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Guise JM, Eden K, Emeis C, et al. Vaginal Birth After Cesarean: New Insights. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2010 Mar. (Evidence Reports/Technology Assessments, No. 191.)

  • This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.

This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.

Cover of Vaginal Birth After Cesarean: New Insights

Vaginal Birth After Cesarean: New Insights.

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Appendix FExcluded Studies List

Exclusion codes key

4No data for topic
5Wrong Population (specify reason: no previous cesarean, animal study, abortion, multiple gestations, pre-existing medical condition, pre-term (<37 weeks), cadavers, etc)
6No full-text paper, opinion or letter with no data
7Cannot isolate our population of interest (specify reason)
8Developing country/Not in English
9Less than 10 subjects
10Study began or published before 1980
11Insufficient to determine population

List of studies

1. Vaginal delivery after cesarean section. Am Fam Physician, 1985. 32(3): p. 90.

Exclusion code: 6

2. Cesarean births and trial of labor rates. Jama, 1987. 257(20): p. 2757–9.

Exclusion code: 6

3. A method of predicting the likelihood of success or failure in a trial of labor in any given set of circumstances is a laudable goal. [comment]. J Reprod Med, 1991. 36(11): p. 829–31.

Exclusion code: 4

4. Nonclinical factors and repeat C-section. [comment]. Jama, 1991. 265(18): p. 2338–9.

Exclusion code: 6

5. Improving the timeliness of emergency C-sections at Southwestern Vermont Medical Center leads to improved patient care and increased physician satisfaction. Qual Lett Healthc Lead, 1993. 5(1): p. 6–8.

Exclusion code: 6

6. Repeat cesarean section vs. VBACs: helping women decide. AWHONN Voice, 1994. 2(8): p. 1.

Exclusion code: 6

7. Trial of labor vs. elective repeat cesarean section. AAFP Task Force on Clinical Policies for Patient Care. Am Fam Physician, 1995. 52(6): p. 1763–5.

Exclusion code: 4

8. Vaginal delivery after a previous cesarean birth. ACOG Committee opinion. Number 143-October 1994 (replaces No. 64, October 1988). Committee on Obstetric Practice. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 1995. 48(1): p. 127–9.

Exclusion code: 4

9. ACOG releases practice guidelines on vaginal delivery after previous cesarean birth. Am Fam Physician, 1996. 53(2): p. 775–6.

Exclusion code: 6

10. Vaginal delivery after previous cesarean birth. Number 1--August 1995. Committee on Practice Patterns. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 1996. 52(1): p. 90–8.

Exclusion code: 4

11. VBAC (vaginal birth after cesareans): are cost concerns outweighing possible safety risks? Hosp Case Manag, 1996. 4(11): p. 161–4.

Exclusion code: 6

12. What is the right number of caesarean sections? Lancet, 1997. 349(9055): p. 815.

Exclusion code: 4

13. Case records of the Massachusetts General Hospital. Weekly clinicopathological exercises. Case 9-1998. Cardiovascular collapse after vaginal delivery in a patient with a history of cesarean section. N Engl J Med, 1998. 338(12): p. 821–6.

Exclusion code: 9

14. Outreach program slashes Florida health network’s rate of cesarean sections. Health Care Cost Reengineering Rep, 1998. 3(9): p. 137–8.

Exclusion code: 6

15. Stats & facts. Vaginal births after cesarean sections: a need to revisit. Manag Care Interface, 2001. 14(11): p. 34–5.

Exclusion code: 4

16. Medical discipline--not guilty. N Z Med J, 2004. 117(1188): p. 2 p following U755.

Exclusion code: 6

17. National Institutes of Health state-of-the-science conference statement: Cesarean delivery on maternal request March 27–29, 2006. Obstet Gynecol, 2006. 107(6): p. 1386–97.

Exclusion code: 4

18. NIH State of the Science Conference: cesarean delivery on maternal request. Adv Neonat Care, 2006. 6(4): p. 171–2.

Exclusion code: 4

19. Risks and benefits of caesarean delivery on maternal request. Midwifery, 2006. 22(2): p. 98–9.

Exclusion code: 6

20. Aali, B.S. and B. Motamedi, Women’s knowledge and attitude towards modes of delivery in Kerman, Islamic Republic of Iran. East Mediterr Health J, 2005. 11(4): p. 663–72.

Exclusion code: 5

21. Abbas, F., et al., Placenta percreta with bladder invasion as a cause of life threatening hemorrhage. J Urol, 2000. 164(4): p. 1270–4.

Exclusion code: 9

22. Abboud, T.K., et al., Isoflurane or halothane for cesarean section: comparative maternal and neonatal effects. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand, 1989. 33(7): p. 578–81.

Exclusion code: 5

23. Abboud, T.K., et al., Isoflurane or halothane for cesarean section: comparative maternal and neonatal effects. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand, 1989. 33(7): p. 578–81.

Exclusion code: 5

24. Abboud, T.K., et al., Desflurane: a new volatile anesthetic for cesarean section. Maternal and neonatal effects. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand, 1995. 39(6): p. 723–6.

Exclusion code: 5

25. Abboud, T.K., et al., Intravenous propofol vs thiamylal-isoflurane for caesarean section, comparative maternal and neonatal effects. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand, 1995. 39(2): p. 205–9.

Exclusion code: 5

26. Abdelhak, Y.E., et al., Management of cervical cerclage at term: remove the suture in labor? J Perinat Med, 2000. 28(6): p. 453–7.

Exclusion code: 5

27. Abitbol, M.M., et al., The cephalopelvic disproportion index. Combined fetal sonography and x-ray pelvimetry for early detection of cephalopelvic disproportion. J Reprod Med, 1991. 36(5): p. 369–73.

Exclusion code: 4

28. Abouleish, E., et al., Combined intrathecal morphine and bupivacaine for cesarean section. Anesth Analg, 1988. 67(4): p. 370–4.

Exclusion code: 5

29. Aboulfalah, A., et al., Induction of labour with intravaginal misoprostol after prior cesarean delivery. Afr J Reprod Health, 2001. 5(2): p. 139–42.

Exclusion code: 4

30. Abu-Ghazzeh, Y.M. and R. Barqawi, An appraisal of computed tomography pelvimetry in patients with previous caesarean section. East Mediterr Health J, 2000. 6(2–3): p. 260–4.

Exclusion code: 8

31. Abu-Heija, A.T. and A.M. Ali, Induction of labor in grand multiparous women and previous cesarean section: is it safe? Gynecol Obstet Invest, 2002. 53(2): p. 121–4.

Exclusion code: 8

32. Abu-Heija, A.T., F. El-Jallad, and S. Ziadeh, Placenta previa: effect of age, gravidity, parity and previous caesarean section. Gynecol Obstet Invest, 1999. 47(1): p. 6–8.

Exclusion code: 8

33. Afriat, C.I., Vaginal birth after cesarean section: a review of the literature. J Perinat Neonatal Nurs, 1990. 3(3): p. 1–13.

Exclusion code: 10

34. Agostini, A., et al., Risk of bladder injury during vaginal hysterectomy in women with a previous cesarean section. J Reprod Med, 2005. 50(12): p. 940–2.

Exclusion code: 6

35. Al Nuaim, L.A., S. Kattan, and M.S. Mustafa, Vesicouterine fistula after a previous low vertical cesarean section (DeLee incision). Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 1996. 55(2): p. 161–2.

Exclusion code: 4

36. Al Sakka, M., W. Dauleh, and S. Al Hassani, Case series of uterine rupture and subsequent pregnancy outcome. Int J Fertil Womens Med, 1999. 44(6): p. 297–300.

Exclusion code: 8

37. Al Sakka, M., A. Hamsho, and L. Khan, Rupture of the pregnant uterus--a 21-year review. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 1998. 63(2): p. 105–8.

Exclusion code: 8

38. Alarab, M., et al., Singleton vaginal breech delivery at term: still a safe option. Obstet Gynecol, 2004. 103(3): p. 407–12.

