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Guidelines for Diagnosing, Preventing and Managing Cryptococcal Disease Among Adults, Adolescents and Children Living with HIV [Internet]. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2022.

Cover of Guidelines for Diagnosing, Preventing and Managing Cryptococcal Disease Among Adults, Adolescents and Children Living with HIV

Guidelines for Diagnosing, Preventing and Managing Cryptococcal Disease Among Adults, Adolescents and Children Living with HIV [Internet].

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These guidelines will be launched as a web-based product for dissemination and will be supported by peer-reviewed publications of the systematic review and other evidence on which these recommendations are based. These guidelines will also be incorporated into the periodic updates of the WHO consolidated guidelines on HIV (75). The consolidated guidelines on HIV will be updated in full or in part based on regular scoping exercises of available evidence and experience from country implementation that will guide and trigger the need for new guidance. As the evidence base or user needs change, consideration will be given to producing technical updates on specific areas.

WHO will work closely with WHO regional and country offices, national health ministries and implementing partners to plan for rapidly disseminating, adapting and implementing the new recommendations. Key steps in the dissemination include: presenting the recommendations at international conferences; workshops to support country adaptation; rapidly developing adaptation tools to assist countries in setting priorities among limited resources to facilitate full implementation over time; and carrying out briefings and joint planning for dissemination with international and national implementing partners.

To monitor uptake, data will be made available within the WHO country intelligence database, which is updated every six months to reflect both change in policy and implementation diffusion for all low- and middle-income countries and selected high-income countries (76).

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Bookshelf ID: NBK581835


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