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National Clinical Guideline Centre (UK). Crohn's Disease: Management in Adults, Children and Young People. London: Royal College of Physicians (UK); 2012 Oct 10. (NICE Clinical Guidelines, No. 152.)

  • This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.

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Cover of Crohn's Disease

Crohn's Disease: Management in Adults, Children and Young People.

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Appendix HFull Health Economics report

1. Cost-effectiveness analysis - induction of remission

1.1. Introduction

The comparators examined in the model were treatment sequences chosen by the GDG economic subgroup and agreed by the GDG. The economic subgroup comprised two consultant gastroenterologists, one IBD specialist nurse and one patient representative. The drug sequences were chosen by the economic subgroup, and efficacy taken from a network meta-analysis of induction of remission trials. It was decided that, in line with the recommendations made in TA 18737 and GDG consensus view of clinical practice, biologics should be offered as the last therapy for each of the treatment strategies looked at. The specific treatment sequences were chosen based on the clinical practice of the economic subgroup members, and what they deemed to be the most likely treatment pathway for a patient experiencing an acute exacerbation of Crohn's disease. These are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Treatment strategies in the model.

Table 1

Treatment strategies in the model.

1.2. Methods

1.2.1. Model overview

A cost-utility analysis was undertaken where costs and quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) were considered from a UK NHS and personal social services perspective. Comparators

The comparators examined in the model were treatment sequences chosen by the GDG economic subgroup and agreed by the GDG. The GDG elected to consider the cost-effectiveness of one-off induction treatment strategies in the induction of remission model, to reflect the nature of the treatment and the data that could be extracted from the clinical trials. The GDG were satisfied that, having established the most cost-effective induction sequence, longer term costs and effects could be captured in the maintenance model, where relapses from maintenance treatment are then assumed to be treated with the most cost-effective one-off induction sequence found from this analysis. The economic subgroup comprised two consultant gastroenterologists, one specialist IBD nurse and one patient representative. The GDG noted that, although 5-ASAs were considered as a class in the clinical review, the different preparations may have different costs and side-effect profiles, and therefore it was decided to separate them for the economic analysis. The drug sequences were those included in a network meta-analysis of induction of remission. It was decided that, in line with the recommendations made in TA 18737 and GDG consensus view of clinical practice, biologics should be offered as the last therapy for each of the treatment strategies looked at. The specific treatment sequences were chosen based on the clinical practice of the economic subgroup members, and what they deemed to be the most likely treatment pathway for a patient experiencing an acute exacerbation of Crohn's disease. These are shown in Table 1. Population

The population entering the model comprises people with an acute exacerbation of Crohn's disease, defined by a Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI) score of > 150. Biologics are only recommended for people with severe Crohn's disease37; an assumption was made that people whose exacerbation failed to respond to two lines of treatment would be regarded as falling under the aegis of the TA, though it was noted that this may not always be the case. Strategy 9 in Table 1 is only relevant for people where the Crohn's disease has progressed to severe before initiation of biologic treatment, despite only failing one line of induction. Time horizon

The time horizon considered in the base-case model was 30 weeks. This time horizon was chosen to reflect the longest drug treatment sequence based upon clinical practice. This also reflects the assumptions made in the conditional logistic regression conducted to derive efficacy inputs. In this analysis it was assumed, based on information from the trials and GDG opinion, that the trials were of sufficient duration such that remission or withdrawal would occur by a certain time, or not at all. For example, it was assumed that in a glucocorticosteroid trial lasting 16 weeks, the proportion of people entering remission would not be significantly higher than in a trial lasting eight weeks, since those people who are reported to be in remission at 16 weeks were likely to have entered remission by eight weeks. The effect of treatment durations that were closer to those used in the trials was explored in sensitivity analysis. Treatment durations for the base case and sensitivity analysis are shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Drug treatment durations.

Table 2

Drug treatment durations.

1.2.2. Approach to modelling Model structure

A decision tree was constructed, whereby the QALY gain was driven by the proportion of people in whom remission was successfully induced. Remission was defined as not withdrawing due to an adverse event and a CDAI score of < 150. People who withdrew due to an adverse event or did not respond to treatment moved on to the next line of treatment. Although the GDG noted it was unlikely that all treatments would have the same side-effect profile, they accepted that the reporting of specific adverse events in the RCTs was not sufficient to model specific treatment-related adverse events. On that basis, they agreed that withdrawals from treatment could be used as a proxy for adverse events, and that costs and disutilities pertaining to adverse events for each treatment would be captured by both the additional cost of further treatment, and by patients still having the utility weight associated with active disease. Sensitivity analyses were conducted which explored the effects of including drug-related adverse events for glucocorticosteroid monotherapy; observational data was used to conduct this analysis. To capture the benefits of inducing remission early, people in whom remission is induced on the first-line treatment gained more QALYs than those who respond on second-, third- or fourth- line treatment. The structure of the model is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Model structure.

Figure 1

Model structure.

Key assumptions:

  • Treatment continues to the end of the treatment cycle regardless of whether people enter remission.
  • Utility is assumed to improve in the middle of the treatment cycle for those entering remission.
  • For time spent in active disease, people incur more contacts with the health service than they do in remission (see Table 11).
  • Withdrawals are assumed to occur at the end of a treatment cycle.
  • All people who do not enter remission by the end of the time horizon are assumed to undergo surgery.

1.2.3. Uncertainty One-way sensitivity analysis

One-way sensitivity analyses were also conducted to test the robustness of model results to changes in key parameters. In one-way sensitivity analysis, one parameter is varied while all other parameters are kept constant and the effects of changing this parameter on the model results are explored. The one-way sensitivity analyses conducted are described in Table 20.

Table 20. One-way sensitivity analyses in the model.

Table 20

One-way sensitivity analyses in the model. Probabilistic analysis

A Monte Carlo simulation16 was conducted to explore the uncertainty in model results. In a Monte Carlo simulation, each parameter is assigned a distribution reflecting its uncertainty; random draws are then taken from this distribution and propagated through the model, to calculate costs and QALYs. This process is repeated 10,000 times and a model result which represents an average of the simulations is computed.

1.2.4. Model inputs Summary table of model inputs

Model inputs were based on clinical evidence identified in the systematic review undertaken for the guideline, supplemented by additional data sources as required. Model inputs were validated by the GDG. A summary of the model inputs used in the base-case analysis is provided in Table 3, Table 4, and Table 5 below. More details about sources, calculations and rationale for selection can be found in the sections following this summary table.

Table 3. Cost inputs.

Table 3

Cost inputs.

Table 4. Clinical inputs- probabilities of withdrawal and remission.

Table 4

Clinical inputs- probabilities of withdrawal and remission.

Table 5. Utility weights in the model.

Table 5

Utility weights in the model. Treatment effects (remission and withdrawal)

The results of conventional meta-analyses of direct evidence alone make it difficult to determine which intervention is the most effective treatment. The challenge of interpretation has arisen for two reasons:

  • Some pairs of alternative strategies have not been directly compared in a randomised controlled trial
  • There are frequently multiple overlapping comparisons that could potentially give inconsistent estimates of effect.

This is particularly problematic for probabilistic analysis. To overcome these problems, a Bayesian network meta-analysis (NMA) was conducted in WinBUGS, using code and assistance provided by the NICE technical support unit.

Conventional meta-analysis assumes that for a fixed-effect analysis, the relative effect of one treatment compared to another is the same across an entire set of trials. In a random-effects model, it is assumed that the relative effects are different in each trial but that they are from a single common distribution and that this distribution is common across all sets of trials.

Network meta-analysis requires an additional assumption over conventional meta-analysis. The additional assumption is that intervention A has the same relative effect across all trials of intervention A compared to intervention B as it does across trials of intervention A versus intervention C, and so on. Thus, in a random-effects network meta-analysis, the assumption is that intervention A has the same effect distribution across all trials of A versus B, A versus C and so on.

The aim of the NMA was to calculate treatment-specific probabilities for withdrawal and remission conditional on non withdrawal. It is assumed that people who withdraw cannot go into remission, and similarly people counted as ‘a remission’ have not withdrawn due to adverse events, in other words, the two events are mutually exclusive. Treatment effects for the model had to be accounted for such that the number of withdrawals and remissions could not exceed the number of people in the trial. This negative correlation in outcomes is taken account of by carrying out a conditional logistic regression NMA.

For the network meta-analysis, treatment effects were calculated so as to reflect the clinical review as closely as possible in terms of pooling of studies. In order to obtain treatment effects for remission conditional on non withdrawal, the number of withdrawals was removed from the denominator when entering data for remission into WinBUGS. Baseline log odds of withdrawal and remission conditional on non-withdrawal were calculated using a logistic regression conducted on the placebo arms in the trials and then adjusted by the treatment specific log odds ratios calculated by the NMA using the following logic:

Let BOw, BOrwc, θw , θrwc and ORw, ORrwc denote the baseline odds (from the placebo arms),treatment-specific odds and treatment-specific log odds ratio for withdrawal and remission given no withdrawal respectively. Then:

θw = Ln (ORw) + Ln (BOw)
θrwc = Ln (ORrwc) + Ln (BOrwc)



This approach has the advantage that baseline and relative effects are both modelled on the same log odds scale. It also ensures that the uncertainty in the estimation of both baseline and relative effects is accounted for in the model.

