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National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Division on Earth and Life Studies; Health and Medicine Division; Institute for Laboratory Animal Research; Board on Health Sciences Policy; Committee on the State of the Science and Future Needs for Nonhuman Primate Model Systems; Yost OC, Downey A, Ramos KS, editors. Nonhuman Primate Models in Biomedical Research: State of the Science and Future Needs. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2023 May 4.

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Nonhuman Primate Models in Biomedical Research: State of the Science and Future Needs.

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3Current Landscape of Use and Availability of Nonhuman Primates for NIH-Supported Biomedical Research

The committee was charged with examining the current landscape of use and availability of nonhuman primates (NHPs) for National Institutes of Health (NIH)–supported biomedical research. In carrying out this task, the committee built on the 2018 NIH Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (ORIP) report Nonhuman Primate Evaluation and Analysis (ORIP report), which provides a snapshot of research priorities and supply and demand for NHPs in the United States during fiscal years (FY) 2013–2017 (ORIP, 2018a,b). As discussed in Chapter 1, recent events, including the COVID-19 pandemic and a ban on NHP exportation by China, have dramatically altered the landscape of NHP use in biomedical research in the United States (Ackley et al., 2023). In this chapter, the committee describes the current state of NIH-supported NHP research, as well as the impacts of NHP shortages on the nation’s ability to meet patient needs for biomedical advances and respond to future public health emergencies. Data presented in this chapter demonstrate the worsening shortage of NHPs available for NIH-supported research, the vulnerabilities of current importation practices, and the need for investment in data and research infrastructure to optimize efficient use and ensure future availability of critical NHP resources in the United States.


This section provides an overview of NIH’s role in advancing biomedical research in the United States, a description of the complex landscape for NHP acquisition and use in the context of NIH-supported research, and an overview of stakeholders involved in the supply and use of NHP resources. In accordance with the committee’s charge, the emphasis of this review of the NHP research landscape is on NIH and its extramural and intramural research programs; however, other stakeholders are briefly referenced within the context of the broader landscape of suppliers and users of NHP resources.

NIH Support for Biomedical Research Using NHP Models

NIH is the largest public source of funding for biomedical research in the United States, directing significant investments to advance both basic fundamental and translational research (NIH, 2015). Guided by the research priorities identified by the 27 individual NIH institutes and centers (NIH, n.d.), funds are distributed through a variety of established mechanisms, including grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts. Different funding mechanisms provide support for distinct components of the research enterprise, including research projects, operations, construction and physical infrastructure improvements, and workforce training, among others. Table 3-1 provides brief descriptions of the primary funding mechanisms used by NIH institutes, centers, and offices (ICOs), as well as examples of commonly used activity codes.

TABLE 3-1. Overview of Common National Institutes of Health (NIH) Funding Mechanisms.


Overview of Common National Institutes of Health (NIH) Funding Mechanisms.

Most NIH funds for research activities support extramural research programs—that is, research conducted at academic centers and other institutions external to NIH. In FY2021, across its entire research portfolio, NIH awarded more than $24.3 billion in research project grants, which provide direct support for research projects led by extramural principal investigators (NIH, 2023). In addition to extramural research funding, ICOs can direct funds toward intramural biomedical research conducted at NIH federal laboratories, some of which involves the use of NHPs. The intramural research program makes up approximately 10 percent of the overall NIH budget (NIH, 2022d) and functions to advance NIH’s broader research mission.

NIH provides support for NHP research within both its intramural and extramural research programs, as well as support for the production and maintenance of NHP resources. In FY2017, NIH-supported research involving the use of NHP models accounted for approximately 1.5 percent of all NIH awards (ORIP, 2018a). As of this writing, 12 and 19 ICOs, respectively, reported support of intramural and extramural research involving NHP models (NIH, 2022a).1 Research project grants and research center grants are the primary funding mechanisms used by NIH to support the research infrastructure that provides NHPs for NIH-supported research programs.

Research center awards (e.g., P51, P40) provide funding to the National Primate Research Centers (NPRCs); National Resources with NHP breeding colonies;2 and some large, multiproject research efforts that enroll NHPs. NHP research resources supported by NIH—specifically, through NPRC and National Resource grants—are funded and managed by ORIP as part of its mission. The majority of the funding for these resources comprises both “base” funding (value of the primary grant) and “supplemental” funding (value of additional funds provided to expand existing awards).3 Base and supplemental funding provided through the P51 award mechanism—used exclusively for the operation of the seven NPRCs to support personnel, specialized facilities, and breeding colonies—increased by 12 percent between FY2018 and FY2022, while funding for National Resources over the same period through the P40 award mechanism increased by 6 percent (NIH Reporter, 2023b).4 The 12 percent increase in funding for the NPRCs reflects increases in both base and supplemental funding aimed at addressing concerns raised in the 2018 ORIP report related to insufficient support for the maintenance of existing research infrastructure at NPRCs, as well as Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funding allocated for the COVID-19 response. CARES Act funds accounted for more than half of P51 supplemental funding distributed between 2020 and 2022 (NIH RePORTER, 2023a). After accounting for inflation,5 however, the committee found that total award funding for NPRCs (P51 awards) between 2012 and 2022 decreased by more than 23 percent (approximately $20,000,000 total decrease) and inflation-adjusted P40 funding for National Resources over the same time period decreased by 8.5 percent (approximately $390,000 total decrease) (BLS, 2023; NIH RePORTER, 2023a,b). For additional details, see the section on physical research infrastructure later in this chapter.

Complexity of the NHP Research Landscape

Describing the supply and use of NHPs in NIH-supported research quantitatively is challenging because of the complexity of the NHP research landscape, inadequacies of data tracking systems, and current limitations of data integration/harmonization.

The broad landscape of NHP research in the United States involves many different stakeholders who are active in both the supply and use of NHPs in biomedical research, which makes it difficult to develop a clear understanding of NHP supply and demand. Understanding the NIH-supported NHP research landscape specifically is further complicated at the stakeholder level by the complexities of contracts and awards from federal and nonfederal funders for the production and use of NHPs. An ICO-owned NHP breeding colony used for intramural research, for example, may be managed by a private contract research organization (CRO) that also conducts contracted research using CRO-owned NHPs held onsite for pharmaceutical companies. This CRO may also supply domestically produced NHPs for the commercial market, which may involve investigators seeking to purchase NHPs for their NIH award. In a different scenario, an academic institution holding an NIH award to support the management of an onsite breeding colony of rhesus macaques may also hold an active contract with a for-profit entity to provide rhesus macaques and marmosets from its institutionally owned colonies. In both of these cases, the organizations will have records of the overall number of NHPs in their care, which are reported to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) annually, but the numbers and species used specifically for NIH research cannot be determined with certainty.

Related challenges to describing the NHP research landscape include the lack of a common database or tracking system providing quantitative data on the supply and use of NHPs specifically for extramural and intramural NIH research. While some existing data sources can help in contextualizing the overall scope of the NHP research landscape, these sources are insufficient for assessing NHP supply and use at the level of NIH support. Data from USDA, for example, provide exact numbers of NHPs held and used for research purposes6 at individual research facilities (see Appendix B for these USDA data for FY2021). However, these data include no additional information about the origin of these NHPs, whether they came from an NIH-supported breeding site, or whether they were ultimately used in NIH-supported research (see Appendix A for a description of data limitations associated with USDA annual report data).

NIH RePORTER, the publicly accessible repository of NIH-funded projects, also cannot be used to obtain an accurate representation of the NIH-supported NHP research landscape because it is not designed to search awards by research model type (NIH RePORTER, 2023c). The vertebrate animals section of the full NIH application record for each award gives specific details about any animal model(s) the investigator plans to use during the course of the proposed research project, as well as consideration given to alternative models (OLAW, 2021), and could be used to quantify the number of NHPs planned for use in any given project. This approach was in fact used to collect data for analysis in the ORIP report in 2018. However, open access to these data is limited because the vertebrate animals section is not included in the publicly available information that can be collected from NIH RePORTER. To inform its analysis of the current landscape of NIH-supported NHP research, the committee requested records of all active NIH awards involving NHPs, including the vertebrate animals sections of those awards, but was unable to access these internal NIH records.

For NHPs used in intramural NIH research, USDA data provide the number of NHPs held and used by NIH, but do not include data from individual ICOs except for the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). Importantly, these data do not capture those animals involved in NIH intramural research that are held or used at third-party sites.

Major Stakeholders Involved in the Supply and Use of NHP Resources for NIH-Supported Research

As noted in the previous section, describing and quantifying NHP supply and use is complex, and the available data are insufficient to parse out, in a detailed manner, NHP production and use within the context of NIH-supported biomedical research. One aspect of this complex landscape is the diversity of stakeholders with key roles in the support and/ or conduct of NIH-funded NHP research. Several of these stakeholders, specifically the NIH-supported intramural NHP resources and ORIP-supported NPRCs and National Resources, constitute NIH’s long-established NHP research infrastructure, which is dedicated to supporting NIH-funded NHP research in the United States. These stakeholders and others are described in the sections that follow.

NIH Intramural Research Facilities

NIH ICOs are actively involved in both supporting the supply of NHPs for intramural research activities and the use of NHPs in research. USDA data from FY2021 show that 7,328 NHPs were reportedly held or used for research purposes at NIH ICO facilities supporting intramural programs (USDA, 2021) (see Table B-2 in Appendix B). 7 NIH support for intramural NHP resources involves several different acquisition pathways, although publicly available details are limited and complicated by complex funding and contracting processes. Several ICOs own breeding colonies for intramural research use, some of which are managed by third parties (Florence, 2022). ICOs may also have agreements with other ICOs to provide animals for use in intramural research. In addition, ICOs may access NHPs from NPRCs and National Resources, other academic centers with breeding colonies, or international and domestic suppliers. It should be noted that these suppliers do not contract exclusively with NIH ICOs and may also supply NHPs for their own use or for sale to other research institutions.

