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Lapage SP, Sneath PHA, Lessel EF, et al., editors. International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria: Bacteriological Code, 1990 Revision. Washington (DC): ASM Press; 1992.

Cover of International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria

International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria: Bacteriological Code, 1990 Revision.

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Statutes of the International Committee on Systematic Bacteriology


The International Committee on Systematic Bacteriology (ICSB) was established by the International Association of Microbiological Societies (IAMS)1. Statements governing the organization and administration of the Committee and its subordinate bodies were originally contained in Provisions 4 and 5 of earlier editions of the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria (and Viruses).

At the ninth International Congress of Microbiology held in Moscow in 1966 the IAMS amended its own Statutes to require that all subordinate bodies, including the ICSB, produce their own Statutes for approval by the Executive Board of the IAMS (EBIAMS)2.

Accordingly, Provisions 4 and 5 of the earlier Codes were deleted from the Code and reconstituted as the Statutes of the ICSB. The first edition of the Statutes was approved by the ICSB at the tenth International Congress of Microbiology in Mexico in 1970 and amended at, and subsequently approved by, the EBIAMS following the first Congress of the Bacteriology Section of the IAMS in Jerusalem in 1973.

The EBIAMS also authorized some changes in the statements relating to election of members to the ICSB, the prime purpose of which was to restore to the Executive Secretary of the ICSB the function of communicating directly with Member Societies for nominations of representatives to the ICSB.

An important amendment to the Statutes approved by the EBIAMS was that which permits the ICSB to elect members to the Judicial Commission from the membership of the Member Societies instead of solely from the membership of the ICSB. All Judicial Commission members also are automatically members of the ICSB.

The ICSB is so constituted that each Member Society of the LAMS is entitled to appoint one representative. Other members may be coopted. The Committee has an Executive Board, a Judicial Commission on Nomenclature, a Board of Publications, an Editorial Board for the International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology (IJSB), and several Subcommittees on Taxonomy.

The functions of the ICSB (see Statutes, Article 3) include the following: (i) to hold meetings as part of the sessions of the International Congresses and to sponsor a session on taxonomy at the Congresses; (ii) to approve the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria and those changes recommended by the Judicial Commission; (iii) to receive and approve the Opinions issued by the Judicial Commission; (iv) to set up special Subcommittees on Taxonomy to study and make recommendations on the classification and nomenclature of bacterial taxa; and (v) to publish the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria, certain official lists of bacterial names, Statutes of the ICSB, and the IJSB.

The Judicial Commission of the ICSB is a Subcommittee of the ICSB charged with the responsibility of dealing with nomenclatural matters, sometimes in a judicial capacity (see Statutes, Article 8c). The Chairman and Secretaries of that Committee and the Editor of the IJSB are ex officio members of the Commission.

The Judicial Commission: (i) considers all proposals for emendation of the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria and recommends emendations to the ICSB; (ii) establishes lists of names that have been conserved or rejected and other lists of use in bacterial taxonomy; (iii) receives proposals for the establishment of minimal standards for the descriptions of taxa and makes recommendations to the ICSB for approval; (iv) considers Requests for Opinions on the interpretation of the Code and on specific exceptions to the Code (including the conservation or rejection of names of bacterial taxa) in the interest of stability (see Appendix 8 for detailed advice on the preparation of a Request for an Opinion); and (v) considers proposals for the designations of infrasubspecific subdivisions made by the international taxonomic Subcommittees of the ICSB.


Chairman, International Committee on Systematic Bacteriology

January 1975

Brisbane, Australia

Statutes of the International Committee on Systematic Bacteriology of the International Union of Microbiological Societies

Article 1


The name of the Committee shall be the International Committee on Systematic Bacteriology of the International Union of Microbiological Societies (IUMS). For purpose of abbreviation in all official documents it will be referred to as the ICSB.

Article 2

Membership on the Committee shall be as Full Members, Coopted Members, and Life Members. Each Member Society (as defined in Article 3 of the Statutes of the IUMS) of the International Union of Microbiological Societies is entitled to appoint one Full Member to the Committee. The ICSB may coopt other members and appoint Life Members.

Full Members. A request for the appointment of a representative to the ICSB will be issued by the Executive Secretary of the ICSB to the Secretary of each Member Society immediately following each International Congress of Bacteriology and a list of such nominated members forwarded to the Secretary-General of the IUMS.

In the event of a vacancy arising in the Full Membership during inter-congress periods, the Executive Secretary shall request the Member Society to appoint a replacement and shall advise the Secretary-General of such replacements.

The tenure of a Full Member is for one term, but he or she shall be eligible for re-election by his Society for an indefinite period. The nomination must, however, be renewed after each Congress.

A Full Member shall give notice of resignation from the ICSB in writing to the Secretary of the Society which submitted the nomination and to the Executive Secretary of the ICSB.

