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National Guideline Alliance (UK). Evidence reviews for the investigation, management and follow-up of meningioma: Brain tumours (primary) and brain metastases in adults: Evidence Report B. London: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE); 2018 Jul. (NICE Guideline, No. 99.)

Cover of Evidence reviews for the investigation, management and follow-up of meningioma

Evidence reviews for the investigation, management and follow-up of meningioma: Brain tumours (primary) and brain metastases in adults: Evidence Report B.

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Appendix BLiterature search strategies

Search strategy for review 1a. imaging for suspected glioma and meningioma

Date of initial search: 30/03/2017

Database: Embase 1974 to 2017 March 29, Ovid MEDLINE(R) Epub Ahead of Print, In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations, Ovid MEDLINE(R) Daily and Ovid MEDLINE(R) 1946 to Present

Date of re-run: 05/09/2017

Database: Embase 1974 to 2017 Week 35, Ovid MEDLINE(R) Epub Ahead of Print, In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations, Ovid MEDLINE(R) Daily and Ovid MEDLINE(R) 1946 to Present

1exp glioma/ or exp astrocytoma/ or oligodendroglioma/
2exp Glioblastoma/
31 or 2 use ppez
4exp glioma/ use oemezd or exp astrocytoma/ use oemezd
5(glioma* or glioblastoma* or GBM or gliosarcoma* or astrocytoma* or oligoastrocytoma* or oligodendroglioma* or oligo?astrocytoma* or xanthoastrocytoma*).tw.
7Meningioma/ use ppez
8Meningeal Neoplasms/ use ppez
9exp meningioma/ use oemezd
11(mening* adj3 (neoplas* or cancer* or carcin* or tumo* or malign* or h?emangiopericytoma* or h?emangioblastoma*)).tw.
136 or 12
14Diagnostic Imaging/ use ppez
15diagnostic imaging/ use oemezd
16exp Neuroimaging/ use ppez
17exp neuroimaging/ use oemezd
18Multimodal Imaging/ use ppez
19multimodal imaging/ use oemezd
20Radionuclide Imaging/ use ppez
21exp brain scintiscanning/ use oemezd
22Perfusion Imaging/ use ppez
23Neuronal Tract-Tracers/ use ppez
24neuronal tract tracer/ use oemezd
25exp Magnetic Resonance Imaging/ use ppez
26exp nuclear magnetic resonance imaging/ use oemezd
27Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging/ use ppez
28exp Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy/ use ppez
29proton nuclear magnetic resonance/ use oemezd
30magnetic resonance.tw.
31(MRI or MR*1 or NMR*1).tw.
32(MR adj2 (imag* or neuroimag* or scan* or spectroscop* or elastogra* or examination)).tw.
33(magnet* adj2 (imag* or neuroimag* or spectroscop* or scan* or elastogra* or examination)).tw.
34(magneti?ation adj2 imaging).tw.
35exp Positron-Emission Tomography/ use ppez
36positron emission tomography/ use oemezd
37computer assisted emission tomography/ use oemezd
38(PET adj (scan* or imag* or examination)).tw.
39positron emission tomogra*.tw.
40(PET or PET-CT or PETCT or PET MR*1).tw.
41(spin adj2 (imag* or neuroimag* or spectroscop* or resonance)).tw.
42(advanced adj2 (imag* or spectroscop* or neuroimag* or scan* or MR* or NMR*)).tw.
43(chemical shift adj2 (imag* or spectroscop* or neuroimag* or scan* or MR* or NMR*)).tw.
44(structural adj2 (imag* or spectroscop* or neuroimag* or scan* or MR* or NMR*)).tw.
45(functional adj2 (imag* or spectroscop* or neuroimag* or scan* or MR* or NMR*)).tw.
46(diffusion adj2 (imag* or spectroscop* or tractogra* or neuroimag* or scan* or MR* or NMR*)).tw.
47(perfusion adj2 (imag* or spectroscop* or neuroimag* or scan* or MR* or NMR* or CT)).tw.
