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National Toxicology Program. Report on Carcinogens Monograph on Merkel Cell Polyomavirus: RoC Monograph 11 [Internet]. Research Triangle Park (NC): National Toxicology Program; 2016 Aug.

Cover of Report on Carcinogens Monograph on Merkel Cell Polyomavirus

Report on Carcinogens Monograph on Merkel Cell Polyomavirus: RoC Monograph 11 [Internet].

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Introduction and Methods

This is one of a collection of five monographs that provide cancer hazard evaluations for the following human viruses for potential listing in the Report on Carcinogens (RoC): Epstein-Barr virus, Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus, human immunodeficiency virus type 1, human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1, and Merkel cell polyomavirus. Viruses currently listed in the RoC include human papillomaviruses: some genital-mucosal types (HPV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), and hepatitis C virus (HCV). Each virus was selected for review for the RoC based on a large database of scientific information (including authoritative reviews), public health concerns for adverse health outcomes, and evidence that a significant number of people are infected with each virus both in the United States and worldwide.

This section provides background information on the preparation of the monographs as well as a discussion of overarching issues related to evaluating the evidence for cancer from human epidemiological studies and evaluating the causation by viruses.

Monograph Contents

The RoC monograph for each virus reviews the relevant scientific information and assesses its quality, applies the RoC listing criteria to the scientific information, and recommends an RoC listing status. Information reviewed in the monographs, with the exception of information on properties and exposure, comes from publicly available and peer-reviewed sources. All sections of the monographs underwent scientific and quality assurance review by independent reviewers.

The monograph provides the following information relevant to a RoC listing recommendation: Properties and Detection (Section 1), Human Exposure (Section 2), Human Cancer Studies (Section 3), Mechanisms and Other Relevant Data(Section 4), and Overall Cancer Hazard Evaluation and Listing Recommendation (Section 5). Because these viruses are primarily species-specific for humans, we are not conducting an evaluation of the level of evidence for carcinogenicity from studies in experimental animals and are including studies in animals that inform the mechanisms of carcinogenicity in the Mechanistic and Other Relevant Data section of the monographs, which is similar to the approach used by IARC. Also, specific details about the strains of the viruses are given only if needed to provide context, such as in the viral Properties and Detection section. The monographs relied on the information and data provided in previous IARC monographs on these five viruses in addition to newer key studies or reviews published since the IARC monographs; it is a peer-review assessment of available data through August 17, 2015. Additional publications published after that date were added to the monograph based on recommendations from the peer-review panel that reviewed this document on December 17, 2015. Literature search strategies to obtain information relevant to the cancer evaluation are in Appendix A of each virus monograph; search terms were developed in collaboration with a reference librarian.

Evaluating the Evidence from Human Epidemiological Studies

The available studies of specific types of cancer for these human viruses present several challenges with respect to the evaluation of methodological strengths and limitations of the body of evidence. Large prospective cohort studies, particularly those that follow individuals for whom infection status is documented prior to follow-up or cancer diagnosis, have several potential methodological strengths, including evidence that infection precedes cancer diagnosis, adequate statistical power, and, in some studies, have the ability to analyze dose-response relationships. However, there is the potential for misclassification of exposure in studies with a long follow-up period that measure the virus once and have a long follow-up period as new infections might not be identified. For most types of cancer, only cross-sectional or retrospective cohort studies or hospital- or clinic-based case-control studies are available, all of which lack direct evidence of temporality and may lack power or adequate exposure data, e.g., on viral load. However, molecular evidence from human studies and mechanistic data can be used in the evaluation of temporality, distinguishing latent infections caused by the tumor virus and causality. For some (typically rare) outcomes (e.g., cutaneous T-cell lymphoma and human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1, or lymphoepithelial carcinoma of the salivary gland and Epstein-Barr virus), only case-comparison studies, in which selection of comparison groups may be biased, unmatched, or inadequately described, or case series are available.

For several rare types of cancer, e.g., adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma and human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1, or primary effusion lymphoma and Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus, the presence of the virus in the tumor cells is used as a diagnostic criterion to define the cancer, and thus, evidence of causality relies on cases defined by this criterion and molecular evidence from human studies rather than on epidemiological population-based studies of the association of the virus with a level of cancer risk.

