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Parr J, Pennington L, Taylor H, et al. Parent-delivered interventions used at home to improve eating, drinking and swallowing in children with neurodisability: the FEEDS mixed-methods study. Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2021 Mar. (Health Technology Assessment, No. 25.22.)

Cover of Parent-delivered interventions used at home to improve eating, drinking and swallowing in children with neurodisability: the FEEDS mixed-methods study

Parent-delivered interventions used at home to improve eating, drinking and swallowing in children with neurodisability: the FEEDS mixed-methods study.

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Appendix 8Search strategies for measurement properties review (example for MEDLINE)

The FEEDS measurement tools: ‘COSMIN’ review

Search 1

Database(s): Ovid MEDLINE In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations and Ovid MEDLINE

Date range searched: 1946 to week 2 May 2018.

Date searched: 12 May 2018.

This used the same strategy as for the mapping review in terms of the population, but combined differently so that it retrieves:

[neurodisability OR feeding disorders] AND children AND [any of the specified tools] AND COSMIN strategy (McConachie et al.127)

PsycINFO search run first, and this search de-duplicated against it.

Search strategy
#Search termsResults
1exp Brain Diseases/1,105,957
2Pseudobulbar Palsy/133
3(pseudobulbar pals$ or pseudo bulbar pals$).tw,kw.364
4Cerebral Palsy/18,709
5((cerebral or brain or central) adj2 (pals$ or paralys#s or pares#s)).tw,kw.20,241
6worster drought.tw,kw.31
7little? disease.tw,kw.89
8exp Neurodevelopmental Disorders/164,507
9(neurodisabilit$ or neuro-disabilit$ or neurodisabl$ or neuro-disabl$).tw,kw.275
10((neurodevelopment$ or development$) adj3 (disease$ or disabl$ or disabil$ or disorder$ or dysfunction$ or function$ or impair$ or abnormal$ or difficulty or difficulties)).tw,kw.135,989
11exp Nervous System Diseases/2,299,317
12((brain$ or nervous system$) adj2 (injur$ or damag$ or dysfunction$ or function$ or malform$ or disease$ or impair$ or abnormal$)).tw,kw.146,151
13((neurologic$ or neuromuscular or motor) adj3 (disease$ or disabl$ or disabil$ or disorder$ or dysfunction$ or function$ or impair$ or abnormal$ or difficulty or difficulties)).tw,kw.153,575
14((muscular or muscle$ or myopath$) adj3 (disorder$ or disease$ or dysfunction$ or function$ or dystroph$)).tw,kw.59,337
15(epilep$ or seizure$ or convuls$).tw,kw.189,685
16((communicat$ or language or linguistic or speech or learning or intellectual$ or behaviour$ or behavior$) adj3 (disabl$ or disabil$ or disorder$ or dysfunction$ or function$ or impair$ or abnormal$ or difficulty or difficulties)).tw,kw.117,682
17(autis$ or asperger$ or kanner$ or pervasive development$ disorder$).tw,kw.38,933
18((attention$ or behav$ or conduct) adj3 (defic$ or dysfunc$ or disorder$)).tw,kw.55,066
19((disrupt$ adj3 disorder$) or (disrupt$ adj3 behav$) or (defian$ adj3 disorder$) or (defian$ adj3 behav$)).tw,kw.7602
20(impulsiv$ or inattentiv$ or inattention$).tw,kw.21,069
21(ADHD or ADDH or ADHS).tw,kw.20,993
22(down$ adj (syndrome$ or disease$)).tw,kw.20,549
23(trisomy adj “21”).tw,kw.5248
24(chromosome adj “21”).tw,kw.3461
25(mongol or mongols or mongoloid or mongolism).tw,kw.2560
26Cystic Fibrosis/32,659
27cystic fibrosis.tw,kw.39,524
29exp Deglutition Disorders/48,281
30“Feeding and Eating Disorders of Childhood”/480
31Food Preferences/12,780
33((swallow$ or deglut$ or oral motor or oromotor or oro motor or oropharyn$ or pharyng$) adj3 (disorder$ or dysfunction$ or function$ or disabl$ or disabilit$ or impair$ or abnormal$)).tw,kw.6330
34((feed$ or food$ or eat$ or meal$) adj3 (problem$ or inabilit$ or difficult$ or behavio$ or selectiv$ or picky or habit$ or refus$)).tw,kw.44,268
35((oropharynx$ or trachea$ or lung$ or pulmon$) adj3 aspirat$).tw,kw.3949
36nasal regurgit$.tw,kw.142
3828 or 372,874,517
39exp Child/1,770,134
41(infant$ or toddler$ or child$ or preschool$ or pre-school$ or schoolchild$ or parent or parental or parents).tw,kw.1,675,177
4338 and 42580,527
44((Speech adj1 Language adj1 Hearing) and (outcome* or NOMS)).ab,ti,id.55
45((battery or behavior or behaviour or assessment) adj3 oral motor).ti,ab,id.95
46(((Assessment or Feeding) adj3 Oral Function*) or BASOFF).ti,ab,id.14
