Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd20557: CYCLIN_ScPCL1-like 
cyclin box found in Saccharomyces cerevisiae G1/S-specific cyclin PCL1, PCL2 and similar proteins
The family includes a group of cyclin-like proteins that interact with the Pho85 cyclin-dependent kinase, such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae G1/S-specific cyclin PCL1, PCL2, PCL9 and their vertebrate counterparts, cyclin Pas1/PHO80 domain-containing protein 1 (CNPPD1). PCL1 (also called PHO85 cyclin-1, or cyclin HCS26) and PCL2 (also called PHO85 cyclin-1, or cyclin HCS26 homolog) are G1/S-specific cyclin partners of the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) PHO85. They are essential for the control of the cell cycle at the G1/S (start) transition. The PCL1-PHO85 cyclin-CDK holoenzyme is involved in phosphorylation of the CDK inhibitor (CKI) SIC1, which is required for its ubiquitination and degradation, releasing repression of b-type cyclins and promoting exit from mitosis. Together with cyclin PCL2, it positively controls degradation of sphingoid long chain base kinase LCB4. PCL1-PHO85 also phosphorylates HMS1, NCP1 and NPA3, which may all have a role in mitotic exit. PCL2-PHO85 also phosphorylates RVS167, linking cyclin-CDK activity with organization of the actin cytoskeleton. PCL9 is an M/G1-specific cyclin partner of the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) PHO85. It may have a role in bud site selection in the G1 phase. The family also includes cyclin Pas1/PHO80 domain-containing protein 1 (CNPPD1) and similar proteins. Their biological functions remain unclear. Members of this family contain one cyclin box. The cyclin box is a protein binding domain.
PSSM-Id: 410260
Aligned: 137 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 48.8086
Created: 25-Apr-2019
Updated: 25-Oct-2021
Aligned Rows:
putative CDK
Feature 1:putative CDK interface [polypeptide binding site]
  • Comment:based on the structure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cyclin Pho80 in complex with cyclin-dependent protein kinase Pho85 (2PK9), defined at 4A contacts

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                              #                                         #                
Q9BV87         77 LQKKYVAHVSREACi----sPCAMMLALVYIERLRHrnpdyl----qhvssSDLFLISMMVASKYLydege--------- 139  human
OIR57049       46 KLASYIKSVLLQLQevsdnvLFPALCSLVYVKRLRKryasfk---geegcsYRLFSAGLIVAARTWtsaqa--------- 113  Amphiamblys s...
TFK80453       59 ELAQFVERVDNTIRp----gENVIFYSLYILDHVFReqiyrdlqwfgsktrQGLWLSAVMLAHKYWddk----------- 123  Polyporus arc...
XP_007869971  235 DLESFIRGIFVRNMl----rPEAIFAALCILERVRRtvasl-----datrgEHLFVAALVLADDILyee----------- 294  Gloeophyllum ...
KIM44529       56 YLQSVIERILLRARl----dDSVAISAMILMERIRNlpgerps--ypnpvyLEYFVGALMAAYRILepq----------- 118  Hebeloma cyli...
KZT66979      198 LMENFFVVLMYHTQl----hECVTFAALMLAHRLRCkfplde---prsvygHKLFIAAFVVAAKVIceg----------- 259  Daedalea quer...
KDN47779      208 DLAHFIAFALSRSRm----pLCVHQYALHLIWRVKSlnpef-----kpkhaHGTYLTALMLAAKHShdg----------- 267  Rhizoctonia s...
PPQ80581       38 PFSLYAESLINATKl----pFQVTVASLTLLQRLYMrlpeevfelrkhfspYQLFTAAYIVTAKQYtqsrlglditrlit 113  Psilocybe cya...
KIJ95069      138 RLQHFIAEVVYSADl----pISVASAALILLKRLRAhipkltk--psglsgHRLFLAAFIIAAREQslcygds------- 204  Laccaria amet...
KIM46679       91 PLEYFIENIVHYSEa----sDRYVAGTIVLLDRLREqlphslh--glmfsgHLLFLSTFMIVMQQDckag---------- 154  Hebeloma cyli...
Feature 1                           ###               #  ##        
Q9BV87        140 --------------eeevFNDEWGAAGgva--vpTLNALERGFLSAMDW 172  human
OIR57049      114 --------------emgrKKKRWSEIVklf-sddDLAKMGKELVYFLGN 147  Amphiamblys sp. WSBS2006
TFK80453      124 ----------------ryKDITWVRFAkwp--vhELSAMMNELYVAVAV 154  Polyporus arcularius HHB13444
XP_007869971  295 ---------------qalHSVFWAEATqfvipleVIDKCAPDLLRLLQW 328  Gloeophyllum trabeum ATCC 11539
KIM44529      119 ----------------rpGLPFWIDVLqgmfparDLKRMQSDCVQRLNG 151  Hebeloma cylindrosporum h7
KZT66979      260 ----------------fyANGQLARRMs-----kDVPKIMSFSAHNLLT 287  Daedalea quercina L-15889
KDN47779      268 ----------------vySLNDWASIGqdifepsQLRENEWRMCERLEW 300  Rhizoctonia solani AG-8 WAC10335
PPQ80581      114 hgkeptferdrvtvavlmSNEYWSHRTsys--vqQIKDMQSQFVFALGG 160  Psilocybe cyanescens
KIJ95069      205 -----------qkgdkifSASYWSKISmfs--trEIDELTSQFFDRLEG 240  Laccaria amethystina LaAM-08-1
KIM46679      155 --------------aqpfNDEFWSKISgyd--vrTVRRFQKRTFTKLDG 187  Hebeloma cylindrosporum h7

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