To reflect the populations explored in the clinical review, two separate analyses were conducted; one for people on first-line monotherapy treatment, and one for people on second-line treatment in combination with a glucocorticosteroid, having failed first-line glucocorticosteroid monotherapy. First-line NMA

The schematic of trials compared in the first line NMA is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Network of trials compared in the first-line NMA.

Figure 2

Network of trials compared in the first-line NMA.

In the trial network in Figure 2, glucocorticosteroid treatment featured in the most trials (10) followed by budesonide (9), mesalazine (8), placebo (7), sulfasalazine (2) and azathioprine monotherapy (1). For ease of interpretation, placebo was chosen as the baseline treatment for comparisons in the NMA. The data used in the first-line induction NMA can be found in Table 6. Please note that although azathioprine monotherapy was included in the NMA for completeness, it was not compared in the cost-effectiveness analysis. First-line azathioprine monotherapy was not included because of the lack of evidence and because it has a slower response than the other treatments considered. (3 – 4 months i.e. longer than the 2 month time horizon considered)

Table 6. Data for the first-line NMA.

Table 6

Data for the first-line NMA.

A logistic regression was run on the placebo arms of the trials shown in Table 6; this produced a baseline odds, BO which was used in the NMA to derive treatment-specific probabilities as described above. The baseline odds for withdrawal and remission had lognormal distributions parameterised as:

ln (BOWithdrawal) ∼ N (−3.3, 1.15)
ln (BORemission) ∼ N (−0.95, 2.27)

The model was run for 50,000 iterations with a burn in period of 50,000. Vague uninformative priors were combined with data-driven likelihood functions to produce posterior probability estimates. The final treatment-specific probability estimates and their associated confidence intervals can be seen in Table 7.

Table 7. Probabilities from 1st line NMA.

Table 7

Probabilities from 1st line NMA.

It can be seen from Table 7, that among first-line treatments, sulfasalazine was associated with the highest probability of withdrawal- 35%- but with the 95% confidence interval ranging from 5% to 80%. Glucocorticosteroid treatment was associated with the highest probability of remission conditional on non-withdrawal- 66% with 95% confidence interval ranging from 53% to 79%. These estimates were used to parameterise treatment effects in the model; it should be noted that there is a large amount of imprecision in these estimates, particularly for withdrawal. This is often the case when calculating treatment effects for withdrawal due to small event numbers.

Model fit was assessed by calculating the total residual deviance and comparing with the number of unconstrained data points. In the withdrawals NMA, the total residual deviance was 38.6 which, when compared to 43 unconstrained data points, shows that the model fitted the data reasonably well. In the remission conditional on no-withdrawal NMA, the total residual deviance was 35.94 which again, when compared to 31 unconstrained data points, showed that the model fitted the data reasonably well. DIC statistics of 154.9 and 200.1 were calculated for the withdrawal and remission conditional on no-withdrawal NMAs respectively.

Posterior estimates of heterogeneity- between trial variance- were calculated and values of 0.29 and 0.22 were found for the withdrawal and remission trials. This shows there was a large amount of variation in treatment effects calculated from different trials.

Inconsistency in the network was assessed by fitting an ‘inconsistency model’15 Second-line NMA

The schematic of trials compared in the second line NMA is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Network of trials compared in the second-line NMA.

Figure 3

Network of trials compared in the second-line NMA.

In the trial network in Figure 3, glucocorticosteroid monotherapy and azathioprine + a glucocorticosteroid featured in the most trials (eight); methotrexate + a glucocorticosteroid featured in five trials. For ease of interpretation, glucocorticosteroid treatment- which can be thought of here as the placebo comparison- was chosen as the baseline treatment for the NMA. The data used in the second-line induction NMA can be found in Table 8.

Table 8. Data for the first-line NMA.

Table 8

Data for the first-line NMA.

It should be noted that since Present was a crossover trial, the denominators reported for safety and efficacy are different; this is reflected in the clinical review. To account for this, the numerator for remission given no withdrawal was not adjusted by removing withdrawals, since it is not possible to determine exactly which of the people eligible to be assessed for the remission outcome withdrew. This is a conservative approach since it means the number of people being assessed for the remission outcome is bigger and thus the overall probability of achieving remission becomes smaller. Denominators of 36 were used for both arms of the Present study for the remission outcome.

A logistic regression was run on the glucocorticosteroid monotherapy arm of the trials shown in Table 8; this produced a baseline odds, BO which was used in the NMA to derive treatment-specific probabilities as described above. The baseline odds for withdrawal and remission had lognormal distributions parameterised as:

ln (BOWithdrawal) ∼ N (−4.49, 0.89)
ln (BORemission) ∼ N (−0.74, 1.46)

The model was run for 50,000 iterations with a burn in period of 50,000. Vague uninformative priors were combined with data-driven likelihood functions to produce posterior probability estimates. The final treatment-specific probability estimates and their associated confidence intervals can be seen in Table 9.

Table 9. Probabilities from first-line NMA.

Table 9

Probabilities from first-line NMA.

It can be seen from Table 9 that out of the two second-line treatments, methotrexate + a glucocorticosteroid was associated with the highest probability of withdrawal- 11%- with 95% confidence interval ranging from 0% to 70%. Azathioprine + a glucocorticosteroid was associated with a higher probability of remission conditional on no withdrawal- 66% with 95% confidence interval ranging from 33% to 92%. These estimates were used to parameterise treatment effects in the model; it should be noted that there is a large amount of imprecision in these estimates, particularly for withdrawal. This is often the case when calculating treatment effects for withdrawal due to small event numbers, but the remission conditional on no withdrawal outcome is also associated with large imprecision.

Model fit was assessed by calculating the total residual deviance and comparing this with the number of unconstrained data points. In the withdrawals NMA, the total residual deviance was 20.94 which, when compared to 21 unconstrained data points, shows that the model fitted the data well. In the remission conditional on no withdrawal NMA, the total residual deviance was 23.71 which, when compared to 21 unconstrained data points, shows that the model fitted the data reasonably well. DIC statistics of 70.4 and 105.5 were calculated for the withdrawal and remission conditional on no-withdrawal NMAs respectively.

Posterior estimates of heterogeneity- between trial variance- were calculated and values of 0.67 and 1.22 were found for the withdrawal and remission trials. This shows there was a very large amount of variation in treatment effects calculated from different trials.

Posterior estimates of heterogeneity were calculated for the ‘inconsistency model’ and values of 0.61 and 1.53 were found for the withdrawal and remission trials. This shows that the incorporation of the consistency equations did not force the between trial variance to increase in the remission conditional on no-withdrawal and therefore it is unlikely that there is inconsistency within the network. There was, however, an increase in heterogeneity in the withdrawal NMA (0.61 vs 0.67), which prompted further investigation of inconsistency within the network. Since there were only three treatments in the network the Bucher method7 can be used to detect whether the amount of inconsistency in the network is statistically significant or a chance finding. A p-value of 0.46 was calculated to test the null hypothesis that there was no inconsistency in the network; this shows that there is insufficient evidence to reject the null and therefore it cannot be said that there is inconsistency.

Figure 4 shows how the model probabilities interact for one treatment cycle in the patient pathway. Figure 4 shows that from the number of people entering the model, n, the number of people entering remission nrem after one treatment cycle and the number of people failing to enter remission nno rem for a given drug can be calculated using the equations:

Figure 4. Patient pathway and probabilities (one treatment cycle).

Figure 4

Patient pathway and probabilities (one treatment cycle).

nrem = n × (1 − pw) × prwc
nno rem = n × pw + n × (1 − pw) × (1 − prwc) Utilities

For economic evaluation, a specific measure of Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) known as utility is required to calculate QALYs. Utilities indicate the preference for health states on a scale from 0 (death) to 1 (perfect health). The NICE reference case36 specifies that the preferred way for this to be assessed is by the EQ-5D instrument.

A systematic search identified four studies9,21,23,54 with appropriate data to use as utility weights for the model. A description of these studies is shown in Table 10

Table 10. Selecting utility weights for the model.

Table 10

Selecting utility weights for the model.

Utility weights derived by Stark et al54 were used due to the comparative lack of limitations and the directness of the population. In particular, the Stark data was favoured due to:

  • Use of EQ-5D to elicit utility weights directly from patients
  • UK EQ-5D tariff used
  • Use of CDAI thresholds that mirrored those used in most of the papers in the clinical review. Resource use and cost

The GDG thought it likely that, as well as the treatment-specific tests and consultations, people with an exacerbation of Crohn's disease would have regular consultations and tests regardless of the drug. These consultations and tests are summarised in Table 11 and the weighted average cost calculated is shown in Table 3.

Table 11. Consultations and tests for people not in remission (regardless of induction treatment).

Table 11

Consultations and tests for people not in remission (regardless of induction treatment).

Weighted average costs of drug preparations were used in the model; weights were calculated using prescription-cost-analysis data39 in order to calculate drug costs which reflect how they are prescribed in clinical practice.

