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Karlsson LE, Takahashi R. A Resource for Developing an Evidence Synthesis Report for Policy-Making [Internet]. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe; 2017. (Health Evidence Network Synthesis Report, No. 50.)

Cover of A Resource for Developing an Evidence Synthesis Report for Policy-Making

A Resource for Developing an Evidence Synthesis Report for Policy-Making [Internet].

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Table A5.1.. WHO/HEN grading scale.

Table A5.1.

WHO/HEN grading scale.

Table A5.2.. Quantitative evidence scale of GRADE.

Table A5.2.

Quantitative evidence scale of GRADE.

Table A5.3.. The CERQual approach: assessment of confidence in the evidence from reviews of qualitative synthesis findings.

Table A5.3.

The CERQual approach: assessment of confidence in the evidence from reviews of qualitative synthesis findings.

Table A5.4.. A hierarchy of evidence for practice in qualitative research: summary features.

Table A5.4.

A hierarchy of evidence for practice in qualitative research: summary features.


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Handbook for guideline development. second edition. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2014. (http://www​.who.int/publications​/guidelines/handbook_2nd_ed​.pdf accessed 4 April 2017).
Lewin S, Glenton C, Munthe-Kaas H, Carlsen B, Colvin CJ, Gülmezoglu M, et al. Using qualitative evidence in decision-making for health and social interventions: an approach to assess confidence in findings from qualitative evidence syntheses (GRADE-CERQual). PLOS Med. 2015;12(10):e1001895. [PMC free article: PMC4624425] [PubMed: 26506244]
Daly J, Willis K, Small R, Green J, Welch N, Kealy M, et al. A hierarchy of evidence for assessing qualitative health research. J Clin Epidemiol. 2007;60(1):43–9. [PubMed: 17161753]
© World Health Organization 2017.
Bookshelf ID: NBK453548


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