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National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Division on Earth and Life Studies; Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources; Committee on Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle. Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle: Eighth Revised Edition. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2021 Aug 30.

Cover of Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle

Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle: Eighth Revised Edition.

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19Nutrient Composition of Feeds


The historical background for systems of naming feeds and describing their chemical composition and nutritive value has been reviewed (Tyler, 1975; Harris et al., 1980). In the 1950s, the National Research Council (NRC) began publishing tables of nutrient composition of feeds (NRC, 1945, 1956) and cereals and forages (NRC, 1945, 1958). Additional publications followed that attempted to standardize nomenclature and update nutrient composition data (NRC, 1971, 1982; Fontenot et al., 1995). Data for this report were prepared in collaboration with the Feed Composition Committee of the National Animal Nutrition Program,1 a National Research Support Project (NRSP-9).2


Numerous feeds are incorporated into diets for dairy cattle. For example, in 1978, the International Network of Information Centres listed 17,000 registered feedstuffs (Tran and Lapierre, 1997). The committee attempted to construct tables of reliable data on the composition of common feeds fed to dairy cattle in North America. Where applicable, variations in moisture, processing, grade, and harvest practices are reflected in the name. Feedstuffs are also further assigned a classification (animal protein, calf feed, by-product/other, energy source, grain crop forage, grass/legume forage, calcium soaps, oil, nonprotein nitrogen, plant protein, pasture, and vitamin/mineral) and type (dry forage, wet forage, and concentrate). This classification scheme is used in various equations within the model. All names and classifications are unique to this report and do not follow the International Feed Name and Number system (Harris et al., 1980); however, the committee attempted to use feed names that are consistent with national feed control officials (AAFCO, 2016).

Data summarized in Table 19-1 later in this chapter were derived from data graciously donated by the following commercial laboratories: Cumberland Valley Analytical Services (Waynesboro, PA, but formerly Hagerstown, MD), Rock River Laboratory (Watertown, WI), Dairyland Laboratories (Arcadia, WI), and Dairy One (Ithaca, NY). Five years of feed composition data were requested from each lab in the spring of 2015 and received soon after this request. The individual fatty acid (FA; not total fatty acids [TFAs]) and amino acid (AA) data presented in Table 19-2 later in this chapter were provided by Cornell University (Higgs et al., 2015). AA data were not corrected for microbial contamination that may exist in residues isolated to estimate rumen escape of feed protein (Paz et al., 2014). Tables 19-1 and 19-2 contain a small number of values that originated from other sources, including literature data, the eighth revised edition of the Nutrient requirements of Beef cattle (NASEM, 2016), and unpublished data provided by university researchers. These values can be identified in the tables when a mean is reported but the corresponding number of observations (N) and standard deviation (SD) are not reported. Feed composition listed in this report reflects data available from the listed sources, and methods to generate them may not necessarily follow all analytical methods described in Chapter 18. Table 19-1 includes the mean, N, and SD, and when no data were available, these estimates are blank, but a value of zero indicates that the analyte was measured but the concentration was zero (or below detection limits). Based on SD, some nutrients do not follow a normal distribution, and the mean may not be the best indicator of central tendency, but to be consistent, means were used for all nutrients and feeds. Aside from dry matter (DM), all data are presented on a moisture-free or DM basis. Data that were generated from wet chemistry could not be differentiated from data derived from near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy, and as a consequence, both sources of data were used. Mineral data, however, were only from wet chemistry analyses.


The number of observations used for each nutrient and each feed can vary; consequently, variations in reliability or confidence also exist. Data in tables mostly reflect broad populations, and users should use data from more specific populations (e.g., specific production process or geographic area) when available. Mean values are estimates of central tendency of a population; a specific sample may differ greatly from the mean. Ranges and SD should be used to evaluate the reliability of the mean value to reflect the value of a specific sample. Means with a large N will better reflect the total population (but not necessarily a specific sample). A mean with a large SD may represent the total population but may be a poor estimate for a specific sample. New to this report is the greater detail provided regarding statistical variation, namely, minimum, maximum, 10th percentile, and 90th percentile. When the minimum or maximum differs greatly from the 10th percentile and 90th percentile values, respectively, the data likely do not follow a normal distribution, and the mean and SD may not be the appropriate statistics for central tendency and dispersion. For example, in Table 19-1, alfalfa meal has a mean iron (Fe) concentration of 951 mg/kg with an SD of 680. The minimum value is 1.4 SD units from the mean, but the maximum concentration is 4.1 SD units from the mean. These data are clearly skewed, with a few samples having very high concentrations of Fe; the median is 726 mg/kg or almost 24 percent less than the mean. Users are encouraged to evaluate all of the statistics (mean, SD, minimum, maximum, and 10th and 90th percentiles) before deciding whether the use of the mean is appropriate. Within feeds, the number of observations can differ across analytes, and this may represent a source of inconsistency when working with mean values because of covariance (Sauvant and Ponter, 2004). Sources of variation include analytical methodology and variation, subsampling practices, and factors such as crop variety, climate, soil type, length of storage, or method of processing (St-Pierre and Cobanov, 2007; St-Pierre and Weiss, 2015). Data from the tables are not intended to replace proper analytical testing and optimal sampling frequency but to serve as a reference on the nutrient composition for populations of feedstuffs.

Data generated from commercial testing laboratories generally classify feeds based on the feed name provided by the user, and because of ambiguities in feed names and other issues, feeds are often misclassified. Because of this problem, a statistical method developed to screen and classify feed data (Yoder et al., 2014) was used. The method was modified to operate on Python (Python Programming Language, v. 2.7; Tran et al., 2020). A total of 2.761 × 106 records received from the four labs were used to develop the procedures and to construct the table summarizing feed composition. Feed names and variables across labs were standardized, and obvious erroneous data points and duplicated samples were removed. Histograms and univariate analysis were used to identify and remove outliers having key nutrients outside of mean ± (3.5 × SD). Key nutrients were the analytes used for within-laboratory clustering analysis to identify groups of feeds within a named feedstuff. Typically, the key nutrients were DM, crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), ash, and sometimes lignin, starch, crude fat (CF), and hemicellulose. In addition, although water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC) are listed in Table 19-1, ethanol soluble carbohydrates (80 percent ethanol extraction) were used in the cluster analysis for some feeds. Two multivariate analyses (principal component analysis and clustering) were used to eliminate additional outliers and to identify potential subpopulations. Samples with a principal component score greater than 3.5 × SD from the mean score were removed. Clustering analysis was conducted to identify the existence of subpopulations of feeds within a feed name. In a few cases, expertise of several committee members was relied on to identify subpopulations. Analytes used in the clustering steps are described in Tran et al. (2020). Aside from the clustering step that was programmed in Python to automatically run SAS (SAS Institute, Cary, NC) underneath, all steps were programmed automatically, followed by a manual evaluation step of the resulting Pearson correlation matrix and clusters. The input data of each of the four labs contained 42, 94, 162, and 270 feeds and were made up of 28 to 37 nutrients. The resulting database contains 173 feeds (1.489 × 106 records), and 111 feeds had more than one cluster or subpopulation. The sum of analytes will not necessarily total 100 percent because of analytical (e.g., ash contamination of NDF) and statistical (e.g., different sample size for different nutrients) issues. Nutrients listed in animal protein sources, which are high in CP, often sum to more than 100 percent. For these animal protein sources, the use of a nitrogen-to-CP conversion factor of 6.25 usually leads to an overestimation of the actual protein content (Mariotti et al., 2008). Residual organic matter (ROM), which is used in energy calculations of this report, is determined as 100 minus the sum of ash, FAs, CP, NDF, and starch. In rare situations, ROM was negative, but that was left in to partially compensate for the energy provided by the calculated excess nutrients. For convenience, the electronic feed library associated with the model contains some commonly commercially available supplements such as rumen-protected AAs and organic trace minerals, but fields are blank, and the user will have to use their own data, expertise, and judgment to populate these.


Table 19-1 lists the base digestible energy (DE), which was calculated from the mean nutrient data for each entry (see below and Chapter 3 for more detail). The computer model will generate DE, metabolizable energy (ME), and net energy for lactation (NEL) values for the diet based on user inputs of specific nutrients and equations outlined in Chapter 3. Energy values depend on diet (not ingredient) composition and feed intake; therefore, the DE values in Table 19-1 are standardized to a base value. These values were calculated assuming a DM intake (DMI) of 3.5 percent of body weight, dietary starch concentration of 26 percent, and a diet NDF content of 30 percent so that endogenous fecal CP was equal to 15.6 g/kg DM or 0.088 Mcal/kg DM. Undigested bacterial CP was assumed to be 16.5 g/kg DM or 0.093 Mcal/kg based on the average quantity of microbial protein synthesized in the data set used to derive the microbial protein synthesis equation (1,875 g/d and average DMI was 22.7 kg/d), and endogenous ROM was assumed to be 34.3 g/kg DM or 0.137 Mcal/kg DMI. Total endogenous energy was calculated as 0.088 + 0.093 + 0.137 = 0.318 Mcal/kg DMI.

For fat supplements, the digestion coefficients are listed in Chapter 4. For fat supplements that contain essentially only FAs (not triglycerides [TGs]), base DE is calculated using the following equation:

Total FA (TFA) × (Fat digestibility coefficient / 100) × 0.094 − 0.318
(Equation 19-1)

For fat supplements that are made up of mostly TGs, the base DE is calculated using the following equation:

(TFA × (Fat digestibility coefficient / 100) × 0.094) + [(100 − Ash − (TFA/1.06)) × 0.96 × 0.043] − 0.318
(Equation 19-2)

For feedstuffs made up of animal proteins, base DE is calculated using the base energy equations (see Chapter 3) except that the starch and NDF terms were deleted because animal products do not contain those compounds:

(0.73 × TFA × 0.094) + ((CP × (RDP / 100) + (CP × (RUP / 100) × dRUP)) × 0.056) + (0.96 × (100 − TFA/1.06 − CP − Ash) × 0.04) − 0.318
(Equation 19-3)

Note: TFA and CP are percent of DM while rumen-degradable protein (RDP) and rumen-undegradable protein (RUP) are percent of CP and dRUP (percentage of RUP).

For sugars, crude glycerol and other sugar alcohols, base DE is calculated as follows:

(100 − Ash) × 0.040 × 0.96 − 0.318
(Equation 19-4)

Note: The enthalpy of sugars and glycerol differs slightly (e.g., pure glycerol = 4.3 Mcal/kg and sucrose = 4.0 Mcal/kg), but for simplicity, the same enthalpy was used (4 Mcal/kg).

Total Fatty Acids

CF values represent the total ether-soluble content of a feed but are a poor index of the true FA content of many feeds. CF values are reported but not used in this edition because the concentration of FAs in a feed is the better measure of the true fat content of a feedstuff (Sukhija and Palmquist, 1988) and results in more accurate energy values. When available, the TFA value in the tables was from data collected from commercial laboratories; however, when actual TFA data were unavailable, FA was usually estimated as CF − 1, and neither N nor SD were reported. For forages, this estimate is not accurate, and a regression equation was used: TFA = CF × 0.5678 (Daley et al., 2018) to generate estimated TFA concentrations. When this equation was used to estimate TFA, a mean TFA was reported, but N or SD was not reported.

Carbohydrates and Lignin

In some cases, data that were derived with different analytical techniques were used. Lignin and ash concentrations are only used to estimate energy values, and most lignin values were determined using sulfuric acid detergent lignin (ADL). Crude fiber concentrations are not presented because the values have little meaning nutritionally. WSC are not used in any calculations contained in this report and are listed in Table 19-1 for reference purposes only but do comprise a portion of the ROM fraction. In vitro rumen NDF digestibility (IVNDFD48) is reported, and 48-hour incubations were used. Values of various carbohydrate fractions (acid detergent fiber [ADF], NDF, WSC, and starch) and lignin for animal proteins were set to zero as any detection of these analytes represents artifacts of the assay and not the nutritive entities intended to be described by the assays (see Chapter 18). Values may differ when the chemical composition of a feed mixture containing animal proteins is determined through direct chemical analysis and when chemical composition is determined through computation using values from Table 19-1.


Mean concentrations of minerals are in Table 19-1; however, before using these values, the reader should examine the SD. Soil concentrations of minerals are highly variable, and geographic differences exist for the mineral concentrations of many feeds. For most trace minerals, the SD is high and data generally fit a nonnormal distribution. Variable contamination with soil likely contributes to the high variation. A substantial source of variation is sampling error (St-Pierre and Weiss, 2015). When evaluating single sample results for copper (Cu), Fe, manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn), caution should be exercised, especially for forages. Reliable data were not available for cobalt, chromium, and iodine in feedstuffs; thus, they are not included in Table 19-1. Concentrations of molybdenum (Mo) are provided only in reference to Cu availability. Composition of common mineral supplements is listed in Table 19-3 later in this chapter.


Soluble protein is listed in Table 19-1 for reference purposes only, and values were not used in any model calculations. Oil from soybeans may be obtained through mechanical processes (extrusion/expelling) or through solvent extraction. These processes result in meals of different chemical composition and nutrient availability (Karr-Lilienthal et al., 2006). Extrusion is a process in which material is placed under pressure and is pressed, pushed, or protruded through a small orifice (Jiang et al., 2011; AAFCO, 2016). The resulting meal has a much higher fat content than solvent-extracted soybean meal (Giallongo et al., 2015). When oil is removed by grinding the soybean and then pressing the oil out under high pressure, the product is called soybean meal, expellers. In the current feed library, feedstuffs resulting from soybean processing are referred to as (1) soybean meal, solvent extracted, 48 percent CP; (2) soybean meal, extruded; and (3) soybean meal, expellers. A number of different branded products are considered soybean meal, expellers, 48 percent CP, but they are not differentiated in this report.

The RUP content of diets was determined by calculations outlined in Chapter 6. This method was also used to calculate the RUP content of individual feeds listed in Table 19-1, assuming a standard cow weighing 650 kg and consuming 23 kg of feed (i.e., 3.5 percent of body weight). This method uses different calculations based on feed classification. Parameters for rumen disappearance (A, B, and C) and coefficients for the digestibility of RUP (dRUP) were determined from values compiled from literature data and other sources. When data on protein fractions were not available, fractions from comparable feeds were assigned. Although differences in maturity of forages may affect these fractions, data were not always available, so the same values were assigned across maturity classes.

Feed Names and Maturity Classes

Common names were used to designate feeds. As in the previous edition, data for different species of cool-season grasses (i.e., C3 grasses) were combined into a single classification (cool-season grasses). The classification is appropriate because macronutrient composition does not vary greatly among different perennial cool-season grass species (Cherney et al., 1993). Similarly, common legumes such as alfalfa, clover, and trefoil were combined into a single classification (legume hay or legume silage). Where possible, maturity classifications as determined through cluster analysis were added. Within forages, entries were classified as immature, mid-maturity, and mature. Typically, less mature forages contain a lower concentration of NDF, but growing conditions may alter that relationship. Mean NDF concentrations included in each entry are in Table 19-1; however, unlike in the last edition, distinct NDF cutoff values were not used. With clustering analysis, some overlap of NDF (and other analytes) concentrations between different forage maturity classes occurs. Because of the widespread use of mixed legume and grass forages, entries were included for this type of forage. The difference in hemicellulose concentrations, estimated as the NDF minus ADF (Van Soest et al., 1991), between legumes and grasses was used to partition some forages into mostly (>70 percent) grass mixtures (>17 to 22 percent hemicellulose), mixtures with approximately equal grass and legume (>13 to 17 percent hemicellulose), and mostly (>70 percent) legume (10 to 13 percent hemicellulose). Maturity classification for mixed forages was also based on NDF concentrations. Maturity of corn silage was estimated from DM content. Generally, as corn plants mature, DM increases (Wiersma et al., 1993).

TABLE 19-1Nutrient Composition, Digestibility, and Variability of Some Feedstuffs Commonly Fed to Dairy Cattlea