Based on the costs, weights and dosing schedule described in Table 12, a cost of £38.10 was calculated for an eight week course of prednisolone drug treatment in the base case. The total cost including tests and consultations was £362.17 (Table 3).

Table 12. Prednisolone costs in the model including tests.

Table 12

Prednisolone costs in the model including tests.

Based on the costs, weights and dosing schedule described in Table 13, a cost of £167.94 was calculated for an eight week course of budesonide drug treatment in the base case. The total cost including tests and consultations was £492.01 (Table 3).

Table 13. Budesonide costs in the model including tests.

Table 13

Budesonide costs in the model including tests.

Based on the costs, weights and dosing schedule described in Table 14, a cost of £98.01 was calculated for an eight week course of mesalazine in the base case. The total cost including tests and consultations was £416.32 (Table 3).

Table 14. Mesalazine costs in the model including tests.

Table 14

Mesalazine costs in the model including tests.

Based on the costs, weights and dosing schedule described in Table 15, a cost of £44.16 was calculated for an eight-week course of sulfasalazine in the base case. The total cost including tests and consultations was £362.48 (Table 3).

Table 15. Sulfasalazine costs in the model including tests.

Table 15

Sulfasalazine costs in the model including tests.

Based on the cost and dosing schedule described in Table 16, a cost of £6.54 was calculated for an eight week course of methotrexate + a glucocorticosteroid drug treatment in the base case. The total cost including tests and consultations was £355.67 (Table 3).

Table 16. Methotrexate costs in the model including tests.

Table 16

Methotrexate costs in the model including tests.

Based on the cost and dosing schedule described in Table 17, a cost of £42.11 was calculated for an eight-week course of azathioprine + a glucocorticosteroid treatment in the base case. The total cost including tests and consultations was £429.34 (Table 3).

Table 17. Azathioprine costs in the model including tests.

Table 17

Azathioprine costs in the model including tests.

Based on the cost and dosing schedule described in Table 18, a cost of £1,056.36 was calculated for biologic drug treatment in the base case. The total cost including tests and consultations was £1,426.09 (Table 3).

Table 18. Biologic costs in the model including tests.

Table 18

Biologic costs in the model including tests. Cost of surgery

The cost of surgery was calculated in close collaboration with the surgeon on the GDG as described below and in Table 19.

Table 19. Surgery costs in model.

Table 19

Surgery costs in model.

  1. The five most common operations in Crohn's disease- pan proctocolectomy, colectomy, right hemicolectomy, small intestine resection and strictureplasty- were chosen and matched to their closest fitting OPCS and HRG codes.
  2. Weights were calculated using HES data41, selected OPCS codes and assuming that 10% of all operations would be associated with a ‘major complication or comorbidity’
  3. An average cost per operation was calculated by multiplying these weights by the costs attached to selected HRG codes, and adding in a pre-operative and post-operative consultation for each operation.

So, assuming pre-operative and post-operative costs for a consultation of £94 and £57 (Table 3), and a re-operation rate of 10%, the overall cost of surgery assumed in the model was assumed to be £5,351.24.

1.2.5. Computations

The mean cost and effectiveness of the competing strategies were calculated using Microsoft Office Excel 2007. Calculating QALYs

To calculate QALYs for a given treatment sequence, both the probability of inducing remission for each individual treatment, and the time spent in remission over the course of the model for a given treatment strategy are considered. To do this, the treatment strategy is partitioned into individual treatments and the number of weeks of remission and active disease that occur as a direct result of each treatment are calculated. These are then aggregated over the duration of the strategy and QALYs for a given strategy are calculated by multiplying the number of weeks of remission and active disease by the appropriate utility weights.

Figure 5 is a visual representation of how weeks of remission and active disease are calculated in the model. Note that, in the absence of data, it was assumed that for all people in whom remission is successfully induced, remission occured half-way through treatment, and people do not relapse.

Figure 5. Calculating weeks of remission and active disease for a given treatment strategy.

Figure 5

Calculating weeks of remission and active disease for a given treatment strategy.

It can be seen from the diagram that QALYs are calculated as follows:

Let p1, p2, p3 and p4 be the probabilities of successfully inducing remission with treatments 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively.

Let t1, t2, t3 and t4 be the durations of treatment in weeks associated with treatments 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively.

Let WR1, WR2, WR3, and WR4 denote the expected number of weeks of remission associated with treatments 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively.

Let UR and UA be the utility weights associated with remission and active disease respectively.

Let H denote the time horizon in the model, which will be equal to the length of the longest treatment strategy and is 30 weeks in the base case.

Treatment one:


Treatment two:


Treatment three:


Treatment four:


Note that the term p4 × (Ht1t2t3t4) is added to the equation for cases when the overall length of the treatment strategy is less than the time horizon. In the event that the duration of the treatment strategy is equal to the time horizon this term is equal to zero, since H = t1 + t2 + t3 + t4.

Then the total number of weeks of remission, WR and number of weeks of active disease WA are given by:

WR = WR1 + WR2 + WR3 + WR4

And the total treatment specific QALYs, Q, are calculated as:

Q=152×(WR×UR+WA×UA) Probabilistic analysis in the model

In the probabilistic analysis, distributions were assigned to treatment effects, utilities and, where possible, costs in order to account for the uncertainty in model inputs and capture the effect of this uncertainty on model outputs.

Treatment effects:

To capture the uncertainty in treatment effects, a sample of 1000 random sets of treatment effects was taken from the NMA using the CODA function in WinBUGS. This has the advantage of preserving the correlation between variables, which would not be accounted for if they were sampled from their individual distributions. For the probabilistic cost-effectiveness analysis, for each simulation a random set of treatment effects was chosen from the sample using random number generation.

Reference costs:

To assign a distribution to reference costs, it was assumed that they followed a lognormal distribution and used the inter-quartile range to calculate an approximate standard error on the log scale.

Let X be the cost for which a distribution is required, i.e. ln (X) ∼ Normal (μ, σ2)

Let M be the mean associated with the cost.

Let IQR be the inter-quartile range associated with the cost.

Note that for normally distributed data:

IQR ≈ 1.35σ

and the standard error, s, is related to the standard deviation by:


Then the standard error on the log scale can be calculated as:


And random draws can be taken from the distribution:



Utilities were sampled probabilistically by assigning lognormal distributions to utility decrements as described in (ref Briggs). Normal distribution parameters were converted to lognormal parameters by method of moments, as defined below:

Let E[X] and Var[X] be the mean and variance respectively, of the utility decrement U

Then the parameters of the lognormal distribution, μ and σ2 are found by:

σ2=ln(1+Var[X]E[X]2) Calculating cost effectiveness

It is possible, for a particular cost-effectiveness threshold, to express cost-effectiveness results in term of net benefit (NB). This is calculated by multiplying the total QALYs for a comparator by the threshold cost per QALY value (for example, £20,000) and then subtracting the total costs. The decision rule then applied is that the comparator with the highest NB is the most cost-effective option at the specified threshold. That is the option that provides the highest number of QALYs at an acceptable cost. For ease of computation NB is used to identify the optimal strategy in the probabilistic-analysis simulations.

Let Ct and Qt denote the mean costs and mean QALYs respectively, associated with a given treatment. Then mean net benefit NBt is calculated as:

NBt = Ct − (20,000 × Qt)

where £20,000 per QALY represents the cost-effectiveness threshold in the NICE reference case.

The net benefit for each of the 1000 simulations in the probabilistic analysis is calculated. This allows the probability that a given treatment would be optimal, based on the number of times it has the highest net benefit, can be estimated.

However, the strategy that is optimal overall is the one that has the highest net benefit calculated using the mean costs and QALYs, where means were the average of the 1,000 simulated estimates.

1.2.6. Sensitivity analyses

The results of the model were tested by changing those parameters which are most uncertain, as described in Table 20.

1.2.7. Model validation

The model was developed in consultation with the health economic sub group and all decisions were signed off by the GDG. The model structure, inputs and results were presented to and discussed with the GDG for clinical validation and interpretation.

The model was systematically checked by the health economist undertaking the analysis; this included inputting null and extreme values and checking that results were plausible given inputs. The model was peer reviewed by a second health economist from the NCGC; this included systematic checking of the model formulae and calculations. The model parameters and results were also assessed against the content of this appendix.

1.2.8. Interpreting results

The strategy with the highest mean net benefit is the one that should be recommended20, though the uncertainty around costs and QALYs should also be taken into consideration. Due to lack of data, the disutility of treatment-specific adverse events could not be captured; caution should therefore be exercised in recommending strategies containing treatments with high withdrawal rates. However, a sensitivity analysis around the side-effects associated with glucocorticosteroids indicated that the optimal strategy is not affected by the inclusion of side-effects.. Furthermore, in line with TA 187, strategy 9 within this model, which explores the cost effectiveness of glucocorticosteroid treatment followed by a biologic, should be considered only in people whose Crohn's disease has progressed to severe before initiation of biologic treatment. All other treatment strategies within this model relate to moderate disease.

1.3. Results

1.3.1. Base case

In the base case, model inputs were set as shown in Table 3 and the model was run probabilistically. The results were as follows:

Table 21 shows that, in the base case, strategy 5, where people start with first line glucocorticosteroid monotherapy, followed by second line azathioprine in combination with a glucocorticosteroid following treatment failure then move on to a third-line biologic following a second treatment failure was the cheapest treatment option at £1,100.

