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Aronson N, Seidenfeld J, Samson DJ, et al. Relative Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Methods of Androgen Suppression in the Treatment of Advanced Prostate Cancer. Rockville (MD): Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (US); 1999 May. (Evidence Reports/Technology Assessments, No. 4.)

  • This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.

This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.

Cover of Relative Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Methods of Androgen Suppression in the Treatment of Advanced Prostate Cancer

Relative Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Methods of Androgen Suppression in the Treatment of Advanced Prostate Cancer.

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This evidence report is the product of a systematic literature review. The protocol for this review was prospectively designed to define: study objectives, search strategy, study selection criteria and methods for determining study eligibility, data elements to be abstracted and methods for abstraction, and methods for study quality assessment. To maximize the accuracy of study selection and data abstraction, two independent reviewers completed each step in this protocol. Disagreements were resolved by consensus of the two reviewers.

This review is based solely on published evidence. Retrieval of data from unpublished trials is beyond the scope of this project. However, where other sources have indicated the existence of unpublished trials, this information is noted in the relevant section.

Two supplementary analyses accompany this systematic review. The first is a meta-analysis of data on overall survival, the only outcome for which the available data were judged to be sufficient to perform meta-analysis. The second is a cost-effectiveness analysis of the available strategies for androgen suppression, which incorporates the results of the meta-analysis into a decision-analytic model.

The development of the evidence report and supplementary analysis was subject to extensive expert review. A five-member Technical Advisory Group provided ongoing guidance on all phases of this project. The Technical Advisory Group consisted of three prostate cancer experts (Peter Albertsen, M.D.; Charles Bennett, M.D., Ph.D.; and Timothy Wilt, M.D., M.P.H), an expert on meta-analysis (Victor Hasselblad, Ph.D.), and an expert on cost-effectiveness analysis (Alan Garber, M.D., Ph.D.). In addition, the draft protocol and draft report were reviewed by 18 external reviewers, and revisions were made based on their comments. Ten of the 18 reviewers are nationally recognized experts from the various clinical and research specialties involved in the treatment of prostate cancer. Three of the 10 experts were appointed by the American Society for Clinical Oncology (Nicholas Vogelzang, M.D.), the American Urological Association (Patrick Walsh, M.D.) and the American Society for Therapeutic Radiation Oncology (Deborah Kuban, M.D.). These expert reviewers reflect the various clinical and research specialties involved in the treatment of prostate cancer. An expert in cost-effectiveness analysis (Jane Weeks, M.D.) and an expert in systematic review and meta-analysis (Joseph Lau, M.D., Ph.D.) were among the 18 reviewers.

The external reviewers also included patients who have been treated for prostate cancer, technical staff of pharmaceutical companies that produce agents used for androgen suppression, and staff of the Health Care Financing Administration. An earlier draft of this report was reviewed by the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association Technology Evaluation Center Medical Advisory Panel. This 19-member interdisciplinary panel comprises experts in technology assessment methods and clinical research and also includes managed care physicians from Blue Cross and Blue Shield and Kaiser Permanente health plans. (The members of the Technical Advisory Group, external expert reviewers, and the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association Technology Evaluation Center Medical Advisory Panel are listed in the Acknowledgments.)

Search Strategy for the Identification of Articles

A comprehensive literature search was performed that attempted to identify all publications of relevant randomized controlled trials. The search process began with the MEDLINE, CANCERLIT, and EMBASE databases. These online sources were searched for all articles published since 1966 that included at least one of the following terms in their titles, their abstracts, or their keyword lists:

  • leuprolide (Lupron®)
  • goserelin (Zoladex®)
  • buserelin (Suprefact®)
  • flutamide (Eulexin®)
  • nilutamide (Anandron, Nilandron®)
  • bicalutamide (Casodex®)
  • cyproterone acetate (Androcur®)
  • diethylstilbestrol (DES)
  • orchiectomy (castration, orchidectomy)
  • ketaconazole (Nizoral®)

The search results were then limited to include only those articles that were indexed under the Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) "prostatic neoplasms," and addressed studies on human subjects. The UK Cochrane Center search strategy for identifying randomized controlled trials was used to further limit the search results. Ketaconazole was initially included in the search strategy, but references relating solely to this agent were excluded because this agent is used as a second-line intervention, whereas this review focuses on first-line hormonal therapy. EMBASE was last searched on February 24, 1998. The MEDLINE database was last searched on March 18, 1998. Total retrieval through these search dates is 1,477 references.