48((axial or transverse) adj2 (imag* or neuroimag* or scan* or CT or tomogra*)).tw.
49(T1W*1 or T2W*1).tw.
50((T1 or T2) adj2 (imag* or neuroimag* or scan* or MR* or NMR*)).tw.
51(DWI or DTI or DSC or DCE or ASL).tw.
52exp nuclear magnetic resonance imaging agent/ use oemezd
53dynamic contrast.tw.
54Fluorodeoxyglucose F18/ use ppez
55fluorodeoxyglucose f 18/ use oemezd
56(“18F fluorodeoxyglucose” or FDG).tw.
57Tyrosine/ use ppez
58“18F fluoro ethyl tyrosine”.tw.
5918F FET.tw.
60Methionine/ use ppez
61methionine c 11/ use oemezd
62((11C or “carbon 11”) adj methionine).tw.
63MET PET.tw.
64Gadolinium DTPA/ use ppez
65gadolinium pentetate/ use oemezd
6813 and 67
69limit 68 to english language
70limit 69 to yr=“2002-Current”
71Letter/ use ppez
72letter.pt. or letter/ use oemezd
75Editorial/ use ppez
76News/ use ppez
77exp Historical Article/ use ppez
78Anecdotes as Topic/ use ppez
79Comment/ use ppez
80Case Report/ use ppez
81case report/ or case study/ use oemezd
82(letter or comment*).ti.
84randomized controlled trial/ use ppez
85randomized controlled trial/ use oemezd
8883 not 87
89animals/ not humans/ use ppez
90animal/ not human/ use oemezd
91nonhuman/ use oemezd
92exp Animals, Laboratory/ use ppez
93exp Animal Experimentation/ use ppez
94exp Animal Experiment/ use oemezd
95exp Experimental Animal/ use oemezd
96exp Models, Animal/ use ppez
97animal model/ use oemezd
98exp Rodentia/ use ppez
99exp Rodent/ use oemezd
100(rat or rats or mouse or mice).ti.
10270 not 101
104Meta-Analysis as Topic/
105systematic review/
107(meta analy* or metanaly* or metaanaly*).ti,ab.
108((systematic or evidence) adj2 (review* or overview*)).ti,ab.
109((systematic* or evidence*) adj2 (review* or overview*)).ti,ab.
110(reference list* or bibliograph* or hand search* or manual search* or relevant journals).ab.
111(search strategy or search criteria or systematic search or study selection or data extraction).ab.
112(search* adj4 literature).ab.
113(medline or pubmed or cochrane or embase or psychlit or psyclit or psychinfo or psycinfo or cinahl or science citation index or bids or cancerlit).ab.
115((pool* or combined) adj2 (data or trials or studies or results)).ab.
116or/103–104,107,109–114 use ppez
117or/105–108,110–115 use oemezd
119clinical Trials as topic.sh. or (controlled clinical trial or pragmatic clinical trial or randomized controlled trial).pt. or (placebo or randomi#ed or randomly).ab. or trial.ti.
120119 use ppez
121(controlled clinical trial or pragmatic clinical trial or randomized controlled trial).pt. or drug therapy.fs. or (groups or placebo or randomi#ed or randomly or trial).ab.
122121 use ppez
123crossover procedure/ or double blind procedure/ or randomized controlled trial/ or single blind procedure/ or (assign* or allocat* or crossover* or cross over* or ((doubl* or singl*) adj blind*) or factorial* or placebo* or random* or volunteer*).ti,ab.
124123 use oemezd
125120 or 122
126124 or 125
127Epidemiologic Studies/
128Case Control Studies/
129Retrospective Studies/
130Cohort Studies/
131Longitudinal Studies/
132Follow-Up Studies/
133Prospective Studies/
134Cross-Sectional Studies/
135or/127–134 use ppez
136clinical study/
137case control study/
138family study/
139longitudinal study/
140retrospective study/
141prospective study/
142cohort analysis/
143or/136–142 use oemezd
144((retrospective$ or cohort$ or longitudinal or follow?up or prospective or cross section$) adj3 (stud$ or research or analys$)).ti.
145135 or 143 or 144
146118 or 126 or 145
147102 and 146
148remove duplicates from 147

