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Chan B, Kondo K, Ayers C, et al. Pharmacotherapy for Stimulant Use Disorders: A Systematic Review [Internet]. Washington (DC): Department of Veterans Affairs (US); 2018 Aug.

Cover of Pharmacotherapy for Stimulant Use Disorders: A Systematic Review

Pharmacotherapy for Stimulant Use Disorders: A Systematic Review [Internet].

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Appendix ASearch Strategies


  • Ovid Medline/PubMed: October 18, 2017
  • PsycINFO: November 16, 2017
  • EBM Reviews (Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews CDSR, DARE, HTA, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials): November 16, 2017
  • ClinicalTrials.gov: January 10, 2018
  • WHO ICTRP: November 16, 2017

Search Strategies

Ovid MEDLINE(R) Epub Ahead of Print, In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations, Ovid MEDLINE(R) Daily and Ovid MEDLINE(R) 1946 to Present

Date Searched: October 18, 2017

Searched by: Robin Paynter, MLIs

1((stimulant* or psychostimulant* or psycho-stimulant*) adj5 (abuse* or addict* or chronic* or disorder* or depend* or habitual* or misuse* or overuse or users)).tw,kf.3829
2Cocaine/ or Crack Cocaine/ or Cocaine-Related Disorders/ or ((cocaine* or crack-cocaine*) adj5 (abuse* or addict* or chronic* or disorder* or depend* or habitual* or misuse* or overuse or users)).tw,kf.32735
3Methamphetamine/ or Amphetamine-Related Disorders/ or (methamphetamine* adj5 (abuse* or addict* or chronic* or disorder* or depend* or habitual* or misuse* or overuse or users)).tw,kf.10705
5Drug Therapy/ or Substance-related disorders/dt, rh, th or Substance Withdrawal Syndrome/dt, rh, th or Substance Abuse, Intravenous/dt, rh, th58862
6(pharmacotherap* or pharmaco-therap* or long-acting or extended-release or sustainedrelease or depot or implant* or ((drug or pharmacol* or medication*) adj3 (therap* or treatment* or intervention*))).tw,kf.640277
7(drug therapy or rehabilitation or therapy).fs.3939558
8exp Anticonvulsants/ or Carbamazepine/ or Phenytoin/ or Vigabatrin/ or (gabapentin or lamotrigine or tiagabine or topiramate).nm.141535
9(anticonvulsant* or anti-convulsant* or antiepileptic* or anti-epileptic* or carbamazepine or clorazepate or clobazam or clonazepam or chlordiazepoxide or divalproex or ethosuximide or ethotoin or felbamate or fosphenytoin or gabapentin or lamotrigine or lignocaine or levetiracetam or lidocaine or hydantoins or levetiracetam or methsuximide or oxcarbazepine or paraldehyde or phenacemide or phenytoin or pregabalin or primidone or succinimide or tiagabine or topiramate or valproate or valproic-acid or vigabatrin or zonisamide).tw,kf.113093
10(A-poxide or Absenor or Akten or Anecream or Carbatrol or Celontin or Cerebyx or Chlordiazachel or Convulex or Depakene or Depakine or Depakote* or Depalept or Deprakine or Dilantin or Eha or Encorate or Endoxcin or Epilim or Epitol or Epival or Equetro or Felbatol or Gabitril or Gralise or H-tran or Horizant or Keppra* or Klonopin or Lidocaine* or Lamictal or Librax or Lidoderm or Librelease or Libritabs or Librium or Lygen or Lyrica or Mitran or Mysoline or Neuraptine or Neurontin or Onfi or Oxtellar* or Paral or Peganone or Phenurone or Phenytek or Poxi or Qudexy* or Recticare or Roweepra or “SmartRx Gaba-V Kit” or Spritam or Stavzor orTegretol or Topicaine or Tranxene T-Tab or Trileptal or Topamax or Trokendi* or valcote or Valdoxan or valpakine or sabril or Xylocaine* or Zarontin or zonegran).tw,kf.24697
