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Boucher N, Van Voorhees E, Vashi A, et al. Tele-urgent Care for Low-acuity Conditions: A Systematic Review. Washington (DC): Department of Veterans Affairs (US); 2022 Apr.

Cover of Tele-urgent Care for Low-acuity Conditions: A Systematic Review

Tele-urgent Care for Low-acuity Conditions: A Systematic Review.

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Database: MEDLINE (via Ovid)

Search Date: 2/13/2020

Note: Searching Ovid MEDLINE® ALL, 1946 to February 12, 2020

#1Telephone/ OR exp Cell Phone/ OR exp Text Messaging/ OR exp Computers, Handheld/ OR exp Telemedicine/ OR exp Remote Consultation/ OR exp Mobile Applications/ OR exp Call Centers/54357
#2(telehealth OR tele-health OR Telemedicine OR tele-medicine OR Telecare OR tele-care OR Teleconsultation OR teleconsultations OR tele-consultation OR tele-consultations OR “remote consultation” OR “remote consultations” OR telenurse OR telenurses OR telenursing OR tele-nurse OR tele-nurses OR tele-nursing OR telephone OR telephones OR phone OR phones OR Cellphone OR cellphones OR “cell phone” OR “cell phones” OR smartphone OR smartphones OR “smart phone” OR “smart phones” OR “Mobile application” OR “mobile applications” OR “mobile apps” OR iPhone OR Android OR iPad OR Blackberry OR eHealth OR e-health OR mHealth OR m-health OR “video consultation” OR “video consultations” OR “web consultation” OR “web consultations” OR “online consultation” OR “online consultations” OR “internet consultation” OR “internet consultations” OR “video conference” OR “video conferences” OR “video conferencing” OR videoconference OR videoconferences OR videoconferencing OR “web conference” OR “web conferences” OR “web conferencing” OR webconference OR webconferences OR “online conference” OR “online conferences” OR “online conferencing” OR “internet conference” OR “internet conferences” OR “internet conferencing” OR “video chat” OR “video chats” OR webchat OR “web chat” OR webchats OR “web chats” OR “online chat” OR “online chats” OR “internet chat” OR “internet chats” OR “video meeting” OR “video meetings” OR “web meeting” OR “web meetings” OR “online meeting” OR “online meetings” OR “internet meeting” OR “internet meetings” OR “chat room” OR “chat rooms” OR “live chat” OR “health chat” OR “video message” OR “video messages” OR “video messaging” OR “video call” OR “video calls” OR teleconference OR teleconferences OR teleconferencing OR tele-conference OR tele-conferences OR tele-conferencing OR webex OR zoom OR skype OR ooVoo OR FaceTime OR Tango OR GoToMeeting OR “interactive voice response” OR IVR OR SMS OR “short message service” OR Virtual OR “web based” OR “call center” OR “call centers” OR “call centre” OR “call centres” OR “communication technology” OR “communication technologies”).ti,ab.203614
#3(“face to face” OR “in person” OR inperson OR in-person).ti,ab. AND (alternative OR alternatives).ti,ab.1427
#4(text OR texts).ti,ab. AND (message OR messages OR messaging).ti,ab.4865
#5(mobile OR cellular OR cell).ti,ab. ADJ3 (device OR devices OR app OR apps OR applications OR applications).ti,ab.16020
#61 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5234615
#7exp After-Hours Care/1825
#8(exp Ambulatory Care/ OR exp Ambulatory Care Facilities/ OR exp Triage/ OR exp Outpatients/ OR exp Outpatient Clinics, Hospital/) AND (urgent OR acute).ti,ab.7696
#9(“walk in” OR walk-in).ti,ab. AND (clinic OR clinics).ti,ab.638
#10(“low acuity” OR “same day” OR “urgent care” OR “urgent visit” OR “urgent visits” OR “urgent health care” OR “urgent healthcare” OR “acute care” OR “acute visit” OR “acute visits” OR “acute health care” OR “acute healthcare” OR ((“after hours” OR “out of hours”) AND (care OR urgent OR clinic OR clinics)) OR “unscheduled care” OR “on demand” OR “direct to consumer” OR fast-track OR fast-tracked OR “fast track” OR “fast tracked”).ti,ab.53128
#117 or 8 or 9 or 1061210
#126 and 112996
#13exp Cohort Studies/ OR exp Follow-Up Studies/ OR exp Longitudinal Studies/ OR exp Prospective Studies/ OR exp Cross-Sectional Studies/ OR exp Controlled Before-After Studies/ OR exp Interrupted Time Series Analysis/ OR exp Evaluation studies as topic/3112810
#14“Randomized Controlled Trial”.pt. OR “Controlled Clinical Trial”.pt. OR “Clinical Trial”.pt. OR “Observational Study”.pt. OR “Evaluation Studies”.pt. OR “Comparative Study”.pt.2733303
#15(randomized OR randomised OR randomization OR randomisation OR placebo OR randomly OR trial OR trials OR groups OR “evaluation study” OR “evaluation studies” OR “intervention study” OR “intervention studies” OR cohort OR cohorts OR longitudinal OR longitudinally OR prospective OR prospectively OR follow-up OR “follow up” OR followup OR cross-sectional OR “cross sectional” OR “comparative study” OR “comparative studies”OR nonrandom OR “non-random” OR nonrandomized OR “non-randomized” OR nonrandomised OR “non-randomised” OR quasi-experiment* OR quazi-experiment* OR quasiexperiment* OR quaziexperiment* OR quasirandom* OR quazirandom* OR quasi-random* OR quazi-random* OR quasi-control* OR quazi-control* OR quasicontrol* OR quazicontrol*).ti,ab.4862228
#16controlled.ti,ab. AND (trial OR study).ti,ab.427927
#17(“pre-post” OR “pre post” OR “posttest” OR “post-test” OR “post test” OR pretest OR “pre-test” OR “pre test” OR “repeated measure” OR “repeated measures”).ti,ab.71333
#18(before.ti,ab. AND after.ti,ab.) OR (before.ti,ab. AND during.ti,ab.)862396
#19“time series”.ti,ab. AND interrupt*.ti,ab.2997
#20“time points”.ti,ab. AND (multiple OR one OR two OR three OR four OR five OR six OR seven OR eight OR nine OR ten OR month OR monthly OR day OR daily OR week OR weekly OR hour OR hourly).ti,ab.62653
#2113 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17 or 18 or 19 or 208166940
#2212 and 211840

