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Vale L, Kunonga P, Coughlan D, et al. Optimal surveillance strategies for patients with stage 1 cutaneous melanoma post primary tumour excision: three systematic reviews and an economic model. Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2021 Nov. (Health Technology Assessment, No. 25.64.)

Cover of Optimal surveillance strategies for patients with stage 1 cutaneous melanoma post primary tumour excision: three systematic reviews and an economic model

Optimal surveillance strategies for patients with stage 1 cutaneous melanoma post primary tumour excision: three systematic reviews and an economic model.

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Appendix 5Example search strategy for diagnostic accuracy review

#SearchesResults (n)
1exp melanoma/or melanoma*.ti,ab,kw,kf.124,381
3((lentigo* or lentigin*) adj3 (tumo?r* or cancer* or maligna* or n?evus)).ti,ab,kw,kf.1323
5(ocular or uveal or iris or cornea or eye or choroidal or ciliary or intraocular).ti.160,371
64 not 5117,550
Diagnostic method
7exp ultrasonography, doppler/or exp ultrasonography, interventional/89,434
10exp image guided biopsy/4564
11exp Biopsy, Fine-Needle/14,316
12(“fine needle biopsy” or FNB).ti,ab,kw,kf.2199
13(“fine needle aspirat*” or FNA).ti,ab,kw,kf.29,692
14(“fine needle aspiration cytology” or FNAC).ti,ab,kw,kf.8227
15exp Biopsy, Needle/62,995
16“core biopsy”.ti,ab,kw,kf.3971
Diagnostic test filter
18exp “sensitivity and specificity”/544,996
19(sensitivity or specificity or accuracy).tw.1,228,698
20((predictive adj3 value$) or (roc adj curve$)).tw.123,584
21((false adj positiv$) or false negativ$).tw.71,980
22((observer adj variation$) or (likelihood adj3 ratio$)).tw.15,344
23likelihood function/20,943
24exp mass screening/119,419
25diagnosis, differential/or exp Diagnostic errors/535,465
26di.xs. or du.fs.3,322,576
Follow up/surveillance terms
28follow up.ti,ab,kw,kf.872,434
31exp Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/di, dg, pc [Diagnosis, Diagnostic Imaging, Prevention & Control]21,379
32exp Recurrence/di, dg, pc [Diagnosis, Diagnostic Imaging, Prevention & Control]8
34exp Neoplasm Metastasis/di, dg, pc [Diagnosis, Diagnostic Imaging, Prevention & Control]8124
36exp Aftercare/177,538
386 and 17 and 27 and 37928
39exp animals/not humans.sh.4,548,295
4038 not 39904
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Bookshelf ID: NBK575316


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