In addition, the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register and the CENTRAL register were searched for trials on any of these agents in men with prostate cancer. The yield from this search strategy also was matched against the table of contents/list of trials compiled by the Prostate Cancer Trialists' Collaborative Group (1995) and the trials cited in the MetaWorks meta-analysis (Caubet, Tosteson, Dong et al., 1997) to determine if any relevant trials were omitted. No published studies identified from these sources were missed by the MEDLINE/CANCERLIT/EMBASE search.

To supplement the above strategy, issues of Current Contents on Diskette were searched through August 24, 1998, to identify recently published articles that have not yet been indexed by the online databases. The resulting citations were compared with those on the primary and secondary bibliographic databases to identify studies not cited in the MEDLINE, CANCERLIT, and EMBASE searches. Two published reports that were not yet available from the online databases were identified from the search of Current Contents. We also searched abstracts presented at the 1998 meetings of the American Urological Association and the American Society for Clinical Oncology.

Selection Criteria

Types of Studies

This report includes studies that focus on the comparison of outcomes of different androgen suppression monotherapies, the comparison of outcomes of monotherapies versus combined androgen blockade, and the comparison of outcomes of immediate versus deferred initiation of androgen suppression. The primary criterion for selection of studies, with respect to efficacy outcomes, required that studies be designed as randomized controlled trials. For adverse events data, randomized trials were included, and nonrandomized phase II studies were included if they reported the frequency of patients withdrawing from therapy due to adverse events. For quality of life data, all reports that were identified by the search strategy were included.

Types of Participants

Trials that compared different options for monotherapy, or that compared monotherapy with combined androgen blockade, were included if they enrolled men with advanced prostate cancer who were not previously treated with hormonal therapy for prostate cancer. For this review, advanced prostate cancer is defined to include the following two groups:


Those with disseminated and/or symptomatic metastases (defined as stage D1/D2, N+ or M1 disease); and


Those with asymptomatic or minimally advanced disease (defined as stage C or T3-4NXM0 disease).

For trials that compared immediate versus deferred initiation of androgen suppression only, a third patient group was included:


Those with a rising prostate-specific antigen (PSA), or other signs of progression, after surgery or radiotherapy for early stage disease.

Wherever possible, data for subgroups were analyzed separately; however, reports of outcome by subgroups were sparse in this literature. In addition, for purposes of the meta-analyses, sensitivity analyses were performed that restricted inclusion to studies that provided separate data for stage D2 patients. No other patient subgroup was represented by sufficient data to justify performing separate sensitivity analyses.

Trials that compared immediate with deferred treatment were included if they enrolled men in groups "2" and "3," as above.

Types of Interventions

Part I: Monotherapies

Randomized controlled trials were included in the comparison of monotherapies if patients in one arm of the study were treated with either:

  • a luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) agonist (e.g., leuprolide, goserelin, or buserelin);
  • a nonsteroidal antiandrogen (e.g., flutamide, nilutamide, or bicalutamide); or
  • the steroidal antiandrogen cyproterone acetate;

whereas patients in a second arm were treated with:

  • orchiectomy; or
  • diethylstilbestrol (DES).

Randomized trials also were included if one arm used one of the drug monotherapies and the other arm used another drug monotherapy or if patients in one arm were treated with orchiectomy and patients in the other arm were treated with DES.

Trials were excluded if they compared different dosages of a single drug or if they compared DES or orchiectomy with steroidal drugs other than cyproterone.

Part II: Monotherapy versus Combined Androgen Blockade

To compare combined androgen blockade with monotherapy, randomized controlled trials that report the outcomes of interest were selected if they made any one of the following four comparisons:

  • orchiectomy compared with orchiectomy plus an antiandrogen;
  • an LHRH agonist compared with an LHRH agonist plus an antiandrogen;
  • orchiectomy compared with an LHRH agonist plus an antiandrogen; or
  • either orchiectomy or an LHRH agonist alone compared with either orchiectomy or an LHRH agonist plus an antiandrogen.

