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Gaynes BN, Asher G, Gartlehner G, et al. Definition of Treatment-Resistant Depression in the Medicare Population [Internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2018 Feb 9.

Cover of Definition of Treatment-Resistant Depression in the Medicare Population

Definition of Treatment-Resistant Depression in the Medicare Population [Internet].

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Peer Reviewers

Prior to publication of the final evidence report, EPCs sought input from independent Peer Reviewers without financial conflicts of interest. However, the conclusions and synthesis of the scientific literature presented in this report does not necessarily represent the views of individual reviewers.

Peer Reviewers must disclose any financial conflicts of interest greater than $10,000 and any other relevant business or professional conflicts of interest. Because of their unique clinical or content expertise, individuals with potential non-financial conflicts may be retained. The Task Order Officer and the EPC work to balance, manage, or mitigate any potential non-financial conflicts of interest identified.

The list of Peer Reviewers follows:

Allen Doederlein

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance

Chicago, IL

Matthew V. Rudorfer, M.D.

National Institute of Mental Health

Division of Services and Intervention Research

Bethesda, MD

Pasqualina Santaguida, M.D., Ph.D.

McMaster University

Hamilton, Ontario


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