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IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans. Some Chemicals Used as Solvents and in Polymer Manufacture. Lyon (FR): International Agency for Research on Cancer; 2017. (IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, No. 110.)

Cover of Some Chemicals Used as Solvents and in Polymer Manufacture

Some Chemicals Used as Solvents and in Polymer Manufacture.

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5Summary of Data Reported

5.1. Exposure data

Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) is a synthetic fluorinated carboxylic acid. There are two production methods: the electrochemical fluorination process results in a mixture of branched and straight-chain isomers of the ammonium salt, while the telomerization process, a method in use since the early 2000s, results in an isomerically pure, straight-chain product. PFOA and its salts have been mainly used as emulsifiers in the production of fluoropolymers such as polytetrafluoroethylene. PFOA has been used in metal cleaners, electrolytic-plating baths, self-shine floor polishes, cement, fire-fighting formulations, varnishes, emulsion polymerization, lubricants, gasoline, leather, and textile treatments and as non-stick coatings on cookware and in paper coatings such as food packaging. PFOA is persistent in the environment and has been detected in air, water, dust, and food. For most of the general population, the predominant sources of exposure are food (including transfer of PFOA from food packaging) and dust. Serum concentrations of perfluorooctanoate of less than about 10 µg/L have been measured in the general population worldwide; serum concentrations increased over time until about 2000, and have since remained constant or decreased. In people living near industrial sources of perfluorooctanoate, mean serum concentrations have ranged from near-background concentrations to > 200 µg/L. In these groups, the predominant route of exposure was drinking-water. Occupational exposure, through inhalation and dermal contact, occurs during fluoropolymer production using PFOA, and mean serum concentrations in groups of workers with the highest exposure were measured as > 1000 µg/L.

5.2. Human carcinogenicity data

The literature on the epidemiology of cancer in relation to PFOA is relatively small and includes studies in three different types of populations: workers exposed in chemical plants producing or using PFOA, high-exposure communities (i.e. areas surrounding a plant with documented release of PFOA and contamination of public and private water supplies), and studies in the general population with background exposures.

5.2.1. Cancer of the testis

The only informative results on risk of cancer of the testis were from two studies of cancer incidence in a high-exposure community setting in West Virginia and Ohio, USA; there was some overlap in the cases examined in these studies. Both publications, using different study designs (i.e. a cohort study of incidence and a population-registry case–control study), observed an increased risk of incidence of cancer of the testis. In the highest quartile of exposure in both studies, the observed increase in risk was approximately threefold, with a significant trend in increasing risk with increasing exposure in the cohort study (no trend test was reported in the case–control study). The evidence for cancer of the testis was considered credible and unlikely to be explained by bias and confounding, however, the estimate was based on small numbers.

5.2.2. Cancer of the kidney

There were several publications that have examined PFOA and risk of cancer of the kidney. Three of these were conducted in West Virginia, USA, and included occupational and community exposure, and the fourth was conducted in a different occupational setting. In the exposure–response analysis of workers in West Virginia, 8 of the 12 deaths from cancer of the kidney were seen in the highest quartile of exposure, with an elevated standardized mortality ratio and a significant trend in increasing risk with increasing exposure. The other occupational cohort study reported no evidence for increased incidence. A modestly increased risk of incidence of cancer of the kidney was seen in a community population with high exposure. A study in a somewhat overlapping population also found elevated relative risks in the groups with high and very high exposure compared with the group with low exposure. The evidence for cancer of the kidney was considered credible; however, chance, bias, and confounding could not be ruled out with reasonable confidence.

5.2.3. Other cancer sites

The evidence regarding other cancer sites, including the urinary bladder, thyroid, prostate, liver, and pancreas was also evaluated. Some positive associations were observed for cancers of the bladder, thyroid, and prostate, but the results were inconsistent among studies and based on small numbers. The evidence for carcinogenicity for all of these sites was judged to be inadequate.

5.3. Animal carcinogenicity data

PFOA was administered in the feed in one study of carcinogenicity in male and female rats, and in another study in male rats. PFOA increased the incidence of testicular Leydig cell adenoma in males in both studies, and increased the incidences of hepatocellular adenoma and pancreatic acinar cell adenoma in the study in male rats only.

PFOA was also shown to promote hepatocarcinogenesis in two feeding studies in male rats and two feeding studies in rainbow trout.

5.4. Mechanistic and other relevant data

PFOA does not undergo metabolism in the experimental systems studied or in humans. It is readily absorbed via all routes of exposure and is excreted into the urine. Among the species studied, humans are unique in that the reabsorption of PFOA in the kidneys is highly efficient, leading to much longer retention in the body when compared with all other animals. Therefore, the body burden of PFOA experienced by humans is much greater than in experimental animals.

PFOA is not DNA-reactive, and gives negative results in an overwhelming number of assays for direct genotoxicity. Therefore, there is strong evidence that direct genotoxicity is not a mechanism of PFOA carcinogenesis. Some studies with PFOA indicate that indirect DNA damage may result from induction of oxidative stress, therefore there is moderate evidence that genotoxicity overall is not a mechanism of PFOA carcinogenesis.

Several studies in humans have examined the relationship between exposure to PFOA and toxicity, and suggest that PFOA may cause liver injury. In experimental animals, the liver is a well-established target for toxicity. Potential mechanisms for PFOA-induced toxicity and carcinogenicity in the liver include PPARα activation, involvement of other molecular pathways (i.e. constitutive androstane receptor, pregnane X receptor, estrogen receptor), and cytotoxicity. There is moderate evidence for these mechanisms, largely from studies in rats and mice. Based on the available evidence, human relevance of the liver findings in rodents cannot be excluded.

The effects of PFOA in other organs are not so well established, but modulation of inflammatory pathways and hormone levels has been reported. Studies in human cells, rodents, and fish, have documented perturbation of molecular pathways involving reproductive hormones and hormone receptors, such as activation of estrogen receptor, interference with testosterone/estradiol balance, and induction of aromatase, and effects on reproductive organs consistent with estrogenicity. Although there is moderate evidence that PFOA affects reproductive-hormone pathways, there is weak evidence for their relevance to PFOA-associated carcinogenesis.

Overall, there is moderate evidence for mechanisms of PFOA-associated carcinogenesis, including some evidence for these mechanisms being operative in humans.

© International Agency for Research on Cancer, 2017. For more information contact publications@iarc.fr.
Bookshelf ID: NBK436264


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