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Clinical VariableDatasetVariable DescriptionVariable ID
Subject ID, visit, visit age, form status, gender, CDUS method of payment, demographic data, and BMF protocol of participants with or without bone marrow failure syndromes and cytopenias and involved in the \"Screening Protocol and Longitudinal Study of Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes and Cytopenias\" project.
Education level [Demographics Form]phv00303226.v1.p1
Subject ID, visit, visit age, form status, medical data of autoimmune illnesses, cancer, hematological disease, liver disease, and pulmonary disease since last visit, infection requiring hospitalization, transfusion, pregnancy, symptoms, medications, and historian of participants with or without bone marrow failure syndromes and cytopenias and involved in the \"Screening Protocol and Longitudinal Study of Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes and Cytopenias\" project.
Q 2. Since your last visit, have you had any of the following illnesses? Hematologic disease SNOMED input (1) [BMF Interim Medical History]phv00303512.v1.p1
Subject ID, visit, visit age, form status, medical data, military data, employment data, hemoglobin, hematocrit, historian, platelet count, transfusions required, WBC, needle stick exposure, and never received transfusion participants with or without bone marrow failure syndromes and cytopenias and involved in the \"Screening Protocol and Longitudinal Study of Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes and Cytopenias\" project.
Medical Data. Q4. Have you ever had any of the following symptoms? Symptom: Bleeding [Past Medical History]phv00303933.v1.p1
Subject ID, visit, visit age, form status, subject cycle number, blood transfusions, transfusion age and type, and units of participants with or without bone marrow failure syndromes and cytopenias and involved in the \"Screening Protocol and Longitudinal Study of Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes and Cytopenias\" project.
Age (in days) at visitphv00304640.v1.p1
Subject ID, visit, visit age, form status, medical data, military data, employment data, hemoglobin, hematocrit, historian, platelet count, transfusions required, WBC, needle stick exposure, and never received transfusion participants with or without bone marrow failure syndromes and cytopenias and involved in the \"Screening Protocol and Longitudinal Study of Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes and Cytopenias\" project.
Medical Data. Q2. Have you ever had any of the following illnesses? OTHER DISEASE DIAGNOSIS AGE IN DAYS (4) [Past Medical History]phv00304219.v1.p1
Subject ID, visit, visit age, form status, effective date, termination date, long and short description, autoimmune disease, cancer, hematological and other disease of biological father and mother, biological siblings, and illnesses of biological children of participants with or without bone marrow failure syndromes and cytopenias and involved in the \"Screening Protocol and Longitudinal Study of Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes and Cytopenias\" project.
Q 2. Have any biological siblings had any of the following illnesses? Add sibling with congenital disorders or other major medical conditions (1) [BMF 5401 Affective Family Members Form]phv00302436.v1.p1
Subject ID, visit, visit age, form status, medical data, military data, employment data, hemoglobin, hematocrit, historian, platelet count, transfusions required, WBC, needle stick exposure, and never received transfusion participants with or without bone marrow failure syndromes and cytopenias and involved in the \"Screening Protocol and Longitudinal Study of Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes and Cytopenias\" project.
Medical Data. Q2. Have you ever had any of the following illnesses? OTHER DISEASE DIAGNOSIS AGE IN DAYS (27) [Past Medical History]phv00304242.v1.p1
Subject ID, visit, visit age, form status, medical data, military data, employment data, hemoglobin, hematocrit, historian, platelet count, transfusions required, WBC, needle stick exposure, and never received transfusion participants with or without bone marrow failure syndromes and cytopenias and involved in the \"Screening Protocol and Longitudinal Study of Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes and Cytopenias\" project.
Medical Data. Q2. Have you ever had any of the following illnesses? Cardiac Problems SNOMED Input (3) [Past Medical History]phv00303850.v1.p1
Subject ID, visit, visit age, form status, effective date, termination date, long and short description, autoimmune disease, cancer, hematological and other disease of biological father and mother, biological siblings, and illnesses of biological children of participants with or without bone marrow failure syndromes and cytopenias and involved in the \"Screening Protocol and Longitudinal Study of Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes and Cytopenias\" project.
Q 3. Have any children had any of the following illnesses? Add child with cancer: Other (2) [BMF 5401 Affective Family Members Form]phv00302828.v1.p1
Subject ID, visit, visit age, form status, referring diagnosis, normal laboratory results, undergone transfusion, current transfusions, bone marrow biopsy, and currently receiving medications or therapies of participants with or without bone marrow failure syndromes and cytopenias and involved in the \"Screening Protocol and Longitudinal Study of Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes and Cytopenias\" project.
