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    Gnrh1 gonadotropin releasing hormone 1 [ Mus musculus (house mouse) ]

    Gene ID: 14714, updated on 17-Aug-2024

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    Development and prenatal exposure to androgens alter potassium currents in gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons from female mice.

    Development and prenatal exposure to androgens alter potassium currents in gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons from female mice.
    Jaime J, DeFazio RA, Moenter SM.,

    Disruption of Intranasal GnRH Neuronal Migration Route into the Brain Induced by Proinflammatory Cytokine IL-6: Ex Vivo and In Vivo Rodent Models.

    Disruption of Intranasal GnRH Neuronal Migration Route into the Brain Induced by Proinflammatory Cytokine IL-6: Ex Vivo and In Vivo Rodent Models.
    Sharova V, Ignatiuk V, Izvolskaia M, Zakharova L., Free PMC Article

    Hypothalamic PVN CRH Neurons Signal Through PVN GABA Neurons to Suppress GnRH Pulse Generator Frequency in Female Mice.

    Hypothalamic PVN CRH Neurons Signal Through PVN GABA Neurons to Suppress GnRH Pulse Generator Frequency in Female Mice.
    McIntyre C, Li XF, Ivanova D, Wang J, O'Byrne KT., Free PMC Article

    Kisspeptin induces Kiss-1 and GnRH gene expression in mHypoA-55 hypothalamic cell models: Involvement of the ERK and PKA signaling pathways.

    Kisspeptin induces Kiss-1 and GnRH gene expression in mHypoA-55 hypothalamic cell models: Involvement of the ERK and PKA signaling pathways.
    Tumurbaatar T, Kanasaki H, Yacca SS, Cairang Z, Tumurgan Z, Oride A, Okada H, Kyo S.

    Age-related changes in gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) splice variants in mouse brain.

    Age-related changes in gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) splice variants in mouse brain.
    Gautam P, Ajit K, Das M, Taliyan R, Roy R, Banerjee A.

    Ovariectomy induces abdominal fat accumulation by improving gonadotropin-releasing hormone secretion in mouse.

    Ovariectomy induces abdominal fat accumulation by improving gonadotropin-releasing hormone secretion in mouse.
    Wang Y, Wang Y, Liu L, Cui H.

    MiR-375 potentially enhances GnRH expression by targeting Sp1 in GT1-7 cells.

    MiR-375 potentially enhances GnRH expression by targeting Sp1 in GT1-7 cells.
    Li H, Li X, Zhang D, Li J, Cui S.

    Roles of Pyk2 in signal transduction after gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor stimulation.

    Roles of Pyk2 in signal transduction after gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor stimulation.
    Okitsu-Sakurayama S, Higa-Nakamine S, Torihara H, Higashiyama S, Yamamoto H.

    Mitochondrial dysfunction in GnRH neurons impaired GnRH production.

    Mitochondrial dysfunction in GnRH neurons impaired GnRH production.
    Kagawa Y, Umaru BA, Shil SK, Hayasaka K, Zama R, Kobayashi Y, Miyazaki H, Kobayashi S, Suzuki C, Katori Y, Abe T, Owada Y.

    Results indicate that miR-29-3p and its target T-box 21 protein (Tbx21) play a role in regulating the mammalian puberty onset and reproduction by modulating the gonadotropin releasing hormone 1 (Gnrh1) expression.

    miR-29 family regulates the puberty onset mediated by a novel Gnrh1 transcription factor TBX21.
    Li X, Xiao J, Fan Y, Yang K, Li K, Wang X, Lu Y, Zhou Y.

    role for arcuate nucleus kisspeptin neurons as the GnRH pulse generator; operates in a stochastic manner without diurnal variation in both intact and gonadectomized male mice

    Characterization of GnRH Pulse Generator Activity in Male Mice Using GCaMP Fiber Photometry.
    Han SY, Kane G, Cheong I, Herbison AE.

    GnRH excitability is upregulated during positive feedback, perhaps driving increased neural firing rate at this time

    Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) Neuron Excitability Is Regulated by Estradiol Feedback and Kisspeptin.
    Adams C, Stroberg W, DeFazio RA, Schnell S, Moenter SM., Free PMC Article

    hypogonadism driven by decreased hypothalamic GnRH may be a component of obesity-related infertility.

    Obesity-related cellular stressors regulate gonadotropin releasing hormone gene expression via c-Fos/AP-1.
    Levi NJ, Wilson CW, Redweik GAJ, Gray NW, Grzybowski CW, Lenkey JA, Moseman AW, Bertsch AD, Dao N, Walsh HE.

    the protein kinase c enzymes involved in GnRH stimulated mitogen activated protein kinase phosphorylation in gonadotrope derived cells, were identified.

