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Biddle AK, Watson LR, Hooper CR, et al. Criteria for Determining Disability in Speech-Language Disorders. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2002 Jan. (Evidence Reports/Technology Assessments, No. 52.)

  • This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.

This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.

Cover of Criteria for Determining Disability in Speech-Language Disorders

Criteria for Determining Disability in Speech-Language Disorders.

Show details

Appendix D: Methodology

This appendix provides additional detail on selected aspects of the methodological approach adopted by the RTI-University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) Evidence-based Practice Center (RTI-UNC EPC). We first discuss the process we used to modify the key clinical questions and the causal pathway. We then document how we selected instruments and set priorities for literature search and evidence review. We end the appendix with a discussion of the supplemental analysis of the usability of the selected instruments and their manuals. Tables D1 through D4 and Figures D1 through D6 presented here supplement the text in Chapter 2, its Methods Appendix, and this Appendix.

Revision of Key Clinical Questions and Causal Pathway

We developed preliminary key clinical questions and causal pathway in response to the initial request for proposal from the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). To refine these conceptual issues, we organized a one-day meeting (September 18, 2000, in Rockville, Maryland) to

  • Solicit input from the meeting participants on the utility and appropriateness of the causal pathway and refinement of key clinical questions, and
  • Identify and prioritize evaluation tools to be included in the evidence analysis.

Meeting participants included the 10 members of our formal Technical Expert Advisory Group (TEAG) (see Appendix B), AHRQ staff, and appropriate SSA representatives. The meeting participants (Table D1) included individuals with clinical expertise in speech, language, and voice disorders in adults and children, neurology (adult and pediatric), otolaryngology, developmental pediatrics, and both educational and vocational aspects of speech and language disorders; representatives of professional societies (e.g., American Psychological Association, American Academy of Otolaryngologists-Head and Neck Surgeons, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association) and health care systems also participated.

Table D1. Participants in September 18, 2000 Meeting.


Table D1. Participants in September 18, 2000 Meeting.

Key Clinical Questions

During the meeting the discussion of the key clinical questions concerned (1) whether language impairment included oral, aural, and written impairments; (2) which populations to include or exclude; and (3) differences between impairment and function and whether it is appropriate to use tools for impairment to evaluate future functioning or performance. The first issue was addressed by leaving the terminology in the key clinical questions broad (i.e., speech and language disorders) rather than by limiting to spoken language (current SSA criteria examine spoken or verbal rather than written language). The second issue was not resolved; rather, the RTI-UNC EPC evaluated tools looking for evidence for all of the populations listed. The final issue of using measures of impairment to predict future functioning was addressed by rewording the second key clinical question to ensure that measures of impairment are used to predict future impairment and that functioning/performance tools are used to predict future functioning/performance.

Causal Pathway

During the meeting, participants suggested minor revisions to the causal pathway. Specifically, we included voice impairments as a separate category of impairments and added responsiveness (i.e., the ability of the test to detect changes in impairment and to differentiate between levels of severity) and appropriate normative data to the relevant test characteristics of the evaluation tools. We made the former change because voice production is a separate issue with different evaluation tools and complexities. The latter change was made to describe more comprehensively the characteristics of evaluation instruments.

Selection and Prioritization of Instruments for Review

During the September 18, 2000 meeting, we asked participants to select and prioritize instruments for review. The scientific director provided meeting participants with a partial list of speech-language diagnostic tools to use as a reference during this process. The list was not exhaustive but rather was designed to serve as a trigger for suggesting tools. After some discussion of the SSA's inability to accept tests for which normative data are not current, the participants were reminded that the purpose of the task was to select tools for which evidence is available and to allow the SSA to use the resulting evidence report to develop criteria.

The selection process began with the EPC study director and Center co-director encouraging meeting participants to nominate evaluation tools in each of five categories -- adult language, child language, adult speech, child speech, and voice. They then solicited a single tool from each individual, going around the table until no participants made additional suggestions. In general, TEAG members suggested the majority of the evaluation tools. Meeting participants generally suggested only tools in their areas of expertise; physicians were less likely to contribute tools during this process.

In all, 39 separate instruments emerged. We could not have conducted systematic literature reviews and evidence analyses for each of the 39 tools elicited given the project timeline and resources, so the EPC co-director asked meeting participants to set priorities for the tools within the five categories, selecting three tools in each. A formal voting process was not used to elicit the priorities, but the participants substantially agreed about the tools finally selected for review.

During the prioritization process, meeting participants articulated several principles for guiding instrument selection. For language disorders, participants suggested that tools needed to represent receptive language, expressive language, and functional language, with emphasis on tools that test language disorders broadly rather than a particular aspect of language. The panel did not suggest several instruments considered to be standards in the field (e.g., ASHA Functional Assessment of Communication Skills23) because reliability and validity data, although available, evidently had not been published in the peer-reviewed literature. For child language conditions, participants also considered it important to select tools that could be used for different ages groups (i.e., 0 to 3 years of age, 3 to 5 years, and school age). For speech, tools evaluating connected speech were given greater consideration that those evaluating only single word production. Meeting participants also attempted to balance tools for elicited behaviors with those evaluating observed behaviors.

As noted, meeting participants suggested 39 instruments during this process -- 10 for adult language, 15 for child language, five for adult speech, six for child speech, and three for voice disorders. Table D2 gives the entire list, with those selected for review indicated in italicized, bold text. More than three tools may be indicated for review if the tools apply (in various forms) to both adults and children or appear in both English and Spanish and would likely be captured in a single literature search. As described in Chapter 2, we subsequently excluded phonological process analysis after consultation with TEAG members in December 2000 and with colleagues in the Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences at UNC-Chapel Hill.

Table D2. Tests Selected by Meeting Participants by Disorder Categorya.


Table D2. Tests Selected by Meeting Participants by Disorder Categorya.

