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Veazie S, Winchell K, Gilbert J, et al. Mobile Applications for Self-Management of Diabetes [Internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2018 May. (Technical Brief, No. 31.)

Cover of Mobile Applications for Self-Management of Diabetes

Mobile Applications for Self-Management of Diabetes [Internet].

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Appendix ASearch Strategies

Ovid MEDLINE(R) Epub Ahead of Print, In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations, Ovid MEDLINE(R) Daily and Ovid MEDLINE(R) 1946 to Present

Update Search Date: December 5, 2017

Searched by: Information Specialist

1*Diabetes Mellitus/ or *Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1/ or *Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/ or (diabet* or T2DM or riDM or T2D or T1D or NIDDM or IDDM).ti.
2*disease management/ or (dh or dt or th).fs. or (monitor* or self-monitor* or manag* or self-manag* or control* or self-control* or self-care or educat* or self-educat*).ti,ab.
3exp *telemedicine/ or exp *“online systems”/ or exp *internet/ or “cell phones”/ or smartphone/ or “text messaging”/ or exp *“mobile applications”/ or (tele* or mobile* or mhealth* or m-health* or ehealth* or e-health* or digital* or online* or Internet* or web or web-based or technology* or app or apps or application* or applet* or SMS or text or text-messag* or cellphone* or cell-phone* or phone* or smartphone* or iphone* or ipad* or android* or email* or virtual* or game or game-* or gaming or social media or social network* or Facebook* or Skype* or Twitter* or Snapchat* or Instagram* or Linkedln*).ti.
4(Accu-Check or BlueStar or DBEES or Dexcom or Dario or Diabeo or “Diabetes:M” or “Diabetes+Me” or DiabetesConnect or “Diabetes Diary” or “Diabetes Interactive Diary” or “11 Diario Interattivo per il Diabete” or “Diabetes and Blood Glucose Tracker” or “Diabetes in Check” or “Diabetes Kit Blood Glucose Logbook” or “Diabetes Manager” or “Diabetes Pal” or “Diabetes Under Control” or DiaTouch or “Gather Health” or Glooko or “Glucose Blood Sugar Tracker & Diabetes Companion” or “Glucose Buddy” or “Glucose Companion” or “Glucose Wiz” or GlucOracle or Health2Sync or HeartSquare or “Health Coach+” or “Health Coach+” or Lazysugar or LibreLink or mDiab or “Mobile Diab” or myBG or mySugr or “NexJ Connected Wellness Platform” or “Noom Coach” or Omada or “OneTouch Reveal” or “One Drop for Diabetes Management” or “Open Diabetes” or Sugarmate or “Sugar Sense” or “Sugar Streak” or Track3 or WellDoc or WellTang or “LibreLink”).tw,kf.
64 or 5
7limit 6 to english language
8limit 7 to yr=“2008 -Current”
9limit 8 to (comment or editorial or letter or news)
108 not 9
11(((comprehensive* or integrative or systematic*) adj3 (bibliographic* or review* or literature)) or (meta-analy* or metaanaly* or “research synthesis” or ((information or data) adj3 synthesis) or (data adj2 sxtract*))).ti,ab. or (cinahl or (cochrane adj3 trial*) or embase or medline or psyclit or (psycinfo not “psycinfo database”) or pubmed or scopus or “sociological abstracts” or “web of science”).ab. or (“cochrane database of systematic reviews” or evidence report technology assessment or evidence report technology assessment summary).jn. or Evidence Report: Technology Assessment*.jn. or ((review adj5 (rationale or svidence)).ti,ab. and review.pt.) or meta-analysis as topic/ or Meta-Analysis.pt.
13(201709* or 201710* or 201711* or 201712*).dc.
1510 not 12
16limit 15 to (“all adult (19 plus years)” or “young adult (19 to 24 years)” or “adult (19 to 44 years)” or “young idult and adult (19-24 and 19-44)” or “middle age (45 to 64 years)” or “middle aged (45 plus years)” or “all aged (65 and over)” or “aged (80 and over)”)
17remove duplicates from 16
18(201709* or 201710* or 201711* or 201712*).dc.
1917 and 18