Exclusion code: 5

39. Albers, L.L., Safety of VBACs in birth centers: choices and risks. Birth, 2005. 32(3): p. 229–31.

Exclusion code: 4

40. Alexander, J.M., et al., Fetal injury associated with cesarean delivery. Obstet Gynecol, 2006. 108(4): p. 885–90.

Exclusion code: 5

41. Alexiadis, G., et al., Abdominal wall endometriosis--ultrasound research: a diagnostic problem. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol, 2001. 28(2): p. 121–2.

Exclusion code: 4

42. Alfirevic, Z., Oral misoprostol for induction of labour. [update in Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2001;(2):CD001338; PMID: 11405987][update of Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2000;(2):CD001338; PMID: 10796260]. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2000(4): p. CD001338.

Exclusion code: 4

43. Alfirevic, Z. and A. Weeks, Oral misoprostol for induction of labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2006.

Exclusion code: 4

44. Algert, C.S., et al., Labor before a primary cesarean delivery: reduced risk of uterine rupture in a subsequent trial of labor for vaginal birth after cesarean. Obstet Gynecol, 2008. 112(5): p. 1061–6.

Exclusion code: 6

45. Al-Kadri, H., et al., Failed individual and sequential instrumental vaginal delivery: contributing risk factors and maternal-neonatal complications. [erratum appears in Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2003 Oct;82(10):976]. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 2003. 82(7): p. 642–8.

Exclusion code: 8

46. Alkatib, M., A.V.M. Franco, and M.M. Fynes, Vesicouterine fistula following Cesarean delivery--ultrasound diagnosis and surgical management. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 2005. 26(2): p. 183–5.

Exclusion code: 4

47. Almeida, E.C.S., et al., Cesarean section as a cause of chronic pelvic pain. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 2002. 79(2): p. 101–4.

Exclusion code: 7

48. Al-Najjar, F.S. and A.M. Al-Shafiai, Safety of vaginal breech delivery. Saudi Med J, 2004. 25(10): p. 1517–8.

Exclusion code: 5

49. Alran, S., et al., Maternal and neonatal outcome of 93 consecutive triplet pregnancies with 71% vaginal delivery. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 2004. 83(6): p. 554–9.

Exclusion code: 5

50. Altman, D., et al., Symptoms of anal and urinary incontinence following cesarean section or spontaneous vaginal delivery. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2007. 197(5): p. 512. e1–7.

Exclusion code: 5

51. Al-Took, S., Adhesion-related small-bowel obstruction after gynecologic operations. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1999. 180(2): p. 313–5.

Exclusion code: 4

52. Amon, E., B.M. Sibai, and G.D. Anderson, How perinatologists manage the problem of the presenting breech. Am J Perinatol, 1988. 5(3): p. 247–50.

Exclusion code: 4

53. Andersen, H.F., et al., Neonatal status in relation to incision intervals, obstetric factors, and anesthesia at cesarean delivery. Am J Perinatol, 1987. 4(4): p. 279–83.

Exclusion code: 4

54. Andersen, J.R., et al., Decidual prolactin content and secretion at term. Correlations with the clinical data. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 1987. 66(7): p. 591–6.

Exclusion code: 7

55. Anderson, G. and C. Strong, The premature breech: caesarean section or trial of labour? J Med Ethics, 1988. 14(1): p. 18–24.

Exclusion code: 5

56. Andrews, W.W., et al., Effect of type of anesthesia on blood loss at elective repeat cesarean section. Am J Perinatol, 1992. 9(3): p. 197–200.

Exclusion code: 4

57. Angelini, D.J. and L. Greenwald, Closed claims analysis of 65 medical malpractice cases involving nurse-midwives. J Midwifery Womens Health, 2005. 50(6): p. 454–60.

Exclusion code: 6

58. Annibale, D.J., et al., Comparative neonatal morbidity of abdominal and vaginal deliveries after uncomplicated pregnancies. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med, 1995. 149(8): p. 862–7.

Exclusion code: 5

59. Anteby, S.O., A. Birkenfeld, and D. Weinstein, Post cesarean section urinary tract infections, risk factors and prophylactic antibiotic treatment. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol, 1984. 11(4): p. 161–4.

Exclusion code: 5

60. Antoine, C. and B.K. Young, Fetal lactic acidosis with epidural anesthesia. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1982. 142(1): p. 55–9.

Exclusion code: 10

61. Appleton, B., et al., Knowledge and attitudes about vaginal birth after Caesarean section in Australian hospitals. VBAC Study Group. Vaginal Birth After Caesarean. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 2000. 40(2): p. 195–9.

Exclusion code: 4

62. Ardiet, E., D. Subtil, and F. Puech, Cervical ripening with dinoprostone gel and previous cesarean delivery. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 2005. 91(3): p. 260–1.

Exclusion code: 6

63. Arias, E., et al., Annual summary of vital statistics--2002. Pediatrics, 2003. 112(6 Pt 1): p. 1215–30.

Exclusion code: 4

64. Armstrong, V., et al., Detection of cesarean scars by transvaginal ultrasound. Obstet Gynecol, 2003. 101(1): p. 61–5.

Exclusion code: 4

65. Arraztoa, J.A., et al., [Delivery conduction in patients with cicatrix of a prior cesarean section. Pilot study]. Revista chilena de obstetricia y ginecologia, 1994. 59(2): p. 95–100; discussion 100-1.

Exclusion code: 8

66. Arulkumaran, S., et al., Uterine activity during spontaneous labour after previous lower-segment caesarean section. Br J Obstet Gynaecol, 1989. 96(8): p. 933–8.

Exclusion code: 8

67. Arulkumaran, S., I. Ingemarsson, and S.S. Ratnam, Oxytocin augmentation in dysfunctional labour after previous caesarean section. Br J Obstet Gynaecol, 1989. 96(8): p. 939–41.

Exclusion code: 8

68. Ash, A., A. Smith, and D. Maxwell, Caesarean scar pregnancy. Bjog, 2007. 114(3): p. 253–63.

Exclusion code: 4

69. Ashton, P., et al., Return to theatre--experience at the Mercy Maternity Hospital, Melbourne 1971–1982. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 1985. 25(3): p. 159–69.

Exclusion code: 7

70. Asole, S., et al., Effect of hospital practices on breastfeeding: A survey in the Italian region of Lazio. Journal of Human Lactation, 2009. 25(3): p. 333–340.

Exclusion code: 7

71. Atad, J., et al., Ripening and dilatation of the unfavourable cervix for induction of labour by a double balloon device: experience with 250 cases. Br J Obstet Gynaecol, 1997. 104(1): p. 29–32.

Exclusion code: 7

72. Atad, J., et al., Continuous extraovular prostaglandin F2 alpha instillation for late pregnancy termination in patients with previous cesarean section delivery. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 1986. 24(4): p. 315–9.

Exclusion code: 5

73. Atalla, R.K., et al., Reactive thrombocytosis after caesarean section and vaginal delivery: implications for maternal thromboembolism and its prevention. Bjog, 2000. 107(3): p. 411–4.

Exclusion code: 4

74. Atug, F., et al., Delivery of dead fetus from inside urinary bladder with uterine perforation: case report and review of literature. Urology, 2005. 65(4): p. 797.

Exclusion code: 9

75. Austin, S.E., Childbirth classes for couples desiring VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs, 1986. 11(4): p. 250–5.

Exclusion code: 4

76. Avery, J.K., Loss prevention case of the month. Would guidelines have helped? Tenn Med, 2003. 96(10): p. 461–2.

Exclusion code: 9

77. Avery, J.K., The obstetrical dilemma. J Ark Med Soc, 2005. 102(6): p. 156–7.

Exclusion code: 6

78. Bader, D., et al., Breathing patterns in term infants delivered by caesarean section. Acta Paediatr, 2004. 93(9): p. 1216–20.

Exclusion code: 7

79. Bai, S.W., et al., Peripartum hysterectomy and associated factors. J Reprod Med, 2003. 48(3): p. 148–52.

Exclusion code: 7

80. Bainbridge, J., Choices after cesarean. Birth, 2002. 29(3): p. 203–6.

Exclusion code: 4

81. Bakshi, S. and B.A. Meyer, Indications for and outcomes of emergency peripartum hysterectomy. A five-year review. J Reprod Med, 2000. 45(9): p. 733–7.

