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Bermúdez-Rattoni F, editor. Neural Plasticity and Memory: From Genes to Brain Imaging. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press/Taylor & Francis; 2007.

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Neural Plasticity and Memory: From Genes to Brain Imaging.

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Chapter 7Changes in Neurotransmitter Extracellular Levels during Memory Formation



The current challenge of studying the mechanisms involving memory formation requires the possibility of capacity to analyze in the different brain regions that comprise the neuronal system and circuits underlying the different stages of memory. A timely detailed description of the dynamics of neurotransmitter release can and does provide information on the different areas of the brain, the chemical mechanisms involved, and their levels of participation during different physiological processes. Accordingly, the possibility of correlating behavior with changes in the extracellular level of neurotransmitters in CNS regions involved in information transmission and modulation is a great advantage in the study of memory formation. Also, the knowledge of the neurotransmitters released in different brain areas may result in the identification of important pharmacological targets.

In this regard, in vivo microdialysis is a well-established method for monitoring the extracellular levels of neurotransmitters in the CNS. This technique has been used extensively in neuroscience for almost 30 years.1–6 Microdialysis allows online estimates of neurotransmitters in living animals and is a suitable method for monitoring the extracellular levels of neurotransmitters during local administration of pharmacological agents.7 Different doses of a drug or a combination of agonists and antagonists can be administered in the same experiment without adding any fluid to extracellular spaces. Older alternative in vivo methods for the study of neurotransmitter release are the push–pull technique used in the brain,8 spinal cord,9 and intrathecal space.10

Currently, measuring the changes in neurotransmitter extracellular levels in discrete brain areas is considered an important tool for identifying the neuronal systems involved in specific memory processes. Several neurotransmitters including acetylcholine (ACh), glutamate, γ-amino-butyric acid (GABA), and catecholamines have been investigated in a variety of memory models, with considerable evidence of extracellular level variations that correlated with changes in neuronal activity during memory formation.

This chapter summarizes and discusses the results obtained from investigating changes in ACh, glutamate, GABA, dopamine, and noradrenaline release during exposure to novel stimuli and performance of several kinds of long-term memory tasks such as operant and spatial memory tasks, and during taste recognition memory.


The development of the microdialysis technique more than two decades ago1,2 allowed the study of neurochemical mechanisms involved in memory to make fundamental progress by analyzing neurotransmitter release in unrestrained behaving animals. Microdialysis is a technique designed to monitor the chemistry of extra-cellular spaces in living tissue and allows monitoring of neurotransmitters released from practically any region of the brain, from the cortex to subcortical structures, which were previously available only with the push–pull cannula, a cumbersome and difficult technique.11

Microdialysis is the filtration of water-soluble substances in extracellular fluid through a dialysis membrane into a perfusion fluid that is collected and then analyzed for the substances of interest. With this technique, extracellular neurotransmitter levels and other molecules equilibrate with the solution flowing through dialysis tubings implanted in discrete brain areas. Usually microdialysis is coupled with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), making it possible to detect extracellular levels of many compounds, from small neurotransmitters to larger peptides.5

An important advantage of microdialysis is that it allows previsualization of what is happening in tissues before any chemical events are reflected in changes of systemic blood levels. The core of microdialysis is the dialysis probe designed to mimic a blood capillary. When a physiological salt solution is slowly pumped through the microdialysis probe, the solution equilibrates with the surrounding extracellular tissue fluid. After a while, it will then contain a representative proportion of the tissue fluid’s molecules. Instead of inserting an analysis instrument such as a biosensor into the tissue, the microdialysate is extracted and later analyzed in the laboratory.

The body of any microdialysis system consists of a dual-channel microdialysis swivel that has a quartz-lined center and side channels to minimize dead volume and prevent neurotransmitter oxidation (Figure 7.1). Some swivels incorporate a miniature seal system for ultra-low torque and quartz lining on both the center and side channels for low dead volumes and minimal interactions with neurotransmitters. Dialysate is typically infused through one channel of the swivel, removed through the other, and then collected with a fraction collector. The head block tether and lever arm are necessary to minimize stress on microdialysis probes. The counterbalanced lever arms generally move vertically and horizontally with the animal to prevent slack in the tether. Most of the lever arms use a mass as the counterbalance, but new models use an adjustable spring that makes them lighter and more responsive. The animal can generally stay in a round container that prevents it from damaging the probes (Figure 7.1).

FIGURE 7.1. (See color insert following page 202.


(See color insert following page 202.) Microdialysis system is formed by microdialysis probe (1), dual-channel microdialysis swivel, head block tether, and lever arm (2), syringe pump (3), syringe selector (4), fraction collector (5), and analysis system (more...)

These containers used to be durable polycarbonate enclosures designed to house tethered rodents during short-term microdialysis and infusion experiments. Since the tank is round, tethers will not tangle as they sometimes do in shoebox-type cages. Also, animals are less likely to dislodge sensitive probes because the containers have no sharp corners. The enclosures are most frequently used with counter-balanced lever arms. Feeders, water bottles, and tops are available to enable researchers to leave the animals for longer periods.

