Usdin K., Free PMC Article

    like canonical DNA mismatch-repair proteins, EXO1 can restrain aberrant homologous recombination events between diverged sequence elements in the genome.

    EXO1 suppresses double-strand break induced homologous recombination between diverged sequences in mammalian cells.
    Chen CC, Avdievich E, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Wei K, Lee K, Edelmann W, Jasin M, LaRocque JR., Free PMC Article

    The results establish a key role for EXO1 in modulating the severity of hypomorphic MRE11 complex mutations.

    EXO1 is critical for embryogenesis and the DNA damage response in mice with a hypomorphic Nbs1 allele.
    Rein K, Yanez DA, Terré B, Palenzuela L, Aivio S, Wei K, Edelmann W, Stark JM, Stracker TH., Free PMC Article

    Exo1-mediated HR is dispensable for stem cell function in quiescent HSC, whereas it is essential to HSC response to DNA damage processing after cell cycle entry, and its loss is not compensated by intact NHEJ

    Exonuclease 1 is a critical mediator of survival during DNA double strand break repair in nonquiescent hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells.
    Desai A, Qing Y, Gerson SL., Free PMC Article

    In contrast to Exo1(null/null) mice, Exo1(E109K/E109K) knockin mice retain mismatch repair activity and display normal class switch recombination and meiosis.

    Mammalian Exo1 encodes both structural and catalytic functions that play distinct roles in essential biological processes.
    Schaetzlein S, Chahwan R, Avdievich E, Roa S, Wei K, Eoff RL, Sellers RS, Clark AB, Kunkel TA, Scharff MD, Edelmann W., Free PMC Article

    RNAi-mediated EXO1 knockdown in mouse fibroblasts directly results in an alkylation-tolerant phenotype.

    Exonuclease 1 (Exo1) is required for activating response to S(N)1 DNA methylating agents.
    Izumchenko E, Saydi J, Brown KD., Free PMC Article

    Exo1 contributes to the metabolism of DNA ends during DNA double-strand breaks repair in B lymphocytes.

    Mechanism of DNA resection during intrachromosomal recombination and immunoglobulin class switching.
    Bothmer A, Rommel PC, Gazumyan A, Polato F, Reczek CR, Muellenbeck MF, Schaetzlein S, Edelmann W, Chen PL, Brosh RM Jr, Casellas R, Ludwig T, Baer R, Nussenzweig A, Nussenzweig MC, Robbiani DF., Free PMC Article

    Study documents the combinatorial action of Apollo, POT1b, CST, and the 5' exonuclease Exo1 in postreplicative telomere end processing in mouse cells, clarifying the mechanism by which the telomeric 3' overhang is generated and modulated.

    Telomeric 3' overhangs derive from resection by Exo1 and Apollo and fill-in by POT1b-associated CST.
    Wu P, Takai H, de Lange T., Free PMC Article

    EXO1 can convert DNA nicks and point mutations into double-stranded DNA breaks for both core nonhomologous end-joining factors and alternative end-joining pathways of class-switch recombination.

    Mismatch repair proteins MSH2, MLH1, and EXO1 are important for class-switch recombination events occurring in B cells that lack nonhomologous end joining.
    Eccleston J, Yan C, Yuan K, Alt FW, Selsing E., Free PMC Article

    Mlh1 or Exo1 deficiencies also eliminate class switch recombination in the absence of the SmuTR

    Class switch recombination efficiency and junction microhomology patterns in Msh2-, Mlh1-, and Exo1-deficient mice depend on the presence of mu switch region tandem repeats.
    Eccleston J, Schrader CE, Yuan K, Stavnezer J, Selsing E., Free PMC Article

    ablation of either Msh6 or Exo1 function in the Mgmt-null mouse renders these rapidly proliferating tissues alkylation-resistant. The Exo1 defect leads to a variable tissue-specific alkylation resistance phenotype

    O6-methylguanine-induced cell death involves exonuclease 1 as well as DNA mismatch recognition in vivo.
    Klapacz J, Meira LB, Luchetti DG, Calvo JA, Bronson RT, Edelmann W, Samson LD., Free PMC Article

    Switch Junction Position Is Altered in Exo1-/- Mi

    Activities of human exonuclease 1 that promote cleavage of transcribed immunoglobulin switch regions.
    Vallur AC, Maizels N., Free PMC Article

    Meiotic progression in female mice bearing mutations in genes of the DNA mismatch repair pathway.

    Comparative analysis of meiotic progression in female mice bearing mutations in genes of the DNA mismatch repair pathway.
    Kan R, Sun X, Kolas NK, Avdievich E, Kneitz B, Edelmann W, Cohen PE.

    Apc(1638N) Exo1 Fen1 mice survive longer (18 months)

    Tumor progression in Apc(1638N) mice with Exo1 and Fen1 deficiencies.
    Kucherlapati M, Nguyen A, Kuraguchi M, Yang K, Fan K, Bronson R, Wei K, Lipkin M, Edelmann W, Kucherlapati R.

    EXO1 contributes to DNA damage signal induction in mammalian cells, and deletion of Exo1 can prolong survival in the context of telomere dysfunction.

    Exonuclease-1 deletion impairs DNA damage signaling and prolongs lifespan of telomere-dysfunctional mice.
    Schaetzlein S, Kodandaramireddy NR, Ju Z, Lechel A, Stepczynska A, Lilli DR, Clark AB, Rudolph C, Kuhnel F, Wei K, Schlegelberger B, Schirmacher P, Kunkel TA, Greenberg RA, Edelmann W, Rudolph KL., Free PMC Article

    Functions in mutation avoidance and is essential for male and female meiosis.

    Inactivation of Exonuclease 1 in mice results in DNA mismatch repair defects, increased cancer susceptibility, and male and female sterility.
    Wei K, Clark AB, Wong E, Kane MF, Mazur DJ, Parris T, Kolas NK, Russell R, Hou H Jr, Kneitz B, Yang G, Kunkel TA, Kolodner RD, Cohen PE, Edelmann W., Free PMC Article

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