Table 21. Mean costs in the base case.

Table 21

Mean costs in the base case.

Table 22 shows that in the base case, strategy 5 was the most effective option yielding 21 weeks of remission and 0.463 QALYs.

Table 22. Clinical outcomes in the base case (mean).

Table 22

Clinical outcomes in the base case (mean).

Table 23 shows that strategy 5 was the cheapest, and most effective strategy in the model; it was therefore the dominant treatment strategy. There was a great deal of uncertainty in the analysis, which arises mainly from the imprecision in estimating treatment effects. Though strategy 5 was dominant in terms of mean net monetary benefit, the 95% confidence interval of its rank in terms of net monetary benefit ranged from 1 to 6 and its probability of being the most cost-effective strategy was around 73%.

Table 23. Cost effectiveness in the base case (mean).

Table 23

Cost effectiveness in the base case (mean).

Figure 6 shows the cost-effectiveness plane, depicting the mean costs and QALYs associated with each treatment strategy.

Figure 6. Cost-effectiveness plane (mean costs and QALYs from probabilistic analysis).

Figure 6

Cost-effectiveness plane (mean costs and QALYs from probabilistic analysis).

Since the costs and disutility associated with treating adverse events in the model could not be explicitly quantified for all treatments, a threshold analysis was conducted on the cost of treating adverse events. This involved varying the cost of treating an adverse event until strategy 5 was no longer the most cost-effective strategy and noting the value at which this change occurred. This change occurred when the cost of treating adverse events was set to £6,000, whereupon strategy 7 became most cost-effective.

A sensitivity analysis was conducted, where the costs and disutilities of myocardial infarction and hip fracture were added in for patients receiving glucocorticosteroid therapy in the most cost-effective strategy (a glucocorticosteroid, a glucocorticosteroid + azathioprine, a biologic). The fact that these adverse events were only modelled for the most cost-effective strategy represents a conservative approach since glucocorticosteroid therapy is included in every other strategy and therefore including adverse events in other strategies would only weaken their cost-effectiveness relative to the most cost-effective strategy.

The approach taken was as follows:

  • Baseline 8-weekly risks were calculated for myocardial infarction and hip fracture:
    • Myocardial infarction: 10-year baseline risk θ10 yr was turned into a 8-weekly risk using the equation6: θ8wk=1e852×10ln(1θ10yr)
    • Hip fracture: 8-weekly baseline risk σ8 wk was calculated by dividing the number of hip fractures that occur yearly in the UK NHF by the total adult population in England P (Table 3) to get the yearly risk σ1 yr and then applying the formula σ8wk=1e852ln(1σ1yr)
  • The relative effects associated with intermittent high-dose glucocorticosteroid therapy (Table 3) were then applied to the baseline risks to obtain drug-specific risks:
    • Myocardial infarction: The log odds associated with baseline risk of MI (σ8 wk) and treatment specific log odds ratios (Table 3) were calculated and methods described in were applied to obtain a glucorticosteroid-related myocardial infarction risk of 0.0043.
    • Hip fracture: The baseline risk of hip fracture σ8 wk was adjusted by the treatment-specific relative risk for hip fracture (Table 3) to obtain a glucocorticosteroid-related hip fracture risk of 0.0006
  • Utility weights associated with myocardial infarction and hip fracture can be found in Table 3. Utility weights used for these adverse events in the model were calculated as a decrement from both perfect health and active Crohn's disease. This makes the assumption that the reduction in quality of life is additive and that all patients who experience a glucocorticosteroid-related adverse event still have active disease. Utility weights were calculated this way since calculating only the decrement from perfect health is unlikely to fully capture utility loss in the presence of co-morbidities- in this case active Crohn's disease. Note that ModelUtilMI and ModelUtilHF denote the calculated utility weights for myocardial infarction and hip fracture used in the model; and UtilMI, UtilHF and UtilAC denote the utility weights associated with myocardial infarction, hip fracture and active Crohn's disease identified in the literature(Table 3). The utility weights were thus derived as follows:
    • Myocardial infarction: ModelUtilMI = UtilAC − (1 − UtilMI) = 0.61 − (1 − 0.76) = 0.37
    • Hip fracture: ModelUtilHF = UtilAC − (1 − UtilHF) = 0.61 − (1 − 0.58) = 0.19

The adverse-event specific risks, costs (Table 3), and utility weights were then applied to everyone in the most cost-effective strategy in the model receiving glucocorticosteroid monotherapy or azathioprine + a glucorticosteroid combination therapy and the model was run. The cost effectiveness ranking did not change.

1.3.2. Sensitivity analyses One-way sensitivity analysis

One-way sensitivity analyses were also conducted in order to test the robustness of model results to changes in key parameters. In all deterministic sensitivity analyses, the same strategy namely glucocorticosteroid treatment, glucocorticosteroid + azathioprine then a biologic was the most cost-effective strategy.

Table 24. One-way sensitivity analysis – mean net monetary benefit.

Table 24

One-way sensitivity analysis – mean net monetary benefit.

1.4. Discussion

1.4.1. Summary of results

The cost-effectiveness analysis shows that, based on a conditional logistic regression network meta-analysis conducted using RCT data, acquisition costs, PSSRU costs and NHS reference costs, glucocorticosteroid treatment followed by azathioprine + a glucocorticosteroid then a biologic is the most cost-effective treatment strategy to induce remission of an acute exacerbation of Crohn's disease. These results were robust to both one-way and probabilistic- sensitivity analyses.

1.4.2. Limitations and interpretation

This model is based on findings from RCTs and therefore any issues concerning interpretation of the clinical review also apply to interpretation of the economic analysis. The limitations of the model include:

  • The utility loss and treatment cost associated with adverse events have not been explicitly incorporated. Adverse events are only incorporated in as much as people withdrawing due to adverse events have to start an additional treatment cycle and therefore their time to remission is delayed by at least eight more weeks. This is likely to mean the cost effectiveness of all the treatment strategies has been over-estimated in the economic analysis, though since each treatment is likely to have a different side-effect profile, it is unlikely that ICERs have been underestimated by the same magnitude for all treatment strategies. For treatment strategies with more severe side-effects, the over estimation of the ICER is likely to be higher than in treatment strategies with less severe side-effect profiles.' However, the sensitivity analysis conducted on side effects associated with glucocorticosteroid monotherapy provides some extra assurance.
  • Relapses are not accounted for; this is explored in the maintenance of remission model.
  • Simplifying assumptions
    • For people in whom remission is induced, utility returns to normal, half way through the treatment cycle.
    • Withdrawals are assumed to occur at the end of a treatment cycle.
  • No clinical review was conducted on the efficacy of biologic treatments as this was outside of the Crohn's disease guideline remit therefore efficacy data has been derived from the two study used in the TA 37.

1.4.3. Generalisability to other populations and settings

It should be noted that all of the findings relate to an adult population and the conclusions may not apply to paediatric treatment. A separate model for children could not be constructed due to the paucity of both clinical and quality of life studies conducted in this area. Furthermore, the population clinical data used in the model relates to a moderate to severe active Crohn's disease population and thus these conclusions should not be applied to a population consisting entirely of people with severe active disease.

1.4.4. Comparisons with published studies

No relevant or applicable published health economics studies were identified in the area of medical induction of remission.

1.4.5. Conclusion and evidence statement

The analysis suggests that glucocorticosteroid treatment, followed by azathioprine + a glucocorticosteroid then a biologic is the most cost-effective treatment strategy for a moderate to severe acute exacerbation of Crohn's disease.

1.4.6. Implications for future research

Potential areas for future Crohn's disease research that have been identified by this analysis and include:

  • Medical induction of remission trials - despite pooling the results of all the studies in a network meta-analysis, there was still a large amount of imprecision in the estimates of effect size. Conducting more clinical trials in the area of medical induction of remission would reduce this uncertainty.
  • Paediatric clinical trials and quality of life studies.
  • Enteral nutrition studies reporting withdrawal from treatment as a clinical outcome.

2. Cost-effectiveness analysis –maintenance of remission

2.1. Introduction

This economic analysis explores the cost effectiveness of different treatments for medical maintenance of remission in active Crohn's disease. The topic of medical maintenance of remission was chosen by the GDG as one of their top priorities for original economic analysis, since medical maintenance therapy is likely to be a consideration for most people with Crohn's disease at some point. No fully applicable published economic studies were identified in this area.