When a Full Member fails to participate, the Executive Board ICSB (EBICSB) may request the Member Society to nominate a replacement and shall advise the Secretary-General of the IUMS of such replacements.

Coopted Members. The ICSB may coopt members only from a country which has a Member Society within the terms of Article 3 of the Statutes of the IUMS for the purpose of assisting with the work of the Committee. The Secretary-General of the IUMS may authorize cooption from other sources.

Proposal of a member for cooption may be made by the EBICSB, by any organization within a country which does not have a Member Society, or by a Member Society.

Proposals shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Secretary.

A Coopted Member shall serve until the end of the next Plenary Meeting of the ICSB, shall have the right to vote, but shall not be eligible for election to office in the ICSB.

Life Members. The ICSB may appoint to Life Membership of the ICSB individuals who have rendered distinguished service to the ICSB. Such Life Members shall be considered as Members-at-Large and not as representing the bacteriologists of any Member Society. They shall share all the privileges of membership other than that of election to office in the ICSB.

Each member is entitled to one vote of the Committee. Decisions shall be reached on the basis of a majority of the members present voting yes or no. Abstentions will not be counted. In postal ballots the decision shall be based on the votes received, not on the number of members eligible to vote.

Article 2a

Recognition of Alternates

If a member of the ICSB cannot attend meetings of the ICSB, an alternate having all the rights of an appointed member, except that of eligibility to office in the ICSB, will be appointed in accordance with the following provisions.

  1. The Member Society which the member represents shall have the right to appoint an alternate from within its own society or from within any other Member Society or Institution which is a member of the IUMS.
  2. If no appointment is made by the Member Society, the member shall have the right to appoint such an alternate.
  3. If neither the Member Society nor the member appoints an alternate, the Chairman of the ICSB with the Secretaries (Executive and for Subcommittees) may appoint.

Notice of appointment of alternates shall be made to the Executive Secretary of the ICSB and shall not be made to the Secretary-General of the IUMS.

All appointments of alternates by Member Societies, or by members, shall be in writing and shall be in the hands of the Executive Secretary, if possible, one month before the next Plenary Meeting of the ICSB.

Article 3

Functions of the ICSB

  1. To hold Plenary Meetings of the ICSB at such times and places as may be determined by the EBICSB, provided that such Plenary Meetings shall be held at intervals of not more than four years and shall, where possible, be held in association with other meetings, conferences, or congresses sponsored by the ICSB or the IUMS.
    For the purpose of these Statutes the word "term" shall refer to the period which shall elapse between one Plenary Meeting and the next and shall be of no fixed duration.
  2. To elect from the Full Membership of the ICSB an Executive Board as defined in Article 4.
  3. To elect the members of the Judicial Commission as vacancies occur and to replace the members of the several classes as their terms expire.
  4. To authorize the EBICSB to perform such functions as are defined in Article 4 and such other functions as the ICSB may determine.
  5. To consider and vote upon all recommendations made by the EBICSB relative to matters listed under Functions of the EBICSB (Article 4).
  6. To approve recommendations from the Judicial Commission for the recognition of designations of subdivisions of species and subspecies below the category of subspecies. Such recommendations shall have been made to the Judicial Commission by a Subcommittee on Taxonomy (or other group of specialists appointed by the ICSB), but the Commission shall have the right to conduct such enquiries as it deems necessary before transmitting such recommendations, in their original or amended form, to the ICSB for approval.
  7. To consider and vote upon all recommendations made by the Judicial Commission relating to the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria.
  8. To consider and vote upon all recommendations submitted by the EBICSB relating to amendments to the Statutes of the ICSB.
  9. To receive all Opinions issued by the Judicial Commission and authorize their publication with the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria and the Statutes of the ICSB in book form.
  10. To adjudicate, by letter ballot, on issues relating to Requests for Opinions, and appeals against such Requests, as may be referred to it by the Judicial Commission.
  11. To receive Reports of the Subcommittees on Taxonomy.
  12. To establish Publications deemed necessary for the advancement of systematic bacteriology.
  13. To sponsor International Conferences on Systematic Bacteriology, or symposia and paper sessions on Systematic Bacteriology at other conferences sponsored by the IUMS.
  14. To appoint as Life Members of the ICSB individuals who have rendered distinguished service to the ICSB.

Article 4

The Executive Board of the International Committee cm Systematic Bacteriology (EBICSB)

The membership of the Board shall be: The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the ICSB, the Executive Secretary, the Secretary for Subcommittees, the Editorial Secretary, the Treasurer of the ICSB, and two Members-at-Large. The Chairman of the Judicial Commission shall be, ex officio, a member of the Executive Board.

Functions of the EBICSB.

