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Clinical VariableDatasetVariable DescriptionVariable ID
The sample attributes data table includes shareid, SHARe sample ID for 100K, 550K, and OMNI5.0 genotype samples, sample analyte type (DNA), body site where samples were collected, plate and well information, high flag, and DNA amplification status.
Analyte type - all DNAphv00173528.v4.p11
The sample attributes data table includes shareid, SHARe sample ID for 100K, 550K, and OMNI5.0 genotype samples, sample analyte type (DNA), body site where samples were collected, plate and well information, high flag, and DNA amplification status.
Value equals 1 for the unique sample to be used (useful if multiple samples from the same subject are present) in the original SHARe genotyping; value equals 2 for the unique samples with OMNI5.0 chip genotypingphv00173525.v4.p11
This SHARe subject phenotypes includes genotyping status for diabetes SNPs.
Genotypes of rare variants in genomic regions associated with risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D) or diabetes related quantitative traits that are not part of extant genotyped or imputed GWAS data in Framingham Heart Study cohortsphv00221187.v2.p11
The sample attributes data table includes shareid, SHARe sample ID for 100K, 550K, and OMNI5.0 genotype samples, sample analyte type (DNA), body site where samples were collected, plate and well information, high flag, and DNA amplification status.
The well designation in AFFYMETRIX and Illumina production manifestsphv00173524.v4.p11
This SHARe subject phenotypes includes genotyping status for diabetes SNPs.
SHARe ID numberphv00221186.v2.p11
The sample attributes data table includes shareid, SHARe sample ID for 100K, 550K, and OMNI5.0 genotype samples, sample analyte type (DNA), body site where samples were collected, plate and well information, high flag, and DNA amplification status.
This has a value of 1 in cases where DNA was amplified. A subset of the blood samples were amplified for SHARe; none for OMNI5.0; all serum samples were amplified in SHARe.phv00173527.v4.p11
The sample attributes data table includes shareid, SHARe sample ID for 100K, 550K, and OMNI5.0 genotype samples, sample analyte type (DNA), body site where samples were collected, plate and well information, high flag, and DNA amplification status.
Sample ID - SHARe genotyped sample IDphv00173523.v4.p11
The sample attributes data table includes shareid, SHARe sample ID for 100K, 550K, and OMNI5.0 genotype samples, sample analyte type (DNA), body site where samples were collected, plate and well information, high flag, and DNA amplification status.
Body site - values include blood, cell line, or serumphv00173526.v4.p11
The subject phenotype data table includes T2D GENES subject IDs. The phenotypes for subjects: sex, age at study, type 2 diabetes disease status, BMI, consortium name, ancestry, and cohort.
Subject IDphv00390003.v1.p11
The sample attributes data table includes the sample ID, body site where sample was collected, analyte type, tissue/cell type, sequencing center, and age at DNA draw.
Analyte type usedphv00390013.v1.p11
The sample attributes data table includes the sample ID, body site where sample was collected, analyte type, tissue/cell type, sequencing center, and age at DNA draw.
Age at DNA drawphv00390016.v1.p11
The subject phenotype data table includes T2D GENES subject IDs. The phenotypes for subjects: sex, age at study, type 2 diabetes disease status, BMI, consortium name, ancestry, and cohort.
Cohort namephv00390010.v1.p11
The subject phenotype data table includes T2D GENES subject IDs. The phenotypes for subjects: sex, age at study, type 2 diabetes disease status, BMI, consortium name, ancestry, and cohort.
Diabetes disease statusphv00390006.v1.p11
The subject phenotype data table includes T2D GENES subject IDs. The phenotypes for subjects: sex, age at study, type 2 diabetes disease status, BMI, consortium name, ancestry, and cohort.
Ancestry namephv00390009.v1.p11
The sample attributes data table includes the sample ID, body site where sample was collected, analyte type, tissue/cell type, sequencing center, and age at DNA draw.
Body site from where sample was takenphv00390012.v1.p11
The sample attributes data table includes the sample ID, body site where sample was collected, analyte type, tissue/cell type, sequencing center, and age at DNA draw.
Name of sequencing centerphv00390015.v1.p11
The subject phenotype data table includes T2D GENES subject IDs. The phenotypes for subjects: sex, age at study, type 2 diabetes disease status, BMI, consortium name, ancestry, and cohort.
Age at studyphv00390005.v1.p11
The subject phenotype data table includes T2D GENES subject IDs. The phenotypes for subjects: sex, age at study, type 2 diabetes disease status, BMI, consortium name, ancestry, and cohort.
Consortium namephv00390008.v1.p11
The sample attributes data table includes the sample ID, body site where sample was collected, analyte type, tissue/cell type, sequencing center, and age at DNA draw.
Tissue/cell type of samplephv00390014.v1.p11
The subject phenotype data table includes T2D GENES subject IDs. The phenotypes for subjects: sex, age at study, type 2 diabetes disease status, BMI, consortium name, ancestry, and cohort.
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