NameAlfalfa MealAlmond HullsApple Pomace/ By-Product, WetBakery By-Product, Bread Waste
Feed ID CodeNRC16F1NRC16F2NRC16F3NRC16F5
DM, % as fed90.71.8870788.24.0587818.24.6412967.44.85230
Ash, % DM11.72.067077.61.546722.91.21383.61.16183
CP, % DM19.51.997055.31.068696.41.6412914.91.91230
A fraction, % of CPb28304248
B fraction, % of CPb66355344
C fraction, % of CPb63558
Kd of B, %/hb6.75.37.416.2
RUP, % CPc 36 54 30 22
dRUP, % of RUPd75508090
Soluble protein, % CP37.05.7260237.011.2454319.78.808120.68.10140
ADIP, % DMe1.620.161691.450.5252131.980.620.27473
NDIP, % DMf3.970.406671.940.5861733.381.040.48872
ADF, % DM33.93.2968827.67.1687438.68.101133.22.39208
NDF, % DM42.94.6670733.07.9086945.78.471296.34.47230
IVNDFD48, % of NDFg49.13.691243.915.09566.38.39352.0
Lignin, % DM7.551.1046899.532.95533515.955.586271.290.896130
Starch, % DM1.80.976600.90.722023.54.374253.58.23144
WSC, % DMh8.31.8456136.46.763725.517.851211.44.7424
TFAs, % DM1.610.276821.261.884.76
Crude fat, % DM2.350.4606992.521.0344595.972.928385.762.730229
De base, Mcal/kgi 2.50 2.44 2.29 3.66
Ca, % DM1.500.2956190.270.0557430.150.057960.220.119190
P, % DM0.270.0546180.120.0317430.140.035970.260.125191
Mg, % DM0.300.0596210.120.0267410.080.023970.090.062190
K, % DM2.330.4506222.820.4257450.840.313970.330.235191
Na, % DM0.120.0692830.020.0117230.020.030940.650.175173
Cl, % DM0.670.2405130.080.0691630.040.028150.930.22971
S, % DM0.260.0425600.040.0134200.080.019780.210.096109
Cu, mg/kg DM8.832.8032895.802.6847218.912.382984.193.379165
Fe, mg/kg DM951680.4288291169.4721172241.797125102.9165
Mn, mg/kg DM5019.6283176.3723126.0962117.6167
Zn, mg/kg DM235.7283168.771684.0972513.9165
Mo, mg/kg DM1.710.8862261.060.307201.000.000151.050.22919
NameBakery By-Product, CerealBakery By-Product, CookiesBakery By-Product MealBarley Grain, Dry, Ground
Feed ID CodeNRC16F6NRC16F7NRC16F4NRC16F8
DM, % as fed91.12.6123689.32.591,24190.12.4214988.72.432,404
Ash, % DM3.51.621454.61.527974.41.541502.80.582,075
CP, % DM9.22.0123812.92.261,25012.81.9014911.81.742,421
A fraction, % of CPb34484830
B fraction, % of CPb63444461
C fraction, % of CPb4889
Kd of B, %/hb20.
RUP, % CPc 19 22 22 22
dRUP, % of RUPd75909085
Soluble protein, % CP18.28.7213922.38.3576418.013.651825.37.481,979
ADIP, % DMe1.070.3751051.130.4852590.460.425920.700.264539
NDIP, % DMf1.530.5181042.111.0332621.060.756821.380.289524
ADF, % DM3.11.742277.64.681,1235.62.881267.31.832,351
NDF, % DM7.23.6723814.47.231,25712.74.8414918.63.422,400
IVNDFD48, % of NDFg52.
Lignin, % DM1.490.7561162.171.2524281.691.1681021.720.5281,745
Starch, % DM47.69.9418236.210.3381751.77.8110756.74.322,417
WSC, % DMh28.19.718218.26.553884.91.67100
TFAs, % DM1.959.047.681.31
Crude fat, % DM2.951.30623610.042.8371,2448.682.2781492.310.3341,948
De base, Mcal/kgi 3.44 3.59 3.60 3.36
Ca, % DM0.220.2061580.240.2248890.370.3031250.120.1881,780
P, % DM0.280.1021570.420.1748950.350.1111260.380.0641,862
Mg, % DM0.080.0391580.170.0898890.150.0821250.140.0271,795
K, % DM0.310.1231590.570.2698890.470.1521250.590.3141,786
Na, % DM0.590.2712240.590.2709430.600.2241000.020.017559
Cl, % DM0.790.2821140.800.3234910.620.154140.150.049257
S, % DM0.120.0271280.170.0396740.170.0401110.140.0301,377
Cu, mg/kg DM3.331.6451546.574.1299036.172.558895.532.625716
Fe, mg/kg DM189201.6156172121.2895237133.2908954.2716
Mn, mg/kg DM2212.11574022.89053012.490205.9714
Zn, mg/kg DM5539.81464120.89003114.790349.4714
Mo, mg/kg DM1.000.000191.080.2694071.050.211173
NameBarley Grain, Steam RolledBarley HayBarley Malt SproutsBarley Silage, Headed
Feed ID CodeNRC16F1074NRC16F9NRC16F10NRC16F11
DM, % as fed88.72.432,40489.42.551,09681.227.8414537.05.401,266
Ash, % DM2.80.582,0758.62.338495.91.411455.91.331,276
CP, % DM11.81.742,42110.82.951,10523.95.0814510.91.721,277
A fraction, % of CPb30574757
B fraction, % of CPb61334533
C fraction, % of CPb910810
Kd of B, %/hb22.
RUP, % CPc 22 27 24 27
dRUP, % of RUPd85836483
Soluble protein, % CP25.37.481,97944.812.911,08939.913.546161.412.351,277
ADIP, % DMe0.700.2645390.650.860.950.1971,274
NDIP, % DMf1.380.2895242.245.131.300.4121,272
ADF, % DM7.31.832,35134.14.341,10518.34.1610726.32.651,274
NDF, % DM18.63.422,40054.55.751,10640.57.3514544.83.671,276
IVNDFD48, % of NDFg51.513.352261.39.3232
Lignin, % DM1.720.5281,7454.071.2938462.611.590703.810.4881,275
Starch, % DM56.74.322,4177.36.647918.66.387323.96.051,277
WSC, % DMh4.91.6710014.87.4676015.94.8136
TFAs, % DM1.311.400.449631.462.060.288887
Crude fat, % DM2.310.3341,9482.740.8708482.732.0501193.080.5341,271
De base, Mcal/kgi 3.44 2.62 3.13 2.86
Ca, % DM0.120.1881,7800.380.1921,0880.190.079940.320.070273
P, % DM0.380.0641,8620.250.0701,0930.610.153940.290.044272
Mg, % DM0.140.0271,7950.170.0581,0930.180.037940.180.030272
K, % DM0.590.3141,7861.960.6221,0961.110.522941.570.249272
Na, % DM0.020.0175590.380.3382370.050.037780.110.073272
Cl, % DM0.150.0492570.950.5337660.360.125620.470.269271
S, % DM0.140.0301,3770.170.0521,0910.330.091800.180.034268
Cu, mg/kg DM5.532.6257166.782.9532289.933.270685.961.669583
Fe, mg/kg DM8954.2716422524.922718078.868172111.3573
Mn, mg/kg DM205.97143622.42254612.4693110.6579
Zn, mg/kg DM349.47143019.11926516.362266.7580
Mo, mg/kg DM1.050.2111731.320.6421451.360.515640.770.1482
NameBarley Silage, Mid-MaturityBarley Silage, VegetativeBeet Pulp, DryBeet Pulp, Dry, Molasses Added
Feed ID CodeNRC16F12NRC16F13NRC16F14NRC16F15
DM, % as fed36.17.994,99333.09.031,27792.31.245390.61.84549
Ash, % DM7.92.015,01610.72.581,2825.21.50547.51.96542
CP, % DM11.42.365,03014.22.841,2819.91.36548.91.00547
A fraction, % of CPb575755
B fraction, % of CPb33339090
C fraction, % of CPb101055
Kd of B, %/hb7.
RUP, % CPc 27 27 71 71
dRUP, % of RUPd83838080
Soluble protein, % CP59.911.575,03065.08.381,27820.68.105019.39.14440
ADIP, % DMe1.110.2253,6661.391.301.790.772112
NDIP, % DMf1.600.4563,6552.005.464.230.985112
ADF, % DM34.14.135,03437.73.791,28228.22.375426.13.06516
NDF, % DM52.95.195,03356.65.421,28046.94.275439.73.47547
IVNDFD48, % of NDFg52.14.8125357.56.1919379.074.0
Lignin, % DM4.960.8585,0325.191.2091,2813.882.128493.531.840317
Starch, % DM12.36.915,0333.02.391,2820.60.44481.11.12289
WSC, % DMh5.92.444826.93.597565.71.55313.84.4223
TFAs, % DM1.700.3792,8082.070.630.63
Crude fat, % DM3.130.5755,0233.650.6121,2781.060.308491.190.374400
De base, Mcal/kgi 2.62 2.52 2.75 2.74
Ca, % DM0.460.2511,6610.530.2281,2750.770.252511.180.332504
P, % DM0.310.0531,6660.350.0611,2800.080.014500.090.035501
Mg, % DM0.190.0521,6600.190.0501,2770.260.039510.250.046506
K, % DM2.000.5751,6672.720.6421,2790.490.229500.590.386503
Na, % DM0.180.2315490.160.1842030.110.057500.140.142427
Cl, % DM0.650.5249610.870.3887390.080.059470.090.114294
S, % DM0.180.0341,6630.200.0381,2780.200.097500.300.092385
Cu, mg/kg DM7.882.8151,6169.243.5461688.102.492518.562.959450
Fe, mg/kg DM272227.61,611663675.9167588262.250614308.1451
Mn, mg/kg DM4017.51,6164822.81697819.3516317.3449
Zn, mg/kg DM308.11,6163210.6166216.049247.0451
Mo, mg/kg DM1.430.753621.400.7521241.000.00041.030.16935
NameBeet Pulp, WetBermudagrass HayBermudagrass Silage, MatureBermudagrass Silage, Mid-Maturity
Feed ID CodeNRC16F16NRC16F17NRC16F18NRC16F19
DM, % as fed22.73.3662993.41.1510,05945.310.5112838.49.66693
Ash, % DM7.32.066308.01.3110,0536.21.651309.12.13695
CP, % DM9.11.0863111.02.5610,07110.31.6413014.62.56696
A fraction, % of CPb5363737
B fraction, % of CPb90525151
C fraction, % of CPb5121212
Kd of B, %/hb2.
RUP, % CPc 71 34 34 34
dRUP, % of RUPd80656565
Soluble protein, % CP16.37.7324933.04.998,91747.010.0913054.59.75697
ADIP, % DMe0.880.201500.841.151.640.48432
NDIP, % DMf2.220.706504.162.443.461.14132
ADF, % DM27.22.9232934.93.4210,05642.82.6413039.03.10695
NDF, % DM44.16.4963265.43.7910,06470.83.2813064.14.57697
IVNDFD48, % of NDFg78.33.581054.27.8938352.32.29763.54.84110
Lignin, % DM3.182.3341615.411.19910,0737.691.0911305.901.261696
Starch, % DM0.90.641744.93.059,8693.41.871272.41.50620
WSC, % DMh3.01.90377.71.699,7764.02.171285.02.04573
TFAs, % DM0.641.250.4411691.351.440.56892
Crude fat, % DM0.990.3734921.930.33510,0262.380.6621303.370.703685
De base, Mcal/kgi 2.73 2.40 2.26 2.39
Ca, % DM1.120.3493140.490.09110,0380.470.1011290.510.120663
P, % DM0.130.1203180.190.04710,0230.240.0531300.310.057666
Mg, % DM0.260.0483210.210.04510,0320.200.0471290.240.051660
K, % DM0.570.3663201.710.37810,0431.520.4281302.410.575665
Na, % DM0.100.0712430.150.1123,8140.030.017170.060.046134
Cl, % DM0.110.1991340.740.2398,2380.550.2171200.750.285566
S, % DM0.240.1081990.400.1119,0980.210.0421300.250.063650
Cu, mg/kg DM9.404.8762249.762.9473,8239.004.2561812.716.212143
Fe, mg/kg DM699354.722622193.53,813206118.118386328.5137
Mn, mg/kg DM6014.22245927.23,7888659.3187543.6149
Zn, mg/kg DM267.8226348.83,8003212.7184415.0143
Mo, mg/kg DM1.000.00041.120.3242,4061.130.35481.270.46698
NameBlood Meal, High dRUPBlood Meal, Low dRUPBrewers Grains, DryBrewers Grains, Wet
Feed ID CodeNRC16F1000NRC16F20NRC16F21NRC16F22
DM, % as fed90.93.1087090.93.1087093.12.3413922.53.562,427
Ash, % DM3.31.741833.31.741834.61.061394.60.632,423
CP, % DM95.13.1584595.13.1584525.34.5613928.14.002,441
A fraction, % of CPb10101847
B fraction, % of CPb61616744
C fraction, % of CPb2929159
Kd of B, %/hb1.
RUP, % CPc 85 75 52 37
dRUP, % of RUPd85657483
Soluble protein, % CP19.520.9613519.520.9613517.713.4713611.24.851,842
ADIP, % DMe4.254.211314.254.211313.122.941.249317
NDIP, % DMf5.674.497305.674.497308.603.951.334299
ADF, % DM0.,292
NDF, % DM0.00.051.810.5913949.34.942,439
IVNDFD48, % of NDFg51.54.43447.38.588
Lignin, % DM0.000.006.662.1331366.641.1122,179
Starch, % DM0.,966
WSC, % DMh0.
TFAs, % DM1.311.318.317.61
Crude fat, % DM1.691.4581711.691.4581719.022.2701399.521.2482,436
De base, Mcal/kgi 4.56 3.82 2.98 3.11
Ca, % DM0.130.1581660.130.1581660.300.1311380.360.1112,035
P, % DM0.280.1591720.280.1591720.640.1361350.690.0952,045
Mg, % DM0.050.0361400.050.0361400.230.0591370.230.0332,038
K, % DM0.430.3091430.430.3091430.230.3061360.120.0802,016
Na, % DM0.420.1981330.420.1981330.020.012770.020.017699
Cl, % DM0.350.127670.350.127670.090.075460.060.043306
S, % DM0.740.2251370.740.2251370.300.0591340.320.0561,853
Cu, mg/kg DM6.054.3091346.054.30913415.977.0007710.385.401766
Fe, mg/kg DM2267476.51332267476.5133350315.07822382.0764
Mn, mg/kg DM43.512543.51255412.5785311.8769
Zn, mg/kg DM3314.01313314.01318613.3499417.9662
Mo, mg/kg DM1.920.885772.340.861300
NameBrewers Yeast, DryBrewers Yeast, WetCalcium SoapsCandy (Not Chocolate) By-Product
Feed ID CodeNRC16F23NRC16F24NRC16F25NRC16F26
DM, % as fed92.81.664313.43.9923395.390.15.1717
Ash, % DM8.61.61436.31.4323115.51.01.2817
CP, % DM50.76.864343.38.362342.41.5317
A fraction, % of CPb9974
B fraction, % of CPb919126
C fraction, % of CPb000
Kd of B, %/hb2.42.43.2
RUP, % CPc 63 63 21
dRUP, % of RUPd939390
Soluble protein, % CP45.316.443859.427.341226.226.4816
ADIP, % DMe0.560.480.460.41016
NDIP, % DMf2.732.330.840.78316
ADF, % DM3.63.68115.64.51121.51.8116
NDF, % DM1.62.143811.59.33122.31.4016
IVNDFD48, % of NDFg
Lignin, % DM1.821.65091.250.630120.570.57116
Starch, % DM4.16.78114.41.00423.511.4117
WSC, % DMh4.11.693314.07.782
TFAs, % DM0.112.3484.500.25
Crude fat, % DM1.110.774423.342.14323184.501.251.30817
De base, Mcal/kgi 3.94 3.85 5.42 3.48
Ca, % DM0.120.099140.370.147200.060.07616
P, % DM1.190.288141.490.464200.030.01516
Mg, % DM0.210.078140.210.064200.040.04814
K, % DM1.380.469141.760.549200.090.09517
Na, % DM0.080.072140.080.065200.150.15017
Cl, % DM0.200.090100.790.45630.150.14515
S, % DM0.861.644130.470.072180.040.02116
Cu, mg/kg DM101.14254.8221419.2517.550201.460.66013
Fe, mg/kg DM135131.61410056.2203745.417
Mn, mg/kg DM2639.01472.92044.516
Zn, mg/kg DM6034.496017.616812.816
Mo, mg/kg DM1.250.622123.321.70119
NameCandy By-Product, High ProteinCanola Meal, Solvent ExtractedCanola Seed, GroundChocolate By-Product
Feed ID CodeNRC16F27NRC16F28NRC16F29NRC16F30
DM, % as fed88.92.2516289.11.153,29395.01.3514194.31.9737
Ash, % DM5.61.071577.90.532,9674.51.45192.60.8511
CP, % DM14.61.6716041.51.553,43723.42.7014310.01.8437
A fraction, % of CPb74223574
B fraction, % of CPb26716026
C fraction, % of CPb0750
Kd of B, %/hb3.210.520.13.2
RUP, % CPc 21 32 20 21
dRUP, % of RUPd90745090
Soluble protein, % CP26.97.323225.05.8489549.319.832527.112.9929
ADIP, % DMe2.761.231172.500.7894782.791.010.4979
NDIP, % DMf3.971.725174.751.6144524.531.921.0609
ADF, % DM19.54.489320.32.171,36720.27.32318.33.0437
NDF, % DM29.75.3716229.02.781,50328.79.073113.24.2037
IVNDFD48, % of NDFg49.47.4814
Lignin, % DM5.162.784238.511.9686866.012.325111.430.41810
Starch, % DM16.16.471041.60.855542.43.401611.24.4532
WSC, % DMh11.01.415139.65.468
TFAs, % DM11.112.5139.4620.68
Crude fat, % DM12.112.6971633.510.8563,38940.463.99014221.683.45736
De base, Mcal/kgi 3.31 3.14 4.31 4.05
Ca, % DM0.320.306350.790.1161,2110.440.098220.150.07932
P, % DM0.490.177351.150.1071,2120.690.098220.280.09432
Mg, % DM0.300.102350.620.0581,1850.330.055230.120.03531
K, % DM1.220.423351.360.1361,1850.850.151230.510.16232
Na, % DM0.230.548340.080.0749230.010.010150.160.08831
Cl, % DM0.210.115160.100.0505320.080.04290.210.11210
S, % DM0.230.212180.770.0868790.430.077210.100.02629
Cu, mg/kg DM16.036.323355.781.9868843.941.697187.653.07131
Fe, mg/kg DM269142.23425396.3894298373.2189077.132
Mn, mg/kg DM5722.835738.08954711.8182010.831
Zn, mg/kg DM5319.035648.1891406.018237.732
Mo, mg/kg DM1.000.00041.120.3282371.400.966101.000.00014
NameCitrus Pulp, DryCitrus Pulp, WetCool-Season Grass Hay, MatureCool-Season Grass Hay, Mid-Maturity
Feed ID CodeNRC16F31NRC16F32NRC16F33NRC16F34
DM, % as fed88.21.3535418.35.4915889.82.8627,99088.34.246,033
Ash, % DM7.11.402196.81.90736.71.7928,2648.61.766,032
CP, % DM7.21.115088.71.561599.22.4928,46313.32.226,035
A fraction, % of CPb42423030
B fraction, % of CPb53535656
C fraction, % of CPb551414
Kd of B, %/hb7.
RUP, % CPc 30 30 42 42
dRUP, % of RUPd80806060
Soluble protein, % CP40.310.9523656.78.689129.36.3024,38330.58.204,974
ADIP, % DMe1.030.386530.681.480.25012,1111.430.2563,380
NDIP, % DMf1.780.692511.203.790.97412,1184.851.2923,389
ADF, % DM20.13.3146423.23.8615841.43.5128,38535.52.686,050
NDF, % DM24.12.9050625.94.1615966.74.2928,42958.04.086,049
IVNDFD48, % of NDFg86.555.89.041,03167.88.1682
Lignin, % DM2.491.3691073.613.055385.971.23828,4624.170.7866,052
Starch, % DM1.31.281750.90.95652.00.9027,3422.20.985,956
WSC, % DMh23.07.4414711.59.234610.84.3915,36615.23.992,618
TFAs, % DM1.721.720.950.35911,8911.580.3723,213
Crude fat, % DM2.550.7101593.422.129792.350.53427,9463.230.6465,987
De base, Mcal/kgi 3.02 2.97 2.34 2.53
Ca, % DM1.860.5533301.270.6691410.440.15116,2490.480.1552,709
P, % DM0.120.0293290.160.0441180.210.07016,2420.280.0782,709
Mg, % DM0.140.0233230.120.0261170.200.07416,2190.230.0642,693
K, % DM1.060.1933241.250.3041181.630.57416,4252.260.6252,707
Na, % DM0.060.0393170.050.0741150.060.0956,8240.100.1321,560
Cl, % DM0.110.048920.120.060340.580.41212,5550.780.4831,705
S, % DM0.100.0361690.110.026980.150.05712,9970.200.0491,717
Cu, mg/kg DM6.852.5043145.482.1321168.333.47311,1509.213.1152,601
Fe, mg/kg DM108106.7313153183.9115196163.511,060217167.32,577
Mn, mg/kg DM104.8314128.21169363.011,0708647.82,583
Zn, mg/kg DM135.8308114.2118269.311,036278.22,580
Mo, mg/kg DM1.371.469231.070.267141.530.9824,4641.691.1001,211
NameCool-Season Grass SilageCorn, Ear with Husk and Some Stalk, Ensiled, High FiberCorn, Ear with Husk and Some Stalk, Ensiled, Low FiberCorn and Cob Meal, Dry
Feed ID CodeNRC16F35NRC16F53NRC16F54NRC16F36
DM, % as fed38.813.0919,74058.07.118,61864.86.616,21186.33.36448