  1. To organize Plenary Meetings of the ICSB and prepare and publish agenda for such Meetings.
  2. To conduct the business of the ICSB between Plenary Meetings as directed by the ICSB.
  3. To organize International Conferences and Symposia on Systematic Bacteriology.
  4. To appoint Subcommittees on Taxonomy, either on its own initiative or at the request of others, to approve of the membership of such Subcommittees, and to arrange the schedules for meetings of the Subcommittees at Plenary Meetings of the ICSB.
  5. To provide for the initial appointment and subsequent election of Chairmen and Secretaries of Subcommittees on Taxonomy.
  6. To deal with such business as the Judicial Commission may from time to time request.
  7. To recommend to the ICSB the establishment of any Committees that are deemed necessary for the work and functioning of the ICSB and to consider recommendations submitted to it by those Committees.
  8. Upon approval of the ICSB to:
    1. establish Publications authorized by the ICSB.
    2. negotiate such contracts as may be necessary for the issuance of Publications authorized by the ICSB.
    3. establish such Trusts or enter into such agreements as may be advisable for the auditing and administration of funds which may be designated for the payment of the necessary operating expenses of the ICSB and its subordinate agencies, whether such funds originate from other grants, gifts, royalties, the sale of publications, or other sources.
  9. To request from appropriate agencies grants for the necessary expenses of the ICSB and its subordinate agencies.
  10. To ensure the proper functioning of the organizations and officers of the ICSB.
  11. To administer Article 15 (Amendment to the Statutes).
  12. To perform such other functions assigned to it by the ICSB.

Article 5

Election and Duties of Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the ICSB

At each Plenary Meeting, the ICSB shall elect a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman, who shall hold office until the close of the next Plenary Meeting and shall be eligible for re-election for a maximum of two terms. They shall be ex officio, but non-voting, members of all Committees and Subcommittees of the ICSB, unless otherwise stated.

A. Duties of the Chairman of the ICSB.

  1. To preside at meetings of the ICSB and its Executive Board.
  2. With the Secretaries, to prepare agenda for meetings of the Executive Board of the ICSB.
  3. With the other members of the Executive Board to prepare agenda for meetings of the ICSB.
  4. To receive and review Reports and Minutes from the Subcommittees on Taxonomy and in collaboration with the Editorial Secretary prepare statements for publication, with the approval of the Chairmen of the Subcommittees, in the International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology.
  5. To assume such duties as may be requested by the ICSB, or determined by the Functions of the EBICSB.

B. Duties of the Vice-Chairman.

  1. To preside at the meetings of the ICSB and EBICSB in the absence of the Chairman.
  2. To preside at meetings of the Publications Committee as its Chairman.
  3. With the other members of the Executive Board to prepare agenda for the meetings of the ICSB.
  4. To assume such duties as may be requested by the ICSB or determined by the Functions of the EBICSB.

Article 6

Election of Secretaries

There shall be three Secretaries of the ICSB, elected by the ICSB from its membership, or from the membership of a Member Society. If not members of the ICSB at the time of election to office, Secretaries shall be, ex officio, members of the ICSB during their terms of office with all the rights and privileges of membership.

The Secretaries shall be designated:

  1. Executive Secretary.
  2. Secretary for Subcommittees on Taxonomy.
  3. Editorial Secretary.

Nominations for the filling of a vacancy in the position of a Secretary which may occur between Plenary Meetings of the ICSB shall be made by the EBICSB and submitted to the ICSB for postal ballot immediately or submitted to a vote of the ICSB at the next Plenary Meeting.

The Secretaries shall be elected to hold office for two consecutive terms and shall not be eligible for re-election without the prior assent of the Secretary-General of the IUMS. Automatic retirement of the Secretaries shall be in rotation, no more than two retiring at any Plenary Meeting of the ICSB.

The Secretaries will serve ex officio as voting members of the Executive Board of the ICSB, the Judicial Commission, the Publications Committee and its Editorial Boards, and the ICSB.

Article 6a

Duties of the Executive Secretary

The Executive Secretary shall be responsible to the Executive Board in all matters associated with communications between the ICSB and the EBIUMS and Member Societies. The Executive Secretary shall perform the following duties.