11Antidepressive Agents/ or Antidepressive Agents, Second-Generation/ or Antidepressive Agents, Tricyclic/ or Serotonin Uptake Inhibitors/ or Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors/ or Amitriptyline/ or Amoxapine/ or Bupropion/ or Citalopram/ or Clomipramine/ or Desipramine/ or Doxepin/ or Duloxetine Hydrochloride/ or Fluoxetine/ or Fluvoxamine/ or Imipramine/ or Isocarboxazid/ or Maprotiline/ or Nortriptyline/ or Paroxetine/ or Perphenazine/ or Phenelzine/ or Protriptyline/ or Quetiapine Fumarate/ or Selegiline/ or Sertraline/ or Tranylcypromine/ or Trazodone/ or Trimipramine/ or Venlafaxine Hydrochloride/ or (“amitriptyline, chlordiazepoxide drug combination” or “amitriptyline, perphenazine drug combination” or duloxetine or nefazodone or mirtazapine or “olanzapine-fluoxetine combination” or venlafaxine).nm.109361
12(Antidepress* or anti-depress* or “Monoamine-oxidase inhibitor*” or MAOIs or “Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor*” or SNRI* or “selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor*” or SSRI* or amitriptyline or amoxapine or bupropion or citalopram or chlordiazepoxideamitriptyline or clomipramine or desipramine or doxepin or duloxetine or escitalopram or fluoxetine or fluvoxamine-maleate or imipramine or isocarboxazid or maprotiline or mirtazapine or nefazodone or nortriptyline or olanzapine-fluoxetine or paroxetine* or perphenazine-amitriptyline or phenelzine-sulfate or protriptyline or quetiapine or selegiline or sertraline or tranylcypromine-sulfate or trazodone or trimipramine or venlafaxine).tw,kf.110616
13(Anafranil or Asendin or Aventyl or Celexa or Cymbalta or Desyrel or Elavil or Effexor or Emsam or Etrafon or fluvoxamine maleate or Lexapro or Limbitrol or Ludiomil or Luvox or Marplan or Nardil or Nefadar or Norpramin or Pamelor or Parnate or Paxil or Pexeva or Prozac or Remeron or Sarafem or Seroquel or Serzone or Sinequan or Surmontil or Symbyax or Tofranil* or Triavil or Vivactil or Wellbutrin or Zoloft or Zyban).tw,kf.1993
14exp antipsychotic/ or exp serotonin antagonists/ or Chlorpromazine/ or Clozapine/ or Droperidol/ or Fluphenazine/ or Haloperidol/ or Loxapine/ or Perphenazine/ or Pimozide/ or Prochlorperazine/ or Risperidone/ or Tetrabenazine/ or Thioridazine/ or Thiothixene/ or Trifluoperazine/94870
15(antipsychotic* or anti-psychotic* or aripiprazole or chlorpromazine or clozapine or droperidol or fluphenazine or haloperidol or lamotrigine or olanzapine or perphenazine or prochlorperazine or pimozide or quetiapine or reserpine or risperidone or ritanserin or ropinirol or symbax or tetrabenazine or thioridazine or trifluoperazine or ziprasidone).tw,kf.104222
16(Abilify or Aristada or Clozaril or Compro or Eskazine or Eskazinyl or FazaClo or Geodon or Haldol-Decanoate or Hibernal or Inapsine or Jatroneural or Lamictal or Largactil or Megaphen or Modalina or Modecate or Moditen or Orap or Prolixin or Raudixin or Risperdal or Seroquel or Serpalan or Serpasil or Stelazine or Symbyax or Terfluzine or Thorazine or Trifluoperaz or Triftazin or Trilafon or USAN or Versacloz or Xenazine or Zeldox or Zipwell or Zyprexa).tw,kf.2118
17Central nervous system stimulants/ or Dextroamphetamine/25685
18(“central nervous system stimulant*” or CNS-stimulant* or dextroamphetamine or lisdexamfetamine or methadone or methylphenidate or modafinil or mazindol or “mixed amphetamine salts” or selegiline).tw,kf.24702
20(disulfiram or antabuse).tw,kf.3513
21Dopamine agonists/ or Amantadine/ or Apomorphine/ or Bromocriptine/ or Carbidopa/ or Levodopa/ or Pergolide/ or Piribedil/ or (cabergoline or ciladopa or dihydrexidine or dinapsoline or lisuride or pramipexole or quinagolide or ropinirole or rotigotine or roxindole or “U 95666E”).nm.43732