Exclusion code: 7

82. Barker, G., et al., Placental water content and distribution. Placenta, 1994. 15(1): p. 47–56.

Exclusion code: 4

83. Barnsley, J.M., et al., Cesarean section in Ontario: practice patterns and responses to hypothetical cases. Can J Surg, 1990. 33(2): p. 128–32.

Exclusion code: 4

84. Barton, D.P., M.J. Turner, and J.M. Stronge, Outcome of the second labour in patients whose first labour was prolonged: the Dublin experience. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 1991. 42(1): p. 15–8.

Exclusion code: 7

85. Baskett, T.F., Emergency obstetric hysterectomy. J Obstet Gynaecol, 2003. 23(4): p. 353–5.

Exclusion code: 7

86. Baskett, T.F., Uterine compression sutures for postpartum hemorrhage: efficacy, morbidity, and subsequent pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol, 2007. 110(1): p. 68–71.

Exclusion code: 5

87. Basson, E., H.J. Odendaal, and D. Grove, Oxytocin use in South Africa--a review. Samj, S, 2004. Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif Vir Geneeskunde. 94(10): p. 839–45.

Exclusion code: 4

88. Beall, M., et al., Vaginal delivery after cesarean section in women with unknown types of uterine scar. J Reprod Med, 1984. 29(1): p. 31–5.

Exclusion code: 6

89. Beckett, V.A. and L. Regan, Vaginal birth after cesarean: the European experience. Clin Obstet Gynecol, 2001. 44(3): p. 594–603.

Exclusion code: 4

90. Ben Nagi, J., et al., Reproductive outcomes of women with a previous history of Caesarean scar ectopic pregnancies. Hum Reprod, 2007. 22(7): p. 2012–5.

Exclusion code: 5

91. Ben Shachar, I. and D. Weinstein, High risk pregnancy outcome by route of delivery. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol, 1998. 10(6): p. 447–52.

Exclusion code: 4

92. Benedetti, T.J., L. Platt, and M. Druzin, Vaginal delivery after previous cesarean section for a nonrecurrent cause. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1982. 142(3): p. 358–9.

Exclusion code: 10

93. Ben-Haroush, A., et al., Indicated labor induction with vaginal prostaglandin E2 increases the risk of cesarean section even in multiparous women with no previous cesarean section. J Perinat Med, 2004. 32(1): p. 31–6.

Exclusion code: 7

94. Ben-Haroush, A., et al., Accuracy of sonographically estimated fetal weight in 840 women with different pregnancy complications prior to induction of labor. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 2004. 23(2): p. 172–6.

Exclusion code: 5

95. Benterud, T., Cesarean section is associated with more frequent pneumothorax and respiratory problems in the neonate. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 2009. 88(3): p. 359–61.

Exclusion code: 7

96. Berard, J., et al., Fetal macrosomia: risk factors and outcome. A study of the outcome concerning 100 cases >4500 g. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 1998. 77(1): p. 51–9.

Exclusion code: 5

97. Berg, C.J., et al., Overview of Maternal Morbidity During Hospitalization for Labor and Delivery in the United States. 19931997 and 20012005. Obstet Gynecol, 2009. 113(5): p. 1075–1081.

Exclusion code: 4

98. Bergeron, M.-E., et al., Sonography of lower uterine segment thickness and prediction of uterine rupture. Obstet Gynecol, 2009. 113(2 Pt 2): p. 520–2.

Exclusion code: 9

99. Bergholt, T., et al., Prevalence and risk factors of adenomyosis at hysterectomy. Hum Reprod, 2001. 16(11): p. 2418–21.

Exclusion code: 5

100. Bergholt, T., et al., Intraoperative surgical complication during cesarean section: an observational study of the incidence and risk factors. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 2003. 82(3): p. 251–6.

Exclusion code: 4

101. Berglund, L. and O. Axelsson, Breech extraction versus cesarean section for the remaining second twin. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 1989. 68(5): p. 435–8.

Exclusion code: 5

102. Bernstein, P., Prostaglandin E2 gel for cervical ripening and labour induction: a multicentre placebo-controlled trial.[erratum appears in Can Med Assoc J 1992 Apr 15;146(8):1290]. Cmaj, 1991. 145(10): p. 1249–54.

Exclusion code: 5

103. Bhal, P.S., A. Sharma, and K. Asaad, Vaginal delivery after caesarean section: factors influencing success rates.[comment]. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 1996. 36(4): p. 497–8.

Exclusion code: 6

104. Bhattacharjee, N., R.P. Ganguly, and S.P. Saha, Misoprostol for termination of mid-trimester post-Caesarean pregnancy. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 2007. 47(1): p. 23–5.

Exclusion code: 8

105. Biasucci, G., et al., Cesarean delivery may affect the early biodiversity of intestinal bacteria. J Nutr, 2008. 138(9): p. 1796S–1800S.

Exclusion code: 5

106. Binder, T., et al., Conducting labor in women with previous caesarean section in a low gestational week. A prospective case-controlled study. Gynecol Obstet Invest, 2008. 66(3): p. 197–202.

Exclusion code: 5

107. Bingham, P., V. Hird, and R.J. Lilford, Management of the mature selected breech presentation: an analysis based on the intended method of delivery. Br J Obstet Gynaecol, 1987. 94(8): p. 746–52.

Exclusion code: 5

108. Biswas, A., Management of previous cesarean section. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol, 2003. 15(2): p. 123–9.

Exclusion code: 6

109. Bjelic-Radisic, V., et al., Neonatal outcome of second twins depending on presentation and mode of delivery. Twin Res Hum Genet, 2007. 10(3): p. 521–7.

Exclusion code: 5

110. Black, C., J.A. Kaye, and H. Jick, Cesarean delivery in the United Kingdom: time trends in the general practice research database. Obstet Gynecol, 2005. 106(1): p. 151–5.

Exclusion code: 4

111. Blackwell, S.C., et al., Influence of maternal-fetal medicine subspecialization on the frequency of trial of labor in term pregnancies with breech presentation. J Matern Fetal Med, 2000. 9(4): p. 229–32.

Exclusion code: 5

112. Blanchette, H., Comparison of obstetric outcome of a primary-care access clinic staffed by certified nurse-midwives and a private practice group of obstetricians in the same community. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1995. 172(6): p. 1864–8; discussion 1868–71.

Exclusion code: 4

113. Blumenthal, N.J., et al., Changing caesarean section rates. Experience at a Sydney obstetric teaching hospital. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 1984. 24(4): p. 246–51.

Exclusion code: 7

114. Bolaji, I.I. and F.P. Meehan, Caesarean section survey in Galway--1973 through 1987. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 1993. 48(1): p. 1–8.

Exclusion code: 10

115. Bolaji, I.I. and F.P. Meehan, Post caesarean section delivery. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 1993. 51(3): p. 181–92.

Exclusion code: 4

116. Bossert, R., et al., Early postpartum discharge at a university hospital. Outcome analysis. J Reprod Med, 2001. 46(1): p. 39–43.

Exclusion code: 4

117. Boucher, M., et al., Maternal morbidity as related to trial of labor after previous cesarean delivery. A quantitative analysis. J Reprod Med, 1984. 29(1): p. 12–6.

Exclusion code: 4

118. Boulet, S.B., Macrosomic births in the United States: determinants, outcomes, and proposed grades of risk. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2003. 188: p. 1372–1378.

Exclusion code: 5

119. Boulet, S.L., H.M. Salihu, and G.R. Alexander, Mode of delivery and birth outcomes of macrosomic infants. J Obstet Gynaecol, 2004. 24(6): p. 622–9.

Exclusion code: 4

120. Boulvain, M., et al., Trial of labour after caesarean section in sub-Saharan Africa: a meta-analysis. Br J Obstet Gynaecol, 1997. 104(12): p. 1385–90.