Supplemental Analysis -- Usability Analysis

When deciding which instrument to use, a clinician must evaluate whether the manual provides sufficient information on how to administer and score the instrument. As part of our analyses, we evaluated the usability of the instrument manuals. Two second-year speech and language pathology graduate students in the Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill independently evaluated each manual for comprehensiveness and ease of use. Each has completed a minimum of 80 hours of supervised training in speech and language disorder assessment divided equally between adults and children. Thus, the evaluations of these raters represent what we might be expect if an experienced speech and language pathologist used an unfamiliar instrument for the first time.

Each reviewer independently completed the Usability Evaluation Form (Figure D6) supervised by EPC clinical experts. After the evaluations were complete, we entered the data into a Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet, coding a "1" if the rater indicated that the instrument met the criterion (i.e., circled "yes" on the form), "0" otherwise. To assure consistency between the graduate student reviewers, we computed Cohen's kappa statistic of inter-rater reliability35 using SAS, version 6.12 (The SAS Institute, Cary, NC) and percentage agreement between the raters (Table D4). For each instrument, we report the number and percentage of criteria met and describe where the two reviewers disagreed in their assessments. We calculated these statistics by adding the number of criteria met, scoring 1 point for criteria that both reviewers rated as being met and 0.5 points for criteria where only one rated it as being met; and dividing by the total number of criteria (i.e., 8).

Table D4: Percentage Agreement and Inter-rater Reliability (Kappa)Appendix D: Methodology.


Table D4: Percentage Agreement and Inter-rater Reliability (Kappa)Appendix D: Methodology.

Kappa values for the individual criterion ranged from 0.34 to 1.00, suggesting slight moderate to almost perfect agreement.39 Inter-rater agreement ranged from 76.5 percent (13/17) to 100% (17/17). We re-reviewed the criteria for which we observed the lowest level of agreement. In most cases, the disagreement amounted not to whether instrument met the criterion but how much information the manual provided to the reviewer. One of the reviewers seemed to require more detail on use to be comfortable with the instrument and, thus, to rate the criterion as having been met.

Table D1. Participants in September 18, 2000 Meeting

Table D2. Tests Selected by Meeting Participants by Disorder Categorya

Table D3. Search Terms Employed in the Literature Review

Table D3. Search Terms Employed in the Literature Review.


Table D3. Search Terms Employed in the Literature Review.

Table D4: Percentage Agreement and Inter-rater Reliability (Kappa)Appendix D: Methodology

Figure D1. Evaluation Instruments for Speech and Language Disorders Abstract Review Form

Article Author:____________________________________________________________________
Year of Article:____________________________________________________________________
UID (Unique Identifier):______________________________________________________________
Name of Tool:_____________________________________________________________________
Database: Circle one of the following:


Abstractor Initials:______________________________

If the abstract is not available, stop here and return this form to Anne Jackman.

1.Includes information on: reliability (e.g., internal consistency, test-retest, intra- or inter-rater) AND/OR validity (e.g., construct, concurrent, or predictive validity for future communicative functioning) of evaluation tool(s)
YesNoCannot Determine
2.After completion of study each analysis group is greater than or equal to 20 subjects
YesNoCannot Determine
3.After completion of study each analysis group is greater than or equal to 10 subjects
YesNoCannot Determine
4.Study design is one of the following:
  1. RCT (double, single-blinded or cross-over)
  2. Nonequivalent control group design
  3. Prospective or retrospective cohort
  4. Cohort study not otherwise specified
  5. Case-control study
  6. Psychometric testing of all types
  7. Meta-analysis, meta-regression, or cross-design synthesis
YesNoCannot Determine
5.Includes children (birth-21) and/or adults*
YesNoCannot Determine

* May include older individuals but majority must fall into this age range.


INCLUDE:__________ EXCLUDE:___________ PFFR:______________

Figure D2. Data Extraction Form for Peer-Reviewed Articles-Criteria for Determining Disability in Speech Language Disorders (pages 305-312, following)


SECTION I: Inclusion/Exclusion Checklist

A. Date of Review (MM/DD/2001): ____ / ____ / 2001

B. Tool Used: (specify instrument(s)/version(s) tested first, criterion/reference test next)
Instrument #1: _____________________________________ Version: ___
Instrument #2: _____________________________________ Version: ___
Instrument #3: _____________________________________ Version: ___
Instrument #4: _____________________________________ Version: ___

* May include older individuals but majority must fall into this age range.


1. Includes information on reliability (e.g., internal consistency, test-retest, intra- or inter-rater) AND/OR validity (e.g., construct, criteria, or predictive validity for future communicative functioning) of evaluation tool(s) Yes No
2. After completion of study each analysis group is greater than or equal to 20 subjects Yes No
3. After completion of study each analysis group is greater than or equal to 10 subjects Yes No
4. Study design is one of the following:
  1. RCT (double, single-blinded or cross-over)
  2. Nonequivalent control group design
  3. Prospective or retrospective cohort
  4. Cohort study not otherwise specified
  5. Case-control study
  6. Psychometric testing of all types
  7. Meta-analysis, meta-regression, or cross-design synthesis
Yes No
5. Includes children (birth-21) and/or adults (18-62)* Yes No

* May include older individuals but majority must fall into this age range.