22(“dopamine agonist*” or amantadine or apomorphine or bromocriptine or cabergoline or carbidopa or ciladopa or dihydrexidine or dinapsoline or doxanthrine or levodopa or L-Dopa or lisuride or pergolide or piribedil or pramipexole or quinagolide or ropinirole or rotigotine or roxindole or sumanirole).tw,kf.47046
23(Apokyn or Cabaser or Cycloset or Doperigin or Dostinex or Duopa or Lodosyn or Mirapex or Neupro or Norprolac or Parlodel or Permax or Prascend or Proclacam or Pronoran or Requip or Revanil or Rytary or Sinemet or Symmetrel or Trastal or Trivastal or Trivastan).tw,kf.838
24Narcotic antagonists/ or Buprenorphine/ or Naloxone/ or Naltrexone/ or Buprenorphine, Naloxone Drug Combination/32558
25(narcotic-antagonist* or opiate-antagonist* or naltrexone or naloxone or buprenorphine).tw,kf.34250
26(Belbuca or Buprenex or Butrans or Evzio or Narcan or Probuphine or Revia or Subutex or Vivitrol).tw,kf.273
27Baclofen/ or Buprenorphine/ or Butyrylcholinesterase/ or Dopamine Uptake Inhibitors/ or Guanfacine/ or Lisdexamfetamine Dimesylate/20410
28(baclofen or Biperiden or Buspirone or Butyrylcholinesterase or BChE or Cholinergic-antagonist or Citicoline or D-cycloserine or Dexamphetamine or Disulfiram or Guanfacine or Huperzine-A or Acetylcholinesterase-inhibitors or Ibudilast or Levodopa-carbidopa or Lisdexamfetamine or LDX or Mazindol or Methadone or Methylphenidate or “Mixed amphetamine salts” or Modafinil or Naltrexone or N-acetylcysteine or Nepicastat or DbetaH or Dopamine-beta-hydroxylase or Oxytocin or Phendimetrazine or Selegiline or Seroquel-XRTM or Topiramate or varenicline or venlafaxine or Yohimbine).tw,kf.106743
29(Acetadote or Adipost or Akineton or Anorex-SR or Appecon or Aptensio-XR or Bontril or Buspar or Cerebra or Cetylev or Chantix or Concerta or “Cotempla XR-ODT” or Daytrana or Dexedrine-Spansule or Diskets or Dolophine or Effexor-XR or Eyevinal or Gablofen or Intuniv or Ketas or Lioresal or Mazanor or Melfiat or Metadate-ER or Methadose or Methylin or Neurocoline or Obezine or Phendiet or Pinatos or Pitocin or Plegine or Prelu-2 or ProCentra or Provigil or QuilliChew-ER or Quillivant-XR or Ritalin or Sanorex or Statobex or Vyvanse or Zenzedi).tw,kf.1746
31and/4, 3020963
32randomized controlled trial.pt.497191
33controlled clinical trial.pt.99259
36drug therapy.fs.2115665
41and/31, 406818
42((exp child/ or adolescent/ or exp infant/) not exp adult/) or ((infant or infants or neonatal* or newborn* or toddler* or pre-school or preschool or children or girl or girls or boy or boys or pediatric or paediatric or adolesc* or pre-teen* or teenager or teenagers or juvenile or juveniles or youth or youths) not (adult or adults or middle-aged or aged)).ti.2106853
4341 not 426343
44(exp animals/ not humans/) or (bovine or canine or capra or cat or cats or cattle or cow or cows or dog or dogs or equine or ewe or ewes or feline or goat or goats or horse or horses or invertebrate or invertebrates or macaque or macaques or mare or mares or mice or monkey or monkeys or mouse or ovine or pig or pigs or porcine or primate or primates or rabbit or rabbits or rat or rats or rattus or rhesus or sheep or simian or sow or sows or vertebrate or vertebrates).ti.5015863
4543 not 444523
46((opioid or opiate) adj2 (abuse* or addict* or chronic* or disorder* or depend* or habitual* or misuse* or overuse or users)).ti.4789
4745 not 464442
48limit 47 to english language4248
49remove duplicates from 483872