National Primate Research Centers

First established in the 1960s as regional primate research centers (Gibson, 1994), NPRCs are awarded competitively by NIH and hosted at research universities and institutions throughout the United States (see Figure 3-1). NPRCs complement and enable the missions of NIH ICOs by maintaining NHP breeding colonies and providing investigators with centralized expertise and resources (e.g., clinical laboratories, staffed cores for collecting samples, development of NHP models). Thus, these facilities fulfill essential functions for the domestic production of NHPs in addition to being active in the conduct of specialized research programs using NHPs. NPRCs receive funding from the Division of Comparative Medicine within ORIP via P51 Primate Research Center Grants (NIH, 2020), along with supplemental awards, to perform their dual functions of NHP resource production and research.

A graphic showing a map of the United States with numbered labels placed in each state in which a National Primate Research Center (NPRC) or a nonhuman primate research resource supported by the NIH Office of Research Infrastructure Programs is located. A key on each side of the map lists the NPRCs and National Resources corresponding to each numbered label.


National Primate Research Centers and other nonhuman primate research resources supported by the Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (ORIP) at the National Institutes of Health. NOTES: In addition to the seven National Primate Research Centers, (more...)

While much of the work of NPRCs is focused on NIH-supported research projects carried out by investigators internal and external to the center, NRPCs do not supply NHPs exclusively to NIH-supported investigators or carry out only NIH-supported research. The seven NIH-supported NPRCs accounted for nearly 24 percent (27,067) of all NHPs reported to USDA in FY2021 (USDA, 2021); however, the exact number of NHPs used by the NPRCs for NIH-supported research projects is unknown because of the aforementioned data limitations.

Individual NPRCs establish their own administrative processes for reviewing investigator requests for animals and services. However, these requests are generally prioritized in the following order based on funding source, as specified by NIH (NIH, 2020): (1) NIH extramural grants, (2) NIH intramural funding, (3) other federal agency funding, (4) not-for-profit funding, and (5) for-profit funding. Other factors considered within the context of this prioritization structure include primary research domain, funding mechanism, scientific justification, and logistical issues such as transportation (NPRC Information Request, 20228).

The seven NPRCs carry out coordinated activities under the auspices of the NPRC Consortium, an important component of the NIH-supported NHP research infrastructure. These Consortium-based activities are NPRC-driven and include the sharing of best practices, protocols, and data to “enhance the resources of the program and promote cost savings by standardizing common activities across all of the NPRCs” (NIH, 2020). Working groups within the Consortium (e.g., Breeding Colony Management, Genetics and Genomics, Behavioral Management, Occupational Health and Safety, Pathology) are formed in consultation with ORIP staff, and their members are appointed by NPRC directors.

Non-NPRC National Resources

Four institutions receive ORIP support to serve as National Resources for domestic breeding colonies of NHPs (see Figure 3-1).9 NHPs reported by these four National Resources accounted for just over 7 percent (8,112) of all NHPs reported to USDA as held or used for research purposes in FY2021 (USDA, 2021). As with NPRCs and other stakeholders, however, the proportion of this population that was associated with NIH-supported research is unknown, as National Resources may receive funds from other federal and private entities to breed and supply NHPs (e.g., NIH directly supports the maintenance of a squirrel monkey colony at the MD Anderson Cancer Center but not the rhesus macaque colony at the same site, even though all of these animals may be used for NIH-supported research projects). Investigators at National Resources also actively conduct NHP research, some of which may be funded by NIH, and may purchase supplemental animals from the commercial market to meet their research needs. In addition to National Resources supplying NHPs for research use, ORIP supports three Reagent Resources (Figure 3-1) that do not maintain ORIP-funded NHP breeding colonies but serve as resources for primate-specific immune reagents (Grieder, 2023; ORIP, 2022). In contrast with the loosely centralized coordination efforts of the NPRC Consortium, the National Resources set priorities and operate independently, with no formal or informal coordinating structure, although they are often invited to participate in NPRC working groups.

Contract Research Organizations and Other Commercial NHP Suppliers

CROs provide an array of contracted research services within their facilities, often using CRO-owned NHP colonies for drug and product development activities. Some CROs and other commercial organizations also act as suppliers of NHPs and make animals from their onsite populations available for purchase; they also may arrange for importation of NHPs (Harding, 2017; ORIP, 2018a). Cumulatively, NHPs reported by these entities accounted for greater than 42 percent (approximately 48,400) of all NHPs reported to USDA as held or used for research purposes in FY2021 (see the listing of research facilities in Tables B-2 and B-3 in Appendix B) (USDA, 2021). It is not known what proportion of these NHPs were supplied for or used in NIH-supported research.

Several CROs and commercial suppliers have relationships with NIH ICOs through cooperative agreements and contracts to manage NIH-owned breeding colonies or to supply animals for extramural or intramural research purposes from colonies owned and/or managed by third parties. The NHP breeding colony on Morgan Island, South Carolina, for example, is owned by NIH for intramural research purposes but is managed by the CRO Charles River Laboratories, which in turn leases the land from the State of South Carolina (GovTribe, 2022; McCombs, 2021).

Private Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Companies

Pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies also use NHPs to support their research programs in the United States, accounting for 2.7 percent of NHPs reported to USDA in 2021 (see the listing of pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies in Tables B-2 and B-3 in Appendix B) (USDA, 2021). This small percentage does not represent the totality of industry-sponsored NHP research, as these companies frequently use CROs to carry out research activities offsite (Harding, 2017). These companies may manage their own NHP colonies, procure NHPs from international or domestic suppliers, or contract with CROs to carry out NHP research activities. While rarely associated directly with NIH-supported research using NHPs, industry-sponsored NHP research activities can impact the balance of supply, demand, and prices for NHP resources across the broader research landscape. Increases in NHP demand by pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies that cannot be met by importation or industry-owned colonies—a situation experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic—can result in increased competition and cost increases for the limited domestic NHP resources sought after by other stakeholders (Zhang, 2020).

NHP Investigators at Non-NPRC and Non–National Resource Academic Institutions

An assessment of USDA NHP use data shows that academic institutions—outside of NPRCs and National Resources—reported using more than 16,000 NHPs in FY2021, with 31 percent of these facilities reporting use of fewer than 20 NHPs (USDA, 2021). In total, these academic institutions account for just over 14 percent of all NHPs reported to USDA in 2021, but nearly 47 percent of all research facilities conducting research using NHPs. NIH RePORTER records indicate that many of these institutions hold active awards from NIH to carry out research using NHP models. The finding that many institutions report the use of small numbers of NHPs suggests that much of the NIH-supported, investigator-initiated research in the United States may involve small numbers of NHPs used by individual NIH grantees. These findings have implications for the tracking of investigator demand and strategies for ensuring access to NHP resources.


The worsening shortage of NHPs for biomedical research, highlighted in the 2018 ORIP report (ORIP, 2018a,b), represents an increasingly serious threat to national security because of the critical importance of NHP models in responding to ongoing and emerging public health threats. Absent response, this shortage also stands to impede progress toward meeting other pressing medical and public health challenges. Actions taken by NIH in response to some of the concerns raised in the 2018 ORIP report (see Box 3-1) have been insufficient to bolster NHP supply to the levels required to meet research demands. This section documents the nature and extent of the NHP shortage and its impacts on NIH-supported biomedical research within the United States and identifies areas for targeted action. The data presented here were obtained from responses to the committee’s information requests10 and a survey of 273 NIH-funded investigators carried out by the committee. Collectively, these data aid in understanding recent importation trends, domestic breeding capacity, investigator demand, and the impacts of NHP availability issues on NIH-supported research (see Appendix A for additional detail on these information-gathering activities of the committee, Appendix B for additional analyses of data collected by the committee, and Appendix E for a listing of survey questions and aggregated responses).

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BOX 3-1


Availability of NHP Resources

The availability of NHPs for biomedical research in the United States has been a longstanding challenge (NIH, 1978), dating as far back as the war on polio in the early 20th century (Suri, 2022). As discussed previously, NHPs used in biomedical research are either produced at domestic breeding facilities or imported from suppliers. While the available supply of this research resource has always been limited because of high demand, recent geopolitical events and public health emergencies have directly impacted these dual pathways for the supply of NHPs and exacerbated the existing challenges of scarce NHP research resources. As discussed further in the sections that follow and in Appendix B, key findings11 related to NHP availability for NIH-supported extramural and intramural research include the following:

  • The absolute number of NHPs held or used for research purposes decreased over the past decade by more than 2,100 animals. The total number of NHPs held but not yet used for research purposes declined by 11 percent over this period.
  • The importation of NHPs, particularly cynomolgus macaques but also other species, is vulnerable to geopolitical pressures and logistical constraints (e.g., air transportation) that jeopardize reliable access to these animals.
  • Changes in patterns of importation (e.g., a nearly 23 percent reduction in cynomolgus macaque imports in FY2020 as compared to FY2019 levels), as seen following the Chinese export ban and during the COVID-19 pandemic, have serious, secondary effects on demand for the limited supply of domestically produced NHPs.
  • Macaques and marmosets represent current and future domestic breeding priorities. Existing breeding programs for these species cannot meet current investigator demand. Interest in transgenic NHP models, particularly transgenic marmosets for use in neuroscience research, is creating new demands that are likely to increase.