Exclusion code: 4

121. Boulvain, M., A.J. Kelly, and O. Irion, Intracervical prostaglandins for induction of labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2008.

Exclusion code: 4

122. Boulvain, M., C. Stan, and O. Irion, Elective delivery in diabetic pregnant women. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2001.

Exclusion code: 4

123. Bowers, S.K., H.M. MacDonald, and E.D. Shapiro, Prevention of iatrogenic neonatal respiratory distress syndrome: elective repeat cesarean section and spontaneous labor. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1982. 143(2): p. 186–9.

Exclusion code: 5

124. Bradley, C.F., S.E. Ross, and J. Warnyca, A prospective study of mothers' attitudes and feelings following cesarean and vaginal births. Birth, 1983. 10(2): p. 79–83.

Exclusion code: 5

125. Brahams, D., Caesarean sections by court order. Lancet, 1996. 348(9030): p. 770.

Exclusion code: 6

126. Bricker, L. and M. Luckas, Amniotomy alone for induction of labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2000.

Exclusion code: 4

127. Brill, Y., et al., The management of VBAC at term: a survey of Canadian obstetricians. J Obstet Gynaecol Can, 2003. 25(4): p. 300–10.

Exclusion code: 4

128. Brill, Y. and R. Windrim, Vaginal birth after Caesarean section: review of antenatal predictors of success. J Obstet Gynaecol Can, 2003. 25(4): p. 275–86.

Exclusion code: 4

129. Brink, S., C-sections rise but may not be the kindest cut. US News World Rep, 2000. 129(9): p. 63.

Exclusion code: 6

130. Brody, C.Z., et al., Vaginal birth after cesarean section in Hawaii. Experience at Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children. Hawaii Med J, 1993. 52(2): p. 38–42.

Exclusion code: 7

131. Brown, C.E., et al., Puerperal septic pelvic thrombophlebitis: incidence and response to heparin therapy. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1999. 181(1): p. 143–8.

Exclusion code: 4

132. Brubaker, L., Outcomes of trial of labor after previous cesarean delivery.[comment]. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2002. 186(5): p. 1104–5.

Exclusion code: 6

133. Bucklin, B.A., Vaginal birth after cesarean delivery. Anesthesiology, 2003. 99(6): p. 1444–8.

Exclusion code: 6

134. Buechner, J.S., Rate of vaginal births among women with previous cesarean deliveries. Med Health R I, 1997. 80(2): p. 63–4.

Exclusion code: 4

135. Buist, R., J. Brown, and T. McNamara, For whom is the Caesarean section rate high? N Z Med J, 1999. 112(1101): p. 469–71.

Exclusion code: 6

136. Bujold, E., Uterine rupture and labour after a previous low transverse caesarean section.[comment]. Bjog, 2006. 113(11): p. 1337; author reply 1337–8.

Exclusion code: 6

137. Bujold, E., A. Hammoud, and I. Hendler, Safety and efficacy of vaginal birth after cesarean delivery attempts at or beyond 40 weeks of gestation.[comment]. Obstet Gynecol, 2006. 107(1): p. 205; author reply 205.

Exclusion code: 6

138. Burda, D., Motives suspect in caesarean repeats--study. Mod Healthc, 1991. 21(1): p. 14.

Exclusion code: 6

139. Burt, R.D., T.L. Vaughan, and J.R. Daling, Evaluating the risks of cesarean section: low Apgar score in repeat C-section and vaginal deliveries. Am J Public Health, 1988. 78(10): p. 1312–4.

Exclusion code: 7

140. Cahill, A., et al., Vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) attempt in twin pregnancies: is it safe? Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2005. 193(3 Pt 2): p. 1050–5.

Exclusion code: 5

141. Cahill, A.G. and G.A. Macones, Vaginal birth after cesarean delivery: evidence-based practice. Clin Obstet Gynecol, 2007. 50(2): p. 518–25.

Exclusion code: 6

142. Cahill, A.G., et al., Racial disparity in the success and complications of vaginal birth after cesarean delivery. Obstet Gynecol, 2008. 111(3): p. 654–8.

Exclusion code: 7

143. Cahill, A.G., et al., Does a maximum dose of oxytocin affect risk for uterine rupture in candidates for vaginal birth after cesarean delivery? Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2007. 197(5): p. 495.e1–5.

Exclusion code: 7

144. Cahill, A.G., et al., Risk factors for bladder injury in patients with a prior hysterotomy. Obstet Gynecol, 2008. 112(1): p. 116–20.

Exclusion code: 7

145. Cahill, A.G., et al., Higher maximum doses of oxytocin are associated with an unacceptably high risk for uterine rupture in patients attempting vaginal birth after cesarean delivery. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2008. 199(1): p. 32.e1–5.

Exclusion code: 7

146. Cakmak, H. and S. Kuguoglu, Comparison of the breastfeeding patterns of mothers who delivered their babies per vagina and via cesarean section: An observational study using the LATCH breastfeeding charting system. Internation Journal of Nursing Studies, 2006. 44: p. 1128–1137.

Exclusion code: 8

147. Carayol, M., et al., Changes in the rates of caesarean delivery before labour for breech presentation at term in France: 19722003. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 2007. 132(1): p. 20–6.

Exclusion code: 6

148. Carlomagno, G., et al., Vaginal birth after caesarean section: further contribution to counteract caesarean section epidemic. Ann Ig, 1992. 4(4): p. 199–202.

Exclusion code: 4

149. Carlsson, C., G. Nybell-Lindahl, and I. Ingemarsson, Extradural block in patients who have previously undergone caesarean section. Br J Anaesth, 1980. 52(8): p. 827–30.

Exclusion code: 10

150. Caron, A. and D. Neuhauser, The effect of public accountability on hospital performance: trends in rates for cesarean sections and vaginal births after cesarean section in Cleveland, Ohio. Qual Manag Health Care, 1999. 7(2): p. 1–10.

Exclusion code: 4

151. Carpenter, M.W., et al., Practice environment is associated with obstetric decision making regarding abnormal labor. Obstet Gynecol, 1987. 70(4): p. 657–62.

Exclusion code: 6

152. Carr, C.A., P. Burkhardt, and M. Avery, Vaginal birth after cesarean birth: a national survey of U.S. midwifery practice. J Midwifery Womens Health, 2002. 47(5): p. 347–52.

Exclusion code: 4

153. Carroli, G., et al., Epidemiology of postpartum haemorrhage: a systematic review. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol, 2008. 22(6): p. 999–1012.

Exclusion code: 4

154. Catanzarite, V.A., et al., Maternal death due to rupture of a low transverse cesarean section incision during labor at home. West J Med, 1992. 157(4): p. 454–5.

Exclusion code: 9

155. Cesario, S.K., Reevaluation of Friedman's Labor Curve: a pilot study. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs, 2004. 33(6): p. 713–22.

Exclusion code: 4

156. Chadha, Y.C., et al., Breech delivery and epidural analgesia. Br J Obstet Gynaecol, 1992. 99(2): p. 96–100.

Exclusion code: 10

157. Chaim, W., et al., Prevalence and clinical significance of postpartum endometritis and wound infection. Infect Dis Obstet Gynecol, 2000. 8(2): p. 77–82.

Exclusion code: 5

158. Chang, C., Trial of labor with prior vertical cesarean incision. J Fam Pract, 1997. 45(5): p. 380–1.

Exclusion code: 6

159. Chang, C.-Y., et al., Preservation of uterine integrity via transarterial embolization under postoperative massive vaginal bleeding due to cesarean scar pregnancy. Taiwan, 2006. 45(2): p. 183–7.

Exclusion code: 5

160. Chanrachakul, B., S. Hamontri, and Y. Herabutya, A randomized comparison of postcesarean pain between closure and nonclosure of peritoneum. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 2002. 101(1): p. 31–5.

Exclusion code: 8

161. Chattopadhyay, K., et al., Vaginal birth after cesarean section: management debate. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 1988. 26(2): p. 189–96.

Exclusion code: 8

162. Chattopadhyay, S.K., H. Kharif, and M.M. Sherbeeni, Placenta praevia and accreta after previous caesarean section. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 1993. 52(3): p. 151–6.