Ovid PsycINFO 1806 to November Week 1 2017

Date Searched: November 16, 2017

Searched by: Robin Paynter, MLIS

1((stimulant* or psychostimulant* or psycho-stimulant*) adj5 (abstain* or abstinence or abstinent or abuse* or addict* or chronic* or detox* or disorder* or depend* or habitual* or misuse* or overuse or reduce* or reducing or reduction or retain* or retention or users or withdrawal)).tw,hw,id.3021
2cocaine/ or crack cocaine/ or ((cocaine* or crack-cocaine*) adj5 (abstain* or abstinence or abstinent or abuse* or addict* or chronic* or detox* or disorder* or depend* or habitual* or misuse* or overuse or reduce* or reducing or reduction or retain* or retention or users or withdrawal)).tw,hw,id.15144
3methamphetamine/ or ((methamphetamine or metamfetamine) adj5 (abstain* or abstinence or abstinent or abuse* or addict* or chronic* or detox* or disorder* or depend* or habitual* or misuse* or overuse or reduce* or reducing or reduction or retain* or retention or users or withdrawal)).tw,hw,id.3901
5drug therapy/ or craving/ or detoxification/ or drug abstinence/ or drug rehabilitation/ or drug withdrawal/ or exp “recovery (disorders)”/ or sobriety/165337
6(pharmacotherap* or pharmaco-therap* or psychopharmacol* or psycho-pharmacol* or controlled-release or delayed-action or depot or extended-release or implant* or long-acting or prolonged-action or sustained-release or timed-release or ((drug or pharmacol* or medication*) adj3 (therap* or treatment* or intervention*))).tw,hw,id.186235
7drugs/ or anticonvulsive drugs/ or antidepressant drugs/ or cns affecting drugs/ or dopamine agonists/ or narcotic antagonists/ or serotonin agonists/ or serotonin antagonists/58893
8anticonvulsive drugs/ or carbamazepine/ or chloral hydrate/ or clonazepam/ or diphenylhydantoin/ or gabapentin/ or nitrazepam/ or oxazepam/ or pentobarbital/ or phenobarbital/ or pregabalin/ or primidone/ or valproic acid/11044
9(anticonvuls* or anti-convuls* or antiepileptic* or anti-epileptic* or carbamazepine or clorazepate or clobazam or clonazepam or chlordiazepoxide or divalproex or ethosuximide or ethotoin or felbamate or fosphenytoin or gabapentin or hydantoin? or lamotrigine or lignocaine or levetiracetam or lidocaine or lignocaine or methsuximide or oxcarbazepine or paraldehyde or phenacemide or phenytoin or pregabalin or primidone or succinimide or tiagabine or topiramate or valproate or valproic-acid or vigabatrin or xylocaine or zonisamide).tw,hw,id.22792
10(A-poxide or Absenor or Akten or Anecream or Carbatrol or Celontin or Cerebyx or Chlordiazachel or Convulex or Depakene or Depakine or Depakote* or Depalept or Deprakine or Dilantin or Eha or Encorate or Endoxcin or Epilim or Epitol or Epival or Equetro or Felbatol or Frisium or Gabitril or Gralise or H-tran or Horizant or Keppra* or Klonopin or Lidocaine* or Lamictal or Librax or Lidoderm or Librelease or Libritabs or Librium or Lygen or Lyrica or Mesantoin or Mitran or Mysoline or Neuraptine or Neurontin or Onfi or Oxtellar* or Paral or Peganone or Phenurone or Phenytek or Poxi or Qudexy* or Recticare or Roweepra or Sabril or “SmartRx Gaba-V Kit” or Spritam or Stavzor or Tegretol or Topicaine or Tranxene or Trileptal or Topamax or Topicaine or Trokendi* or Valcote or Valdoxan or Valpakine or Valproate or Xylocaine* or Zarontin or Zonegran).tw,hw,id.4442
11antidepressant drugs/ or monoamine oxidase inhibitors/ or serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors/ or serotonin reuptake inhibitors/ or tricyclic antidepressant drugs/ or amitriptyline/ or bupropion/ or chlorimipramine/ or citalopram/ or desipramine/ or doxepin/ or fluoxetine/ or fluvoxamine/ or imipramine/ or iproniazid/ or isocarboxazid/ or lithium carbonate/ or maprotiline/ or methylphenidate/ or mianserin/ or moclobemide/ or molindone/ or monoamine oxidase inhibitors/ or nefazodone/ or nialamide/ or nomifensine/ or nortriptyline/ or pargyline/ or paroxetine/ or phenelzine/ or pheniprazine/ or pipradrol/ or sertraline/ or sulpiride/ or tranylcypromine/ or trazodone/ or venlafaxine/ or zimeldine/39238