In addition, methodologically adequate studies should include measurement of cofactors and consider potentially confounding factors; however, relatively few studies have measured a panel of other viruses or taken into account other cofactors. Further, while studies comparing cancer risk in treated vs. untreated populations may provide indirect evidence of the role of human immunodeficiency virus type 1, these studies, in particular calendar-period analyses, may not adequately account for changes in risk attributable to improved survival rates or changes in other risk factors.

Evaluating Causality of Viruses

Approximately 12% of all human cancers have been attributed to viral infections. Although the known oncogenic viruses belong to different virus families, they often share several common traits, such as, viral cancers appear in the context of persistent infections, occur many years to decades after acute infection, and the immune system can play a deleterious or a protective role (Mesri et al. 2014). Many viruses generally increase cancer risk in the context of immunosuppression or chronic inflammation (Mesri et al. 2014). Similar to other carcinogenic agents, only a small percentage of infected or exposed individuals develop cancer, often decades after the initial infection, reflecting the complex nature of oncogenesis. Some cofactors produced by other organisms or agents in conjunction with risk modifiers such as virus-host cell interactions, host genetic factors, immune dysfunction, or chronic inflammation often can contribute to malignant transformation. In addition, severe immunosuppression, as seen with congenital immunodeficiency syndromes, chronic human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection, or as a result of tissue anti-rejection medication, can severely compromise the immune surveillance capabilities of the patient. There are also other challenges that are somewhat unique to the evaluation of the epidemiological studies of viruses and cancer (discussed below) and thus molecular evidence from human tissues is often considered in the evaluation of causality.

In light of these issues, IARC monographs and several other publications have recommended paths to evaluate causality, which are discussed below and incorporated into the NTP approach for evaluating causality of the viruses. What is important for public health in determination of causation of a health effect, such as risk for cancer, is whether the health effect is eliminated or mitigated by removal of the substance (Rothman and Greenland 2005).

A number of attempts have been made to develop criteria or considerations that address causal associations. However, all of them have limitations, especially when applied to infectious agents (Moore and Chang 2010). The following sections identify factors to consider for evaluating causality, some limitations arising from a strict application of the criteria in the context of virally induced cancers, some alternative approaches, and finally, the NTP’s approach for evaluating the role of select viral agents in human cancer.

Hill’s Characteristics of Causality

Hill proposed nine characteristics to consider when evaluating causality, primarily for epidemiological studies, although they have been expanded for evaluating mechanistic and other types of data (Table 1). Several considerations—strength of the association, consistency across studies, evidence of an exposure-response gradient, and temporality of exposure (Hill 1965)—are used to help guide the RoC evaluations of the human epidemiological data (see RoC Handbook, NTP (2015)). However, it should be noted that these are not criteria; and, with the exception of temporality, each and every element is not required in order to demonstrate causality (Rothman and Greenland 2005). Hill (1965) avoided discussing the meaning of “causation,” noting that the “cause” of an illness could be immediate and direct or remote and indirect. The primary question addressed by Hill was “whether the frequency of the undesirable event B will be influenced by a change in the environmental feature A.”

Table 1. Hill’s Epidemiological Characteristics for Evaluating Causality.

Table 1

Hill’s Epidemiological Characteristics for Evaluating Causality.

Evaluating Mechanistic Data from Human Studies

In their evaluation of the evidence for Epstein-Barr virus, the IARC working group noted that the large majority of people are latently infected with Epstein-Barr virus, thus, epidemiological studies may be limited in determining whether the presence of Epstein-Barr virus in tumor tissue is a cause of the cancer or an effect of the tumor. Therefore, in addition to the Hill characteristics, IARC (1997) considered the following factors in their evaluation of Epstein-Barr virus, which are also applicable to other viruses:

  • The proportion of Epstein-Barr virus-positive cases in a given tumor entity.
  • The proportion of tumor cells that carry the virus.
  • The monoclonality of Epstein-Barr virus in the tumor.
  • The expression of Epstein-Barr virus proteins.

zur Hausen (1994; 2001) proposed consideration of the following types of mechanistic or epidemiological evidence for evaluating causality of viruses and cancer:

  • The presence and persistence of viral DNA in tumor biopsies and cell lines derived from the same tumor type.
  • The growth-promoting activity of specific viral genes or of virus-modified host-cell genes in tissue culture systems or in suitable animal systems.
  • The continuous expression of viral oncogenes or the modification of host-cell genes containing viral sequences which maintains the malignant phenotype.
  • The epidemiological evidence that the virus infection is a major risk factor.