Date of initial search: 05/07/2017

Database: The Cochrane Library, Issue 3 of 12, March 2017

Date of re-run: 05/09/2017

Database: The Cochrane Library, Issue 9 of 12, September 2017

#1MeSH descriptor: [Glioma] explode all trees
#2(glioma* or glioblastoma* or gliosarcoma* or astrocytoma* or astroblastoma* or oligodendroglioma* or oligodendrocytoma* or oligoastrocytoma* or GBM)
#3(glial near/3 (neoplas* or cancer* or tumo* or carcin* or malign* or metasta*))
#4{or #1–#3}
#5MeSH descriptor: [Meningioma] explode all trees
#6MeSH descriptor: [Meningeal Neoplasms] explode all trees
#8(mening* near/3 (neoplas* or cancer* or carcin* or tumo* or malign* or metasta*))
#9{or #5–#8}
#10#4 or #9
#11MeSH descriptor: [Diagnostic Imaging] this term only
#12MeSH descriptor: [Neuroimaging] explode all trees
#13MeSH descriptor: [Multimodal Imaging] explode all trees
#14MeSH descriptor: [Radionuclide Imaging] this term only
#15MeSH descriptor: [Perfusion Imaging] explode all trees
#16MeSH descriptor: [Magnetic Resonance Imaging] explode all trees
#17MeSH descriptor: [Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging] explode all trees
#18MeSH descriptor: [Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy] explode all trees
#19(MRI or MR*1 or NMR*1)
#20(MR near/2 (imag* or neuroimag* or scan* or spectroscop* or elastogra* or examination))
#21(magnet* near/2 (imag* or neuroimag* or spectroscop* or scan* or elastogra* or examination))
#22(magneti?ation near/2 imaging)
#23MeSH descriptor: [Positron-Emission Tomography] explode all trees
#24(PET near (scan* or imag* or examination))
#25positron emission tomogra*
#26(PET or PET-CT or PETCT or PET MR*1)
#27MeSH descriptor: [Spin Labels] explode all trees
#28(spin near/2 (imag* or neuroimag* or spectroscop* or resonance))
#29(advanced near/2 (imag* or spectroscop* or neuroimag* or scan* or MR* or NMR*))
#30(chemical shift near/2 (imag* or spectroscop* or neuroimag* or scan* or MR* or NMR*))
#31(structural near/2 (imag* or spectroscop* or neuroimag* or scan* or MR* or NMR*))
#32(functional near/2 (imag* or spectroscop* or neuroimag* or scan* or MR* or NMR*))
#33(diffusion near/2 (imag* or spectroscop* or tractogra* or neuroimag* or scan* or MR* or NMR*))
#34(perfusion near/2 (imag* or spectroscop* or neuroimag* or scan* or MR* or NMR* or CT))
#35((axial or transverse) near/2 (imag* or neuroimag* or scan* or CT or tomogra*))
#36(T1W*1 or T2W*1)
#37((T1 or T2) near/2 (imag* or neuroimag* or scan* or MR* or NMR*))
#38(DWI or DTI or DSC or DCE or ASL)
#39dynamic contrast
#40MeSH descriptor: [Fluorodeoxyglucose F18] explode all trees
#41(“18F fluorodeoxyglucose” or FDG)
#42MeSH descriptor: [Tyrosine] this term only
#43“18F fluoro ethyl tyrosine”
#4418F FET
#45MeSH descriptor: [Methionine] this term only
#46((11C or “carbon 11”) and methionine)
#48MeSH descriptor: [Gadolinium DTPA] this term only
#50{or #11–#49}
#51#10 and #50

Search strategy for review 3a. managing inoperable, incompletely excised or recurrent meningioma

Date of initial search: 11/10/2016

Database: Epub Ahead of Print, In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations, Ovid MEDLINE(R) Daily and Ovid MEDLINE(R) 1946 to Present

Date of re-run: 05/09/2017

Database: Epub Ahead of Print, In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations, Ovid MEDLINE(R) Daily and Ovid MEDLINE(R) 1946 to Present

2Meningeal Neoplasms/
4(mening* adj3 (neoplas* or cancer* or carcin* or tumo* or malign* or h?emangiopericytoma* or h?emangioblastoma*)).tw.
6exp radiotherapy/
8(radiotherap* or radiat* or irradiat* or tomotherap* or radiosurg* or brachytherap* or fractionat* or hyperfraction* or hypofraction* or gamma knife or cyber knife or cyberknife or xknife or arc therap*).tw.
9(WBRT or WBI-IMRT or HA-WBRT or LINAC or IMRT or XRT or XBT or SRS or SRT or VMAT or 3DCRT or 3D CRT or CRT).tw.
10Radiation Oncology/
11(chemoradiotherap* or chemo-radiat* or chemo-irradiat*).tw.
13Watchful Waiting/
15watchful wait*.tw.
16((active or expect* or symptom* or watch*) adj2 (manag* or monitor* or surveill* or observ* or control*)).tw.
17(best supportive care or BSC).tw.
1912 and 18
21exp Neurosurgical Procedures/
22Surgical Procedures, Operative/
23exp Stereotaxic Techniques/
25((brain or neuro* or intracereb* or intracrani* or crani*) adj2 (surg* or microsurg* or manipulat* or procedur* or operat* or resect* or debulk* or excis* or ablat* or biops*)).tw.
26(neurosurg* or craniotom* or craniectom*).tw.
27((intra-operat* or intraoperat*) adj3 (technolog* or modalit* or procedur* or technique* or method*)).tw.
29Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/
3129 or 30
3228 and 31
3312 or 18 or 19 or 32
345 and 33
35limit 34 to english language
36Epidemiologic Studies/
37Case Control Studies/
38Retrospective Studies/
39Cohort Studies/
40Longitudinal Studies/
41Follow-Up Studies/
42Prospective Studies/
43Cross-Sectional Studies/
44((retrospective$ or cohort$ or longitudinal or follow?up or prospective or cross section$) adj3 (stud$ or research or analys$)).ti.
47Meta-Analysis as Topic/
48(meta analy* or metanaly* or metaanaly*).ti,ab.
49((systematic* or evidence*) adj2 (review* or overview*)).ti,ab.
50(reference list* or bibliograph* or hand search* or manual search* or relevant journals).ab.
51(search strategy or search criteria or systematic search or study selection or data extraction).ab.
52(search* adj4 literature).ab.
53(medline or pubmed or cochrane or embase or psychlit or psyclit or psychinfo or psycinfo or cinahl or science citation index or bids or cancerlit).ab.
56randomized controlled trial.pt.
57controlled clinical trial.pt.
58pragmatic clinical trial.pt.
61drug therapy.fs.
66Clinical Trials as topic.sh.
6945 or 55 or 68
7035 and 69
74exp Historical Article/
75Anecdotes as Topic/
77Case Report/
78(letter or comment* or abstracts).ti.
80Randomized Controlled Trial/ or random*.ti,ab.
8179 not 80
82Animals/ not Humans/
83exp Animals, Laboratory/
84exp Animal Experimentation/
85exp Models, Animal/
86exp Rodentia/
87(rat or rats or mouse or mice).ti.
8970 not 88

