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Pignone M, Gaynes BN, Rushton JL, et al. Screening for Depression [Internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2002 Apr. (Systematic Evidence Reviews, No. 6.)

  • This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.

This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.

Cover of Screening for Depression

Screening for Depression [Internet].

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Appendix D Evidence Tables and Specialized Glossary

Glossary of Evidence Table Abbreviations Screening for Depression

AGECAT: Computerized diagnostic screening test

AMI: Amitriptyline

ARR: Absolute risk reduction

BDI: Beck Depression Inventory

CAGE: CAGE questionnaire

CAMDEX: Cambridge Examination for Mental Disorders of the Elderly

CBT: Cognitive behavior therapy

CES-D: Centers for Epidemiologic Studies Depression scale

CGI: Clinical Global Impressions

Cntrl: Control

COG: Cognitive therapy

CT: Cognitive treatment

DI: Diagnostic interview

DIS: Diagnostic interview schedule

DK: Don't know

DSM-IIIR: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 3rd Edition (Revised)

DUSOI: Duke University Severity of Illness Scale

dx: Diagnosis

EPDS: Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale

FP: Family practice

GAS: Global Assessment Score

GDS: Geriatric Depression Scale

GDS-S: Short form Geriatric Depression Scale

GHQ: General Health Questionnaire

GMSS: Geriatric Mental Status Schedule

GP: General Practice Patients

HAM-D: Hamilton Depression Rating Scale

HS: High school

HSCL-20: Hopkins Symptomatic Checklist-20

HV: Health Visitor Counseling

ICD 10: International Classification of Disease - 10th Revision

IDS: Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology

IPT: Interpersonal psychotherapy

ITT: Intention-to-treat

MADS: Montgomery-Asberg Depression Scale

MD: Medical Doctor (when under gold standard used)

MD-UC: Depression program for major depression

MD_UC: Usual care for major depression

mD-CT: Depression program for minor depression

mD-UC: Usual care for minor depression

MMSE: Mini-Mental State Exam

MOS: Medical Outcomes Study

NA: Not available

NNT: Numbers needed to treat

NOR: Nortriptyline

NOS: Not otherwise specified

NR: Not reported

NS: Not significant

OSI: Other Structured Interview

OTH: Other

PC: Private clinic

PD: Physician diagnosis

PHQ: Patient health questionnaire

Pl: Placebo

PROQSY: Self-administered computerized assessment

PS: Problem solving

PSE: Present State Exam

PS-GP: Problem solving by general practitioner

PS-N: Problem solving by nurse

QDIS: Quick Diagnostic Interview Schedule

RDC: Research Diagnostic Criteria

RRR: Relative risk reduction

SADS-L: Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia, Lifetime Version

SCI: Structured clinical interview

SCID: Structure clinical interview for DSM-III-R (or -IV)

SD: Standard Deviation

SDS: Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale

SDDS: Symptom Drive Diagnostic System

SF-36: Short Form 36

SI: Structured Interview

SIP: Sickness Impact Profile

SSD: Subsyndromal Symptom Depression

SW: Social worker

TC: Telephone counseling

UC: Usual Care

VA: Veterans Administration / Department of Veterans Affairs

Evidence Table 1. Screening Accuracy for Depression Studies

Evidence Table 2. Pharmacologic Treatment in Depression Studies

Evidence Table 3. Psychotherapeutic Treatment for Depression Studies

Table 4. Screening Outcomes for Depression Studies


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