2.2. Methods

2.2.1. Model overview

A cost-utility analysis was undertaken where costs and quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) were considered from a UK NHS and personal social services perspective (PSS). Comparators

The comparators examined in the model were the same as in the clinical review and approved by the GDG economic subgroup. The economic subgroup comprised two consultant gastroenterologists, one specialist IBD nurse and one patient representative. Methotrexate could not be included since withdrawals from treatment - a key driver of treatment effects in the model- were not reported in the only methotrexate study found in the clinical review. The comparators explored in the model were:

  • No treatment
  • Azathioprine
  • Mesalazine
  • Olsalazine
  • Budesonide
  • Glucocorticosteroids

It should be noted that although they were combined in the clinical review, mesalazine and olsalazine were separated in the economic analysis due to potential differences in costs and side-effect profiles. Population

The population entering the model comprises people in medically-induced remission of Crohn's disease. In most cases, remission was defined by a Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI) score of ≤ 150, though due to paucity of evidence, trials using other definitions, for example physician's objective assessment was used. Time horizon

The time horizon considered in the base case model was two years; this time horizon was chosen to reflect the duration of the longest trial explored in the clinical review for maintenance of remission. A longer time horizon of 10 years was explored in sensitivity analysis. A lifetime time horizon was not explored, since the incremental QALYs vs no treatment at two and ten years were not substantially different, and therefore using a longer time horizon was unlikely to have a significant impact on model results.

2.2.2. Approach to modelling Model structure

A Markov model was constructed, wherein the QALY gain is driven by the amount of time people spend in remission and active disease. A cycle length of two months was chosen to reflect the duration of induction treatments for people in relapse.

Due to the way withdrawals were reported in the RCTs, two separate analyses were conducted for the clinical review, a non-conservative analysis where only the ‘relapse’ outcome was analysed, and conservative analysis where ‘relapse + withdrawals’ was analysed. Treatment effects in the economic model were parameterised so as to account for these two different methods. For the non-conservative analysis in the economic model, withdrawals and relapses were treated separately so that people who withdrew from treatment were still assumed to be in remission (although from this point their risk of relapse reverts back to the risk associated with no treatment). For the conservative analysis in the economic model, people who withdrew were assumed to be in relapse.

The GDG advised that people in relapse should be treated with the induction sequence that was found to be most cost-effective in the induction of remission model (a glucocorticosteroid, followed by azathioprine + a glucocorticosteroid then a biologic). The GDG were uncertain as to what the induction sequence should be for people who relapse while on azathioprine maintenance treatment. People who relapse on azathioprine treatment are likely to have a glucocorticosteroid or biologic induction therapy added to their azathioprine regimen, and therefore initiation of azathioprine induction therapy in these people is not relevant as they are already taking azathioprine. One plausible alternative was to assume a three-line induction sequence for azathioprine (a glucocorticosteroid – a biologic – surgery) but a four-line sequence (a glucocorticosteroid – azathioprine + a glucocorticosteroid- a biologic – surgery) for the other maintenance strategies but this three-line sequence is less cost effective and this may potentially bias the assessment. This scenario was explored, but an analysis where there was a three-line induction sequence (a glucocorticosteroid – a biologic – surgery) for all maintenance strategies was also conducted in order to address this potential imbalance. In this analysis only the maintenance treatment varies between comparators and not the induction sequence but this is probably only a reasonable comparison for people who have had a recent history of severe disease and so would necessitate more urgent treatment.

  • Conservative treatment effects - three lines of induction treatment (including surgery) for people relapsing on azathioprine, four lines of induction treatment for all other people (Cons 4L).
  • Non- conservative treatment effects - three lines of induction treatment (including surgery) for people relapsing on azathioprine, four lines of induction treatment for all other people (Non-cons 4L).
  • Conservative treatment effects - three lines of induction treatment (including surgery) for all people in relapse (Cons 3L).
  • Non-conservative treatment effects - three lines of induction treatment (including surgery) for all people in relapse (Non-cons 3L).

The model structure is shown in Figure 7; note that in the first two analyses described above, the circled health state is omitted for people relapsing on azathioprine maintenance treatment. It is also omitted from the Cons 3L and Non-cons 3L models.

Figure 7. Health states in the maintenance of remission economic model.

Figure 7

Health states in the maintenance of remission economic model.

Key assumptions:

  • People enter the model in the remission maintenance treatment state
  • People who relapse enter the acute induction treatment sequence
  • People in whom remission is successfully re-induced on first- or second-line induction treatment go back on their initial maintenance treatment
  • People who fail induction on biologics undergo surgery
  • If remission is successfully induced on biologics, people stay on biologics until either:
    • Failure: where they undergo dose escalation (equivalent to re-induction using biologics) and have then can either :
      • responding and being put again on maintenance dose or
      • not responding and go to surgery
    • Completion of 12 months: where they are reassessed and
      • if in remission they go on to no maintenance treatment
      • if not they undergo dose escalation (i.e. re-induction) and go back to the start of the sequence. Uncertainty
One-way sensitivity analysis

One-way sensitivity analyses were also conducted in order to test the robustness of model results to changes in key parameters. In one way sensitivity analysis, one parameter is varied while all other parameters are kept constant and the effects of changing this parameter on model results are explored. The one-way sensitivity analyses conducted are described in Table 20.

Probabilistic analysis

A Monte Carlo simulation16 was conducted to explore the uncertainty in model results. In Monte Carlo simulation, each parameter is assigned a distribution reflecting its uncertainty; random draws are then taken from this distribution and propagated through the model, to calculate costs and QALYs. This process is repeated 1,000 times and a model result which represents an average of the simulations is computed.

2.2.3. Model inputs Summary table of model inputs

Model inputs were based on clinical evidence identified in the systematic review undertaken for the guideline, supplemented by additional data sources as required. Model inputs were validated with clinical members of the GDG. Summaries of the model inputs used in the base-case analysis are provided in Table 25, Table 26, Table 27 and Table 28. More details about sources, calculations and rationale for selection can be found in the sections following this summary table.

Table 25. Cost inputs.

Table 25

Cost inputs.

Table 26. Clinical inputs- probabilities of relapse + withdrawal (conservative analysis) per cycle.

Table 26

Clinical inputs- probabilities of relapse + withdrawal (conservative analysis) per cycle.

Table 27. Clinical inputs- probabilities of withdrawal and remission conditional on not withdrawing (non-conservative analysis).

Table 27

Clinical inputs- probabilities of withdrawal and remission conditional on not withdrawing (non-conservative analysis).

Table 28. Utility weights in the model.

Table 28

Utility weights in the model.

The costs and probabilities associated with induction treatments for people in relapse are those associated with the optimal strategy in the induction of remission model and can be found in the induction of remission model write-up. Baseline events (withdrawal, relapse and relapse + withdrawal)

Baseline events were modelled in WinBUGS using a random effects logistic regression on the placebo arms of the RCTs from the clinical review. The aim of the logistic regression was to calculate the baseline log odds of withdrawals due to adverse events and remission conditional on non withdrawal. Relative treatment effects (withdrawal, relapse and relapse + withdrawal)

Relative treatment effects were calculated so as to reflect the clinical review as closely as possible in terms of pooling of studies. As described above, treatment effects were parameterised in two different ways, to facilitate a conservative and non-conservative analysis. Calculation of these treatment effects is described in the following section.

Conservative analysis

For the conservative analysis, with the exception of 5-ASA treatment and glucocorticosteroid treatment, all of the treatment effects could be extracted directly from the clinical review. As discussed previously in the induction of remission model write-up,5-ASA compounds are treated separately for economic analysis within this guideline due to differences in costs and side-effect profile. For glucocorticosteroid treatment, only one trial 53 reported withdrawals and was used to obtain a relative risk for relapse + withdrawal of 1.15 at one year. In the meta-analysis for the clinical review, five mesalazine studies 1,2,45,53,57,62 and one olsalazine 29 study were pooled. These were separated and a new meta-analysis was conducted using the mesalazine studies from the clinical review to obtain a relative risk of 0.81 at one year for relapse + withdrawal with mesalazine. The olsalazine study 29 was then used to calculate a relative risk 1.23 for relapse + withdrawal.

Baseline log odds were converted to the natural scale to obtain a baseline risk of relapse + withdrawal of 52% at one year using the following equation:


where θpl and ppl denote the baseline log odds and risk of relapse + withdrawal respectively, on placebo.

All the relative risks, the baseline risk and associated confidence intervals for relapse + withdrawal are shown in Table 29. Note that in the model these are converted from yearly to two-monthly probabilities to reflect the cycle length.

Table 29. Conservative analysis treatment effects.

Table 29

Conservative analysis treatment effects.

Non-conservative analysis

For the non-conservative analysis, with the exception of 5-ASA treatment all of the treatment effects for relapse could be extracted directly from the clinical review. Estimates of relative risk for relapse on mesalazine were obtained in the same way as described in 0, yielding relative risks at one year of 0.69 and 0.9 for mesalazine and olsalazine respectively.

As described in 2.2.2, for the non-conservative analysis it was important to capture withdrawals from treatment. To achieve this, a series of pair wise meta-analyses were conducted on the withdrawal outcome and probabilities for relapse conditional on ‘non withdrawal’ were calculated, as follows:

  1. Absolute risks of relapse were calculated using baseline log odds of relapse and relative risks.
  2. Absolute probabilities of withdrawal were calculated as follows:
    • Let i represent the number of studies reporting relapse and relapse + withdrawal
    • Let Ri and RWi represent the number of relapses, relapses + withdrawals and number at risk reported in study i
    • The number of withdrawals in study i was then calculated from the equation:
      W = RWiRi
  3. Using these quantities, odds ratios for withdrawal were calculated and pooled across studies. Studies were pooled in the same way as in the clinical review. Treatment-specific odds ratios for withdrawal were then converted to absolute probabilities of withdrawal using methods previously described in the induction of remission model write-up. A probability of relapse conditional on not withdrawing was then calculated using the following equation:
Equation 1- Calculating probability of relapse conditional on non-withdrawal

Treatment effects used in the non-conservative analysis are shown in Table 30. Please note that treatment effects for withdrawal were calculated as odds ratios.

