Number of parents reporting interventions for glue ear received, and reporting improvement in symptoms. Green bars: number of respondents answering positively for each intervention. Black bars: number of respondents answering positively for the intervention leading to an improvement. a, Other (n = 4): treatment for gastric reflux, speech and language therapy, surgery to remove infected tissue from eardrum, ENT operation (not specified); b, alternative therapy (n = 10): osteopathy, craniopathy, herbal fluid drainage, vapour rub and steam baths, acupuncture, restricted diet and cranial osteopathy.
Fortnum H, Leighton P, Smith MD, et al. Assessment of the feasibility and clinical value of further research to evaluate the management options for children with Down syndrome and otitis media with effusion: a feasibility study. Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2014 Sep.