SECTION II: Study Background Information

1. Date of Review (MM/DD/2001): __ __ / __ __ / 2001

2. Tool Used: (specify instrument(s)/version(s) tested first, criterion/reference test next)
        Instrument #1: _____________________________________ Version: ___
        Instrument #2: _____________________________________ Version: ___
        Instrument #3: _____________________________________ Version: ___
        Instrument #4: _____________________________________ Version: ___
3. Population (highlight one): 1= Children <=21 yrs2=Adults <= 62 yrs

4. Disorder (highlight one): 1=Not reported2=Unclear3=Language
 6=Other (specify)_______________________________

5. Year Published (YYYY):___ ___ ___ ___

6. Country where study conducted: __ __
1=United States2=Canada3=Britain/United Kingdom
4=Australia5=New Zealand6=European Country_______________________
7=South America_____________________8=Asia______________________________

7. Number of Authors: __ __

8. Surname of First Author_______________________________________

9. Background of First Author (highlight all that apply):
1=Not reported8=Pediatrics
3=Speech Language Pathology10=Otolaryngology
5=Psychology12=Test agency/publisher
6=Neuropsychology13=Other (specify)________________________

10. Funding Source (highlight all that apply):

1=Not reported5=Industry
2=Unclear6=Government Agency
3=Consumer/Patient Organization7=Professional Organization
4=Charity8= Other (specify)_____________________

SECTION III: Study Design and Description

12. Main Objectives (as described by author, give page and paragraph number in article):




13. Study Design (highlight one only):

1=Not reported6=Prospective cohort (w/out comparison group)
2=Unclear7=Retrospective cohort (w/ comparison group)
3=Controlled trial, randomized8=Retrospective cohort (w/out comparison group)
4=Controlled trial, non-randomized9= Other (specify)_________________
5=Prospective cohort (w/ comparison group)

14. Length of Study:___________________________________________________________
(If follow-up times vary, include the range, mean, median, and/or mode if they are given.)

15. Study/Evaluation Setting (highlight all that apply):

1=Not reported7=Speech/Language Clinic: Inpatient
2=Unclear8=Speech/Language Clinic: Outpatient
3=Community9=Hospital: Inpatient
4=School: Preschool10=Hospital: Outpatient
5=School: Elementary School11=Other (specify)____________________
6=School: Middle/High School

Outcome(s) Measured
16. Is outcome measured >= 12 months after initial measurement?
2=No →Go to next question  
3=Not reported →Go to next question  
4=Not clear →Go to next question  

17. Is outcome measured >= 6 months after initial measurement?
2=No →See Study Director immediately  
3=Not reported →See Study Director immediately  
4=Not clear →See Study Director immediately


18. Outcome Measure(s)
(i.e., what types of functioning/performance, instrument used to measure):
(Abstractor: Add or eliminate as needed)

Outcome #1:__________________________
Instrument/Tool #1:_____________________Version: _______________

Outcome #2:__________________________
Tool #2:_____________________________Version: _______________

Outcome #3:__________________________
Tool #3______________________________Version: _______________

Characteristics of Assessors/Evaluators

19. Number of Assessors/Evaluators (if given): __ __

20. Background of Assessors/Evaluators (highlight all that apply):
1=Not reported7=Psychiatrist
3=Speech Language Pathologist9=Neurologist
5=Psychologist11=Graduate Student: (specify discipline)
6=Neuropsychologist →_______________________

Characteristics of Patients/Subjects

Abstractor: Add groups as required.

21. Defining Characteristic(s)
(e.g., children with SL impairment vs. normal, age-matched children; Wernicke's vs. Broca's aphasia, etc.):
    Group 1: _______________________________________________________________
    Group 2: _______________________________________________________________

22. Comorbidities (e.g., learning disorders, mental retardation, hearing impairment, etc.):
    Group 1: ____________________________________________________
    Group 2: ____________________________________________________

23. Total Number of Patients/Subjects:
Group 1:#Initially entered study________Dropouts________Final #_________
Group 2:#Initially entered study________Dropouts________Final #_________

24. Sex (#):
Group 1:Males________Females________
Group 2:Males________Females________

25. Race/Ethnic Group:
26. Age (Y-M): Mean:________________ Median:___________________ SD:___________________ Range:___________________
27. Other Demographic Characteristics (Abstractor fill in as needed/appropriate)

28. Inclusion Criteria Reported (Highlight one):


(Abstractors: Note differences between groups 1 and 2, if any.)




29. Exclusion Criteria Reported (Highlight one):

(Abstractors: Note differences between groups 1 and 2, if any.)




30. Intervention(s) Studied:
(Abstractor describe the therapy or intervention provided to study participants. If none given, write "none" on first line. Add or eliminate lines as needed to describe.)







SECTION IV: Statistical Analysis

Statistical Methods Employed:

31. What statistics are employed? (Highlight all that apply)
1=Not reported5=Regression modeling-linear
2=Unclear6=Logistic regression modeling
3=t-tests, Z scores, ANOVA6=Factor analysis
4=Correlations7=Other (specify)________________________________

32. If different statistical methods are used to address the outcomes, describe which methods are used for each outcome:
Outcome #1: ________________________________
Statistical Method #1: _____________________________________________________________________

Outcome #2: ________________________________
Statistical Method #2: _____________________________________________________________________

Outcome #3: ________________________________
Statistical Method #3: _____________________________________________________________________

33. What factors were controlled for in the analyses? (e.g., age, gender, race, comorbidities, initial speech/language impairment, etc.)

SECTION V: Results

34. What were the outcome(s) observed for each group?

[Abstractor: Summarize results for each outcome, including statistic(s) used, and indicate source of data (page and paragraph number) for each group. Measures of central tendency or dispersion (i.e., standard deviation) and significance levels should be included, as appropriate.]

Outcome #1:________________________________






Outcome #2:________________________________






Outcome #3:__________________________





SECTION VI: Abstractor Notes and Comments

35. Limitations Noted in Article (provide page and paragraph numbers):









36. Limitations Noted by Reviewer (provide page and paragraph numbers):







37. Abstractor Notes to Second Reviewer:
(Please highlight any areas or data in the article, listing page and paragraph(s), which do not fit into the abstraction form but you think are important for the second reviewer to read and evaluation.