NHP Trends in the United States

Analysis of USDA-reported data on NHPs held and used in all research facilities in the United States over the last decade suggests that usage is outpacing the supply of NHPs held but not used for research purposes (e.g., animals reserved for breeding and held while maturing to ages suitable for use in research). As shown in Figure 3-2, the total number of NHPs actively used for research protocols in the United States annually—not just those used in NIH-supported research—has fluctuated over time, but was roughly the same in FY2021 as FY2008 (just over 70,000). However, the number of NHPs held or bred but not yet used for research purposes has declined overall. As a result, the absolute number of NHPs—those held but not used in research and those actively used—has decreased over the past decade (2011–2021) by more than 2,100 and has shown only minor year-to-year fluctuations (USDA, 2021, 2022). The decline in animals reserved for domestic breeding, if not addressed through targeted action, has implications for the future availability of NHPs to meet research needs.

A line graph with fiscal year ranging from 2008 to 2021 on the x-axis and number of nonhuman primates (NHPs) on the y-axis. An orange line shows the total number of NHPs actively used in research in the United States from 2008-2021. A separate blue line shows the number of NHPs held by an institution (including for breeding purposes) but not used in research from 2008-2021 and shows that the number of NHPs held but not used has slowly declined over this period.


Nonhuman primates (NHPs) held or used for research purposes annually in the United States for fiscal years 2008–2021, based on data collected by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. NOTES: These data include all NHPs held and used in the United (more...)

NHP Importation

Based on information gathered by the committee on the species of NHPs used by NIH-supported investigators and the predominant NHP species imported into the United States (discussed below), it is likely that the majority of imported NHPs are intended for use by private industry, while a lesser proportion is used for NIH-supported research purposes. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which tracks the importation of NHPs into the United States, does not collect data on the ultimate destination and use of NHPs after their arrival (CDC, 2022); therefore, the number of imported NHPs eventually used in NIH-funded research cannot be accurately determined. These data issues limited the committee’s ability to assess the role of imported NHPs in NIH-supported research.

Between FY2012 and FY2017, more than 90 percent of the NHPs imported into the United States were cynomolgus macaques (ORIP, 2018a); from FY2019 to FY2022, this species accounted for a yearly average of 95 percent of all NHP imports (CDC, 2023). Data collected by the committee show that low numbers of cynomolgus macaques are held and used by NPRCs and National Resources, which instead report high levels of use of rhesus macaques (National Resources Information Request, 202212; NPRC Information Request, 2022). Similarly, data collected from the committee’s survey of NIH-supported NHP investigators found high levels of use of rhesus compared with cynomolgus macaques (see Table B-16 in Appendix B) (NHP Investigators Survey, 2022). These data suggest that imported cynomolgus macaques are used largely by private industry (e.g., CROs and pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies), a finding consistent with previous accounts (Grimm, 2022). Domestic resources of cynomolgus macaques have been slow to develop because importing the NHPs (primarily from China) has been deemed more cost-effective than developing U.S. breeding colonies (ORIP, 2018b).

As discussed previously, unexpected and rapidly implemented export restrictions established by China in early 2020 included a total ban on exports of NHPs. This restriction had the effect of reducing the total number of NHPs imported into the United States in FY2020 by more than 20 percent compared with FY2019 and increasing demand for domestic NHP resources (CDC, 2023). Such dramatic shifts in importation create secondary demand for commercially available domestic populations of NHPs, which are also used by NIH-supported investigators, and place further pressure on NPRCs and National Resources to fulfill the needs of these investigators.

As shown in Table 3-2, the total number of NHPs imported into the United States had recovered by FY2021, largely through increased importation of cynomolgus macaques from Asian countries other than China—primarily Cambodia, Vietnam, and Mauritius (see Appendix B for importation data by country of origin). These alternative sources of imported NHPs are not assured, however, as these nations could choose to end exportation of NHPs at any time (see the discussion of Indian NHP exportation below). Additionally, anecdotal reports indicate that China is competing with the United States for the purchase of NHPs from Southeast Asian countries—over which China holds significant geopolitical influence—as it endeavors to expand its own domestic NHP research programs (see Box 3-2) (Einhorn and Lew, 2022).

TABLE 3-2. Number of Nonhuman Primates Imported to the United States, by Species and Fiscal Year (FY).


Number of Nonhuman Primates Imported to the United States, by Species and Fiscal Year (FY).

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BOX 3-2


In 2022, a further threat to importation of NHPs was highlighted following the apparent illegal exportation of wild-caught cynomolgus macaques from Cambodia that were falsely labeled as captive bred, drawing international concern (Grimm, 2022) and scrutiny of exports by both Cambodia and the United States. Relatedly, the importation of NHPs also raises concerns about the conditions in which NHPs are bred and housed in nations with less stringent animal welfare regulations prior to their export (Mitchell et al., 2021). Beyond serious animal welfare considerations, poor conditions prior to export could impact the future suitability of the animals for research. Having purpose-bred, self-sustaining domestic populations of NHPs would likely allow for a greater degree of regulatory control over the health and well-being of NHPs used in research, as well as tracing of their social and genetic backgrounds, which in turn would support improved experimental rigor and the quality of the data generated.

The above recent experiences, together with the possible future risk of additional export restrictions instituted by countries attempting to prevent the exportation of wild-caught animals, suggest that importation is not an assured long-term solution for sourcing of cynomolgus macaques and other NHPs for research use in the United States. Failure to reduce reliance on foreign sources for these critical research resources exposes U.S. biomedical research programs to preventable supply chain vulnerabilities and impedes the nation’s ability to prepare for future public health threats.

The vulnerabilities associated with reliance on China for the majority of imported NHPs, specifically cynomolgus macaques, are highlighted in the 2018 ORIP report, which notes that between FY2013 and FY2017, the majority of cynomolgus macaques imported to the United States were supplied by China (ORIP, 2018a). The report further emphasizes that a disruption in this supply—upon which the device and therapeutics development industry relies—would likely result in increased demand for domestic macaque populations by industry and a reduction in the number of domestic animals available for use by academic investigators supported by NIH grants, as well as dramatically increased costs of animals for all stakeholders (ORIP, 2018a,b). As described previously, these vulnerabilities associated with dependence on foreign sources of NHPs were realized in 2020 with China’s export ban and were further intensified by NIH’s prioritization of domestic populations of NHPs for COVID-19 research.

It is unclear how far into the future the United States will be able to continue importing NHPs for research purposes. The elimination of NHP exportation by foreign nations is not a novel occurrence, and the expectation of a reversal of exportation policy at some point in the future is not an appropriate strategy for ensuring a sustainable supply of NHPs for biomedical research. India, for example, reduced its NHP exportations over a 5-year period before instituting a complete ban (NIH, 1978), which allowed the United States time to procure Indian-origin rhesus macaques and establish domestic breeding populations. India has not reversed this policy in the decades since. The recent experience with China serves as a stark reminder that access to imported NHP species could be cut off with no advance notice in the future.

There now exists a critical window of opportunity during which domestic investments in NHP research resources can be made while NHP species such as cynomolgus macaques, marmosets, and African green monkeys remain accessible from other countries and can be imported to establish ethically sourced breeding stocks. The development of purpose-bred, self-sustaining, and diverse U.S. populations of NHPs also would provide a greater degree of regulatory control over the health and well-being of the animals; prevent misrepresentation of animal origin, age, or prior use; and reduce the impact on wild populations of NHPs in their countries of origin. The latter benefit is particularly important given how classification of NHP species as endangered will drastically impact research using those species, leading to lost opportunities for scientific and medical breakthrough discoveries (discussed in Box 3-3).

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BOX 3-3


Domestic Breeding of NHP Resources

The seven NPRCs and four National Resources together constitute a long-established network of highly specialized research facilities that are responsible for providing domestically produced NHPs for NIH-supported extramural research purposes (see Table 3-3 for a listing of the species bred as reported by NPRCs and National Resources). In FY2021, these resource programs reported producing approximately 5,000 NHPs across 11 different species (see Tables B-11 and B-12 in Appendix B); the lack of historical data on domestic breeding levels makes it impossible to know whether this reported production represents an increase over recent years. As discussed previously, other academic research facilities (such as the New Iberia Research Center) and commercial entities (such as Alpha Genesis, Inc.) also breed NHPs domestically under contracts and cooperative agreements with federal agencies and others. In some cases, academic and other institutions with breeding colonies (e.g., the Keeling Center at the MD Anderson Cancer Center and Wake Forest University) may maintain colonies supported by both NIH and other sources.

TABLE 3-3. Species of Nonhuman Primates Bred by Domestic National Institutes of Health (NIH)–Supported National Primate Research Centers (NPRCs) and National Resources, Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 versus FY2021.


Species of Nonhuman Primates Bred by Domestic National Institutes of Health (NIH)–Supported National Primate Research Centers (NPRCs) and National Resources, Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 versus FY2021.

Rhesus macaques continue to be the most commonly bred species at NPRCs and National Resources (more than 4,000 bred in FY2021), and nearly all NIH-supported stakeholders engaged by the committee predicted increases in demand for this species given its widespread use as a model. Of the 517 active NIH awards using NHPs reported by investigators surveyed by the committee, and for which data on NHP species were provided, nearly 71 percent involve the use of rhesus macaques (NHP Investigators Survey, 2022). In contrast with other NHP species, for which only a few institutions maintain breeding colonies, most NPRCs and National Resources report breeding rhesus macaques, as do other stakeholders with NIH agreements for breeding services (National Resources Information Request, 2022; NPRC Information Request, 2022). Still, the current production of rhesus macaques at these domestic facilities remains insufficient to meet the demand of investigators (as discussed further in the section below on investigator demand).