Table 30. Non-conservative analysis treatment effects.

Table 30

Non-conservative analysis treatment effects.

Once the probabilities of relapse, withdrawal and relapse conditional on non withdrawal had been calculated, yearly probabilities were calculated as described in this section, and then transformed to two- monthly probabilities using the equation:


All of the probabilities calculated using the methods described in this section can be found in Table 26 and Table 27.

Figure 4 shows how the probabilities described above and shown in Table 26 and Table 27 operate in the model for the conservative and non-conservative analyses. Note that Figure 8 describes only the patient pathway up to relapse, and a full representation of the patient pathway can be found in Figure 7.

Figure 8. Conservative and non-conservative analysis.

Figure 8

Conservative and non-conservative analysis.

In the conservative analysis, people who either relapse or withdraw are assumed to have active disease and move into the active disease health states where they receive treatment for induction of remission.

In the non-conservative analysis, people who withdraw from treatment are still assumed to be in remission, but not receiving drugs for maintenance of remission; their probability of relapse is then equal to the baseline relapse probability- i.e. the same as people in the no treatment arm. People who do not withdraw from treatment may relapse according to the probability calculated in Equation 1. People relapsing from either the remission- maintenance treatment or remission- no maintenance treatment health states move into the active disease health states where they receive treatment for induction of remission. Utilities

For economic evaluation, a specific measure of HRQoL known as utility is required to calculate QALYs. Utilities indicate the preference for health states on a scale from 0 (death) to 1 (perfect health). The NICE reference case36 specifies that the preferred way for this to be assessed is by the EQ-5D instrument.

The utility weights used in the model for people with active disease and people in remission were the same as those used in the induction model and are shown in Table 28. The rationale for selecting these utility weights can be found in the induction model write-up. Resource use and cost

Please note that all of the drug-specific information in this section refers to people undergoing treatment for maintenance of remission. For information pertaining to induction of remission please see the induction of remission model write-up.

The GDG advised that, as well as the treatment-specific tests and consultations, people in remission of Crohn's disease would have regular consultations and tests regardless of treatment. The GDG noted that these consultations would differ according to how long people were in remission for, and agreed on yearly frequencies of consultations for people who have been in one, two and three years of remission. This was accounted for in two different ways in the model. In the base case, the two-year frequencies were used and an overall cost of £25.75 applied per cycle to people in remission over the two-year time horizon. In a sensitivity analysis, an average cost of consultations over three years was calculated, and a cost of £26.51 applied per cycle to people in remission over the two-year time horizon. These consultations and tests are summarised in Table 31.

Table 31. Consultations and tests for people not in remission (regardless of induction treatment).

Table 31

Consultations and tests for people not in remission (regardless of induction treatment).

Drug acquisition costs

Drug costs in the model were calculated based on weighted average drug acquisition costs were calculated based on prescribing patterns for all preparations39. This can be seen in Table 32.Error! Reference source not found.

Table 32. Base case weekly drug acquisition costs in the model.

Table 32

Base case weekly drug acquisition costs in the model.

Drug-specific tests

Drug-specific tests were decided by the GDG economic subgroup and chair. The GDG noted that the frequency of these drug specific tests would differ according to how long people were in remission for, and agreed on yearly frequencies of consultations for people who have been in one, and two years of remission. This was accounted for in two different ways in the model. In the base case, the two-year frequencies were used and an overall cost applied per cycle to people in remission over the two-year time horizon. In a sensitivity analysis, an average cost of tests over the two years was calculated, and a cost applied per cycle to people in remission over the two-year time horizon. These consultations and tests are summarised in Table 33, Table 34 and Table 35. Note that the consultations are expressed in two-monthly frequencies, so as to reflect the cycle length in the model.

Table 33. Drug-specific tests for mesalazine and olsalazine in the model.

Table 33

Drug-specific tests for mesalazine and olsalazine in the model.

Table 34. Drug-specific tests for glucocorticosteroid treatment and budesonide in the model.

Table 34

Drug-specific tests for glucocorticosteroid treatment and budesonide in the model.

Table 35. Drug-specific tests for azathioprine in the model.

Table 35

Drug-specific tests for azathioprine in the model.

2.2.4. Computations

The mean cost and effectiveness of the competing strategies were calculated using Microsoft Office Excel 2007. Calculating QALYs

In order to calculate the QALYs associated with a given treatment, for each cycle the prevalence of people in each health state was multiplied by the utility weight associated with that health state and divided by an adjustment factor to reflect the cycle length. A worked example of the utility calculation is shown below; please note this is a simplified calculation and the full calculation would take account of all the health states shown in Figure 7.

Table 36. Example calculation for model QALYs.

Table 36

Example calculation for model QALYs.

Thus the total QALY for the cycle described above would be 0.083 + 0.045 = 0.128. These QALY contributions were then aggregated over the two-year model time horizon to calculate the total number of QALYs associated with each treatment. Probabilistic analysis in the model

In the probabilistic analysis, distributions were assigned to treatment effects, utilities and, where possible, costs in order to account for the uncertainty in model inputs and capture the effect of this uncertainty on model outputs. Please see the induction of remission model write-up for more details on how inputs pertaining to induction of remission were made probabilistic.

Treatment effects:

Treatment effects were sampled probabilistically by assigning lognormal distributions as described elsewhere to quantities in Table 25 and Table 27.

Reference costs:

In order to assign a distribution to reference costs, it was assumed that they followed a lognormal distribution and the interquartile range was used to calculate an approximate standard error on the log scale.

Let X be the cost assigned to a distribution to, i.e. ln (X) ∼ Normal(μ,σ2)

Let M be the mean associated with the cost.

Let IQR be the interquartile range associated with the cost.

Note that for normally distributed data:

IQR ≈ 1.35σ

And noting that the standard error s, is related to the standard deviation by:


Then the standard error on the log scale can be calculated as:


And therefore random draws from the distribution can be taken:



Utilities were sampled probabilistically by assigning lognormal distributions to utility decrements as described elsewhere 6. Normal distribution parameters were converted to lognormal parameters by method of moments, as defined below:

Let E[X] and Var[X] be the mean and variance respectively, of the utility decrement U

Then the parameters of the lognormal distribution, μ and σ2 are found by:

σ2=ln(1+Var[X]E[X]2) Calculating cost effectiveness

It is possible, for a particular cost-effectiveness threshold, to express cost-effectiveness results in terms of net benefit (NB). This is calculated by multiplying the total QALYs for a comparator by the threshold cost per QALY value (for example, £20,000) and then subtracting the total costs. The decision rule then applied is that the comparator with the highest NB is the most cost-effective option at the specified threshold. That is the option that provides the highest number of QALYs at an acceptable cost. For ease of computation NB is used to identify the optimal strategy in the probabilistic analysis simulations.

Let Ct and Qt denote the mean costs and mean QALYs respectively, associated with a given treatment. Then the mean net benefit is then calculated as NBt:

NBt = Ct − (20,000 × Qt)

Where £20,000 per QALY represents the cost-effectiveness threshold in the NICE reference case.

This net benefit is calculated for each of the 1000 simulations in the probabilistic analysis. This means that the probability that a given treatment would be optimal, can be estimated based on the number of times it has the highest net benefit.

However, the strategy that is optimal overall is the one that has the highest net benefit calculated using the mean costs and QALYs, where means were the average of the 1,000 simulated estimates.

2.2.5. Sensitivity analyses

The results of the model were tested by changing the parameters which were most uncertain, as described in Table 37.

Table 37. One-way sensitivity analyses in the model.

Table 37

One-way sensitivity analyses in the model.

2.2.6. Model validation

The model was developed in consultation with the GDG; model structure, inputs and results were presented to and discussed with the GDG for clinical validation and interpretation.

The model was systematically checked by the health economist undertaking the analysis; this included inputting null and extreme values and checking that results were plausible given inputs. The model was peer reviewed by a second experienced health economist from the NCGC; this included systematic checking of the model formulae and calculations. The model parameters and results were also assessed against the content of this appendix.

2.2.7. Interpreting results

The strategy with the highest mean net benefit is the one that should be recommended20, though the uncertainty around costs and QALYs should also be taken into consideration; the reasons for this have been detailed elsewhere. Since the disutilities of treatment-specific adverse events could not be captured explicitly, caution should be exercised in recommending strategies containing treatments with high withdrawal rates.

2.3. Results

2.3.1. Conservative analysis Conservative analysis- four-line model
Base case results

The results for the model run with conservative treatment effects and with relapses from all treatments (except azathioprine) being treated with four lines of induction therapy- a glucocorticosteroid, azathioprine + a glucocorticosteroid, a biologic, surgery- are shown in this section. In this analysis, the induction sequence for people relapsing from azathioprine is: a glucocorticosteroid, a biologic, surgery.

