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Noebels JL, Avoli M, Rogawski MA, et al., editors. Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies [Internet]. 4th edition. Bethesda (MD): National Center for Biotechnology Information (US); 2012.

  • This title is an author manuscript version first made accessible on the NCBI Bookshelf website July 2, 2012.

This title is an author manuscript version first made accessible on the NCBI Bookshelf website July 2, 2012.

Cover of Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies

Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies [Internet]. 4th edition.

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Fever, febrile seizures and epileptogenesis

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Febrile seizures (FS) are the most common types of seizures in children around the world, yet remarkably little is known about the mechanisms generating these seizures. In addition, long duration or focal FS are associated with increased probability of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), but it remains unclear as to whether this relationship is causal. A specific major clinical enigma has centered on whether FS themselves can provoke TLE in individuals without genetic or structural predisposition. In addition, the mechanisms of FS-related epileptogenesis require elucidation. Individuals with TLE and a history of FS have been found to often have a specific pattern of cell loss within the hippocampus, known as mesial temporal sclerosis (MTS). However, if FS cause MTS, or if the cell loss is secondary to the TLE has also been enigmatic.

We created and characterized an immature rodent model of FS, which has been useful in defining how fever leads to FS, and if FS lead to epilepsy. Using this rat model, we established that long duration FS cause TLE, and FS duration governed the severity of epilepsy. Epileptogenesis was accompanied, perhaps causally, by ion channel dysfunction and inflammatory changes. Because FS are a prevalent antecedent of TLE, studying the epileptogenesis that follows them provides powerful insights, and may lead to potential therapies for epilepsy.

1. Introduction

Febrile seizures (FS) are the most common type of convulsions in infants and young children, occurring in 2–6% of children.1,2 They are defined as seizures arising during fever, not caused by an infection of the central nervous system. However their definition does not exclude children with pre-existing neurological deficits, a fact that might confound studies on the outcome of these seizures. Although there is limited evidence for adverse outcomes of simple (defined as short, with no focal motor phenomena) FS on the immature brain, complex FS, particularly long duration FS or febrile status epilepticus (defined as seizures lasting more than 30 minutes) have been associated with subsequent limbic epilepsy as indicated from both prospective and retrospective studies as well as from recent data in animal models.3–14 Some investigators have suspected that long FS might result in cognitive defects in a subset of children.15–17 Understanding the basic mechanisms of FS, and the potential epileptogenesis that follows them, requires animal models which enable the investigator a direct examination of causal mechanisms for the generation and consequences of these seizures. The mechanisms by which fever leads to FS, the outcome of FS measured as the risk of epilepsy, the properties of FS associated with limbic epilepsy, and the mechanisms of epileptogenesis are discussed in the following paragraphs.

2. How does fever cause seizures?

Genetic susceptibility to FS

FS occur sporadically and also run in families, suggesting a contribution of genetic background to their onset.18 In immature rodents, including mice and rats of many different strains, all the animals developed hyperthermia-induced seizures indicating that genetic susceptibility is not necessarily required for their generation. 12,19–21 Conversely, the fact that seizure-temperature thresholds (a measure of excitability),22,23 vary among mouse strains with differing genetic make-up, suggests the involvement of genotype in these seizures. Recently, increased susceptibility to FS has been found to result from mutations of several genes, including sodium channels,24–26 GABAA receptors,27–30 and hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels.31 Other single gene mutations, such as in the interleukin gene promoter, might predispose individuals to FS.32 In addition several genes might interact to promote the occurrence of these seizures in a more complex manner.

Increased brain temperature as a mechanism of FS

Temperature influences neuronal properties.33 The functions of specific ions channels (e.g., transient receptor potential vanilloid, 1 and 4) are regulated by brain temperature in the physiological and fever ranges.34,35 Therefore, elevating brain temperature should increase neuronal firing culminating in a seizure. Notably hyperthermia induced by hot baths36 or overdose on hyperthermia-inducing medications (anticholinergic),37 can provoke seizures in children, indicating that increased temperature in itself can generate seizures. However the exact mechanisms by which increased temperature might lead to the generation of FS are not fully elucidated.

