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National Guideline Alliance (UK). Eating Disorders: Recognition and Treatment. London: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE); 2017 May. (NICE Guideline, No. 69.)

  • December 2020: NICE amended the recommendation on managing diabetes to highlight the importance of rotating insulin injection sites within the same body region, in line with an MHRA Drug Safety Update on insulins (all types): risk of cutaneous amyloidosis at injection site. For the current recommendations, see: www.nice.org.uk/guidance/NG69/chapter/recommendations. March 2020: Cross reference to NICE's guideline on supporting adult carers added to the recommendation on offering family members or carers assessments of their own needs 1.1.10.

December 2020: NICE amended the recommendation on managing diabetes to highlight the importance of rotating insulin injection sites within the same body region, in line with an MHRA Drug Safety Update on insulins (all types): risk of cutaneous amyloidosis at injection site. For the current recommendations, see: www.nice.org.uk/guidance/NG69/chapter/recommendations. March 2020: Cross reference to NICE's guideline on supporting adult carers added to the recommendation on offering family members or carers assessments of their own needs 1.1.10.

Cover of Eating Disorders: Recognition and Treatment

Eating Disorders: Recognition and Treatment.

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ABWAverage body weight
ANAnorexia nervosa
ANISAnorexia nervosa inventory for self-rating
ARFIDAvoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
BEDBinge eating disorder
BITEBulimic investigatory test Edinburgh
BMDBone mineral density
BMIBody mass index
BNBulimia nervosa
BTBehavioural therapy
BTBehavioural therapy
CAMHSChild and adolescent mental health services
CATCognitive analytic therapy
CBTCognitive behavioural therapy
CDIClinical diagnostic interview
CIConfidence interval
COCCombined oral contraceptive pill
CPACare programme approach
CRTCognitive remediation therapy
DAWBADevelopment and well-being assessment
DBTDialectical behaviour therapy
DM,Diabetes mellitus
DSMDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
EATEating attitudes test
ECHOExperienced carers helping others
EDEating disorder
EDA-5The eating disorder assessment for DSM-5
EDEEating disorder examination
EDIEating disorder interview
EDI-CEating disorder inventory for children
EDNOSEating disorder not otherwise stated
ESMEmotional and social mind training
ESPEating disorders screen for primary care
FBTFamily-Based Treatment
FNFemoral neck
FPPFocal psychodynamic psychotherapy
FTFamily therapy
FUFollow up
GAFGlobal assessment of functioning
GPGeneral practice
GRADEGrading of recommendations, assessment, development and evaluation
GSH or gSHGuided self-help
HRTHormone replacement therapy
ICATIntegrative cognitive-affective therapy
IFT –intensive family coaching
IFWIndividual family work
IGFInsulin-like growth factor
IPTInterpersonal therapy
IPTInterpersonal psychotherapy
ITTIntention to treat
LSLumbar spine
MANTRAMaudsely anorexia treatment for adults
MARISPANManagement of really sick patients with anorexia nervosa
MDMean difference
MHAMental health act.
MINIMini-international neuropsychiatric interview
NANot available
NDRINorepinephrine-dopamine reuptake Inhibitor
NRNot reported
NRINorepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
OAOOvercoming anorexia online
OSFEDOther specified feeding or eating disorder
QUADASQuality assessment of diagnostic accuracy studies
RCTRandomised control trial
ROCReceiver operating characteristics
RRRelative risk
rTMSRepetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
SATASubstance abuse treatment agent
SCANSchedules for clinical assessment in neuropsychiatry
SCID-IStructured clinical interview for axis I disorders
SCOFFSick control one fat food
SEEDSevere and enduring anorexia nervosa
SFT-ANSystematic family therapy for anorexia nervosa
SHSelf help
SIAB-EXStructured Interview for anorexic and bulimic Syndromes for expert rating
SIAB-SStructured Interview for anorexic and bulimic syndromes- self-rated questionnaire
SMDStandard mean difference
SNRISerotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor.
SOSSpeed of sound
SPT-BNSupportive psychotherapy for young people bulimia nervosa
SSCMSpecialist supportive clinical management
SSRISelective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
TAUTreatment as usual
TCATricyclic antidepressants
WLCWait list control
Copyright © National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, 2017.
Bookshelf ID: NBK533155


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