12(Antidepress* or anti-depress* or “Monoamine-oxidase inhibit*” or MAOIs or “Norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibit*” or “Serotonin antagonist and reuptake inhibit*” or “Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibit*” or SNRI* or “Selective serotonin reuptake inhibit*” or SSRI* or “Tricyclic uptake inhibit*” or amitriptyline or amoxapine or bupropion or citalopram or chlordiazepoxide-amitriptyline or clomipramine or desipramine or desvenlafaxine or doxepin or duloxetine or escitalopram or fluoxetine or fluvoxamine or imipramine or isocarboxazid or levomilnacipran or maprotiline or mirtazapine or nefazodone or nortriptyline or olanzapine-fluoxetine or paroxetine* or perphenazine or phenelzine or piperazinyl-phenothiazine or protriptyline or quetiapine or selegiline or sertraline or tranylcypromine or trazodone or trimipramine or venlafaxine).tw,hw,id.59349
13(Anafranil or Asendin or Aventyl or Celexa or Cymbalta or Desyrel or Effexor or Elavil or Elontril or Emsam or Enerzer or Etrafon or Fetzima or Fluvoxamine-maleate or Khedezla or Lexapro or Limbitrol or Ludiomil or Luvox or Marplan or Nardelzine or Nardil or Nefadar or Norpramin or Oleptro or Pamelor or Parnate or Paxil or Pexeva or Pristiq or Prozac or Remeron or Sarafem or Seroquel or Serzone or Sinequan or Surmontil or Symbyax or Tofranil* or Triavil or Vanatrip or Vivactil or Wellbutrin or Zoloft or Zyban).tw,hw,id.891
14neuroleptic drugs/ or serotonin antagonists/ or piperazines/ or aripiprazole/ or clozapine/ or dihydroxytryptamine/ or lysergic acid diethylamide/ or mianserin/ or molindone/ or nialamide/ or olanzapine/ or parachlorophenylalanine/ or quetiapine/ or reserpine/ or risperidone/ or ritanserin/ or spiroperidol/ or sulpiride/ or tetrabenazine/ or trazodone/33526
15(antipsychotic* or anti-psychotic* or aripiprazole or chlorpromazine or clozapine or droperidol or fluphenazine or haloperidol or lamotrigine or olanzapine or perphenazine or prochlorperazine or pimozide or reserpine or risperidone or ritanserin or ropinirol or symbax or tetrabenazine or thioridazine or trifluoperazine or ziprasidone).tw,hw.45882
16(Abilify or Aristada or Clozaril or Compro or Eskazine or Eskazinyl or FazaClo or Geodon or Haldol-Decanoate or Hibernal or Inapsine or Jatroneural or Lamictal or Largactil or Megaphen or Modalina or Modecate or Moditen or Navane or Orap or Prolixin or Raudixin or Risperdal or Seroquel or Serpalan or Serpasil or Stelazine or Symbyax or Terfluzine or Thorazine or Trifluoperaz or Triftazin or Trilafon or Versacloz or Xenazine or Zeldox or Zipwell or Zyprexa).tw,hw,id.577
17cns stimulating drugs/ or cns affecting drugs/ or caffeine/ or dextroamphetamine/ or ephedrine/ or methylphenidate/ or pemoline/ or pentylenetetrazol/ or pipradrol/ or piracetam/11460
18(“central nervous system stimulant*” or CNS-stimulant* or dextroamphetamine or lisdexamfetamine or methadone or methylphenidate or modafinil or mazindol or amphetamine-salts).tw,hw,id.15298
20(disulfiram or antabuse).tw,hw,id.780
21dopamine agonists/ or amantadine/ or apomorphine/ or bromocriptine/ or cabergoline/ or carbidopa/ or levodopa/ or quinpirole/6922
22(“dopamine agonist*” or amantadine or apomorphine or bromocriptine or cabergoline or carbidopa or ciladopa or dihydrexidine or dinapsoline or doxanthrine or levodopa or L-Dopa or lisuride or pergolide or piribedil or pramipexole or quinagolide or ropinirole or rotigotine or roxindole or sumanirole).tw,hw,id.11673
23(Apokyn or Cabaser or Cycloset or Doperigin or Dostinex or Duopa or Lodosyn or Mirapex or Neupro or Norprolac or Parlodel or Permax or Prascend or Proclacam or Pronoran or Requip or Revanil or Rytary or Sinemet or Symmetrel or Trastal or Trivastal or Trivastan).tw,hw,id.75
24narcotic antagonists/ or nalorphine/ or naloxone/ or naltrexone/ or buprenorphine/6649
25(narcotic-antagonist* or opiate-antagonist* or naltrexone or nalorphine or naloxone or buprenorphine).tw,hw,id.10481