Ash, % DM8.11.8519,3912.10.358,5931.70.226,2031.90.45421
CP, % DM13.42.7219,7027.90.828,6077.80.696,2098.41.12444
A fraction, % of CPb52303030
B fraction, % of CPb34686868
C fraction, % of CPb13222
Kd of B, %/hb5.
RUP, % CPc 32 39 39 39
dRUP, % of RUPd60616161
Soluble protein, % CP48.010.5319,67443.815.858,58437.914.556,20021.16.24423
ADIP, % DMe1.600.3336,9460.610.1734,8630.600.1493,1690.670.120173
NDIP, % DMf3.690.9616,9610.920.3134,8430.860.3203,1571.240.496173
ADF, % DM39.03.6319,73412.32.228,5958.41.666,2018.82.34449
NDF, % DM62.14.9019,70224.94.078,58418.13.086,20519.04.28449
IVNDFD48, % of NDFg63.65.7179046.811.9889350.615.6218230.54.952
Lignin, % DM5.821.26319,7302.010.4468,2381.750.3866,1221.860.425401
Starch, % DM1.91.0718,98256.74.178,58264.63.216,20262.15.23425
WSC, % DMh7.33.7512,1791.80.80181.91.1684.50.212
TFAs, % DM1.840.4066,5112.890.4883,7123.110.3982,7133.260.536166
Crude fat, % DM3.630.74219,1403.370.4568,2833.560.4256,1313.690.726405
De base, Mcal/kgi 2.44 3.26 3.36 3.35
Ca, % DM0.550.17412,8440.070.0294,7510.040.0173,4040.050.031267
P, % DM0.310.06112,8500.260.0324,7800.280.0323,4070.290.062269
Mg, % DM0.210.05212,8090.120.0194,7740.110.0133,4050.120.031272
K, % DM2.290.61512,8600.520.1044,7670.450.0473,4090.460.071271
Na, % DM0.080.0842,2330.010.0097970.010.0132320.010.01261
Cl, % DM0.670.28612,1190.140.0342740.130.033690.100.03311
S, % DM0.200.04112,5500.100.0124,4340.100.0103,3590.100.014237
Cu, mg/kg DM9.463.2663,4743.341.4241,1912.461.1015753.884.43486
Fe, mg/kg DM450465.33,4628557.91,1925635.8581114153.385
Mn, mg/kg DM9552.83,479124.71,19883.05881111.587
Zn, mg/kg DM3311.13,472255.21,198234.85872717.287
Mo, mg/kg DM1.871.2431,7121.000.079501.000.000221.000.0008
NameCorn CobsCorn GermCorn Germ MealCorn Gluten Feed, Dry
Feed ID CodeNRC16F37NRC16F38NRC16F39NRC16F40
DM, % as fed89.88.0614390.22.0410790.21.1719189.21.771,615
Ash, % DM2.81.00975.91.551063.70.781287.51.751,353
CP, % DM3.00.7714415.41.5710726.11.7619223.22.481,621
A fraction, % of CPb45411451
B fraction, % of CPb49455039
C fraction, % of CPb6143610
Kd of B, %/hb2.810.012.07.0
RUP, % CPc 41 32 52 29
dRUP, % of RUPd60737379
Soluble protein, % CP36.010.609135.414.251824.54.764645.710.77920
ADIP, % DMe0.350.780.612274.151.05134.443.256407
NDIP, % DMf0.852.671.767269.881.15339.886.279342
ADF, % DM46.36.3214410.14.8210815.22.0618611.52.111,581
NDF, % DM83.85.2814227.06.6210944.83.3919235.74.621,619
IVNDFD48, % of NDFg65.
Lignin, % DM4.201.7931232.692.0141022.921.536252.311.218578
Starch, % DM1.10.837027.610.464519.42.694015.54.63485
WSC, % DMh1.10.2533.90.87155.82.2326
TFAs, % DM0.3516.892.113.38
Crude fat, % DM0.620.2927317.893.4171073.111.5161903.911.1121,305
De base, Mcal/kgi 2.41 3.63 3.12 3.21
Ca, % DM0.040.032920.030.029370.040.0271350.070.0451,338
P, % DM0.060.019931.170.381380.830.1471371.070.2031,431
Mg, % DM0.040.010920.430.159380.250.0731370.430.0801,230
K, % DM0.960.355931.220.453380.460.1241341.470.3121,232
Na, % DM0.010.011910.010.007330.040.0331230.330.2321,050
Cl, % DM0.280.073680.120.02370.060.034180.290.108269
S, % DM0.040.011880.170.049360.330.038890.500.144870
Cu, mg/kg DM5.602.556905.631.811366.462.4711165.572.1091,032
Fe, mg/kg DM188238.5919951.53813533.612214662.21,038
Mn, mg/kg DM85.291165.238165.4122215.21,040
Zn, mg/kg DM2211.7917220.4367925.5547417.11,029
Mo, mg/kg DM1.000.000121.000.000141.060.242811.240.475332
NameCorn Gluten Feed, WetCorn Gluten MealCorn Grain Dry, Coarse GrindCorn Grain Dry, Fine Grind
Feed ID CodeNRC16F41NRC16F42NRC16F1071NRC16F1070
DM, % as fed45.65.511,00190.51.6422186.92.0411,26486.92.0411,264
Ash, % DM7.21.426832.80.951301.50.239,9721.50.239,972
CP, % DM23.12.641,00168.53.522208.50.8311,3268.50.8311,326
A fraction, % of CPb5182323
B fraction, % of CPb39727070
C fraction, % of CPb102077
Kd of B, %/hb7.
RUP, % CPc 25 69 43 43
dRUP, % of RUPd79927373
Soluble protein, % CP57.08.924737.53.0312422.15.7911,08722.15.7911,087
ADIP, % DMe0.890.6303091.110.773350.520.1293,5720.520.1293,572
NDIP, % DMf2.040.8002841.961.449510.910.2923,5830.910.2923,583
ADF, % DM12.11.919183.72.022053.60.7211,2823.60.7211,282
NDF, % DM36.94.801,0066.83.582219.81.5011,3269.81.5011,326
IVNDFD48, % of NDFg76.710.442373.062.317.612762.317.6127
Lignin, % DM1.891.1783911.791.241651.371.9727,1951.371.9727,195
Starch, % DM15.34.7053016.44.195670.42.5911,33170.42.5911,331
WSC, % DMh4.00.86911.60.77182.90.842012.90.84201
TFAs, % DM3.090.00011.443.840.5361,8473.840.5361,847
Crude fat, % DM3.811.1286862.441.0581823.840.4542,5013.840.4542,501
De base, Mcal/kgi 3.23 4.33 3.10 3.55
Ca, % DM0.100.1238390.040.0711250.040.0458,5320.040.0458,532
P, % DM1.070.2408510.490.1061260.310.0419,1850.310.0419,185
Mg, % DM0.450.0978480.070.0391230.130.0589,1510.130.0589,151
K, % DM1.570.3818490.220.1301230.560.5249,1500.560.5249,150
Na, % DM0.200.1427420.050.0391100.020.0271,3210.020.0271,321
Cl, % DM0.250.1022120.080.030800.100.0438280.100.043828
S, % DM0.500.0886850.970.1131000.100.0155,3430.100.0155,343
Cu, mg/kg DM6.542.5926945.233.5341002.070.9511,2642.070.9511,264
Fe, mg/kg DM17991.069712266.81123918.31,2743918.31,274
Mn, mg/kg DM239.470063.511273.51,34773.51,347
Zn, mg/kg DM7716.86812910.9112236.61,357236.61,357
Mo, mg/kg DM1.300.4741731.130.341310.910.0401220.910.040122
NameCorn Grain Dry, Medium GrindCorn Grain High Moisture, Coarse GrindCorn Grain High Moisture, Fine GrindCorn Grain Screenings
Feed ID CodeNRC16F44NRC16F1072NRC16F45NRC16F43
DM, % as fed86.92.0411,26472.35.2871,10472.35.2871,10486.92.42622
Ash, % DM1.50.239,9721.60.2461,5151.60.2461,5151.80.51316
CP, % DM8.50.8311,3268.50.8171,0528.50.8171,0528.60.94623
A fraction, % of CPb23282823
B fraction, % of CPb70717170
C fraction, % of CPb7117
Kd of B, %/hb5.
RUP, % CPc 43 39 39 43
dRUP, % of RUPd73909073
Soluble protein, % CP22.15.7911,08733.111.7870,80433.111.7870,80425.06.20603
ADIP, % DMe0.520.1293,5720.440.13527,7050.440.13527,7050.630.19847
NDIP, % DMf0.910.2923,5830.770.30427,9250.770.30427,9251.020.33147
ADF, % DM3.60.7211,2823.50.7570,6573.50.7570,6574.41.66610
NDF, % DM9.81.5011,3269.61.6570,8949.61.6570,89411.72.59620
IVNDFD48, % of NDFg62.317.612750.923.3521250.923.35212
Lignin, % DM1.371.9727,1951.210.68442,5201.210.68442,5201.460.58252
Starch, % DM70.42.5911,33170.92.4071,05470.92.4071,05465.63.93601
WSC, % DMh2.90.842013.00.715403.00.715402.80.5914
TFAs, % DM3.840.5361,8473.570.47514,2983.570.47514,2983.180.31615
Crude fat, % DM3.840.4542,5013.580.46661,0703.580.46661,0703.190.576280
De base, Mcal/kgi 3.46 3.52 3.70 3.46
Ca, % DM0.040.0458,5320.040.02053,9600.040.02053,9600.180.396599
P, % DM0.310.0419,1850.310.03255,8370.310.03255,8370.320.043597
Mg, % DM0.130.0589,1510.130.02355,2120.130.02355,2120.150.049597
K, % DM0.560.5249,1500.440.22755,0060.440.22755,0060.670.602596
Na, % DM0.020.0271,3210.020.0192,3540.020.0192,3540.020.03268
Cl, % DM0.100.0438280.120.0501,2280.120.0501,2280.090.05620
S, % DM0.100.0155,3430.110.01128,4780.110.01128,4780.110.02036
Cu, mg/kg DM2.070.9511,2641.600.7843,1311.600.7843,1313.211.67566
Fe, mg/kg DM3918.31,2743816.13,6873816.13,687165145.967
Mn, mg/kg DM73.51,34761.83,84361.83,843127.166
Zn, mg/kg DM236.61,357234.63,864234.63,8643010.566
Mo, mg/kg DM0.910.0401221.000.0001041.000.000104
NameCorn Grain, Steam-FlakedCorn HominyCorn Silage, ImmatureCorn Silage, Mature
Feed ID CodeNRC16F46NRC16F47NRC16F49NRC16F50
DM, % as fed85.72.361,04589.11.8580131.32.70267,61539.63.86247,483
Ash, % DM1.30.291,0102.60.765574.00.95267,9623.70.80248,173
CP, % DM8.00.651,05010.11.628037.90.97267,9617.50.85248,152
A fraction, % of CPb2455849
B fraction, % of CPb83492428
C fraction, % of CPb1661624
Kd of B, %/hb3.
RUP, % CPc 69 30 33 44
dRUP, % of RUPd90907070
Soluble protein, % CP13.95.3056428.38.0042352.711.63267,91051.312.31248,144
ADIP, % DMe0.630.510.2891350.840.143137,9790.800.129134,544
NDIP, % DMf1.281.070.5301321.260.301138,0931.190.265134,562
ADF, % DM3.40.725885.71.9773525.53.05267,95323.22.83248,237
NDF, % DM8.61.3459116.95.2280242.64.45267,95439.34.14248,167
IVNDFD48, % of NDFg55.711.72375.00.00153.46.0758,47850.86.0969,227
Lignin, % DM1.260.3304541.590.8242493.150.569268,0632.970.528248,304
Starch, % DM71.72.8157855.69.3048830.26.09267,77735.55.18248,239
WSC, % DMh1.80.58794.81.42512.91.1643,9103.11.1924,875
TFAs, % DM3.145.381.20452.320.401180,7682.360.369173,952
Crude fat, % DM3.140.8081,0137.212.3478032.960.410266,9412.860.362247,726
De base, Mcal/kgi 3.63 3.50 2.93 2.88
Ca, % DM0.060.2095400.060.1596560.240.050167,2240.230.043160,966
P, % DM0.240.0555780.520.1746570.240.029167,7500.230.027161,246
Mg, % DM0.100.0345750.210.0696530.170.037167,2980.160.033160,873
K, % DM0.400.3425740.660.2726521.050.223167,6770.920.199161,324
Na, % DM0.000.0051610.020.0465030.020.01915,9330.030.01812,118
Cl, % DM0.080.0211020.100.0311120.270.12152,9770.240.10331,767
S, % DM0.090.0114490.120.0324140.110.014167,0400.100.013160,877
Cu, mg/kg DM2.080.7581683.791.9565186.341.87231,3795.911.50425,261
Fe, mg/kg DM3217.61697756.751616695.631,31114685.225,086
Mn, mg/kg DM51.7170125.55163011.931,2952810.525,230
Zn, mg/kg DM173.91694012.9514287.731,343266.825,243
Mo, mg/kg DM1.000.000321.000.0002051.110.3172,8811.110.3131,186
NameCorn Silage, TypicalCorn Stalks, Ensiled, High DMCorn Stalks, Ensiled, Low DMCotton Gin Trash
Feed ID CodeNRC16F48NRC16F52NRC16F51NRC16F55
DM, % as fed35.45.38535,42285.06.531,87741.213.011,69590.33.08528
Ash, % DM3.80.91535,9239.04.321,10810.55.031,31014.56.95237
CP, % DM7.70.94536,3035.62.341,8737.02.271,68912.03.75532
A fraction, % of CPb60606030
B fraction, % of CPb24242435
C fraction, % of CPb16161635
Kd of B, %/hb4.
RUP, % CPc 33 33 33 54
dRUP, % of RUPd70707050
Soluble protein, % CP51.812.03537,15052.616.311,49249.614.871,47828.111.52326
ADIP, % DMe0.820.141288,5911.330.3591211.560.3851973.191.73466
NDIP, % DMf1.230.293288,6141.950.7241202.200.7151994.372.20567
ADF, % DM24.33.27537,13146.96.631,80744.87.111,57051.012.34530
NDF, % DM40.94.75536,93972.08.491,88866.28.441,69659.412.51533
IVNDFD48, % of NDFg52.06.25130,78956.28.7429652.811.0211721.314.503
Lignin, % DM3.050.564537,0826.371.6181,1366.161.7581,08915.035.367147
Starch, % DM32.96.42536,5193.73.041,6403.53.011,4081.10.8582
WSC, % DMh3.01.2270,7375.93.973455.23.674582.20.726
TFAs, % DM2.350.394370,2940.480.3084410.720.4195303.14
Crude fat, % DM2.920.390535,6091.210.5801,0191.840.7141,1824.012.270182
De base, Mcal/kgi 2.93 2.16 2.19 1.67
Ca, % DM0.240.048336,4260.390.2151,7290.480.5551,3711.690.975433
P, % DM0.230.029337,0920.140.0731,7360.190.0691,4120.240.104430
Mg, % DM0.170.036335,9770.220.0811,7300.230.0721,3920.320.113427
K, % DM0.990.222337,0451.100.4291,7211.350.5101,3931.960.634431
Na, % DM0.030.02029,8540.130.5062450.030.0262630.070.067421
Cl, % DM0.260.12087,9220.430.2464060.470.3025270.550.37788
S, % DM0.100.014336,1150.090.0291,4280.110.0291,2370.400.242256
Cu, mg/kg DM6.221.90960,91410.006.8282659.704.5913129.016.903426
Fe, mg/kg DM165108.460,87911821224.326513031190.6312930887.7425
Mn, mg/kg DM3012.360,7457144.52647242.33156433.8428
Zn, mg/kg DM277.960,8362912.72673312.43172612.6422
Mo, mg/kg DM1.110.3174,2381.150.404611.360.777421.180.463158
NameCottonseed HullsCottonseed MealCottonseed Whole, LintedDistillers Grains and Solubles, Dried, High Fat
Feed ID CodeNRC16F57NRC16F58NRC16F56NRC16F59
DM, % as fed91.01.7522489.92.0333191.41.83114889.11.745043
Ash, % DM3.50.79997.60.962674.20.589555.40.605,042
CP, % DM7.02.1823146.73.8434023.32.651,27130.21.685,038
A fraction, % of CPb30254526
B fraction, % of CPb35564862
C fraction, % of CPb3519712
Kd of B, %/hb5.
RUP, % CPc 54 44 23 47
dRUP, % of RUPd50837475
Soluble protein, % CP20.712.0811514.54.0025926.69.5965015.73.694,689
ADIP, % DMe2.770.536411.720.442752.731.6564222.850.7331,564
NDIP, % DM f3.600.893402.220.800742.843.2503693.831.1111447
ADF, % DM66.04.8122819.24.0133038.64.321,12414.61.624,989
NDF, % DM80.96.1322228.15.8934150.64.241,26932.12.735,047
IVNDFD48, % of NDF g22.47.92512.88.34771.58.2419
Lignin, % DM19.932.710787.012.07821111.212.5776704.170.9363,915
Starch, % DM1.21.16641.10.761040.80.873484.51.603,897
WSC, % DMh2.11.35158.51.75334.62.01227
TFAs, % DM3.143.0618.2611.391.4801,078
Crude fat, % DM3.201.6011143.602.21533818.622.4251,27312.541.6595,046
De base, Mcal/kgi 1.58 3.32 3.15 3.49
Ca, % DM0.230.2601900.250.0583020.170.1089260.120.2344,328
P, % DM0.150.0631931.310.1763040.620.1659320.880.1514,366
Mg, % DM0.220.0441930.700.0683040.380.1079270.340.0454,318
K, % DM1.210.1741931.740.1683051.180.1859251.260.3644,315
Na, % DM0.020.0231900.170.0992830.020.0658580.210.1112,376
Cl, % DM0.070.046470.080.0231270.080.0713260.190.0471,585
S, % DM0.100.0461180.480.0662360.240.0816340.670.1564,070
Cu, mg/kg DM5.182.60019112.484.1902827.563.3858544.152.4172,397
Fe, mg/kg DM83119.2192208172.22767242.18539429.12,414
Mn, mg/kg DM2611.4189233.6279175.1859189.02,428
Zn, mg/kg DM1911.11906610.5271367.58546410.02,395
Mo, mg/kg DM1.000.000231.760.8621261.130.3312011.110.3081,103
NameDistillers Grains and Solubles, Dried, High ProteinDistillers Grains and Solubles, Dried, Low FatDistillers Grains and Solubles, Modified WetDistillers Grains and Solubles, Wet
Feed ID CodeNRC16F60NRC16F61NRC16F62NRC16F63
DM, % as fed91.11.4066589.91.545,08349.25.592,55333.22.843,070
Ash, % DM4.01.516475.30.625,0815.60.802,5804.51.023,091
CP, % DM39.02.8467131.01.745,07530.32.272,57931.52.763,084
A fraction, % of CPb26262626
B fraction, % of CPb62626262
C fraction, % of CPb12121212
Kd of B, %/hb5.
RUP, % CPc 47 47 44 42
dRUP, % of RUPd75757575
Soluble protein, % CP16.65.1620520.13.602,52121.94.331,99816.44.931,673
ADIP, % DMe3.970.8054773.150.9372,4094.091.0584363.291.1501,763
NDIP, % DM f4.450.8154643.870.8542,3694.690.9794304.131.0471,707
ADF, % DM17.73.2065714.82.324,95014.42.412,46316.12.653,025
NDF, % DM37.64.8065630.82.755,09227.13.802,58231.74.903,083
IVNDFD48, % of NDFg62.78.33347.219.971152.810.57325.55.462
Lignin, % DM5.831.9605853.531.0493,2103.091.1978833.221.0192,004
Starch, % DM6.22.876076.12.463,6894.72.011,3896.32.412,270
WSC, % DMh5.42.94108.02.90579.73.01467.32.4126
TFAs, % DM6.567.908.358.31
Crude fat, % DM7.562.0016648.901.5555,1079.351.7162,5869.312.0013,095
De base, Mcal/kgi 3.34 3.44 3.50 3.50
Ca, % DM0.080.0526310.110.2294,8370.210.3652,4660.130.2192,800
P, % DM0.640.2786220.890.1564,8850.860.2362,4710.760.1932,826
Mg, % DM0.230.1056120.340.0524,8400.350.0742,4610.280.0772,818
K, % DM0.750.3206171.210.2914,8291.450.5922,4691.100.4872,819
Na, % DM0.210.1324330.240.1071,4960.270.1224180.150.102934
Cl, % DM0.200.066960.220.0545510.230.087670.130.084340
S, % DM0.640.1776090.710.1444,7260.630.1412,4680.670.1562,630
Cu, mg/kg DM6.652.8054385.632.6841,3896.712.2664454.702.324928
Fe, mg/kg DM9948.843710242.11,40512137.144911070.2958
Mn, mg/kg DM2120.9420199.51,4101910.6451156.3954
Zn, mg/kg DM5321.14397015.61,4017214.74506030.0960
Mo, mg/kg DM1.380.490781.400.556150
NameDistillers SolublesFat, Canola OilFat, Corn OilFat, Cottonseed Oil
Feed ID CodeNRC16F64NRC16F65NRC16F66NRC16F67
DM, % as fed31.26.7364599.099.099.0
Ash, % DM11.12.67818
CP, % DM22.64.251,248
A fraction, % of CPb26
B fraction, % of CPb62
C fraction, % of CPb12
Kd of B, %/hb5.0
RUP, % CPc 25
dRUP, % of RUPd75
Soluble protein, % CP69.911.77235
ADIP, % DMe0.780.297351
NDIP, % DMf1.210.465349
ADF, % DM3.21.79471
NDF, % DM4.82.25666
IVNDFD48, % of NDFg
Lignin, % DM0.570.441373
Starch, % DM4.01.78560
WSC, % DMh28.70.012
TFAs, % DM9.9988.0088.0088.00
Crude fat, % DM10.995.6201,253100.00100.00100.0
De base, Mcal/kgi 3.62 6.22 6.22 6.22
Ca, % DM0.130.082938
P, % DM1.820.552944
Mg, % DM0.770.215942
K, % DM2.780.706940