EMBASE (via Elsevier)

Search date: 2/13/2020

Note: Search EMBASE from the Results page

#1‘telephone’/exp OR ‘mobile phone’/exp OR ‘smartphone’/exp OR ‘text messaging’/exp OR ‘text message’/exp OR ‘personal digital assistant’/exp OR ‘telemedicine’/exp OR ‘teleconsultation’/exp OR ‘mobile application’/exp OR ‘mobile health application’/exp OR ‘call center’/exp107,474
#2(telehealth OR Telemedicine OR Telecare OR Teleconsultation OR teleconsultations OR ‘remote consultation’ OR ‘remote consultations’ OR telenurse OR telenurses OR telenursing OR telephone OR telephones OR phone OR phones OR Cellphone OR cellphones OR ‘cell phone’ OR ‘cell phones’ OR smartphone OR smartphones OR ‘smart phone’ OR ‘smart phones’ OR ‘Mobile application’ OR ‘mobile applications’ OR ‘mobile apps’ OR iPhone OR Android OR iPad OR Blackberry OR eHealth OR mHealth OR ‘video consultation’ OR ‘video consultations’ OR ‘web consultation’ OR ‘web consultations’ OR ‘online consultation’ OR ‘online consultations’ OR ‘internet consultation’ OR ‘internet consultations’ OR ‘video conference’ OR ‘video conferences’ OR ‘video conferencing’ OR videoconference OR videoconferences OR videoconferencing OR ‘web conference’ OR ‘web conferences’ OR ‘web conferencing’ OR webconference OR webconferences OR ‘online conference’ OR ‘online conferences’ OR ‘online conferencing’ OR ‘internet conference’ OR ‘internet conferences’ OR ‘internet conferencing’ OR ‘video chat’ OR ‘video chats’ OR webchat OR ‘web chat’ OR webchats OR ‘web chats’ OR ‘online chat’ OR ‘online chats’ OR ‘internet chat’ OR ‘internet chats’ OR ‘video meeting’ OR ‘video meetings’ OR ‘web meeting’ OR ‘web meetings’ OR ‘online meeting’ OR ‘online meetings’ OR ‘internet meeting’ OR ‘internet meetings’ OR ‘chat room’ OR ‘chat rooms’ OR ‘live chat’ OR ‘health chat’ OR ‘video message’ OR ‘video messages’ OR ‘video messaging’ OR ‘video call’ OR ‘video calls’ OR teleconference OR teleconferences OR teleconferencing OR webex OR zoom OR skype OR ooVoo OR FaceTime OR Tango OR GoToMeeting OR ‘interactive voice response’ OR IVR OR SMS OR ‘short message service’ OR Virtual OR ‘web based’ OR ‘call center’ OR ‘call centers’ OR ‘call centre’ OR ‘call centres’ OR ‘communication technology’ OR ‘communication technologies’):ti,ab282,025
#3(‘face to face’ OR ‘in person’ OR inperson):ti,ab AND (alternative OR alternatives):ti,ab2037
#4(text OR texts):ti,ab AND (message OR messages OR messaging):ti,ab6466
#5((mobile OR cellular OR cell) NEAR/3 (device OR devices OR app OR apps OR applications OR applications)):ti,ab18753