Part III: Immediate versus Deferred Androgen Suppression Therapy

Trials were sought in the comparison of immediate with deferred therapy if they randomized patients to receive androgen suppression therapy that was deferred until the appearance of symptoms of disseminated disease (primarily bone pain) or at first signs of disseminated disease (bony or distant soft tissue metastases) versus initiation of therapy at an earlier point, including any of the following: (1) when the patient is diagnosed with asymptomatic stage C or D1 disease; (2) when a patient originally given definitive treatment for localized disease demonstrates biochemical evidence of recurrence or progression (usually defined by a rising PSA, although specific PSA criteria vary); or (3) when a patient originally given definitive treatment for localized disease show signs of progression, other than PSA.

Types of Outcome Measures

Trials were included if they reported at least one of the following outcomes, each of which were compared and analyzed separately:

  • overall survival
  • cancer-specific survival
  • progression-free survival
  • time to hormone refractory status
  • time to treatment failure
  • adverse effects of treatment
  • quality of life
  • patient preferences or satisfaction

Methods of the Review

Determining Study Eligibility

Procedures were followed with the intention of systematically screening references to include all studies relevant to this literature review. The title and abstract of each reference retrieved by the search initially were evaluated against the inclusion and exclusion criteria by one of two reviewers. Each reviewer was responsible for 50 percent of the retrieved citations. The reviewer sorted references into three categories: "include," "exclude," and "uncertain." All references sorted into the "include" category by either reviewer were slated for retrieval. All references sorted into the "exclude" category by one reviewer were evaluated by the other reviewer. Any reference sorted as "exclude" which the alternate reviewer sorted as "include" was slated for retrieval. All references sorted as "uncertain" were reconsidered by both reviewers with a bias toward being inclusive. After articles were retrieved, each reviewer evaluated all articles against the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Disagreements were resolved by consensus of the two reviewers.

Data Abstraction

Two reviewers independently collected data for each eligible study, recording it with electronic database software. The data elements that were abstracted, when available in published reports, are detailed in the data abstraction form (Appendix IV). Data elements were grouped into the following broad categories: trial identifiers, study methods (including enrollment and withdrawal numbers), patient characteristics, outcomes, and comments.

Among the data elements sought for these outcomes were the proportion of patients surviving at 1 year, 2 years, 5 years, and 10 years. The median survival durations were also sought for each outcome. When an article did not report these elements specifically, the reviewers estimated them from curves that were available in the published reports. After each reviewer completed data abstraction, the data were compared and disagreements were resolved by consensus of the two reviewers.

Assessing Study Quality

The reviewers assessed the quality of methods and reporting, with the intention of documenting the quality of individual trials and determining whether studies could be grouped into categories by grade of methodologic quality. Quality assessments included the following elements: method of random sequence generation, blinding of the randomization process during patient recruitment, blinding of the investigator and patient to treatment allocation prior to breaking the randomization code (except when the patient underwent surgical castration), reporting of withdrawals and handling of them in the analysis, use of intent-to-treat analysis, reporting of power analysis, whether compliance with treatment was monitored, and description of treatment protocols, including concurrent treatments.

Information on study quality was included in the data abstraction forms and in an evidence table. Decision rules for reviewer assessments on these elements are described in Table 6. Reviewers did not complete a formal quality rating scale for each trial. However, the decision rules that guided assessments of the different elements of methodologic quality are consistent with rules contained in many of the available scales (Chalmers, Smith, Blackburn et al., 1981; Moher, Jadad, Nichol et al., 1995; Mulrow and Oxman, 1997).

Table 6. Decision Rules for Reviewer Quality Assessments.


Table 6. Decision Rules for Reviewer Quality Assessments.

During data abstraction, the reviewers discovered that information was commonly lacking about many of the above methodologic elements, making it impossible to make a definitive determination about many elements of methodologic quality. After consultation with members of the Technical Advisory Group, a simple method of evaluating study quality was adopted, using the two elements that were most often possible to determine from articles: blinding of intervention and use of intent-to-treat analysis. Studies of higher quality were those that used double-blinding or those where blinding was not applicable and those studies where an intent-to-treat analysis was performed on the outcome of interest. This method of classifying higher quality studies was used in the meta-analyses for the purposes of performing sensitivity analyses. Sensitivity analyses for those studies that were assessed as being of higher quality were performed after meta-analyses were performed on all eligible studies for a particular outcome.