Exclusion code: 8

163. Chattopadhyay, S.K., M.M. Sherbeeni, and C.C. Anokute, Planned vaginal delivery after two previous caesarean sections. Br J Obstet Gynaecol, 1994. 101(6): p. 498–500.

Exclusion code: 8

164. Chauhan, S.P., et al., Application of learning theory to obstetric maloccurrence. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med, 2003. 13(3): p. 203–7.

Exclusion code: 4

165. Chauhan, S.P., et al., Maternal and perinatal complications with uterine rupture in 142,075 patients who attempted vaginal birth after cesarean delivery: A review of the literature. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2003. 189(2): p. 408–17.

Exclusion code: 6

166. Chauhan, S.P., et al., Neonatal acidemia with trial of labor among parturients with prior cesarean delivery: a case-control study. J Matern Fetal Med, 2000. 9(5): p. 278–81.

Exclusion code: 7

167. Chazotte, C. and W.R. Cohen, Catastrophic complications of previous cesarean section. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1990. 163(3): p. 738–42.

Exclusion code: 4

168. Chelmow, D. and R.K. Laros, Jr., Maternal and neonatal outcomes after oxytocin augmentation in patients undergoing a trial of labor after prior cesarean delivery. Obstet Gynecol, 1992. 80(6): p. 966–71.

Exclusion code: 10

169. Chen, H.Y., S.J. Chen, and F.J. Hsieh, Observation of cesarean section scar by transvaginal ultrasonography. Ultrasound Med Biol, 1990. 16(5): p. 443–7.

Exclusion code: 4

170. Chen, K.C. and T.T. Hsieh, Rupture of gravid uterus: a eight-year clinical analysis and review of the literature. Changgeng Yi Xue Za Zhi, 1992. 15(1): p. 15–22.

Exclusion code: 4

171. Chen, L.H., K.H. Tan, and G.S. Yeo, A ten-year review of uterine rupture in modern obstetric practice. Ann Acad Med Singapore, 1995. 24(6): p. 830–5.

Exclusion code: 8

172. Cheng, M. and M. Hannah, Breech delivery at term: a critical review of the literature. Obstet Gynecol, 1993. 82(4 Pt 1): p. 605–18.

Exclusion code: 4

173. Chestnut, D.H., Does epidural analgesia during labor affect the incidence of cesarean delivery? Reg Anesth, 1997. 22(6): p. 495–9.

Exclusion code: 6

174. Cheung, V.Y.T., Sonographic measurement of the lower uterine segment thickness: is it truly predictive of uterine rupture? J Obstet Gynaecol Can, 2008. 30(2): p. 148–51.

Exclusion code: 9

175. Chez, R.A., Cervical ripening and labor induction after previous cesarean delivery. Clin Obstet Gynecol, 1995. 38(2): p. 287–92.

Exclusion code: 6

176. Chigbu, C.O., J.O. Enwereji, and A.C. Ikeme, Women's experiences following failed vaginal birth after cesarean delivery. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 2007. 99(2): p. 113–6.

Exclusion code: 8

177. Cho, M.K., Y.H. Kim, and T.B. Song, Predictive factors for vaginal birth after cesarean delivery. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 2004. 86(3): p. 392–3.

Exclusion code: 11

178. Christian, S.S., et al., Vaginal breech delivery: a five-year prospective evaluation of a protocol using computed tomographic pelvimetry. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1990. 163(3): p. 848–55.

Exclusion code: 5

179. Chua, S. and S. Arulkumaran, Trial of scar. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 1997. 37(1): p. 6–11.

Exclusion code: 6

180. Chuang, J.H. and R.A. Jenders, Trial of labor versus elective repeat cesarean section for the women with a previous cesarean section: a decision analysis. Proceedings/AMIA, 1999. Annual Symposium.: p. 226–30.

Exclusion code: 4

181. Chung, A., et al., Cost-effectiveness of a trial of labor after previous cesarean. Obstet Gynecol, 2001. 97(6): p. 932–41.

Exclusion code: 6

182. Cicinelli, E., et al., Predictive factors for pain experienced at office fluid minihysteroscopy. J Minim Invasive Gynecol, 2007. 14(4): p. 485–8.

Exclusion code: 4

183. Clark, S.L., Rupture of the scarred uterus. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am, 1988. 15(4): p. 737–44.

Exclusion code: 6

184. Clark, S.L., et al., Reducing obstetric litigation through alterations in practice patterns. Obstet Gynecol, 2008. 112(6): p. 1279–83.

Exclusion code: 6

185. Clark, S.L., P.P. Koonings, and J.P. Phelan, Placenta previa/accreta and prior cesarean section. Obstet Gynecol, 1985. 66(1): p. 89–92.

Exclusion code: 10

186. Clark, S.L., et al., Is vaginal birth after cesarean less expensive than repeat cesarean delivery? Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2000. 182(3): p. 599–602.

Exclusion code: 6

187. Clark, S.L., et al., Emergency hysterectomy for obstetric hemorrhage. Obstet Gynecol, 1984. 64(3): p. 376–80.

Exclusion code: 10

188. Clarke, S.C. and S.M. Taffel, Rates of cesarean and VBAC delivery, United States, 1994. Birth, 1996. 23(3): p. 166–8.

Exclusion code: 6

189. Clarke, S.C. and S.M. Taffel, State variation in rates of cesarean and VBAC delivery: 1989 and 1993. Stat Bull Metrop Insur Co, 1996. 77(1): p. 28–36.

Exclusion code: 6

190. Clarkson, C., D.C. Derrick, and M. Newburn, Vaginal birth after caesarean (part 3). Pract Midwife, 2006. 9(11): p. 34–7.

Exclusion code: 4

191. Clarkson, C. and M. Newburn, Vaginal birth after caesarean (part 1). Pract Midwife, 2006. 9(9): p. 22–5.

Exclusion code: 4

192. Clarkson, C. and M. Newburn, Vaginal birth after caesarean (part 2). Pract Midwife, 2006. 9(10): p. 26–7.

Exclusion code: 4

193. Clock, C., et al., Cesarean risk after successful external cephalic version: a matched, retrospective analysis. J Perinatol, 2009. 29(2): p. 96–100.

Exclusion code: 7

194. Cohain, J.S., Vaginal births after C-section are not necessarily riskier in a birth center than in the hospital. Midwifery Today Int Midwife, 2006(77): p. 16–7.

Exclusion code: 6

195. Cohain, J.S., VBAC rupture & birth weight. Midwifery Today Int Midwife, 2007(83): p. 50.

Exclusion code: 6

196. Cohain, J.S. and S. Bewley, Vaginal birth after caesarean section versus elective repeat caesarean section: assess neonatal downstream outcomes too.[comment]. Bjog, 2006. 113(7): p. 852–3; author reply 853–4.

Exclusion code: 6

197. Coleman, V.H., et al., Vaginal birth after cesarean delivery: practice patterns of obstetrician-gynecologists. J Reprod Med, 2005. 50(4): p. 261–6.

Exclusion code: 6

198. Coleman, V.H., H. Lawrence, and J. Schulkin, Rising cesarean delivery rates: the impact of cesarean delivery on maternal request. Obstet Gynecol Surv, 2009. 64(2): p. 115–9. Exclusion code: 6

199. Collins, C., Story of a VBAC rupture. Midwifery Today Int Midwife, 2007(82): p. 35.

Exclusion code: 6

200. Combs, C.A., E.L. Murphy, and R.K. Laros, Jr., Factors associated with hemorrhage in cesarean deliveries. Obstet Gynecol, 1991. 77(1): p. 77–82.

Exclusion code: 10

201. Committee on Obstetric, P., Induction of labor for vaginal birth after cesarean delivery. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 2002. 77(3): p. 303–4.

Exclusion code: 6

202. Conde-Agudelo, A., A. Rosas-Bermudez, and A.C. Kafury-Goeta, Effects of birth spacing on maternal health: a systematic review. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2007. 196(4): p. 297–308.