47(Behavio?ral P?ediatric Feeding Assessment Scale or BPFAS).ti,ab,id.19
48Autism Mealtime Behavio?r Inventory.ti,ab,id.4
49Eating Behavio?r Inventory.ti,ab,id.20
50Dietary Intake for Children* Eating.ti,ab,id.1
51Dyadic Interaction Nomenclature for Eating.ti,ab,id.4
52Dysphagia Disorder* Survey.ti,ab,id.20
53Dysphagia Manage* Staging Scale.ti,ab,id.1
54Exeter Dysphagia Assessment Technique.ti,ab,id.7
55(Expanded Orofacial Myofunctional Evaluation or OMES-E).ti,ab,id.4
56(Feeding Interaction Report Scale adj2 Treatment).ti,ab,id.0
57Feeding Outcome Measure*.ti,ab,id.4
58Food choice questionnaire.ti,ab,id.40
59Food Preference Inventory.ti,ab,id.1
60Food Frequency Questionnaire.ti,ab,id.8197
61Functional Analysis Interview Form.ti,ab,id.1
62Functional Assessment Scale.ti,ab,id.92
63Functional Oral Intake Scale.ti,ab,id.95
64Gisel Video Assessment.ti,ab,id.2
65Karaduman Chewing Performance Scale.ti,ab,id.4
66Meals in Our Household.ti,ab,id.2
67Morris Pre speech Assessment Scale.ti,ab,id.0
68Motivation Assessment Scale.ti,ab,id.19
69Multidisciplinary Feeding Profile.ti,ab,id.5
70((National Institute or NIH) adj3 Toolbox).ti,ab,id.110
71(Neonatal Oral Motor Assessment Scale or Neo natal Oral Motor Assessment Scale or NOMAS).ti,ab,id.96
72Oral Assessment Function Form.ti,ab,id.0
73Oral Motor Assessment Scale.ti,ab,id.32
74Oral Motor Dysfunction Scale.ti,ab,id.0
75Oral Sensory Motor Analysis.ti,ab,id.0
76(Orofacial Myofunctional Evaluation or Oro facial Myofunctional Evaluation).ti,ab,id.24
77P?ediatric Feeding Evaluation Checklist.ti,ab,id.0
78(Parent Mealtime Action Scale or Parent Meal time Action Scale).ti,ab,id.10
79Pre Speech Assessment Scale.ti,ab,id.5
80(Schedule adj2 Oral Motor Assessment).ti,ab,id.13
81Sensory Processing Measure.ti,ab,id.25
82Vulpe Assessment Battery.ti,ab,id.4
83Day Diet Records.ti,ab,id.207
8543 and 84537
86(instrumentation or methods).sh. or Validation Studies.pt. or Comparative Study.pt. or psychometrics/ or psychometr*.ab,ti. or clinimetr*.tw. or clinometr*.tw. or “Outcome Assessment (Health Care)”/ or outcome assessment.ab,ti. or outcome measure*.tw. or observer variation/ or observer variation.ab,ti. or Health Status Indicators/ or reproducibility of results/ or reproducib*.ab,ti. or discriminant analysis/ or reliab*.ab,ti. or unreliab*.ab,ti. or valid*.ab,ti. or coefficient.ab,ti. or homogeneity.ab,ti. or homogeneous.ab,ti. or internal consistency.ab,ti.3,533,315
87((cronbach* and (alpha or alphas)) or (item and (correlation* or selection* or reduction*))).ab,ti.31,105
88(agreement or precision or imprecision or precise values or test-retest or (test and retest) or (reliab* and (test or retest)) or stability).ab,ti.734,363
89(interrater or inter-rater or intrarater or intra-rater or intertester or inter-tester or intratester or intra-tester or interobserver or inter-observer or intraobserver or intraobserver or intertechnician or inter-technician or intratechnician or intra-technician or interexaminer or inter-examiner or intraexaminer or intra-examiner).ab,ti.39,903
90(interassay or inter-assay or intraassay or intra-assay).ab,ti.8476
91(interindividual or inter-individual or intraindividual or intra-individual).ab,ti.30,511
92(interparticipant or inter-articipant or intraparticipant or intra-participant).ab,ti.75
93(kappa or kappa? or kappas or repeatab*).ab,ti.173,798
94(((replicab* or repeated) and (measure or measures or findings or result or results or test or tests)) or generaliza* or generalisa* or concordance).ab,ti.241,147
95((intraclass and correlation*) or discriminative or known group or factor analysis or factor analyses or dimension* or subscale* or (multitrait and scaling and (analysis or analyses)) or item discriminant or interscale correlation* or error or errors or individual variability or (variability and (analysis or values)) or (uncertainty and (measurement or measuring))).ab,ti.883,278
96(standard error of measurement or sensitiv* or responsive* or ((minimal or minimally or clinical or clinically) and (important or significant or detectable) and (change or difference)) or (small* and (real or detectable) and (change or difference)) or meaningful change).ab,ti.1,568,033
97(ceiling effect or floor effect or Item response model or IRT or Rasch or Differential item functioning or DIF or computer adaptive testing or item bank or cross-cultural equivalence).ab,ti.9728
9985 and 98267