Figure D3. Data Extraction Form for Instrument Manuals Criteria for Determining Disability in Speech Language Disorders (pages 315-334)

Appendix D: Methodology


SECTION 1: Study Background Information

Date of Review (MM/DD/2001): ____ / ____ / 2001

Tool Used: (specify instrument(s)/version(s) tested first, criterion/reference test next)
        Instrument #1:____________________________ Version: ___
        Instrument #2:____________________________ Version: ___
        Instrument #3: ____________________________ Version: ___
        Instrument #4: ____________________________ Version: ___

Population (highlight one): 1= Children <=21 yrs2=Adults <= 62 yrs

Disorder (highlight one): 1=Not reporte2=Unclear  3=Language
6=Other (specify)_______________________________________________
Year Published (YYYY): __ __ __ __

Country where study conducted: __ __
1=United States2=Canada3=Britain/United Kingdom
4=Australia5=New Zealand6=European Country_______________
7=South America__________________8=Asia__________________________

Number of Authors: __ __ (Put 1 if only testing service given)

Surname of First Author____________________________________

Background of First Author (highlight all that apply):
1=Not reported8=Pediatrics
3=Speech Language Pathology10=Otolaryngology
5=Psychology12=Test agency/publisher
6=Neuropsychology13=Other (specify)_______________

Funding Source (highlight all that apply):

1=Not reported5=Industry
2=Unclear6=Government Agency
3=Consumer/Patient Organization7=Professional Organization
4=Charity8= Other (specify)__________________

SECTION II: Overall Study Description

Main Objectives (as described by author, give page and paragraph number in article):




Study/Evaluation Setting (highlight all that apply):

1=Not reported  7=Speech/Language Clinic: Inpatient
2=Unclear  8=Speech/Language Clinic: Outpatient
3=Community  9=Hospital: Inpatient
4=School: Preschool  10=Hospital: Outpatient
5=School: Elementary School  11=Other (specify)__________________________
6=School: Middle/High School

Characteristics of Assessors/Evaluators

Number of Assessors/Evaluators (if given): __ __

Background of Assessors/Evaluators (highlight all that apply):
1=Not reported  7=Psychiatrist
2=Unclear  8=Pediatrician
3=Speech Language Pathologist  9=Neurologist
4=Audiologist  10=Otolaryngologist
5=Psychologist  11=Graduate Student: (specify discipline)
6=Neuropsychologist  →________________________

Characteristics of Patients/Subjects

Abstractor: Add or eliminate groups as required.

Group 1

Defining Characteristic(s)___________________________________________


Total Number of Patients/Subjects:
Group 1:  #Initially entered study_________Dropouts_______#_______________
Group 2:  #Initially entered study_________Dropouts_______#_______________

Sex (#):
Group 1:  Males_______Females_______
Group 2:  Males_______Females_______

Race/Ethnic Group:
Race/EthnicityGroup 1Group 2
Race/Ethnic Group:
Race/EthnicityGroup 1Group 2
Not Reported    
Black orAfrican American    
Hispanic or Latino    
American Indian or Alaskan Native    
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander    
Other (specify)    
  Age (Y-M):   Mean________  Median_______  SD___________  Range_____________

Age Group for Children: (Abstractor fill in as needed/appropriate)
Age Group (Y-M to Y-M)Group 1Group 2
Age Group for Children: (Abstractor fill in as needed/appropriate)
Age Group (Y-M to Y-M)Group 1Group 2
School Grade for Children: (Abstractor fill in as needed/appropriate)
GradesGroup 1Group 2
School Grade for Children: (Abstractor fill in as needed/appropriate)
GradesGroup 1Group 2

Inclusion Criteria Reported (Highlight one):





Exclusion Criteria Reported (Highlight one):





Study Purpose (highlight all that apply):

  1. Internal Consistency
  2. Test-Retest
  3. Inter-rater
  4. Intra-rater
  5. Other
  1. Content
  2. Construct
  3. Concurrent
  4. Divergent
  5. Predictive
  6. Other
Normative Data

SECTION III: Reliability Evaluations

A. Internal Consistency Reliability Evaluation Description

Description of Study Design (summarize and give page and paragraph number in article)
(Skip only if same as overall design description)







Dates of Study______________________________________________________________________________
(Provide month/year of starting and ending points, if given.)

Length of Study Follow-up____________________________________________________________________
(If follow-up times vary, include the range and mean, median, and/or mode if they are given.)

Study/Evaluation Setting (Note only differences from overall study):



Characteristics of Assessors/Evaluators (Note only differences from overall study):



Characteristics of Patients/Subjects (Note only differences from overall study):


Statistical Methods Employed--Internal Consistency
What statistics are employed?(Highlight all that apply)
Page:______ Paragraph(s):_______

1=Not reported  4=Correlation Coefficient
2=Unclear  5=Item-total Correlation
3=Cronbach's Coefficient α  6=Other (specify)________________
Comments about how statistical methods are applied



Results -- Internal Consistency Reliability

Abstractor: Summarize results, including statistic used, and indicate source of data (page and table number). Repeat section as necessary for subtests and overall score.

e.g., (Page 5, Table 2). Cronbach's alpha for sounds-in-words tests reported for each age group. Alphas range from 0.XX to 0.XX with a mean of 0.XX. Alphas reported separately for males (0.XX) and females (0.XX).....
Page:_________ Table(s):_____________
Range:________ Mean:__________ Median:________




B. Test-Retest Reliability Evaluation;
Description of Study Design (summarize and give page and paragraph number in article)

(Skip only if same as overall design description)






Dates of Study______________________________________________________________________________
(Provide month/year of starting and ending points, if given.) (Skip only if same as overall design description)

Study/Evaluation Setting (Note only differences from overall study):



Characteristics of Assessors/Evaluators (Note only differences from overall study):



Characteristics of Patients/Subjects (Note only differences from overall study):



Statistical Methods Employed--Test-Retest Reliability

Is test-retest reliability reported for overall score?
1=Not reported   2=Unclear   3=No   4=Yes