  1. Be Secretary of the EBICSB and the ICSB and submit the Minutes of their meetings to the Editorial Secretary for publication in the International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology (IJSB).
  2. Be Secretary of the Publications Committee.
  3. Prepare, in cooperation with the Chairman of the ICSB and the Secretary for Subcommittees, agenda for the meetings of the EBICSB.
  4. Prepare, in cooperation with other members of the EBICSB, agenda for all meetings of the ICSB.
  5. Prepare, in cooperation with other members of the Publications Committee, agenda for all meetings of the Publications Committee.
  6. Secure from each Member Society their nomination of a representative to the ICSB and welcome and advise such members of their duties as members of the ICSB. The Executive Secretary shall circulate the List of Members to the EBICSB and to the Secretary-General of the IUMS.
  7. Receive from the Secretaries of Member Societies, or from members of the ICSB, nominations for alternates for meetings of the ICSB and submit a list of these to the EBICSB before the commencement of each meeting.
  8. Prepare at the conclusion of each Plenary Meeting of the ICSB a complete list of all members and officers of the ICSB and Judicial Commission and forward these to the Secretary-General of the IUMS, the Chairman of the ICSB, the Chairman of the Judicial Commission, the Editorial Secretary, and the Editors of all publications approved by the ICSB.
  9. Receive proposals for appointment of coopted and Life Members and transmit these to the EBICSB.
  10. Transmit to the ICSB from the Judicial Commission such recommendations as may require action by the ICSB. If the members of the ICSB are circularized, to secure comments and suggestions, to tabulate the information received. If the members are asked to vote upon any proposal, to tabulate and announce the result of the ballot, and to certify the result to the Chairman of the ICSB and to the Chairman of the Judicial Commission.
  11. Present to the Plenary Meeting of the ICSB a Report covering all pertinent actions of the ICSB and its Judicial Commission and to forward a copy of the Report to the Secretary-General of the IUMS.
  12. With the other members of the EBICSB, authorize the formation of new subcommittees to consider the taxonomy of special groups of microorganisms.
  13. Perform such duties as the EBICSB may from time to time determine.

Article 6b

Duties of the Secretary for Subcommittees on Taxonomy

The Secretary for Subcommittees on Taxonomy shall be responsible to the Executive Board for all matters associated with the Subcommittees on Taxonomy of the ICSB. The Secretary for Subcommittees on Taxonomy shall perform the following duties.

  1. Prepare, in cooperation with the Chairman of the ICSB and the Executive Secretary, agenda for meetings of the EBICSB.
  2. Prepare, in cooperation with other members of the EBICSB, agenda for meetings of the ICSB.
  3. Act as Liaison Secretary to all Subcommittees on Taxonomy and transmit their Reports and Minutes to the Editorial Secretary and Requests and Recommendations to the EBICSB or Judicial Commission, whichever is appropriate.
  4. With the other members of the EBICSB, authorize the formation of new Subcommittees to consider the taxonomy of special groups of microorganisms.
  5. Maintain lists of the officers and members of the Subcommittees on Taxonomy and to transmit these at the conclusion of each Plenary Meeting of the ICSB to the Secretary-General of the IUMS, the Chairman of the ICSB, the Executive Secretary, and the Editorial Secretary for publication in the IJSB.

Article 6c

Duties of the Editorial Secretary

The Editorial Secretary shall be Secretary to the Judicial Commission and to the Editorial Board for the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria. The Editorial Secretary shall perform the following duties.

  1. Prepare, with the Chairman of the Judicial Commission, agenda for meetings of the Judicial Commission.
  2. Prepare, with the Chairman of the Editorial Board for the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria, agenda for meetings of that Board.
  3. Prepare and submit copies of the Minutes of meetings of the Judicial Commission to the Executive Secretary together with any formal statements of Opinions or Recommendations for transmission by him to the EBICSB and ICSB and to the Editor of the IJSB for publication.
  4. Receive all requests for Opinions or for assistance on nomenclatural problems and to refer these to the Chairman of the Judicial Commission and, where necessary, to the Editorial Board of the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria.
  5. Submit to the Editor of the IJSB Opinions of the Judicial Commission for publication.
  6. Receive Minutes and Reports of the Subcommittees on Taxonomy from the Secretary for Subcommittees and transmit them to the Chairman of the ICSB, and collaborate with the Chairman of the ICSB in the preparation of Statements from the Reports and Minutes of the Subcommittees on Taxonomy and to submit them, after approval by the Chairman of the Subcommittee, to the Editor of the IJSB for publication.
  7. Receive proposals for emendation of, and to assist in the preparation of, all documents relating to the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria for consideration by the Judicial Commission.
  8. Receive all other submissions for publication in the IJSB and transmit them, with or without prior editing, to the Editor of that Journal.

Article 7

Election of the Treasurer

The office of Treasurer of the ICSB may be combined with that of the Executive Secretary on the recommendation of the EBICSB. The Treasurer shall be elected by the ICSB. The Treasurer shall be elected to hold office for two consecutive terms and shall not be eligible for re-election without the prior asset of the Secretary-General of the IUMS.

Duties of the Treasurer

The Treasurer shall receive funds which may be made available to the ICSB from any sources, and distribute them as directed by the EBICSB or its Chairman.

Cheques issued by the Treasurer shall bear the Treasurer's signature only, but must have been authorized by the Chairman of the ICSB.