The 2018 ORIP report also cites marmosets as a high-demand species for biomedical research (ORIP 2018a,b), and interest in using this model continues to grow among both extramural and intramural investigators, particularly in the areas of behavioral and systems neuroscience, molecular neuroscience, neurodegenerative disorders, and visual systems research. Just 6 percent of active awards captured in the committee’s survey of NIH-supported NHP researchers for which species data were provided involved the use of marmosets. However, more than 11 percent of responding investigators indicated that they planned to use marmosets for future research (see Table B-28 in Appendix B) (NHP Investigators Survey, 2022). The potential of transgenic marmoset models to advance research on neurodevelopmental conditions, such as autism (Zhao et al., 2018), and neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease (Rizzo et al., 2021), is further increasing interest in this species.

In FY2021, 194 marmosets were produced at NPRCs and National Resources (National Resources Information Request, 2022; NPRC Information Request, 2022). In 2019, concerns related to extramural investigators’ increasingly limited access to marmosets for neuroscience research spurred several ICOs to cofund a request for applications (RFA) through the Brain Research Through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative to support the creation of a Marmoset Coordinating Center to facilitate data sharing and coordination of marmoset distribution and breeding efforts (NIH, 2019). This U24 cooperative agreement was eventually awarded to the Oregon Health & Sciences University in collaboration with the Wisconsin NPRC and Southwest NPRC for oversight of the Coordinating Center’s functions (OHSU, 2021; Robinson, 2020). Additionally, in 2020, a U24 grant was awarded to The Johns Hopkins University, in collaboration with the University of California, San Diego, to establish the Bicoastal Marmoset Breeding Center (NIH RePORTER, 2022), which will support two breeding colonies to supply research programs with marmosets. Information provided to the committee by NIH-funded investigators and NIH ICOs indicates that these current breeding colonies remain small and continue to be outpaced by demand, although it should be noted that the shorter biological development periods of marmosets versus other NHPs, especially sexual maturity and gestation period, do provide advantages with respect to the time required to expand breeding colonies (NASEM, 2019).

Although, as discussed above, cynomolgus macaques are less commonly used than rhesus macaques in NIH-supported extramural research, they are critical resources frequently used in research sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry13 and increasingly in some areas of NIH extramural research (ORIP, 2018a). Responses of investigators surveyed both by ORIP for the 2018 report and by this committee indicate that demand for this model has remained stable since 2018—just over 20 percent of responding investigators reported planned future use of cynomolgus macaques in both 2018 and in 2022 (NHP Investigators Survey, 2022; ORIP, 2018a). As mentioned earlier, the ease of importing cynomolgus macaques in the past has served as a disincentive for the creation of domestic breeding colonies (ORIP, 2018a). However, establishment of such colonies is a key recommendation of the 2018 ORIP report, and efforts were subsequently undertaken to establish a breeding population at the Wisconsin NPRC (NPRC Information Request, 2022). A breeding colony at the New Iberia Research Center was also established under an NIH cooperative agreement (HHS, 2021). However, the annual production of animals at these domestic facilities remains low (e.g., 102 reported bred at the Wisconsin NPRC in FY2021), numbers that are insufficient to meet the current demands of NIH-supported investigators.

Given the predictions of NPRCs and National Resources that investigator demand for NHPs for use in NIH-supported research—specifically for rhesus and cynomolgus macaques and marmosets—will increase, efforts and investment to further expand existing breeding programs at NPRCs and National Resources are needed. Among the 258 NIH-supported investigators who responded to the committee’s survey question about future demand for NHPs and reported expected NHP species needs for future NIH awards, rhesus macaques were overwhelmingly identified as the preferred NHP species (82 percent), followed by cynomolgus macaques (22 percent), common marmosets (11 percent), and baboons (11 percent) (see Table B-28 in Appendix B) (NHP Investigators Survey, 2022).

Meeting the anticipated future demand for NHPs is possible given the nation’s past investment in establishing a strong network of research infrastructure and expertise at NPRCs and National Resources, which currently support much of NIH-funded NHP research. However, ensuring that these essential stakeholders have the capacity to meet the demands of the U.S. biomedical research enterprise, particularly if the nation seeks to move away from its reliance on foreign sources of NHPs, will require dedicated, long-term investments. These investments include dedicated funds to support the update and expansion of physical infrastructure for breeding facilities; their maintenance to remain in regulatory compliance; and their operation, since the process of expanding domestic breeding colonies is inherently lengthy (see the section below on research infrastructure). Additionally, meeting anticipated demand will likely require an up-front decrease in the number of animals allocated by NPRCs and National Resources for use in study protocols, as more animals will need to be held for breeding purposes. Both the 2018 ORIP report and testimony given to the committee described these facilities as being close to or at capacity, and highlighted the need to accommodate more animals and acquire additional personnel to provide for their care (NPRC Information Request, 2022; ORIP, 2018b). In establishing breeding programs to secure the domestic NHP supply, it will be important to consider geographic separation of breeding sites, in much the same way as the NPRCs were separated across the United States, which will help mitigate risks from the collapse of a single colony as the result of a natural disaster (Hutchinson, 2022). Also important is providing a means of enhancing genetic diversity (which can improve colony health and help avoid genetic confounding in population studies) (ORIP, 2018b).

Availability of NHP Resources for Intramural Research Programs

NHPs used for NIH intramural research are procured from several different sources, including ICO-owned colonies and facilities contracted to provide the animals. Whereas multiple ICOs reported concerns in 2021 with respect to the availability of NHPs for intramural research, NIAID, which holds its own established breeding colonies, reported minimal issues with acquiring rhesus macaques, highlighting the value of these long-term investments in securing a stable supply of NHPs (NIH, 2022a).

NPRCs and National Resources are not major providers of NHPs for intramural research but do supply some specific species (ORIP, 2018a,b). At the committee’s August 2022 public workshop, representatives of the NIH intramural research program reported that approximately 66 percent of the roughly 800 animals acquired for use in intramural research in each year had come from NIH-owned colonies, such as the rhesus macaque colony on Morgan Island in South Carolina, while 33 percent had been purchased from private-sector suppliers (Denny, 2022). The remaining animals had been obtained from other outside sources.14

Meeting Investigator Demand

The shortfall in NHP supply to meet current NIH-supported research needs is reflected in a statement by NIH accompanying the Biden administration’s FY2022 budget request: “There are not enough NHPs at present to support both pandemic research and all the existing NIH research for which NHPs are necessary” (NIH, 2021). This shortfall is unsurprising given the findings of the 2018 ORIP report, as summarized above, and the inadequate investment in infrastructure and domestic NHP resources in the years leading up to the pandemic. This section elaborates on the committee’s assessment of investigator demand for NHPs from domestic NIH-supported sources; barriers to meeting that demand that could be targeted to address NHP supply issues, including access challenges; and the related impacts on research quality and timeliness. Key findings15 from the committee’s assessment include the following:

  • The current demand of investigators for NHP models is not met by existing NHP resources, as reported to the committee by multiple stakeholders. This shortfall is particularly acute for certain high-demand species, such as rhesus macaques and marmosets. About 64 percent of respondents to the committee’s survey reported issues with obtaining NHPs for their current awards, regardless of the source of the animals or the type of research facility in which the research was being conducted. In 2021, two-thirds of investigator requests for research-naïve macaques could not be met at NPRCs because of a shortage of these animals.
  • The accessibility of NHP models for NIH-supported investigators has decreased, as reflected in long wait times and increased costs for the animals. More than half (57 percent) of active NIH awards reported by survey respondents ultimately enrolled fewer NHPs than originally planned.
  • The prioritization of NHPs for use in COVID-19 research exacerbated shortages in other research domains.
  • Neuroscience and related disorders and infectious diseases and immunology remain areas of high demand for NHP models. NHP models are increasingly of value in research related to the development and testing of gene therapies.

Investigator Demand and Access Challenges

Timely access to NHP models is a concern widely reported by NIH-supported investigators and the ICOs for both extramural and intramural research (NIH, 2022a; NHP Investigators Survey, 2022). Among the NIH-supported NHP investigators responding to the committee’s survey (n = 273), about 64 percent reported issues with obtaining NHPs for their current awards, regardless of the source of the animals (e.g., NPRC, importer, other domestic supplier) or the type of research facility in which the research was being conducted (NHP Investigators Survey, 2022). This percentage represents an increase since the ORIP report was published in 2018; 50 percent of the extramural investigators surveyed at that time reported issues related to access to NHPs or related research services (ORIP, 2018a).

Additionally, three of the seven NPRCs reported being unable to fulfill on average 10 to 25 percent of investigator requests for NHPs between 2018 and 2021, and one NPRC was unable to fulfill more than half of requests during that time (see Table 3-4) (NPRC Information Request, 2022). NIH-supported investigators’ access to NHPs from NPRCs varies relative to the intended research location. Overall, the provision of NHPs to investigators who planned to carry out the research at an external institution (e.g., researchers not employed by an NPRC who wished to conduct research at their home institution using animals sourced from NPRCs) declined by more than half in FY2020 and FY2021 relative to FY2019, although individual NPRCs varied substantially in the number of NHPs provided for research at external facilities during FY2018–2021. The number of animals provided to external investigators for research being carried out at the NPRCs increased in FY2021 following declines the previous 2 years (NPRC Information Request, 2022) (see Tables B-18 and B-19 in Appendix B). These shifts may be related to prioritization of NPRC research efforts carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic or to other logistical barriers limiting access to these resources.