Na, % DM0.650.310637
Cl, % DM0.500.136300
S, % DM1.150.4541,045
Cu, mg/kg DM9.2617.620638
Fe, mg/kg DM14864.4651
Mn, mg/kg DM327.9651
Zn, mg/kg DM10832.0653
Mo, mg/kg DM
NameFat, Flaxseed OilFat, LardFat, Safflower OilFat, Soybean Oil
Feed ID CodeNRC16F69NRC16F68NRC16F70NRC16F71
DM, % as fed99.
Ash, % DM
CP, % DM
A fraction, % of CPb
B fraction, % of CPb
C fraction, % of CPb
Kd of B, %/hb
RUP, % CPc
dRUP, % of RUPd
Soluble protein, % CP
IVNDFD48, % of NDFg
Lignin, % DM
Starch, % DM
WSC, % DMh
TFAs, % DM88.0088.0088.0088.00
Crude fat, % DM100.00100.00100.00100.0
De base, Mcal/kgi 6.22 5.80 6.22 6.22
Ca, % DM
P, % DM
Mg, % DM
K, % DM
Na, % DM
Cl, % DM
S, % DM
Cu, mg/kg DM
Fe, mg/kg DM
Mn, mg/kg DM
Zn, mg/kg DM
Mo, mg/kg DM
NameFat, Sunflower OilFat, TallowFeather MealFish Meal
Feed ID CodeNRC16F72NRC16F73NRC16F74NRC16F75
DM, % as fed99.099.892.92.201,43592.01.88192
Ash, % DM2.30.6936221.13.28173
CP, % DM90.63.751,43369.24.25189
A fraction, % of CPb2436
B fraction, % of CPb3038
C fraction, % of CPb4526
Kd of B, %/hb0.81.9
RUP, % CPc 72 76
dRUP, % of RUPd6876
Soluble protein, % CP9.97.0110622.48.1772
ADIP, % DMe9.283.24641.040.5372
NDIP, % DM f12.702.13344.052.1922
ADF, % DM0.0
NDF, % DM0.0
IVNDFD48, % of NDF g
Lignin, % DM0.00
Starch, % DM0.0
WSC, % DMh0.0
TFAs, % DM88.0088.007.856.44
Crude fat, % DM100.0099.808.922.74250610.481.869191
De base, Mcal/kgi 6.22 5.80 4.12 3.63
Ca, % DM0.500.2191145.561.66598
P, % DM0.320.1191153.160.79599
Mg, % DM0.040.018920.240.07867
K, % DM0.180.129930.930.28669
Na, % DM0.160.087950.820.48372
Cl, % DM0.230.104871.060.53632
S, % DM1.780.426990.880.15272
Cu, mg/kg DM9.124.831926.026.16764
Fe, mg/kg DM347224.193804612.866
Mn, mg/kg DM1225.7934431.765
Zn, mg/kg DM8715.5829216.334
Mo, mg/kg DM1.000.000281.480.80227
NameFlaxseedFlaxseed MealFruit and Vegetable By-Product, WetGlycerol
Feed ID CodeNRC16F96NRC16F97NRC16F77NRC16F1075
DM, % as fed92.71.6817589.61.3715019.811.771,14280.0
Ash, % DM4.01.02586.80.931128.43.861,0936.7
CP, % DM22.82.1418238.53.0316213.65.2011400.8
A fraction, % of CPb181842100
B fraction, % of CPb6767530
C fraction, % of CPb151550
Kd of B, %/hb5.
RUP, % CPc 49 49 30 0
dRUP, % of RUPd848480100
Soluble protein, % CP43.110.304639.010.227041.019.51948100.0
ADIP, % DMe0.980.38871.710.469371.180.8824420.00
NDIP, % DMf3.550.88964.351.512331.711.2254400.00
ADF, % DM19.15.9412616.92.8510022.413.3410960.0
NDF, % DM30.47.5413130.46.1111228.715.0111430.0
IVNDFD48, % of NDF g57.012.73249.00.00189.00.0
Lignin, % DM6.422.735226.231.723694.655.4845450.00
Starch, % DM2.42.12462.11.694510.110.155400.0
WSC, % DMh3.90.73155.90.841431.221.96221.4
TFAs, % DM33.413.086.135.24
Crude fat, % DM34.415.5691833.201.7971607.134.3497116.24
De base, Mcal/kgi 4.10 3.24 3.04 3.29
Ca, % DM0.240.049950.440.070950.720.55610710.08
P, % DM0.590.088970.950.085960.340.13010780.19
Mg, % DM0.370.043960.650.054900.190.09910820.07
K, % DM0.790.101951.300.103902.011.03910820.53
Na, % DM0.040.018930.130.056810.230.22410692.48
Cl, % DM0.080.043220.070.026420.470.2854434.49
S, % DM0.240.027440.400.035800.210.0904831.18
Cu, mg/kg DM12.642.8969221.014.1277810.987.45310655.08
Fe, mg/kg DM9864.891312224.478621704.51070
Mn, mg/kg DM305.491528.2773526.8106922
Zn, mg/kg DM458.090759.7773546.710727
Mo, mg/kg DM1.000.000491.000.000281.761.35915
NameGrain Screenings, Source UnknownGrain Sorghum HayGrain Sorghum Silage, MatureGrain Sorghum Silage, Mid-Maturity
Feed ID CodeNRC16F79NRC16F80NRC16F81NRC16F82
DM, % as fed89.22.8311792.61.601,12431.34.322,21829.84.713,744
Ash, % DM6.02.161187.01.661,1245.91.612,2238.13.023,752
CP, % DM16.24.191188.81.751,1228.21.562,2268.91.573,767
A fraction, % of CPb23424242
B fraction, % of CPb70383838
C fraction, % of CPb7202020
Kd of B, %/hb5.
RUP, % CPc 43 43 43 43
dRUP, % of RUPd73707070
Soluble protein, % CP40.411.756835.312.361,11035.69.832,22245.110.073,758
ADIP, % DMe0.920.346480.829.301.5745439.221.8372,585
NDIP, % DMf2.401.040492.7512.843.26854113.643.6702,586
ADF, % DM17.77.538430.64.521,12428.93.092,22734.13.163,759
NDF, % DM34.19.9911848.16.691,12245.74.462,22753.13.943,756
IVNDFD48, % of NDF g35.90.00157.56.1172456.26.831,24855.35.98392
Lignin, % DM3.651.267554.540.8651,1234.250.7792,2235.030.8583,767
Starch, % DM21.86.824722.27.351,12523.26.272,22814.34.903,766
WSC, % DMh7.35.9593811.06.961,4264.94.401,155
TFAs, % DM2.911.361.930.3124041.56
Crude fat, % DM3.912.171982.390.5901,1202.520.5372,2212.750.4683,750
De base, Mcal/kgi 3.03 2.64 2.73 2.52
Ca, % DM0.260.235820.280.0851,1170.280.0821,7050.370.1101,443
P, % DM0.660.334840.220.0541,1200.220.0391,7060.230.0451,446
Mg, % DM0.300.162830.220.0631,1200.200.0471,7050.240.0571,441
K, % DM1.050.324841.240.3381,1251.270.2681,7101.550.3601,446
Na, % DM0.030.019700.020.0141050.020.0171190.020.021373
Cl, % DM0.230.134320.430.2079760.400.1651,2750.590.2441,355
S, % DM0.200.035360.110.0271,1110.120.0241,7150.130.0251,453
Cu, mg/kg DM10.564.873708.173.3041107.882.2242188.392.4071,232
Fe, mg/kg DM251189.571224157.5106276200.5223528400.01,244
Mn, mg/kg DM10572.5713919.31084618.72215722.31,241
Zn, mg/kg DM6628.9704524.1473310.42213611.81,259
Mo, mg/kg DM1.100.342723.002.260661.140.34865
NameGrass–Legume Mixtures, Mix HayGrass–Legume Mixtures, Mix SilageGrass–Legume Mixtures, Predominantly Grass, Hay, MatureGrass–Legume Mixtures, Predominantly Grass, Hay, Mid-Maturity
Feed ID CodeNRC16F89NRC16F90NRC16F85NRC16F84
DM, % as fed86.44.3822,91140.011.2236,29987.44.1536,17989.25.934,659
Ash, % DM9.21.8824,3579.51.6236,0597.51.9336,2679.41.724,603
CP, % DM12.13.1824,46217.72.6036,18910.92.9436,44015.62.894,650
A fraction, % of CPb41614141
B fraction, % of CPb49304949
C fraction, % of CPb1091010
Kd of B, %/hb13.010.613.013.0
RUP, % CPc 26 22 26 26
dRUP, % of RUPd70707070
Soluble protein, % CP27.08.6824,07650.79.9236,28729.78.6534,81534.26.804,108
ADIP, % DMe1.650.4237,8581.910.48618,5741.310.29927,0830.990.2914,162
NDIP, % DMf4.121.2617,8073.700.91518,6113.571.12027,1471.33
ADF, % DM39.34.8524,46134.83.9336,22840.04.2236,36733.82.904,650
NDF, % DM58.25.6724,46151.24.9436,24062.04.8236,39854.74.184,654
IVNDFD48, % of NDF g54.57.251,06961.17.1957447.59.187,37967.59.54196
Lignin, % DM6.701.52124,4785.901.42336,2526.081.51136,4604.280.9694,657
Starch, % DM2.72.269,8922.11.0335,7632.51.0829,2581.51.134,557
WSC, % DMh10.12.872,3018.13.6417,44510.94.118,77212.63.884,510
TFAs, % DM1.370.48320,8162.030.45517,5471.290.51918,8681.93
Crude fat, % DM2.660.58924,4174.040.67636,1562.430.56836,0293.390.6304,578
De base, Mcal/kgi 2.38 2.60 2.43 2.64
Ca, % DM0.740.31316,6360.870.25317,7470.510.17116,3080.630.1634,627
P, % DM0.250.07616,6450.340.05017,7270.220.06516,3210.330.0684,623
Mg, % DM0.210.06016,5940.250.04417,6890.220.06816,2680.270.0654,621
K, % DM1.910.69316,6522.540.51317,7421.550.57916,2722.340.6214,623
Na, % DM0.040.0522,6460.060.0642,0360.070.0894,9470.080.1001,179
Cl, % DM0.430.2854,3680.590.28117,5260.480.32410,2630.650.3784,189
S, % DM0.020.01616,3050.230.03517,6730.140.05115,1340.220.0464,205
Cu, mg/kg DM9.984.6453,78210.732.8204,9498.753.2748,7620.520.40634
Fe, mg/kg DM309423.93,755451396.44,936261240.68,724104.61,215
Mn, mg/kg DM6543.63,7707235.24,9288957.88,733295342.71,205
Zn, mg/kg DM2813.73,767327.74,926279.28,7288349.21,195
Mo, mg/kg DM1.911.2175871.791.0061,7551.540.9152,22629.6510.4581,182
NameGrass–Legume Mixtures, Predominantly Grass, SilageGrass–Legume Mixtures, Predominantly Legume, Hay, ImmatureGrass–Legume Mixtures, Predominantly Legume, Hay, MatureGrass–Legume Mixtures, Predominantly Legume, Silage
Feed ID CodeNRC16F83NRC16F87NRC16F86NRC16F88
DM, % as fed39.610.9949,30088.64.364,76785.34.852,63641.010.3340,430
Ash, % DM8.11.7549,25710.01.464,8309.01.672,62610.31.7040,235
CP, % DM14.32.6549,29420.32.584,86017.42.782,63620.02.0640,423
A fraction, % of CPb41443452
B fraction, % of CPb49495139
C fraction, % of CPb107159
Kd of B, %/hb13.
RUP, % CPc 26 22 34 27
dRUP, % of RUPd70756572
Soluble protein, % CP49.210.5149,23837.26.504,62532.06.402,62253.69.5540,425
ADIP, % DMe1.610.37749,2241.610.2778841.830.3242,6101.990.46721,276
NDIP, % DMf3.510.88549,2164.250.9028874.381.1132,6213.540.86121,276
ADF, % DM37.03.9049,29932.93.684,87738.72.892,63633.93.4340,396
NDF, % DM57.74.6249,30043.94.804,87751.22.852,63645.93.8240,424
IVNDFD48, % of NDF g55.28.362,81049.96.4642020.1156.25.941,247
Lignin, % DM5.621.24049,2996.921.1034,8668.270.9882,6346.601.19840,404
Starch, % DM2.61.2446,4731.90.884,7632.50.802,6092.11.1040,070
WSC, % DMh9.02.483,8846.62.5218,858
TFAs, % DM1.980.43143,7871.780.3078911.230.2962,4761.990.41920,669
Crude fat, % DM3.750.61149,2242.630.5064,8122.270.4072,6233.810.66340,370
De base, Mcal/kgi 2.55 2.64 2.40 2.61
Ca, % DM0.550.1873,1771.280.2553,9601.240.332521.260.25119,239
P, % DM0.300.0713,1810.300.0583,9610.270.086520.350.04619,212
Mg, % DM0.230.0663,1620.300.0633,9520.280.072520.270.04019,144
K, % DM2.400.7593,1792.240.5293,9672.520.748522.770.46119,225
Na, % DM0.130.1338560.070.0909610.060.077520.050.0463,573
Cl, % DM0.820.4738510.560.3333,6870.430.356440.570.26719,051
S, % DM0.180.0463,1170.240.0473,7420.210.075440.240.03419,168
Cu, mg/kg DM10.665.5666,64410.242.4831,13510.292.49274410.943.4017,416
Fe, mg/kg DM395322.26,565285245.41,126421409.9738473499.37,399
Mn, mg/kg DM8744.36,5804421.31,1415626.37425728.47,394
Zn, mg/kg DM328.06,594265.81,131267.1749307.87,389
Mo, mg/kg DM2.772.006101.861.1388231.810.63461.690.8993,235
NameLegume Hay, ImmatureLegume Hay, MatureLegume Hay, Mid-MaturityLegume Silage, Immature
Feed ID CodeNRC16F91NRC16F92NRC16F93NRC16F94
DM, % as fed89.33.2285,47987.73.5717,36088.12.95100,85841.69.98103,397
Ash, % DM11.01.4685,94910.01.4917,32510.81.44101,43811.11.84102,570
CP, % DM21.51.9786,33618.11.9317,41420.72.37102,00222.11.93103,311
A fraction, % of CPb43394562
B fraction, % of CPb51494529
C fraction, % of CPb71299
Kd of B, %/hb17.814.017.813.1
RUP, % CPc 21 27 22 21
dRUP, % of RUPd65656570
Soluble protein, % CP41.18.5585,77137.96.1317,21334.66.97100,42955.210.05102,955
ADIP, % DMe1.510.33450,6711.750.2736,5010.740.16045,7071.600.32394,318
NDIP, % DM f2.800.94550,5753.890.9466,5361.850.59645,7732.680.77694,556
ADF, % DM30.73.0886,41437.22.9817,40932.13.96101,97832.03.49103,291
NDF, % DM37.73.6986,44346.63.3417,40541.14.84101,96338.73.71103,272
IVNDFD48, % of NDF g51.48.486,64543.45.0767752.49.1049,25253.37.9426,119
Lignin, % DM6.590.77686,3738.120.81217,4176.641.148101,9326.551.016103,223
Starch, % DM2.30.7065,8032.30.9811,9481.50.8525,5881.90.8370,071
WSC, % DMh9.81.8720,4239.81.875,6099.01.8426,4477.32.591,475
TFAs, % DM1.540.36056,5901.210.34410,7251.500.46627,7261.980.41474,017
Crude fat, % DM2.550.43985,7352.250.42817,2712.080.313101,2383.220.463102,857
De base, Mcal/kgi 2.68 2.46 2.63 2.70
Ca, % DM1.510.22541,7831.370.23210,9151.400.255101,5821.300.17434,542
P, % DM0.290.04742,0280.280.04910,9800.280.050101,7470.350.04734,742
Mg, % DM0.320.06241,8740.290.05310,9680.320.063101,4070.330.05134,596
K, % DM2.490.55542,0182.340.47910,9202.390.630101,7422.790.59834,760
Na, % DM0.200.1376,3130.110.1091,1630.210.14113,9900.160.1294,890
Cl, % DM0.760.32523,5790.660.2955,7070.760.32435,9290.800.3646,058
S, % DM0.190.04141,5080.120.02910,7870.180.050101,2420.220.03334,406
Cu, mg/kg DM10.234.75619,6859.712.9723,0289.692.6156,64611.442.76120,771
Fe, mg/kg DM430333.919,685380340.92,998421316.46,612685583.920,686
Mn, mg/kg DM4314.419,5914418.23,0073813.36,6366227.120,650
Zn, mg/kg DM268.519,672246.13,0112612.76,645306.920,768
Mo, mg/kg DM2.751.8392,0452.231.7446372.531.7102,9483.512.376216
NameLegume Silage, Mid-MaturityMeat and Bone Meal, PorcineMillet HayMillet Silage
Feed ID CodeNRC16F95NRC16F98NRC16F99NRC16F100
DM, % as fed42.911.3599,80496.11.0537687.53.2686229.311.07518
Ash, % DM10.61.7398,94926.23.2431411.22.1942911.73.07448
CP, % DM20.52.1999,68056.63.1941110.73.7387613.03.75521
A fraction, % of CPb52322838
B fraction, % of CPb39425329
C fraction, % of CPb9261933
Kd of B, %/hb8.
RUP, % CPc 27 44 47 52
dRUP, % of RUPd70616055
Soluble protein, % CP49.39.9599,50614.93.8511334.711.8786547.010.38518
ADIP, % DMe1.250.25447,8872.840.803300.911.13
NDIP, % DMf2.240.64747,95811.832.344103.493.36
ADF, % DM33.73.2799,62439.74.8687239.24.87521
NDF, % DM43.23.9499,57361.95.5887359.75.90522
IVNDFD48, % of NDF g49.47.1848,02164.07.3113861.26.9861
Lignin, % DM7.421.28399,6785.641.6294455.481.680451
Starch, % DM2.01.0919,2622.93.113383.54.02505
WSC, % DMh6.32.4711,0608.43.943326.24.02331
TFAs, % DM2.320.57746,7247.451.090.3751221.470.2255
Crude fat, % DM2.870.48699,13311.901.6213151.950.6734452.790.789452
De base, Mcal/kgi 2.59 3.25 2.25 2.25
Ca, % DM1.250.17590,9149.292.2973730.540.2658640.550.224519
P, % DM0.350.04491,3544.590.9913720.280.0708680.330.083520
Mg, % DM0.300.04390,8710.280.1112200.310.0978650.340.110518
K, % DM2.820.51091,2180.910.5632232.710.7698682.880.928521
Na, % DM0.120.1096,5960.740.4031850.030.036410.060.11469
Cl, % DM0.640.29517,5730.490.140861.070.6363031.050.455340
S, % DM0.140.02491,1730.510.1261090.180.0568650.200.050517
Cu, mg/kg DM10.592.8173,97420.0122.0841749.123.1223411.653.70255
Fe, mg/kg DM534456.83,950451256.4175286224.534491418.655
Mn, mg/kg DM5524.23,9522445.0176105114.83411076.754
Zn, mg/kg DM2918.43,94916077.31754319.5334614.956
Mo, mg/kg DM2.091.4861,3781.581.176242.081.64536
NameMolassesOat Grain, RolledOat HayOat Hulls
Feed ID CodeNRC16F101NRC16F102NRC16F103NRC16F104
DM, % as fed65.414.171389.32.1491189.52.6514,00491.41.8569
Ash, % DM16.04.87103.20.577177.42.0912,9105.81.3132
CP, % DM9.34.363212.21.759108.52.4413,9985.01.5868
A fraction, % of CPb74723510
B fraction, % of CPb26205351
C fraction, % of CPb081239
Kd of B, %/hb3.
RUP, % CPc 21 16 42 80
dRUP, % of RUPd100727062
Soluble protein, % CP95.90.00127.16.4466939.57.7513,76936.716.0916
ADIP, % DMe0.000.770.3771071.030.2841,4440.67
NDIP, % DMf0.001.210.6581042.051.0041,4414.16
ADF, % DM0.20.19314.53.7091037.54.4714,11239.66.3359
NDF, % DM0.60.41428.66.4591059.06.0414,12473.68.1967
IVNDFD48, % of NDF g35.914.72756.06.552,598
Lignin, % DM0.003.200.7566484.711.47512,9496.541.92019
Starch, % DM0.80.52544.76.068724.12.6712,30610.64.9221
WSC, % DMh60.08.865512.90.949917.87.5510,6571.0
TFAs, % DM0.004.801.450.5751,6251.82
Crude fat, % DM0.610.428305.681.4247092.360.58112,8621.940.82731
De base, Mcal/kgi 3.07 3.27 2.51 2.23
Ca, % DM0.730.653170.130.1728050.320.16312,8040.160.23046
P, % DM0.260.276170.380.0828120.210.05512,8810.150.06546
Mg, % DM0.280.235170.140.0317900.140.04612,8370.110.05546
K, % DM4.491.708170.560.3237981.700.59212,8970.560.21846
Na, % DM1.510.547110.010.0092380.420.2823,0810.020.00825
Cl, % DM2.020.95280.140.0771170.940.50410,6810.130.0428
S, % DM0.640.259200.160.0416060.130.04912,7080.090.02521
Cu, mg/kg DM36.71110.239146.583.1162656.773.1183,5617.632.38624
Fe, mg/kg DM216326.01412983.0269257243.43,51919897.524
Mn, mg/kg DM74219.0145317.02706631.13,5414915.324
Zn, mg/kg DM112295.5143310.1265208.03,530226.524
Mo, mg/kg DM1.360.6031241.370.7081,1191.000.0008
NameOat Silage, ImmatureOat Silage, Mid-MaturityPea HayPea Silage
Feed ID CodeNRC16F105NRC16F106NRC16F107NRC16F108
DM, % as fed33.79.471,71235.810.0814,24589.52.227931.79.8696
Ash, % DM13.42.901,49510.42.5812,5349.12.048011.43.3198
CP, % DM18.52.721,71512.92.8914,25115.93.298017.03.8099
A fraction, % of CPb46454552
B fraction, % of CPb31314639
C fraction, % of CPb242499
Kd of B, %/hb5.45.417.88.2
RUP, % CPc 41 42 22 27
dRUP, % of RUPd65656572
Soluble protein, % CP57.611.261,70758.910.7014,14545.914.077959.010.0299
ADIP, % DMe1.090.3209041.210.2834,1021.482.230.6304
NDIP, % DMf2.941.1679052.080.8274,1033.603.860.7254