A syringe pump delivers the smooth low flow rates required for microdialysis; to choose a pump configuration, one must determine how much programmability is required during the experiment. Generally with applications such as microdialysis that require high accuracy and low flow rates without the need for fluid withdrawal or complex protocols, an infusion-only pump is recommended.

A microdialysis probe is usually constructed as a concentric tube. The perfusion fluid enters through an inner tube; flows to its distal end; exits the tube and enters the space between the inner tube and the outer dialysis membrane, which may be of different lengths, depending on the brain region analyzed. The direction of flow is now reversed and the fluid moves toward the near end of the probe (see Figure 7.1). Dialysis (the diffusion of molecules between the extracellular and perfusion fluids) takes place at the end of the probe, in the membrane space. It is important to realize that dialysis is an exchange of molecules in both directions. The difference in concentration through the membrane governs the direction of the gradient. It is possible to collect an endogenous compound at the same time that an exogenous compound such as a drug is introduced into the tissue.

The gradient of a particular compound into the membrane depends on the difference in concentration between the perfusate and the extracellular fluid and also on the flow velocity inside the microdialysis probe. The absolute recovery (mol/time unit) of a substance from the tissue or of substances entering the tissue from the probe depends on (1) the flow rate of the perfusion fluid, (2) the length of the membrane, (3) the “cut-off” of the dialysis membrane, and (4) the diffusion coefficient of the compound through the extracellular fluid.

The initial exercise to obtain samples of sufficient concentrations for measurement must consider each of the above-mentioned variables. To obtain adequate estimates of the substances, first it would be advisable to begin with shorter membranes, for example, 1 mm, with low flows such as 1.0 to 0.1 ml/min, then quantify the behavior release as of the first fractions to thus determine the stabilization times of a given brain region. Once the initial values are established, both membrane sizes and flow velocity can be increased to optimize the sampling times in the desired region (Figure 7.2).

FIGURE 7.2. Example of microdialysis protocol.


Example of microdialysis protocol. Stabilization times of a given brain region (A), base line sampling (B), behavioral manipulation (C), and reestablishment of base line release (D).

The large number of research experiments performed with microdialysis leads us to believe that this is an ideal technique because:

  1. Multiple sampling of the brain and several regions in a living free-moving animal is possible.
  2. No clean-up procedures such as extraction and homogenization of tissue are required before analysis.
  3. Behavioral and pharmacology studies can span long periods (even days); activities around the brain capillaries and neuronal cells can be continuously monitored.
  4. Various drugs can be administered without having to inject additional volumes, as is the case with pharmacological manipulations.
  5. The concentration of drug exchanged for the dialysis probe can be estimated from that in the dialysis fluid sampled using the in vitro dialysis efficiency of the probe, which can be readily obtained from dialysis experiments carried out in a flask. However, this approach results in underestimation of the drug concentration in the brain interstitial fluid in most cases because the dialysis efficiency in vivo is different from that in vitro. Several researchers proposed methods to estimate the real concentration in the brain interstitial fluid.4,12–17


Substantial evidence indicates the important function of the cholinergic system during memory formation (for reviews see References 18 through 21). The release of acetylcholine in different brain areas appears to be involved in processes of attention,22 detection of novelty or saliency,23 and during the consolidation of different types of long-term memory.24–26

Locomotor activation associated with increases in ACh release in several brain regions also is generally involved during the tasks used to study memory formation in animals. Nonetheless, there is scarce evidence to confirm a direct correlation between motor activity and ACh release without the involvement of other components of memory formation. ACh release from the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, and striatum and locomotor activity have been demonstrated and considered measures of behavioral arousal.27,28 Also, a direct correlation has been shown between spontaneous motility and ACh release from the striatum under conditions minimizing the effect of arousal and novelty, suggesting that drug-induced striatal ACh release may be modified by changes in levels of motor activity in free moving rats.29 However, other research did not confirm this correlation because no significant differences were noted between the basal motor activity and the release of acetylcholine in the control subjects.30–32

It has been demonstrated that the same amount of motor activity is needed for the acquisition of an operant behavior, during which it has been proved that attention is required and a large increase in cortical and hippocampal ACh release occurs, as is required for recall that is not associated with an increased release and requires a low level of attention.19,33 Pepeu and Giovannini34 suggest that ACh release from the hippocampus and frontal cortex may have several components including motor activity, attention, arousal, anxiety, and stress. They found no correlation between ACh release and motor activity in the first exposure to a novel environment, but only in a second exposure to the same environment after 1 hour, when habituation was setting in.34 Further evidence that ACh release and motor activity are not necessarily related is that glucose administration was followed by an increase in ACh release from the hippocampus and an improvement in spontaneous alternation in a four-arm maze, with no increase in the number of arms explored.35

The several complex functions associated with ACh release during memory formation, and the relationship between motor activity and ACh release may depend on the different levels of arousal and attention required at the time of the behavior task and the brain region analyzed by microdialysis. All these variables may also be the causes of the differences in existing results (for review see Reference 19).