#61 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5325,982
#7‘out-of-hours care’/exp390
#8(‘ambulatory care’/exp OR ‘outpatient department’/exp OR ‘emergency health service’/exp OR ‘outpatient’/exp) AND (urgent OR acute):ti,ab34390
#9(‘walk in’ OR walk-in):ti,ab AND (clinic OR clinics):ti,ab1007
#10(‘low acuity’ OR ‘same day’ OR ‘urgent care’ OR ‘urgent visit’ OR ‘urgent visits’ OR ‘urgent health care’ OR ‘urgent healthcare’ OR ‘acute care’ OR ‘acute visit’ OR ‘acute visits’ OR ‘acute health care’ OR ‘acute healthcare’ OR ((‘after hours’ OR ‘out of hours’) AND (care OR urgent OR clinic OR clinics)) OR ‘unscheduled care’ OR ‘on demand’ OR ‘direct to consumer’ OR fasttrack OR fasttracked OR ‘fast track’ OR ‘fast tracked’):ti,ab81252
#117 or 8 or 9 or 10112287
#126 and 116104
#13‘randomized controlled trial’/exp OR ‘crossover procedure’/exp OR ‘double blind procedure’/exp OR ‘single blind procedure’/exp OR ‘clinical study’/exp OR ‘controlled study’/exp OR ‘evaluation study’/exp OR ‘intervention study’/exp OR ‘cohort analysis’/exp OR ‘follow up’/exp OR ‘comparative effectiveness’/exp OR ‘longitudinal study’/exp OR ‘evaluation study’/exp OR ‘prospective study’/exp OR ‘time series analysis’/exp OR ‘cross-sectional study’/exp14,686,160
#14(randomized OR randomised OR randomization OR randomisation OR placebo OR randomly OR trial OR trials OR groups OR ‘evaluation study’ OR ‘evaluation studies’ OR ‘intervention study’ OR ‘intervention studies’ OR cohort OR cohorts OR longitudinal OR longitudinally OR prospective OR prospectively OR follow-up OR ‘follow up’ OR followup OR cross-sectional OR ‘cross sectional’ OR ‘comparative study’ OR ‘comparative studies’ OR nonrandom OR ‘non-random’ OR nonrandomized OR ‘non-randomized’ OR nonrandomised OR ‘non-randomised’ OR quasiexperiment* OR quaziexperiment* OR quasirandom* OR quazirandom* OR quasicontrol* OR quazicontrol*):ti,ab7030637
#15controlled:ti,ab AND (trial OR study):ti,ab586,417
#16(‘pre-post’ OR ‘pre post’ OR ‘posttest’ OR ‘post-test’ OR pretest OR ‘pre test’ OR ‘repeated measure’ OR ‘repeated measures’):ti,ab105841
#17(before:ti,ab AND after:ti,ab) OR (before:ti,ab AND during:ti,ab)1277121
#18‘time series’:ti,ab AND interrupt*:ti,ab3742
#19‘time points’:ti,ab AND (multiple OR one OR two OR three OR four OR five OR six OR seven OR eight OR nine OR ten OR month OR monthly OR day OR daily OR week OR weekly OR hour OR hourly):ti,ab101872
#2013 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17 or 18 or 1917,216,08 1
#2112 and 204,363
#22#21 NOT [conference abstract]/lim2,233

