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Edge D, Degnan A, Cotterill S, et al. Culturally adapted Family Intervention (CaFI) for African-Caribbean people diagnosed with schizophrenia and their families: a mixed-methods feasibility study of development, implementation and acceptability. Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2018 Sep. (Health Services and Delivery Research, No. 6.32.)

Cover of Culturally adapted Family Intervention (CaFI) for African-Caribbean people diagnosed with schizophrenia and their families: a mixed-methods feasibility study of development, implementation and acceptability

Culturally adapted Family Intervention (CaFI) for African-Caribbean people diagnosed with schizophrenia and their families: a mixed-methods feasibility study of development, implementation and acceptability.

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Appendix 1Search strategy for the systematic review of culturally adapted psychosocial interventions for schizophrenia

Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, PsycINFO, MEDLINE and EMBASE: total records, n = 4695.

Date searched: 9 March 2016.

PsycINFO (via OvidSP)

Date range searched: 1806 to March week 1 2016.

Records: n = 846.

Search strategy

  1. exp schizophrenia/ or exp psychosis/
  2. (psychotic or schizo* or psychosis or psychoses).sh.ti.ab.hw.id [subject heading, title, abstract, heading word, key concepts]
  3. ((chronic* or sever*) adj5 mental* adj5 (ill* or disorder*)). sh.ti.ab.hw.id.
  4. or/1-3
  5. exp ethnology/ or exp culture (Anthropological) / or exp racial and ethnic groups/ or exp racial and ethnic differences/ or exp cross-cultural differences/ exp sociocultural factors/ or exp cultural sensitivity/ or exp acculturation/ or exp minority groups
  6. (ethnic* or ethnolog* or cultur* or acculturation or rac* or minorit* or transcultur* or sociocultur*).sh.ti.ab.hw.id.
  7. ((cultur* adj3 (identity or cross or specific or sensiti* or relevant or adapt* or competen* or divers*)).sh.ti.ab.hw.id.
  8. ((ethnic or racial) adj3 (identity or group or minorit* or difference or variation or divers*)). sh.ti.ab.hw.id.
  9. or/5-8
  10. exp cross-cultural treatment/ or exp psychosocial rehabilitation/ or exp mental health services/ or exp psychotherapy/ or exp behaviour therapy/ or exp sociotherapy
  11. ((psychological or psychosocial or psychiat* or clinical) adj5 (intervention or therap* or rehabilitation or treatment or care)).sh.ti.ab.hw.id.
  12. ((cognitive or behav* or famil* or systemic or social* or education*) adj5 (intervention or therap* or rehabilitation or treatment or training or skill*)).sh.ti.ab.hw.id.
  13. ((cognitive or behav*) adj5 (remediat*).sh.ti.ab.hw.id.
  14. ((evidence based or empirically supported) adj5 (intervention or therap* or treatment)). sh.ti.ab.hw.id.
  15. or/10-14
  16. exp clinical trials/ or exp treatment effectiveness evaluation/
  17. exp experimental controls
  18. (controlled or clinical) adj3 (trial). sh.ti.ab.hw.id.
  19. (random* or control* or trial or condition or assigned or group). sh.ti.ab.hw.id.
  20. or/ 16-19
  21. 4 and 9 and 15 and 20

MEDLINE (via OvidSP)

Date range searched: 1946 to February week 4 2016.

Records: n = 763.

Search strategy

  1. exp schizophrenia/ or exp psychotic disorders/
  2. (psychotic or schizo* or psychosis or psychoses).ab.hw.kf.ti.kw [abstract, subject heading word, keyword heading word, title, keyword heading]
  3. ((chronic* or sever*) adj5 mental* adj5 (ill* or disorder*)).ab.hw.kf.ti.kw
  4. or/1-3
  5. exp culture/ or exp ethnology/ or exp acculturation/ or exp cross-cultural comparison/ or exp cultural characteristics/ or exp cultural diversity/ or exp ethnic groups/ or minority groups
  6. (ethnic* or ethnolog* or cultur* or accultur* or rac* or minorit* or transcultur* or sociocultur*).ab.hw.kf.ti.kw
  7. (cultur* adj3 (identity or cross or specific or sensiti* or relevant or adapt* or competen* or divers*)). ab.hw.kf.ti.kw
  8. ((ethnic or racial) adj3 (identity or group* or minorit* or difference or variation or divers*)). ab.hw.kf.ti.kw
  9. or/5-8
  10. exp rehabilitation/ or exp mental health services/ or exp psychotherapy/ or exp behaviour therapy
  11. ((psychological or psychosocial or psychiat* or clinical) adj5 (intervention or therap* or rehabilitation or treatment or care)). ab.hw.kf.ti.kw
  12. ((cognitive or behav* or famil* or systemic or social* or education*) adj5 (intervention or therap* or rehabilitation or treatment or training or skill*)). ab.hw.kf.ti.kw
  13. ((cognitive or behav*) adj5 (remediat*). ab.hw.kf.ti.kw
  14. ((evidence based or empirically supported) adj5 (intervention or therap* or treatment)). ab.hw.kf.ti.kw
  15. or/10-14
  16. exp clinical trial/ or exp controlled clinical trial/ or exp randomized controlled trial
  17. exp random allocation/ or exp double-blind method/ or exp single blind method/ or exp control groups
  18. (controlled or clinical) adj3 (trial). ab.hw.kf.ti.kw
  19. (random* or control* or trial or condition or assigned or group). ab.hw.kf.ti.kw
  20. exp feasibility studies/ exp pilot projects/ exp intervention studies
  21. or/16-20
  22. 4 and 9 and 15 and 21

EMBASE (via OvidSP)

Date range searched: 1980 to week 10 2016.