We should not ignore the primary importance of the cholinergic system during the modulation of arousal. It has been demonstrated in the hippocampus that ACh release has a circadian variation,27,36,37 increasing at the start of the dark period in nocturnal animals such as rats, that corresponds to the active phase. In this regard, Sei et al.38 showed that in clock mutant mice, with 2-hour delayed circadian profiles in body temperature, activity, and sleep–wake rhythm, the increase in hippocampal ACh release in the first 2 hours of the active period was suppressed. This suggests that the molecular basis of the circadian system appears to have a strong effect on hippocampal cholinergic function and is probably associated with individual temporary differences in voluntary behavior, cognition, learning and/or memory performance.38

Activation of the forebrain cholinergic system measured by microdialysis has been demonstrated in some tasks and conditions in which the environment requires an animal to analyze novel stimuli that may represent a threat or offer a reward. The sustained cholinergic activation demonstrated by high levels of extracellular ACh observed during the behavioral paradigms indicates that many behaviors occur within or require the facilitation provided by the cholinergic system to the operation of pertinent neuronal pathways.39

The evidence supports the idea that ACh may be a marker of differential participation of several neural systems during the formation and expression of learned behavior, i.e., the cholinergic system may modulate the differential participation of the brain regions required during early stages of memory formation. On the other hand, it is possible that a role in regulating the activational balance of memory systems is a consequence of ACh regulation of neural plasticity within different neural systems.40

In this regard, Inglis and Fibiger41 observed that auditory, tactile, visual, and olfactory stimuli increased ACh release in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus and produced different behaviors including signs of fear in response to noise and stimulation, exploratory behavior after a visual stimulus, and sniffing and consummatory behavior after olfactory stimulation. All of the stimuli increased acetylcholine release in both the hippocampus and cortex. In the hippocampus, this increase was statistically significant with everything except the olfactory stimulus, whereas in the cortex everything but the visual stimulus resulted in significant increases.41 Additionally, they demonstrated significant variations between the magnitudes of acetylcholine release produced by the different stimuli in the cortex; acetylcholine release elicited by tactile stimulation was greater than that produced by the other stimuli. These results could indicate that acetylcholine release is associated with a variety of behavioral responses to stimuli designed to produce arousal, and point to a role for cortical and hippocampal cholinergic mechanisms in arousal or attention. Also, under some circumstances, cortical and hippocampal acetylcholine release may be regulated differentially.28

The relationship between stimulation and the activation of the cholinergic system was also observed during paired tone and light stimulus. A significantly increased ACh release in the frontal cortex and hippocampus was observed when it was presented for the first time or was the conditioned stimulus of a conditioned fear paradigm. Interestingly, no increase in ACh release and behavioral response occurred if the tone and noise stimuli were presented repeatedly over an 8-day period leading to familiarization.42

In other series of experiments, animals placed in novel environments, either an arena with objects or different kinds of maze forms, showed significant increases in ACh release from the cerebral cortex.34,43 These animals were left habituated for 30 min in the arena, as demonstrated by a much smaller increase in motor activity when they were placed again in the arena 60 min later; also, a significant decrease in ACh release was observed in comparison with the first exposure (Figure 7.3). The increase in ACh release from the frontal cortex and the hippocampus corroborated previous findings obtained by electrophysiological techniques that demonstrated the activation of the forebrain cholinergic neurons by spatial novelty44 and the hippocampal theta rhythm that depends on the septo-hippocampal cholinergic pathway45 and is present during attention46 and exploratory activity.47

FIGURE 7.3. Animals placed in novel environments, either an arena with objects or different kinds of maze forms, showed significant increases in ACh release from the cerebral cortex.


Animals placed in novel environments, either an arena with objects or different kinds of maze forms, showed significant increases in ACh release from the cerebral cortex. (Modified from Giovannini, M.G. et al., Neuroscience, 2001. 106: 43.)

The results obtained indicate a close relationship between the release of ACh and novel stimuli. However, these results could be interpreted to mean that a novel environment represents a stressful condition, and the first exposure to it causes pronounced behavioral activation.48,49 Furthermore, activation of basalocortical cholinergic afferents may promote the attentional processing that is central to the memory-related aspects of anxiety caused by threat-related stimuli and associations.50

A learning model that clearly demonstrates the independence of ACh release from motor activity during the presentation of a novel stimulus is taste memory recognition. With this learning model, a highly significant increase in ACh release was demonstrated in the insular cortex of rats only during the first consumptions of saccharin or quinine solutions. The ACh release observed after several presentations of the same taste stimuli decreased to similar levels as those produced by the familiar taste, indicating an inverse relationship between familiarity and cortical ACh release. These results suggest that the cholinergic system plays an important role in the identification and characterization of different kinds of taste stimuli51 (Figure 7.4).

FIGURE 7.4. ACh release observed after several presentations of the same taste stimuli decreased to similar levels as those produced by the familiar taste, indicating an inverse relationship between familiarity and cortical ACh release.


ACh release observed after several presentations of the same taste stimuli decreased to similar levels as those produced by the familiar taste, indicating an inverse relationship between familiarity and cortical ACh release.