Q 1. Referring Diagnosis: autoimmune neutropenia diagnosis age IN DAYS [Enrollment Medical Illness Form]phv00303429.v1.p1
Subject ID, visit, visit age, form status, medical data, military data, employment data, hemoglobin, hematocrit, historian, platelet count, transfusions required, WBC, needle stick exposure, and never received transfusion participants with or without bone marrow failure syndromes and cytopenias and involved in the \"Screening Protocol and Longitudinal Study of Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes and Cytopenias\" project.
Medical Data. Q2. Have you ever had any of the following illnesses? Cancer SNOMED Input (2) [Past Medical History]phv00303827.v1.p1
Subject ID, visit, visit age, form status, subject cycle number, and physical activities of participants with or without bone marrow failure syndromes and cytopenias and involved in the \"Screening Protocol and Longitudinal Study of Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes and Cytopenias\" project.
During the past 4 weeks how much of the time has your physical health or emotional problems interfered with your social activitiesphv00304325.v1.p1
Subject ID, visit, visit age, form status, effective date, termination date, long and short description, autoimmune disease, cancer, hematological and other disease of biological father and mother, biological siblings, and illnesses of biological children of participants with or without bone marrow failure syndromes and cytopenias and involved in the \"Screening Protocol and Longitudinal Study of Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes and Cytopenias\" project.
Q 2. Have any biological siblings had any of the following illnesses? Add sibling with hematologic disease: PNH (9) [BMF 5401 Affective Family Members Form]phv00303120.v1.p1
Subject ID, visit, visit age, form status, effective date, termination date, long and short description, autoimmune disease, cancer, hematological and other disease of biological father and mother, biological siblings, and illnesses of biological children of participants with or without bone marrow failure syndromes and cytopenias and involved in the \"Screening Protocol and Longitudinal Study of Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes and Cytopenias\" project.
Q 3. Have any children had any of the following illnesses? Biological child 3 with autoimmune illness: None [BMF 5401 Affective Family Members Form]phv00302699.v1.p1
Subject ID, visit, visit age, form status, subject cycle number, blood transfusions, transfusion age and type, and units of participants with or without bone marrow failure syndromes and cytopenias and involved in the \"Screening Protocol and Longitudinal Study of Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes and Cytopenias\" project.
TRANSFUSION AGE IN DAYSphv00304746.v1.p1
Subject ID, visit, visit age, form status, effective date, termination date, long and short description, autoimmune disease, cancer, hematological and other disease of biological father and mother, biological siblings, and illnesses of biological children of participants with or without bone marrow failure syndromes and cytopenias and involved in the \"Screening Protocol and Longitudinal Study of Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes and Cytopenias\" project.
Q 2. Have any biological siblings had any of the following illnesses? Add sibling with cancer: Other (3) [BMF 5401 Affective Family Members Form]phv00303037.v1.p1
Subject ID, visit, visit age, form status, bone merrow biopsy, IPSS risk group, world health organization, cytogenetics, and transfusion of participants with or without bone marrow failure syndromes and cytopenias and involved in the \"Screening Protocol and Longitudinal Study of Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes and Cytopenias\" project.
Q3d. World Health Organization (WHO) Classification. MDS with isolated del (5q) [MDS Classification Form]phv00303744.v1.p1
Subject ID, visit, visit age, form status, age of sample obtained, evidence of presence of B Cell lymph proliferation, lymphocyte gate, CD16 lymphocyte gate, evidence for the presence of T-LGL lymph proliferation, and presence of NK-LGL lymph proliferation of participants with or without bone marrow failure syndromes and cytopenias and involved in the \"Screening Protocol and Longitudinal Study of Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes and Cytopenias\" project.
Q4. Evidence for the presence of T-LGL lymph proliferation. CD3CD56CD16 lymphocyte gate [Low Grade Lymphoma Panel]phv00303721.v1.p1
Subject ID, visit, visit age, form status, test age, comments, and cytometry of blast gate of CD34 of participants with or without bone marrow failure syndromes and cytopenias and involved in the \"Screening Protocol and Longitudinal Study of Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes and Cytopenias\" project.
AGE IN DAYS AT TEST [Bone Marrow Aspiration Flow Cytometry Form]phv00303143.v1.p1
Subject ID, visit, visit age, form status, subject cycle number, blood transfusions, transfusion age and type, and units of participants with or without bone marrow failure syndromes and cytopenias and involved in the \"Screening Protocol and Longitudinal Study of Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes and Cytopenias\" project.
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