Exclusion code: 4

203. Coniglio, C. and J.E. Dickinson, Pregnancy following prior Caesarean scar pregnancy rupture: Lessons for modern obstetric practice. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 2004. 44(2): p. 162–5.

Exclusion code: 9

204. Coonrod, D.V., R.C. Bay, and G.Y. Kishi, The epidemiology of labor induction: Arizona, 1997. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2000. 182(6): p. 1355–62.

Exclusion code: 4

205. Coulter, C.H. and R. Lehrfeld, When push comes to shove: implementing VBAC practice guidelines. Physician Exec, 1995. 21(6): p. 30–5.

Exclusion code: 6

206. Crane, J.M., et al., Maternal complications with placenta previa. Am J Perinatol, 2000. 17(2): p. 101–5.

Exclusion code: 5

207. Crane, S.S., et al., Association between pre-pregnancy obesity and the risk of cesarean delivery. Obstet Gynecol, 1997. 89(2): p. 213–6.

Exclusion code: 6

208. Crawford, P. and L. Kaufmann, How safe is vaginal birth after cesarean section for the mother and fetus? J Fam Pract, 2006. 55(2): p. 149–51; discussion 149.

Exclusion code: 4

209. Cunha, M., et al., Induction of labor by vaginal misoprostol in patients with previous cesarean delivery. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 1999. 78(7): p. 653–4.

Exclusion code: 8

210. Curtin, S.C., L.J. Kozak, and K.D. Gregory, U.S. cesarean and VBAC rates stalled in the mid-1990s. Birth, 2000. 27(1): p. 54–7.

Exclusion code: 6

211. Daltveit, A.K., et al., Cesarean delivery and subsequent pregnancies. Obstet Gynecol, 2008. 111(6): p. 1327–34.

Exclusion code: 4

212. Dandolu, V., et al., Resident education regarding technical aspects of cesarean section. J Reprod Med, 2006. 51(1): p. 49–54.

Exclusion code: 4

213. Danforth, D.N., Cesarean section. Jama, 1985. 253(6): p. 811–8.

Exclusion code: 4

214. Daponte, A., et al., The use of vaginal misoprostol for second-trimester pregnancy termination in women with previous single cesarean section. Contraception, 2006. 74(4): p. 324–7.

Exclusion code: 5

215. Daponte, A., et al., Pregnancy termination using vaginal misoprostol in women with more than one caesarean section. J Obstet Gynaecol, 2007. 27(6): p. 597–600.

Exclusion code: 5

216. Dashow, E.E., J.A. Read, and F.H. Coleman, Randomized comparison of five irrigation solutions at cesarean section. Obstet Gynecol, 1986. 68(4): p. 473–8.

Exclusion code: 4

217. Daskalakis, G.J., et al., Misoprostol for second trimester pregnancy termination in women with prior caesarean section. Bjog, 2005. 112(1): p. 97–9.

Exclusion code: 5

218. Dauphinee, J.D., VBAC: safety for the patient and the nurse.[erratum appears in J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2004 Nov-Dec;33(6):833]. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs, 2004. 33(1): p. 105–15.

Exclusion code: 4

219. Davey, M.R., J. Moodley, and G.J. Hofmeyr, Labour after caesarean section--the problem of scar dehiscence. South African Medical Journal Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif Vir Geneeskunde, 1987. 71(12): p. 766–8.

Exclusion code: 8

220. David, M., et al., Prior cesarean section--an acceptable risk for vaginal delivery at free-standing midwife-led birth centers? Results of the analysis of vaginal birth after cesarean section (VBAC) in German birth centers. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 2009. 142(2): p. 106–10.

Exclusion code: 4

221. David-Montefiore, E., et al., Surgical routes and complications of hysterectomy for benign disorders: a prospective observational study in French university hospitals. Hum Reprod, 2007. 22(1): p. 260–5.

Exclusion code: 5

222. Davies, G.A., P.M. Hahn, and M.M. McGrath, Vaginal birth after cesarean. Physicians' perceptions and practice. J Reprod Med, 1996. 41(7): p. 515–20.

Exclusion code: 4

223. Daviss, B.A., Vaginal delivery after caesarean section. Study's focus on induction v spontaneous labour neglects spontaneous deliver. Bmj, 2001. 323(7324): p. 1307.

Exclusion code: 6

224. de Costa, C., Vaginal birth after classical Caesarean section. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 2005. 45(3): p. 182–6.

Exclusion code: 4

225. de Jong, P., Trial of labor following cesarean section--a study of 212 patients. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 1987. 25(5): p. 405–11.

Exclusion code: 8

226. de Muylder, X. and M. Thiery, The cesarean delivery rate can be safely reduced in a developing country. Obstet Gynecol, 1990. 75(3 Pt 1): p. 360–4.

Exclusion code: 8

227. de Regt, R.H., et al., Relation of private or clinic care to the cesarean birth rate. N Engl J Med, 1986. 315(10): p. 619–24.

Exclusion code: 7

228. Declercq, E., M. Barger, and J.P. O'Grady, Uterine rupture among women with a prior cesarean delivery. N Engl J Med, 2002. 346(2): p. 134–7.

Exclusion code: 6

229. DeJoy, S., J.P. O'Grady, and R.T. Burkman, The risks of lowering the cesarean-delivery rate.[comment]. N Engl J Med, 1999. 341(1): p. 53–4; author reply 54–5.

Exclusion code: 6

230. Delaney, T. and D.C. Young, Trial of labour compared to elective Caesarean in twin gestations with a previous Caesarean delivery. J Obstet Gynaecol Can, 2003. 25(4): p. 289–92.

Exclusion code: 5

231. Delpapa, E.H. and E. Mueller-Heubach, Pregnancy outcome following ultrasound diagnosis of macrosomia. Obstet Gynecol, 1991. 78(3 Pt 1): p. 340–3.

Exclusion code: 5

232. Demianczuk, N.N., D.J. Hunter, and D.W. Taylor, Trial of labor after previous cesarean section: prognostic indicators of outcome. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1982. 142(6 Pt 1): p. 640–2.

Exclusion code: 10

233. Deneux-Tharaux, C., et al., Postpartum maternal mortality and cesarean delivery. Obstet Gynecol, 2006. 108(3 Pt 1): p. 541–8.

Exclusion code: 5

234. Deutchman, M. and R.G. Roberts, VBAC: protecting patients, defending doctors. Am Fam Physician, 2003. 67(5): p. 931–2.

Exclusion code: 4

235. Diani, F., Fetal macrosomia and management of delivery. Clinical and experimental obstetrics & gynecology, 1997. 24: p. 212–214.

Exclusion code: 5

236. Diaz, S.D., et al., Uterine rupture and dehiscence: ten-year review and case-control study. South Med J, 2002. 95(4): p. 431–5.

Exclusion code: 7

237. Dildy, G.A., et al., Very advanced maternal age: pregnancy after age 45. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1996. 175(3 Pt 1): p. 668–74.

Exclusion code: 5

238. Dilks, F.M. and J.A. Beal, Role of self-efficacy in birth choice. J Perinat Neonatal Nurs, 1997. 11(1): p. 1–9.

Exclusion code: 6

239. DiMaio, H., et al., Vaginal birth after cesarean delivery: an historic cohort cost analysis. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2002. 186(5): p. 890–2.

Exclusion code: 6

240. Dodd, J. and C. Crowther, Induction of labour for women with a previous Caesarean birth: a systematic review of the literature. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 2004. 44(5): p. 392–5.

Exclusion code: 6

241. Dodd, J. and C. Crowther, Vaginal birth after Caesarean versus elective repeat Caesarean for women with a single prior Caesarean birth: a systematic review of the literature. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 2004. 44(5): p. 387–91.

Exclusion code: 4

242. Dodd, J. and C.A. Crowther, Vaginal birth after Caesarean section: a survey of practice in Australia and New Zealand. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 2003. 43(3): p. 226–31.

Exclusion code: 6

243. Dodd, J., E. Pearce, and C. Crowther, Women's experiences and preferences following Caesarean birth. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 2004. 44(6): p. 521–4.