An annual statement of accounts shall be furnished by the Treasurer to the Executive Secretary (if the Treasurer does not hold that office) and an audited statement shall be furnished to the EBICSB and the ICSB and the Secretary-General of the IUMS at each Plenary Meeting of the ICSB.

Article 8

The Judicial Commission

Organization. The Judicial Commission shall consist of seventeen members, twelve elected by the members of the ICSB, the Chairman of the ICSB, and the three Secretaries. The Editorial Secretary of the ICSB is also the Secretary of the Judicial Commission. The Editor of the IJSB shall be, ex officio, a member of the Judicial Commission.

Commissioners are elected to serve in three classes of four Commissioners each, one class retiring at the close of each Plenary Meeting of the ICSB. Members of retiring classes are eligible for re-election.

All Commissioners shall be accorded membership on the ICSB with power to vote.

In the case of resignation or death of a Commissioner between Plenary Meetings, the vacancy may be filled by letter ballot of the members of the ICSB, after the vacancy on the ICSB has been filled by the Member Society. A Commissioner of one Class is eligible for election to a vacancy occurring in another Class. Commissioners elected to fill a vacancy caused by resignation or death shall serve for the unexpired term of the vacancy.

If any Commissioner cannot attend the meetings of the Judicial Commission, an alternate having all the rights of a Commissioner except in the election of officers will be chosen in accordance with the following provisions.

  1. The Commissioner shall name an alternate from outside the Commission, but from the members of the ICSB.
  2. If no name is submitted by the Commissioner, the Judicial Commission may name an alternate from members of the ICSB attending the Plenary Meeting.
  3. No alternate shall represent more than one absent Commissioner.

The names of all alternates [(1) and (2) above] shall be in writing and in the hands of the Secretary to the Judicial Commission before the commencement of the first of the meetings of the Judicial Commission scheduled at any Plenary Meeting of the ICSB, and they shall be presented at that meeting.

One of the Commissioners shall be chosen as Chairman and one as Vice-Chairman by vote of the Judicial Commission. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall hold office during their unexpired terms as Commissioners, but shall be eligible for re-election if re-elected as Commissioners.

Article 8a

Duties of the Chairman of the Judicial Commission

  1. To preside at meetings of the Judicial Commission.
  2. To prepare, with the collaboration of the Editorial Secretary of the ICSB, agenda for meetings of the Judicial Commission.
  3. To appoint such committees as are authorized by the Judicial Commission but whose appointment has not been otherwise provided for.
  4. To serve as Chairman of the Editorial Board for the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria.
  5. To receive Requests for Opinions through the Editorial Secretary; to edit the Requests and assist in the preparation of a statement embodying the edited Request, the form of the Opinion, and a commentary (if desired) for publication in the IJSB and for transmission through the Secretary for Subcommittees to appropriate Subcommittees on Taxonomy.
    After a period of twelve months following the date of publication of the Request, to submit the Request, together with any appeals against the issuance of the Opinion, to the Judicial Commission for vote. In the event of an affirmative vote, to arrange for publication of the Opinion in the IJSB or, in the event of the Judicial Commission failing to reach a decision when an appeal has been lodged, to refer the case to the ICSB for determination.
  6. To receive from the Editorial Secretary requests or suggestions for the emendation of the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria; with other members of the Editorial Board for the Code, to formulate the amendments and to circulate them to the members of the Judicial Commission, which shall make appropriate recommendations to the ICSB for vote.
  7. To represent the Judicial Commission on such International Committees, Boards, or Commissions as may be organized to consider cooperation in biology in the solution of common problems of nomenclature and taxonomy, particularly to work with other similar Commissions or Executive Committees organized for action on problems on nomenclature in botany, in zoology, and in virology.
  8. To undertake such other duties as may from time to time be requested by the Judicial Commission.

Article 8b

Duties of the Vice-Chairman of the Judicial Commission

  1. To preside at meetings of the Judicial Commission in the absence of the Chairman.
  2. To assume all the duties of the Chairman of the Commission in the event of death or resignation of the Chairman, until such time as a new Chairman has been elected.

Article 8c

Functions of the Judicial Commission

The Judicial Commission has the following functions.

