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  • This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.

This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.

Cover of Drug Class Review: Skeletal Muscle Relaxants

Drug Class Review: Skeletal Muscle Relaxants

Final Report

Drug Class Reviews

, MD and , MS.

Author Information and Affiliations
Portland (OR): Oregon Health & Science University; .

Skeletal muscle relaxants are a heterogeneous group of medications commonly used to treat two different types of underlying conditions: spasticity from upper motor neuron syndromes and muscular pain or spasms from peripheral musculoskeletal conditions. The purpose of this report is to determine whether there is evidence that one or more skeletal muscle relaxant is superior to others in terms of efficacy or safety.


The purpose of this report is to make available information regarding the comparative effectiveness and safety profiles of different drugs within pharmaceutical classes. Reports are not usage guidelines, nor should they be read as an endorsement of, or recommendation for, any particular drug, use or approach. Oregon Health & Science University does not recommend or endorse any guideline or recommendation developed by users of these reports.

Copyright © 2005, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon.
Bookshelf ID: NBK10690PMID: 20496453


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