Date of initial search: 11/10/2016

Database: Embase Classic+Embase 1947 to 2016 October 11

Date of re-run: 05/09/2017

Database: Embase Classic+Embase 1947 to 2017 Week 35

1exp meningioma/
3(mening* adj3 (neoplas* or cancer* or carcin* or tumo* or malign* or h?emangiopericytoma* or h?emangioblastoma*)).tw.
5exp radiotherapy/
7(radiotherap* or radiat* or irradiat* or tomotherap* or radiosurg* or brachytherap* or fractionat* or hyperfraction* or hypofraction* or gamma knife or cyber knife or cyberknife or xknife or arc therap*).tw.
8(WBRT or WBI-IMRT or HA-WBRT or LINAC or IMRT or XRT or XBT or SRS or SRT or VMAT or 3DCRT or 3D CRT or CRT).tw.
9(chemoradiotherap* or chemo-radiat* or chemo-irradiat*).tw.
11watchful waiting/
12conservative treatment/
13clinical observation/
14watchful wait*.tw.
15((active or expect* or symptom* or watch*) adj2 (manag* or monitor* or surveill* or observ* or control*)).tw.
16(best supportive care or BSC).tw.
1810 and 17
19exp neurosurgery/
20exp cancer surgery/
21exp stereotactic procedure/
23((brain or neuro* or intracereb* or intracrani* or crani*) adj2 (surg* or microsurg* or manipulat* or procedur* or operat* or resect* or debulk* or excis* or ablat* or biops*)).tw.
24(neurosurg* or craniotom* or craniectom*).tw.
25((intra-operat* or intraoperat*) adj3 (technolog* or modalit* or procedur* or technique* or method*)).tw.
27tumor recurrence/
28cancer recurrence/
3126 and 30
3210 or 17 or 18 or 31
334 and 32
34limit 33 to english language
37(crossover* or cross over*).ti,ab.
38((doubl* or singl*) adj blind*).ti,ab.
39(assign* or allocat* or volunteer* or placebo*).ti,ab.
40crossover procedure/
41single blind procedure/
42randomized controlled trial/
43double blind procedure/
45systematic review/
47(meta analy* or metanaly* or metaanaly*).ti,ab.
48((systematic or evidence) adj2 (review* or overview*)).ti,ab.
49(reference list* or bibliograph* or hand search* or manual search* or relevant journals).ab.
50(search strategy or search criteria or systematic search or study selection or data extraction).ab.
51(search* adj4 literature).ab.
52(medline or pubmed or cochrane or embase or psychlit or psyclit or psychinfo or psycinfo or cinahl or science citation index or bids or cancerlit).ab.
53((pool* or combined) adj2 (data or trials or studies or results)).ab.
56Clinical study/
57Case control study/
58family study/
59longitudinal study/
60retrospective study/
61prospective study/
62cohort analysis/
63((retrospective* or cohort* or longitudinal or follow?up or prospective or cross section* or observation* or epidemiolog*) adj3 (stud* or research or analys*)).ti.
6544 or 55 or 64
6634 and 65
67letter.pt. or letter/
70case report/ or case study/
71(letter or comment*).ti.
73randomized controlled trial/ or random*.ti,ab.
7472 not 73
75animal/ not human/
77exp Animal Experiment/
78exp Experimental Animal/
79animal model/
80exp Rodent/
81(rat or rats or mouse or mice).ti.
8366 not 82