  1. To hold such sessions as may be necessary to transact business.
  2. To consider all Requests for Opinions relative to the interpretation of the Principles, Rules, and Recommendations of the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria where applications are doubtful.
    An Opinion shall be issued when ten or more Commissioners vote in favor of it. All Opinions shall be reported to the ICSB, and unless rescinded by a majority of those voting in this Committee, such Opinions shall be considered final.
  3. To consider each proposal for emendation of the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria. When approved by ten or more Commissioners, the proposal shall be submitted to the members of the ICSB and shall be considered as approved when it has been accepted by at least seventy per cent of the members voting. Emendations shall be reported to the next Plenary Meeting of the ICSB.
  4. To make recommendations to the ICSB relative to the official designation of subdivisions of species and subspecies below the category of subspecies and to request revision of these recommendations when necessary. For this purpose the Judicial Commission shall invite proposals from the relevant Subcommittee on Taxonomy, or in the absence of such a Subcommittee from an ad hoc committee of experts appointed to submit such proposals.
  5. To review lists prepared by the Editorial Board for the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria of the:
    1. names of taxa that have been conserved (nomina conseruanda) or rejected (nomina rejidenda) on the basis of Opinions issued relative to the status of such names;
    2. types which have been fixed through issuance of Opinions of the Judicial Commission;
    3. names of genera of bacteria that have been validly published and, if found advisable, lists of the generic names of other groups in which microbiologists are interested (such lists would be designed to assist authors publishing new names and combinations to avoid proposing illegitimate later homonyms);
    4. publications in the field of bacteriology in which names proposed shall be regarded as not validly published and having no standing in bacteriological nomenclature.
  6. To report through the EBICSB to the ICSB at its first session at each Plenary Meeting the names of all Commissioners whose terms of service expire at the close of the Meeting and a list of other vacancies in the membership of the Commission, all of which should be filled by election through the ICSB.
  7. Through its Chairman and with the collaboration of the Secretaries to cooperate with other Commissions or similar bodies appointed by the International Botanical and Zoological Congresses to consider problems of nomenclature.
  8. To request Subcommittees on Taxonomy, or, in their absence, other specialists, to suggest minimal standards for the description of new taxa and to make recommendations to the ICSB regarding the acceptance of such standards in assessing the validity of a publication for the recognition of new taxa, to publish such minimal standards as may be approved by the ICSB, and to maintain a regular review of such standards as circumstances may require. These minimal standards shall in no way limit the extent of further enquiry or the search for alternate bases for setting such standards.
  9. To consider recommendations from Subcommittees on Taxonomy, or other specialists, for the acceptance of a list of names as valid and applicable to recognizable taxa. To further consider recommendations for the relegation of all other names to a list from which names may be reused for application to new taxa.

Article 9

Organization and Functions of Subcommittees on Taxonomy

The formation of a Subcommittee on Taxonomy may be proposed by an individual or by a group of individuals or by the EBICSB. A proposal must be accompanied by a list of the taxa to be studied, the reasons therefor, and a list of proposed members. Such proposals shall be lodged with the Secretary for Subcommittees. Subcommittees on Taxonomy appointed by the EBICSB shall work under the following rules.

