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National Clinical Guideline Centre (UK). Headaches: Diagnosis and Management of Headaches in Young People and Adults [Internet]. London: Royal College of Physicians (UK); 2012 Sep. (NICE Clinical Guidelines, No. 150.)

  • Update information - February 2020: A footnote was added to recommendation 1.3.17 on the potential risk of propranolol overdose in people with migraine who also have depression. November 2015: New and updated recommendations on the prophylactic treatment of migraine were added.

Update information - February 2020: A footnote was added to recommendation 1.3.17 on the potential risk of propranolol overdose in people with migraine who also have depression. November 2015: New and updated recommendations on the prophylactic treatment of migraine were added.

Cover of Headaches

Headaches: Diagnosis and Management of Headaches in Young People and Adults [Internet].

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Appendix EEvidence tables – Clinical evidence

E.1. Assessment and diagnosis

E.1.1. Indications for consideration of additional investigation

HIV positive with new onset headache (PDF, 594K)

History of malignancy with new onset headache (PDF, 460K)

E.1.2. Identifying people with primary headache

Migraine (PDF, 1.0M)

Cluster headache (PDF, 770K)

E.1.3. Headache diaries for the diagnosis and management of primary headaches and medication overuse headache

Headache diaries as an aid to diagnosis (PDF, 645K)

Headache diaries as an aid to management of people with primary headaches (PDF, 567K)

E.1.4. Imaging for diagnosis in people with suspected primary headache

Download PDF (591K)

E.1.5. Imaging as a management strategy for people with primary headaches

Download PDF (617K)

E.2. Management

E.2.1. Information and support for people with primary headache

Download PDF (875K)

E.2.2. Acute pharmacological treatment of tension type headache

Download PDF (919K)

E.2.3. Acute pharmacological treatment of migraine

Oral, nasal & subcutaneous treatments (PDF, 1.4M)

Intravenous, intramuscular and subcutaneous treatments (PDF, 828K)

E.2.4. Acute pharmacological treatment of cluster headache

Download PDF (769K)

E.2.5. Prophylactic pharmacological treatment of tension type headache

Download PDF (494K)

E.2.6. Migraine

Download PDF (1.4M)

E.2.7. Prophylactic pharmacological treatment of menstrual migraine

Download PDF (572K)

E.2.8. Prophylactic pharmacological treatment of cluster headache

Download PDF (721K)

E.3. Non-pharmacological treatment of primary headaches

E.3.1. Prophylactic non-pharmacological management of primary headaches with acupuncture

Tension type headache (PDF, 742K)

Migraine (PDF, 806K)

E.3.2. Prophylactic non-pharmacological management of primary headaches with manual therapies

Tension type headache (PDF, 691K)

Migraine (PDF, 599K)

E.3.3. Prophylactic non-pharmacological management of primary headaches with psychological therapies

Tension type headache (PDF, 627K)

Migraine (PDF, 671K)

E.3.4. Prophylactic non-pharmacological management of primary headaches with dietary supplements and herbal remedies

Dietary supplements (PDF, 620K)

Herbal remedies (PDF, 762K)

E.3.5. Prophylactic non-pharmacological management of primary headaches with exercise

Download PDF (641K)

E.3.6. Prophylactic non-pharmacological management of primary headaches with education and self-management

Download PDF (748K)

E.5. Management during pregnancy and contraceptive use

E.5.1. Management of primary headaches during pregnancy

Triptans (PDF, 704K)

Verapamil (PDF, 479K)

E.5.2. Combined hormonal contraceptive use in girls and women with migraine

Download PDF (511K)

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Bookshelf ID: NBK327481