Date of initial search: 11/10/2016

Database: The Cochrane Library, Issue 10 of 12, October 2016

Date of re-run: 05/09/2017

Database: The Cochrane Library, Issue 9 of 12, September 2017

#1MeSH descriptor: [Meningioma] explode all trees
#2MeSH descriptor: [Meningeal Neoplasms] explode all trees
#4(mening* near/3 (neoplas* or cancer* or carcin* or tumo* or malign* or h?emangiopericytoma* or h?emangioblastoma*))
#5{or #1–#4}
#6MeSH descriptor: [Radiotherapy] explode all trees
#7(radiotherap* or radiat* or irradiat* or tomotherap* or radiosurg* or brachytherap* or fractionat* or hyperfraction* or hypofraction* or gamma knife or cyber knife or cyberknife or xknife or arc therap*)
#8(WBRT or WBI-IMRT or HA-WBRT or LINAC or IMRT or XRT or XBT or SRS or SRT or VMAT or 3DCRT or 3D CRT or CRT)
#9MeSH descriptor: [Radiation Oncology] this term only
#10(chemoradiotherap* or chemo-radiat* or chemo-irradiat*).
#11{or #6–#10}
#12MeSH descriptor: [Watchful Waiting] explode all trees
#13MeSH descriptor: [Observation] this term only
#14watchful wait*
#15((active or expect* or symptom* or watch*) near/2 (manag* or monitor* or surveill* or observ* or control*))
#16(best supportive care or BSC)
#17{or #12–#16}
#18MeSH descriptor: [Neurosurgery] explode all trees
#19MeSH descriptor: [Neurosurgical Procedures] explode all trees
#20MeSH descriptor: [Surgical Procedures, Operative] explode all trees
#21MeSH descriptor: [Stereotaxic Techniques] explode all trees
#22((brain or neuro* or intracereb* or intracrani* or crani*) near/2 (surg* or microsurg* or manipulat* or procedur* or operat* or resect* or debulk* or excis* or ablat* or biops*))
#23(neurosurg* or craniotom* or metastasectom*)
#24((intra-operat* or intraoperat*) near/3 (technolog* or modalit* or procedur* or technique* or method*))
#25{or #18–#24}
#26MeSH descriptor: [Neoplasm Recurrence, Local] explode all trees
#28#26 or #27
#29#25 and #28
#30{or #11, #17, #29}
#31#5 and #30

Search strategy for review 3b. techniques for radiotherapy for meningioma

Systematic reviews and RCTs

Date of initial search: 16/08/2017

Database(s): Embase 1980 to 2017 Week 33, Ovid MEDLINE(R) Epub Ahead of Print, In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations, Ovid MEDLINE(R) Daily and Ovid MEDLINE(R) 1946 to Present

Date of re-run: 07/09/2017

Database(s): Embase 1980 to 2017 Week 36, Ovid MEDLINE(R) Epub Ahead of Print, In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations, Ovid MEDLINE(R) Daily and Ovid MEDLINE(R) 1946 to Present

2Meningeal Neoplasms/
31 or 2 use ppez
4exp meningioma/ use emez
6(mening* adj3 (neoplas* or cancer* or carcin* or tumo* or malign* or h?emangiopericytoma* or h?emangioblastoma*)).tw.
8exp Radiotherapy/ use ppez
9exp radiotherapy/ use emez
11(radiotherap* or radiat* or irradiat* or radiosurg* or brachytherap* or fractionat* or hyperfraction* or hypofraction* or gamma knife or cyber knife or cyberknife or xknife or arc therap* or rapidarc).tw.
12((proton* or particle* or neutron* or ion*) adj3 (therap* or treatment*)).tw.
13(3DCRT or 3D CRT or CRT or FSRT or IMRT or XRT or XBT or SRS or SRT or VMAT).tw.
14exp Stereotaxic Techniques/ use ppez
15exp stereotactic procedure/ use emez
177 and 16
18limit 17 to english language
19limit 18 to yr=“1985-Current”
20Letter/ use ppez
21letter.pt. or letter/ use emez
24Editorial/ use ppez
25News/ use ppez
26exp Historical Article/ use ppez
27Anecdotes as Topic/ use ppez
28Comment/ use ppez
29Case Report/ use ppez
30case report/ or case study/ use emez
31(letter or comment*).ti.
33randomized controlled trial/ use ppez
34randomized controlled trial/ use emez
3732 not 36
38animals/ not humans/ use ppez
39animal/ not human/ use emez
40nonhuman/ use emez
41exp Animals, Laboratory/ use ppez
42exp Animal Experimentation/ use ppez
43exp Animal Experiment/ use emez
44exp Experimental Animal/ use emez
45exp Models, Animal/ use ppez
46animal model/ use emez
47exp Rodentia/ use ppez
48exp Rodent/ use emez
49(rat or rats or mouse or mice).ti.
5119 not 50
53Meta-Analysis as Topic/
54systematic review/
56(meta analy* or metanaly* or metaanaly*).ti,ab.
57((systematic or evidence) adj2 (review* or overview*)).ti,ab.
58((systematic* or evidence*) adj2 (review* or overview*)).ti,ab.
59(reference list* or bibliograph* or hand search* or manual search* or relevant journals).ab.
60(search strategy or search criteria or systematic search or study selection or data extraction).ab.
61(search* adj4 literature).ab.
62(medline or pubmed or cochrane or embase or psychlit or psyclit or psychinfo or psycinfo or cinahl or science citation index or bids or cancerlit).ab.
64((pool* or combined) adj2 (data or trials or studies or results)).ab.
65or/52–53,56,58–63 use ppez
66or/54–57,59–64 use emez
68clinical Trials as topic.sh. or (controlled clinical trial or pragmatic clinical trial or randomized controlled trial).pt. or (placebo or randomi#ed or randomly).ab. or trial.ti.
6968 use ppez
70(controlled clinical trial or pragmatic clinical trial or randomized controlled trial).pt. or drug therapy.fs. or (groups or placebo or randomi#ed or randomly or trial).ab.
7170 use ppez
72crossover procedure/ or double blind procedure/ or randomized controlled trial/ or single blind procedure/ or (assign* or allocat* or crossover* or cross over* or ((doubl* or singl*) adj blind*) or factorial* or placebo* or random* or volunteer*).ti,ab.
7372 use emez
7469 or 71
7573 or 74
7667 or 75
7751 and 76
78remove duplicates from 77