Nonetheless, taste novelty is not the only factor related to cholinergic activity; the manipulation of a novel object (toy) by rats significantly increased the hippocampal ACh efflux as a correlation of active manipulation of the object.52 Similarly, a single 1-hour introduction of the novel object immediately after a training session in a radial arm maze significantly improved memory only if the animals actively manipulated the object. The data suggest that environmental enrichment during a critical period is sufficient to improve learning and memory and that this effect is probably mediated through an enhancement of hippocampal cholinergic neurotransmission.52 It seems that the cholinergic system activates in response to external inputs when they are novel41 but not when the stimuli are repeated, leading to habituation.42 The evidence indicates that the forebrain cholinergic system may become activated by tasks that require the analysis of novel stimuli representing a threat or offering a reward.53


The interactions of forebrain cholinergic neurons with other neurotransmitter systems during motor activity, arousal, and novelty have not yet been unraveled. Regardless of whether the forebrain cholinergic neurons are activated by novelty, learning, or sensory and stressor stimuli, the question arises as to which neuronal circuits and neurotransmitters trigger and/or accompany this activation. Papeu and Blandina54 found no changes in glutamate extracellular levels in the cerebral cortex or hippocampus of rats during either novel or familiar exploration.54

However, the same group of researchers suggested that even though cortical and hippocampal glutamatergic systems are not apparently involved in exploration of a novel environment and habituation, glutamatergic pathways modulate cortical and hippocampal cholinergic activity directly because antagonists of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors injected into the nucleus basalis inhibit spontaneous and stimulated ACh release55,56 and administration of NMDA and -amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate/kainate antagonists in the medial septum inhibits handling-evoked ACh release in the hippocampus.57 Also, glutamatergic pathways indirectly regulate the activities of GABAergic neurons impinging on cholinergic neurons in the medial septum.58,59 The researchers argued that changes in glutamate release could be detected if the microdialysis probes were placed in the nucleus basalis or medial septum. On the other hand, the question raised the possibility of detecting changes in the small glutamate pool of neuronal origin that is only a fraction of the larger nonsynaptic glutamate pool.34,60

Giovannini et al.34 also determined by microdialysis the GABA extracellular levels and revealed that cortical GABA release increased significantly only during familiar exploration, while hippocampal GABA release did not increase during exploration periods. They also found a correlation between motor activity and GABA release, but only during familiar exploration.34 Furthermore, under similar experimental conditions, the increases in aspartate, glutamate, GABA, and ACh in the ventral hippocampus associated with exploratory activity in a novel environment tended to be much smaller in the second period of exposure to the spatial stimulus than in the first, indicating the development of habituation.61

Regarding novelty, the activation of the dopamine system increase in medial prefrontal cortex during the establishment of an auditory avoidance strategy in a shuttle box has been demonstrated and strategy formation correlated with high dopamine levels in the prefrontal cortex.62,63 Using microdialysis in the medial prefrontal cortex of gerbils during aversive auditory conditioning in the shuttle box showed a transient increase of dopamine efflux correlation with the establishment of avoidance behavior. The authors hypothesized that the acquisition of a new behavioral strategy is generally accompanied by this extra prefrontal dopamine release. The subsequent formation of discrimination behavior led to a similar extra dopamine increase as found during establishment of the avoidance strategy, and the significant enhancement was observed only in rapidly relearning individuals. These results suggest that the dopamine system may be critically involved in the initial formation of associations for new behavioral strategies.64


The forebrain cholinergic system is salient for arousal, attention, learning, and memory.18,21,65,66 Lesions of forebrain cholinergic neurons made by different neurotoxins provided important information related to the role of ACh in learning and memory and demonstrated that the decrease in ACh extracellular levels is accompanied by specific behavioral deficits.67–69 Activation of basalocortical cholinergic afferents, revealed in vivo by increased cortical ACh release, is involved in the attentional processing central to memory formation.34,65,70 Excitotoxic lesions of the nucleus basalis induced a long-lasting significant decrease in cortical ACh release both at rest and under K+ depolarization, paralleled by disruption of a passive avoidance task,71,72 working memory,71,72 and conditioned taste aversion.68 Disruption of the septo-hippocampal projections impaired choice accuracy in short-term memory73 and resulted in deficits in T-maze performance.74

The use of intracerebral 192IgG-saporin is a selective procedure for the disruption of the cholinergic neurons75 and causes an almost complete cholinergic deaf-ferentation to the cortex and hippocampus and a significant decrease in ACh release from these structures.76 The rat behavioral studies performed with this procedure suggested that only very extensive lesions involving >90% of cholinergic neurons resulted reliably in severely impaired performances.77 Impairments were found in delayed matching78 and nonmatching to position task,79 water-maze acquisition,80 spatial working memory,81 and acquisition (but not retention) of object discrimination82 and conditioned taste aversion.83

Despite the consistency of the above results, it remains to be clearly established whether the detectable limits of ACh using current measurement methods are capable of determining release variations after 192IgG-saporin lesions. Moreover, systematic research is required to examine the probable compensatory mechanisms arising in response to a lesion of the magnitude induced by the injections of 192IgG-saporin.