  1. Members of a Subcommittee. The Chairman of the ICSB, with the other members of the Executive Board, will select the members of the new Subcommittee on Taxonomy from names submitted and other names. They will also appoint a Chairman and Secretary to carry on the work with the members of the Subcommittee until the next Plenary Meeting of the ICSB, at which time the Subcommittee will hold its first election of officers.
  2. New members may be elected to a Subcommittee at any time. Nominations shall be called by the Secretary of the Subcommittee and any nominations received discussed with the Secretary for Subcommittees on Taxonomy before they are submitted to the existing members of the Subcommittee for a vote. The Secretary for Subcommittees will conduct an election for ordinary membership only if requested to do so by the Chairman of the Subcommittee (or, in the non-existence of a Chairman, the Secretary of the Subcommittee) or by the EBICSB.
  3. At times other than at the establishment of a new Subcommittee, the Chairman and Secretary of each Subcommittee on Taxonomy shall hold office for two consecutive terms. They shall be eligible for re-election. The Secretary for Subcommittees on Taxonomy shall arrange for the election of a Chairman and a Secretary:
    1. when requested to do so by either the Secretary or the Chairman when the other office falls vacant; or
    2. when requested to do so by members of the Subcommittee when both offices fall vacant simultaneously.
  4. The Secretary for Subcommittees on Taxonomy shall be designated as a non-voting member of each Subcommittee and shall act as liaison between the Subcommittee, the EBICSB, and the Judicial Commission.
  5. Each Subcommittee on Taxonomy shall meet at least twice at each Plenary Meeting of the ICSB. One of these meetings may be restricted to members of the Subcommittee or their alternates and shall deal, inter alia, with changes of membership and election of officers. The names of members who have resigned or who have ceased to interest themselves in the work of the Subcommittee shall be deleted from the membership list and a revised list of officers and members supplied to the Secretary for Subcommittees before the conclusion of the Plenary Meeting.
    The second and subsequent meetings of the Subcommittee shall deal with taxonomic matters and shall be open to others who may, at the discretion of the Chairman of the Subcommittee, participate in discussions but who will have no voting rights.
    Subcommittees may hold additional meetings at times other than at Plenary Meetings.
  6. The Chairman and Secretary of each Subcommittee on Taxonomy shall be responsible for the preparation of a report on the activities of the Subcommittee during the period from the closing of one Plenary Meeting of the ICSB up to six months prior to the opening of the succeeding Plenary Meeting. This report will be submitted in writing through the Secretary for Subcommittees on Taxonomy to the EBICSB for transmission to the ICSB. These reports will be read by the Secretaries of the respective Subcommittees at the first session of the next Plenary Meeting of the ICSB. Within one month of the conclusion of the Plenary Meeting, the Minutes of the Meetings of the Subcommittees held at the time of the Plenary Meeting shall be submitted, with the report, to the Secretary for Subcommittees on Taxonomy for transmission to the Chairman of the ICSB and to the Editorial Secretary. They shall edit the Reports and Minutes of each Subcommittee and prepare a statement which, after approval by the Chairman of the Subcommittee, shall be forwarded to the Editor of the IJSB for publication. Alternatively, the Chairman of the Subcommittee may prepare such a statement for submission through the Secretary for Subcommittees on Taxonomy to the Chairman of the ICSB for review and publication.
    Note. As a result of studies, Subcommittees may make recommendations regarding (inter alia) taxonomic procedures, changes in nomenclature, recognition of types of various taxa, or classification. While statements relating to these may appear in Reports and Minutes, they should also be submitted as separate papers under the title of "Recommendations of the Subcommittee on Taxonomy of .......," for publication in the IJSB (for further notes on such submissions see Clause 8 below, Functions of Subcommittees).
  7. A Subcommittee on Taxonomy may coopt non-voting collaborators to study particular problems.
  8. Functions of Subcommittees.
    1. To encourage and to undertake research on the relationships of the organisms in the taxa under study.
    2. To use any or all of the techniques of the several branches of science in the recognition of characters useful in distinguishing the bacteria under study and to make recommendations regarding procedures.
    3. To make recommendations in relation to the classification of the taxon under study. Although a Subcommittee cannot legislate on classification, the status of the Subcommittee may contribute materially towards the general acceptance of a classification.
    4. To make recommendations in relation to the nomenclature of the organisms in the taxon under study. This would include recommendations for changes in names and the conservation and rejection of names. It is inadvisable for Subcommittees per se to make proposals for new taxa. This should be done in the form of a scientific paper issued under the authorship of preferably not more than two members of the Subcommittee acting as individuals (not as Subcommittee members). When the proposal has been published the Subcommittee should, if it so desires, publish a note in the IJSB endorsing the views of the authors. If the paper is itself published in the IJSB, citation of endorsement by the Subcommittee, inserted under the title and authorship of the paper, would be adequate.
    5. To offer advice upon, and to request the Judicial Commission to adjudicate between, conflicting proposals for type species of genera and neotype strains of species and subspecies.
      Note. Such advice and requests are appropriately made by a Subcommittee as an official body. The decision is ultimately made by the Judicial Commission which may issue its findings in the form of an Opinion.
    6. To study the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria and make recommendations to the Judicial Commission regarding emendations. Such recommendations may be made at any time but preferably not less than six months prior to any Plenary Meeting of the ICSB to permit publication in the IJSB before that meeting. The Editorial Secretary will advise on pertinent procedure.
    7. To recommend to the ICSB, through the Judicial Commission, the official designation of subdivisions of species and subspecies below the category of subspecies, e.g., phagovars of Staphylococcus aureus.
    8. To recommend to the ICSB through the Judicial Commission minimal standards for the description of new taxa for the purpose of establishing validity of publication. Such recommendations shall include a list of characters and methods for their assessment, and shall be reviewed, at the request of the Judicial Commission, at regular intervals. If accepted by the ICSB, they shall be published in the IJSB and other microbiological journals. They shall specify the minimal requirements only and shall in no way limit the extent of investigation beyond these limits. The Judicial Commission may, at the request of any specialist in the field of study, whether a member of the Subcommittee or not, call for a revision of the minimal standards if the evidence before the Commission is considered sufficient to warrant such a call.
    9. To:
      1. prepare a list of names which have been applied to the taxon under consideration;
      2. prepare from (1) a list of such names which are considered to be validly published and applicable to recognizable taxa;
      3. recommend to the ICSB, through the Judicial Commission, the relegation of all names from (1) which are not included in (2) to a list from which names may be reused for the naming of new taxa.
  9. Members who cannot attend meetings of Subcommittees may designate alternates to act for them. An alternate shall be provided by the member with written authority to record a vote on the member's behalf.

Article 10

Publications Committee: Organization and Functions

The members of the Publications Committee shall be the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the ICSB, the Chairman of the Judicial Commission, the Editors of Publications authorized by the ICSB, and the three Secretaries.

The Vice-Chairman of the ICSB shall be the Chairman of the Publications Committee.

The Executive Secretary shall be Secretary of the Publications Committee.