Observational studies

Date of initial search: 16/08/2017

Database: Embase 1980 to 2017 Week 33, Ovid MEDLINE(R) Epub Ahead of Print, In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations, Ovid MEDLINE(R) Daily and Ovid MEDLINE(R) 1946 to Present

Date of re-run: 07/09/2017

Database(s): Embase 1980 to 2017 Week 36, Ovid MEDLINE(R) Epub Ahead of Print, In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations, Ovid MEDLINE(R) Daily and Ovid MEDLINE(R) 1946 to Present

2Meningeal Neoplasms/
31 or 2 use ppez
4exp meningioma/ use emez
6(mening* adj3 (neoplas* or cancer* or carcin* or tumo* or malign* or h?emangiopericytoma* or h?emangioblastoma*)).tw.
8exp Radiotherapy/ use ppez
9exp radiotherapy/ use emez
11(radiotherap* or radiat* or irradiat* or radiosurg* or brachytherap* or fractionat* or hyperfraction* or hypofraction* or gamma knife or cyber knife or cyberknife or xknife or arc therap* or rapidarc).tw.
12((proton* or particle* or neutron* or ion*) adj3 (therap* or treatment*)).tw.
13(3DCRT or 3D CRT or CRT or FSRT or IMRT or XRT or XBT or SRS or SRT or VMAT).tw.
14exp Stereotaxic Techniques/ use ppez
15exp stereotactic procedure/ use emez
177 and 16
18limit 17 to english language
19limit 18 to yr=“1985-Current”
20Letter/ use ppez
21letter.pt. or letter/ use emez
24Editorial/ use ppez
25News/ use ppez
26exp Historical Article/ use ppez
27Anecdotes as Topic/ use ppez
28Comment/ use ppez
29Case Report/ use ppez
30case report/ or case study/ use emez
31(letter or comment*).ti.
33randomized controlled trial/ use ppez
34randomized controlled trial/ use emez
3732 not 36
38animals/ not humans/ use ppez
39animal/ not human/ use emez
40nonhuman/ use emez
41exp Animals, Laboratory/ use ppez
42exp Animal Experimentation/ use ppez
43exp Animal Experiment/ use emez
44exp Experimental Animal/ use emez
45exp Models, Animal/ use ppez
46animal model/ use emez
47exp Rodentia/ use ppez
48exp Rodent/ use emez
49(rat or rats or mouse or mice).ti.
5119 not 50
52Epidemiologic Studies/
53Case Control Studies/
54Retrospective Studies/
55Cohort Studies/
56Longitudinal Studies/
57Follow-Up Studies/
58Prospective Studies/
59Cross-Sectional Studies/
60or/52–59 use ppez
61clinical study/
62case control study/
63family study/
64longitudinal study/
65retrospective study/
66prospective study/
67cohort analysis/
68or/61–67 use emez
69((retrospective$ or cohort$ or longitudinal or follow?up or prospective or cross section$) adj3 (stud$ or research or analys$)).ti.
7060 or 68 or 69
7151 and 70
72remove duplicates from 71