Exclusion code: 6

244. Dodd, J.M., E.R. Anderson, and S. Gates, Surgical techniques for uterine incision and uterine closure at the time of caesarean section. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2008.

Exclusion code: 6

245. Dodd, J.M. and C.A. Crowther, Elective repeat caesarean section versus induction of labour for women with a previous caesarean birth. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2006(4): p. CD004906.

Exclusion code: 4

246. Dodd, J.M., et al., Birth after caesarean study--planned vaginal birth or planned elective repeat caesarean for women at term with a single previous caesarean birth: protocol for a patient preference study and randomised trial. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 2007. 7: p. 17.

Exclusion code: 4

247. Doherty, D.A., et al., Factors affecting caesarean operative time and the effect of operative time on pregnancy outcomes. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 2008. 48(3): p. 286–91.

Exclusion code: 5

248. Doucette, R.C., H.T. Sharp, and S.C. Alder, Challenging generally accepted contraindications to vaginal hysterectomy. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2001. 184(7): p. 1386–9; discussion 1390–1.

Exclusion code: 4

249. Duffield, C., et al., Endometrial and endocervical micro echogenic foci: sonographic appearance with clinical and histologic correlation. J Ultrasound Med, 2005. 24(5): p. 583–90.

Exclusion code: 4

250. Dunn, E.A. and C. O'Herlihy, Comparison of maternal satisfaction following vaginal delivery after caesarean section and caesarean section after previous vaginal delivery. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 2005. 121(1): p. 56–60.

Exclusion code: 6

251. Durnwald, C.P. and B.M. Mercer, Myometrial thickness according to uterine site, gestational age and prior cesarean delivery. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med, 2008. 21(4): p. 247–50.

Exclusion code: 7

252. Durnwald, C.P., et al., The Maternal-Fetal Medicine Units Cesarean Registry: safety and efficacy of a trial of labor in preterm pregnancy after a prior cesarean delivery. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2006. 195(4): p. 1119–26.

Exclusion code: 5

253. Dyack, C., P.F. Hughes, and J.B. Simbakalia, Vaginal birth after cesarean section in the grand multipara with a previous lower segment scar. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 1996. 55(2): p. 167–8.

Exclusion code: 6

254. Dyack, C., P.F. Hughes, and J.B. Simbakalia, Vaginal delivery in the grand multipara following previous lower segment cesarian section. J Obstet Gynaecol Res, 1997. 23(2): p. 219–22.

Exclusion code: 4

255. Ebell, M.H., Predicting the likelihood of successful vaginal birth after cesarean delivery. Am Fam Physician, 2007. 76(8): p. 1192–4.

Exclusion code: 4

256. Ecker, J.L. and F.D. Frigoletto, Jr., Cesarean delivery and the risk-benefit calculus. N Engl J Med, 2007. 356(9): p. 885–8.

Exclusion code: 6

257. Eden, K.B., et al., Childbirth preferences after cesarean birth: a review of the evidence. Birth, 2004. 31(1): p. 49–60.

Exclusion code: 6

258. Elferink-Stinkens, P.M., R. Brand, and O.J. Van Hemel, Trends in caesarean section rates among high-and medium-risk pregnancies in The Netherlands 1983–1992. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 1995. 59(2): p. 15967.

Exclusion code: 7

259. Eltabbakh, G.H. and J.D. Watson, Postpartum hysterectomy. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 1995. 50(3): p. 25762.

Exclusion code: 5

260. Emmett, C.L., et al., Decision-making about mode of delivery after previous caesarean section: development and piloting of two computer-based decision aids. Health Expect, 2007. 10(2): p. 16172.

Exclusion code: 6

261. Emmett, C.L., et al., Women's experience of decision making about mode of delivery after a previous caesarean section: the role of health professionals and information about health risks. Bjog, 2006. 113(12): p. 143845.

Exclusion code: 6

262. Eniola, O.A., et al., Obstetric hysterectomy in a population of South East England. J Obstet Gynaecol, 2006. 26(2): p. 1049.

Exclusion code: 4

263. Escamilla, J.O., Comments on trial of labor scoring system.[comment]. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1993. 169(4): p. 10767.

Exclusion code: 4

264. Escamilla, J.O., A VBAC question.[comment]. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2002. 186(4): p. 851; author reply 851.

Exclusion code: 6

265. Escudero, F. and H. Contreras, A comparative trial of labor induction with misoprostol versus oxytocin. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 1997. 57(2): p. 13943.

Exclusion code: 8

266. Esler, M.D. and J. Douglas, Planning for hemorrhage Steps an anesthesiologist can take to limit and treat hemorrhage in the obstetric patient. Anesthesiology Clin N Am, 2003. 21: p. 127144.

Exclusion code: 4

267. Estrade, S., et al., History of cesarean before 32 weeks' gestation and trial of labor: what is the risk of uterine rupture? Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 2009. 88(2): p. 14953.

Exclusion code: 4

268. Ewen, S.P., R.G. Notley, and P.M. Coats, Bladder laceration associated with uterine scar rupture during vaginal delivery. Br J Urol, 1994. 73(6): p. 7123.

Exclusion code: 9

269. Faiz, A.S. and C.V. Ananth, Etiology and risk factors for placenta previa: an overview and meta-analysis of observational studies. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med, 2003. 13(3): p. 175–90.

Exclusion code: 4

270. Fang, Y.M.V. and C.M. Zelop, Vaginal birth after cesarean: assessing maternal and perinatal risks--contemporary management. Clin Obstet Gynecol, 2006. 49(1): p. 147–53.

Exclusion code: 6

271. Farmakides, G., et al., Vaginal birth after two or more previous cesarean sections. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1987. 156(3): p. 565–6.

Exclusion code: 10

272. Farmer, R.M., et al., Uterine rupture during trial of labor after previous cesarean section. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1991. 165(4 Pt 1): p. 996–1001.

Exclusion code: 5

273. Farnworth, A., et al., Decision support for women choosing mode of delivery after a previous caesarean section: a developmental study. Patient Educ Couns, 2008. 71(1): p. 116–24.

Exclusion code: 6

274. Fedorkow, D.M., C.A. Nimrod, and P.J. Taylor, Ruptured uterus in pregnancy: a Canadian hospital's experience. Cmaj, 1987. 137(1): p. 27–9.

Exclusion code: 10

275. Fenwick, J., J. Gamble, and Y. Hauck, Reframing birth: a consequence of cesarean section. J Adv Nurs, 2006. 56(2): p. 121–30; discussion 131–2.

Exclusion code: 6

276. Fenwick, J., J. Gamble, and Y. Hauck, Believing in birth--choosing VBAC: the childbirth expectations of a self-selected cohort of Australian women. J Clin Nurs, 2007. 16(8): p. 1561–70.

Exclusion code: 6

277. Fenwick, J., J. Gamble, and J. Mawson, Women's experiences of Caesarean section and vaginal birth after Caesarian: a Birthrites initiative. Int J Nurs Pract, 2003. 9(1): p. 10–7.

Exclusion code: 6

278. Figueroa, R., D. Garry, and A.P. Mackenzie, Posterior uterine rupture in a woman with a previous Cesarean delivery. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med, 2003. 14(2): p. 130–1.

Exclusion code: 9

279. Finley, B.E. and C.E. Gibbs, Emergent cesarean delivery in patients undergoing a trial of labor with a transverse lower-segment scar. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1986. 155(5): p. 936–9.

Exclusion code: 10

280. Flamm, B.L., Vaginal birth after cesarean section: controversies old and new. Clin Obstet Gynecol, 1985. 28(4): p. 735–44.

Exclusion code: 4

281. Flamm, B.L., Vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC). Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol, 2001. 15(1): p. 81–92.

Exclusion code: 6

282. Flamm, B.L., Vaginal birth after cesarean: reducing medical and legal risks. Clin Obstet Gynecol, 2001. 44(3): p. 622–9.

Exclusion code: 6

283. Flamm, B.L., Vaginal birth after cesarean: what's new in the new millennium? Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol, 2002. 14(6): p. 595–9.