CINAHL Complete (via EBSCO)

Search date: 2/13/2020

#1(MH “Telephone+”) OR (MH “Cellular Phone+”) OR (MH “Text Messaging”) OR (MH “Smartphone”) OR (MH “Videoconferencing+”) OR (MH “Webcasts”) OR (MH “Computers, Hand-Held+”) OR (MH “Telemedicine+”) OR (MH “Remote Consultation”) OR (MH “Telenursing”) OR (MH “Mobile Applications”)45381
#2TI(telehealth OR tele-health OR Telemedicine OR tele-medicine OR Telecare OR tele-care OR Teleconsultation OR teleconsultations OR tele-consultation OR tele-consultations OR “remote consultation” OR “remote consultations” OR telenurse OR telenurses OR telenursing OR tele-nurse OR tele-nurses OR tele-nursing OR telephone OR telephones OR phone OR phones OR Cellphone OR cellphones OR “cell phone” OR “cell phones” OR smartphone OR smartphones OR “smart phone” OR “smart phones” OR “Mobile application” OR “mobile applications” OR “mobile apps” OR iPhone OR Android OR iPad OR Blackberry OR eHealth OR e-health OR mHealth OR m-health OR “video consultation” OR “video consultations” OR “web consultation” OR “web consultations” OR “online consultation” OR “online consultations” OR “internet consultation” OR “internet consultations” OR “video conference” OR “video conferences” OR “video conferencing” OR videoconference OR videoconferences OR videoconferencing OR “web conference” OR “web conferences” OR “web conferencing” OR webconference OR webconferences OR “online conference” OR “online conferences” OR “online conferencing” OR “internet conference” OR “internet conferences” OR “internet conferencing” OR “video chat” OR “video chats” OR webchat OR “web chat” OR webchats OR “web chats” OR “online chat” OR “online chats” OR “internet chat” OR “internet chats” OR “video meeting” OR “video meetings” OR “web meeting” OR “web meetings” OR “online meeting” OR “online meetings” OR “internet meeting” OR “internet meetings” OR “chat room” OR “chat rooms” OR “live chat” OR “health chat” OR “video message” OR “video messages” OR “video messaging” OR “video call” OR “video calls” OR teleconference OR teleconferences OR teleconferencing OR tele-conference OR tele-conferences OR tele-conferencing OR webex OR zoom OR skype OR ooVoo OR FaceTime OR Tango OR GoToMeeting OR “interactive voice response” OR IVR OR SMS OR “short message service” OR Virtual OR “web based” OR “call center” OR “call centers” OR “call centre” OR “call centres” OR “communication technology” OR “communication technologies”) OR AB(telehealth OR tele-health OR Telemedicine OR tele-medicine OR Telecare OR tele-care OR Teleconsultation OR teleconsultations OR tele-consultation OR tele-consultations OR “remote consultation” OR “remote consultations” OR telenurse OR telenurses OR telenursing OR tele-nurse OR tele-nurses OR tele-nursing OR telephone OR telephones OR phone OR phones OR Cellphone OR cellphones OR “cell phone” OR “cell phones” OR smartphone OR smartphones OR “smart phone” OR “smart phones” OR “Mobile application” OR “mobile applications” OR “mobile apps” OR iPhone OR Android OR iPad OR Blackberry OR eHealth OR e- health OR mHealth OR m-health OR “video consultation” OR “video consultations” OR “web consultation” OR “web consultations” OR “online consultation” OR “online consultations” OR “internet consultation” OR “internet consultations” OR “video conference” OR “video conferences” OR “video conferencing” OR videoconference OR videoconferences OR videoconferencing OR “web conference” OR “web conferences” OR “web conferencing” OR webconference OR webconferences OR “online conference” OR “online conferences” OR “online conferencing” OR “internet conference” OR “internet conferences” OR “internet conferencing” OR “video chat” OR “video chats” OR webchat OR “web chat” OR webchats OR “web chats” OR “online chat” OR “online chats” OR “internet chat” OR “internet chats” OR “video meeting” OR “video meetings” OR “web meeting” OR “web meetings” OR “online meeting” OR “online meetings” OR “internet meeting” OR “internet meetings” OR “chat room” OR “chat rooms” OR “live chat” OR “health chat” OR “video message” OR “video messages” OR “video messaging” OR “video call” OR “video calls” OR teleconference OR teleconferences OR teleconferencing OR tele-conference OR tele-conferences OR tele-conferencing OR webex OR zoom OR skype OR ooVoo OR FaceTime OR Tango OR GoToMeeting OR “interactive voice response” OR IVR OR SMS OR “short message service” OR Virtual OR “web based” OR “call center” OR “call centers” OR “call centre” OR “call centres” OR “communication technology” OR “communication technologies”)103446
#3(TI(“face to face” OR “in person” OR inperson OR in-person) OR AB(“face to face” OR “in person” OR inperson OR in-person)) AND (TI(alternative OR alternatives) OR AB(alternative OR alternatives))3192
#4(TI(text OR texts) OR AB(text OR texts)) AND (TI(message OR messages OR messaging) OR AB(message OR messages OR messaging))2932
#5(TI(mobile OR cellular OR cell) OR AB(mobile OR cellular OR cell)) AND (TI(device OR devices OR app OR apps OR applications OR applications) OR AB(device OR devices OR app OR apps OR applications OR applications)158403
#61 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5274227
#7((MH “Ambulatory Care”) OR (MH “Ambulatory Care Facilities”) OR (MH “Outpatient Service”) OR (MH “Outpatients”) OR (MH “Triage”) OR (MH “Acute Care”)) AND (TI(urgent) OR AB(urgent))990
#8(TI(“walk in” OR walk-in) OR AB(“walk in” OR walk-in)) AND (TI(clinic OR clinics) OR AB(clinic OR clinics))744
#9TI(“low acuity” OR “same day” OR “urgent care” OR “urgent visit” OR “urgent visits” OR “urgent health care” OR “urgent healthcare” OR “acute care” OR “acute visit” OR “acute visits” OR “acute health care” OR “acute healthcare” OR “unscheduled care” OR “on demand” OR “direct to consumer” OR fast-track OR fast-tracked OR “fast track” OR “fast tracked”) OR AB(“low acuity” OR “same day” OR “urgent care” OR “urgent visit” OR “urgent visits” OR “urgent health care” OR “urgent healthcare” OR “acute care” OR “acute visit” OR “acute visits” OR “acute health care” OR “acute healthcare” OR “unscheduled care” OR “on demand” OR “direct to consumer” OR fast-track OR fast-tracked OR “fast track” OR “fast tracked”)48425
#10(TI(“after hours” OR “out of hours”) OR AB(“after hours” OR “out of hours”)) AND (TI(care OR urgent OR clinic OR clinics) OR AB(care OR urgent OR clinic OR clinics))1070
#117 or 8 or 9 or 1050479
#126 and 115400