TABLE 3-4. Proportion of National Institutes of Health–Supported Investigator Requests Not Met by National Primate Research Centers (NPRCs), Fiscal Years 2018–2021.


Proportion of National Institutes of Health–Supported Investigator Requests Not Met by National Primate Research Centers (NPRCs), Fiscal Years 2018–2021.

Challenges in securing NHP resources for intramural research activities were reported by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH); the National Eye Institute (NEI); the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA); the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI); the National Cancer Institute (NCI); and NIAID (NIH, 2022a). Difficulties with timely access to NHPs, particularly macaques and animals of a specific sex or age, on the commercial market were emphasized as barriers to conducting research (NIH, 2022b). As with NIH-supported extramural research, intramural research has faced project delays, long wait times for animals, and modifications to study designs to accommodate reduced numbers of NHPs (NIH, 2022a).

Among investigators who responded to the committee’s survey and reported specific challenges with accessing NHPs for any of their NIH awards, the factors associated with these access challenges included a lack of animals that met specific demographic criteria required for the research (e.g., age, sex) (72 percent of respondents), the increasingly high cost of animals (43 percent of respondents), and the unavailability of NHPs with specific genotypes or genetic diversity (15 percent of respondents) (see Table B-24 in Appendix B) (NHP Investigators Survey, 2022). These findings indicate not only that there are insufficient supplies of NHPs, but also that those animals that are available do not necessarily have characteristics that align with the needs of investigators. For example, investigators may be unable to access female NHPs that would be needed to study sex differences as part of their study design because females may be held for use in breeding colonies.

High demand for and limited supplies of NHPs have also resulted in research projects enrolling fewer animals than originally planned. A description of the number of animals planned for use in a study is recorded in the NIH award application and reviewed to confirm that studies are sufficiently powered and properly designed. Reducing the number of animals enrolled in a study may negatively impact the quality of the research and the conclusions drawn from it. Thus, initiation of studies for which funding has been received may need to be delayed until adequate numbers of NHPs become available. More than 57 percent of active NIH awards reported by survey respondents ultimately enrolled fewer NHPs than originally planned (see Table 3-5). The most common factor reportedly contributing to lower-than-planned enrollment of NHPs for awards was lack of access to NHPs (57 percent of awards for which fewer NHPs were used than planned) (see Table 3-6) (NHP Investigators Survey, 2022). NIH ICOs also have recently raised concerns about lower-than-planned enrollment by extramural projects. In a case reported by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), the project in question was able to obtain only 8 of the 12 requested macaques because of severe shortages (NIH, 2022a).

TABLE 3-5. Nonhuman Primates (NHPs) Planned versus Used, by Source.


Nonhuman Primates (NHPs) Planned versus Used, by Source.

TABLE 3-6. Factors Contributing to Decreased Enrollment of Nonhuman Primates (NHPs), by Source.


Factors Contributing to Decreased Enrollment of Nonhuman Primates (NHPs), by Source.

Related to challenges in obtaining the requested number of NHPs to carry out studies funded by NIH awards, both NIH ICOs and committee-surveyed investigators reported long wait times for receipt of animals, a pattern identified as a barrier to the conduct of high-quality research. Because animals at NPRCs and National Resources are often committed several years in advance, investigators must wait for existing animals to become ready for use in their respective protocols. For example, the committee learned that specific-pathogen-free (SPF) baboons at the MD Anderson Cancer Center have already been committed for the next 2 years (Hopkins, 2022). Of the 475 awards reported by investigators responding to the committee survey question on enrollment times, 41 percent received NHPs after the desired date of enrollment. For awards reporting the use of rhesus macaques (n = 351), late enrollment increased to 44 percent of all awards (see Table 3-7) (NHP Investigators Survey, 2022). While it is impossible to compare changes in wait times since 2018 because of a lack of historical data on this variable, five of the seven NPRCs reported an average wait time of more than 3 but less than 6 months for fulfilling a given NHP request (not species specific) (see Table 3-8). Extended wait times for access to NHPs can have significant effects on the success as well as the timeliness of a research project, depending on the nature of the study and its funding requirements (e.g., need for a no-cost extension or return of funds) and on the advancement of biomedical research in general. Such delays can be extremely costly given the urgency of emergent needs at times of crisis. Moreover, delays in nonclinical studies can prolong the time to initiate clinical trials for potential disease treatments, delays that are particularly significant for rapidly progressing, terminal conditions such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

TABLE 3-7. Wait Times for Nonhuman Primates (NHPs) Reported by National Institutes of Health–Supported Survey Respondents.


Wait Times for Nonhuman Primates (NHPs) Reported by National Institutes of Health–Supported Survey Respondents.

TABLE 3-8. Average Wait Times for Nonhuman Primates (NHPs), Fiscal Years 2018–2021.


Average Wait Times for Nonhuman Primates (NHPs), Fiscal Years 2018–2021.

NPRCs reported that species, age, genotype, and sex are common factors likely to cause delays for those requests that can be fulfilled, corroborating experiences with unmet demand reported by NHP investigators and NIH ICOs (see Table B-22 in Appendix B) (NPRC Information Request, 2022). For this reason, requests for certain high-demand species, such as rhesus macaques, are more likely not to be fulfilled or to require longer wait times. For example, NPRCs were able to fulfill only one-third of the 5,300 investigator requests received in FY2021 for research-naïve macaques (including pig-tailed, cynomolgus, and rhesus macaques) (Johnson, 2022). In another example provided to the committee, Wake Forest University, which is a National Resource, reported that it was able to fulfill just one-third of requests for African green monkeys during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic (Jorgensen, 2022).

These recent data indicate that barriers to NHP access have persisted and in fact have worsened since publication of the 2018 ORIP report, which at that time acknowledged similar investigator challenges related to meeting demand for NHPs, increased wait times, and the need to stagger delivery of animals over the course of studies. In summary, although NHP models continue to be necessary to carry out NIH-supported research, data collected from NPRCs, National Resources, and NIH-supported investigators indicate that demand for NHPs (rhesus and cynomolgus macaques and marmosets in particular) cannot be met by the existing supply chain.

Demand for NHP Resources by Research Domain: Extramural Research

Data collected from NPRCs, National Resources, ICOs, and NIH-supported investigators demonstrate several overlapping areas of NHP use across the current biomedical research landscape. Stakeholders cited research in neuroscience and neurological disorders as well as in infectious diseases and immunology (including human immunodeficiency virus [HIV]/acquired immune deficiency syndrome [AIDS]) as priority areas for current NHP research (National Resources Information Request, 2022; NIH, 2022b; NHP Investigators Survey, 2022; NPRC Information Request, 2022). These same priority NHP research areas are identified in the ORIP report (ORIP, 2018a). Emerging trends include the use of NHPs in developing and testing gene therapies (see Appendix B for data on current research priorities across different stakeholders).

ICOs widely reported infectious disease and immunology research as a priority for NHP use in extramural research for FY2021 (Eisinger, 2022). Figures on the number of NHPs reprioritized for research on the pathogenesis of COVID-19 and for supporting the development and testing of vaccines and therapeutics are not available. Nonetheless, stakeholders described the impacts of this prioritization as a factor exacerbating the inadequate supply of NHPs for use in other areas of infectious disease research, as well as increasing costs of the limited pool of available animals (NIH, 2022a; Ross, 2022).

Information on active extramural research provided by multiple ICOs, including NIAID, NIDA, the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR), the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), and the Office of AIDS Research (OAR), indicates that the demand for NHPs for research in the area of HIV/AIDS has remained high in recent years. ICOs described HIV/AIDS research as encompassing a broad range of activities, from the development of treatments and cures to the exploration of other body systems and associated complications in the context of HIV infection (NIH, 2022a). Surveyed investigators likewise cited HIV/AIDS as a highly active area of NHP research, accounting for 36 percent of all NHPs reported as being used by responding investigators (see Table B-27 in Appendix B for information on priority research domains for NIH-supported researchers) (NHP Investigators Survey, 2022).

Multiple stakeholders identified research in neuroscience and neurological disorders as continuing to represent a major priority for NHP research. Respondents to the committee’s survey highlighted projects in behavioral and systems neuroscience in particular as a major domain for current NHP use, accounting for the highest number of individual awards reported for a single domain—155 of 482 unique awards (note that respondents were able to select more than one research domain to describe the focus of an active NIH award) (see Figure B-1 in Appendix B) (NHP Investigators Survey, 2022). ICOs provided several examples of active extramural research projects in this domain, providing a sense of the scope of neuroscience research conducted using NHPs. Among these examples are collaborative research on neural circuitry through the BRAIN Initiative, the development of therapies for neurodegenerative diseases, and exploration of the brain–computer interface (NIH, 2022a).

The data collected by the committee on current demand for NHPs indicate that priority areas for NHP research remain similar to those identified in the 2018 ORIP report. However, data provided by ICOs regarding their current priority investment areas for extramural research show an increasing focus on NHP use for studies of genetic disorders and for the development and testing of gene therapies (NIH, 2022a)—research areas also reported by NPRCs and National Resources (National Resources Information Request, 2022; NPRC Information Request, 2022).

Demand for NHP Resources by Research Domain and Species: Intramural Research

Information on demand for NHP models within the NIH intramural research program, based on current intramural research activities, shows overall concordance with high-demand domains in extramural research—including neuroscience and neurological disorders, and infectious disease and immunology (Denny, 2022). These domains for the intramural program also align with past trends described in the 2018 ORIP report (ORIP, 2018a).