In addition to the information provided from the experiments with transitory and permanent lesions of the basal forebrain that indicate its relevant function during memory formation of varied tasks, injections of 192IgG-saporin demonstrated the participation of basal forebrain cholinergic lesions on attentional processing.84 Most studies reported disrupted attentional processing in nucleus basalis- or medial septum-injected animals,77,85 thus confirming the role of the cholinergic system in attention. However, a correlation was not always found between attentional effort required by task difficulties and ACh release.86

Several behavioral studies indicate that cholinergic projections may be required not for learning per se, but may be important for specific aspects of attention.65 Microdialysis experiments indicate that cortical ACh increases during the performance of simple operant tasks are limited to early acquisition stages, when demands on attentional processing are high.87 Cortical ACh release increased in rats performing a visual attentional task88 and directly correlated with the attentional effort during an operant task designed to assess sustained attention.89

Recent findings in transgenic mice (TgCRND8), characterized by many β-amyloid plaques with reduced neuronal and axonal staining, white matter demyelination, glia reaction, and choline acetyltransferase immunoreactivity significantly decreased in the nucleus basalis magnocellularis demonstrated that extracellular acetylcholine levels investigated by microdialysis and M2 muscarinic receptor immunoreactivity were reduced in the cortices of TgCRND8 mice. Scopolamine administration increased cortical extracellular acetylcholine levels in control mice, but not in TgCRND8 mice. Also, a cognitive impairment was demonstrated in the step-down test. These findings demonstrate that neuronal damage and cholinergic dysfunction in vivo underlie the impairment in learning and memory functions in this mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease.90


Cortical acetylcholine release increases (1) during acquisition but not during recall of a rewarded operant behavior,33(2) during acquisition of operant tasks when demands on attentional processing are high,87 (3) during conditioned taste aversion,91 and (4) during performance of visual attentional tasks.88 It has been also related to attentional effort.89 Furthermore, in the hippocampus, ACh release increases during the performance of a learned spatial memory task,35,92 and the increase is positively correlated to performance improvement during task learning,93 showing that cholinergic neurons are modified functionally during learning and become progressively more active. Also, the initial use of a place strategy coincided with an immediate increase in hippocampus ACh release.94 Furthermore, as rewarded spontaneous alternation testing progressed, a switch to a repetitive response strategy accompanied an increase in striatum ACh release.40

7.6.1. Spatial Memory

Different evidence suggests that ACh release in the hippocampus and striatum may reflect the relative participation of these systems during different kinds of learning. For example, on a T-maze, animals can successfully solve the task of finding food in one arm, using either a place strategy, repeatedly visiting a specific part of the room (e.g., west) for food reward, or a response strategy, repeatedly turning the same direction at the choice point (e.g., left) for a food reward.95–98 Rats that expressed place strategies in the probe trial had higher ratios of hippocampus and striatum ACh release, while rats using response strategies had lower ratios94,99 and demonstrated training-related changes in release of ACh in the hippocampus and striatum during the acquisition.40

The behavioral findings shown by these researchers suggest that rats changed the bases for their performance from a spatial working memory strategy to a persistent turning strategy during testing. ACh release in both hippocampus and striatum increased at the onset of testing. Increases in ACh release in the striatum began at two times above baseline during the first 5 min of testing and steadily increased, reaching six times above baseline during the final 5 min. The increase of ACh release in the striatum during testing occurred around the time the rats adopted a persistent turning strategy. In contrast, ACh release in the hippocampus increased over five times from its baseline but remained at this level until declining slightly during the last 5 min of testing. The relative changes in ACh release in the striatum and hippocampus resulted in a close negative relationship between the ratio of ACh release in the hippocampus and striatum and alternation scores.40

McIntyre et al.99 demonstrated that the release of ACh in the hippocampus and striatum during acquisition of a dual-solution T-maze task is associated with differential strategy use during training in tasks that can be solved with either a place or response strategy.99 They showed that when rats were trained in a similar dual-solution T-maze task, baseline levels of ACh release in the hippocampus and striatum predicted the strategy rats used on a probe trial 1 hour later. Other groups confirmed these data by demonstrating that changes in the amount of ACh released in the hippocampus and striatum during training coincided with changes in strategy.94 The initial use of a place strategy coincided with an immediate increase in hippocampus ACh release. As rewarded spontaneous alternation testing progressed, a switch to a repetitive response strategy accompanied an increase in striatum ACh release.40

Additionally, data on the release of ACh measured in the hippocampus while rats learned and were tested on an amygdala-dependent conditioned place preference task and a hippocampus-dependent spontaneous alternation task demonstrated that ACh in the hippocampus increased when rats were tested on either task. Amygdala ACh release was positively correlated with performance on the hippocampus-dependent task. However, the magnitude of the increase in the release of hippocampal ACh was negatively correlated with good performance in the amygdala-dependent conditioned place preference task, suggesting that ACh release may reflect activation and participation of the hippocampus in learning and memory, but in a manner that can be detrimental to performance in a task dependent on another brain area. These results demonstrated a competition and interaction between the hippocampus and the amygdala through cholinergic activity.99

The previous evidence summarized experiments demonstrating that simultaneous monitoring of ACh release from different brain areas establishes the possibility of understanding the specific roles of certain neurotransmitters in the different brain regions and during different stages of several memory tasks. All this evidence on the release of ACh in the cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, and striatum during learning is in agreement with the evidence showing that manipulations of ACh in these brain regions regulate learning and memory.100 Regarding the stages of memory formation, increases in the levels of ACh release in the hippocampus and striatum appear to correlate with the related participation of these structures during acquisition and consolidation. In the hippocampus, measurements of ACh release while rats learn several tasks revealed a close relationship between the magnitude of training-related increases of ACh release in the hippocampus and increased memory processing.40

