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Shekelle P, Maggard-Gibbons M, Blegen M, et al. VA versus Non-VA Quality of Care: A Systematic Review. Washington (DC): Department of Veterans Affairs (US); 2023 Apr.

Cover of VA versus Non-VA Quality of Care: A Systematic Review

VA versus Non-VA Quality of Care: A Systematic Review.

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English; 2015 to Present

Search run: 9 March 2023

"United States Department of Veterans Affairs"[mh] OR "Veterans Health"[mh] OR "veterans health services"[mh] OR "Hospitals, Veterans"[mh] OR "veterans affairs"[tiab] OR "veterans health"[tiab] OR "veterans choice"[tiab]


Compar*[ti] OR "vs"[ti] OR versus[ti] OR difference[ti] OR "dually enrolled"[tiab] OR "dual system*"[tiab] OR "dual enrollment"[tiab] OR "overlapping use"[tiab] OR (examine*[tiab] AND (access*[tiab] OR availab*[tiab])) OR (("community care*"[tiab] OR "Community Health Services"[Majr]) AND impact*[tiab]) OR ((other[tiab] OR "private sector"[tiab] OR "non-VA"[tiab] OR medicare[tiab] OR "commercially managed"[tiab] OR "non veteran*"[tiab] OR "non VAMC"[tiab] OR "non va"[tiab] OR "non federal hospital*"[tiab] OR "university hospital*"[tiab] OR nonveteran*[tiab] OR "nonfederal hospital*"[tiab]) AND (compar*[tiab] OR comparative study[pt]))

Results: 1826

PubMed Update

English; December 2021 to Present

Search run: 9 March 2023

"United States Department of Veterans Affairs"[mh] OR "Veterans Health"[mh] OR "veterans health services"[mh] OR "Hospitals, Veterans"[mh] OR "veterans affairs"[tiab] OR "veterans health"[tiab] OR "veterans choice"[tiab]


Compar*[ti] OR "vs"[ti] OR versus[ti] OR difference[ti] OR "dually enrolled"[tiab] OR "dual system*"[tiab] OR "dual enrollment"[tiab] OR "overlapping use"[tiab] OR (examine*[tiab] AND (access*[tiab] OR availab*[tiab])) OR (("community care*"[tiab] OR "Community Health Services"[Majr]) AND impact*[tiab]) OR ((other[tiab] OR "private sector"[tiab] OR "non-VA"[tiab] OR medicare[tiab] OR "commercially managed"[tiab] OR "non veteran*"[tiab] OR "non VAMC"[tiab] OR "non va"[tiab] OR "non federal hospital*"[tiab] OR "university hospital*"[tiab] OR nonveteran*[tiab] OR "nonfederal hospital*"[tiab]) AND (compar*[tiab] OR comparative study[pt]))

Results: 374


English; 2015 to Present

Publication Limiter: Journal Articles

Search run: 10 March 2023

TI("Veterans Health" OR "veterans affairs" OR "veterans health" OR "veterans choice") OR AB("Veterans Health" OR "veterans affairs" OR "veterans health" OR "veterans choice")


TI(Compar* OR "vs" OR versus OR difference) OR (TI("dually enrolled" OR "dual system*" OR "dual enrollment" OR "overlapping use") OR AB("dually enrolled" OR "dual system*" OR "dual enrollment" OR "overlapping use")) OR (TI(examine*) AND TI(access* OR availab*)) OR (TI(examine*) AND AB(access* OR availab*)) OR (AB(examine*) AND TI(access* OR availab*)) OR (AB(examine*) AND AB(access* OR availab*)) OR ((TI("community care*") OR AB("community care*") OR MM("Community Mental Health Services")) AND (TI(impact* OR AB(impact*))) OR (TI(other OR "private sector" OR "non-VA" OR medicare OR "commercially managed" OR "non veteran*" OR "non VAMC" OR "non va" OR "non federal hospital*" OR "university hospital*" OR nonveteran* OR "nonfederal hospital*") OR AB(other OR "private sector" OR "non-VA" OR medicare OR "commercially managed" OR "non veteran*" OR "non VAMC" OR "non va" OR "non federal hospital*" OR "university hospital*" OR nonveteran* OR "nonfederal hospital*")) AND (TI(compar*) OR AB(compar*) OR TI("comparative study")))

Results: 112

Web of Science

English; 2015 to Present

Search run: 15 March 2023

TI=("veterans affairs" OR "veterans health" OR "veterans choice" OR "veterans hospital") OR AB=("veterans affairs" OR "veterans health" OR "veterans choice" OR "veterans hospital")


TI=(compar* OR "vs" OR versus OR difference) OR TI=("dually enrolled" OR "dual system*" OR "dual enrollment" OR "overlapping use") OR AB=("dually enrolled" OR "dual system*" OR "dual enrollment" OR "overlapping use") OR ((TI=(examine*) OR AB=(examine*)) AND (TI=(access* OR availab*) OR AB=(access* OR availab*))) OR ((TI=("community care*") OR AB=("community care*")) AND (TI=(impact*) OR AB=(impact*))) OR (TI=(other OR "private sector" OR "non-VA" OR medicare OR "commercially managed" OR "non veteran*" OR "non VAMC" OR "non va" OR "non federal hospital*" OR "university hospital*" OR nonveteran* OR "nonfederal hospital*") OR AB=(other OR "private sector" OR "non-VA" OR medicare OR "commercially managed" OR "non veteran*" OR "non VAMC" OR "non va" OR "non federal hospital*" OR "university hospital*" OR nonveteran* OR "nonfederal hospital*")) AND (TI=(compar*) OR AB=(compar*))

Results: 136

Total: 2448

Total after deduplication: 2415

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This publication is in the public domain and is therefore without copyright. All text from this work may be reprinted freely. Use of these materials should be acknowledged.

Bookshelf ID: NBK591848


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