ICOs provided several examples of intramural research activities requiring the use of NHPs within these high-priority research domains. In the domain of neuroscience and neurological disorders, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) highlighted investment in research using NHPs to better understand the pathogenesis of such neurodegenerative diseases as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and ALS. NIMH cited the need for NHPs to study brain–behavior relationships to better understand the dysregulation of cognition and emotion in psychiatric disease and how neural circuit manipulations can ameliorate such dysfunction. The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) highlighted the use of NHPs for gene therapy work to advance its efforts to develop treatments for hearing loss and balance issues (NIH, 2022a).

There is significant demand for NHPs in intramural research in the domain of infectious disease and immunology, with much of this research being carried out by NIAID. This work focuses on the development and testing of therapeutics and vaccines for such high-consequence microbial threats as Ebola, Nipah, Hendra, Marburg, Lassa, and other viral agents (NIH, 2022a).

Additionally, the National Institute on Aging (NIA) reported active NHP use for research in the domain of aging and age-related disease. Specifically, this work is focused on understanding the pathogenesis of and the development of translational models of aging and age-related disease. The provision of NHP resources for investigators was noted as a priority for NIA’s intramural program (NIH, 2022a).

As with extramural research, multiple ICOs with intramural research programs noted that COVID-19 research efforts significantly altered use patterns for NHPs and resulted in unmet demand for NHPs for some research activities within these programs (NIH, 2022a). NINDS, for example, reported a 3-year hiatus from macaque use, while NHLBI had to delay promising studies on stem cell transplantation and gene therapy (NIH, 2022a).

Compared with the extramural research program, the NIH intramural research program relies on fewer NHP species. Data provided by ICOs that carry out intramural research using NHPs show that macaques account for 75 percent of all NHPs used (Denny, 2022), a proportion consistent with that described in the 2018 ORIP report. Marmosets account for much of the remainder of NHP use, with squirrel and African green monkeys being used in some limited instances for neuroscience and infectious disease research (NIH, 2022a).

Costs of NHPs

The increased demand for NHPs caused by the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the existing shortage of NHPs described in the 2018 ORIP report, which in turn resulted in a rapid and substantial rise in the cost of NHPs. These skyrocketing costs have had direct implications for the conduct of both extramural and intramural NIH-supported biomedical research by limiting the number of NHPs that can be procured and the number of NHP studies that can be performed. Increases in the average price of NHPs—not species specific—since 2019 as reported by individual NPRCs range from 10 percent to 22 percent (NPRC Information Request, 2022).16 National Resources reported that the price of animals increased by 25–35 percent during the same period (National Resources Information Request, 2022).

The costs of animals from other sources, such as commercial suppliers, have been reported as vastly surpassing cost increases at NIH-supported resources, and the price increases for high-demand species, such as rhesus and cynomolgus macaques, have been especially steep. NINDS conveyed to the committee the concerns raised by its awardees with respect to the costs of rhesus macaques, which had risen from $8,000 to $24,000—a 200 percent increase (NIH, 2022a). Compounding these difficulties related to NHP costs, rising inflation has resulted in increased costs for personnel and husbandry programs associated with NHP care (NIH, 2022b).

Intramural research programs have experienced similar cost pressures. ICOs reported that since 2018, all costs related to intramural NHP research infrastructure, procurement, and care have increased dramatically, primarily as a result of the scarcity of NHPs, the Chinese export ban, and rising inflation (NIH, 2022b). NEI and others reported that the cost of NHPs has increased two to five times compared with recent years. NIAID indicated that the price of cynomolgus macaques, the supply of which was strongly impacted by the Chinese export ban, had increased by 500 percent. Cost increases apply to all NHP species used in intramural research, even those for which demand is not typically high and whose supply was largely unaffected by the knock-on effects of shortages of macaques, as seen with the doubling in price of African green monkeys. NCI reported that the severe shortage of NHPs has resulted in the need to procure young animals and house them until they are mature enough to be used in NCI research protocols, a process that incurs a substantial additional cost over the life of the animals for their housing and care and limits the physical capacity of the institute to carry out research at its anticipated pace (NIH, 2022a).

These cost increases have a particularly detrimental impact on NIH-supported extramural NHP research because of the inflexibility of NIH direct funding caps, which the 2018 ORIP report cites as a challenge for investigators (ORIP, 2018b). These funding caps have not been raised for many years and currently are fixed at $500,000 per year for direct costs (ORIP, 2018a). ICOs described approaches used to address the increased costs, including provision of supplemental funding for the purchase of animals from alternative suppliers, reallocation of contract funds, and recycling of animals where possible (NIH, 2022a). However, these approaches are not always available and do not adequately address the rapidly rising costs of NHPs and overall increases in the cost of conducting NHP research. How frequently exemptions to funding caps are granted and other approaches are used to address the rising costs of NHPs remain unknown.

Transportation and NHP Accessibility

Importation challenges resulting from recent changes in international export policy (discussed earlier) have been compounded by increasingly strict transportation policies that affect NHP availability. In addition to the international and domestic regulations for NHP transport (NRC, 2006), commercial transporters have enacted their own policies that have resulted in operational and logistical barriers to the transportation of NHPs for biomedical research purposes, both internationally and within the borders of the United States (ORIP, 2018a,b). The most significant of these corporate policy decisions is the cessation of air transportation of NHPs by major commercial air carriers, with most noncharter carriers being influenced by public pressure to restrict NHP transport (Abbott, 2014; AviationPros, 2013; Grimm, 2018; Wadman, 2012). Added in 2022 to this list of carriers were Egypt Air; Kenya Airways; and Air France, the last major carrier to provide international air transport for NHPs (Daley, 2022; O’Grady, 2022; Roscoe, 2022). Alternative international transportation options, such as transit by sea, are not permitted because of the deleterious effects of the long journey on the animals’ health (Wadman, 2012).

These changes in policies have impacted the availability of and access to NHPs by U.S.-based investigators both directly, with investigators increasingly being unable to import animals because of transportation barriers, and indirectly, because of increased demand and cost for domestically produced primates. Four of seven NPRCs reported that transportation issues limit their ability to meet investigator demand; transportation issues were also cited as a barrier by National Resources (National Resources Information Request, 2022; NPRC Information Request, 2022). Among NHP investigators who responded to the committee’s survey noting specific challenges with accessing NHPs for their research (n = 175), 18 percent attributed these challenges to transportation issues (see Table B-24 in Appendix B) (NHP Investigators Survey, 2022).

Domestically, U.S.-based NHP research is increasingly relying on ground transportation in response to the lack of air travel options. This shift in transportation mode has various implications for both investigators’ access to animals and the animals’ health and safety (Prescott and Jennings, 2004), as well as that of the public (Elmore, 2008), during transport. For example, the vast majority of the NPRCs and National Resources are located along a coastline and investigators requiring animals may experience difficulties in transporting animals to their home institutions or in traveling to an NPRC to carry out their research. One significant concern with long-duration transportation of NHPs is the increased risk of accidents. In 2020, for example, a truck transporting NHPs caught on fire in New Jersey (Tarrazi, 2020), and in 2022, a collision between a dump truck and a truck carrying a trailer with NHPs in Pennsylvania resulted in the euthanasia of multiple animals (AP, 2022). Increased travel times increase the risk of illness in the animals, as well as their degree of stress (Elmore, 2008; Prescott and Jennings, 2004), as indicated by elevated levels of cortisol (Nehete et al., 2017) and weight loss (Málaga et al., 1991). Some animals may be unable to stabilize once resettled in their new locations. Outwardly sick and/or injured NHPs cannot be used in research, compounding an already limited and insufficient NHP supply.

Short-Term Efforts by Stakeholders to Address Impacts of Unmet Investigator Demand

Both NIH and NPRCs have actively undertaken measures to ameliorate the impacts of limited NHP supply on biomedical research (Eisinger, 2022), although the NPRCs emphasized that these efforts, while beneficial, are only short-term measures, and that long-term solutions are needed to address the persistent shortfall in supply, including increased and continued investment in domestic breeding of animals, infrastructure, and personnel (Morrison et al., 2022). Recent measures to address NHP supply constraints have involved coordinated action around specific public health threats to prevent duplication of research across multiple centers and enhance complementary work, thereby reducing the total number of NHPs needed to carry out the proposed research. Additionally, the reuse of animals is prioritized where possible (NIH, 2022a), although not all NHPs will be fit for reuse based on prior research interventions.

There have been strategic efforts to maximize the usefulness of the NHPs that are available. In response to the exacerbation of the shortage of animals during the COVID-19 pandemic, for example, NIH provided funding to build a partnership across the seven NPRCs called the Coronavirus Vaccine and Therapeutic Evaluation Network (CoVTEN). This coordinated NPRC effort, led by the Tulane NPRC, was aimed at standardizing research protocols and methods, collecting and disseminating preliminary data, and reducing numbers of NHPs needed by using a single control group across multiple studies (NASEM, 2021; Rappaport, 2022; Tate, 2021). Other efforts undertaken to maximize the limited supply of NHPs included policy changes by NIH that allowed for SPF colony repurposing, as well as ORIP’s publication of a notice of limited availability of research NHPs in March 2021 (Eisinger, 2022). This notice formalized the prioritization of NHPs at NPRCs and National Resources to conserve their use for research that is “urgently required to save human lives or shorten the COVID-19 pandemic” (HHS, 2021).