More examples indicate that hippocampal ACh release increases during performance of other spatial tasks.92,101 It has been shown that improvement in radial arm maze performance is positively correlated to an increase in ACh release during 12 days of task learning.93,102 These results suggest that the learning of a spatial task modifies the functions of cholinergic neurons projecting to the hippocampus that become progressively more active. In a behavioral paradigm investigating spatial orientation during the acquisition period, exploration-associated synaptic changes were significantly correlated, and it has been suggested that variations in ACh release accompanied by alterations in muscarinic receptors density may reflect these changes.103

The previous evidence indicates a significant correlation between the increase in ACh release in the hippocampus and the increase in performance of spatial learning and memory functions in rats.104,105 Also, it has been demonstrated that male rats show greater daily ACh releases in the hippocampus than female rats.106 The authors suggest that sex differences in spatial learning and memory functions are considered to reflect the sex differences in ACh release in rats.107

7.6.2. Inhibitory Avoidance and Contextual Memory

The involvement of the cholinergic system both in attention and in the consolidation of new memories100 has also been demonstrated by the enhancing or inhibitory effects of posttraining administration of cholinergic agonists108,109 or antagonists.110–112 Inhibitory avoidance is a form of associative learning acquired in one trial by activation of several brain structures such as the amygdala, hippocampus and various cortical regions through several sensorial stimuli including spatial and visual perceptions, pain, and fear.113–115 Inhibitory avoidance also entails working memory since an animal may choose to avoid an aversive stimulus.116 The inhibitory avoidance response is a learning task that depends on the activation of the cholinergic system.108,117–121 However, a limited amount of evidence directly correlates the increased ACh release in rats with the performance of an inhibitory avoidance task.53

Giovannini et al.53 investigated the involvement of the cholinergic and glutamatergic systems projecting to the medial prefrontal cortex and ventral hippocampus and the extracellular regulated kinase signal transduction pathway in the acquisition and recall of step-down inhibitory avoidance. Using microdialysis, they studied the release of acetylcholine and glutamate, and found that cholinergic, but not glutamatergic, neurons projecting to the medial prefrontal cortex and ventral hippocampus were activated during acquisition of the task, as shown by increases in cortical and hippocampal acetylcholine release. Released acetylcholine in turn activated extracellular regulated kinase in target neurons.

These authors also demonstrated that both increased acetylcholine release and extracellular regulated kinase activation were necessary for memory formation, indicating that a critical function of the learning-associated increase in acetylcholine release is to promote the activation of the extracellular regulated kinase signal transduction pathway. These results help explain the role of these systems in the encoding of inhibitory avoidance memory. In the same series of experiments, the authors found an increased release of ACh during recall, suggesting the stressful experience a rat faces when re-exposed to the same environment. In this regard, it has been shown that stress activates the forebrain cholinergic pathways.41,42,49,122 Other data that indicate cholinergic involvement during inhibitory avoidance came from experiments related to dietary restriction of choline, inducing the reduction in the capacity to release ACh in the hippocampus, as confirmed by in vivo microdialysis, and impairing performance of a inhibitory avoidance task in rats.123

7.6.3. Acetylcholine Release Induced by Other Systems

Although the objectives of this chapter do not allow us to include all the work that has demonstrated the manipulation of the cholinergic system through pharmacological treatments or administration of agonists or antagonists of innumerable receptors, the relevance of certain systems that may have significant interactions during the formation of different long-term memory is worth pointing out. In this regard, the physiological role of synaptically released histamine has been demonstrated. In addition to affecting cholinergic transmission in the amygdala, it modulates the consolidation of fear memories.124 Cangioli et al.125 demonstrated that the blockade of histaminergic H3 receptors decreased the spontaneous release of ACh from the basolateral amygdalas (BLAs) of freely moving rats and impaired the retention of fear memory.125

Furthermore, a dopamine receptor type D2R agonist stimulated ACh release in the ventral hippocampus during a 14-unit T-maze (Stone maze) task, indicating that D2R in the ventral hippocampus may be involved in mnemonic function via ACh release.126 Other studies provided evidence of a possible interaction of cholinergic and dopaminergic systems. It was reported that dopamine during mild foot-shock presentations was markedly increased by a preceding novel tone stimulus127–130 and hippocampal ACh–dopamine interactions in mnemonic processing, as suggested by the finding that the retention of inhibitory avoidance behavior was impaired by the 131 focal injection of a D2R antagonist into the ventral hippocampus.