Fever mediators lead to seizures

Fever not only increases brain temperature but also involves release of inflammatory mediators, particularly cytokines38,39 such as interleukin-1β (IL-1β) within the brain. IL-1β contributes to neuronal hyperexcitability long term, in part by increasing ceramide-induced Src-family of tyrosine kinase function.40 Acute changes of brain excitability might derive from the enhanced calcium influx through glutamate receptors.41 In addition, IL-1β exacerbates convulsant-induced seizures.42,43 The involvement of endogenous IL-1β in the generation of FS was supported by the increased threshold temperature required to elicit experimental FS in mice lacking the Interleukin-1β receptor type 122 (Figure 1). Interestingly higher levels of this cytokine have been detected in individuals with FS with a mutation in the IL-1β gene promoter32 - although the significance of this finding has been debated.44 It is intriguing that fever of specific infectious etiologies, and specifically human herpes virus 6, might influence the probability of generation of FS.45,46 Whether this virus, compared with other pathogens, leads to higher levels of cytokines in the child’s brain has not been studied.

Figure 1. Mice lacking the IL-1 receptor type 1 (IL-1RI −/−) are more resistant to the generation of experimental FS, compared to wild-type controls of a similar genetic background (129/Sv).

Figure 1

Mice lacking the IL-1 receptor type 1 (IL-1RI −/−) are more resistant to the generation of experimental FS, compared to wild-type controls of a similar genetic background (129/Sv). Threshold temperatures for the onset of these seizures (more...)

Hyperthermia-induced hyperventilation and alkalosis

Hyperthermia-induced hyperventilation and the consequent alkalosis have been suggested as important mechanisms for the generation of FS. Brain alkalosis has been shown to promote neuronal excitability47,48 and may contribute to seizure pathophysiology in models with a long delay from hyperthermia to seizure onset.49 However it should be noted that severe alkalosis that is found during prolonged crying, and that can exist for weeks in babies with pyloric stenosis, has not been correlated with a higher incidence of seizures (fever-induced or otherwise).

3. Do febrile seizures cause epilepsy?

There is little evidence for an enduring adverse impact of short FS on the developing brain.4,50,51 However, prolonged or focal FS have been associated with the development of limbic (temporal lobe) epilepsy.3,6,7,52 What is the neurobiological basis of this statistical correlation? Do long FS cause temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE)? Are FS a marker of pre-existing pathology? Is there a common denominator or cause that independently leads to FS and TLE, or that alters the probability that FS would result in TLE?

A causal relationship between long duration FS and the development of TLE is difficult to demonstrate or refute in humans, because of the diverse genetic make-up of children or other uncontrolled pre-existing factors. Single gene (e.g., ion channel, see above) mutations, or a combination of multiple susceptibility genes, might predispose certain individuals to FS or to the development of epilepsy following FS.25,27,28,31 In addition, the previous history of a child might render him/her more vulnerable to FS or their pro-epileptic or cognitive consequences. Controlling for these genetic and environmental/acquired factors is very difficult.

Therefore, to facilitate investigation of these seizures and their consequences, several animal models of prolonged FS11,14,19–21,49,53,54 have been developed. In recent years, these models have led to fundamental discoveries about the mechanisms of these seizures, their effects on neuronal excitability, and their relationship to epilepsy.8,12,55–59 We have devised and characterized a model of FS in infant rats and mice. Because fever cannot be reliably induced in suckling rodents,60 we employed hyperthermia. Core and brain temperatures were raised to the range of 39.5 to 41.5°C, for 30 minutes or ~60 minutes (recreating febrile status epilepticus) in 10–11 days old rats,12,21 an age when hippocampal development approximates to that of human infants.61 In this model, core body measurements provide an adequate approximation of brain threshold temperature for experimental FS.62 As described above, hyperthermia and fever utilize common mechanisms to elicit the seizures because hyperthermia leads to the release of cytokines.

Using this model, we determined if long duration FS, induced at the stage of hippocampal development that corresponds to that of human infants,61 leads to the development of limbic epilepsy. We demonstrated that experimental FS cause spontaneous recurrent seizures in a significant proportion of animals (35%) later in life.57 These later seizures, resulting from an early 20 minute FS, consisted of sudden freezing and typical limbic automatisms (stage 1)63 that were coupled with polyspike/sharp-wave trains with increasing amplitude and slowing frequency on EEG. In addition, interictal epileptiform discharges were recorded in 88.2% of the experimental FS group. Interictal activity was never detected in normothermic control rats nor in hyperthermic control rats (animals that sustained hyperthermia with no seizures).57 Because, as described above, predisposing factors, both genetic and acquired, have largely been excluded in this model, these studies directly supported a causal relationship of long FS and the development of TLE, and set the stage for investigating the mechanisms by which these seizures promote epileptogenesis.

