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National Clinical Guideline Centre (UK). Headaches: Diagnosis and Management of Headaches in Young People and Adults [Internet]. London: Royal College of Physicians (UK); 2012 Sep. (NICE Clinical Guidelines, No. 150.)

  • Update information - February 2020: A footnote was added to recommendation 1.3.17 on the potential risk of propranolol overdose in people with migraine who also have depression. November 2015: New and updated recommendations on the prophylactic treatment of migraine were added.

Update information - February 2020: A footnote was added to recommendation 1.3.17 on the potential risk of propranolol overdose in people with migraine who also have depression. November 2015: New and updated recommendations on the prophylactic treatment of migraine were added.

Cover of Headaches

Headaches: Diagnosis and Management of Headaches in Young People and Adults [Internet].

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ACAAvailable case analysis
ACE (inhibitor)Angiotensin-converting-enzyme (inhibitor)
AEAdverse events
AIDSAcquired immune deficiency syndrome
ANOVAAnalysis of variance
ARBAngiotensin II receptor blockers
ASAAcetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)
bidTwice daily
BNFBritish National Formulary
CCACost-consequences analysis
CCBCalcium channel blocker
CCTControlled clinical trial
CDHChronic daily headache
CEACost-effectiveness analysis
CIConfidence interval
CNSCentral nervous system
COCPCombined oral contraceptive pill
CSMTChiropractic spinal manipulative therapy
CTComputerised tomography (scan)
CUACost-utility analysis
dfDegrees of freedom
DHDepartment of Health
FDIFunctional disability inventory
GDGGuideline development group
GPGeneral practitioner
GPRDGeneral practice research database
GPwSIGeneral practitioner with a special interest (in headache)
GRADEGuidelines Recommendations Assessment Development Evaluation
GRPGuideline review panel
HADSHospital anxiety and depression scale
HESHospital episode statistics
HIVHuman immunodeficiency virus
HIT6Headache impact test-6
HRQLHealth related quality of life
HRTHormone replacement therapy
HTAHealth technology assessment
ICERIncremental cost-effectiveness ratio
ICHDInternational classification of headache disorders
ICUIntensive care unit
IHSInternational Headache Society
INBIncremental net benefit
IQRInter quartile range
ITTIntention to treat (analysis)
LSLeast square
MAOMonoamine oxidase
MHRAMedicines and healthcare products regulatory agency
MIDASMigraine disability assessment
mITTModified intention to treat (analysis)
MOHMedication overuse headache
MRIMagnetic resonance imaging
MSQoLMigraine specific quality of life
N/ANot applicable
NHSNational health service
NICENational institute for health and clinical excellence
NMANetwork meta-analysis
NNTNumber needed to treat
NPRNational patient register
NPVNegative predictive value
NRNot reported
NSNot significant
NSAIDNon-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
OCPOral contraceptive pill
OROdds ratio
PASANHS purchasing and supply agency
pedMIDASPaediatric migraine disability assessment
PICOFramework incorporating patients, interventions, comparisons, outcomes
PPPer protocol
PPIPPatient and public involvement programme
PPVPositive predictive value
PSAProbabilistic sensitivity analysis
QALYQuality-adjusted life year
QoLQuality of life
RCTRandomised clinical trial
RRRelative risk or risk ratio
SDStandard deviation
SEStandard error
SEMStandard error of the mean
SF-36Short form-36
SRSystematic review
SNRISerotonin-norepinephrine re-uptake inhibitor
SSRISelective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor
TARTherapist assisted relaxation
TCMTraditional Chinese medicine
TENSTranscutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
TIATransient ischaemic attack
tidThree times a day
TTHTension type headache
VASVisual analogue scale
VRSVerbal rating scale
WHOWorld Health Organisation
Copyright © 2012, National Clinical Guideline Centre.

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Bookshelf ID: NBK327497


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