Table 38 shows that, in the base case conservative analysis where relapses from all treatments except azathioprine are treated with four lines of induction therapy, azathioprine was associated with the most weeks in remission and hence the highest number of QALYs.

Table 38. Mean clinical outcomes in the base case (per patient).

Table 38

Mean clinical outcomes in the base case (per patient).

Table 39 shows that, in the base case conservative analysis where relapses from all treatments except azathioprine are treated with four lines of induction therapy, the ‘no treatment’ arm was associated with the lowest costs for maintenance of remission- £2,200 per patient.

Table 39. Mean costs in the base case (per patient).

Table 39

Mean costs in the base case (per patient).

Table 40 shows that in the base case conservative analysis where relapses from all treatments except azathioprine are treated with four lines of induction therapy, the ‘no treatment’ arm was most cost effective at a willingness-to-pay threshold of £20,000 per QALY. Olsalazine and glucocorticosteroid treatment were dominated by no treatment. Budesonide, mesalazine and azathioprine were associated with ICERs of £40,000, £25,000 and £21,000 per QALY gained respectively compared with no treatment. This is represented visually in Figure 9, the cost-effectiveness plane depicting the mean costs and QALYs associated with each treatment. Note that in this diagram, the blue line represents a willingness-to-pay threshold of £20,000 per QALY and therefore any treatments that fall to the right of the line are cost effective compared to no treatment at this threshold.

Table 40. Cost-effectiveness in the base case (mean).

Table 40

Cost-effectiveness in the base case (mean).

Figure 9. Cost-effectiveness plane conservative four-line analysis.

Figure 9

Cost-effectiveness plane conservative four-line analysis.

One-way sensitivity analysis

A description of the sensitivity analyses run in the model can be found in Table 20. This section only reports the sensitivity analyses in which the cost-effectiveness ranking changed.

  • Sensitivity analysis one: ten year time horizon
    • Mesalazine ranked first, No treatment ranked second, budesonide ranked third.

In this sensitivity analysis, azathioprine is overtaken in cost-effectiveness by mesalazine and budesonide and mesalazine becomes the most cost-effective treatment. This is because as the time horizon gets longer more people relapse and thus the cost of induction treatment gets higher in less effective maintenance treatments. Azathioprine is the most effective maintenance treatment, but due to the shorter induction sequence for azathioprine in this analysis, the cost of induction increases more in the azathioprine arm than in the mesalazine arm, which leads to mesalazine appearing more cost-effective over time.

  • Sensitivity analysis seven: yearly baseline risk of relapse = 90%
    • Mesalazine ranked 1st, azathioprine ranked 2nd, budesonide ranked 3rd
    In this sensitivity analysis, mesalazine becomes the highest ranked treatment and no treatment is no longer ranked as one of the three most cost-effective treatments. This occurs because at a higher baseline relapse risk the effectiveness of maintenance treatment is much greater relative to no treatment leading to more people remaining in remission and hence greater cost effectiveness. Mesalazine becomes more cost effective than azathioprine because of the fact that azathioprine has a shorter induction sequence in this analysis, and thus the higher number of relapses generates higher costs than in the mesalazine arm, which offsets the higher maintenance efficacy of azathioprine. A threshold analysis showed that this change occurred when the baseline relapse risk was set to 60%
  • Sensitivity analysis eight: yearly baseline risk of relapse = 10%
    • no treatment ranked first, glucocorticosteroid treatment ranked second, azathioprine ranked third
    In this sensitivity analysis, glucocorticosteroid treatment moves ahead of azathioprine, in terms of cost effectiveness. This is because at a lower baseline risk of relapse, the differences between effectiveness of maintenance treatments becomes relatively less. This leads to fewer additional remissions being induced among the more effective treatments and therefore lowers their cost-effectiveness. This change occurred when the baseline risk of relapse was lowered from 38% to 26%.
Probabilistic sensitivity analysis

Cost effectiveness ranks at £20,000 per QALY and their associated 95% confidence intervals were calculated by Monte-Carlo simulation. These are shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10. Conservative four-line model, forest plot of cost-effectiveness rankings.

Figure 10

Conservative four-line model, forest plot of cost-effectiveness rankings.

It can be seen from Figure 10 that although no treatment is most cost-effective in this case- as shown in the deterministic analysis- there is a lot of uncertainty around the relative ranks of the different treatments. The probability that each treatment was the most cost-effective in terms if incremental net benefit at a willingness to pay of £20,000 per QALY is shown in Table 41.

Table 41. Probability of each treatment being most cost-effective.

Table 41

Probability of each treatment being most cost-effective. Conservative analysis - three-line model

The results for the model run with conservative treatment effects and with all treatments having three lines of induction therapy- a glucocorticosteroid, a biologic and surgery- are shown in this section.

Table 42 shows that, in the base case conservative analysis where relapses from all treatments are treated with three lines of induction therapy, azathioprine was associated with the greatest number of weeks in remission and hence the highest number of QALYs.

Table 42. Mean clinical outcomes in the base case (per patient).

Table 42

Mean clinical outcomes in the base case (per patient).

Table 43 shows that, in the base case conservative analysis where relapses from all treatments are treated with three lines of induction therapy, azathioprine was associated with the lowest costs for maintenance of remission- £3,021 per patient.

Table 43. Mean costs in the base case (per patient).

Table 43

Mean costs in the base case (per patient).

Table 44 shows that in the base case conservative analysis where relapses from all treatments are treated with three lines of induction therapy, azathioprine was the most cost-effective treatment at a willingness–to-pay threshold of £20,000 per QALY. Olsalazine and glucocorticosteroid were dominated by no treatment. Budesonide was associated with an ICER of £15,000 per QALY gained compared with no treatment and both mesalazine and azathioprine were dominant vs no treatment. Note that even though mesalazine and budesonide were cost-effective vs no treatment, they were still substantially dominated by azathioprine in terms of costs and QALYs. This is represented visually in Figure 11, the cost-effectiveness plane depicting the mean costs and QALYs associated with each treatment. Note that in this diagram, the blue line represents a willingness-to-pay threshold of £20,000 per QALY and therefore any treatments that fall to the right of the line are cost effective at this threshold.

Table 44. Cost-effectiveness in the base case (mean).

Table 44

Cost-effectiveness in the base case (mean).

Figure 11. Cost-effectiveness plane conservative three-line analysis.

Figure 11

Cost-effectiveness plane conservative three-line analysis.

One way sensitivity analysis
  • Sensitivity analysis eight-yearly baseline risk of relapse = 10%
    • no treatment ranked first azathioprine ranked second, glucocorticosteroid treatment ranked third

In this sensitivity analysis, no treatment and glucocorticosteroid treatment move into the top three treatments in terms of cost effectiveness. This is because at a lower baseline risk of relapse, the effectiveness of maintenance treatment becomes relatively less. This leads to fewer additional remissions being induced among the more effective treatments and therefore lowers their cost-effectiveness. This change occurred when the baseline risk of relapse was lowered from 52% to 14%.

Probabilistic sensitivity analysis

Cost-effectiveness ranks at £20,000 per QALY and their associated 95% confidence intervals were calculated by Monte-Carlo simulation. These are shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12. Conservative three-line model, forest plot of cost-effectiveness rankings.

Figure 12

Conservative three-line model, forest plot of cost-effectiveness rankings.

It can be seen from Figure 12 that, although azathioprine is most cost effective in this case- as shown in the deterministic analysis- there is a lot of uncertainty around the relative ranks of the different treatments.

The probability that each treatment was the most cost-effective in terms if incremental net benefit at a willingness to pay of £20,000 per QALY is shown in Table 45.

Table 45. Probability of each treatment being most cost-effective.

Table 45

Probability of each treatment being most cost-effective.

2.3.2. Non-conservative analysis Non-conservative analysis- four-line model

The results for the model run with non-conservative treatment effects and with relapses from all treatments except azathioprine being treated with four lines of induction therapy-glucocorticosteroid treatment, azathioprine + a glucocorticosteroid, a biologic, surgery- are shown in this section. In this analysis, the induction sequence for people relapsing from azathioprine is: a glucocorticosteroid, a biologic, surgery.

Table 46 shows that in the base case non-conservative analysis where relapses from all treatments except azathioprine are treated with four lines of induction therapy, azathioprine was associated with the greatest number of weeks in remission and hence the highest number of QALYs.

Table 46. Mean clinical outcomes in the base case (per patient).

Table 46

Mean clinical outcomes in the base case (per patient).

Table 47 shows that in the base case non-conservative analysis where relapses from all treatments except azathioprine are treated with four lines of induction therapy, azathioprine was associated with the lowest costs for maintenance of remission- £1,671 per patient.

Table 47. Mean costs in the base case (per patient).

Table 47

Mean costs in the base case (per patient).

Table 48 shows that in the base case non-conservative analysis where relapses from all treatments except azathioprine are treated with four lines of induction therapy, azathioprine was the most cost-effective treatment at a willingness-to-pay threshold of £20,000 per QALY. Olsalazine was dominated by no treatment. Budesonide and mesalazine were associated with ICERs of £20,000 and £88,000 per QALY gained respectively compared with no treatment and glucocorticosteroid treatment and azathioprine were dominant vs no treatment. This is represented visually in Figure 13, the cost-effectiveness plane depicting the mean costs and QALYs associated with each treatment. Note that in this diagram, the blue line represents a willingness-to-pay threshold of £20,000 per QALY and therefore any treatments that fall to the right of the line are cost effective at this threshold.