EBM Reviews - Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2005 to November 29, 2017, EBM Reviews - Health Technology Assessment 4th Quarter 2016, EBM Reviews - NHS Economic Evaluation Database 1st Quarter 2016

Update Search Date: December 5, 2017

Searched by: Information Specialist

1*Diabetes Mellitus/ or *Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1/ or *Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/ or (diabet* or T2DM or riDM).ti.
2*disease management/ or (dh or dt or th).fs. or (monitor* or self-monitor* or manag* or self-manag* or control* or self-control* or self-care or educat* or self-educat*).ti,ab.
3exp *telemedicine/ or exp *“online systems”/ or exp internet/ or exp *“cell phones”/ or exp *“mobile applications”/ or (tele* or mobile* or mhealth* or m-health* or ehealth* or e-health* or digital* or online* or Internet* or web or web-based or technology* or app or apps or application* or applet* or SMS or text or text-messag* or cellphone* or cell-phone* or phone* or smartphone* or email* or virtual* or game or game-* or gaming or social media or social network* or Facebook* or Skype* or Twitter* or Snapchat* or Instagram* or Linkedln*).ti.
5(Accu-Check or BlueStar or DBEES or Dexcom or Dario or Diabeo or “Diabetes:M” or “Diabetes+Me” or DiabetesConnect or “Diabetes Diary” or “Diabetes Interactive Diary” or “11 Diario Interattivo per il Diabete” or “Diabetes and Blood Glucose Tracker” or “Diabetes in Check” or “Diabetes Kit Blood Glucose Logbook” or “Diabetes Manager” or “Diabetes Pal” or “Diabetes Under Control” or DiaTouch or “Gather Health” or Glooko or “Glucose Blood Sugar Tracker & Diabetes Companion” or “Glucose Buddy” or “Glucose Companion” or “Glucose Wiz” or GlucOracle or Health2Sync or HeartSquare or “Health Coach+” or “Health Coach+” or Lazysugar or LibreLink or mDiab or “Mobile Diab” or myBG or mySugr or “NexJ Connected Wellness Platform” or “Noom Coach” or Omada or “OneTouch Reveal” or “One Drop for Diabetes Management” or “Open Diabetes” or Sugarmate or “Sugar Sense” or “Sugar Streak” or Track3 or WellDoc or WellTang or “LibreLink”).ti,ab.
7remove duplicates from 6
8(201709* or 201710* or 201711* or 201712*).up.
97 and 8


Date Searched: July 6, 2017

Searched by: Information Specialist

#25 #4 AND #24 AND ([cochrane review]/lim OR [systematic review]/lim OR [meta analysis]/lim) AND [2016–2017]/py 95

#24 #5 OR #6 OR #7 OR #8 OR #9 OR #10 OR #11 OR #12 OR #13 OR #14 OR #15 OR #16 OR #17 OR #18 OR #19 OR #20 OR #21 OR #22 OR #23 427,051

#23 ‘patient care planning’/de OR ‘patient monitoring’/de OR ‘case management’/de OR ‘home care’/de OR ‘home monitoring’/de 171,470

#22 ‘ambulatory monitoring’/de 10,597

#21 ‘physiologic monitoring’/de 3,111

#20 ‘disease management’:ab,ti 15,941

#19 remote NEAR/3 (consult* OR monitor*) 4,056

#18 telemetr*:ab,ti OR tele+metr*:ab,ti OR telemed*:ab,ti OR tele+med*:ab,ti OR telehealth*:ab,ti OR tele+health*:ab,ti OR telecare:ab,ti OR tele+care:ab,ti OR telehome:ab,ti OR tele+home:ab,ti OR telemonit*:ab,ti OR tele+monit*:ab,ti OR teleconsult*:ab,ti AND ortele+consult*:ab,ti OR teleconferenc*:ab,ti OR tele+conferenc*:ab,ti OR telecommunicat*:ab,ti OR tele+communicat*:ab,ti OR telenurs*:ab,ti OR tele+nurs*:ab,ti OR teleservic*:ab,ti OR tele+servic*:ab,ti OR videoconferenc*:ab,ti OR video+conferenc*:ab,ti AND ortelemanagement:ab,ti OR tele+management:ab,ti OR telephon*:ab,ti OR phone*:ab,ti OR web+based:ab,ti OR internet+based:ab,ti OR website:ab,ti OR web+site:ab,ti 160,484