Search 2

Database(s): Ovid MEDLINE In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations and Ovid MEDLINE

Date range searched: 1946 to 6 July 2018.

Same as above but to capture some extra tools.

De-duplicated this strategy against the one above in EndNote: 123 further results.

Search strategy
#Search itemsResults
1exp Brain Diseases/1,109,630
2Pseudobulbar Palsy/134
3(pseudobulbar pals$ or pseudo bulbar pals$).tw,kw.365
4Cerebral Palsy/18,798
5((cerebral or brain or central) adj2 (pals$ or paralys#s or pares#s)).tw,kw.20,347
6worster drought.tw,kw.31
7little? disease.tw,kw.89
8exp Neurodevelopmental Disorders/165,086
9(neurodisabilit$ or neuro-disabilit$ or neurodisabl$ or neuro-disabl$).tw,kw.278
10((neurodevelopment$ or development$) adj3 (disease$ or disabl$ or disabil$ or disorder$ or dysfunction$ or function$ or impair$ or abnormal$ or difficulty or difficulties)).tw,kw.136,798
11exp Nervous System Diseases/2,305,961
12((brain$ or nervous system$) adj2 (injur$ or damag$ or dysfunction$ or function$ or malform$ or disease$ or impair$ or abnormal$)).tw,kw.146,976
13((neurologic$ or neuromuscular or motor) adj3 (disease$ or disabl$ or disabil$ or disorder$ or dysfunction$ or function$ or impair$ or abnormal$ or difficulty or difficulties)).tw,kw.154,465
14((muscular or muscle$ or myopath$) adj3 (disorder$ or disease$ or dysfunction$ or function$ or dystroph$)).tw,kw.59,599
15(epilep$ or seizure$ or convuls$).tw,kw.190,563
16((communicat$ or language or linguistic or speech or learning or intellectual$ or behaviour$ or behavior$) adj3 (disabl$ or disabil$ or disorder$ or dysfunction$ or function$ or impair$ or abnormal$ or difficulty or difficulties)).tw,kw.118,242
17(autis$ or asperger$ or kanner$ or pervasive development$ disorder$).tw,kw.39,247
18((attention$ or behav$ or conduct) adj3 (defic$ or dysfunc$ or disorder$)).tw,kw.55,267
19((disrupt$ adj3 disorder$) or (disrupt$ adj3 behav$) or (defian$ adj3 disorder$) or (defian$ adj3 behav$)).tw,kw.7651
20(impulsiv$ or inattentiv$ or inattention$).tw,kw.21,145
21(ADHD or ADDH or ADHS).tw,kw.21,075
22(down$ adj (syndrome$ or disease$)).tw,kw.20,599
23(trisomy adj “21”).tw,kw.5269
24(chromosome adj “21”).tw,kw.3469
25(mongol or mongols or mongoloid or mongolism).tw,kw.2561
26Cystic Fibrosis/32,718
27cystic fibrosis.tw,kw.39,692
29exp Deglutition Disorders/48,520
30“Feeding and Eating Disorders of Childhood”/478
31Food Preferences/12,782
33((swallow$ or deglut$ or oral motor or oromotor or oro motor or oropharyn$ or pharyng$) adj3 (disorder$ or dysfunction$ or function$ or disabl$ or disabilit$ or impair$ or abnormal$)).tw,kw.6384
34((feed$ or food$ or eat$ or meal$) adj3 (problem$ or inabilit$ or difficult$ or behavio$ or selectiv$ or picky or habit$ or refus$)).tw,kw.44,522
35((oropharynx$ or trachea$ or lung$ or pulmon$) adj3 aspirat$).tw,kw.3969
36nasal regurgit$.tw,kw.141
3828 or 372,884,597
39exp Child/1,774,420
41(infant$ or toddler$ or child$ or preschool$ or pre-school$ or schoolchild$ or parent or parental or parents).tw,kw.1,682,639
4338 and 42582,488
44(instrumentation or methods).sh. or Validation Studies.pt. or Comparative Study.pt. or psychometrics/ or psychometr*.ab,ti. or clinimetr*.tw. or clinometr*.tw. or ‘Outcome Assessment (Health Care)’/ or outcome assessment.ab,ti. or outcome measure*.tw. or observer variation/ or observer variation.ab,ti. or Health Status Indicators/ or reproducibility of results/ or reproducib*.ab,ti. or discriminant analysis/ or reliab*.ab,ti. or unreliab*.ab,ti. or valid*.ab,ti. or coefficient.ab,ti. or homogeneity.ab,ti. or homogeneous.ab,ti. or internal consistency.ab,ti.3,546,312