Finally, we should not forget the information obtained through systemic and intrahippocampal injections of glucose that augmented the increases in the release of ACh in the hippocampus during alternation tests and also enhanced alternation scores relative to control injected rats.35,132–134 On the other hand, it has been shown that systemic injections of morphine resulted in decreases in the release of ACh in the hippocampus and in alternation scores; glucose injections at the time of morphine treatment reversed both morphine-induced reductions in ACh release and morphine-induced impairments of alternation scores.135,136

This section has provided evidence of ACh activity under different behavioral and pharmacological manipulations. It is important to note that most of the reported studies required the use of inhibitors (e.g., eserine and neostigmine) of acetyl cholinesterase. The ACh degradation enzyme is usually added in the perfusion medium, because once released in the synaptic cleft, ACh diffuses, binds to pre- and post-synaptic muscarinic and nicotinic receptors and is quickly hydrolyzed by cholinesterase. Only small amounts of ACh can be detected in extracellular fluid even in the absence of cholinesterase inhibitors if cholinesterase efficiency is manipulated.165 Scali et al.166 found ACh levels of 5.5 ± 1.0 and 5.0 ± 1.0 fmole/μL in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus perfusates, respectively166 in the effluent from microdialysis probes in young rats at rest.


It has been clearly demonstrated that the BLA is a critical region where converging inputs from different neuronal circuitries such as noradrenergic and cholinergic are integrated and modulate the consolidation of emotional memory.137,138 Furthermore, the BLA is implicated in emotional memory such as fear conditioning and also in acquisition (but not retention) of inhibitory avoidance-conditioned responses.139 It has been reported that the BLA and the medial prefrontal cortex interact in influencing the performance of affectively motivated tasks such as conditioned fear.140

Recent findings suggest that noradrenaline release in the amygdala may be critical for regulating memory consolidation; several experimental results indicate that foot-shock and several drugs that modulate memory consolidation altered noradrenaline release in the amygdala.137,141–143 McIntyre et al.144 examined the relationship of noradrenaline release in the amygdala assessed after inhibitory avoidance training and 24-hour retention performance of individual animals. They found that noradrenaline levels significantly increased to pretraining baseline 30 min after training and remained elevated for 2 hours. Interestingly, for individual rats, the increases in noradrenaline levels after training correlated highly with 24-hour retention performance. These findings may indicate that the degree of activation of the noradrenergic system within the amygdala in response to a novel emotionally arousing experience predicts the extent of long-term memory for that experience.144

It has been suggested that improved cognitive processing is related to stimulation-induced increases of noradrenaline release in limbic brain structures. It has been demonstrated that vagal nerve stimulation improves memory, presumably by affecting activity in central nervous system structures that process recently acquired information.142,145 Vagal nerve stimulation at an intensity and duration that improves memory also increases BLA noradrenaline release. These studies help explain how peripheral neural activity modulates limbic structures to encode and store new information into long-term memory.142,145,146

Tronel et al.147 investigated the role of the noradrenergic system in the late stage of memory consolidation in the prelimbic region of the prefrontal cortex 1 hour after training of an appetitively motivated foraging task based on olfactory discrimination. They observed that the extracellular noradrenaline levels in the prelimbic region significantly increased shortly after training, with a rapid return to baseline, with another increase around the 2-hour posttraining window. Pseudo-trained rats showed smaller early levels and did not show the second wave of increase at 2 hours. These results correlated with earlier pharmacological and immunohistochemical studies suggesting a delayed role of noradrenaline in a late phase of long-term memory consolidation and the engagement of the prelimbic region during these consolidation processes.148

Additionally, a complex effect has been demonstrated in the frontal cortex after stimulation of the locus coeruleus in anesthetized rats. Noradrenaline inhibited spontaneous activity and at the same time facilitated evoked responses in the frontal cortex.149 More recent in vitro studies showed that NE has a complex effect on GABAergic interneurons in this region.150


The neurotransmitter glutamate is the major excitatory transmitter of the brain and is involved in practically all aspects of cognitive function since it is the transmitter located on the cortical and hippocampal pyramidal neurons and also throughout different subcortical regions. Furthermore, glutamate and glutamate receptors are involved in long-term memory formation as well as in long-term potentiation, a process believed to underlie learning and memory.151–153

In relation to the evidence described above, the involvement of the forebrain cholinergic system in arousal, learning, and memory has been well established. The involvement of the interaction of forebrain cholinergic neurons with the glutamatergic system in the retrieval of aversive memory has been postulated.154 Glutamate and GABA may be involved in the mechanisms of memory by modulating the forebrain’s cholinergic pathways. Giovannini et al.34 studied the activities of cortical and hippocampal cholinergic, GABAergic, and glutamatergic systems during novelty and habituation in rats using microdialysis during exposure to a novel environment. They observed that cortical GABA release increased significantly only during familiar exploration, while hippocampal GABA release did not increase during either exploration. No change in cortical and hippocampal glutamate release was observed. The researchers suggested that GABAergic activity may be involved in habituation.34

Furthermore, it has been suggested that glutamate release from the vagus nerve onto the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) is one mechanism by which the vagus influences memory and neural activity in limbic structures. When glutamate was infused into the NTS, it significantly enhanced memory on the retention test and this effect was attenuated by blocking noradrenergic receptors in the amygdala with propranolol (a β-adrenergic antagonist). Using in vivo microdialysis to determine whether foot-shock plus glutamate altered noradrenergic output in the amygdala, it was demonstrated that it caused a significant and long-lasting increase in amygdala noradrenergic concentrations. These results indicate that glutamate may be one transmitter that conveys the effects of vagal activation on brain systems involved in memory formation.155