4. Which FS cause epilepsy?

FS occur in 2–6% of children,2,64,65 and are prolonged in ~15% of this group.1,66–68 As mentioned above, a key issue about FS has involved the clinical question of whether long duration FS cause epilepsy, and if so, why the process takes place only in some individuals. To address this question, we tested the hypothesis that seizure duration was a key parameter that governs epileptogenesis, as suggested from clinical studies.4,7 We found that experimental FS lasting ~20 minutes resulted in limbic epilepsy in ~35% of rats.57 In contrast, when we increased the duration of seizures to ~60 minutes, we found that ~45% of rats developed limbic epilepsy13. Importantly, whereas the spontaneous seizures that resulted from FS lasting ~20 minutes were mild (Racine63 stage 1; duration average ~8 sec), the duration of seizures constituting the limbic epilepsy provoked by febrile status epilepticus (FSE; 60 minute FS) was much longer: 137 seconds on average (Figure 2). The behavioral manifestations of the epileptic seizures was also more pronounced and included head bobbing, alternating or bilateral clonus, rearing and falling (Racine stages 2–5).63 The interictal activity recorded from cortical and hippocampal electrodes varied according to the duration of the inciting FS. Interictal activity was found in 84% of rats sustaining a ~60 minute inciting FS, and individual interictal activity bouts were significantly longer and more robust than that after a ~20 minute seizure13. However the presence and the duration of the interictal events did not predict the development of epilepsy. Thus, using an animal model enabled us to define the duration of FS as an important predictor of the severity of the TLE that develops after FS. This finding, in line with suggestive clinical literature,69–72 carries enormous implication for the clinical management of FS.

Figure 2. Examples of typical spontaneous electrographic seizures recorded from hippocampal and cortical bipolar electrodes in adult rats that had experienced (A) a 20 minute or (B) a 60 minute experimental FS.

Figure 2

Examples of typical spontaneous electrographic seizures recorded from hippocampal and cortical bipolar electrodes in adult rats that had experienced (A) a 20 minute or (B) a 60 minute experimental FS. In the 60 minute epilepsy model, spontaneous seizures (more...)

5. How do FS cause epilepsy?

The mechanisms by which long FS might contribute to the development of TLE are not fully resolved. Here we review several mechanisms that have been implicated in epileptogenesis, and discuss their role in the epileptogenic process that follows long experimental FS.

Inflammation and cell loss

As mentioned above, the inflammatory cytokine IL-1β contributes to the generation of experimental (and probably human) FS. However whether or not IL-1β contributes to the epileptogenic process that is triggered by FS has remained unclear. We found that IL-1β expression was induced in reactive astrocytes for at least 24 hours after a ~60 minute FS and returned to basal levels within 72 hours.13 Interestingly, when FS-sustaining rats that became epileptic were compared to those in which the inciting FS did not lead to spontaneous seizures, hippocampal IL-1β levels were higher only in rats that developed epilepsy compared to the controls13.

Cytokines and other inflammatory mediators have been shown to contribute to neuronal injury and death.73–75 In the mature brain, limbic seizures lead to the loss of vulnerable hippocampal cell populations76–79 and this loss is considered by many to be required for epileptogenesis76,78,79. In the FS model described above, a model that has been adopted by several other groups, appreciable neuronal death has not been found.13,54,57,80 The seizures did provoke neuronal injury in the same cell distribution experiencing cell damage in human mesial temporal sclerosis (MTS); yet, the involved neurons did not seem to die.21 Neurogenesis was also not detected after these seizures, and mossy fiber sprouting was minimal.14,54,80,81 Therefore, such structural alterations are unlikely to account for the epileptogenic process that follows long FS.

Role of changes in the expression of gene sets, including ion channels, in FS-induced epileptogenesis

The likely mechanisms of epileptogenesis that follow experimental (and perhaps human) long duration FS involve profound and persistent molecular changes in hippocampal neurons that induce alterations of their intrinsic excitability and network properties. Numerous molecular changes have been described after experimental FS (reviewed in 82) and many are as yet not known. Lasting changes in the expression of specific genes such ion channels and endocannabinoid receptors have been explored to date. For example, experimental long duration FS led to altered expression of ion channels conducting Ih, a hyperpolarization-triggered cationic current that contributes to the maintenance of neuronal membrane potential, subthreshold oscillations, and dendritic integration.83–85 This change in Ih promoted frequency-dependent rebound depolarization in response to hyperpolarizing input; this rebound depolarization was augmented after the seizures.8,55 At the molecular level, these changes were a result of long-lasting reduction in the expression of the HCN1 isoform, leading to an increased HCN2/HCN1 ratio and augmented heteromerization of these two isoforms.86,87 Remarkably, reduction of HCN1 expression has since emerged as a fairly general principle in a number of models of acquired TLE.88–92 HCN1 channel expression was found altered in a subset of resected hippocampi from patients with TLE and MTS, often with a history of early life seizures.93 As mentioned above, mutations in HCN channel genes have recently been discovered in individuals with epilepsy,31 further supporting the role of these channels in the epileptogenic process. The precise mechanisms by which alterations in HCN channels and Ih contribute to human epileptogenesis are not fully understood.

