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Magallana gigas

Pacific oyster (Magallana gigas) is a species of bivalve in the family Ostreidae (oysters).

Taxonomy ID: 29159

Search results

Items: 1 to 20 of 33356

Name/Gene IDDescriptionLocationAliases
ID: 105322492
integrin beta-1-B-like [Magallana gigas (Pacific oyster)]Chromosome 10, NC_088862.1 (24291163..24319761)CGI_10009280, IBCGH
ID: 808831
NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4L [Crassostrea gigas (Pacific oyster)]Chromosome MT, NC_001276.1 (15143..15425)
ID: 105332415
interleukin 17-like protein [Magallana gigas (Pacific oyster)]CGI_10015251, IL17-4
ID: 808836
NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 [Crassostrea gigas (Pacific oyster)]Chromosome MT, NC_001276.1 (14206..15141)
ID: 808835
cytochrome c oxidase subunit III [Crassostrea gigas (Pacific oyster)]Chromosome MT, NC_001276.1 (18084..18224); Chromosome MT, NC_001276.1 (1..735)
ID: 808830
NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 [Crassostrea gigas (Pacific oyster)]Chromosome MT, NC_001276.1 (12981..13457)
ID: 808828
cytochrome c oxidase subunit II [Crassostrea gigas (Pacific oyster)]Chromosome MT, NC_001276.1 (2387..3088)
ID: 105325593
proteoglycan Cow [Magallana gigas (Pacific oyster)]Chromosome 7, NC_088859.1 (48828616..48837063)CGI_10028770
ID: 105337281
angiotensin I converting enzyme [Magallana gigas (Pacific oyster)]Chromosome 3, NC_088855.1 (33087594..33096111)CGI_10023652
ID: 105330405
adipokinetic hormone/corazonin-related peptide receptor variant I [Magallana gigas (Pacific oyster)]Chromosome 6, NC_088858.1 (53637201..53684489)CGI_10007157, gnakr, gnrh
ID: 105348423
high mobility group box 1 [Magallana gigas (Pacific oyster)]Chromosome 4, NC_088856.1 (2856131..2858639, complement)CGI_10028136
ID: 105337844
doublesex- and mab-3-related transcription factor 1 [Magallana gigas (Pacific oyster)]Chromosome 6, NC_088858.1 (4759693..4761736, complement)Dsx, Dsx-1, Dsx-2
ID: 105324827
tyrosinase [Magallana gigas (Pacific oyster)]Chromosome 3, NC_088855.1 (34354846..34360982)CGI_10011913
ID: 105342670
myeloid differentiation primary response 88 [Magallana gigas (Pacific oyster)]Chromosome 5, NC_088857.1 (55012862..55019953)CGI_10026099, Myd88-1
ID: 117686547
heat shock 70 kDa protein cognate 4 [Magallana gigas (Pacific oyster)]Chromosome 5, NC_088857.1 (54355800..54359246)HSC71, Hsp70
ID: 105348023
lysozyme-like [Magallana gigas (Pacific oyster)]Chromosome 1, NC_088853.1 (18830548..18834151)
ID: 105339544
hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha-like [Magallana gigas (Pacific oyster)]Chromosome 6, NC_088858.1 (3701757..3759967)CGI_10017861, HIF-1a
ID: 105332576
cleavage and polyadenylation factor I subunit 1 [Magallana gigas (Pacific oyster)]Chromosome 7, NC_088859.1 (45609838..45615268, complement)CGI_10026601
ID: 105330118
epidermal growth factor receptor [Magallana gigas (Pacific oyster)]Chromosome 2, NC_088854.1 (14064895..14123202)CGI_10005663
ID: 105340066
B-cell translocation gene 1, anti-proliferative [Magallana gigas (Pacific oyster)]Chromosome 4, NC_088856.1 (27876759..27877307)CGI_10015210
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