#13(MH “Randomized Controlled Trials+”) OR (MH “Intervention Trials”) OR (MH “Double-Blind Studies”) OR (MH “Clinical Trials+”) OR (MH “Single-Blind Studies”) OR (MH “Therapeutic Trials”) OR (MH “Triple-Blind Studies”) OR (MH “Prospective Studies+”) OR (MH “Cross Sectional Studies”) OR (MH “Interrupted Time Series Analysis”) OR (MH “Controlled Before-After Studies”) OR (MH “Nonrandomized Trials”) OR (MH “Pretest-Posttest Design+”) OR (MH “Comparative Studies+”) OR (MH “Evaluation Research+”)966101
#14TI(randomized OR randomised OR randomization OR randomisation OR placebo OR randomly OR trial OR trials OR groups OR “evaluation study” OR “evaluation studies” OR “intervention study” OR “intervention studies” OR cohort OR cohorts OR longitudinal OR longitudinally OR prospective OR prospectively OR follow-up OR “follow up” OR followup OR cross-sectional OR “cross sectional” OR “comparative study” OR “comparative studies”OR nonrandom OR “non-random” OR nonrandomized OR “non-randomized” OR nonrandomised OR “non-randomised” OR quasi-experiment* OR quazi-experiment* OR quasiexperiment* OR quaziexperiment* OR quasirandom* OR quazirandom* OR quasi-random* OR quazi-random* OR quasi-control* OR quazi-control* OR quasicontrol* OR quazicontrol*) OR AB (randomized OR randomised OR randomization OR randomisation OR placebo OR randomly OR trial OR trials OR groups OR “evaluation study” OR “evaluation studies” OR “intervention study” OR “intervention studies” OR cohort OR cohorts OR longitudinal OR longitudinally OR prospective OR prospectively OR follow-up OR “follow up” OR followup OR cross-sectional OR “cross sectional” OR “comparative study” OR “comparative studies”OR nonrandom OR “non-random” OR nonrandomized OR “non-randomized” OR nonrandomised OR “non-randomised” OR quasi-experiment* OR quazi-experiment* OR quasiexperiment* OR quaziexperiment* OR quasirandom* OR quazirandom* OR quasi-random* OR quazi-random* OR quasi-control* OR quazi-control* OR quasicontrol* OR quazicontrol*)1332548
#15(TI(controlled) OR AB(controlled) AND (TI(trial OR study) OR AB(trial OR study))168527
#16TI(“pre-post” OR “pre post” OR “posttest” OR “post-test” OR “post test” OR pretest OR “pre-test” OR “pre test” OR “repeated measure” OR “repeated measures”) OR AB(“pre-post” OR “pre post” OR “posttest” OR “post-test” OR “post test” OR pretest OR “pre-test” OR “pre test” OR “repeated measure” OR “repeated measures”)36293
#17(TI(before AND after) OR AB(before AND after)) OR (TI(before AND during) OR AB(before AND during))149392
#18(TI(“time series”) OR AB(“time series”) AND (TI(interrupt*) OR AB(interrupt*))2311
#19(TI(“time points”) OR AB(“time points”)) AND (TI(multiple OR one OR two OR three OR four OR five OR six OR seven OR eight OR nine OR ten OR month OR monthly OR day OR daily OR week OR weekly OR hour OR hourly) OR AB(multiple OR one OR two OR three OR four OR five OR six OR seven OR eight OR nine OR ten OR month OR monthly OR day OR daily OR week OR weekly OR hour OR hourly))15792
#2013 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17 or 18 or 191757703
#2112 and 202,622
#2221 NOT PT ( Abstract OR Book OR Book Chapter OR Book Review OR Case Study OR Commentary OR Editorial OR Letter OR Masters Thesis OR Pamphlet OR Pamphlet Chapter OR Poetry ) AND Academic Journals2,401
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Bookshelf ID: NBK582308


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