It is difficult to prove that a virus causes cancer, and such determinations almost always generate considerable controversy and debate (Moore and Chang 2010). Viral cancers employ various mechanisms that involve both direct and indirect modes of interaction (Table 2) (zur Hausen and de Villiers 2014). Understanding and managing viral-induced cancers in humans has been hampered by a lack of suitable animal models, the disparate nature of tumor types, a long latency period between primary infection and cancer development, the different types of oncogenic viruses, and the complex nature of the virus-host cell interactions leading to cancer (Mesri et al. 2014; zur Hausen and de Villiers 2014).

Table 2. Direct and Indirect Modes of Interaction of Viral Infections and Cancers.

Table 2

Direct and Indirect Modes of Interaction of Viral Infections and Cancers.

Multicausality Issues

Although thousands of viruses are known to cause infection, only a few have been shown to cause cancer in humans (Moore and Chang 2010). An important consideration regarding causality (not limited to viruses) is “multicausality,” that is, the concept that many determinants act together to cause a disease. Rothman and colleagues (2005) defined a sufficient cause as “complete causal mechanism”—not a single factor but a set of minimal factors (i.e., component causes)—that if present in an individual will cause disease. Most causes are neither necessary nor sufficient in the absence of other factors to produce the disease; however, a cause does not have to be either necessary or sufficient for its removal to result in disease prevention (Rothman and Greenland 2005; zur Hausen and de Villiers 2014).

Application of Causality Criteria and Alternative Approaches

Moore and Chang (2010) investigated the difficulties associated with strict application of the Hill characteristics for two of the most recently discovered oncogenic viruses: Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus and Merkel cell polyomavirus. Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus was shown to fulfill Hill’s characteristics for causality of Kaposi sarcoma; however, the application of the characteristics was problematic in the case of Merkel cell polyomavirus and Merkel cell carcinoma (see the monographs for Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus and Merkel cell polyomavirus). These two examples illustrate the diversity in the patterns of tumor virus epidemiology. Some of the reasons Hill’s characteristics worked for Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus but not Merkel cell polyomavirus is that all clinical forms of Kaposi sarcoma require infection by Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus while most studies indicate that not all forms of Merkel cell carcinoma require the presence of Merkel cell polyomavirus. In the case of Merkel cell polyomavirus, additional considerations, as suggested by IARC (1997) and zur Hausen (1994; 2001), provide molecular evidence of the association between Merkel cell polyomavirus and Merkel cell carcinoma, such as mutation and monoclonal integration of the tumor-causing form of the virus into the cellular genome and requirement of tumor cells for the presence of viral oncoproteins for cell survival and proliferation.

While causal criteria can be helpful, there are flaws and practical limitations that restrict their use in cancer biology (Moore and Chang 2010). Therefore, a more probabilistic approach may be more useful for determining whether or not certain viruses cause human cancers. For example, instead of trying to determine if virus A causes cancer B, the probabilistic approach examines if cancer B is more probable in the presence of virus A. Although a correlation does not imply causation, it can be argued that correlations that are strong, reproducible, and predictive have a similar value as a causative conclusion. In a similar fashion, zur Hausen and de Villiers (2014) also expressed concern over all attempts to summarize criteria for “causality” of infectious agents in cancer development and proposed replacing “causal factor” with “risk factor” and grading them according to their contribution to an individual’s cancer risk. This will require a greater understanding of the complexity of factors involved and their mechanistic contribution to individual cancers.

Box Icon


RoC Listing Criteria.

NTP’s Approach

For each virus, the NTP applied the RoC listing criteria (see text box) to the body of literature to reach the listing recommendation. The level of evidence conclusion from studies in humans considers the evidence from epidemiological studies as well as clinical and molecular studies of tissues from exposed (i.e., infected) individuals. In evaluating the mechanistic data and determining the recommendations for its level of evidence conclusion and overall listing recommendation, the NTP considered the principles outlined by Hill (1965), IARC (1997), zur Hausen (1994; 2001; 2014), and Rothman and Greenland (2005) in its assessment of causality for the five viruses reviewed. However, these factors were not used as a strict checklist to either prove or disprove a causal association but rather as guidance to assess the level of epidemiological or molecular evidence that a virus contributes to a carcinogenic effect.

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Bookshelf ID: NBK580500


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