ADF, % DM31.73.701,71838.84.0614,22432.04.388037.14.8099
NDF, % DM45.84.281,71957.45.4014,25143.46.658052.57.0499
IVNDFD48, % of NDFg59.39.2713654.16.3487858.50.71257.78.666
Lignin, % DM3.891.0721,5065.391.13812,5615.781.452806.421.64499
Starch, % DM1.81.211,6103.22.9713,7648.64.97803.43.3195
WSC, % DMh4.32.53136.73.725,4129.06.14804.52.4989
TFAs, % DM2.240.3808531.770.4133,3581.691.680.4404
Crude fat, % DM4.230.5931,4943.640.63112,5642.981.153803.800.77798
De base, Mcal/kgi 2.58 2.41 2.66 2.46
Ca, % DM0.720.2548200.510.21210,3601.040.257800.880.29692
P, % DM0.400.0518180.340.05810,3810.280.069800.340.05995
Mg, % DM0.250.0658130.200.05110,3530.270.075790.240.07094
K, % DM3.180.5318162.680.67110,3952.050.599792.860.81595
Na, % DM0.300.350510.230.2101,2800.110.081110.040.02517
Cl, % DM1.190.604530.900.4305,5240.550.254750.720.34284
S, % DM0.260.0348170.190.03710,3890.200.045790.210.05294
Cu, mg/kg DM10.038.1492748.423.4282,5059.275.1591111.065.44616
Fe, mg/kg DM1031737.6272611578.02,47811691213.31112051032.216
Mn, mg/kg DM11550.22757039.72,4974521.3115633.816
Zn, mg/kg DM348.5271309.12,5043219.2103517.916
Mo, mg/kg DM1.470.7445912.202.68351.570.75614
NamePeanut HayPeanut HullsPeanut Meal, ExpellersPeanut Skins
Feed ID CodeNRC16F109NRC16F110NRC16F111NRC16F112
DM, % as fed91.31.2227594.01.5117494.01.0017392.42.3874
Ash, % DM10.42.372754.62.84236.51.99133.21.1737
CP, % DM12.03.392758.91.1617542.65.5217216.24.7574
A fraction, % of CPb45276227
B fraction, % of CPb45693670
C fraction, % of CPb9424
Kd of B, %/hb17.86.416.16.0
RUP, % CPc 22 37 15 39
dRUP, % of RUPd65389438
Soluble protein, % CP35.78.7724921.38.1012237.712.491020.914.1550
ADIP, % DMe1.742.631.952.870.6548
NDIP, % DMf3.745.425.634.011.4178
ADF, % DM37.95.7227459.84.7417315.98.78936.517.0973
NDF, % DM45.86.3427469.63.9317422.98.99947.416.4974
IVNDFD48, % of NDFg40.16.9814
Lignin, % DM8.482.03126324.253.181165.394.4041017.8510.91421
Starch, % DM4.02.842521.30.89136.42.7583.23.186
WSC, % DMh10.32.842443.52.44611.9
TFAs, % DM1.313.217.3118.61
Crude fat, % DM2.301.0702584.211.4681358.461.74417319.619.70651
De base, Mcal/kgi 2.37 1.57 3.73 2.74
Ca, % DM1.340.3092720.260.1071520.350.419140.300.08067
P, % DM0.170.0602700.090.0251530.570.214140.160.06967
Mg, % DM0.480.2102700.120.0621510.410.232140.180.05967
K, % DM1.680.4792710.640.1591531.190.151140.580.12967
Na, % DM0.040.0691030.020.0211410.070.120140.030.10264
Cl, % DM0.630.3342360.120.08050.260.27980.050.05711
S, % DM0.150.0422490.090.0191270.300.072110.150.02939
Cu, mg/kg DM9.915.34912212.523.43715213.214.6441440.7522.15367
Fe, mg/kg DM578597.2120647307.4151622597.614293282.567
Mn, mg/kg DM6937.71225112.01533414.0142714.367
Zn, mg/kg DM2912.2121164.91534817.3143210.867
Mo, mg/kg DM2.433.857681.290.572355.301.418101.831.33712
NamePeanutsPeasPineapple Cannery WastePotato By-Product Meal
Feed ID CodeNRC16F113NRC16F114NRC16F115NRC16F116
DM, % as fed94.12.443888.91.7022623.48.093923.07.72234
Ash, % DM3.00.4393.61.01656.12.19375.62.86232
CP, % DM25.63.953824.32.312327.01.685810.03.25238
A fraction, % of CPb2657425
B fraction, % of CPb73425390
C fraction, % of CPb0155
Kd of B, %/hb9.316.07.42.0
RUP, % CPc 29 15 30 57
dRUP, % of RUPd90898080
Soluble protein, % CP35.124.141675.18.037645.512.785139.120.62104
ADIP, % DMe1.171.020.930.940.55179
NDIP, % DMf3.383.651.661.631.08079
ADF, % DM17.312.49377.92.5720936.45.475810.76.90196
NDF, % DM24.013.923812.23.6823162.47.375814.49.88232
IVNDFD48, % of NDF g71.619.19565.00.001
Lignin, % DM5.855.47980.950.531326.244.349363.002.505112
Starch, % DM2.80.92943.05.74653.47.343257.515.33172
WSC, % DMh8.31.19128.27.41197.10.001
TFAs, % DM41.241.140.941.78
Crude fat, % DM42.248.079232.081.426971.940.845372.782.818237
De base, Mcal/kgi 4.60 3.67 2.42 3.16
Ca, % DM0.090.059240.110.0591430.430.286550.170.139175
P, % DM0.380.071240.430.0911470.150.046550.250.065194
Mg, % DM0.200.035240.140.0281480.140.101550.110.048197
K, % DM0.680.082241.100.2031481.560.648531.390.787205
Na, % DM0.401.193250.010.0061290.020.044520.120.147176
Cl, % DM0.410.52320.120.027210.530.239290.290.21871
S, % DM0.200.029180.190.029780.140.048510.150.05686
Cu, mg/kg DM6.911.505238.471.7171319.843.537556.932.842165
Fe, mg/kg DM7566.423119118.6129799844.454348249.9152
Mn, mg/kg DM217.624178.912912385.055178.7158
Zn, mg/kg DM338.224388.01311910.753228.8166
Mo, mg/kg DM2.702.179203.312.8281201.000.00016
NamePoultry By-Product MealRice, GrainRice BranRice Bran, Defatted
Feed ID CodeNRC16F117NRC16F123NRC16F118NRC16F119
DM, % as fed95.52.6326687.91.437792.41.7033889.51.7544
Ash, % DM14.23.212661.81.626610.02.7619412.34.5731
CP, % DM65.613.492658.11.087614.81.5534418.52.4042
A fraction, % of CPb5313131
B fraction, % of CPb91544545
C fraction, % of CPb5152424
Kd of B, %/hb2.
RUP, % CPc 71 29 53 53
dRUP, % of RUPd90888585
Soluble protein, % CP28.28.395317.98.577330.513.0310518.26.8027
ADIP, % DMe3.8910.410.780.69861.08
NDIP, % DMf30.341.122.181.13933.54
ADF, % DM4.64.747613.84.6933012.72.9344
NDF, % DM0.
IVNDFD48, % of NDFg23.314.013
Lignin, % DM0.
Starch, % DM0.00.000.0075.87.657522.29.1315521.512.6019
WSC, % DMh0.
TFAs, % DM11.781.2412.002.16
Crude fat, % DM12.783.1662662.001.0606818.504.2603453.161.33444
De base, Mcal/kgi 4.25 3.48 3.22 2.85
Ca, % DM4.311.4322630.020.022710.781.1052370.830.88533
P, % DM2.480.8122630.260.116721.770.4312402.480.87531
Mg, % DM0.160.019710.100.050720.780.1922301.080.34031
K, % DM0.890.147720.250.118721.400.3472301.810.51431
Na, % DM0.380.054720.010.005710.020.0412190.020.00733
Cl, % DM0.550.13150.070.039590.130.130440.080.03212
S, % DM0.740.058520.100.015710.170.0221250.200.04327
Cu, mg/kg DM14.149.257723.963.505678.645.7832215.673.58533
Fe, mg/kg DM23384.37183181.270216194.922317891.533
Mn, mg/kg DM4522.3713728.67318362.522623290.833
Zn, mg/kg DM12236.446215.7726113.52027620.732
Mo, mg/kg DM1.200.401461.000.000401.140.3471581.280.45529
NameRice HullsRice Silage, HeadedRice Silage, VegetativeRumen-Protected Lysine
Feed ID CodeNRC16F120NRC16F121NRC16F122NRC16F1002
DM, % as fed91.02.591741.18.615942.917.307898.0
Ash, % DM17.44.181612.52.865916.24.2878
CP, % DM3.71.78247.11.06598.32.167875.0
A fraction, % of CPb27626225
B fraction, % of CPb6929290
C fraction, % of CPb49975
Kd of B, %/hb6.410.010.0
RUP, % CPc 37 22 22 78
dRUP, % of RUPd38727298
Soluble protein, % CP16.06.36945.413.745941.812.1178
ADIP, % DMe6.471.45820.690.80
NDIP, % DMf8.130.53021.852.15
ADF, % DM65.08.821731.85.205843.64.6578
NDF, % DM75.16.501541.96.735961.55.1878
IVNDFD48, % of NDFg
Lignin, % DM16.622.73034.671.312594.661.28878
Starch, % DM7.60.06332.28.48597.63.9978
WSC, % DMh1.81.623
TFAs, % DM0.271.621.47
Crude fat, % DM1.270.638102.860.605582.590.66178
De base, Mcal/kgi 1.17 2.49 2.18
Ca, % DM0.240.466250.210.063590.270.07877
P, % DM0.120.157250.230.043590.250.06377
Mg, % DM0.090.126250.140.023580.170.03977
K, % DM0.440.360251.170.323581.910.39677
Na, % DM0.070.157120.020.014570.020.02477
Cl, % DM0.100.02240.340.103320.530.14319
S, % DM0.090.128170.110.026590.150.05277
Cu, mg/kg DM57.36179.9581411.775.2685711.925.72177
Fe, mg/kg DM389367.614408230.356523325.877
Mn, mg/kg DM281360.614508242.057556276.177
Zn, mg/kg DM3401160.714368.0583910.778
Mo, mg/kg DM1.460.836461.810.97372
NameRumen-Protected MethionineRye Annual Fresh, ImmatureRye Annual Fresh, Mid-MaturityRye Annual Hay, Immature
Feed ID CodeNRC16F1001NRC16F124NRC16F125NRC16F126
DM, % as fed98.015.83.2724019.53.416490.01.762,416
Ash, % DM10.91.022409.70.976411.11.622,413
CP, % DM75.027.52.8723920.52.636422.96.222,417
A fraction, % of CPb25575757
B fraction, % of CPb0333333
C fraction, % of CPb75101010
Kd of B, %/hb6.06.06.0
RUP, % CPc 78 28 28 28
dRUP, % of RUPd98656565
Soluble protein, % CP25.45.3823728.65.706239.212.572,373
ADIP, % DMe1.421.061.69
NDIP, % DM f6.845.095.69
ADF, % DM24.82.6024028.22.206427.25.072,417
NDF, % DM42.94.0424049.13.636447.06.352,415
IVNDFD48, % of NDF g83.610.71285.56.98209
Lignin, % DM3.140.8102393.700.628643.441.1902,409
Starch, % DM4.91.3744.92.01.472,398
WSC, % DMh5.80.7027.70.06212.85.262,075
TFAs, % DM3.070.5632332.440.379642.53
Crude fat, % DM5.030.4082404.370.439644.460.9522,397
De base, Mcal/kgi 2.94 2.78 2.80
Ca, % DM0.480.1732400.510.169640.590.1762,404
P, % DM0.490.0512390.390.040630.400.0822,403
Mg, % DM0.290.0392390.270.044640.260.0742,401
K, % DM3.170.4942402.640.396643.170.7022,407
Na, % DM0.510.425855
Cl, % DM1.460.6122,316
S, % DM0.400.0482400.300.037640.290.0682,367
Cu, mg/kg DM9.433.255840
Fe, mg/kg DM406347.7844
Mn, mg/kg DM11363.5852
Zn, mg/kg DM3715.0751
Mo, mg/kg DM1.491.361498
NameRye Annual Hay, MatureRye Annual Hay, Mid-MaturityRye Annual Silage, ImmatureRye Annual Silage, Mature
Feed ID CodeNRC16F127NRC16F131NRC16F128NRC16F129
DM, % as fed92.71.3646090.33.452,53234.79.464,81967.27.34232
Ash, % DM6.31.284599.32.002,35911.02.694,8388.71.87232
CP, % DM7.62.3045912.04.262,53316.42.914,8338.32.22232
A fraction, % of CPb57575757
B fraction, % of CPb33333333
C fraction, % of CPb10101010
Kd of B, %/hb6.
RUP, % CPc 28 28 29 29
dRUP, % of RUPd65656565
Soluble protein, % CP36.06.9242741.011.292,45165.714.164,84046.89.13231
ADIP, % DMe0.561.090.2757311.060.2954,8130.70
NDIP, % DM f1.892.501.1047312.111.0624,8031.17
ADF, % DM42.74.1246036.75.432,53433.13.84483742.93.39232
NDF, % DM66.85.3346057.37.592,53250.54.80483366.23.76232
IVNDFD48, % of NDF g45.98.723359.813.106434.00.00166.34.4429
Lignin, % DM6.211.1564604.841.3772,3653.760.69048285.710.933232
Starch, % DM2.01.584492.21.562,1891.71.0646141.41.41231
WSC, % DMh12.75.2143014.06.391,39612.35.11219
TFAs, % DM1.011.470.6266991.950.37244991.25
Crude fat, % DM1.770.6044572.890.9442,3594.100.5274,8192.200.493231
De base, Mcal/kgi 2.36 2.50 2.64 2.32
Ca, % DM0.370.1144550.510.2131,9550.570.1942660.360.104232
P, % DM0.180.0594590.280.0731,9630.420.1102690.250.060232
Mg, % DM0.160.0474590.200.0621,9590.230.0542700.160.049232
K, % DM1.420.4644592.310.6451,9653.631.0352702.070.502232
Na, % DM0.130.1511510.260.2375570.160.1612660.070.091123
Cl, % DM0.690.3804031.090.5211,5261.140.7062550.850.299222
S, % DM0.130.0404290.170.0581,8990.250.0622580.150.037231
Cu, mg/kg DM5.672.4271538.143.30995110.393.8411,6106.682.766110
Fe, mg/kg DM175141.8150365343.3946709723.11,614396454.6110
Mn, mg/kg DM11565.01519052.69507234.41,6118960.8110
Zn, mg/kg DM2512.61503011.59433610.31,611279.4110
Mo, mg/kg DM1.240.468591.420.7292381.591.27679
NameRye Annual Silage, Mid-MaturityRye GrainSafflower MealSorghum Forage, Silage, Immature
Feed ID CodeNRC16F130NRC16F132NRC16F133NRC16F135
DM, % as fed34.910.4811,83686.02.412794.03.004729.26.531,474
Ash, % DM10.32.1411,8212.60.44104.90.703310.72.391,479
CP, % DM14.43.5311,85011.81.622826.24.184711.71.831,479
A fraction, % of CPb57312358
B fraction, % of CPb33547124
C fraction, % of CPb1015616
Kd of B, %/hb5.919.110.44.0
RUP, % CPc 29 29 31 33
dRUP, % of RUPd65887570
Soluble protein, % CP61.711.9111,81733.05.311531.211.792051.19.001,473
ADIP, % DMe1.230.3172,9560.550.11861.528.261.611525
NDIP, % DM f2.050.8272,9681.500.24362.1020.155.668520
ADF, % DM38.34.9111,8355.41.432440.13.983536.42.921,480
NDF, % DM58.06.6711,84816.03.532655.44.363556.73.401,478
IVNDFD48, % of NDF g61.96.991,75125.50.71258.56.47151
Lignin, % DM4.931.24911,8451.550.740613.791.774134.920.9181,477
Starch, % DM1.51.1711,38757.66.06231.20.88108.11.701,476
WSC, % DMh8.84.605,3275.11.0754.33.42880
TFAs, % DM1.680.4092,8181.453.881.740.486491
Crude fat, % DM3.880.72311,7822.150.536105.353.825473.060.5821,465
De base, Mcal/kgi 2.48 3.41 2.51 2.45
Ca, % DM0.480.1858,9700.250.362190.320.050210.430.115969
P, % DM0.370.0709,0250.380.065190.650.149210.250.047977
Mg, % DM0.190.0489,0160.170.062190.340.070210.240.057970
K, % DM2.910.6829,0340.970.813191.030.135201.910.423975
Na, % DM0.150.1871,5620.010.00520.030.034200.030.029135
Cl, % DM0.920.4175,4600.050.00010.230.04340.700.270912
S, % DM0.210.0489,0090.140.00010.250.04490.150.027981
Cu, mg/kg DM9.533.7432,3665.001.732321.674.0042111.833.687265
Fe, mg/kg DM493411.62,363528.53240100.320891612.7265
Mn, mg/kg DM7542.02,3714014.63296.9206728.8267
Zn, mg/kg DM3411.32,385385.336621.2184414.8266
Mo, mg/kg DM1.570.9649221.000.000141.700.86487
NameSorghum Forage, Silage, MatureSorghum Grain, GroundSorghum Grain, Steam-FlakedSorghum Hay
Feed ID CodeNRC16F136NRC16F137NRC16F1073NRC16F138
DM, % as fed28.77.333,89488.91.141,00088.91.14100091.41.452,034
Ash, % DM9.92.773,9102.50.348822.50.348828.52.682,041
CP, % DM11.32.653,91312.51.1399912.51.1399910.23.712,042
A fraction, % of CPb49242428
B fraction, % of CPb28565553
C fraction, % of CPb24202019
Kd of B, %/hb3.
RUP, % CPc 44 50 50 47
dRUP, % of RUPd70696960
Soluble protein, % CP51.08.993,90420.24.9190820.24.9190841.410.282,007
ADIP, % DMe8.311.7101,4280.830.406190.830.406190.95
NDIP, % DM f16.174.3741,4321.600.456211.600.456213.18
ADF, % DM39.23.503,9053.91.069563.91.0695638.85.002,041
NDF, % DM61.64.273,9116.11.909566.11.9095663.05.932,036
IVNDFD48, % of NDF g63.66.6741660.88.711,165
Lignin, % DM5.151.1253,8951.090.3648681.090.3648685.001.4652,034
Starch, % DM2.71.943,89972.62.3599472.62.359943.22.542,033
WSC, % DMh5.33.382,1802.20.50172.20.501710.35.261,894
TFAs, % DM1.440.3821,2652.922.921.24
Crude fat, % DM3.070.6533,8934.090.3589104.090.3589102.180.6092,026
De base, Mcal/kgi 2.38 3.29 3.62 2.39
Ca, % DM0.490.1392,5290.100.1009220.100.1009220.390.1302,027
P, % DM0.290.0662,5720.380.0399190.380.0399190.220.0772,038
Mg, % DM0.270.0642,5290.150.0159230.150.0159230.290.0892,019
K, % DM2.470.6732,5670.410.1819290.410.1819292.060.7602,035
Na, % DM0.020.0314520.030.0931010.030.0931010.040.061210
Cl, % DM0.830.3532,2570.170.264570.170.264570.940.3821,898
S, % DM0.170.0392,5690.120.0098610.120.0098610.140.0562,007
Cu, mg/kg DM9.883.3998578.7416.4951008.7416.4951008.634.360222
Fe, mg/kg DM516434.48577139.31007139.3100381414.1221
Mn, mg/kg DM6028.38602728.01002728.01004426.4216
Zn, mg/kg DM3812.1869235.288235.2883719.0205
Mo, mg/kg DM1.440.7212361.090.282471.090.282471.180.425119
NameSorghum Soybean SilageSorghum–Sudangrass HaySorghum–Sudangrass SilageSoybean Hay
Feed ID CodeNRC16F139NRC16F142NRC16F140NRC16F143
DM, % as fed32.311.353490.53.721,99131.79.447,13791.62.65390
Ash, % DM9.21.923410.02.782,02610.93.077,1659.01.88389
CP, % DM11.73.59349.83.222,02812.33.257,19720.15.38389
A fraction, % of CPb60283845
B fraction, % of CPb24533045
C fraction, % of CPb1619329
Kd of B, %/hb4.15.03.717.8
RUP, % CPc 33 47 51 22
dRUP, % of RUPd70605565
Soluble protein, % CP50.910.853438.69.612,02847.310.007,17036.99.11389
ADIP, % DMe1.141.050.327411.150.2262,9401.97
NDIP, % DM f2.632.570.686411.900.5621,5063.62
ADF, % DM35.25.043439.35.382,03238.93.887,19431.35.04388
NDF, % DM54.48.413461.06.682,03359.55.167,18740.37.37389
IVNDFD48, % of NDF g54.00.00154.48.581,54954.97.912,20150.59.4437
Lignin, % DM5.801.410344.941.4072,0335.251.2547,1877.231.305390
Starch, % DM9.98.05343.73.021,9192.82.837,0775.72.94388
WSC, % DMh4.23.473310.44.189475.63.391,7857.83.14376
TFAs, % DM1.811.100.462871.630.4321,4401.91
Crude fat, % DM3.190.660341.930.5902,0233.010.6067,1773.361.440388
De base, Mcal/kgi 2.48 2.34 2.31 2.68
Ca, % DM0.620.339330.370.1281,9940.520.1845,7141.410.266389
P, % DM0.270.061340.240.0662,0260.300.0715,7560.280.078389
Mg, % DM0.280.089340.250.0662,0070.260.0705,7120.420.159388
K, % DM2.080.601342.000.5912,0232.460.7425,7591.850.579389
Na, % DM0.030.03590.030.027870.060.0637590.010.011182
Cl, % DM0.780.357310.980.4107240.810.3782,0310.400.225385
S, % DM0.160.053340.140.0472,0250.160.0435,7570.240.056388
Cu, mg/kg DM12.003.93799.392.6216011.424.1947698.761.694181