What statistics are employed? (Highlight all that apply)
1=Not reported4=Percent of agreement
2=Unclear5=Correlation between scores
3=Cohen's Kappa6=Other (specify)_________________

Is test-retest reliability reported on a per-item basis, if appropriate?
1=Not reported   2=Unclear   3=No   4=Yes

What statistics are employed? (Highlight all that apply)
1=Not reported4=Percent of agreement
2=Unclear5=Correlation between scores
3=Cohen's Kappa6=Other (specify)_________________

Comments about how statistical methods are applied




Results -- Test-Retest Reliability

Abstractor: Summarize results, including statistic used, and indicate source of data (page and table number). Repeat section as necessary for subtests and overall score.

e.g., (Page 5, Table 2). Cohen's Kappa for sounds-in-words tests reported for each age group for each of the three consonant
positions (initial/medial/final). Kappas for initial sounds range from 0.XX to 0.XX with a mean of 0.XX. Kappas for medial
sounds range from 0.XX to 0.XX with a mean of 0.XX. Kappas for final sounds range from range from 0.XX to 0.XX with a
mean of 0.XX...__________________________________________________________________________________


Range:___________ Mean:_______ Median:____________




C. Inter-Rater Reliability Evaluation:

(Skip to next section only if same as overall design description)

Description of Study Design
(summarize and give page and paragraph number in article)





Dates of Study______________________________________________________________________________
(Provide month/year of starting and ending points, if given.)

Length of Study Follow-up____________________________________________________________________
(If follow-up times vary, include the range and mean, median, and/or mode if they are given.)

Study/Evaluation Setting (Note only differences from overall study):


Characteristics of Assessors/Evaluators (Note only differences from overall study):


Characteristics of Patients/Subjects (Note only differences from overall study):


Statistical Methods Employed--Inter-rater Reliability
Is inter-rater reliability reported for overall score?
1=Not reported   2=Unclear   3=No   4=Yes

What statistics are employed? (Highlight all that apply)
1=Not reported4=Percent of agreement
2=Unclear5=Correlation between scores
3=Cohen's Kappa6=Other (specify)________________

Is inter-rater reliability reported on a per-item basis, if appropriate?
1=Not reported   2=Unclear   3=No   4=Yes

What statistics are employed? (Highlight all that apply)
1=Not reported4=Percent of agreement
2=Unclear5=Correlation between scores
3=Cohen's Kappa6=Other (specify)________________

Comments about how statistical methods are applied




Results -- Inter-rater Reliability

Abstractor: Summarize results, including statistic used, and indicate source of data (page and table number). Repeat section as necessary for subtests and overall score.

Page:___________ Table(s):___________
Range:__________ Mean:_____________ Median:_________




D. Intra-Rater Reliability Evaluation:
(Skip to next section only if same as overall design description)

Description of Study Design
(summarize and give page and paragraph number in article)






Dates of Study______________________________________________________________________________
(Provide month/year of starting and ending points, if given.)

Length of Study Follow-up____________________________________________________________________
(If follow-up times vary, include the range and mean, median, and/or mode if they are given.)

Study/Evaluation Setting (Note only differences from overall study):



Characteristics of Assessors/Evaluators (Note only differences from overall study):



Characteristics of Patients/Subjects (Note only differences from overall study):



Statistical Methods Employed -- Intra-rater Reliability
Is intra-rater reliability reported for overall score?
1=Not reported   2=Unclear   3=No   4=Yes

What statistics are employed? (Highlight all that apply)
1=Not reported4=Percent of agreement
2=Unclear5=Other (specify)________________
3=Cohen's Kappa
Is intra-rater reliability reported on a per-item basis, if appropriate?
1=Not reported   2=Unclear   3=No   4=Yes

What statistics are employed? (Highlight all that apply)
1=Not reported4=Percent of agreement
2=Unclear5=Other (specify)________________
3=Cohen's Kappa
Comments about how statistical methods are applied




Results -- Intra-rater Reliability

Abstractor: Summarize results, including statistic used, and indicate source of data (page and table number). Repeat section as necessary for subtests and overall score.

Page:____________ Table(s):____________
Range:___________ Mean:_________ Median:___________




SECTION IV: Validity Evaluations

A. Content Validity Evaluation Description

Describe the construct of interest, including evidence that construct is well-defined.
Page_________    Paragraph____________



Is the construct of interest well-defined (Highlight one)
1=Yes   2=No   3=Unclear

Do they provide evidence that they have covered the construct (Highlight one)
1=Yes   2=No   3=Unclear

Describe any anomalies observed:
Page:______    Paragraph(s):_________





B. Construct Validity Evaluation Description

Study Design/Dates of Study/Length of Study Follow-up (Note only differences from overall study):



Study/Evaluation Setting (Note only differences from overall study):



Characteristics of Assessors/Evaluators (Note only differences from overall study):



Characteristics of Patients/Subjects (Note only differences from overall study):


Statistical Methods Employed -- Construct Validity

What statistics are employed? (Highlight all that apply)
1=Not reported4=Correlation Coefficient
2=Unclear5=Discriminant Analysis
3=Cronbach's Coefficient6=Other (specify)______________

Are individual item and subtest/composite score intercorrelations presented?
1=Not reported   2=Unclear   3=No   4=Yes

Description of intercorrelations between individual item and subtest/composite score (please provide page and paragraph number)
Page:________    Paragraph(s):_________





Are composite score intercorrelations presented?
1=Not reported   2=Unclear   3=No   4=Yes

Description of intercorrelations between composite scores (please provide page and paragraph number)
Page:_______    Paragraph(s):_________





Are intercorrelations between composite and overall scores presented?
1=Not reported   2=Unclear   3=No   4=Yes

Description of intercorrelations between composite and overall scores (please provide page and paragraph number)
Page:________    Paragraph(s):_________





Was discriminant analysis performed?
1=Not reported   2=Unclear   3=No   4=Yes

Description of Discriminant Analysis (please provide page and paragraph number)
Page:_______    Paragraph(s):_________





Comments about how statistical methods are applied




Results -- Construct Validity

Abstractor: Summarize results, including statistic used, and indicate source of data (page and table number). Repeat section as necessary for subtests and overall score.