The effect of glutamate receptor antagonists on taste aversion learning has also been studied in rats. The first relay where the short-term memory of a novel gustatory stimulus and the visceral malaise stimulus could be associated during taste learning takes place in the parabrachial nuclei (PBN) of the brainstem. Direct evidence indicates glutamate release in the PBN during taste aversive learning, which demonstrates that the extracellular level of glutamate rises during saccharin drinking.156 Also, microdialysis administration of selective glutamate metabotropic receptor antagonists into the PBN disrupted the formation of CTA, but not the application of NMDA receptor antagonist.157 Also in CTA, evidence indicates that visceral stimulus (i.p. injection of lithium chloride) induced a dramatic increase in glutamate release in the amygdala and a modest but significant release in the insular cortex.158 Moreover, CTA can be elicited by intra-amygdalar microinjections of glutamate; consequently, when glutamate is administered just before the presentation of a weak visceral stimulus, a clear CTA is induced.

In contrast, the injection of glutamate alone or glutamate 2 hours after suboptimal US did not have any effect on the acquisition of CTA. These results demonstrate that glutamate activation of the amygdala can mimic the visceral stimulus signal during taste aversive memory formation, providing a clear indication that the amygdala conveys visceral information for this kind of memory.91,158

Further research examined whether glutamate release in other tasks also plays a role in memory formation. For example, female mice form olfactory memories of the pheromones of mating males during a critical period after mating. It seems that neural changes underlying this memory are located in the accessory olfactory bulb, are dependent on noradrenergic neurotransmission, and most likely involve changes at the mitral granule cell reciprocal synapses.159 During olfactory memory, an increase has been shown in GABA levels in response to a glutamate, and the aspartate:GABA ratio was decreased following memory formation during exposure to the pheromones of the mating male.

These findings are consistent with our hypothesis that memory formation involves a long-lasting increase in the inhibition of the subset of mitral cells that respond to the mating male’s pheromones. An increment was also observed in the concentrations of the excitatory transmitters glutamate and aspartate in non-mating females, suggesting that exposure to male pheromones alone, without the association of mating, causes a long-lasting decrease in the inhibitory control of the subset of mitral cells responding to these pheromones.160


This chapter provides evidence obtained via in vivo microdialysis techniques that demonstrates the activation of the forebrain cholinergic system and other neurotransmitters such as glutamate, noradrenaline, and dopamine in several types of learning and during several stages of memory formation. The results of innumerable studies indicate that during memory formation different regions of the brain act in coordinated fashion through different neurotransmission systems. The experiments analyzed in this chapter offer a sample of what may be achieved through the timely and direct evaluation of neurochemical activity in the brain. A clear interpretation will help explain how different processes such as motor activity, attention, and stress are interlinked during long-term memory formation.

One caveat in the interpretation of the results obtained with microdialysis is that stressor stimuli such as prolonged handling,161,162 restraint,163 and fear42 strongly activate the cholinergic system. Consequently, before associating a behavioral response with variations in ACh release or any neurotransmitter, it is essential to exclude the possible interference of stressors or at least have the correct control groups to help interpret the results obtained.

In addition, as in any other model for in vivo measurement of neurotransmitter release, microdialysis should not be based on the assumption that the extracellular concentration accurately reflects synaptic concentration (for reviews of microdialysis techniques see References 1 and 2). We must remember that extracellular concentration of a neurotransmitter is not only affected by neuronal release, but also by enzymatic metabolism, diffusion, and re-uptake. Furthermore, neurotransmitters and metabolites obtained by microdialysate may have glial origins.164 Thus, variations in microdialysate neurotransmitter concentrations during stimulation or behavior do not necessarily reflect synaptic neuronal release.

Last but not least, to achieve neurotransmitter concentrations in dialysates, the microdialysis technique requires large quantities (around 10 to 30 μl), enough to be quantified with the respective HPLC assays. In most experiments recorded in this chapter, the collection periods were at least 5 min. The problem is that memory acquisition and behavioral responses usually occur within seconds. This time scale difference makes it very difficult to demonstrate a precise correlation between activation of cholinergic neurons and specific cognitive processes, and this currently represents the technical limit of microdialysis experiments.

Based on the data in this chapter, the development of new analysis models may eventually provide responses to questions that cannot yet be answered through microdialysis or other neurochemical measurement techniques, and will enable us to observe more closely the neurotransmitter releases in different regions of the brain during memory formation.

However, despite all these disadvantages, the microdialysis technique currently provides the best method for detailed descriptions of the dynamics of neurotransmitter release as demonstrated in this chapter, providing important information on the different areas of the brain, the chemical mechanisms involved, and their levels of participation during different stages of memory formation. Accordingly, the correlation of behavior with changes in the extracellular level of neurotransmitters in CNS regions has provided important data related to the chemical interaction and modulation of different brain areas that form part of the circuitry of several kinds of long-term memory.

A significant and growing number of publications report microdialysis results because this technique allows for on-line estimates of neurotransmitters in living animals and is a suitable method for monitoring the extracellular levels of neurotransmitters during local administration of pharmacological agents.7 This confirms that the microdialysis technique is an alternative real and elegant method for the in vivo study of neurotransmitter function in several memory systems.


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