Fe, mg/kg DM584608.09359282.160899886.6771419744.2178
Mn, mg/kg DM4013.896231.6607743.17737129.0178
Zn, mg/kg DM3410.693913.7593912.67793617.9165
Mo, mg/kg DM1.000.00071.450.856511.600.8812181.671.28287
NameSoybean HullsSoybean Meal, ExpellersSoybean Meal, ExtrudedSoybean Meal, Solvent Extracted, 48% CP
Feed ID CodeNRC16F144NRC16F145NRC16F146NRC16F134
DM, % as fed90.41.901,16991.22.1381193.42.0611489.31.121,169
Ash, % DM5.20.696906.70.644835.70.42687.20.551,139
CP, % DM11.91.43122647.62.1587240.42.1611452.61.691,400
A fraction, % of CPb2791818
B fraction, % of CPb70918079
C fraction, % of CPb4022
Kd of B, %/hb6.
RUP, % CPc 37 63 45 33
dRUP, % of RUPd68939191
Soluble protein, % CP26.36.3847814.78.6145717.49.706923.18.16788
ADIP, % DMe1.150.245940.910.5201441.401.185160.630.216146
NDIP, % DM f3.650.569903.612.3481462.122.086161.000.580144
ADF, % DM47.93.0799610.12.0974410.62.67907.21.581,119
NDF, % DM66.73.631,04619.64.2079318.43.478811.13.071,220
IVNDFD48, % of NDF g88.17.26985.711.373
Lignin, % DM2.570.7522222.061.0902612.150.835491.080.520560
Starch, % DM1.00.701971.80.933181.51.07421.91.05403
WSC, % DMh2.70.915311.81.24999.31.791713.02.07118
TFAs, % DM1.616.1215.081.080.0001
Crude fat, % DM1.890.8626187.122.36887220.422.1441131.820.8701,387
De base, Mcal/kgi 2.70 3.90 4.16 3.99
Ca, % DM0.640.0759550.340.0735150.270.046790.400.099983
P, % DM0.130.0479550.720.0665190.630.073790.740.069985
Mg, % DM0.280.0328960.310.0334920.250.019750.330.032947
K, % DM1.400.1478992.240.2104941.900.124762.420.209951
Na, % DM0.010.0107550.010.0143630.010.008630.020.018626
Cl, % DM0.040.0291690.060.0422230.070.036350.060.038364
S, % DM0.120.0254460.400.0404070.330.025600.410.033829
Cu, mg/kg DM7.581.77077515.122.62037713.203.2927016.062.103657
Fe, mg/kg DM46492.4770196100.837411937.369187112.8654
Mn, mg/kg DM216.6773399.6379296.170417.9659
Zn, mg/kg DM478.1767537.73724415.870537.6657
Mo, mg/kg DM1.050.2211182.721.2681892.851.318474.322.086460
NameSoybean SilageSoybeans, Whole RawSoybeans, Whole RoastedSpelt Grain
Feed ID CodeNRC16F147NRC16F148NRC16F149NRC16F150
DM, % as fed37.59.7967289.12.8418094.02.2397287.42.2317
Ash, % DM10.12.596715.30.471035.60.545334.82.7317
CP, % DM18.03.2767340.02.1221640.02.071,00112.93.3217
A fraction, % of CPb57261831
B fraction, % of CPb35747754
C fraction, % of CPb70515
Kd of B, %/hb12.29.39.319.0
RUP, % CPc 21 25 29 29
dRUP, % of RUPd65908788
Soluble protein, % CP49.010.2667342.129.943515.67.7145728.87.1515
ADIP, % DMe1.920.5072070.660.189220.970.7891110.870.51812
NDIP, % DM f2.881.0822071.661.015222.791.975981.501.06312
ADF, % DM35.64.766737.01.654310.12.8071421.313.0217
NDF, % DM45.36.5967311.93.366218.44.4473339.316.9017
IVNDFD48, % of NDF g47.77.433884.39.954
Lignin, % DM7.811.4826731.521.745281.800.8412483.440.96013
Starch, % DM4.53.206524.21.84101.51.1615941.318.4517
WSC, % DMh4.32.293149.81.6126
TFAs, % DM2.861.42115316.9915.351.661
Crude fat, % DM4.261.71866820.731.66421221.261.9071,0042.440.87715
De base, Mcal/kgi 2.56 4.33 4.16 3.00
Ca, % DM1.330.3254750.270.078870.280.1186230.090.0335
P, % DM0.320.0874760.650.070870.630.1006280.380.1395
Mg, % DM0.370.0994740.270.027850.260.0305860.260.2585
K, % DM1.990.5974762.030.153861.900.2015850.510.0955
Na, % DM0.020.032550.010.006700.020.0414410.030.0305
Cl, % DM0.470.3442980.040.018100.070.0341250.081
S, % DM0.230.0474710.340.028190.320.0343840.141
Cu, mg/kg DM11.443.33113311.864.3587413.662.7074618.136.0348
Fe, mg/kg DM664566.712810328.17213172.345816698.38
Mn, mg/kg DM7939.3132267.773318.74576326.28
Zn, mg/kg DM4012.5134517.274468.84595433.78
Mo, mg/kg DM1.570.935303.002.285239
NameSudangrass Hay, MatureSudangrass Hay, Mid-MaturitySudangrass Silage, MatureSudangrass Silage, Mid-Maturity
Feed ID CodeRC16F151NRC16F152NRC16F153NRC16F154
DM, % as fed93.11.613,62183.14.161031.59.4428031.510.681,605
Ash, % DM9.61.443,57315.00.01210.62.2928112.33.571,610
CP, % DM8.12.163,62614.72.73109.51.8528213.43.091,618
A fraction, % of CPb28283838
B fraction, % of CPb53533030
C fraction, % of CPb19193232
Kd of B, %/hb5.
RUP, % CPc 47 47 51 51
dRUP, % of RUPd60605555
Soluble protein, % CP34.95.003,60536.92.56949.39.1928149.99.711,615
ADIP, % DMe1.380.2731022.521.001.400.277713
NDIP, % DMf3.611.0861026.582.253.160.897715
ADF, % DM41.62.733,60636.92.211043.83.5028239.04.201,619
NDF, % DM65.83.303,62654.63.701066.63.9628260.74.731,617
IVNDFD48, % of NDF g55.86.3611061.05.311864.65.4447
Lignin, % DM5.081.0043,5795.920.19126.341.3362824.991.0791,618
Starch, % DM1.50.993,5472.00.9132.11.572751.81.371,527
WSC, % DMh9.92.393,3654.02.792695.23.32868
TFAs, % DM0.990.371831.050.31821.531.610.462674
Crude fat, % DM1.690.3003,5672.580.17722.690.5542813.240.6561,610
De base, Mcal/kgi 2.29 2.18 2.16 2.27
Ca, % DM0.450.0863,5331.251.203100.450.1162810.520.146934
P, % DM0.210.0413,5210.350.128100.270.0602800.320.069934
Mg, % DM0.300.0703,5240.280.050100.250.0652780.280.075931
K, % DM2.110.3993,5272.590.646102.400.5562822.850.718938
Na, % DM0.030.0326640.030.030.029660.040.062175
Cl, % DM1.190.3353,1971.190.850.3272650.970.396906
S, % DM0.130.0303,5170.200.072100.160.0372790.200.043935
Cu, mg/kg DM8.203.1117128.2010.293.2426812.064.158418
Fe, mg/kg DM264288.9707264564471.5661079920.3417
Mn, mg/kg DM4012.7710406637.7667439.6417
Zn, mg/kg DM329.0709323712.9684313.4414
Mo, mg/kg DM1.330.5795641.331.290.645491.961.349112
NameSugarcane Bagasse HaySugarcane Bagasse SilageSunflower MealSunflower Seed
Feed ID CodeNRC16F155NRC16F156NRC16F157NRC16F158
DM, % as fed93.24.2117434.612.3411590.21.8911292.71.8870
Ash, % DM6.13.39966.23.29447.40.99803.50.9248
CP, % DM3.92.091775.02.3011437.04.3411220.13.0070
A fraction, % of CPb28384266
B fraction, % of CPb53305332
C fraction, % of CPb193352
Kd of B, %/hb5.03.729.217.0
RUP, % CPc 47 52 16 14
dRUP, % of RUPd60559080
Soluble protein, % CP41.913.5413352.614.767427.38.526950.514.9710
ADIP, % DMe1.991.781.640.53950.84
NDIP, % DMf2.921.952.360.82221.71
ADF, % DM62.612.4917955.012.2211429.05.429024.411.4328
NDF, % DM76.99.1217372.011.4311540.25.959135.211.9649
IVNDFD48, % of NDF g32.02.83244.05.26736.512.022
Lignin, % DM17.695.76410013.166.093599.072.114587.215.2638
Starch, % DM0.80.70791.00.99381.10.95590.60.6514
WSC, % DMh5.33.58599.68.76209.21.9917
TFAs, % DM0.720.911.0237.20
Crude fat, % DM1.261.0311111.600.832472.201.34911139.009.62170
De base, Mcal/kgi 1.55 1.83 2.99 4.16
Ca, % DM0.340.2361390.250.182810.460.143790.200.08119
P, % DM0.050.0551390.070.069791.130.223810.730.24619
Mg, % DM0.100.0841430.100.063790.600.097800.390.09619
K, % DM0.340.3081460.800.791821.620.220800.980.33019
Na, % DM0.020.0231420.030.037790.040.053680.010.01117
Cl, % DM0.140.148690.290.471340.150.034420.100.0167
S, % DM0.080.0561310.140.121740.450.070710.250.04911
Cu, mg/kg DM7.145.2321436.843.0958032.875.2087720.114.31919
Fe, mg/kg DM15351390.1141821805.579275151.27710481.519
Mn, mg/kg DM7339.51395835.7814810.677309.619
Zn, mg/kg DM167.8134165.7778413.2505611.219
Mo, mg/kg DM1.120.431261.550.999201.130.345521.000.00013
NameSunflower SilageSweet Corn Cannery WasteTapioca (Cassava)Tomato Pomace
Feed ID CodeNRC16F159NRC16F160NRC16F161NRC16F162
DM, % as fed21.66.302522.55.181,44687.72.0010424.720.104
Ash, % DM12.62.36355.11.671,2643.21.821045.51.903
CP, % DM13.32.63359.81.311,4552.50.9810419.34.8022
A fraction, % of CPb42302342
B fraction, % of CPb53687053
C fraction, % of CPb5275
Kd of B, %/hb29.
RUP, % CPc 15 39 43 30
dRUP, % of RUPd90617380
Soluble protein, % CP49.26.063550.711.061,39441.517.54102
ADIP, % DMe2.446.782.1461250.593.800.1002
NDIP, % DMf4.2410.704.2171251.108.001
ADF, % DM36.65.673532.04.161,4516.02.9010447.62.804
NDF, % DM45.36.393556.37.361,4568.13.4810560.05.804
IVNDFD48, % of NDF g72.05.635811.01
Lignin, % DM8.201.438353.190.8231,1771.801.12810413.3010.8003
Starch, % DM1.51.793410.25.151,45478.96.711051.2
WSC, % DMh4.82.603922.31.3110
TFAs, % DM3.063.811.2127380.4812.30
Crude fat, % DM5.392.658355.081.5391,1890.700.2969913.304.9004
De base, Mcal/kgi 2.42 2.82 3.27 2.63
Ca, % DM1.120.225350.240.0941,3650.180.1101040.220.11010
P, % DM0.380.066350.270.0471,3680.090.0301040.470.20010
Mg, % DM0.710.149350.200.0461,3670.080.0271040.280.0709
K, % DM3.910.988351.110.3321,3640.610.3281010.980.2609
Na, % DM0.020.011350.020.0162530.020.0201020.120.2309
Cl, % DM1.380.292340.320.2264300.070.03414
S, % DM0.240.040350.130.0211,2890.040.0131000.150.0606
Cu, mg/kg DM11.151.395348.853.3742343.983.08310211.003.0009
Fe, mg/kg DM399541.534470394.5234521539.4103541574.09
Mn, mg/kg DM2511.2343316.52333430.1103113.09
Zn, mg/kg DM3412.3254012.3234136.41015410.09
Mo, mg/kg DM1.862.26871.511.755351.000.000171.800.3009
NameTriticale GrainTriticale HayTriticale Plus Pea SilageTriticale Silage, Mature
Feed ID CodeNRC16F163NRC16F164NRC16F165NRC16F166
DM, % as fed88.41.3731691.01.931,08534.29.2862030.19.803,757
Ash, % DM2.10.452968.52.411,03510.32.2261910.12.243,763
CP, % DM12.12.0731710.33.791,08816.02.5862014.22.823,763
A fraction, % of CPb31565656
B fraction, % of CPb54333333
C fraction, % of CPb15111111
Kd of B, %/hb19.
RUP, % CPc 39 30 30 30
dRUP, % of RUPd88656565
Soluble protein, % CP31.39.0530246.810.481,08162.69.7961962.712.603,758
ADIP, % DMe0.380.512.170.81
NDIP, % DMf1.891.875.701.69
ADF, % DM4.41.0031138.36.171,08937.13.1562037.23.953,763
NDF, % DM14.12.5531560.07.461,08655.74.2762058.64.423,766
IVNDFD48, % of NDFg41.0263.79.2918265.14.827058.55.53425
Lignin, % DM1.790.4932964.841.3451,0325.461.1256204.331.2743,748
Starch, % DM61.24.253133.12.679692.81.866101.71.723,717
WSC, % DMh8.02.612814.06.639666.02.9661410.15.193,065
TFAs, % DM1.551.460.448532.132.480.3322
Crude fat, % DM1.730.3492962.290.7051,0283.760.6336193.470.6933,750
De base, Mcal/kgi 3.44 2.48 2.50 2.55
Ca, % DM0.090.1053120.330.1331,0510.680.1756180.380.1303,722
P, % DM0.350.0623130.240.0761,0840.350.0616200.340.0683,756
Mg, % DM0.130.0213120.150.0561,0770.210.0426150.170.0423,745
K, % DM0.510.1623111.990.6911,0812.760.6446192.820.6663,749
Na, % DM0.010.004440.040.0592660.080.0723850.050.046383
Cl, % DM0.120.029340.770.4579430.710.2655710.860.4373,018
S, % DM0.140.0343000.150.0531,0780.200.0316170.200.0373,752
Cu, mg/kg DM5.191.110426.262.5622568.792.2683888.913.271357
Fe, mg/kg DM5112.942184158.1251666711.0388455298.2360
Mn, mg/kg DM4313.8423818.82544521.03874820.8358
Zn, mg/kg DM298.442258.9254285.63873511.5361
Mo, mg/kg DM1.000.000201.440.8021631.220.46535130.19.803,757
NameTriticale Silage, Mid-MaturityUreaWheat BranWheat Grain, Ground
Feed ID CodeNRC16F167NRC16F168NRC16F169NRC16F170
DM, % as fed33.37.671,11199.090.11.1618685.716.692,011.07
Ash, % DM12.42.021,1115.50.81942.10.641,856
CP, % DM17.82.091,107281.017.41.6018713.52.362,120
A fraction, % of CPb561004331
B fraction, % of CPb3305154
C fraction, % of CPb110615
Kd of B, %/hb5.
RUP, % CPc 30 0 18 28
dRUP, % of RUPd656988
Soluble protein, % CP66.89.441,115100.039.95.9911928.46.761,746
ADIP, % DMe1.010.610.450.228306
NDIP, % DMf2.123.101.590.479295
ADF, % DM34.83.001,11313.82.451864.21.461,978
NDF, % DM52.23.801,1140.040.16.2218712.52.712,044
IVNDFD48, % of NDFg57.55.4422143.39.61355.717.367
Lignin, % DM4.311.1051,1090.004.151.020821.520.5891,679
Starch, % DM1.51.031,0970.020.86.2011363.04.402,038
WSC, % DMh7.53.225048.01.20425.91.5872
TFAs, % DM2.380.47364.021.78
Crude fat, % DM4.080.5981,1094.390.7431111.980.3611,808
De base, Mcal/kgi 2.56 2.21 3.06 3.56
Ca, % DM0.520.1911,1070.130.0911670.100.1581,694
P, % DM0.410.0621,1111.050.2491670.360.0761,727
Mg, % DM0.190.0461,1120.430.0951570.130.0321,710
K, % DM3.420.5861,1121.220.2371580.470.2291,711
Na, % DM0.060.0451100.030.1271550.010.018452
Cl, % DM1.110.4695030.110.035690.130.099227
S, % DM0.240.0341,1100.190.0211300.150.0281,471
Cu, mg/kg DM11.446.0019110.762.9501564.452.350551
Fe, mg/kg DM616415.69116368.91577163.2557
Mn, mg/kg DM5732.69213330.81564315.2558
Zn, mg/kg DM4211.3917713.31393210.5557
Mo, mg/kg DM1.660.901731.370.6331461.000.000121
NameWheat Hay, HeadedWheat Hay, VegetativeWheat MiddlingsWheat Silage, Headed
Feed ID CodeNRC16F171NRC16F172NRC16F173NRC16F174
DM, % as fed90.63.461,06590.52.982,40488.31.382,72334.84.946,375
Ash, % DM8.12.121,0708.22.512,4045.90.462,23910.52.196,393
CP, % DM9.92.181,06910.52.892,40219.11.252,73110.71.796,403
A fraction, % of CPb35354862
B fraction, % of CPb53534429
C fraction, % of CPb121289
Kd of B, %/hb4.34.316.210.0
RUP, % CPc 42 42 22 23
dRUP, % of RUPd70705772
Soluble protein, % CP39.89.241,03641.69.142,32940.15.5027469.59.366,357
ADIP, % DMe5.931.4125406.381.7135810.690.302821.170.2433,507
NDIP, % DMf11.905.12354715.996.9885822.770.711701.550.4343,502
ADF, % DM33.63.801,05336.14.702,39813.21.8377435.13.286,401
NDF, % DM52.85.191,07158.06.032,40938.74.6275451.14.256,404
IVNDFD48, % of NDFg57.28.361859.38.285848.68.84561.43.8141
Lignin, % DM4.910.9468114.791.3932,2813.770.9392214.990.7046,391
Starch, % DM12.23.997953.42.132,29822.95.6056513.05.856,410
WSC, % DMh9.64.1925717.37.451,6797.91.331266.52.852,802
TFAs, % DM1.010.3164010.890.3425033.851.530.3013,168
Crude fat, % DM2.090.4748282.190.5282,2724.350.6007603.060.4456,366
De base, Mcal/kgi 2.52 2.48 3.07 2.51
Ca, % DM0.310.1146550.290.1401,8760.140.1222,1200.300.0933,164
P, % DM0.230.0506580.210.0641,8831.210.1472,1300.290.0483,182
Mg, % DM0.140.0376400.140.0461,8840.450.0926560.130.0333,180
K, % DM1.650.5036451.750.5571,8831.230.2176542.030.4213,183
Na, % DM0.050.0794380.070.0996630.020.0225020.060.100870
Cl, % DM0.620.3144180.690.3641,6760.100.0231430.740.2572,984
S, % DM0.160.0424210.160.0541,7370.200.0253390.170.0313,186
Cu, mg/kg DM7.523.4845707.872.82482411.513.8225067.683.4222,615
Fe, mg/kg DM303222.3571403365.582615344.1499543347.42,604
Mn, mg/kg DM5124.95755927.082613327.65054617.32,625
Zn, mg/kg DM258.45742710.98179016.3452288.32,616
Mo, mg/kg DM1.650.965491.500.8682921.640.8112731.580.834493
NameWheat Silage, VegetativeWheat StrawWhey, DryWhey, Wet
Feed ID CodeNRC16F175NRC16F176NRC16F177NRC16F178
DM, % as fed35.69.0411,66989.53.147,94092.61.867322.910.42453
Ash, % DM9.92.6811,0258.02.547,9249.71.406913.54.41303
CP, % DM13.43.1911,6854.51.547,93617.85.28727.42.98437
A fraction, % of CPb62109090
B fraction, % of CPb29511010
C fraction, % of CPb93900
Kd of B, %/hb10.
RUP, % CPc 22 80 11 11
dRUP, % of RUPd72629595
Soluble protein, % CP65.010.7811,65336.010.857,83891.14.654853.722.20185
ADIP, % DMe1.140.2864,4611.260.1703,0980.220.110340.340.26294
NDIP, % DM f1.900.7254,4531.510.4093,0970.530.658350.670.44494
ADF, % DM37.04.2611,67353.14.067,9030.30.19450.90.81211
NDF, % DM56.65.5011,67776.94.727,9280.60.52622.21.64229
IVNDFD48, % of NDF g59.06.121,03441.86.09362
Lignin, % DM4.791.13911,0588.191.3337,8980.230.159370.320.198100
Starch, % DM2.52.3511,5441.81.105,6791.41.40.9580
WSC, % DMh9.24.895,0284.21.692,47756.12.1610850.616.27568
TFAs, % DM1.420.3654,1120.550.3402,8375.270.97
Crude fat, % DM3.500.64711,0381.490.4547,9246.270.449491.972.052169
De base, Mcal/kgi 2.53 1.96 3.62 3.16
Ca, % DM0.430.2017,4140.380.2505,0510.920.210611.260.641420
P, % DM0.320.0697,4230.120.0725,0510.890.234621.290.488417
Mg, % DM0.170.0457,4110.120.0585,0330.140.030620.220.071414
K, % DM2.530.7097,4191.410.6585,0822.600.625624.011.509415
Na, % DM0.070.0981,4420.080.1812,3420.740.139471.430.805406
Cl, % DM0.830.3945,3110.490.4203,7041.650.343453.001.151265
S, % DM0.190.0447,4260.110.0415,0290.240.054450.190.213283
Cu, mg/kg DM9.003.4833,0596.203.8863,6441.240.614335.146.283236
Fe, mg/kg DM625500.03,046224288.63,622118.94674103.4256
Mn, mg/kg DM6329.53,0605051.53,62810.52932.5229
Zn, mg/kg DM3211.13,069179.03,62652.2473936.9250
Mo, mg/kg DM1.681.0708011.440.854796