Page:_________ Table(s):__________
Range:________ Mean:________ Median:__________




C. Concurrent Validity Evaluation Description

Study Design/Dates of Study/Length of Study Follow-up (Note only differences from overall study):



Study/Evaluation Setting (Note only differences from overall study):


Characteristics of Assessors/Evaluators (Note only differences from overall study):



Characteristics of Patients/Subjects (Note only differences from overall study):



Statistical Methods Employed -- Concurrent Validity

What statistics are employed? (Highlight all that apply)
1=Not reported4=Standard Deviations
2=Unclear5=Correlation Coefficients
3=Means6=Other (specify)___________

Are subtest and composite score means reported for both the test and the criterion tool?
1=Not reported   2=Unclear   3=No   4=Yes

Are subtest and composite score standard deviations reported for the test and the criterion tool?
1=Not reported   2=Unclear   3=No   4=Yes

Are intercorrelations between the test and criterion tool presented?
1=Not reported   2=Unclear   3=No   4=Yes

Comments about how statistical methods are applied




Results -- Concurrent Validity
Abstractor: Summarize results, including criterion tool and statistic used, and indicate source of data (page and table number). Repeat section as necessary for subtests and overall score.

Page:__________ Table(s):_________
Range:_________ Mean:____________ Median:_______




D. Divergent Validity Evaluation Description

Study Design/Dates of Study/Length of Study Follow-up (Note only differences from overall study):



Study/Evaluation Setting (Note only differences from overall study):



Characteristics of Assessors/Evaluators (Note only differences from overall study):



Characteristics of Patients/Subjects (Note only differences from overall study):



Statistical Methods Employed -- Divergent Validity

What statistics are employed? (Highlight all that apply)
1=Not reported4=Standard Deviations
2=Unclear5=Correlation Coefficients
3=Means6=Other (specify)__________

Comments about how statistical methods are applied




Results -- Divergent Validity
Abstractor: Summarize results, including statistic used, and indicate source of data (page and paragraph number).
Page:__________     Paragraph:__________





E. Predictive Validity Evaluation Description
Study Design/Dates of Study/Length of Study Follow-up (Note only differences from overall study):



Study/Evaluation Setting (Note only differences from overall study):



Characteristics of Assessors/Evaluators (Note only differences from overall study):



Characteristics of Patients/Subjects (Note only differences from overall study):


Is outcome measured > 12 months after initial measurement?
2=No →See Study Director immediately
3=Not reported →See Study Director immediately
4=Not clear →See Study Director immediately

Tool Used as Outcome Measures (i.e., what types of functioning/performance):
Tool #1:________________________
Tool #2:________________________

Statistical Methods Employed -- Predictive Validity

What statistics are employed? (Highlight all that apply)
1=Not reported5=Regression modeling
2=Unclear6=Factor analysis
3=t-tests, Z scores, ANOVA7=Other (specify)___________

Results--Predictive Validity
Abstractor: Summarize results, including statistic used, and indicate source of data (page and paragraph number).
Page:_______     Paragraph/Table:____________





SECTION V: Normative Data Evaluations

Study Design/Dates of Study/Length of Study Follow-up (Note only differences from overall study):



Study/Evaluation Setting (Note only differences from overall study):



Characteristics of Assessors/Evaluators (Note only differences from overall study):



Characteristics of Subjects Sampled (Note only differences from overall study):



Description of Study Design (as described by author, give page and paragraph number in article)

What population is the sample standardized to and how is this defined:
e.g., US population between age 2-0 and 21-0 years as defined by the 1998 U.S. Census

Page:________    Paragraph(s):___________




Is the sample balanced (i.e., is representative or reflects the population)?
1= Not Clear   2=Yes   3=No

List variables used to balance sample:
Page:________    Paragraph(s):__________



Statistical Methods Employed -- Normative Data

What statistics are employed? (highlight all that apply): (This will depend upon the test.)

1=Not reported6=Standard Error of Mean (SEM)
2=Unclear7=Percentile Ranking
3=Mean8=Test-Age Equivalent
4=Median9=Other (specify)__________
5=Standard Deviation

Description of Standard Scales:
(Please describe briefly how the standard scales are derived.)  

Derivation of Percentile Ranking (if applicable):
Page:_________    Paragraph(s):_________




Derivation of Test-Age Equivalent (if applicable):
Page:________    Paragraph(s):_________




Results--Normative Data

Normative Data Reported for (highlight all that apply):
1=Not Reported
2=Unclear 7=Educational Attainment: Subject
3=Age 8=Disorder (specify)___________
4=Gender 9=Region
5=Race 10=Urban/Rural
6=Educational Attainment: Parental 11=Other (specify)__________
SECTION VI: Abstractor Notes and Comments

Limitations Noted in Article
(provide page and paragraph numbers):
Page:_________    Paragraph(s):___________








Limitations Noted by Reviewer (provide page and paragraph numbers):
Page:_______    Paragraph(s):____________









Abstractor Notes to Second Reviewer:
(Please highlight any areas or data in the article, listing page and paragraph(s), which do not fit into the abstraction form but you think are important for the second reviewer to read and evaluation.







Figure D4. Article Quality Rating Forms (pages 337-340)

Quality Grading Scale for Individual Studies

Quality Rating Form Development

The attached table shows a provisional draft of the quality rating scale that we will use to grade individual studies. Although the majority of these studies will provide information on the predictive validity of the instruments selected by the Technical Expert Advisory Group, some will present original data describing the validation of and perhaps normative data for the instrument.