An additional mechanism by which long FS may promote hyperexcitability involves an increase of a short-term plasticity phenomenon known as depolarization-induced suppression of inhibition (DSI).56 DSI is mediated by cannabinoid receptors (CB1).94,95 Following experimental FS, increased release of endocannabinoids upon post-synaptic depolarization of hippocampal pyramidal cells led to an enhancement of the number of presynaptic cannabinoid type 1 receptors, promoting an increased retrograde inhibition of GABA release, that resulted in a reduction of inhibition in the hippocampal circuit.9,56

Activation of specific transcription factors by seizures, including experimental FS, has been recently found,96 suggesting that rather than changes in single genes (even those governing important properties of the neuron), a coordinated change in the expression of gene clusters may be an important mechanism in the transformation of ‘normal’ neurons and neuronal circuits into epileptic ones. One can only speculate that, in addition to the mechanisms described above, many other alterations in gene expression will be found - after experimental and human prolonged FS - that will contribute to the epileptogenic process.

6. Relationship between Febrile Seizures, Mesial Temporal Sclerosis and Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

The absence of cell loss in rats that became epileptic following long duration FS and FSE raises questions regarding the causal relationship of cell loss to epileptogenesis in children sustaining these seizures. One of the structural hallmarks in patients with mesial TLE with a history of long duration FS is a specific pattern of cell loss in hippocampus, i.e MTS. It has been widely hypothesized that FS cause MTS, and that the development of TLE is a consequence of MTS.69,71,97 An alternative view is also supported by clinical data: MTS results from the recurrent seizures in individuals with TLE after FS.98–100 The absence of cell loss in epileptic rats in our model is more consistent with the latter view.

In addition, increased T2 relaxation time seen on MRI was reported in children with FSE and interpreted as indicating MTS.69,71,97 In our animal model we found abnormally elevated T2 relaxation times in the hippocampus in a subpopulation of FS-experiencing rats13,17 (Figure 3). These T2 changes on MRI were not associated with increased water content (Dubé, unpublished observations) and not accompanied by neuronal loss in the hippocampus. These data suggest that acute MRI changes after long FS should be interpreted with caution. Interestingly, the MRI changes observed in the hippocampus of a subset of rats following long duration FS were predictive of hippocampal dysfunction manifesting as cognitive defects.17

Figure 3. (A) Examples of T2-weighted images obtained one month after a 60 minute FS: T2 signal (arrows) increased in hippocampus of a subset of rats that experienced long FS (right panels) compared with control rats (left panels).

Figure 3

(A) Examples of T2-weighted images obtained one month after a 60 minute FS: T2 signal (arrows) increased in hippocampus of a subset of rats that experienced long FS (right panels) compared with control rats (left panels). Absolute T2 relaxation time values (more...)

7. Future directions

FS are common and important and we have only a partial understanding of their generation and consequences. Whereas short (simple) FS are benign, more work is needed to tease out the neurobiological basis of the consequences of long duration FS and FSE -- both cognitive changes as well as epileptogenesis.

Among the key remaining goals in this field is the development of early and effective biomarkers that will define which child with long duration FS is at risk for epilepsy or cognitive sequelae. Such surrogate markers of the disease process that culminate in the development of TLE and/or cognitive deficits should provide powerful tools for testing potential interventions aimed at stopping or reversing the epileptogenesis.

An additional important goal is the elucidation of the complex mechanisms underlying epileptogenesis that follows long FS. Current data suggest that persistent changes in the expression and function of gene sets that regulate neuronal and network activity (including cytokines and ions channels) might be involved. Identifying the key genes that contribute to the development of these sequelae, and delineating the mechanisms (e.g. epigenetic) that regulate these genes, may provide molecular targets for the development of novel preventive and therapeutic strategies for preventing the development of TLE after long duration FS.96


The authors thank Mrs. Barbara Cartwright for excellent editorial help. Supported by NIH grant R37 NS35439 and NS35439-S1 (ARRA).


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Copyright © 2012, Michael A Rogawski, Antonio V Delgado-Escueta, Jeffrey L Noebels, Massimo Avoli and Richard W Olsen.

All Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported license, which permits copying, distribution and transmission of the work, provided the original work is properly cited, not used for commercial purposes, nor is altered or transformed.

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