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Greer N, Rossom R, Anderson P, et al. Delirium: Screening, Prevention, and Diagnosis – A Systematic Review of the Evidence [Internet]. Washington (DC): Department of Veterans Affairs (US); 2011 Sep.

Cover of Delirium: Screening, Prevention, and Diagnosis – A Systematic Review of the Evidence

Delirium: Screening, Prevention, and Diagnosis – A Systematic Review of the Evidence [Internet].

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Delirium screening and diagnosis

Database: Ovid MEDLINE(R)

Search Strategy:


  1. confusion.mp. or exp Confusion/
  2. exp Delirium/ or delirium.mp.
  3. deliri$.tw.
  4. (NEECHAM or “Neelon and Champagne Confusion Scale”).tw.
  5. (MMSE or mini-mental stat$ exam$).tw.
  6. or/1-5
  7. sensitiv$.mp.
  8. predictive value$.mp.
  9. accurac$.tw.
  10. or/7-9
  11. 6 and 10
  12. limit 11 to english language
  13. mass screening.mp. or exp Mass Screening/
  14. diagnosis.mp. or exp Diagnosis/
  15. 13 or 14
  16. 12 and 15

Delirium prevention

Database: Ovid MEDLINE(R) <1950 to November Week 2 2010>

Search Strategy:


  1. exp Delirium/
  2. deliri*.mp.
  3. exp Confusion/ or acute confusion.mp.
  4. acute organic psychosyndrome.mp.
  5. acute brain syndrome.mp.
  6. metabolic encephalopathy.mp.
  7. acute psycho-organic syndrome.mp.
  8. clouded state.mp.
  9. clouding of consciousness.mp.
  10. exogenous psychosis.mp.
  11. toxic psychosis.mp.
  12. toxic confusion.mp.
  13. or/1-12
  14. exp Primary Prevention/
  15. prevent*.mp.
  16. avoid*.mp.
  17. or/14-16
  18. 13 and 17
  19. exp Alcohol Withdrawal Delirium/
  20. delirium tremens.ti.
  21. 19 or 20
  22. 18 not 21
  23. exp animals/ not humans.sh.
  24. 22 not 23
  25. limit 24 to english language
  26. limit 25 to yr=”1966 -Current


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