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Dufendach KR, Eichenberger JA, McPheeters ML, et al. Core Functionality in Pediatric Electronic Health Records [Internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2015 Apr. (Technical Briefs, No. 20.)

Cover of Core Functionality in Pediatric Electronic Health Records

Core Functionality in Pediatric Electronic Health Records [Internet].

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Appendix DScreening Forms

Abstract Screening Form

Abstract Screening Form
  • If you answer “No” to one or more questions (with the exception of #4) the record is excluded.
  • If you answer “Yes” or “Cannot Determine” to all questions, the record is promoted for full text screening.
  • To flag a reference for team review, background, or review of references, check one or more reasons listed at the end of the form.
  • Use the comments field as needed to enter reference specific notes or questions.
  • Submit the form to move to the next reference.
  1. Population is children, aged 21 years or younger
YesNoCannot DetermineX-1

Addresses pediatric-specific functionality or feature for an EHR

YesNoCannot DetermineX-2

Health care setting (i.e., exclude camp, school, public health, kindergarten settings, etc.)

YesNoCannot DetermineX-3

Reports original research

YesNoCannot DetermineNeutral

[If #4 is “Yes”]: Addresses Guiding Question(s) 1, 2, 3 and/or 4


[If #4 is “No”]: Addresses Guiding Question(s) 1, 2, and/or 4

YesNoCannot DetermineX-4
GQ 1A. Are there functionalities that have been identified in the literature and feature more prominently than others as potentially important to achieve for improving children's health?GQ1A
GQ 2A. What is the potential value of pediatric-specific functionalities in the context of care transition, specifically from newborn care to pediatric primary care, from pediatric primary care to pediatric specialist care, and from pediatric primary care to adolescent care?GQ2A
GQ 2B. Are certain pediatric-specific functionalities beneficial for a pediatrician to conduct her work including sick and well-child visits? If so, does this vary by health care setting (e.g. primary care office, specialty care office, school health, and alternative care settings) or by type of visit (e.g., preventive vs. acute care)?GQ2B
GQ 2C. What are the challenges to implementing specific functionalities? Are these harder than others to implement by a) vendors; or b) pediatric providers?GQ2C
GQ 3A. Is there any evidence that using an EHR adapted for the specific needs of pediatric providers compared with using a “regular” EHR or not using an EHR at all produces: a) better quality, including safety and cost outcomes for patients; or b) improved workflow or job satisfaction for providers?GQ3A
GQ 3B. Which pediatric-specific functionalities influence: a) patient outcomes (including safety; quality; cost; equity; standardization of care; and efficiency); b)the ability of a pediatric provider to conduct work within the EHR; c) improvement of workflow and provider satisfaction; or d) involvement of patients and families (including their education and shared decision making)?GQ3B
GQ 4A. How does testability and usability of core functionalities promote or impede dissemination and future development of pediatric EHRs?GQ4A
Does not address a guiding questionX-4
Retain for: ___ Team Review ___ Background/Discussion ___ Review of References ___ Other

Note: In Distiller, question #4 uses branching logic to ensure that Guiding Question 3 is addressed by original research. If the answer to #4 is “No” the option for Guiding Question 3 will be hidden.

Full Text Screening Form

Full Text Screening Form
Senior reviewer decision for study status:IncludeExclude
If excluded, mark reason(s)
Not children (i.e. older than 21 years of age)X-1
Does not address pediatric-specific functionality or feature of an EHRX-2
Not a healthcare setting of interestX-3
Not relevant to outpatient settingX-4
Does not address a Guiding QuestionX-5
If included, mark Guiding Question(s)
GQ 1A. Are there functionalities that have been identified in the literature and feature more prominently than others as potentially important to achieve for improving children's health?GQ1A
GQ 2A. What is the potential value of pediatric-specific functionalities in the context of care transition, specifically from newborn care to pediatric primary care, from pediatric primary care to pediatric specialist care, and from pediatric primary care to adolescent care?GQ2A
GQ 2B. Are certain pediatric-specific functionalities beneficial for a pediatrician to conduct her work including sick and well-child visits? If so, does this vary by health care setting (e.g. primary care office, specialty care office, school health, and alternative care settings) or by type of visit (e.g., preventive vs. acute care)?GQ2B
GQ 2C. What are the challenges to implementing specific functionalities? Are these harder than others to implement by a) vendors; or b) pediatric providers?GQ2C
GQ 3A. Is there any evidence that using an EHR adapted for the specific needs of pediatric providers compared with using a “regular” EHR or not using an EHR at all produces: a) better quality, including safety and cost outcomes for patients; or b) improved workflow or job satisfaction for providers?GQ3A
GQ 3B. Which pediatric-specific functionalities influence: a) patient outcomes (including safety; quality; cost; equity; standardization of care; and efficiency); b)the ability of a pediatric provider to conduct work within the EHR; c) improvement of workflow and provider satisfaction; or d) involvement of patients and families (including their education and shared decision making)?GQ3B
GQ 4A. How does testability and usability of core functionalities promote or impede dissemination and future development of pediatric EHRs?GQ4A
Does not address a guiding questionX-4
Retain for: ___ Team Review ___ Background/Discussion ___ Review of References ___ Other


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