Other studies

Date of initial search: 16/08/2017

Database: The Cochrane Library, Issue 8 of 12, August 2017

Date of re-run: 07/09/2017

Database: The Cochrane Library, Issue 9 of 12, September 2017

#1MeSH descriptor: [Meningioma] explode all trees
#2MeSH descriptor: [Meningeal Neoplasms] explode all trees
#4(mening* near/3 (neoplas* or cancer* or carcin* or tumo* or malign* or h?emangiopericytoma* or h?emangioblastoma*))
#5{or #1–#4}
#6MeSH descriptor: [Radiotherapy] explode all trees
#7(radiotherap* or radiat* or irradiat* or radiosurg* or brachytherap* or fractionat* or hyperfraction* or hypofraction* or gamma knife or cyber knife or cyberknife or xknife or arc therap* or rapidarc)
#8((proton* or particle* or neutron* or ion*) near/3 (therap* or treatment*))
#9(3DCRT or 3D CRT or CRT or FSRT or IMRT or XRT or XBT or SRS or SRT or VMAT)
#10{or #6–#9}
#11#5 and #10

Search strategy for review 5b. follow-up for meningioma

Date of initial search: 22/03/2017

Database: Embase 1974 to 2017 March 21, Ovid MEDLINE(R) Epub Ahead of Print, In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations, Ovid MEDLINE(R) Daily and Ovid MEDLINE(R) 1946 to Present

Date of re-run: 07/09/2017

Database: Embase 1980 to 2017 Week 36, Ovid MEDLINE(R) Epub Ahead of Print, In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations, Ovid MEDLINE(R) Daily and Ovid MEDLINE(R) 1946 to Present

1exp Glioma/ use ppez
2exp Glioma/ use oemezd
3exp Astrocytoma/ use ppez
4exp Astrocytoma/ use oemezd
5Oligodendroglioma/ use ppez
6exp Glioblastoma/ use ppez
7(glioma* or glioblastoma* or GBM or gliosarcoma* or astrocytoma* or oligoastrocytoma* or oligodendroglioma* or oligo?astrocytoma* or xanthoastrocytoma*).tw.
9Meningioma/ use ppez
10Meningeal Neoplasms/ use ppez
11exp Meningioma/ use oemezd
13(mening* adj3 (neoplas* or cancer* or carcin* or tumo* or malign* or h?emangiopericytoma* or h?emangioblastoma*)).tw.
15exp Brain Neoplasms/ use ppez
16exp Brain Tumor/ use oemezd
17exp Cerebral Cortex/ use ppez
18exp Brain Cortex/ use oemezd
19exp Brain/ use ppez
20exp Brain/ use oemezd
21exp Meninges/ use ppez
22Meninx/ use oemezd
24exp Neoplasm Metastasis/ use ppez
25metastasis/ use oemezd
2624 or 25
2723 and 26
28exp Brain Neoplasms/sc use ppez
29Brain Metastasis/ use oemezd
30Meningeal Metastasis/ use oemezd
3227 or 31
33((brain or cereb* or intracranial or mening* or brainstem*) adj3 (metasta* or micrometa* or macrometa* or spread* or carcinomatosis or carcinosis or secondar* or seeding or seeded or disseminat* or migrat*)).tw.
3432 or 33
358 or 14 or 34
36exp Recurrence/ use ppez
37Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/ use ppez
38Disease Progression/ use ppez
39cancer recurrence/ use oemezd
40recurrent disease/ use oemezd
41tumor recurrence/ use oemezd
4435 and 43
45exp Aftercare/ use ppez
46exp aftercare/ use oemezd
47(aftercare or “after care” or after-care or follow-up or “follow up” or followup or surveillance).tw.
48(after treatment or after-treatment or posttreatment or post treatment or post-treatment or post-therap* or post therap*).ti,ab.
49((post-surg* or post surg* or post-operat* or postoperat* or post operat*) adj1 (evaluat* or monitor* or care)).tw.
50(post-hospital* or post hospital* or posthospital* or after hospital* or follow* hospital*).ti,ab.
51disease surveillance/ use oemezd
52periodic medical examination/ use oemezd
53“medical record review”/ use oemezd
54exp patient monitoring/ use oemezd
55(re-examin* or reexamin or monitor* or periodic examin* or regular examin* or checkup* or check-up* or check up*).ti,ab.
5844 and 57
59limit 58 to english language
60limit 59 to yr=“1990-Current”
61Letter/ use ppez
62letter.pt. or letter/ use oemezd
65Editorial/ use ppez
66News/ use ppez
67exp Historical Article/ use ppez
68Anecdotes as Topic/ use ppez
69Comment/ use ppez
70Case Report/ use ppez
71case report/ or case study/ use oemezd
72(letter or comment*).ti.
74randomized controlled trial/ use ppez
75randomized controlled trial/ use oemezd
7873 not 77
79animals/ not humans/ use ppez
80animal/ not human/ use oemezd
81nonhuman/ use oemezd
82exp Animals, Laboratory/ use ppez
83exp Animal Experimentation/ use ppez
84exp Animal Experiment/ use oemezd
85exp Experimental Animal/ use oemezd
86exp Models, Animal/ use ppez
87animal model/ use oemezd
88exp Rodentia/ use ppez
89exp Rodent/ use oemezd
90(rat or rats or mouse or mice).ti.
9260 not 91
94Meta-Analysis as Topic/
95systematic review/
97(meta analy* or metanaly* or metaanaly*).ti,ab.
98((systematic or evidence) adj2 (review* or overview*)).ti,ab.
99((systematic* or evidence*) adj2 (review* or overview*)).ti,ab.
100(reference list* or bibliograph* or hand search* or manual search* or relevant journals).ab.
101(search strategy or search criteria or systematic search or study selection or data extraction).ab.
102(search* adj4 literature).ab.
103(medline or pubmed or cochrane or embase or psychlit or psyclit or psychinfo or psycinfo or cinahl or science citation index or bids or cancerlit).ab.
105((pool* or combined) adj2 (data or trials or studies or results)).ab.
106or/93–94,97,99–104 use ppez
107or/95–98,100–105 use oemezd
109clinical Trials as topic.sh. or (controlled clinical trial or pragmatic clinical trial or randomized controlled trial).pt. or (placebo or randomi#ed or randomly).ab. or trial.ti.
110109 use ppez
111(controlled clinical trial or pragmatic clinical trial or randomized controlled trial).pt. or drug therapy.fs. or (groups or placebo or randomi#ed or randomly or trial).ab.
112111 use ppez
113crossover procedure/ or double blind procedure/ or randomized controlled trial/ or single blind procedure/ or (assign* or allocat* or crossover* or cross over* or ((doubl* or singl*) adj blind*) or factorial* or placebo* or random* or volunteer*).ti,ab.
114113 use oemezd
115110 or 112
116112 or 114
117Cohort Studies/ or Longitudinal Studies/ or Follow-Up Studies/ or Prospective Studies/ or Comparative Study/
118117 use ppez
119cohort analysis/ or longitudinal study/ or follow up/ or prospective study/ or comparative study/
120119 use oemezd
121((cohort* or follow-up or follow?up or inciden* or longitudinal or prospective) adj1 (stud* or research or analys*)).tw.
122118 or 120 or 121
123108 or 115 or 122
12492 and 123
125remove duplicates from 124