Adverse Events

Abstraction and analysis of data on adverse events present particular difficulties. The difficulties encountered in this project are representative of the general problem of the limitations of clinical trials as a source of data on adverse events. One well-recognized problem is that some adverse events may be so infrequent that clinical trials are not large enough to capture events that may be of concern when the treatment is used in the general population of patients. A second problem is inconsistency in which adverse events are reported and how they are measured. Efforts to improve standards in reporting of randomized trials have emphasized the need for more thorough and systematic reporting of the spectrum of effects for an intervention (Mosteller, Gilber, and McPeek, 1980).

The literature on androgen suppression for the treatment of prostate cancer lacks a consistent framework for reporting adverse events. Studies vary substantially with respect to which adverse events are reported and how these are measured. Reports are often ambiguous with respect to whether failure to report on a specific adverse event means that the event did not occur or that data on the event was not collected. The methods for collecting, pooling, and reporting adverse events data used in this report attempt to systematize, to the extent feasible, a body of evidence that has serious limitations.

There are three types of evidence relating to adverse events: adverse events by category (e.g., cardiovascular, endocrine), adverse events leading to withdrawal from therapy, and adverse events reported by degree of severity. It is generally recognized that each of these methods of androgen suppression has characteristic adverse event profiles, in which certain categories of adverse events are more prominent or of greater clinical importance. Taken together, the primary categories of adverse events for all androgen suppression methods include the following: cardiovascular, endocrine, gastrointestinal, hepatic, and ophthalmologic. This review focused on these categories of adverse events.

Evidence on the severity of adverse events is likely to be of most use to patients and clinicians for the purposes of choosing interventions. However, there are very few data of this type. Only three studies have reported data on adverse events by degree of severity, which is insufficient to compare interventions. Therefore, adverse events leading to withdrawal from therapy serve as indicator of severity.

Sources of Evidence

Adverse events by category

The randomized trials that were considered eligible for inclusion in this report provide some data on adverse events by category, but such randomized trials are often limited by incomplete reporting of the categories of adverse events that are of interest. A second source of data on adverse events by category is the package inserts for the agents that are marketed in the United States (Evidence Tables I.12 and II.14 in Appendices I and II, respectively).

Adverse events leading to withdrawal from therapy

We used data on adverse events leading to withdrawal from therapy as indicators of severity. We first sought data of this type from the randomized trials that meet this report's study eligibility criteria. The second source of evidence was phase II studies of the monotherapies of interest, which were captured by the search strategy.

Data Abstraction and Pooling

Adverse events by category

For the randomized trials considered eligible for inclusion in this report, adverse event data of any type were abstracted and entered into the electronic database. The following decision rules determined which adverse events within a category were to be included in the Evidence Tables.

  • When an adverse event within a category (e.g., endocrine, hot flushes) was reported by at least three studies, it was considered for pooling across studies.
  • For the nonsteroidal antiandrogens and LHRH agonists, adverse event data were pooled by class of agent because the trials do not consistently report the same adverse events within categories and there were insufficient data to pool adverse events by specific agents.
  • To be included in the table, an adverse event had to be reported in at least three of the five classes of monotherapies. No such restriction applied to adverse events reported by trials comparing monotherapy with combined androgen blockade.

To simplify the presentation of data, when related adverse events were reported, the data sets were combined as a range of percentages or one data set was selected as most complete. Simplification of the tables was accomplished as follows:

  • Embolic events, phlebitis, and venous thrombosis were combined;
  • Nausea and nausea/vomiting were combined;
  • Nausea/vomiting was selected and vomiting was excluded;
  • Peripheral edema was selected and edema was excluded;
  • Gynecomastia was selected and breast pain/tenderness was excluded.

Adverse events leading to withdrawal from therapy

All randomized trials that met this report's eligibility criteria and included data on adverse events leading to withdrawal from therapy were abstracted. In addition, all phase II trials that reported adverse events leading to withdrawal from therapy were abstracted. Data from both sources were pooled across interventions. When data of these two sources are combined, there is sufficient evidence to permit comparisons by specific agents, such as individual LHRH agonists and individual nonsteroidal antiandrogens (NSAAs).