In developing this scale, we were guided by the elements described in the Consolidation of Standard for Reporting Trials (CONSORT; Begg et al., 1996; Meinert, 1998; Moher, 1998) and work of Drs. Kathleen Lohr and Timothy Carey (1999) on the RTI-UNC EPC team. Taking these criteria as a starting point, we made two modifications to assess better the types of diagnostic and evaluation instruments used for speech and language disorders. First, because this report seeks to examine the reliability and validity (including predictive validity) of different instruments across specific target populations, we have expanded the questions regarding protocol description to include more detailed information on the process by which reliability and validity are ascertained. To do this we employed the criteria proposed McCauley and Swisher, (1984) and the American Educational Research Association (2000).

Each item on our grading checklist contributes 1 point to the total quality grade. A total of 13 points can be scored for research design and study conduct, 19 for the measurement of reliability and validity and the development of test norms, and 3 points for the justification of conclusions and external validity considerations.

Use of the Quality Rating Form

The Project Director, Scientific Director, and Dr. Celia Hooper, the RTI-UNC EPC adult speech and language expert, will complete the quality rating forms. The Project Director evaluated all abstracted articles from a methodological perspective. The Scientific Director and Dr. Hooper will evaluate articles in her area of expertise. For areas not within the expertise of either Dr. Hooper or the Scientific Director, expert colleagues from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences will conduct the quality rating. To guarantee fidelity in rating, the Scientific Director and Dr. Hooper will re-grade a 10% random sample of articles graded by their Division colleagues.

Two graduate students in the Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences will complete Section V (Usability of the Tool). The Scientific Director and/or Dr. Hooper will oversee their work. To assure consistency between the graduate student reviewers, we will compute the level of inter-rater reliability using Cohen's kappa statistic.

Instructions for Completion and Scoring of Quality Rating Form

The quality reviewer will circle the appropriate number for each item or indicate N/A (not applicable) if the item is not appropriate to the article. The score for the article will be given as a percentage determined by dividing the total number of points circled on the rating form (numerator) by total number of points for the rating for (denominator). In the event that an item on the rating form does not apply, the points for that item will be subtracted from both the numerator and the denominator when calculating the percentage score. The quality rating scores will be reported separately for the clinical and methodological experts rather than averaging the scores across the quality reviewers.

Quality Rating Scale for Individual Studies

IssueNo/not reportedYes 
Category I. Research Design and Study Conduct (13 points)
  1. Is the purpose of the study stated?
  2. Can the research question(s) be addressed with the methods proposed?
Evaluation Instrument Description and Use:

Is the evaluation instrument(s) (including version) specified?


Is the population specified, including demographic characteristics (e.g., age, gender, race, SES, etc.), presence and/or severity of speech/language impairment, comorbid impairments, if any?


Are the persons administering the instrument representative (i.e. have similar experience, certification) of individuals who will administer the instrument in "everyday" practice?



Study Design Considerations:

Is the study design used appropriate for validating the instrument?


Are eligibility criteria or recruitment criteria for the study specified?


Is the sampling strategy (i.e., how subjects were selected from population) specified?


Is loss to follow-up reported?

Internal Validity:

Is a comparison group present?


If a comparison group is present, is attrition differential between the groups?

Statistical Analysis:

Are multiple comparisons taken into account if multiple univariate tests were performed?


Are statistical tests used appropriate to the data?



Category II. Outcomes: Measurement of Reliability/Validity/Normative Data (19 points)

Is construct validity measured?


If construct validity is measured, are/is:

  1. Procedures for selecting experts and eliciting judgements reported
  2. Empirical evidence supporting the relationships between the domains measured by the instrument and cognitive processes, if any, specified
  3. Evidence of and rationale for interpretation of subsets or subscores reported
  4. Evidence of interrelationships, if any, between parts of instrument reported


Is concurrent/criterion validity measured?


If concurrent/criterion validity is measured, is the instrument validated against a "gold standard" or criterion instrument(s)?


Is predictive validity measured?


If predictive validity is measured, are/is:

  1. Hypotheses to be tested reported a priori
  2. Statistical summaries (e.g., means, standard deviations, etc.) describing the association between the instrument score and the outcome measure reported











Is internal consistency reliability measured?


If internal consistency reliability is measured, are appropriate statistics (i.e., Cronbach's coefficient alpha, Kuder-Richardson statistic, Kuder-Richardson-20, KR-20) used?


Is test-retest reliability measured?


If test-retest reliability is measured, are appropriate statistics (i.e., Cohen's kappa for categorical scales, correlations for continuous numeric scored) used?


Is inter-rater reliability measured?


If inter-rater reliability is measured, are appropriate statistics (i.e., Cohen's kappa for categorical scales, correlations for continuous numeric scored) used?


Is intra-rater reliability measured?


If intra-rater reliability is measured, are appropriate statistics (i.e., Cohen's kappa for categorical scales, correlations for continuous numeric scored) used?


If the instrument is used for different populations or age groups and if separate norms are presented, are reliability data provided separately for each group or population?













Category III. Justification for Conclusions and External Validity (3 points)

Are conclusions warranted from the data?


Do the study conclusions apply to U.S. populations?


Are the limitations of the study reported?