    Differential roles of PKC isoforms (PKCs) in GnRH stimulation of MAPK phosphorylation in gonadotrope derived cells.
    Mugami S, Dobkin-Bekman M, Rahamim-Ben Navi L, Naor Z.

    In immature GN11 cells, VAX1 and cFOS enhance GnRH expression, whereas VAX1 and cFOS have a repressive role in the mature GT1-7 cells.

    Transcriptional interaction between cFOS and the homeodomain-binding transcription factor VAX1 on the GnRH promoter controls Gnrh1 expression levels in a GnRH neuron maturation specific manner.
    Hoffmann HM, Gong P, Tamrazian A, Mellon PL., Free PMC Article

    This work provides new findings inglucocorticoid (GC) field by bringing novel understanding on how GR integrates plasma membrane, allowing GC membrane-initiated signaling that differs in presence of GnRH to disrupt GnRH-dependent signaling and luteinizing hormone secretion.

    A novel non genomic glucocorticoid signaling mediated by a membrane palmitoylated glucocorticoid receptor cross talks with GnRH in gonadotrope cells.
    Ayrout M, Simon V, Bernard V, Binart N, Cohen-Tannoudji J, Lombès M, Chauvin S., Free PMC Article

    Six3 is haploinsufficient for main olfactory epithelium development, GnRH neuron migration, and fertility.

    Haploinsufficiency of SIX3 Abolishes Male Reproductive Behavior Through Disrupted Olfactory Development, and Impairs Female Fertility Through Disrupted GnRH Neuron Migration.
    Pandolfi EC, Hoffmann HM, Schoeller EL, Gorman MR, Mellon PL., Free PMC Article

    Data (including data from studies in transgenic mice) suggest that Crh alters Gnrh neuron activity and that estradiol is required for Crh to exert both stimulatory and inhibitory effects on Gnrh neurons. (Crh = corticotropin-releasing hormone; Gnrh = gonadotropin releasing hormone)

    Estradiol-Dependent Stimulation and Suppression of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Neuron Firing Activity by Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone in Female Mice.
    Phumsatitpong C, Moenter SM., Free PMC Article

    Data suggest that expression of Rps6ka5 in gonadotroph cell line is up-regulated by GnRH signaling and is required for Cga expression; GnRH-activates Rps6ka5 targets at the first nucleosome just downstream from the transcriptional start site. (Rps6ka5= mitogen and stress-activated protein kinase 1; GnRH = gonadotropin-releasing hormone; Cga = gonadotropin alpha subunit)

    Mitogen- and stress-activated protein kinase 1 is required for gonadotropin-releasing hormone-mediated activation of gonadotropin α-subunit expression.
    Haj M, Wijeweera A, Rudnizky S, Taunton J, Pnueli L, Melamed P., Free PMC Article

    The studies in this manuscript describe specific histone modifications on the enhancer and promoter of the mouse GnRH (mGnRH) gene induced by kisspeptin in GnRH neuronal cell lines.

    Kisspeptin Induces Dynamic Chromatin Modifications to Control GnRH Gene Expression.
    Novaira HJ, Sonko ML, Radovick S.

    Nesfatin-1 increased Gnrh expression in hypothalamic and pituitary cells.

    Gonadotropin-releasing hormone, kisspeptin, and gonadal steroids directly modulate nucleobindin-2/nesfatin-1 in murine hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons and gonadotropes.
    Hatef A, Unniappan S.

    GnRH-E1 RNA is an inducer of Gnrh1 gene expression that may play an important role in the development and maturation of GnRH neurons

    A Novel Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone 1 (Gnrh1) Enhancer-Derived Noncoding RNA Regulates Gnrh1 Gene Expression in GnRH Neuronal Cell Models.
    Huang PP, Brusman LE, Iyer AK, Webster NJ, Mellon PL., Free PMC Article

    tet2 activity in GnRH neurons has influence over the neuroendocrine control of male reproductive function

    The Methylcytosine Dioxygenase Ten-Eleven Translocase-2 (tet2) Enables Elevated GnRH Gene Expression and Maintenance of Male Reproductive Function.
    Kurian JR, Louis S, Keen KL, Wolfe A, Terasawa E, Levine JE., Free PMC Article

    Neurons in the hypothalamus produce Kiss1 and can synchronize their activity and activate GnRH neurons thus coordinating reproduction and fertility.

    A kiss to set the rhythm.
    Shruti S, Prevot V., Free PMC Article

    GnRH stimulated the secretion of the VGF-derived peptide NERP1. NERP1 caused a concentration-dependent decrease in Fshb gene induction.

    Characterization of Gonadotrope Secretoproteome Identifies Neurosecretory Protein VGF-derived Peptide Suppression of Follicle-stimulating Hormone Gene Expression.
    Choi SG, Wang Q, Jia J, Chikina M, Pincas H, Dolios G, Sasaki K, Wang R, Minamino N, Salton SR, Sealfon SC., Free PMC Article

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