N = number of samples and SD = standard deviation; a blank cell under mean signifies no data were available while 0 reflects measured values that are below detection; blank N and SD signify corresponding mean value from a single source.


Fractions (A, B, and C) and rate (Kd of B) of rumen disappearance of protein.


Italics signifies calculated value as described in text.


dRUP = intestinal digestibility of rumen-undegradable protein.


ADIP = acid detergent insoluble protein.


NDIP = neutral detergent insoluble protein.


IVNDFD48 = in vitro 48-hour NDF digestibility.


WSC = water-soluble carbohydrate.


Digestible energy standard; italics signifies calculated value as described in text.

TABLE 19-2AA, TFA, and FA Content of Some Feedstuffs Commonly Fed to Dairy Cattlea

Feed NameAlfalfa MealAlmond HullsApple Pomace or By-Product, WetBakery By-Product, Bread WasteBakery By-Product, CerealBakery By-Product, Cookies
CP, % DM19.515.256.4214.909.2012.94
Arg, % CP4.042.234.524.746.844.19
His, % CP1.870.861.862.612.821.77
Ile, % CP3.802.353.
Leu, % CP6.574.055.587.776.167.12
Lys, % CP4.402.743.932.914.051.71
Met, % CP1.270.901.381.731.571.83
Phe, % CP4.402.803.315.443.974.78
Thr, % CP3.922.703.043.363.263.14
Trp, % CP1.631.000.881.151.370.88
Val, % CP4.823.534.114.424.504.58
TFAs, % DM1.611.261.884.761.959.04
C12:0, % TFA1.170.220.600.49
C14:0, % TFA0.580.
C16:0, % TFA20.1014.4926.9018.8618.8615.82
C16:1, % TFA1.710.260.600.18
C18:0, % TFA3.353.913.901.021.029.29
C18:1 trans, % TFA7.77
C18:1 cis, % TFA3.0250.827.8013.9013.9026.41
C18:2, % TFA21.0723.3948.8056.8356.8333.51
C18:3, % TFA44.933.2510.103.813.810.85
Others, % TFA4.093.610.100.370.372.53
Feed NameBakery By-Product MealBarley Grain, Dry, GroundBarley Grain, Steam RolledBarley HayBarley Malt SproutsBarley Silage, Headed
CP, % DM12.8311.8111.8110.7523.8810.87
Arg, % CP4.634.914.912.184.551.04
His, % CP2.
Ile, % CP3.433.433.435.503.233.45
Leu, % CP6.946.766.766.655.714.88
Lys, % CP2.693.613.613.564.712.35
Met, % CP1.481.671.671.871.481.16
Phe, % CP4.545.095.094.703.443.42
Thr, % CP3.063.333.334.133.392.51
Trp, % CP1.
Val, % CP4.354.814.814.134.554.80
TFAs, % DM7.681.311.311.401.462.06
C12:0, % TFA0.490.800.80
C14:0, % TFA3.160.320.325.500.325.50
C16:0, % TFA15.8222.9722.9743.4022.9743.40
C16:1, % TFA0.
C18:0, % TFA9.291.531.534.101.534.10
C18:1 trans, % TFA7.77
C18:1 cis, % TFA26.4113.5413.547.3013.547.30
C18:2, % TFA33.5155.9355.9312.3055.9312.30
C18:3, % TFA0.854.344.342.404.342.40
Others, % TFA2.531.321.3224.201.3224.20
Feed NameBarley Silage, Mid-MaturityBarley Silage, VegetativeBeet Pulp, DryBeet Pulp, Dry, Molasses AddedBeet Pulp, WetBermudagrass Hay
CP, % DM11.3614.229.928.919.1210.99
Arg, % CP1.041.043.733.733.733.88
His, % CP1.
Ile, % CP3.453.453.493.493.493.32
Leu, % CP4.884.885.905.905.906.22
Lys, % CP2.352.355.785.785.783.49
Met, % CP1.161.161.571.571.571.30
Phe, % CP3.423.423.613.613.613.92
Thr, % CP2.512.514.464.464.463.60
Trp, % CP1.421.421.
Val, % CP4.804.805.545.545.544.51
TFAs, % DM1.702.070.630.630.641.25
C12:0, % TFA0.800.802.82
C14:0, % TFA5.505.501.18
C16:0, % TFA43.4043.4026.6626.6626.6630.30
C16:1, % TFA0.390.390.391.42
C18:0, % TFA4.104.100.890.890.893.99
C18:1 trans, % TFA0.
C18:1 cis, % TFA7.307.3011.5511.5511.553.32
C18:2, % TFA12.3012.3049.8349.8349.8318.79
C18:3, % TFA2.402.406.356.356.3520.75
Others, % TFA24.2024.
Feed NameBermudagrass Silage, MatureBermudagrass Silage, Mid-MaturityBlood Meal, High dRUPBlood Meal, Low dRUPBrewers Grains, DryBrewers Grains, Wet
CP, % DM10.2714.5996.9796.9725.4928.08
Arg, % CP3.883.884.204.205.805.80
His, % CP1.631.636.
Ile, % CP3.323.321.
Leu, % CP6.226.2212.4012.408.308.30
Lys, % CP3.493.498.778.773.553.55
Met, % CP1.301.301.
Phe, % CP3.923.926.796.795.545.54
Thr, % CP3.603.604.554.553.593.59
Trp, % CP1.241.241.581.581.341.34
Val, % CP4.514.518.328.325.475.47
TFAs, % DM1.351.441.311.318.317.61
C12:0, % TFA1.441.440.
C14:0, % TFA0.500.501.481.480.730.40
C16:0, % TFA21.0821.0821.6221.6226.6924.49
C16:1, % TFA1.311.311.
C18:0, % TFA2.422.4221.6621.662.241.83
C18:1 trans, % TFA5.135.13
C18:1 cis, % TFA4.864.8626.4726.4714.6011.23
C18:2, % TFA24.8824.8814.8914.8948.8753.82
C18:3, % TFA32.4632.460.460.464.575.37
Others, % TFA11.0611.
Feed NameBrewers Yeast, DryBrewers Yeast, WetCalcium SoapsCandy (Not Chocolate) By-ProductCandy By-Product, High ProteinCanola Meal, Solvent Extracted
CP, % DM50.7243.320.002.3714.6341.49
Arg, % CP0.850.852.252.255.93
His, % CP0.450.451.572.66
Ile, % CP0.710.713.603.603.93
Leu, % CP6.526.526.92
Lys, % CP0.650.652.252.255.51
Met, % CP0.340.341.571.571.97
Phe, % CP0.670.673.823.824.00
Thr, % CP0.600.603.823.824.43
Trp, % CP0.130.130.670.671.34
Val, % CP0.810.815.845.845.11
TFAs, % DM0.112.3484.500.2511.112.51
C12:0, % TFA0.200.236.54
C14:0, % TFA1.600.355.130.19
C16:0, % TFA50.8018.5518.249.76
C16:1, % TFA0.230.140.90
C18:0, % TFA4.107.9418.812.24
C18:1 trans, % TFA17.449.080.61
C18:1 cis, % TFA35.7038.7530.8145.21
C18:2, % TFA7.0015.567.7831.45
C18:3, % TFA0.200.200.587.71
Others, % TFA100.00100.000.400.742.891.92
Feed NameCanola Seed, GroundChocolate By-productCitrus Pulp, DryCitrus Pulp, WetCool-Season Grass Hay, MatureCool-Season Grass Hay, Mid-Maturity
CP, % DM23.3610.007.198.669.2313.28
Arg, % CP5.932.253.723.724.104.10
His, % CP2.661.571.701.701.941.94
Ile, % CP3.933.602.882.883.963.96
Leu, % CP6.926.525.255.257.397.39
Lys, % CP5.512.252.722.724.854.85
Met, % CP1.971.571.041.041.641.64
Phe, % CP4.003.823.623.624.784.78
Thr, % CP4.433.822.942.944.104.10
Trp, % CP1.340.670.950.952.092.09
Val, % CP5.115.843.853.855.225.22
TFAs, % DM39.4620.681.721.720.951.58
C12:0, % TFA6.540.670.670.890.89
C14:0, % TFA0.195.130.560.56
C16:0, % TFA9.7618.2426.8526.8515.2215.22
C16:1, % TFA0.900.140.590.591.481.48
C18:0, % TFA2.2418.814.934.931.291.29
C18:1 trans, % TFA0.619.080.050.05
C18:1 cis, % TFA45.2130.8123.3023.302.522.52
C18:2, % TFA31.457.7834.9234.9216.6216.62
C18:3, % TFA7.710.586.426.4255.5055.50
Others, % TFA1.922.891.701.706.496.49
Feed NameCool-Season Grass SilageCorn, Ear with Husk and Some Stalk, Ensiled, High FiberCorn, Ear with Husk and Some Stalk, Ensiled, Low FiberCorn and Cob Meal, DryCorn CobsCorn Germ
CP, % DM13.427.957.838.412.9715.42
Arg, % CP3.063.853.853.304.006.64
His, % CP1.662.692.692.792.942.99
Ile, % CP3.573.463.463.543.503.08
Leu, % CP6.1212.9812.9813.0012.708.22
Lys, % CP3.282.692.692.602.784.58
Met, % CP1.211.831.832.002.501.78
Phe, % CP4.375.005.004.504.724.11
Thr, % CP3.343.563.563.563.593.83
Trp, % CP1.070.680.691.40
Val, % CP4.894.424.424.744.784.86
TFAs, % DM1.842.893.113.260.3516.89
C12:0, % TFA6.56
C14:0, % TFA0.540.300.300.301.150.71
C16:0, % TFA16.7613.6013.6013.6012.6916.90
C16:1, % TFA1.670.
C18:0, % TFA1.941.801.801.801.942.04
C18:1 trans, % TFA
C18:1 cis, % TFA3.8026.0026.0026.0025.1025.17
C18:2, % TFA19.9655.1055.1055.1056.2552.64
C18:3, % TFA44.301.601.601.601.691.47
Others, % TFA4.461.401.401.401.050.94
Feed NameCorn Germ MealCorn Gluten Feed, DryCorn Gluten Feed, WetCorn Gluten MealCorn Grain Dry, Coarse GrindCorn Grain Dry, Fine Grind
CP, % DM26.1423.1923.1168.528.518.51
Arg, % CP6.644.584.583.144.754.75
His, % CP2.992.942.942.022.882.88
Ile, % CP3.082.992.993.983.383.38
Leu, % CP8.228.468.4616.3512.0012.00
Lys, % CP4.583.083.081.643.003.00
Met, % CP1.781.591.592.382.002.00
Phe, % CP4.113.483.486.184.884.88
Thr, % CP3.833.583.583.343.633.63
Trp, % CP1.400.500.500.540.750.75
Val, % CP4.864.734.734.514.634.63
TFAs, % DM2.113.383.091.443.843.84
C12:0, % TFA0.030.31
C14:0, % TFA0.710.990.060.222.332.33
C16:0, % TFA16.9023.9420.8713.6213.2113.21
C16:1, % TFA0.130.200.320.080.120.12
C18:0, % TFA2.042.514.302.171.991.99
C18:1 trans, % TFA0.13
C18:1 cis, % TFA25.1717.1919.0822.2224.0924.09
C18:2, % TFA52.6450.4849.9757.4655.7055.70
C18:3, % TFA1.473.212.902.771.621.62
Others, % TFA0.941.442.071.470.940.94
Feed NameCorn Grain Dry, Medium GrindCorn Grain, High Moisture, Coarse GrindCorn Grain High Moisture, Fine GrindCorn Grain ScreeningsCorn Grain, Steam-FlakedCorn Hominy
CP, % DM8.518.518.518.568.0010.06
Arg, % CP4.754.753.855.004.756.20
His, % CP2.882.882.542.672.882.80
Ile, % CP3.383.383.383.263.383.20
Leu, % CP12.0012.0011.6010.1212.009.10
Lys, % CP3.003.002.643.603.004.30
Met, % CP2.
Phe, % CP4.884.884.564.654.884.30
Thr, % CP3.633.633.683.843.633.80
Trp, % CP0.750.750.980.810.750.90
Val, % CP4.634.634.904.424.634.80
TFAs, % DM3.843.843.573.183.145.38
C12:0, % TFA
C14:0, % TFA2.332.330.260.872.62
C16:0, % TFA13.2113.2113.5714.1412.9213.96
C16:1, % TFA0.
C18:0, % TFA1.991.991.832.051.862.37
C18:1 trans, % TFA
C18:1 cis, % TFA24.0924.0925.9923.7223.1724.80
C18:2, % TFA55.7055.7055.0856.4358.3853.38
C18:3, % TFA1.621.621.641.971.821.81
Others, % TFA0.940.941.441.680.901.05
Feed NameCorn Silage, ImmatureCorn Silage, MatureCorn Silage, TypicalCorn Stalks, Ensiled, High DMCorn Stalk, Ensiled, Low DMCotton Gin Trash
CP, % DM7.917.477.715.617.0011.98
Arg, % CP2.322.322.322.322.3211.40
His, % CP1.711.711.711.711.713.32
Ile, % CP3.413.413.413.413.413.39
Leu, % CP8.548.548.548.548.547.22
Lys, % CP2.802.802.802.802.804.66
Met, % CP1.591.591.591.591.591.83
Phe, % CP3.903.903.903.903.905.63
Thr, % CP3.413.413.413.413.413.81
Trp, % CP0.730.730.730.730.731.42
Val, % CP4.514.514.514.514.515.00
TFAs, % DM2.322.362.350.480.723.14
C12:0, % TFA0.310.310.310.310.31
C14:0, % TFA0.460.460.460.460.460.70
C16:0, % TFA17.8317.8317.8317.8317.8323.13
C16:1, % TFA0.360.360.360.360.360.65
C18:0, % TFA2.422.422.422.422.423.25
C18:1 trans, % TFA0.
C18:1 cis, % TFA19.2419.2419.2419.2419.2419.29
C18:2, % TFA47.7447.7447.7447.7447.7451.56
C18:3, % TFA8.
Others, % TFA3.403.403.403.403.400.89
Feed NameCottonseed HullsCottonseed MealCottonseed, Whole LintedDistillers Grains and Solubles, Dried, High FatDistillers Grains and Solubles, Dried, Low FatDistillers Grains and Solubles, High Protein
CP, % DM6.9746.6923.3130.2030.9738.99
Arg, % CP11.4011.5710.814.304.304.30
His, % CP3.322.722.812.662.662.66
Ile, % CP3.393.013.173.653.653.65
Leu, % CP7.225.535.7911.6711.6711.67
Lys, % CP4.663.974.342.812.812.81
Met, % CP1.831.391.491.981.981.98
Phe, % CP5.635.275.204.874.874.87
Thr, % CP3.813.053.213.733.733.73
Trp, % CP1.421.221.180.800.800.80
Val, % CP5.004.234.344.874.874.87
TFAs, % DM3.143.0618.2611.397.906.56
C12:0, % TFA0.120.120.12
C14:0, % TFA0.700.940.690.140.140.14
C16:0, % TFA23.1325.8023.9114.0514.0514.05
C16:1, % TFA0.650.520.550.130.130.13
C18:0, % TFA3.252.952.332.392.392.39
C18:1 trans, % TFA0.
C18:1 cis, % TFA19.2918.3315.2424.5724.5724.57
C18:2, % TFA51.5650.2056.4856.1156.1156.11
C18:3, % TFA0.530.300.191.681.681.68
Others, % TFA0.890.920.610.810.810.81
Feed NameDistillers Grains and Solubles, Modified WetDistillers Grains with Solubles, WetDistillers SolublesFat, Canola OilFat, Corn OilFat, Cottonseed Oil
CP, % DM30.2831.4522.58
Arg, % CP4.304.304.30
His, % CP2.662.662.66
Ile, % CP3.653.653.65
Leu, % CP11.6711.6711.67
Lys, % CP2.812.812.81
Met, % CP1.981.981.98
Phe, % CP4.874.874.87
Thr, % CP3.733.733.73
Trp, % CP0.800.800.80
Val, % CP4.874.874.87
TFAs, % DM8.358.319.9988.0088.0088.00
C12:0, % TFA0.300.300.300.10
C14:0, % TFA0.
C16:0, % TFA15.0015.0015.004.3611.0825.97
C16:1, % TFA0.
C18:0, % TFA2.502.502.502.051.553.00
C18:1 trans, % TFA0.
C18:1 cis, % TFA18.0018.0018.0057.2826.9520.16
C18:2, % TFA55.0055.0055.0018.9958.9548.93
C18:3, % TFA8.
Others, % TFA0.800.800.805.670.380.44
Feed NameFat, Flaxseed OilFat, LardFat, Safflower OilFat, Soybean OilFat, Sunflower OilFat, Tallow
CP, % DM
Arg, % CP
His, % CP
Ile, % CP
Leu, % CP
Lys, % CP
Met, % CP
Phe, % CP
Thr, % CP
Trp, % CP
Val, % CP
TFAs, % DM88.0088.0088.0088.0088.0088.00
C12:0, % TFA0.200.110.09
C14:0, % TFA0.161.300.100.113.00
C16:0, % TFA5.7423.8010.7710.837.3324.43
C16:1, % TFA0.182.700.140.093.79
C18:0, % TFA4.3013.5011.973.8910.6517.92
C18:1 trans, % TFA0.593.99
C18:1 cis, % TFA18.8841.2014.3322.8243.3941.62
C18:2, % TFA14.1510.2060.6353.7535.491.09
C18:3, % TFA55.951.000.308.230.790.53
Others, % TFA0.646.101.900.131.673.54
Feed NameFeather MealFish MealFlaxseedFlaxseed MealFruit and Vegetable By-Product, WetGlycerol
CP, % DM90.5569.1922.7938.4813.62
Arg, % CP6.565.639.109.104.00
His, % CP1.212.352.172.172.94
Ile, % CP4.603.894.064.063.50
Leu, % CP8.136.745.945.9412.70
Lys, % CP2.606.824.064.062.78
Met, % CP0.702.531.761.762.50
Phe, % CP4.773.734.634.634.72
Thr, % CP4.533.893.653.653.59
Trp, % CP0.760.961.481.480.69
Val, % CP7.014.594.884.884.78
TFAs, % DM7.856.4433.413.086.135.24
C12:0, % TFA0.34
C14:0, % TFA1.0910.350.160.160.26
C16:0, % TFA24.3328.465.745.7413.57
C16:1, % TFA6.5113.
C18:0, % TFA8.276.004.304.301.83
C18:1 trans, % TFA1.090.20
C18:1 cis, % TFA32.5110.9718.8818.8825.99
C18:2, % TFA13.191.0914.1514.1555.08
C18:3, % TFA0.540.9655.9555.951.64
Others, % TFA12.1328.960.640.641.44
Feed NameGrain Screenings, Source UnknownGrain Sorghum HayGrain Sorghum Silage, MatureGrain Sorghum Silage, Mid-MaturityGrass–Legume Mixtures, Mix HayGrass–Legume Mixtures, Mix Silage
CP, % DM16.188.818.228.8912.1217.68
Arg, % CP5.
His, % CP2.672.472.472.471.791.68
Ile, % CP3.263.913.913.913.783.76
Leu, % CP10.1213.0413.0413.046.796.24
Lys, % CP3.602.642.642.644.293.85
Met, % CP1.861.931.931.931.431.29
Phe, % CP4.655.
Thr, % CP3.843.593.593.593.993.59
Trp, % CP0.811.
Val, % CP4.425.
TFAs, % DM2.911.361.931.561.372.03
C12:0, % TFA2.862.862.861.159.27
C14:0, % TFA0.890.890.890.620.60
C16:0, % TFA14.1420.6420.6420.6418.9817.79
C16:1, % TFA0.430.430.431.771.79
C18:0, % TFA2.052.422.422.422.792.65
C18:1 trans, % TFA0.000.17
C18:1 cis, % TFA23.7210.1810.1810.181.852.93
C18:2, % TFA56.4330.3730.3730.3733.2117.94
C18:3, % TFA1.9725.5325.5325.5333.3941.51
Others, % TFA1.686.686.686.686.085.54
Feed NameGrass–Legume Mixtures, Predominantly Grass, Hay, MatureGrass–Legume Mixtures, Predominantly Grass, Hay, Mid-MaturityGrass–Legume Mixtures, Predominantly Grass, SilageGrass–Legume Mixtures, Predominantly Legume, Hay, ImmatureGrass–Legume Mixtures, Predominantly Legume, Hay, MatureGrass–Legume Mixtures, Predominantly Legume, Silage
CP, % DM10.854.2814.3420.3517.3820.04
Arg, % CP4.474.473.474.504.503.47
His, % CP1.791.791.681.791.791.68
Ile, % CP3.753.753.763.793.793.76
Leu, % CP6.766.766.246.816.816.24
Lys, % CP4.254.253.854.314.313.85
Met, % CP1.431.431.291.431.431.29
Phe, % CP4.344.344.284.344.344.28
Thr, % CP3.983.983.594.004.003.59
Trp, % CP1.361.361.011.381.381.01
Val, % CP4.864.864.954.894.894.95
TFAs, % DM1.291.931.981.781.231.99
C12:0, % TFA1.
C14:0, % TFA0.620.620.600.620.620.60
C16:0, % TFA18.9818.9817.7918.9818.9817.79
C16:1, % TFA1.771.771.791.771.771.79
C18:0, % TFA2.792.792.652.792.792.65
C18:1 trans, % TFA0.
C18:1 cis, % TFA1.851.852.931.851.852.93
C18:2, % TFA33.2133.2117.9433.2133.2117.94
C18:3, % TFA33.3933.3941.5133.3933.3941.51
Others, % TFA6.086.085.546.086.085.54
Feed NameLegume Hay, ImmatureLegume Hay, MatureLegume Hay, Mid-MaturityLegume Silage, ImmatureLegume Silage, Mid-MaturityMeat and Bone Meal, Porcine
CP, % DM21.5418.1120.7522.0620.4756.63
Arg, % CP4.
His, % CP1.931.931.931.921.921.58
Ile, % CP3.923.923.924.154.152.57
Leu, % CP6.696.696.696.746.745.42
Lys, % CP4.814.814.814.724.724.58
Met, % CP1.331.331.331.351.351.25
Phe, % CP4.594.594.594.354.353.13
Thr, % CP4.
Trp, % CP1.381.381.381.191.190.54
Val, % CP4.974.974.975.085.083.88
TFAs, % DM1.541.211.501.982.327.45
C12:0, % TFA1.361.361.3611.9811.980.08
C14:0, % TFA0.850.850.850.660.661.68
C16:0, % TFA25.0125.0125.0118.8118.8129.47
C16:1, % TFA2.
C18:0, % TFA4.
C18:1 trans, % TFA0.350.350.351.27
C18:1 cis, % TFA2.432.432.432.052.0540.43
C18:2, % TFA18.4918.4918.4915.9115.913.70
C18:3, % TFA36.7936.7936.7938.7138.710.08
Others, % TFA8.478.478.476.636.633.38
Feed NameMillet HayMillet SilageMolassesOat Grain, RolledOat HayOat Hulls
CP, % DM10.7413.029.2712.178.495.01
Arg, % CP4.103.064.916.492.186.74
His, % CP1.941.661.591.911.942.25
Ile, % CP3.963.574.443.745.503.57
Leu, % CP7.396.123.597.166.657.29
Lys, % CP4.853.281.003.863.564.11
Met, % CP1.641.210.221.701.871.71
Phe, % CP4.784.372.714.844.705.04
Thr, % CP4.103.341.573.514.133.41
Trp, % CP2.091.070.451.491.421.32
Val, % CP5.224.893.365.264.134.96
TFAs, % DM1.091.470.004.801.451.82
C12:0, % TFA2.862.861.19
C14:0, % TFA0.890.890.870.43
C16:0, % TFA20.6420.6417.9917.6516.4419.72
C16:1, % TFA0.430.430.340.160.48
C18:0, % TFA2.422.423.611.321.332.51
C18:1 trans, % TFA0.062.56
C18:1 cis, % TFA10.1810.1812.9834.782.5334.23
C18:2, % TFA30.3730.3754.9442.0123.3837.67
C18:3, % TFA25.5325.537.461.8549.902.40
Others, % TFA6.686.682.681.384.260.91
Feed NameOat Silage, ImmatureOat Silage, Mid-MaturityPea HayPea SilagePeanut HayPeanut Hulls
CP, % DM18.5112.9215.9017.0412.018.89
Arg, % CP2.182.183.873.873.875.70
His, % CP1.941.941.691.691.692.20
Ile, % CP5.505.503.733.733.733.30
Leu, % CP6.656.656.
Lys, % CP3.563.564.484.484.484.10
Met, % CP1.871.871.371.371.379.00
Phe, % CP4.704.704.
Thr, % CP4.134.133.833.833.833.00
Trp, % CP1.421.420.930.930.931.00
Val, % CP4.
TFAs, % DM2.241.771.691.681.313.21
C12:0, % TFA6.566.560.430.430.43
C14:0, % TFA0.540.540.280.280.28
C16:0, % TFA16.7616.7617.9717.9717.979.24
C16:1, % TFA1.671.670.
C18:0, % TFA1.941.946.716.716.712.32
C18:1 trans, % TFA
C18:1 cis, % TFA3.803.8019.7419.7419.7466.61
C18:2, % TFA19.9619.9638.8838.8838.8819.30
C18:3, % TFA44.3044.3012.9812.9812.982.45
Others, % TFA4.464.462.852.852.850.00
Feed NamePeanut Meal, ExpellersPeanut SkinsPeanutsPeasPineapple Cannery WastePotato By-Product Meal
CP, % DM42.6216.1925.5524.287.029.99
Arg, % CP11.016.6011.018.692.47
His, % CP2.223.302.222.441.84
Ile, % CP3.212.303.214.133.14
Leu, % CP6.145.906.147.185.34
Lys, % CP3.215.503.217.234.21
Met, % CP1.030.901.030.890.95
Phe, % CP4.813.204.814.793.62
Thr, % CP2.562.602.563.713.11
Trp, % CP1.
Val, % CP3.883.003.884.654.40
TFAs, % DM7.3118.6141.241.140.941.78
C12:0, % TFA0.35
C14:0, % TFA0.300.49
C16:0, % TFA9.249.249.2423.0012.18
C16:1, % TFA0.
C18:0, % TFA2.322.322.321.5010.70
C18:1 trans, % TFA31.21
C18:1 cis, % TFA66.6166.6166.6113.5035.65
C18:2, % TFA19.3019.3019.3055.905.12
C18:3, % TFA2.452.452.454.301.15
Others, % TFA0.
Feed NamePoultry By-Product MealRice, GrainRice BranRice Bran, DefattedRice HullsRice Silage, Headed
CP, % DM65.628.1114.8118.543.697.12
Arg, % CP7.008.227.747.747.742.18
His, % CP2.522.752.752.751.94
Ile, % CP4.253.923.763.763.765.50
Leu, % CP7.918.
Lys, % CP4.413.594.734.734.733.56
Met, % CP1.392.702.
Phe, % CP5.154.454.454.454.70
Thr, % CP4.413.583.883.883.884.13
Trp, % CP1.
Val, % CP5.945.535.725.725.724.13
TFAs, % DM11.781.2412.
C12:0, % TFA0.086.56
C14:0, % TFA0.570.
C16:0, % TFA14.6517.5317.5317.5316.76
C16:1, % TFA0.
C18:0, % TFA1.541.561.561.561.94
C18:1 trans, % TFA
C18:1 cis, % TFA32.5339.1039.1039.103.80
C18:2, % TFA29.0538.1138.1138.1119.96
C18:3, % TFA1.211.461.461.4644.30
Others, % TFA20.131.751.751.754.46
Feed NameRice Silage, VegetativeRumen-Protected LysineRumen-Protected MethionineRye Annual Fresh, ImmatureRye Annual Fresh, Mid-MaturityRye Annual Hay, Immature
CP, % DM8.2727.5020.4822.89
Arg, % CP2.
His, % CP1.941.941.941.94
Ile, % CP5.503.963.963.96
Leu, % CP6.657.397.397.39
Lys, % CP3.561004.854.854.85
Met, % CP1.871001.641.641.64
Phe, % CP4.704.784.784.78
Thr, % CP4.
Trp, % CP1.422.092.092.09
Val, % CP4.
TFAs, % DM1.473.072.442.53
C12:0, % TFA6.560.840.844.60
C14:0, % TFA0.540.240.243.30
C16:0, % TFA16.7613.4913.4926.20
C16:1, % TFA1.671.70
C18:0, % TFA1.941.071.075.40
C18:1 trans, % TFA
C18:1 cis, % TFA3.802.072.0711.00
C18:2, % TFA19.9613.3413.3418.40
C18:3, % TFA44.3066.4966.499.40
Others, % TFA4.462.462.4620.00
Feed NameRye Annual Hay, MatureRye Annual, Hay, Mid-MaturityRye Annual Silage, ImmatureRye Annual Silage, MatureRye Annual Silage, Mid-MaturityRye Grain
CP, % DM7.6211.9916.418.2814.4311.80
Arg, % CP4.
His, % CP1.941.941.661.661.662.34
Ile, % CP3.963.963.573.573.573.19
Leu, % CP7.397.396.
Lys, % CP4.854.853.
Met, % CP1.641.641.
Phe, % CP4.784.784.374.374.374.36
Thr, % CP4.104.103.343.343.343.30
Trp, % CP2.
Val, % CP5.225.224.894.894.894.57
TFAs, % DM1.011.471.951.251.681.45
C12:0, % TFA4.604.600.660.660.66
C14:0, % TFA3.303.301.871.871.870.18
C16:0, % TFA26.2026.2020.4020.4020.4015.93
C16:1, % TFA1.701.701.
C18:0, % TFA5.405.402.
C18:1 trans, % TFA
C18:1 cis, % TFA11.0011.
C18:2, % TFA18.4018.4019.1219.1219.1256.32
C18:3, % TFA9.409.4039.0739.0739.079.23
Others, % TFA20.0020.0010.3010.3010.300.76
Feed NameSafflower MealSorghum Forage Silage, ImmatureSorghum Forage Silage, MatureSorghum Grain, Dry, GroundSorghum Grain, Steam-FlakedSorghum Hay
CP, % DM26.2111.7411.3012.4812.4810.18
Arg, % CP8.314.074.073.833.834.10
His, % CP2.462.472.472.252.251.94
Ile, % CP3.523.913.914.114.113.96
Leu, % CP6.2313.0413.0413.1113.117.39
Lys, % CP3.092.642.642.222.224.85
Met, % CP1.481.931.931.741.741.64
Phe, % CP4.415.
Thr, % CP3.143.593.593.313.314.10
Trp, % CP0.931.
Val, % CP4.965.
TFAs, % DM3.881.741.442.922.921.24
C12:0, % TFA2.862.860.040.042.86
C14:0, % TFA0.890.890.080.080.89
C16:0, % TFA5.4020.6420.6417.1617.1620.64
C16:1, % TFA0.430.430.630.630.43
C18:0, % TFA1.602.422.421.651.652.42
C18:1 trans, % TFA
C18:1 cis, % TFA13.2010.1810.1829.7029.7010.18
C18:2, % TFA79.5030.3730.3748.1848.1830.37
C18:3, % TFA0.3025.5325.531.611.6125.53
Others, % TFA6.686.680.950.956.68
Feed NameSorghum Soybean SilageSorghum–Sudangrass HaySorghum–Sudangrass SilageSoybean HaySoybean HullsSoybean Meal, Expellers
CP, % DM11.669.8112.2520.0811.8847.60
Arg, % CP3.874.103.063.875.217.29
His, % CP1.691.941.661.692.612.62
Ile, % CP3.733.963.573.733.704.54
Leu, % CP6.007.396.126.006.307.59
Lys, % CP4.484.853.284.486.306.12
Met, % CP1.371.641.211.371.091.34
Phe, % CP4.184.784.374.183.875.05
Thr, % CP3.834.103.343.833.613.90
Trp, % CP0.932.091.070.931.341.34
Val, % CP5.005.224.895.004.374.73
TFAs, % DM1.811.101.631.911.616.12
C12:0, % TFA0.432.862.860.43
C14:0, % TFA0.280.890.890.281.470.07
C16:0, % TFA17.9720.6420.6417.9716.2211.55
C16:1, % TFA0.150.430.430.150.280.09
C18:0, % TFA6.712.422.426.717.033.71
C18:1 trans, % TFA0.701.42
C18:1 cis, % TFA19.7410.1810.1819.7415.9018.13
C18:2, % TFA38.8830.3730.3738.8842.6654.77
C18:3, % TFA12.9825.5325.5312.9813.119.52
Others, % TFA2.856.686.682.852.640.75
Feed NameSoybean Meal, ExtrudedSoybean Meal, Solvent Extracted, 48% CPSoybean SilageSoybeans, Whole RawSoybeans, Whole RoastedSpelt Grain
CP, % DM40.4352.6417.9939.9840.0212.90
Arg, % CP7.297.293.877.257.254.79
His, % CP2.622.641.692.612.612.15
Ile, % CP4.544.543.734.534.533.45
Leu, % CP7.597.636.007.587.586.54
Lys, % CP6.126.164.486.146.142.76
Met, % CP1.341.381.371.331.331.54
Phe, % CP5.
Thr, % CP3.903.953.833.893.892.95
Trp, % CP1.341.380.931.331.331.36
Val, % CP4.734.765.004.724.724.44
TFAs, % DM15.081.082.8616.9915.351.66
C12:0, % TFA0.430.580.00
C14:0, % TFA0.070.830.
C16:0, % TFA11.5517.2817.9711.9311.8019.50
C16:1, % TFA0.
C18:0, % TFA3.714.456.714.054.301.08
C18:1 trans, % TFA1.420.43
C18:1 cis, % TFA18.1313.2219.7421.9923.5814.66
C18:2, % TFA54.7754.1638.8852.4352.3660.20
C18:3, % TFA9.528.4312.987.596.994.32
Others, % TFA0.751.202.851.170.79
Feed NameSudangrass Hay, MatureSudangrass Hay, Mid-MaturitySudangrass Silage, MatureSudangrass Silage, Mid-MaturitySugarcane Bagasse HaySugarcane Bagasse Silage
CP, % DM8.0814.739.5413.373.894.99
Arg, % CP4.
His, % CP1.941.941.661.661.001.00
Ile, % CP3.963.963.573.572.832.83
Leu, % CP7.397.396.126.125.495.49
Lys, % CP4.854.853.283.282.832.83
Met, % CP1.641.641.211.210.670.67
Phe, % CP4.784.784.374.373.503.50
Thr, % CP4.104.103.343.342.832.83
Trp, % CP2.
Val, % CP5.225.224.894.893.833.83
TFAs, % DM0.991.051.531.610.720.91
C12:0, % TFA2.862.862.862.861.191.19
C14:0, % TFA0.890.890.890.890.430.43
C16:0, % TFA20.6420.6420.6420.6416.4416.44
C16:1, % TFA0.430.430.430.430.480.48
C18:0, % TFA2.422.422.422.421.331.33
C18:1 trans, % TFA0.060.06
C18:1 cis, % TFA10.1810.1810.1810.182.532.53
C18:2, % TFA30.3730.3730.3730.3723.3823.38
C18:3, % TFA25.5325.5325.5325.5349.9049.90
Others, % TFA6.686.686.686.684.264.26
Feed NameSunflower MealSunflower SeedSunflower SilageSweet Corn Cannery WasteTapioca (Cassava)Tomato Pomace
CP, % DM37.0120.0713.279.802.5019.30
Arg, % CP8.037.993.872.324.0011.5
His, % CP2.442.491.691.711.603.9
Ile, % CP4.003.913.733.413.204.1
Leu, % CP6.
Lys, % CP3.503.704.482.804.008
Met, % CP2.192.131.371.591.202.3
Phe, % CP4.504.474.183.903.205.8
Thr, % CP3.633.593.833.413.603.3
Trp, % CP1.281.410.930.730.80
Val, % CP4.844.785.004.514.004.4
TFAs, % DM1.0237.203.063.810.4812.30
C12:0, % TFA0.430.31
C14:0, % TFA0.760.100.280.46
C16:0, % TFA11.595.2017.9717.8338.50
C16:1, % TFA0.100.150.36
C18:0, % TFA4.374.106.712.42
C18:1 trans, % TFA0.00
C18:1 cis, % TFA41.9339.4019.7419.2438.50
C18:2, % TFA38.7147.9038.8847.7413.30
C18:3, % TFA0.590.4012.988.256.60
Others, % TFA2.052.802.853.403.10
Feed NameTriticale GrainTriticale HayTriticale Plus Pea SilageTriticale Silage, MatureTriticale Silage, Mid-MaturityUrea
CP, % DM12.0510.3315.9814.1617.78281.00
Arg, % CP4.913.843.843.843.84
His, % CP2.282.532.532.532.53
Ile, % CP3.
Leu, % CP6.405.865.865.865.86
Lys, % CP3.161.831.831.831.83
Met, % CP1.671.311.311.311.31
Phe, % CP4.564.784.784.784.78
Thr, % CP3.
Trp, % CP1.
Val, % CP4.303.683.683.683.68
TFAs, % DM1.551.462.132.482.38
C12:0, % TFA1.
C14:0, % TFA0.230.420.420.420.42
C16:0, % TFA19.5011.4211.4211.4211.42
C16:1, % TFA2.
C18:0, % TFA1.080.920.920.920.92
C18:1 trans, % TFA
C18:1 cis, % TFA14.661.491.491.491.49
C18:2, % TFA59.4514.5314.5314.5314.53
C18:3, % TFA4.3262.8262.8262.8262.82
Others, % TFA0.765.
Feed NameWheat BranWheat Grain, RolledWheat Hay, HeadedWheat Hay, VegetativeWheat MiddlingsWheat Silage, Headed
CP, % DM17.4013.499.8810.5019.1010.73
Arg, % CP6.944.792.022.026.652.02
His, % CP2.752.153.603.602.613.60
Ile, % CP3.193.454.
Leu, % CP6.216.546.646.646.096.64
Lys, % CP4.052.764.214.213.984.21
Met, % CP1.461.541.771.771.491.77
Phe, % CP3.914.454.244.243.984.24
Thr, % CP3.192.954.
Trp, % CP1.841.361.031.031.431.03
Val, % CP4.824.445.805.804.535.80
TFAs, % DM4.021.781.010.893.851.53
C12:0, % TFA1.191.196.56
C14:0, % TFA0.100.230.430.430.100.54
C16:0, % TFA17.0519.5016.4416.4417.0916.76
C16:1, % TFA0.480.480.121.67
C18:0, % TFA1.081.081.331.331.171.94
C18:1 trans, % TFA0.060.06
C18:1 cis, % TFA17.8114.662.532.5317.693.80
C18:2, % TFA59.0960.2023.3823.3857.7819.96
C18:3, % TFA4.734.3249.9049.904.7144.30
Others, % TFA0.
Feed NameWheat Silage, VegetativeWheat StrawWhey, DryWhey, Wet
CP, % DM13.354.5017.837.42
Arg, % CP2.022.022.752.17
His, % CP3.603.601.831.65
Ile, % CP4.
Leu, % CP6.646.648.789.04
Lys, % CP4.214.216.947.22
Met, % CP1.771.771.401.39
Phe, % CP4.
Thr, % CP4.214.215.466.17
Trp, % CP1.031.031.57
Val, % CP5.805.804.805.13
TFAs, % DM1.420.555.270.97
C12:0, % TFA6.561.190.720.72
C14:0, % TFA0.540.436.756.75
C16:0, % TFA16.7616.4435.7435.74
C16:1, % TFA1.670.480.940.94
C18:0, % TFA1.941.3317.8117.81
C18:1 trans, % TFA0.062.642.64
C18:1 cis, % TFA3.802.5327.0827.08
C18:2, % TFA19.9623.386.896.89
C18:3, % TFA44.3049.90
Others, % TFA4.464.261.421.42

