Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd00184: TNF 
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Tumor Necrosis Factor; TNF superfamily members include the cytokines: TNF (TNF-alpha), LT (lymphotoxin-alpha, TNF-beta), CD40 ligand, Apo2L (TRAIL), Fas ligand, and osteoprotegerin (OPG) ligand. These proteins generally have an intracellular N-terminal domain, a short transmembrane segment, an extracellular stalk, and a globular TNF-like extracellular domain of about 150 residues. They initiate apoptosis by binding to related receptors, some of which have intracellular death domains. They generally form homo- or hetero- trimeric complexes.TNF cytokines bind one elongated receptor molecule along each of three clefts formed by neighboring monomers of the trimer with ligand trimerization a requiste for receptor binding.
PSSM-Id: 238108
Aligned: 33 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 83.5484
Created: 1-Nov-2000
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
Conserved site includes 7 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:trimer interface [polypeptide binding site]
  • Comment:conserved ring of hydrophobic residues; aids in self-assembly of monomers.
  • Structure:1A8M_A; trimer interface

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1        #                                                         # #                
1A8M_A     12 PVAHVVAnpqa----------egqLQWLNdr--anALLAn--gVELRD--NQLVVPSEGLYLIYSQVLFkgqgcp---st 72  human
121540     57 PRIQSIKvqfte--------ykkeKGFIL------TSQKedeiMKVQN--NSVIINCDGFYLISLKGYFsq--------- 111 human
416776     58 AELQLNHtgpq---------qdprLYWQGgpalgrSFLHg---PELDK--GQLRIHRDGIYMVHIQVTLaic-------- 115 human
P32972    109 VSKHLNNt---------------kLSWNEd-----GTIHg---LIYQD--GNLIVQFPGLYFIVCQLQFlvqc------s 157 house mouse
728739     91 MFAQLVAqnvll--------idgpLSWYSdpglagVSLTg--gLSYKEdtKELVVAKAGVYYVFFQLELrrvvag---eg 157 human
728740    147 VFAKLLAknqas-------lcnttLNWHSqdgagsSYLSq--gLRYEEdkKELVVDSPGLYYVFLELKLsptftntghkv 217 house mouse
3914238    64 TQLQILTshe-----------ceeDSFIL------PLQKrdgtMEVQN--NSVVIQCDGFYLLSLKGYFsq--------- 115 Oryctolagus cuniculus
4507597   107 IAAHYEVhprpgqdgaqagvdgtvSGWEE------ARINssspLRYNRqiGEFIVTRAGLYYLYCQVHFdeg-------- 172 human
NP_035747  60 AELQLNLtvpr---------kdptLRWGAgpalgrSFTHg---PELEE--GHLRIHQDGLYRLHIQVTLanc-------- 117 house mouse
AAF58848  188 PAAHFHLssrrrhq---gsmgyhgDMYIGndnernSYQGh---FQTRD--GVLTVTNTGLYYVYAQICYnnsh------- 252 fruit fly
Feature 1                                                     #    #                          
1A8M_A     73 hvlLTHTISRIAvs--yqTKVNLLSAIKSPCqretpegaeakpWYEPIYLGGVF-QLEKGDRLSAEin----rpDYLDFa 145 human
121540    112 --eVNISLHYQKd----eEPLFQLKKVRSVNslmv----asltYKDKVYLNVTT-DNTSLDDFHVNg------gELILIh 174 human
416776    116 -ssTTASRHHPTt----lAVGICSPASRSISllrl-----sfhQGCTIVSQRLT-PLARGDTLCTNlt-----gTLLPSr 179 human
P32972    158 nhsVDLTLQLLIns--kiKKQTLVTVCESGVqs---------kNIYQNLSQFLLhYLQVNSTISVRvd----nfQYVDTn 222 house mouse
728739    158 sgsVSLALHLQPlrsaagAAALALTVDLPPAsse-------arNSAFGFQGRLL-HLSAGQRLGVHlhteararHAWQLt 229 human
728740    218 qgwVSLVLQAKPqv--ddFDNLALTVELFPCsm--------enKLVDRSWSQLL-LLKAGHRLSVGl------rAYLHGa 280 house mouse
3914238   116 --eVSISLHYRKg----eEPFPILKKTKFANsnvv----lklgYKDKVYLNVTT-DSASCKQLSVNa------gELIVIl 178 Oryctolagus cuniculus
4507597   173 -kaVYLKLDLLVdg--vlALRCLEEFSATAAssl-------gpQLRLCQVSGLL-ALRPGSSLRIRtl----pwAHLKAa 237 human
NP_035747 118 -ssPGSTLQHRAt----lAVGICSPAAHGISllrg-----rfgQDCTVALQRLT-YLVHGDVLCTNlt-----lPLLPSr 181 house mouse
AAF58848  253 dqnGFIVFQGDTp-----FLQCLNTVPTNMPh-----------KVHTCHTSGLI-HLERNERIHLKdihn-drnAVLREg 314 fruit fly
Feature 1                    #   #
1A8M_A    146 e----------sgQVYFGII 155 human
121540    175 q-----------nPGEFCVL 183 human
416776    180 n----------tdETFFGVQ 189 human
P32972    223 tfp------ldnvLSVFLYS 236 house mouse
728739    230 q-----------gATVLGLF 238 human
728740    281 qdayrdwelsypnTTSFGLF 300 house mouse
3914238   179 q-----------nPGGYCAP 187 Oryctolagus cuniculus
4507597   238 p-----------fLTYFGLF 246 human
NP_035747 182 n----------adETFFGVQ 191 house mouse
AAF58848  315 n-----------nRSYFGIF 323 fruit fly

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