Impacts on Research from Unmet Demand

The inability of NIH-supported NPRCs, National Resources, and other suppliers to fulfill the demand for NHPs by NIH-supported investigators has direct implications for biomedical research both now and in the future. Concerns about NHP supply and the impacts of not meeting investigator demand are also noted in the 2018 ORIP report (ORIP, 2018a,b), but information gathered by the committee suggests that these same issues now impact a growing proportion of investigators. Among the 64 percent of NIH-supported investigators who responded to the committee’s survey and reported experiencing challenges with obtaining NHPs, reported impacts on research projects included significant delays in planned research activities (91 percent), alterations to study design driven by operational constraints rather than scientific need (e.g., reduction in sample size) (53 percent), and loss of grant funding or study termination (3 percent). Some investigators who were able to obtain animals reported that they accepted animals not considered ideal for their purposes (e.g., change of species, use of a single sex) (NHP Investigators Survey, 2022).

Experiences with extended research delays were also reported by multiple ICOs, including NIAID, NIA, NCI, the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB), NIMH, NIDDK, NIDCD, NHLBI, and the NIAAA, among others. Additionally, ICOs noted cases in which investigators were unable to access NHPs with specific characteristics (e.g., seronegative status for adeno-associated viral vectors), which caused significant delays, posed a risk to the completion of critical research, or required the alteration of study designs. In an example provided by NIDA, a study had to be modified because male marmosets were not available for germ cell studies. In another example, provided by NIAID, an extramural research team developing a triage device for radiation emergencies had to request a second no-cost extension because they were waiting for NHPs to be available (NIH, 2022a).

As noted previously, another concern expressed was that biomedical research, like the microchip industry, will continue to relocate overseas, thus ceding scientific leadership to China and other countries (Einhorn and Lew, 2022; ORIP, 2018b). Already, cutting-edge biomedical research is increasingly being conducted in China, as reflected in its growing share of high-impact research publications (see Figure 3-3) (Conroy and Plackett, 2022; Makris et al., 2009).

A horizontal bar graph showing the relative research output of various countries for 2020 (gray bars) and 2021 (orange bars). The country names are on the y-axis while the Nature Index metric Share, which measures research output, is on the x-axis. For both years, the United States and China led other countries in research output, but research output declined in the United States from 2020 to 2021 while research output in China increased during this period.


Performance of leading science nations on the Nature Index. NOTE: China’s adjusted ranking in 2021 increased by more than 14 percent from 2020, whereas the U.S. ranking decreased by more than 6 percent over the same period. SOURCE: Image reproduced (more...)


Physical Research Infrastructure

In response to concerns related to the difficulties of NPRCs and National Resources in continuing to provide adequate numbers of NHPs for NIH-supported research and the need to invest in the maintenance of existing NHP research resource infrastructure, the 2018 ORIP report includes a recommendation that ORIP provide greater support for NHP research resources that support NIH’s extramural grant programs (ORIP, 2018b). After accounting for inflation, however, the committee found that ORIP support for NPRCs decreased from 2012 to 2022 (see Figure 3-4). There also has been no sustained increase in P40 grant support for National Resources (after adjusting for inflation) over that same period (see Figure 3-5). It is noteworthy that some additional support has been provided through grant supplements in recent years. Neither increased supplemental funding for NPRCs and National Resources awarded by ORIP immediately after the 2018 report was published as part of an effort to address the report’s recommendations nor increased supplemental funding provided during the COVID-19 pandemic (Eisinger, 2022; Grieder, 2022; Subbaraman, 2021) has been sustained. This persistent budgetary shortfall limits the ability of NPRCs to carry out their critical dual role as both major providers of NHP resources and physical centers of biomedical research services and expertise as they attempt to meet increasing demand for NHP resources.

A line graph depicting NIH funding levels for NPRCs with dollar amounts on the y-axis and years ranging from 2012-2022 on the x-axis. A blue line shows the total NIH funding for NPRCs from P51 awards (including base and supplemental funding) without inflation adjustment. An orange line shows total P51 funding for NPRCs declining after inflation adjustment. A dotted gray line and dotted yellow line show inflation adjusted P51 base and supplemental funding, respectively.


P51 National Primate Research Center awards, fiscal years 2012–2022, adjusted for inflation. NOTES: Dollar amounts are presented both as nominal dollars (blue line) and inflation-adjusted dollars (orange line) as calculated by the Consumer Price (more...)

A line graph depicting P40 award funding levels for NIH-supported National Resources with dollar amounts on the y-axis and years ranging from 2012-2022 on the x-axis. Total P40 funding for National Resources is shown with inflation adjustment (orange line) and without adjustment (blue line). A dotted yellow line shows supplemental P40 funding for National Resources increased from 2017 to 2021 while base funding (gray dotted line) remained level during this period after adjusting for inflation.


P40 research center awards for National Resources, fiscal years 2012–2022, adjusted for inflation. NOTES: Dollar amounts are presented both as nominal dollars (blue line) and inflation-adjusted dollars (orange line) as calculated by the Consumer (more...)

Both the NPRCs and National Resources emphasized that consistent and adequate funding for operational expenses—both day-to-day operational requirements and the maintenance and expansion of aging physical infrastructure—is essential if they are to continue to provide research services and ensure animal welfare and to meet current and future demand for high-quality NHPs while reducing reliance on imported animals (Hutchinson, 2022; Morrison et al., 2022; Rappaport, 2022). ORIP frequently offers competitive supplemental awards for the NPRC P51 grants, which are awarded on a year-to-year basis and provide an important mechanism for addressing unanticipated non-recurring costs. As emphasized by the NPRCs, however, these supplemental awards tend to be short term (they can decrease or completely stop from one year to the next) and narrowly focused (e.g., dedicated to a specific type of renovation, replacement of research equipment, or a singular research area), often cannot be used for overhead or operational expenses, and are insufficient to expand center-wide infrastructure to meet increasing demand (Morrison et al., 2022). Investment in existing NHP infrastructure to build capacity that can meet biomedical research needs cannot be piecemeal or short term. The successful expansion or establishment of domestic breeding programs with the capacity to generate 1,000 NHPs annually, for example, would incur up-front costs and require an extended start-up time before any NHPs would be available for use by investigators (Subbaraman, 2021). The NPRCs noted that these requirements do not fit into the typical 5-year duration of research grants or the NPRCs’ P51 base grants (Morrison et al., 2022).

As stated previously, these centers have little financial flexibility to expand the production of key NHP species to address unmet investigator demand and ensure the capacity to respond to future public health emergencies. For several ORIP-supported stakeholders in recent years, breeding expansion plans and renovation of aging infrastructure have been postponed or halted as a result of changing priorities for the use of funds during the COVID-19 response and increased costs of building materials resulting from supply chain issues during the pandemic (Rappaport, 2022). The 2020 CARES Act allowed NIH to invest in colony infrastructure at NPRCs, with the goal of expanding rhesus macaque breeding capabilities (NIH, 2022b). Eighteen P51 supplemental awards were funded using CARES Act funding between 2020 and 2022, accounting for more than half of all P51 supplemental awards during this period (NIH RePORTER, 2023a). The NPRCs noted, however, that while this supplemental funding helped them meet critical needs during the COVID-19 pandemic, both base and supplemental funding levels have remained insufficient to address the larger infrastructure issues that limit their ability to meet investigator needs. These shortfalls in operational budgets have also been felt by NHP investigators at academic institutions with their own NHP resources, who have experienced shortages of space or NHP housing that have resulted in research delays and higher daily operational costs. Ultimately, dedicated, consistent funding for existing research infrastructure would limit the strain on NHP resources and allow for recovery and planning for future public health needs.

Data Infrastructure

A critical aspect of ensuring that NHPs are available for future NIH-supported biomedical research is the capacity of stakeholders to collect accurate data with which to track NHP use so that future needs can be forecast (Contreras et al., 2021). As discussed previously, however, there presently is no comprehensive mechanism for tracking NHPs used for biomedical research in the United States or for NIH-supported research specifically, and the systems that do exist have limited capabilities or are largely inaccessible to the public, to NHP researchers, to NPRC and National Resource leadership, and even to NIH administrators. For example, while USDA data provide up-to-date, annual information on the numbers of NHPs reported in research facilities nationally, including facilities used in NIH-supported intramural and extramural research programs, no information is available on the origin or species of the animals, the type of research funding, or the animals’ use over time. Similarly, no public-facing data system exists with which to quantify the number of animals produced domestically, or the number used each year by NIH-supported investigators. Thus, it is impossible to quantify NHP supply and demand accurately so that proactive, evidence-based measures can be implemented to support NHP resource management decisions at the national level.

While recognizing that forecasting of future NHP resource needs is an ongoing challenge, NIH itself provides no funding for comprehensive programs with which to track animals involved in NIH-supported research activities, nor does it actively track those animals in extramural research facilities or their use by researchers. NIH views tracking of NHPs within extramural facilities as the responsibility of its grantees and asserts that any mandatory data collection would impose a significant burden on both facilities and researchers (NIH, 2022b). In lieu of collecting quantitative data on NHP supply and demand across its sponsored research activities, NIH engages in meetings with stakeholders it regards as having greater expertise in NHP inventory planning (e.g., NPRCs), in addition to commissioning ad hoc studies (e.g., the 2018 ORIP report).

Comprehensive tracking of NHP resources in the intramural program is also limited. However, each individual ICO holding or using NHPs for intramural research purposes tracks the number of animals and NHP species held to assess its own NHP resource maintenance and infrastructure needs, to monitor colony health, and to determine per diem cost allocations (NIH, 2022b). Yet it is unclear whether or how these data are used to coordinate intramural program resources or to forecast future needs for the broader landscape of NIH-supported biomedical research.