Functions of the Publications Committee

The Publications Committee shall:

  1. make recommendations to the ICSB through the EBICSB for the establishment of such publications as are deemed necessary for the advancement of Systematic Bacteriology and Editorial Boards for such publications and coordinate the activities of those Boards;
  2. serve as the Editorial Board for the Statutes of the ICSB and for any publications for which there are no specifically appointed Editorial Boards;
  3. be responsible for the publication of the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria and the Statutes of the International Committee on Systematic Bacteriology in book form;
  4. prepare an Annual Report and Financial Statement relating to publications for transmission through the Editorial Secretary to the EBICSB;
  5. submit a Report of the Publications Committee through the Editorial Secretary to the ICSB at each Plenary Meeting of the ICSB.

Article 11

Editorial Boards

Editorial Boards shall be proposed by the Publications Committee and appointed by the EBICSB.

The Editorial Secretary of the ICSB shall be Secretary to the Editorial Boards established by the EBICSB.

Unless otherwise determined, two Editorial Boards shall be recognized:

  1. The Editorial Board for the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria.
  2. The Editorial Board for the International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology.

Article 11a

Editorial Board for the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria

  1. This board shall consist of an Editor, appointed by the EBICSB, the Chairman of the Judicial Commission, who shall be Chairman of the Board, and the Editorial Secretary. It shall have power to coopt.
  2. The Editor shall be responsible for the continuing revision of the Code and for its editing. The Editor shall submit the manuscript after approval by the Board to the Secretary of the Publications Committee for publication with the Statutes of the ICSB in book form.
  3. The Board may receive requests for emendations to the Code and shall make such recommendations as are deemed necessary to the Judicial Commission for consideration.
  4. The Board shall prepare the lists cited in Article 8c(5)(a–d) and submit them to the Judicial Commission for review and publication.
  5. The Board shall act as advisory body to the Chairman of the Judicial Commission on the interpretation of the Code.

Article 11b

Editorial Board for the International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology

  1. This Board shall consist of an Editor elected by the EBICSB, the Editorial Secretary, the Secretary for Subcommittees on Taxonomy, the Chairman of the ICSB, who shall be Chairman of the Board, and the Managing Editor.
  2. The Editor of the Journal shall receive, through the Managing Editor, all material submitted for publication in the IJSB. The Editor shall have the power to refer such submissions to referees for assessment and reject such submissions which are deemed unsuitable for publication, provided that, in such instances, authors shall have the right of appeal to the Board. The Editor shall refer all submissions dealing with nomenclatural matters to the Chairman of the Judicial Commission for comment before publication. The Managing Editor shall submit copies of all manuscripts received to the Editorial Secretary.
  3. The Editor shall act on behalf of the Board, except in respect to the negotiation of contracts, in all transactions (including financial transactions) with the organization contracted by the IUMS, but shall forward copies of correspondence dealing with such transactions immediately to other members of the Board. The Editor shall submit an annual report and an audited financial statement to the Board.
  4. The Editor shall make recommendations to the Board relating to any matters connected with publication of the Journal.
  5. The Editorial Board shall make application to the EBICSB for funds which shall be placed at the disposal of the Editor of the IJSB for the purpose of administering the publication of the Journal.

Article 12

Official Publications of the ICSB

The official publications of the ICSB are the International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology and the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria and Statutes of the International Committee on Systematic Bacteriology.

Article 13

No one connected with a commercial firm may use his or her connection with the ICSB or any of its organizations, either as a member or as an officer, to advertise or promote his or her firm in any way.

Article 14

No publication of the ICSB or any of its organizations shall hear any indication of sponsorship by a commercial company, or institution connected in any way with a commercial company, except an acceptable acknowledgment of financial assistance.

Article 15


Amendments to the Statutes of the ICSB shall be proposed formally only at Plenary Meetings of the ICSB.

Requests for proposals shall be forwarded to members of the ICSB twelve months in advance of the date of the next Plenary Meeting of the ICSB by the Executive Secretary.

A List of the proposed amendments together with a commentary and a ballot paper shall be forwarded to each member of the ICSB before the meeting at a time which will enable the ballot papers to be returned before the meeting.

Those amendments for which there is unaminous acceptance amongst ballots returned will be proposed en bloc for formal approval at the ICSB meeting.

Amendments for which there has not been unanimous support will be presented at the meeting and submitted for discussion and a ballot by members attending the meeting. The rules of voting indicated under Article 2 will apply. The decision will be final.

Notice of amendments approved by the ICSB shall be published in the IJSB.

The amended Statutes will be published with the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria in book form at times to be determined by the Publications Committee and the Publishers.



Now the International Union of Microbiological Societies (IUMS).


Now the Executive Board of the International Union of Microbiological Societies (EBIUMS).

Copyright © 1992, International Union of Microbiological Societies.
Bookshelf ID: NBK8815


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