Records: n = 1737.

Search strategy

  1. exp schizophrenia/ or exp psychosis/
  2. (psychotic or schizo$ or psychoses or psychosis).ti.hw.ab.kw.sh [title, heading words, abstract, key word, subject headings]
  3. ((chronic$ or sever$) adj5 mental$ adj5 (ill$ or disorder$)).ti.hw.ab.kw.sh [title, heading words, abstract, key word, subject headings]
  4. or/1-3
  5. exp ethnology/ or exp ethnic group/ or exp cultural factor/ or exp minority group/ or exp cultural anthropology/ exp ethnic and racial groups/ exp cultural competence
  6. (ethnic$ or ethnolog$ or cultur$ or accultur$ or rac$ or minorit$ or transcultur$ or sociocultur$).ti.hw.ab.kw.sh
  7. (cultur$ adj3 (identity or cross or specific or sensiti$ or relevant or adapt$ or competen$ or divers$)).ti.hw.ab.kw.sh
  8. ((ethnic or racial) adj3 (identity or group$ or minorit$ or difference or variation or divers$)).ti.hw.ab.kw.sh
  9. or/5-9
  10. exp psychiatric treatment/ or exp psychotherapy/ or exp sociotherapy/ or exp mental health services/ or exp psychosocial rehabilitation/ or exp behaviour therapy
  11. ((psychological or psychosocial or psychiat$ or clinical) adj5 (intervention or therap$ or rehabilitation or treatment or care)). ti.hw.ab.kw.sh
  12. ((cognitive or behav$ or famil$ or systemic or social$ or education$) adj5 (intervention or therap$ or rehabilitation or treatment or training or skill$)). ti.hw.ab.kw.sh
  13. ((cognitive or behav$) adj5 (remediat$). ti.hw.ab.kw.sh
  14. (evidence based or empirically supported) adj5 (intervention or therap$ or treatment). ti.hw.ab.kw.sh
  15. or/10-14
  16. exp clinical trials (topic)/ or exp controlled clinical trial/ or exp randomized controlled trial
  17. exp randomisation/ or exp control group
  18. (controlled or clinical) adj3 (trial). ti.hw.ab.kw.sh
  19. (random$ or control$ or trial or condition or assigned or group).ti.ab
  20. exp intervention study/ exp pilot study/ exp feasibility study
  21. or/ 16-20
  22. 4 and 9 and 15 and 21

Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (via EBSCOhost)

Records: n = 1349.

MH = exact subject heading; MM = exact major subject heading; TX = keyword.

Search strategy

  1. (MH “Schizophrenia+”) OR (MH “Psychotic Disorders+”)
  2. TX=(psychotic OR schizo* OR psychosis OR psychoses)
  3. TX=((chronic* OR sever*) N5 mental* N5 (ill* OR disorder*))
  4. OR/1-3
  5. (MH “Culture+”) OR (MM “Acculturation”) OR (MM “Cultural Diversity”) OR (MM “Ethnic Groups”) OR (MM “Ethnology”) OR (MM “Minority Groups”) OR (MM “Cultural Competence”)
  6. TX=(ethnic* OR ethnolog* OR cultur* OR accultur* OR rac* OR minorit* OR transcultur* ORsociocultur*)
  7. TX=(cultur* N3 (identity OR cross OR specific OR sensiti* OR relevant OR adapt* OR competen* OR divers*))
  8. TX=((ethnic OR racial) N3 (identity OR group* OR minorit* OR difference OR variation OR divers*))
  9. OR/5-8
  10. (MH “Rehabilitation, Psychosocial+”) OR (MH “Mental Health Services+”) OR (MH “Psychotherapy+”) OR (MH “Behavior Therapy+”)
  11. TX= ((psychological OR psychosocial OR psychiat* OR clinical) N5 (intervention OR therap* OR rehabilitation OR treatment OR care))
  12. TX=((cognitive OR behav* OR famil* OR systemic OR social* OR education*)N5 (intervention OR therap* OR rehabilitation OR treatment OR training OR skill*))
  13. TX=((cognitive OR behav*) N5 (remediat*))
  14. TX=((“evidence based” OR “empirically supported”) N5 (intervention OR therap* OR treatment))
  15. OR/10-14
  16. (MH “Clinical Trials+”) OR (MM “Double-Blind Studies”) OR (MM “Intervention Trials”) OR (MM “Triple-Blind Studies”) OR (MM “Therapeutic Trials”) OR (MM “Single-Blind Studies”) OR (MM “Randomized Controlled Trials”)
  17. (MM “Random Assignment”) OR (MM “Control Group”)
  18. TX=((controlled OR clinical) N3 (trial))
  19. TX=(random* OR control* OR trial OR condition OR assigned OR group)
  20. TX= (“intervention study” OR “pilot study” OR “feasibility study”) OR MH “Feasibility Study”
  21. OR/16-20
  22. 4 and 9 and 15 and 21
Copyright © Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2018. This work was produced by Edge et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. This issue may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in professional journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising. Applications for commercial reproduction should be addressed to: NIHR Journals Library, National Institute for Health Research, Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, Alpha House, University of Southampton Science Park, Southampton SO16 7NS, UK.
Bookshelf ID: NBK525357


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