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Rogers CA, Pike K, Campbell H, et al.; on behalf of the CRISP investigators. Coronary artery bypass grafting in high-RISk patients randomised to off- or on-Pump surgery: a randomised controlled trial (the CRISP trial). Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2014 Jul. (Health Technology Assessment, No. 18.44.)

Cover of Coronary artery bypass grafting in high-RISk patients randomised to off- or on-Pump surgery: a randomised controlled trial (the CRISP trial)

Coronary artery bypass grafting in high-RISk patients randomised to off- or on-Pump surgery: a randomised controlled trial (the CRISP trial).

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Appendix 2Additional data tables



Details of withdrawals

AllocationTime of withdrawalTime from randomisation to withdrawal (days)Consent withdrawn byReason for withdrawalReceived surgery
ONCABGPre surgery0PatientNo reason givenNo
ONCABGPre surgery21ClinicianSurgery no longer required, patient and surgeon agreed medical treatment other than surgeryNo
ONCABGPre surgery31ClinicianNot willing for data to be usedNo
OPCABGPre surgery1ClinicianDecided to treat medicallyNo
OPCABGPre surgery2ClinicianPatient no longer being considered for surgery as not symptomaticNo
OPCABGPre surgery4PatientPatient withdrew without knowing allocation, wanted to be operated on by the surgeon met in clinicYesa
OPCABGPre surgery50ClinicianNot willing for data to be usedNo

The patient was happy for data collection and follow-up to continue; therefore, this patient remained in the analysis cohort.

The European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions responses


Preoperative EQ-5D responses by type of questionnaire

DomainLevelsThree-level EQ-5DFive-level with five descriptors EQ-5DFive-level with three descriptors EQ-5D
Randomised to OPCABG (n = 14)Randomised to ONCABG (n = 16)Randomised to OPCABG (n = 18)Randomised to ONCABG (n = 13)Randomised to OPCABG (n = 16)Randomised to ONCABG (n = 19)
MobilityNo problems walking about78103910
Slight problems walking about5101
Some problems walking about782577
A lot of problems walking about0400
Confined to bed001001
Self-careNo problems with self-care121317111516
Slight problems washing or dressing0001
Some problems washing or dressing230211
A lot of problems washing or dressing1000
Unable to wash or dress000001
Usual activitiesa No problems with usual activities5710687
Slight problems with usual activities4211
Some problems with usual activities873558
A lot of problems with usual activities0000
Unable to perform usual activities021023
Pain/discomfortb No pain or discomfort57541010
Slight pain or discomfort9411
Moderate pain or discomfort874437
A lot of pain or discomfort0010
Extreme pain or discomfort120101
Anxiety/depressionc Not anxious or depressed9101151113
Slightly anxious or depressed6610
Moderately anxious or depressed361132
Very anxious or depressed0000
Extremely anxious or depressed200113

One patient with missing data (three-level: in the OPCABG group).


One patient with missing data (five-level with three descriptors: in the OPCABG group).


One patient with missing data (five-level with three descriptors: in the ONCABG group).

Missing data: two patients did not attempt to complete the EQ-5D (three-level: one in the OPCABG group; five-level with five descriptors: one in the ONCABG group).


Four- to 8-week postoperative EQ-5D responses by type of questionnaire

DomainLevelsThree-level EQ-5DFive-level (5 descriptors) EQ-5DFive-level (3 descriptors) EQ-5D
Randomised to OPCABG (n = 14)Randomised to ONCABG (n = 15)Randomised to OPCABG (n = 17)Randomised to ONCABG (n = 12)Randomised to OPCABG (n = 15)Randomised to ONCABG (n = 18)
MobilityNo problems walking about861271113
Slight problems walking about3201
Some problems walking about692144
A lot of problems walking about0100
Confined to bed000100
Self-careNo problems with self-care141315111417
Slight problems washing or dressing2001
Some problems washing or dressing020110
A lot of problems washing or dressing0000
Unable to wash or dress000000
Usual activitiesNo problems with usual activities9613447
Slight problems with usual activities2533
Some problems with usual activities581388
A lot of problems with usual activities1000
Unable to perform usual activities010000
Pain/discomfortNo pain or discomfort79124710
Slight pain or discomfort4832
Moderate pain or discomfort751056
A lot of pain or discomfort0000
Extreme pain or discomfort010000
Anxiety/depressiona Not anxious or depressed12121391312
Slightly anxious or depressed3101
Moderately anxious or depressed231122
Very anxious or depressed0001
Extremely anxious or depressed000100

Two patients with missing data (five-level with three descriptors: in the ONCABG group).

Missing data: seven patients did not attempt to complete the EQ-5D (three-level: one in the OPCABG group and one in the ONCABG group; five-level with five descriptors: one in the OPCABG group and two in the ONCABG group; five-level with three descriptors: one in the OPCABG group and one in the ONCABG group).


EQ-5D visual analogue scale responses by type of questionnaire

QuestionnairePreoperative4–8 weeks postoperativeMD (95% CI)
Randomised to OPCABGRandomised to ONCABGRandomised to OPCABGRandomised to ONCABG
Three-level EQ-5D
n 13161415
 Mean (SD)68 (15)62 (17)76 (16)66 (16)10 (–2 to 22)
Five-level (five descriptor) EQ-5D
n 18131712
 Mean (SD)69 (17)71 (15)77 (16)74 (12)3 (–7 to 14)
Five-level (three descriptor) EQ-5D
n 16191518
 Mean (SD)69 (16)66 (18)76 (10)73 (16)3 (–6 to 13)


Quality-of-life responses at 1-year follow-up

Quality-of-life measureRandomised to OPCABG (n = 5)Randomised to ONCABG (n = 2)
Rose and CCS angina class
Rose angina
 No angina40
 Grade I11
 Grade II01
CCS class
 Grade I00
 Grade II01
 Grade III00
 Grade IV00
EQ-5D categorical responses
 No problems walking about31
 Slight problems walking about00
 Some problems walking about11
 A lot of problems walking about10
 Confined to bed00
 No problems with self-care42
 Slight problems washing or dressing00
 Some problems washing or dressing10
 A lot of problems washing or dressing00
 Unable to wash or dress00
Usual activities
 No problems with usual activities31
 Slight problems with usual activities00
 Some problems with usual activities21
 A lot of problems with usual activities00
 Unable to perform usual activities00
 No pain or discomfort21
 Slight pain or discomfort00
 Moderate pain or discomfort21
 A lot of pain or discomfort00
 Extreme pain or discomfort10
 Not anxious or depressed42
 Slightly anxious or depressed00
 Moderately anxious or depressed10
 Very anxious or depressed00
 Extremely anxious or depressed00

Continuous data:

EQ-5D single summary index data were collected for five patients, responses were: OPCABG group –0.02, 0.8, 1 and 1; ONCABG group 0.69.

EQ-5D visual analogue scale data were collected for six patients, responses were: OPCABG group 35, 74, 75 and 75; ONCABG group 70 and 70.

CROQ core total scores were calculated for seven patients, responses were: OPCABG group 42.4, 52.6, 54.7, 55.2 and 55.9; ONCABG group: 34.5 and 54.1.

Copyright © Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2014. This work was produced by Rogers et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health. This issue may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in professional journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising. Applications for commercial reproduction should be addressed to: NIHR Journals Library, National Institute for Health Research, Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, Alpha House, University of Southampton Science Park, Southampton SO16 7NS, UK.

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Bookshelf ID: NBK262160


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