45((cronbach* and (alpha or alphas)) or (item and (correlation* or selection* or reduction*))).ab,ti.31,421
46(agreement or precision or imprecision or precise values or test-retest or (test and retest) or (reliab* and (test or retest)) or stability).ab,ti.740,344
47(interrater or inter-rater or intrarater or intra-rater or intertester or inter-tester or intratester or intra-tester or interobserver or inter-observer or intraobserver or intraobserver or intertechnician or inter-technician or intratechnician or intra-technician or interexaminer or inter-examiner or intraexaminer or intra-examiner).ab,ti.40,223
48(interassay or inter-assay or intraassay or intra-assay).ab,ti.8496
49(interindividual or inter-individual or intraindividual or intra-individual).ab,ti.30,666
50(interparticipant or inter-articipant or intraparticipant or intra-participant).ab,ti.75
51(kappa or kappa? or kappas or repeatab*).ab,ti.175,348
52(((replicab* or repeated) and (measure or measures or findings or result or results or test or tests)) or generaliza* or generalisa* or concordance).ab,ti.242,432
53((intraclass and correlation*) or discriminative or known group or factor analysis or factor analyses or dimension* or subscale* or (multitrait and scaling and (analysis or analyses)) or item discriminant or interscale correlation* or error or errors or individual variability or (variability and (analysis or values)) or (uncertainty and (measurement or measuring))).ab,ti.889,813
54(standard error of measurement or sensitiv* or responsive* or ((minimal or minimally or clinical or clinically) and (important or significant or detectable) and (change or difference)) or (small* and (real or detectable) and (change or difference)) or meaningful change).ab,ti.1,576,641
55(ceiling effect or floor effect or Item response model or IRT or Rasch or Differential item functioning or DIF or computer adaptive testing or item bank or cross-cultural equivalence).ab,ti.9891
5743 and 56126,434
58(Feeding Strateg* Questionnaire* or FSQ).ti,ab,kw.113
59“About Your Child”s Eating”.ti,ab.3
60((Assessment adj2 Mealtime Behavio?r*) or BAMBIC).ti,ab,kw.1
61((Mastication Observation adj2 Evaluation) or MOE).ti,ab,kw.1157
62((Eating adj2 Drinking ability classification) or EDACS).ti,ab,kw.21
63(Parent Mealtime Action Scale* or PMAS or ‘PMAS–R’).ti,ab,kw.222
64(Child Feeding Assessment Questionnaire* or CFAQ).ti,ab,kw.5
65texture problem*.ti,ab,kw.9
66Feeding Interaction Report*.ti,ab,kw.0
67(Child Eating Behavio?r* Questionnaire* or CEBQ).ti,ab,kw.92
68child feeding questionnaire*.ti,ab,kw.124
69((Drooling Severity adj2 Frequency Scale*) or DSFS).ti,ab,kw.49
70(Tongue Thrust Rating Scale or TTRS).ti,ab,kw.124
71(Brief Assessment adj2 Motor Function Oral Motor Scale*).ti,ab,kw.1
72(Orofacial Motor Function Assessment Scale* or OFMFAS).ti,ab,kw.3
73(P?ediatric Eating Assessment Tool* or “PEDI-EAT”).ti,ab,kw.5
7557 and 74138
Copyright © Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2021. This work was produced by Parr et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. This issue may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in professional journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising. Applications for commercial reproduction should be addressed to: NIHR Journals Library, National Institute for Health Research, Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, Alpha House, University of Southampton Science Park, Southampton SO16 7NS, UK.
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