
Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd00038: CAP_ED 
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effector domain of the CAP family of transcription factors; members include CAP (or cAMP receptor protein (CRP)), which binds cAMP, FNR (fumarate and nitrate reduction), which uses an iron-sulfur cluster to sense oxygen) and CooA, a heme containing CO sensor. In all cases binding of the effector leads to conformational changes and the ability to activate transcription. Cyclic nucleotide-binding domain similar to CAP are also present in cAMP- and cGMP-dependent protein kinases (cAPK and cGPK) and vertebrate cyclic nucleotide-gated ion-channels. Cyclic nucleotide-monophosphate binding domain; proteins that bind cyclic nucleotides (cAMP or cGMP) share a structural domain of about 120 residues; the best studied is the prokaryotic catabolite gene activator, CAP, where such a domain is known to be composed of three alpha-helices and a distinctive eight-stranded, antiparallel beta-barrel structure; three conserved glycine residues are thought to be essential for maintenance of the structural integrity of the beta-barrel; CooA is a homodimeric transcription factor that belongs to CAP family; cAMP- and cGMP-dependent protein kinases (cAPK and cGPK) contain two tandem copies of the cyclic nucleotide-binding domain; cAPK's are composed of two different subunits, a catalytic chain and a regulatory chain, which contains both copies of the domain; cGPK's are single chain enzymes that include the two copies of the domain in their N-terminal section; also found in vertebrate cyclic nucleotide-gated ion-channels
PSSM-Id: 237999
Aligned: 292 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 43.0834
Created: 1-Nov-2000
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
ligand bindingflexible hinge
Conserved site includes 5 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:ligand binding site [chemical binding site]
  • Structure:1RUN; CAP-DNA complex, cAMP bound
  • Citation:PMID 8836098
  • Structure:1CX4; cAMP dependent kinase, regulatory subunit
  • Structure:1FT9_A; Heme bound; reduced (Fe2+) form
  • Comment: Upon oxidation (Fe3+) there is a switch in heme ligation from His to Cys

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                                                            ##       
1RUN_A      2 LGKPQtdptLEWFLshchIHKYPSKSTLIHQGEk-AETLYYIVKGSVAVLIkdeeg-kemiLSYLNQGDFIGElglfeeg 79   Escherichia coli
NP_214443  14 PFSSLppssLENLSkvikVKYYPKGSEIFKKDEkpLEYLYVIRKGNVSLRSdg------veIDFLSEGDSFGFisli-td 86   Aquifex aeolicus
NP_356350 350 ILSRLtraeREKLAqsgsEREYRQGEVIVVEGQa-LPSMMIIRTGVVSMQHge------qeKRRLSPGDFFGEtgll-ag 421  Agrobacterium tum...
NP_102658 235 LFSALtdqeREALAetalVRTYRKGEILVREGEm-LQSLMIVRSGVVVRQRgeea--hpqeIGHLAPGDFFGEtgll-ag 310  Mesorhizobium loti
CAB93748    7 LLNALplpqRARLMelaqEVSFPEDDRIFEAGGr-ADRFWVIRSGAVSLTQqvtsl-qrvtVASLGVGDLLGWswlf-pp 83   Streptomyces coel...
T03476     17 PYDTLprdeLAEVArsfrRMEFCAQALIYVHQTp-LGGLYLIKQGAVEITDgng-----glVSLLGPRNSFGErgll-rd 89   Rhodobacter capsu...
NP_230936  25 PFDALpnerLPEIAqqieIAYFRKDTPIIGYKQa-ISDLYLVRSGAVEVYRrhg-----elYNRLTEGSLFGQmgll-tr 97   Vibrio cholerae
NP_486716  30 PFNLLstaaIEQLTqkaqLLRYRMGQTIVVKETm-PAHVAILYEGQARLIGysynsaipdtIELLQPGAILGWvsll--r 106  Nostoc sp. PCC 7120
NP_229955  11 PFNRLtaeqQHQLRsaldVAYFRQRDVLIDAQHp-VTHLHILIKGTVEERSpdg----kevFAHYANDDLFDVramf--e 83   Vibrio cholerae
Feature 1       ###                                 
1RGS      240 rpRAATVVArgPLKCVKLDrPRFERVLgpcSDILKRNI 277  Bos taurus
1RUN_A     80 qeRSAWVRAktACEVAEISyKKFRQLIqvnPDILMRLS 117  Escherichia coli
NP_214443  87 spPSSTAVAetDVILYLIPkEVFKQLMekyPEFRNYFT 124  Aquifex aeolicus
NP_356350 422 mgEAYTLLAltRVTAYEIDqKSFARLIadrPAIAEEVT 459  Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. C58 (Cereon)
NP_102658 311 yrEPLTLRAvtQVVAYEIDqQSFAPLLlsrPEMAEELA 348  Mesorhizobium loti
CAB93748   84 yeWDFGAEAfsPVRAYEFEaASVLDLCerdPQLGIVLV 121  Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2)
T03476     90 glAATQARAtaQTVCLVLPtPSFKRLIetyPAFERFFN 127  Rhodobacter capsulatus
NP_230936  98 nqVSFAVTAieDTLLYCLPeALFHRLHqefDSFADFVE 135  Vibrio cholerae
NP_486716 107 gvGCETAIAstEAVFLTIPsVIFQTLLkkeKAFNDALT 144  Nostoc sp. PCC 7120
NP_229955  84 elSKHQYMAleDTLSYLLPkSIFLQLYeqnGEFAAYFD 121  Vibrio cholerae

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