Date of initial search: 22/03/2017

Database: The Cochrane Library, Issue 3 of 12, March 2017

Date of re-run: 07/09/2017

Database: The Cochrane Library, Issue 9 of 12, September 2017

#1MeSH descriptor: [Glioma] explode all trees
#2(glioma* or glioblastoma* or gliosarcoma* or astrocytoma* or astroblastoma* or oligodendroglioma* or oligodendrocytoma* or oligoastrocytoma* or GBM)
#3(glial near/3 (neoplas* or cancer* or tumo* or carcin* or malign* or metasta*))
#4{or #1–#3}
#5MeSH descriptor: [Meningioma] explode all trees
#6MeSH descriptor: [Meningeal Neoplasms] explode all trees
#8(mening* near/3 (neoplas* or cancer* or carcin* or tumo* or malign* or metasta*))
#9{or #5–#8}
#10MeSH descriptor: [Neoplasm Metastasis] explode all trees
#11MeSH descriptor: [Brain Neoplasms] explode all trees
#12MeSH descriptor: [Brain] explode all trees
#13#11 or #12
#14#10 and #13
#15((brain or cereb* or intracranial or mening*) near/3 (metasta* or micometasta* or spread* or involvement or carcinosis or secondar*))
#16#14 or #15
#17#4 or #9 or #16
#18MeSH descriptor: [Recurrence] explode all trees
#19MeSH descriptor: [Neoplasm Recurrence, Local] explode all trees
#21{or #18–#20}
#22#17 and #21
#23MeSH descriptor: [Aftercare] explode all trees
#24(aftercare or “after care” or after-care or follow-up or “follow up” or followup or surveillance)
#25(“after treatment*” or after-treatment* or posttreatment* or “post treatment*” or post-treatment* or post-therap* or “post therap*”)
#26((post-surg* or “post surg*” or post-operat* or postoperat* or “post operat*”) adj1 (evaluat* or monitor* or care))
#27(post-hospital* or “post hospital*” or posthospital* or “after hospital*” or “follow* hospital*”)
#28{or #23–#27}
#29#22 and #28 Publication Year from 1990 to 2017
Copyright © NICE 2018.
Bookshelf ID: NBK570029


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