Table 48. Cost effectiveness in the base case (mean).

Table 48

Cost effectiveness in the base case (mean).

Figure 13. Cost-effectiveness plane non-conservative four-line analysis.

Figure 13

Cost-effectiveness plane non-conservative four-line analysis.

One-way sensitivity analysis

A description of the sensitivity analyses run in the model can be found in Table 20. This section, only reports the sensitivity analyses in which the cost-effectiveness ranking changed significantly.

  • Sensitivity analysis seven-yearly baseline risk of relapse = 90%
    • Azathioprine ranked first, mesalazine ranked second, budesonide ranked third

In this sensitivity analysis, mesalazine and budesonide move ahead of glucocorticosteroid treatment in the cost-effectiveness rankings. This is because at a higher baseline risk of relapse, the effectiveness of maintenance treatments increases relative to no treatment leading to more people in remission and therefore greater cost effectiveness. This occurred when the baseline risk of relapse was increased from 52% to 60%

  • Sensitivity analysis eight-yearly baseline risk of relapse = 10%
    • No treatment ranked first, glucocorticosteroid treatment ranked second, azathioprine ranked third

In this sensitivity analysis, no treatment and glucocorticosteroid treatment move ahead of azathioprine in terms of cost-effectiveness. This is because at a lower baseline risk of relapse, the effectiveness of maintenance treatments becomes less, and therefore the extra people that remain in remission on more effective treatments is reduced. This leads to fewer additional remissions among the more effective treatments and therefore lowers their cost-effectiveness. This change occurred when the baseline risk was lowered from 39% to 11%.

Probabilistic-sensitivity analysis

Cost effectiveness ranks at £20,000 per QALY and their associated 95% confidence intervals were calculated by Monte-Carlo simulation. These are shown in Figure 14.

Figure 14. Non-conservative four-line model, forest plot of cost-effectiveness rankings.

Figure 14

Non-conservative four-line model, forest plot of cost-effectiveness rankings.

It can be seen from Figure 14 that, although azathioprine is most cost-effective in this case- as shown in the deterministic analysis- there is a lot of uncertainty around the relative ranks of the different treatments.

The probability that each treatment was the most cost-effective in terms if incremental net benefit at a willingness-to-pay of £20,000 per QALY is shown in Table 49.

Table 49. Probability of each treatment being most cost-effective.

Table 49

Probability of each treatment being most cost-effective. Non-conservative analysis- three-line model

The results for the model run with non- conservative treatment effects and with all treatments having three lines of induction therapy- a glucocorticosteroid, a biologic, surgery- are shown in this section.

Table 50 shows that in the base case non-conservative analysis where relapses from all treatments are treated with four lines of induction therapy, azathioprine was associated with the greatest number of weeks in remission and hence the highest number of QALYs.

Table 50. Mean clinical outcomes in the base case (per patient).

Table 50

Mean clinical outcomes in the base case (per patient).

Table 51 shows that in the base case non-conservative analysis where relapses from all treatments are treated with three lines of induction therapy, azathioprine was associated with the lowest costs for maintenance of remission- £1,671 per patient.

Table 51. Mean costs in the base case (per patient).

Table 51

Mean costs in the base case (per patient).

Table 52 shows that in the base case non-conservative analysis where relapses from all treatments are treated with three lines of induction therapy, azathioprine was the most cost-effective treatment at a willingness-to-pay threshold of £20,000 per QALY. Olsalazine was dominated by no treatment. Budesonide was associated with an ICER of £65,000 per QALY gained compared with no treatment and glucocorticosteroid treatment, mesalazine and azathioprine were dominant vs no treatment. Note that even though the ICERs associated with mesalazine and glucocorticosteroid treatment are under the cost-effectiveness threshold of £20,000 per QALY, both are significantly dominated by azathioprine. This is represented visually in Figure 15, the cost-effectiveness plane depicting the mean costs and QALYs associated with each treatment. Note that in this diagram, the blue line represents a willingness-to-pay threshold of £20,000 per QALY and therefore any treatments that fall to the right of the line are cost effective at this threshold.

Table 52. Cost effectiveness in the base case (mean).

Table 52

Cost effectiveness in the base case (mean).

Figure 15. Cost-effectiveness plane non-conservative three-line analysis.

Figure 15

Cost-effectiveness plane non-conservative three-line analysis.

One-way sensitivity analysis
  • Sensitivity analysis eight- yearly baseline risk of relapse = 10%
    • azathioprine ranked first, no treatment ranked second, glucocorticosteroid treatment ranked third

In this sensitivity analysis, no treatment and glucocorticosteroid treatment move into the top three treatments in terms of cost effectiveness. This is because at a lower baseline risk of relapse, the effectiveness of maintenance treatments becomes less, and therefore the extra people that remain in remission on more effective treatments is reduced. This leads to fewer additional remissions among the more effective treatments and therefore lowers their cost-effectiveness. However, in spite of the lower number of remissions induced at this low risk of relapse, azathioprine is still the most cost-effective treatment in this analysis. This change occurred when the baseline risk of relapse was lowered from 39% to 13%.

Probabilistic sensitivity analysis

Cost effectiveness ranks at £20,000 per QALY and their associated 95% confidence intervals were calculated by Monte-Carlo simulation. These are shown in Figure 16.

Figure 16. Non-conservative four-line model, forest plot of cost-effectiveness rankings.

Figure 16

Non-conservative four-line model, forest plot of cost-effectiveness rankings.

It can be seen from Figure 16 that azathioprine is most cost-effective in this case- as shown in the deterministic analysis. In addition, there is much more certainty around its cost-effectiveness ranking.

The probability that each treatment was the most cost-effective in terms if incremental net benefit at a willingness-to-pay of £20,000 per QALY is shown in Table 53.

Table 53. Probability of each treatment being most cost-effective.

Table 53

Probability of each treatment being most cost-effective.

2.4. Discussion

2.4.1. Summary of results

The analysis shows that in the base case:

  • Azathioprine was dominant and ranked as the most cost-effective treatment option in all cases apart from the conservative four-line induction analysis where it was associated with an ICER of £20,000 per QALY gained compared with no treatment.
  • The ICER for mesalazine ranged from being dominant to £25,000 per QALY gained in non-conservative and conservative analyses respectively.
  • The ICER for budesonide ranged from £15,000 to £88,000 per QALY gained in non-conservative and conservative analyses respectively.
  • Glucocorticosteroid treatment ranged from being dominant to dominated in conservative and non-conservative analyses respectively, showing there is a large amount of uncertainty in its cost-effectiveness.
  • Olsalazine was dominated in all analyses.
  • Excluding the azathioprine ranking in the non-conservative three-line induction model, there was a lot of uncertainty around cost-effectiveness rankings. This is due to the uncertainty in treatment effects propagated through the model.

2.4.2. Limitations and interpretation

This model is based on findings from RCTs included in the clinical review of the guideline and therefore any issues concerning interpretation in the clinical review also apply to interpretation of the economic analysis. Limitations of the model include:

  • The utility loss and treatment cost associated with treatment-related adverse events have not been explicitly incorporated. This is likely to mean the cost effectiveness of all the treatment strategies has been over-estimated in the economic analysis, though since each treatment is likely to have a different side-effect profile, it is unlikely that ICERs have been underestimated by the same magnitude for all treatment strategies. For treatment strategies with more severe side-effects, the over estimation of the ICER is likely to be higher than in treatment strategies with less severe side-effect profiles.
  • No clinical review was conducted on the efficacy of biologic treatments as this was outside of the Crohn's disease guideline remit therefore efficacy data have been derived from the two studies from within the NICE Technology Appraisal 187.
  • Efficacy for azathioprine in the model is based on withdrawal trials and thus any conclusions regarding its cost effectiveness should be made in this context. The participants in these trials were, by definition those who had already achieved a stable remission with azathioprine, and therefore more likely to experience continued remission if randomised to azathioprine than a patient who has not previously tried the drug.
  • It is difficult to incorporate severity of disease with precision, since both the trial and utility evidence tends to dichotomise outcomes to active disease and remission, whereas in reality there is a blurred line between active disease and remission. Furthermore relapses vary in terms of their severity.
  • The conclusions from this model relate to which maintenance treatment to use once it has been decided to offer maintenance treatment to a person with Crohn's disease. The model is not designed to answer the question of when a patient should be put on maintenance treatment.

2.4.3. Generalisability to other populations and settings

It should be noted that all of the findings from this cost-effectiveness analysis relate to an adult population and the conclusions may not apply to treatment of Crohn's disease in childhood. It was not possible to conduct a separate model for children due to the paucity of both clinical and quality of life studies conducted in this area.

2.4.4. Conclusion and evidence statement

The original cost-effectiveness analysis conducted for this guideline suggests that azathioprine is the most cost-effective treatment for maintenance of remission in Crohn's disease, although there was considerable uncertainty related to interpretation of withdrawals in the trials and the induction sequence assumed for people that relapse.

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