AA and individual FA data were provided by Cornell University (Higgs et al., 2015). Because data originated from a single source, the number of samples and standard deviation are not presented in the table.

TABLE 19-3Composition of Inorganic Mineral Sources and Element Absorption Coefficients for Dairy Cattle on a 100 Percent DM Basisa,b,c,d,e,f

Mineral SourceMineral%Absorption Coefficient
Bone meal (NRC16F1011)
Primary mineralCa31.00.60
Secondary mineralP12.90.80
Minor mineral 1Na5.71.00
Minor mineral 2Fe2.70.01
Minor mineral 3S2.5N/A
Calcium carbonate, CaCO3 (NRC16F1003)
Primary mineralCa39.40.50
Calcium chloride anhydrous, CaCl2 (NRC16F1004)
Primary mineralCa36.10.60
Secondary mineralCl63.90.92
Calcium chloride dihydrate, CaCl2 · 2H2O (NRC16F1005)
Primary mineralCa27.50.60
Secondary mineralCl48.20.92
Calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2 (NRC16F1006)
Primary mineralCa54.10.60
Calcium oxide, CaO (NRC16F1009)
Primary mineralCa71.50.33
Calcium phosphate (dibasic), CaHPO4 (NRC16F1007)
Primary mineralCa22.00.60
Secondary mineralP19.30.75
Minor mineral 1Fe1.40.01
Calcium phosphate (monobasic), Ca(H2PO4)2 (NRC16F1008)
Primary mineralCa16.40.60
Secondary mineralP21.60.80
Minor mineral 1Fe1.60.01
Calcium sulfate dihydrate, CaSO4 · 2H2O (NRC16F1010)
Primary mineralCa23.30.60
Secondary mineralS23.5N/A
Dolomite limestone (magnesium) (NRC16F1012)
Primary mineralCa22.30.45
Secondary mineralMg10.00.12
Limestone, ground (NRC16F1013)
Primary mineralCa35.00.45
Secondary mineralMg1.00.12
Oystershell, ground (NRC16F1014)
Primary mineralCa38.00.50
Phosphate, Curacao (NRC16F1024)
Primary mineralCa35.10.45
Secondary mineralP14.10.85
Phosphate, defluorinated (NRC16F1025)
Primary mineralCa32.00.45
Secondary mineralP18.00.65
Minor mineral 1Na4.91.00
Ammonium chloride, NH4Cl (NRC16F1069)
Primary mineralCl66.30.92
Calcium chloride anhydrous, CaCl2 (NRC16F1004)
Primary mineralCl63.90.92
Secondary mineralCa36.10.60
Magnesium chloride hexahydrate, MgCl2 · 6H2O (NRC16F1015)
Primary mineralCl34.90.92
Secondary mineralMg12.00.27
Potassium chloride, KCl (NRC16F1016)
Primary mineralCl50.00.92
Secondary mineralK50.01.00
Sodium chloride (salt), NaCl (NRC16F1017)
Primary mineralCl60.70.92
Secondary mineralNa39.31.00
Cobalt carbonate, CoCO3 (NRC16F1038)
Primary mineralCo46.0N/A
Cobalt carbonate hexahydrate, CoCO3 · 6H2O (NRC16F1039)
Primary mineralCo25.9N/A
Cobalt chloride hexahydrate, CoCl2 · 6H2O (NRC16F1040)
Primary mineralCo24.8N/A
Secondary mineralCl29.80.92
Cobalt sulfate heptahydrate, CoSO4 · 7H2O (NRC16F1041)
Primary mineralCo21.0N/A
Secondary mineralS11.4N/A
Copper chloride dihydrate, CuCl2 · 2H2O (NRC16F1043)
Primary mineralCu37.20.05
Secondary mineralCl41.70.92
Copper oxide, CuO (NRC16F1045)
Primary mineralCu79.90.005
Copper sulfate pentahydrate, CuSO4 · 5H2O (NRC16F1044)
Primary mineralCu25.50.05
Secondary mineralS12.8N/A
Calcium iodate, Ca(IO3)2 (NRC16F1048)
Primary mineralI63.5N/A
Secondary mineralCa10.00.60
Ethylenediamine dihydroiodide (EDDI) (NRC16F1047)
Primary mineralI80.3N/A
Potassium iodide, KI (NRC16F1031)
Primary mineralI68.8N/A
Secondary mineralK21.01.00
Ferrous carbonate, FeCO3 (NRC16F1051)
Primary mineralFe38.00.10
Ferrous sulfate heptahydrate, FeSO4 · 7H2O (NRC16F1049)
Primary mineralFe21.80.20
Secondary mineralS12.4N/A
Ferrous sulfate monohydrate, FeSO4 · H2O (NRC16F1050)
Primary mineralFe32.90.20
Secondary mineralS18.9N/A
Iron oxide, FeO (NRC16F1052)
Primary mineralFe60.00.01
Dolomite limestone (magnesium) (NRC16F1012)
Primary mineralMg10.00.12
Secondary mineralCa22.00.45
Magnesium carbonate, MgCO3 (NRC16F1018)
Primary mineralMg30.80.23
Magnesium chloride hexahydrate, MgCl2 · 6H2O (NRC16F1015)
Primary mineralMg12.00.27
Secondary mineralCl34.90.92
Magnesium hydroxide, Mg(OH)2 (NRC16F1019)
Primary mineralMg41.70.23
Magnesium oxide, MgO (NRC16F1020)
Primary mineralMg56.20.23
Secondary mineralCa< 10.45
Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate, MgSO4 · 7H2O (NRC16F1021)
Primary mineralMg9.80.27
Secondary mineralS13.3N/A
Manganese carbonate, MnCO3 (NRC16F1056)
Primary mineralMn47.80.0015
Manganese chloride, MnCl2 (NRC16F1054)
Primary mineralMn43.00.005
Secondary mineralCl56.30.92
Manganese chloride tetrahydrate, MnCl2 · 4H2O (NRC16F1055)
Primary mineralMn27.70.005
Secondary mineralCl35.80.92
Manganese oxide, MnO (NRC16F1059)
Primary mineralMn77.50.003
Manganese sulfate monohydrate, MnSO4 · H2O (NRC16F1057)
Primary mineralMn32.50.005
Secondary mineralS19.0N/A
Manganese sulfate pentahydrate, MnSO4 · 5H2O (NRC16F1058)
Primary mineralMn22.80.005
Secondary mineralS13.3N/A
Ammonium phosphate (dibasic), (NH4)2HPO4 (NRC16F1022)
Primary mineralP20.60.80
Minor mineral 1S2.2N/A
Minor mineral 2Fe1.20.01
Ammonium phosphate (monobasic), (NH4)H2PO4 (NRC16F1023)
Primary mineralP24.70.80
Minor mineral 1S1.5N/A
Minor mineral 2Fe1.70.01
Bone meal (NRC16F1011)
Primary mineralP12.90.80
Secondary mineralCa31.00.60
Minor mineral 1Na5.71.00
Minor mineral 2Fe2.70.01
Minor mineral 3S2.5N/A
Calcium phosphate (dibasic), CaHPO4 (NRC16F1007)
Primary mineralP19.30.75
Secondary mineralCa22.00.60
Minor mineral 1Fe1.40.01
Calcium phosphate (monobasic), Ca(H2PO4)2 (NRC16F1008)
Primary mineralP21.60.80
Secondary mineralCa16.40.60
Minor mineral 1Fe1.60.01
Phosphate, Curacao (NRC16F1024)
Primary mineralP14.10.85
Secondary mineralCa35.10.45
Phosphate, defluorinated (NRC16F1025)
Primary mineralP18.00.65
Secondary mineralCa32.00.45
Minor mineral 1Na4.91.00
Phosphate, monosodium (NaH2PO4 · H2O) (NRC16F1026)
Primary mineralP22.50.90
Secondary mineralNa16.71.00
Phosphoric acid, H3PO4 (NRC16F1027)
Primary mineralP31.60.90
Sodium tripolyphosphate, Na5P3O10 (NRC16F1028)
Primary mineralP25.00.75
Secondary mineralNa31.01.00
Potassium bicarbonate, KHCO3 (NRC16F1029)
Primary mineralK39.11.00
Potassium carbonate, K2CO3 (NRC16F1030)
Primary mineralK56.61.00
Potassium chloride, KCl (NRC16F1016)
Primary mineralK50.01.00
Secondary mineralCl50.00.92
Potassium sulfate, K2SO4 (NRC16F1032)
Primary mineralK41.81.00
Secondary mineralS17.4N/A
Selenite, sodium, Na2SeO3 (NRC16F1061)
Primary mineralSe45.6N/A
Secondary mineralNa36.61.00
Selenate, sodium decahydrate, Na2SeO4 · 10H2O (NRC16F1062)
Primary mineralSe21.4N/A
Secondary mineralNa12.51.00
Sodium bicarbonate, NaHCO3 (NRC16F1033)
Primary mineralNa27.01.00
Sodium carbonate monohydrate, NaCO3 · H2O (NRC16F1034)
Primary mineralNa37.11.00
Sodium chloride (salt), NaCl (NRC16F1017)
Primary mineralNa39.31.00
Secondary mineralCl60.70.92
Sodium sesquicarbonate dehydrate, Na2CO3 + NaHCO3 · 2H2O (NRC16F1035)
Primary mineralNa30.51.00
Ammonium sulfate, (NH4)2SO4 (NRC16F1037)
Primary mineralS24.1N/A
Calcium sulfate dihydrate, CaSO4 · 2H2O (NRC16F1010)
Primary mineralS23.5N/A
Secondary mineralCa23.30.60
Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate, MgSO4 · 7H2O (NRC16F1021)
Primary mineralS13.3N/A
Secondary mineralMg9.80.27
Potassium sulfate, K2SO4 (NRC16F1032)
Primary mineralS17.4N/A
Secondary mineralK41.81.00
Sodium sulfate, Na2SO4 (NRC16F1036)
Primary mineralS10.0N/A
Secondary mineralNa14.31.00
Zinc carbonate, ZnCO3 (NRC16F1064)
Primary mineralZn52.10.20
Zinc chloride, ZnCl2 (NRC16F1065)
Primary mineralZn48.00.20
Secondary mineralCl52.00.92
Zinc oxide, ZnO (NRC16F1066)
Primary mineralZn78.00.16
Zinc sulfate monohydrate, ZnSO4 · H2O (NRC16F1067)
Primary mineralZn36.40.20
Secondary mineralS17.7N/A

DM = 100 percent except phosphoric acid = 75 percent.


Mineral concentrations <1 percent not shown.


N/A = not applicable.


For Mg, absorption coefficients assume 1.2 percent K in diet.


Ash content for all sources is equal to 100 percent except for the following: bone meal = 79 percent; ammonium phosphate (dibasic), (NH4)2HPO4 = 36 percent; ammonium phosphate (monobasic), (NH4)H2PO4 = 36 percent; ammonium sulfate, (NH4)2SO4 = 33 percent.


Feeds containing detectable concentrations of nitrogen have the following CP content: bone meal = 13.2 percent; ammonium phosphate (dibasic), (NH4)2HPO4 = 115.9 percent; ammonium phosphate (monobasic), (NH4)H2PO4 = 70.9 percent; ammonium sulfate, (NH4)2SO4 = 134.1 percent; the CP in these feeds is assumed to be 100 percent A fraction.


  • AAFCO (Association of American Feed Control Officials). 2016 official Publication: Association of American Feed control officials incorporated. Oxford, UK: Association of American Feed Control; 2016.
  • Cherney DJR, Cherney JH, Lucey RF. in vitro digestion kinetics and quality of perennial grasses as influenced by forage maturity. J. Dairy sci. 1993;76:790–797.
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The National Research Support Project (NRSP-9) was started in 2010 and is supported by the Experiment Station Committee on Organization and Policy, the State Agricultural Experiment Stations, and Hatch Funds provided by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture.

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Bookshelf ID: NBK600601


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