26(Belbuca or Buprenex or Butrans or Evzio or Lethidrone or Nalline or Narcan or Probuphine or Revia or Subutex or Vivitrol).tw,hw,id.116
27acetylcholine/ or adrenergic drugs/ or dextroamphetamine/ or ephedrine/ or epinephrine/ or methoxamine/ or tyramine/ or adrenergic blocking drugs/ or alpha methylparatyrosine/ or dihydroergotamine/ or “hydroxydopamine (6-)”/ or phenoxybenzamine/ or propranolol/ or yohimbine/ or exp baclofen/ or benzodiazepines/ or alprazolam/ or chlordiazepoxide/ or clonazepam/ or diazepam/ or flunitrazepam/ or flurazepam/ or lorazepam/ or midazolam/ or nitrazepam/ or oxazepam/ or cholinesterase inhibitors/ or galanthamine/ or neostigmine/ or physostigmine/ or dopamine antagonists/ or sulpiride/ or gamma aminobutyric acid/ or gamma aminobutyric acid agonists/ or acamprosate/ or muscimol/ or hydroxyzine/32505
28(Acamprosate or Acetylcholinesterase-inhibitors or Adderall or Baclofen or Biperiden or Buspirone or Butyrylcholinesterase or BChE or CDP-choline or Cholinergic-antagonist or Citicoline or D-amphetamine or D-cycloserine or D-serine or DbetaH or Dexamphetamine or Diazepam or Disulfiram or Dopamine-beta-hydroxylase or Doxazosin or Flumazenil or Flupenthixol or GABA or Guanfacine or Huperzine-A or Hydroxyzine or Ibudilast or Labetalol or Levodopa-carbidopa or Lisdexamfetamine or LDX or Mifepristone or N-acetylcysteine or Nepicastat or Nimodipine or Ondansetron or Oxytocin or Pemoline or Phendimetrazine or Piracetam or Prazosin or Progesterone or Propranolol or Seroquel-XRTM or Varenicline or Yohimbine).tw,hw,id.38665
29(Acetadote or Adipost or Akineton or Anorex-SR or Appecon or Aptensio-XR or Bontril or Buspar or Cardura or Cerebra or Cetylev or Chantix or Concerta or “Cotempla XR-ODT” or Daytrana or Dexedrine-Spansule or Diskets or Dolophine or Effexor-XR or Eyevinal or Gablofen or Intuniv or Ketas or Lioresal or Mazanor or Melfiat or Metadate-ER or Methadose or Methylin or Neurocoline or Obezine or Phendiet or Pinatos or Pitocin or Plegine or Prelu-2 or ProCentra or Prometa or Provigil or QuilliChew-ER or Quillivant-XR or Ritalin or Sanorex or Statobex or Vyvanse or Zenzedi).tw,hw,id.791
31and/4, 3010058
32limit 31 to “0300 clinical trial”264
33random sampling/767
35(trial* or RCT*).tw,id.160183
36(random* or sham or placebo*).ab,id.199886
37((singl* or doubl* or tripl* or trebl*) adj (blind* or dumm* or mask*)).tw,hw,id.23708
39and/31, 381971
40((animal model* or bovine or canine or capra or cat or cats or cattle or cow or cows or dog or dogs or equine or ewe or ewes or feline or goat or goats or horse or hamster* or horses or invertebrate or invertebrates or macaque or macaques or mare or mares or mice or monkey or monkeys or mouse or murine or nonhuman or non-human or ovine or pig or pigs or porcine or primate or primates or rabbit or rabbits or rat or rats or rattus or rhesus or rodent* or sheep or simian or sow or sows or vertebrate or vertebrates or zebrafish) not (aged or adolescen* or adults or boy or boys or case or child or children or childhood or clinical* or fraternal* or geriatric* or girl or girls or human* or juvenile* or man or maternal* or men or middle-aged or paternal* or patient* or sororal* or subjects or woman or women or youth)).ti,id. not (adults or boy or boys or child or children or childhood or clinical* or geriatric* or girl or girls or human* or man or men or patient* or woman or women).ab,id.192341
4139 not 401788
42limit 41 to english language1751
43remove duplicates from 421749
44limit 31 to (“0830 systematic review” or 1200 meta analysis)87
45limit 44 to english language82
46remove duplicates from 4582

WHO ICTRP (http://apps.who.int/trialsearch/AdvSearch.aspx)

Date Searched: November 16, 2017

Searched by: Robin Paynter, MLIS

Methamphetamine OR metamfetamine OR cocaine OR crack [Title]
ALL [Recruitment status]
Phase 3 OR Phase 4 [Phases]
77 result records


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