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  • The following term was not found in ClinVar: puberulentum.
  • Showing results for Abutilon puberulentum. Your search for Abutilon puberulentum retrieved no results.
(Protein Change)
ConditionClassification, Review status
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
Hand polydactyly
GLikely pathogenic
(R442H +1 more)
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
not provided
+2 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
Polycystic kidney disease, adult type
+1 more
GUncertain significance
Single nucleotide variant
(3 prime UTR variant)
not provided
+3 more
GBenign/Likely benign
Single nucleotide variant
(3 prime UTR variant)
Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
+3 more
GBenign/Likely benign
Single nucleotide variant
(3 prime UTR variant)
Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
+3 more
GBenign/Likely benign
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
Familial Mediterranean fever, autosomal dominant
+5 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
Single nucleotide variant
(synonymous variant +1 more)
not provided
+4 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
not provided
+3 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
(frameshift variant +1 more)
Familial Mediterranean fever
+2 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
Single nucleotide variant
(3 prime UTR variant +1 more)
Familial Mediterranean fever
+2 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
not provided
+5 more
GPathogenic/Likely pathogenic
Single nucleotide variant
(synonymous variant +1 more)
Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
+5 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
not provided
+3 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
not provided
+4 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
not provided
+7 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
not provided
+3 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
Familial Mediterranean fever
+5 more
GPathogenic/Likely pathogenic
Single nucleotide variant
(synonymous variant +1 more)
Familial Mediterranean fever, autosomal dominant
+3 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
not specified
+3 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(synonymous variant +1 more)
Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
+5 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
Familial Mediterranean fever
+4 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
Familial Mediterranean fever, autosomal dominant
+2 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
not specified
+3 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
+4 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
not provided
+3 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
+3 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
not specified
+4 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
+3 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(3 prime UTR variant +1 more)
Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
+2 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
Familial Mediterranean fever, autosomal dominant
+2 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(synonymous variant +1 more)
Familial Mediterranean fever, autosomal dominant
+3 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(synonymous variant +1 more)
not provided
+4 more
GBenign/Likely benign
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
not specified
+9 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +2 more)
Familial Mediterranean fever, autosomal dominant
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
not provided
+24 more
GPathogenic/Likely pathogenic
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
+2 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
+2 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(3 prime UTR variant +1 more)
Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
+2 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
(frameshift variant +1 more)
Familial Mediterranean fever, autosomal dominant
+2 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
Familial Mediterranean fever, autosomal dominant
+6 more
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
Familial Mediterranean fever, autosomal dominant
+3 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
Familial Mediterranean fever, autosomal dominant
+2 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
Familial Mediterranean fever
+3 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
+2 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
+3 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(synonymous variant +1 more)
Familial Mediterranean fever
+2 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
+2 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
Familial Mediterranean fever, autosomal dominant
+2 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
Familial Mediterranean fever
+3 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
Familial Mediterranean fever, autosomal dominant
+2 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
(frameshift variant +1 more)
not specified
+4 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(synonymous variant +1 more)
not provided
+4 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
not provided
+4 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
(Q594* +1 more)
Single nucleotide variant
(nonsense +1 more)
Familial Mediterranean fever
+3 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
(W439G +1 more)
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
Familial Mediterranean fever
+2 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
Familial Mediterranean fever
+6 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(synonymous variant +1 more)
Familial Mediterranean fever, autosomal dominant
+3 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant +1 more)
Familial Mediterranean fever
+3 more
GBenign/Likely benign
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(intron variant)
Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
+3 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(intron variant)
Familial Mediterranean fever
+3 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(intron variant)
Familial Mediterranean fever, autosomal dominant
+5 more
GBenign/Likely benign
LOC126862264, MEFV
Single nucleotide variant
(synonymous variant)
Familial Mediterranean fever, autosomal dominant
+2 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
(M582L +1 more)
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
Familial Mediterranean fever, autosomal dominant
+4 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
(R579H +1 more)
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
Familial Mediterranean fever
+3 more
GUncertain significance
LOC126862264, MEFV
(R579C +1 more)
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
+4 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
(Q351R +1 more)
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
Familial Mediterranean fever
+2 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
LOC126862264, MEFV
(H561Y +1 more)
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
Familial Mediterranean fever
+2 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
Single nucleotide variant
(synonymous variant)
Familial Mediterranean fever
+3 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
(T548N +1 more)
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
+5 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
(V541A +1 more)
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
+3 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
Single nucleotide variant
(intron variant)
Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
+4 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
(D322fs +1 more)
(frameshift variant)
Familial Mediterranean fever
+2 more
GLikely pathogenic
Single nucleotide variant
(intron variant)
Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
+3 more
GBenign/Likely benign
(I513T +1 more)
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
Familial Mediterranean fever, autosomal dominant
+3 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
Single nucleotide variant
(synonymous variant)
Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
+2 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
(A511V +1 more)
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
Familial Mediterranean fever
+3 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
(D299N +1 more)
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
Familial Mediterranean fever
+2 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
(L508V +1 more)
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
Familial Mediterranean fever
+3 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
(D505Y +1 more)
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
+2 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
(Q293* +1 more)
Single nucleotide variant
Familial Mediterranean fever
+2 more
(S503C +1 more)
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
Autoinflammatory syndrome
+4 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
(V502I +1 more)
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
Familial Mediterranean fever
+2 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
Single nucleotide variant
(synonymous variant)
Familial Mediterranean fever, autosomal dominant
+6 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
(R290C +1 more)
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
+3 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
(R501G +1 more)
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
Familial Mediterranean fever, autosomal dominant
+2 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
Single nucleotide variant
(synonymous variant)
Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
+3 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
(V487M +1 more)
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
Familial Mediterranean fever, autosomal dominant
+2 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
(H478Y +1 more)
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
Familial Mediterranean fever
+3 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
(V469A +1 more)
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
+4 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
(V469L +1 more)
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
Familial Mediterranean fever, autosomal dominant
+3 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
Single nucleotide variant
(synonymous variant)
Familial Mediterranean fever
+2 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
(A457V +1 more)
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
not provided
+4 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
(E456D +1 more)
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
not specified
+4 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
Single nucleotide variant
(intron variant)
not provided
+3 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
(F240C +1 more)
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
+3 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
Single nucleotide variant
(synonymous variant)
Familial Mediterranean fever
+2 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
(K447N +1 more)
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
not specified
+4 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
(E446A +1 more)
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
Autoinflammatory syndrome
+4 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
(S231T +1 more)
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
+2 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
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