Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd20174: GH18_LinChi78-like_UFR 
an unknown function domain of Listeria innocua LinChi78 GH18 chitinase that is essential for its catalytic activity; found in similar chitinase-like proteins
This domain is referred to as an unknown-function region (UFR) and shown to be necessary for the hydrolytic activity of LinChi78 glycosyl hydrolase family 18 (GH18) chitinase (a product of the lin0153gene) from the nonpathogenic bacterium Listeria innocua. The catalytic domain (CatD) of GH18 chitinases folds into a TIM barrel and has a conserved DXXDXDXE motif, in which the Glu residue functions as a catalytic residue; these chitinases contain additional domains such as a chitin-binding domain (ChBD) and/or a fibronectin type III-like (FnIII) domain. LinChi78 consists of a CatD, a FnIII, and a ChBD domain, and has this UFR region located between the CatD and the FnIII domain. Its catalytic site is composed of a typical CatD and a portion of this UFR, in particular the key Gln and Ile residues which are indispensable for LinChi78 to exhibit full catalytic activity. This UFR domain is also found in proteins where it is located between a CatD domain and DUF5011 and ChBD(s) domains. LinChi78 exhibits chitinase activity towards artificial and natural substrates, including colloidal chitin and chitin oligosaccharides of various lengths, and hydrolyzes these in a processive manner. Members of this family include some uncharacterized chitinase-like proteins from pathogenic bacteria such as Listeria monocytogenes and Clostridium botulinum.
PSSM-Id: 380910
Aligned: 30 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 128.555
Created: 31-Jul-2019
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
active site
Feature 1:active site residues [active site]
  • Comment:amino acid residues essential for chitinase activity
  • Comment:LinChi78 has a unique catalytic region composed of a typical catalytic domain and a portion of the UFR, particularly the highlighted Gln and Ile, which are indispensable for construction of the LinChi78 active site for the enzyme to exhibit full catalytic activity

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                                                                          
UIC:MUO_00705  475 LNVVATVKpyse--ngvGYEITITNNEKADETn-----------EVLKSTELsfETVKLPKFYIPvkagetLTAGDYk-a 540  Listeria mon...
WP_118594988   481 DNISVDIAts-----gsAYTFTVKNNNTLTESseatlpnpsgdkAALPQAETfgESVAYPTFYFKtks-geILTGDWqsg 554  Eubacterium ...
STP39785       486 LDVDMAIRlgstdsgkkGFELTLKNNEVLENYa----------gNALQPADKfySTVKRPKLIFTlkdgatLARGDYk-a 554  Enterococcus...
OTP10051       499 LNVDLNIKvtstdsgkdGYSFAVKNNEVLEAYg----------gDALKFADNfySTIKKAKFIITmkdgstLTKGDYk-a 567  Enterococcus...
WP_074751551   506 LNITVDRKigkgygndkQYVFTIRNNEKVSDT------------GFLGEIIKrsDTIKKPTVVITmkdgstLKQGAMngs 573  Lactococcus ...
WP_078806527   486 LNVSAKVElagtdsgkkGFQISVTNNQQAETSs----------sDALKYADRyfGAVKKPHFVIKmkdgstLNKGDYk-a 554  Pilibacter t...
OEH84012       488 LNVEFKAGkvktdsgkdGYGINVTNRERLVSSn-----------VALGAASRyyFTVKKPTFVITmkdgstLERGDYk-a 555  Enterococcus...
WP_051226799   456 GDIKAEVSvsa---sgnTYTFTIKNNELASENn-----------TALKDAELfkKTVMFPKLYIStksgntLSAGSEc-- 519  Butyrivibrio...
WP_016625673   493 LDVDLDIRtttadsgkdSFELTINNNEILEPYa----------gDALKLADNyfSSVKFPQLIITmkdnstLASGDYk-a 561  Enterococcus...
WP_086350525   482 LAIKTTVAplmd--gkeGYKISLTNEEKLIETd-----------SVLKAVEKnhKTIKNPVLSVPnesgelFTLSTEken 548  Enterococcus...
Feature 1                                                                             # #   
UIC:MUO_00705  541 GTVTtsgGNTVVDLasVYDa-QQIPQGASYTFRLKSsassv-dvanISKIDLTQRMvks--svEFGKQTIFGG 609  Listeria monocytoge...
WP_118594988   555 GTISsgnGYTIITPp-AWSs-KKFAPGDSLTFTLKTsgta--kasdISEIYMTSKAlen--geEMGKTVLYSD 621  Eubacterium sp. AF1...
STP39785       555 GAVTvdgDKSIVDLsaVYDg-RFLTPGNTYTFKLVRndsqevspdqIESVVLEQYYdd---ktQLSSQTIIGE 623  Enterococcus durans
OTP10051       568 GTVTaenGKTIVDLssVYDa-KYIEPGATYDFKLATengaevdpanVESVELQQYYdn---ktMLSSNVIYGE 636  Enterococcus sp. 10...
WP_074751551   574 GIVSekdGKTYVDLsgIWGm-DYIEPGSSVELKLAPkdgkgvsldnVKKISIDQYYvtsvgktKLSSQTIYND 645  Lactococcus garvieae
WP_078806527   555 GTVTtngDKTIVDLstQYDg-RYIKQGETKQFKLTRadgkdaqlneIESIELVQYYnd---kiVVGSQMIYGS 623  Pilibacter termitis
OEH84012       556 GEVTakdGKTYVNVatQYDs-RFISPGAKIDFKLAAkngaevdpskIEKVEMVQYFdk---ntVLASQTILGN 624  Enterococcus rivorum
WP_051226799   520 GQVStkgDVTVVDLsgVYAa-KSMKPGSSHTFTLRTsgda--dvndIEGITMTQRIlts--ldEFGTQSVYGA 587  Butyrivibrio sp. MC...
WP_016625673   562 GTVTaegNKTIVNLatNFDg-QYVNAGDNYTFRLVRnddtpvdpsqIESVVLEQYYda---etRLSSQRLIGE 630  Enterococcus faecalis
WP_086350525   549 LTKTsvkPSQSLDL--SEVgiMFIAPGETVTFDIYTdadfa-hmkrLAYLNLEQRIlsd--gvTYGTQQIYEL 616  Enterococcus sp. 9E...

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