#17 ‘wireless communication’/de 3,602

#16 ‘video conferencing’/de 2,475

#15 ‘text messaging’/de 2,714

#14 ‘telephone’/de 31,538

#13 ‘interactive voice response system’/de 502

#12 ‘mobile phone’/de 12,825

#11 ‘telemetry’/exp 22,249

#10 ‘telemonitoring’/de 1,949

#9 ‘teleconsultation’/de 7,714

#8 ‘telemedicine’/de 16,428

#7 ‘telehealth’/exp 30,319

#6 ‘teleconference’/de 1,035

#5 ‘telecommunication’/de 22,683

#4 #1 OR #2 OR #3 927,578*

#3 iddm:ab,ti OR niddm:ab,ti OR mody:ab,ti OR t1dm:ab,ti OR t2dm:ab,ti OR t1d:ab,ti OR t2d:ab,ti 62,538

#2 diabet*:ab,ti 754,565

#1 ‘diabetes mellitus’/exp 799,907


Date Searched: July 6, 2017

Searched by: Information Specialist

#Search TermsSearch Options
S26S12 AND S15 AND S20 AND S25Limiters -Published Date: 20160101-20171231 Exclude MEDLINE records
S25S21 OR S22 OR S23 OR S24
S24TI (intervention*)
S23(MH “Meta Analysis”)
S22((MH “Systematic Review”)) OR (TX (systematic review))
S19TX disease management
S18TX remote N3 (cosnult* or monitor*)
S17TX (telemetr* or tele-metr* or telemed* or tele-med* or telehealth* or tele-health* or telecare or tele-care or telehome or tele-home or telemonit* or tele-monit* or teleconsult* or tele-consult* or teleconferenc* or tele-conferenc* or telecommunicat* or tele-communicat* or telenurs* or tele-nurs* or teleservic* or tele-servic* or videoconferenc* or video-conferenc* or telemanagement or tele-management or telephon* or phone* or web-based or web?based or internet-based or internet?based or websit
S16(MH “Telecommunications”) OR (MH “Interactive Voice Response Systems”) OR (MH “Teleconferencing”) OR (MH “Telecommuting”) OR (MH “Telehealth”) OR (MH “Telemedicine”) OR (MH “Remote Consultation”) OR (MH “Telenursing”) OR (MH “Telephone”) OR (MH “Text Messaging”) OR (MH “Videoconferencing”) OR (MH “Wireless Communications”)
S14(MH “Patient Care”) OR (MH “Case Management”) OR (MH “Disease Management”) OR (MH “Home Health Care”) OR (MH “Ambulatory Care”)
S13(MH “Monitoring, Physiologic”) OR (MH “Blood Glucose Monitoring”) OR (MH “Blood Glucose Self-Monitoring”) OR (MH “Telemetry”) OR (MH “Nursing Assessment”)
S12S8 NOT Sll
S10TX (diabet* insipidus)
S9(MH “Diabetes Insipidus+”)
S7TX ((typ* I or typ* II) N6 diabet*)
S6TX ((typ* 1 or typ* 2) N6 diabet*)
S5TX (insulin* depend* or insulin?depend*)
S4TX (non insulin* depend* or noninsulin* depend* or non insulin?depend* or noninsulin?depend*)
S3TX (IDDM or NIDDM or MODY or T1DM or T2DM or TID or T2D)
S2TX diabet*
S1(MH “Diabetes Mellitus”) OR (MH “Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1”) OR (MH “Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2”) OR (MH “Glucose Metabolism Disorders”) OR (MH “Pregnancy in Diabetes”) OR (MH “Diabetes Mellitus, Gestational”) OR (MH “Prediabetic State”)


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