  1. American Psychological Association, National Council on Measurement in Education. Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association, 1999. Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing.
  2. Begg C, Cho M, Eastwood S, et al Improving the quality of reporting of randomized controlled trials. The CONSORT statement. JAMA. 1996;276:637–639. [PubMed: 8773637]
  3. McCauley RJ, Swisher L Psychometric review of language and articulation tests for preschool children. J Speech Hearing Disorders. 1984;49:34–42. [PubMed: 6700200]
  4. Meinert CL Beyond CONSORT: Need for improved reporting standards for clinical trials. JAMA. 1998;279:1487–1489. [PubMed: 9600487]
  5. Moher D CONSORT: An evolving tool to help improve the quality of reports of randomized controlled trials. JAMA. 1998;279:1489–1491. [PubMed: 9600488]
  6. Lohr KN, Carey TS Assessing "best evidence": issues in grading the quality of studies for systematic reviews Jt Comm J Qual Improv 1999 Sep25(9):470–9. [PubMed: 10481816]

Figure D5. Test Manual Quality Rating Forms (pages 343-348)

Provisional Quality Grading Scale for Manuals

Quality Rating Form Development

The attached table presents the draft quality grading scale developed for use with the instrument manuals. The scale previously used by the RTI-UNC Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC) is tailored to randomized and non-randomized clinical trials and is derived from the Consolidation of Standards for Reporting Trials (CONSORT; Begg et al., 1996; Meinert, 1998; Moher, 1998) and the work of Drs. Kathleen Lohr and Timothy Carey (1999) on the RTI-UNC EPC team. We could not evaluate the conduct of studies to measure the reliability and validity of measurement instruments with the existing scale for several reasons.

First, the existing scale is designed for use with randomized and non-randomized clinical trials; psychometric evaluation of an instrument is rarely done with this type of study design and thus many of the important elements of this scale would not be addressed (and appropriately so) by the type of design used in reliability and validity studies. It also would have required a nearly complete revision to include the data elements necessary to appropriately evaluate reliability and validity. Moreover, there exists an established literature describing the criteria and standards for evaluating the development and psychometric testing of educational and psychological instruments. Since 1945, the American Educational Research Association (AERA), American Psychological Association, and the National Council on Measurement in Education have published five documents outlining standards for the development and use of educational and psychological tests. The most recent version, the 1999 Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, which provides 122 standards for test construction, evaluation, and documentation, forms the basis for our manual quality-rating scheme. These standards specifically describe methodologically and ethically sound approaches for the development and testing of validity; reliability and errors of measurement; test development and revision; the development of scales, norms, and score comparability; test administration, scoring, and reporting; and documentation supporting the instrument.

Our use of the 1999 Standards does not set a precedent in the speech and language pathology literature. In 1984 McCauley and Swisher adapted the 1985 Standards to develop 10 criteria to evaluate the psychometric properties of language and articulation instruments for preschool children. These criteria, while appealing for their simplicity and small number, neither represent the methodological development of the past 15 years nor allow us to evaluate comprehensively the quality of the selected manuals. Consequently, we began with McCauley and Swisher's (1984) criteria and selected 46 additional criteria from the 1999 Standards. Fifty-six questions comprise the manual quality-rating scale. The scale totals 100 points, with 10 associated with the instrument development or revision process, 25 each for the measurement of reliability and validity, 25 for the development of instrument norms or standard scores, 10 for usability of the evaluation instrument, and 5 for justification of conclusions and external validity.

Use of the Quality Rating Form

The Project Director, Scientific Director, and Dr. Celia Hooper, the RTI-UNC EPC adult speech and language expert, will complete a form for each manual. The Scientific Director and Dr. Hooper will evaluate instruments in their area of expertise. The Project Director will evaluate from a methodological standpoint. For areas not within the expertise of either Dr. Hooper or the Scientific Director, expert colleagues from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences will conduct the quality rating.

Instructions for Completion and Scoring of Quality Rating Form

The quality reviewer will circle the appropriate number for each item or indicate N/A (not applicable) if the item is not appropriate to the study. The score for the article will be given as a percentage determined by dividing the total number of points circled on the rating form (numerator) by 100 (denominator--the total number of points for the rating form). In the event that an item on the rating form does not apply, the points for that item will be subtracted from both the numerator and the denominator when calculating the percentage score. The quality rating scores will be reported separately for the clinical and methodological experts rather than averaging the scores across the quality reviewers.


  1. American Psychological Association, National Council on Measurement in Education. Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association, 1999. Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing.
  2. Begg C, Cho M, Eastwood S, et al Improving the quality of reporting of randomized controlled trials. The CONSORT statement. JAMA. 1996;276:637–639. [PubMed: 8773637]
  3. Lohr KN, Carey TS Assessing "best evidence": issues in grading the quality of studies for systematic reviews Jt Comm J Qual Improv. 1999 Sep25(9):470–9. [PubMed: 10481816]
  4. McCauley RJ, Swisher L Psychometric review of language and articulation tests for preschool children. J Speech Hearing Disorders. 1984;49:34–42. [PubMed: 6700200]
  5. Meinert CL Beyond CONSORT: Need for improved reporting standards for clinical trials. JAMA. 1998;279:1487–1489. [PubMed: 9600487]
  6. Moher D CONSORT: An evolving tool to help improve the quality of reports of randomized controlled trials. JAMA. 1998;279:1489–1491. [PubMed: 9600488]

Figure D6. Usability Evaluation Form Criteria for Determining Speech and Language Disorders

Usability Evaluation Form

Date of Review (MM/DD/2001): __ __ / __ __ / 2001
Instrument: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Version: ___
Instructions: Circle only one item in each row.

Are the procedures for administering the instrument described in sufficient detail to enable users to duplicate administration procedures used during standardization?

Are the procedures for administering the instrument described in sufficient detail to enable users to duplicate the scoring procedures used during standardization?

If the administrator or scorer of the instrument must have special qualifications, does the manual specify what those qualifications must be?

Does the manual document the training required by instrument administrators and/or scorers to use the instrument appropriately?

Does the manual supply information about the special environmental or equipment needs required to use and score the instrument?

Does the manual clearly explain the meaning and intended interpretations of raw score scales and the limitations of those scores?

Does the manual clearly explain the meaning and intended interpretation of derived score scales and the limitations of those scores?

When scales are to be used for reporting scores, does the manual clearly describe the construction of the scales?

















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