NHP Research Workforce

NPRCs and National Resources view staffing and training concerns as a significant barrier to meeting demand for NHPs from their facilities. NPRCs, National Resources, and other stakeholders point to the lack of access to supplementary funding with overhead funds for hiring and keeping personnel, an insufficient pipeline of early-career professionals entering the field, and rampant staff burnout during the COVID-19 pandemic as the main factors in these concerns.

As a barrier to maintaining a fully staffed workforce, NPRCs noted that the supplementary funding provided by NIH to cover infrastructure expansion does not always cover the personnel requirements associated with maintaining expanded breeding colonies or research facilities. These centers also face issues with recruiting a skilled workforce (Morrison et al., 2022). Stakeholders, including NIH, noted that the pipeline of professionals entering this line of work appears to be decreasing and that those professionals are increasingly recruited by private companies. These barriers limit the feasibility of hiring and retaining well-trained staff across all levels of training and all backgrounds (National Resources Information Request, 2022; NIH, 2022b; NPRC Information Request, 2022). There is an ongoing need for animal care staff, veterinary nurses/technicians, behavioral managers, veterinarians, and pathologists. In testimony given to the committee, stakeholders pointed to the value of training grants (Hopkins, 2022; Hutchinson, 2022), which are limited in number, as a tool for helping to develop and retain this talent (e.g., R25 for veterinarian and veterinary tech training and T32 and K awards for early-stage investigator support).

These staffing challenges, previously noted in the 2018 ORIP report, were exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Representatives from multiple NPRCs and National Resources at the committee’s August 2022 workshop cited high turnover of trained personnel and considerable staff fatigue as an ongoing challenge made worse by the pandemic (Haigwood, 2022; Hopkins, 2022; Hutchinson, 2022; Martinez, 2022). The heightened demand for NHPs during the pandemic also led to an increase in the number of trained staff needed to manage the care and use of NHPs. For example, the pandemic resulted in a higher demand for biocontainment laboratory spaces required for conducting research on SARS-CoV-2, which in turn required additional skilled personnel to work in these settings, along with specialized training to ensure their safety (Hild et al., 2021).

Funding shortages, along with the many uncertainties surrounding NHP availability, also create challenges to encouraging students or junior scholars to pursue NHP research in the future. The perception of NHP research as an increasingly risky profession to pursue could potentially change the profile of investigators willing to enter this field (Basso, 2022), ultimately reducing the strength and diversity of the workforce. Thus, it is essential to address the staffing challenges outlined above not only to maintain the caliber of research currently being carried out, but to also meet the needs of NIH-supported NHP research for the future.


The committee’s assessment of the current state of the NIH-supported research landscape since the publication of the 2018 ORIP report showed that NHP resources remain insufficient to meet the demands of the NIH-supported biomedical research ecosystem. The committee found that this shortage is worsening as a result of a combination of inadequate action following publication of the 2018 ORIP report and the pressures posed by external events (e.g., the Chinese ban on the export of NHPs, the COVID-19 pandemic). In turn, domestic resources struggle to meet increasing demand for NHPs by intramural and extramural investigators. Other pressures on the NHP landscape, such as transportation restrictions, rising research and NHP costs, and workforce limitations, have exacerbated the inability of investigators to access NHPs and carry out their research, and this situation is likely to persist into the future absent targeted intervention. Underlying these issues is a critical lack of comprehensive data systems that can be shared across stakeholders to provide essential information on current NHP use. Such databases are needed to develop evidence-based forecasts of future use and anticipated research needs.

Considered cumulatively, the research landscape would benefit from a unified response—such as a national plan for NHP research resources (discussed further in Chapter 5)—to proactively assess, track, and evaluate stakeholder needs and system barriers and ensure that the United States is able to carry out critical biomedical research using NHPs when appropriate, including in response to future public health emergencies. The committee’s conclusions, presented below, build on its findings regarding NHP resources and NIH-supported biomedical research using NHP models, as well as future needs for NHP resources.

Conclusion 3-1: The shortage of nonhuman primate resources for National Institutes of Health (NIH)–supported biomedical research has continued to worsen, extending beyond concerns raised in the 2018 report of the NIH Office of Research Infrastructure Programs. This resource shortage has been exacerbated by export and transportation restrictions and global public health emergencies.

Conclusion 3-2: Without decisive action and a national commitment to a comprehensive plan for nonhuman primate (NHP) availability, the ability of National Institutes of Health (NIH)–supported extramural program investigators to conduct studies requiring the use of an NHP model will become a function more of access to NHPs than of a concerted response to national public health priorities. The core tenet of NIH that the most meritorious research should receive the highest priority will thereby be threatened.

Conclusion 3-3: Inadequate nonhuman primate (NHP), physical, financial, and human resources, along with the high costs of NHPs, severely limit the ability of National Institutes of Health–supported research programs to respond adequately to public health emergencies, as well as to carry out high-impact biomedical research requiring NHP models.

Conclusion 3-4: Biomedical and public health research in the United States is threatened by dependence on imported nonhuman primates (NHPs). This reliance on external resources is unsustainable and undermines the security of the U.S. biomedical research enterprise. To ensure that NHP resources are available to respond to public health threats, the United States needs to prioritize expansion of domestic NHP breeding programs.

Conclusion 3-5: The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has no central data management or reporting structure across its intramural and extramural programs to provide accurate tracking of the numbers of nonhuman primates (NHPs) required to meet current and future research needs. NIH thus has no way to collect the quantitative data needed to implement a comprehensive strategic management plan for its NHP research and resource portfolio.

Conclusion 3-6: Inadequate coordination of nonhuman primate (NHP) resources and research programs at the national level contributes to missed opportunities and diminished opportunities for efficient use of limited NHP resources.

Conclusion 3-7: Although the 2018 report of the National Institutes of Health Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (ORIP) identified a serious shortage of nonhuman primate (NHP) resources that was likely to worsen in the future, support for the ORIP-funded national NHP resource infrastructure remains inadequate.

Conclusion 3-8: Inadequate support for national nonhuman primate (NHP) resources by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Research Infrastructure Programs represents a major threat to NIH-supported NHP research programs nationwide. Funding will have to address current and future needs and the infrastructure required to support them.




ICOs reporting intramural research activities using NHPs include the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS); the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH); the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD); the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA); the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID); the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA); the National Institute on Aging (NIA); the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI); the National Eye Institute (NEI); the National Cancer Institute (NCI); the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS); and the NIH Clinical Center. ICOs reporting extramural research activities using NHPs include the Office of AIDS Research, NINDS, NIMH, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, NIDCD, NIDA, the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, NIAID, NIAAA, NIA, NHLBI, the National Human Genome Research Institute, NEI, NCI, the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, and NCATS.


While P40 awards are used to fund National Resources with NHP breeding colonies, other activity codes can be used to support entities that may perform activities similar to those carried out by institutions with P40 National Resource awards (e.g., N01, R24, U42).


Awards other than this base and supplemental funding may also be provided via other mechanisms on a limited basis for research infrastructure (e.g., awards for construction of NHP housing) (NIH RePORTER, 2023a).


The Johns Hopkins University (one of the four National Resources) stopped receiving P40 funding after 2016.


Inflation calculated based on the Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers (BLS, 2023).


USDA reports include information on the total number of NHPs held, which describes the “number of animals being bred, conditioned, or held for use in teaching, testing, experiments, research, or surgery but not yet used for such purposes” (USDA, 2021). These reports also provide information on the total number of NHPs used, which describes the “number of animals upon which teaching, research, experiments, or tests were conducted,” regardless of whether pain was inflicted. This number does not include those animals held, bred, or conditioned for research but not yet used (USDA, 2021).


With the exception of NIAID, NIH reporting to USDA does not specify individual ICOs holding or using NHPs for intramural research. The NIH-wide USDA record on NHP holding and use of NHPs for FY2021 is assigned to the NIH Office of Animal Care and Use.


This reference refers to written responses to a committee information request received from each of the seven NPRCs (Washington NPRC, Oregon NPRC, California NPRC, Tulane NPRC, Emory NPRC, Wisconsin NPRC, and Southwest NPRC). Individual responses to the committee’s information request can be found in the committee’s public access file.


For the purposes of this report, “National Resources” include the four non-NPRC institutions with NHP breeding colonies identified by ORIP: the Michale E. Keeling Center for Comparative Medicine and Research (MD Anderson Cancer Center), The Johns Hopkins University, Wake Forest University, and the Caribbean Primate Research Center. Reagent Resources supported by ORIP (see Figure 3-1) are not included in references to “National Resources” throughout this report.


Summaries of these responses to the information requests can be found in Appendix B. Original responses of information requests are available upon request via the National Academies’ Public Access Records Office.


Supporting data and references for these findings can be found in the text sections that follow this bulleted list.


This citation refers to written responses to a committee information request received from each of the four ORIP-supported National Resources. Individual responses to the committee’s information request can be found in the committee’s public access file.


Industry stakeholders may own private breeding colonies of cynomolgus macaques for the conduct of in-house research.


The committee was unable to obtain complete numbers for NIH intramural breeding programs. The numbers reported in this section are based on remarks provided to the committee at its August 2022 public workshop. Regarding numbers of animals coming from contracted and subcontracted breeding facilities, NIH indicated that these data are not considered part of the NIH intramural program because such contracts are procured and managed through individual ICOs rather than the intramural program itself.


Supporting data and references for these findings can be found in the text sections that follow this bulleted list.


Emory NPRC is projecting a 31 percent increase for FY2023.

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Bookshelf ID: NBK593002


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