Data Analysis Techniques

Supplemental Analysis: Meta-analysis

Meta-analysis describes a set of analytic techniques that allows for synthesis of data across a number of similarly designed studies. One of the rationales for performing meta-analysis is to increase the power by which to detect an effect when individual studies do not obtain statistically significant results. An excellent approach to the meta-analysis of trials in prostate cancer was provided in the analysis by (Caubet, Tosteson, Dong, and coworkers,1997). This report used that general approach with some additional guidance from the paper of (Whitehead and Whitehead,1991). One interesting methodologic problem resulted from the variety of monotherapies available and the fact that they are not all compared against the same control. A general methodology for handling this problem was given by (Hasselblad,1998) and was applied to this particular problem.

Survival rates for prostate cancer are poor, which implies a large value for the hazard rate (the rate of death across time). Although these values may not be exactly constant over time, in general, it was assumed that the hazard is constant. The actual survival curve often is not available and, as a result, those assumptions cannot be checked.

Based on the above assumptions, the object was to obtain estimates of the hazard rate for each arm of each study or to obtain the estimate of the proportional hazards term and its standard error. For studies that do not provide this, estimates from other statistics may be obtained. (Caubet, Tosteson, Dong, and coworkers,1997) suggested that the log-hazard ratio Beta can be estimated from the chi-squared value of the log-rank test:
Image f8_equ001.jpg (1)
where e is the number of events. In those cases where Kaplan-Meier curves are given, it is generally possible to estimate the individual hazards. Finally, in those cases where the survival at a given point in time, S , is given as S = X/N (where X is the number surviving and N is the number of subjects followed, the hazard can be estimated as:
Image f8_equ002.jpg (2)
where t is the time at which the survival was measured.

The hazard rates can be combined using a fixed or random effects model. The fixed effects model assumes that the hazard rates are the same in each study. In this case, the measures are often combined using an inverse variance weighting formula. This assumption is probably unreasonable given the variety of studies. The populations, initial stage, treatment, and length of followup are slightly different in each study.

The model used for the meta-analyses in this document is a random effects model (see, e.g., DerSimonian and Laird, 1986, and Hedges and Olkin, 1985). Random effects models differ from fixed effects models in that a measure of the variation between studies is included in computation of the total uncertainty used to compute weights for each estimate. The random effects mean and variance are used to compute confidence intervals in a manner that corresponds exactly to the fixed effects case.

To use this methodology, a table of hazard rates for each arm of each study must first be constructed. For example, Evidence Table I.13 (Appendix I) shows the 2-year hazard rates for all the monotherapies used in the treatment of prostate cancer. In addition, dummy variables were created to indicate the type of treatment. Finally, dummy variables were created for each individual study (not shown) in order to pool across hazard ratios (similar to that done for odds ratios).

Meta-analyses were performed where appropriate using random effects models. Sensitivity analyses were used to test for heterogeneity of methods (including the effect of including studies of lower methodologic quality), participants, and interventions. For the meta-analysis of combined androgen blockade, sensitivity analysis was also used to test whether studies that reported 5-year survival differed from studies reporting 2-year survival. An initial analysis was performed to determine whether the results of castration and administration of diethylstilbestrol are comparable and thus whether it is valid to pool studies in which the control arms used either of these monotherapies. Separate analyses will also be used to compare the available monotherapies, compare monotherapy with combined androgen blockade, and compare the outcomes of immediate androgen suppression with those of deferred treatment.

Supplemental Analysis: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

The cost-effectiveness of androgen suppression strategies for patients with advanced prostate cancer also was evaluated for this report. The decision analysis model incorporates benefits and harms of the interventions, captures a broad range of costs, and accounts for quality of life effects. The model is conducted from a societal perspective, with all costs and benefits expressed in present value terms with a rate of time discount of 3 percent, in accordance with the guidelines of the Panel on Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine ( Gold, Seigel, Russell et al., 1996 ). The analysis was conducted with DATA software version 3.0.16 (TreeAge). Further details about the cost-effectiveness analysis methods will be described in the cost-effectiveness analysis chapter.


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