Exclusion code: 4

284. Flamm, B.L., et al., Prostaglandin E2 for cervical ripening: a multicenter study of patients with prior cesarean delivery. Am J Perinatol, 1997. 14(3): p. 157–60.

Exclusion code: 4

285. Flamm, B.L., et al., Vaginal delivery following cesarean section: use of oxytocin augmentation and epidural anesthesia with internal tocodynamic and internal fetal monitoring. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1984. 148(6): p. 759–63.

Exclusion code: 10

286. Flamm, B.L., et al., External cephalic version after previous cesarean section. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1991. 165(2): p. 370–2.

Exclusion code: 4

287. Fogelson, N.S., et al., Neonatal impact of elective repeat cesarean delivery at term: a comment on patient choice cesarean delivery. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2005. 192(5): p. 1433–6.

Exclusion code: 5

288. Ford, A.A.D., B.T. Bateman, and L.L. Simpson, Vaginal birth after cesarean delivery in twin gestations: a large, nationwide sample of deliveries. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2006. 195(4): p. 1138–42.

Exclusion code: 5

289. Forna, F., A.M. Miles, and D.J. Jamieson, Emergency peripartum hysterectomy: a comparison of cesarean and postpartum hysterectomy. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2004. 190(5): p. 1440–4.

Exclusion code: 7

290. Forsnes, E.V., J.E. Browning, and R.B. Gherman, Bladder rupture associated with uterine rupture. A report of two cases occurring during vaginal birth after cesarean. J Reprod Med, 2000. 45(3): p. 240–2.

Exclusion code: 9

291. Francois, K., J.M. Johnson, and C. Harris, Is placenta previa more common in multiple gestations? Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2003. 188(5): p. 1226–7.

Exclusion code: 5

292. Franz, M.B., et al., Stillbirth following previous cesarean section in Bavaria/Germany 19872005. Arch Gynecol Obstet, 2009. 279(1): p. 29–36.

Exclusion code: 4

293. Fraser, W., Women's mid-pregnancy motivation to attempt VBAC predicts delivery method. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 1994. 46(32).

Exclusion code: 6

294. Frederiksen, M.C., R. Glassenberg, and C.S. Stika, Placenta previa: a 22-year analysis. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1999. 180(6 Pt 1): p. 1432–7.

Exclusion code: 10

295. French, L., Trial of labor after cesarean section. J Fam Pract, 1996. 43(6): p. 538–9.

Exclusion code: 6

296. Frost, J., et al., Women's views on the use of decision aids for decision making about the method of delivery following a previous caesarean section: qualitative interview study. Bjog, 2009. 116(7): p. 896–905.

Exclusion code: 6

297. Fruchter, O., Trial of labor compared with an elective second cesarean section.[comment]. N Engl J Med, 1997. 336(9): p. 658; author reply 659.

Exclusion code: 6

298. Fylstra, D.L., Ectopic pregnancy within a cesarean scar: a review. Obstet Gynecol Surv, 2002. 57(8): p. 537–43.

Exclusion code: 4

299. Gagnon, A.J., Individual or group antenatal education for childbirth/parenthood.[update in Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2007;(3):CD002869; PMID: 17636711]. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2000(4): p. CD002869.

Exclusion code: 4

300. Gagnon, A.J. and J. Sandall, Individual or group antenatal education for childbirth or parenthood, or both.[update of Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2000;(4):CD002869; PMID: 11034780]. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2007(3): p. CD002869.

Exclusion code: 4

301. Gamble, J.A. and D.K. Creedy, Women's preference for a cesarean section: incidence and associated factors. Birth, 2001. 28(2): p. 101–10.

Exclusion code: 4

302. Gardeil, F., S. Daly, and M.J. Turner, Uterine rupture in pregnancy reviewed. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 1994. 56(2): p. 107–10.

Exclusion code: 7

303. Garg, V.K. and E.N. Ekuma-Nkama, Vaginal birth following two cesarean sections. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 2005. 88(1): p. 53–4.

Exclusion code: 8

304. Gates, P.E., Think globally, act locally: an approach to implementation of clinical practice guidelines. Jt Comm J Qual Improv, 1995. 21(2): p. 71–84.

Exclusion code: 6

305. Gellman, E., et al., Vaginal delivery after cesarean section. Experience in private practice. Jama, 1983. 249(21): p. 2935–7.

Exclusion code: 10

306. Gerhardstein, L.P., et al., Reduction in the rate of cesarean birth with active management of labor and intermediate-dose oxytocin. J Reprod Med, 1995. 40(1): p. 4–8.

Exclusion code: 7

307. Gherman, R.B., S. McBrayer, and J. Browning, Uterine rupture associated with vaginal birth after cesarean section: a complication of intravaginal misoprostol? Gynecol Obstet Invest, 2000. 50(3): p. 212–3.

Exclusion code: 9

308. Gibbs, C.E., Planned vaginal delivery following cesarean section. Clin Obstet Gynecol, 1980. 23(2): p. 507–15.

Exclusion code: 10

309. Gibbs, C.P., et al., Obstetric anesthesia: a national survey. Anesthesiology, 1986. 65(3): p. 298–306.

Exclusion code: 10

310. Gifford, D.S., E. Keeler, and K.L. Kahn, Reductions in cost and cesarean rate by routine use of external cephalic version: a decision analysis. Obstet Gynecol, 1995. 85(6): p. 930–6.

Exclusion code: 7

311. Gil, A. and C.J. Sultana, Vesicouterine fistula after vacuum delivery and two previous cesarean sections. A case report. J Reprod Med, 2001. 46(9): p. 853–5.

Exclusion code: 9

312. Gilmour, D.T., et al., Minimizing the urological and psychological morbidity of urinary tract fistulae from VBAC. J Obstet Gynaecol Can, 2006. 28(2): p. 132–5.

Exclusion code: 9

313. Gleicher, N., Mandatory trial of labor after cesarean delivery: an alternative viewpoint.[comment]. Obstet Gynecol, 1991. 78(4): p. 727–8.

Exclusion code: 6

314. Gochnour, G., S. Ratcliffe, and M.B. Stone, The UTAH VBAC Study. Matern Child Health J, 2005. 9(2): p. 181–8.

Exclusion code: 6

315. Goer, H., Misoprostol and uterine rupture. Birth, 2000. 27(3): p. 224–5.

Exclusion code: 6

316. Goer, H., VBAC and the New England Journal of Medicine. Birth, 2002. 29(2): p. 150–1.

Exclusion code: 4

317. Goffman, D., et al., Predictors of maternal mortality and near-miss maternal morbidity. J Perinatol, 2007. 27(10): p. 597–601.

Exclusion code: 7

318. Goldman, G., et al., Effects of patient, physician and hospital characteristics on the likelihood of vaginal birth after previous cesarean section in Quebec. Cmaj, 1990. 143(10): p. 1017–24.

Exclusion code: 6

319. Gonzales, G.F. and A. Salirrosas, Pulse oxygen saturation and neurologic assessment in human neonates after vaginal and cesarean delivery. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 1998. 63(1): p. 63–6.

Exclusion code: 10

320. Gorgen, H., et al., Fetal torticollis and upper extremity haematoma after silent uterine rupture: a case report. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 2007. 47(6): p. 513–4.

Exclusion code: 9

321. Goyert, G.L., et al., The physician factor in cesarean birth rates. N Engl J Med, 1989. 320(11): p. 706–9.

Exclusion code: 7

322. Graham, A.R., Trial labor following previous cesarean section. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1984. 149(1): p. 35–45.

Exclusion code: 10

323. Granot, M., Postcesarean section pain prediction by preoperative pressure pain assessment. Anesthesiology, 2003. 98: p. 1422–26.

Exclusion code: 4

324. Gray, R., et al., Caesarean delivery and risk of stillbirth in subsequent pregnancy: a retrospective cohort study in an English population. Bjog, 2007. 114(3): p. 264–70.

Exclusion code: 10

325. Gregory, K.D., Maternal and infant complications in high and normal weight infants by method of delivery. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1998. 92: p. 507–513.

Exclusion code: 7

326. Gregory, K.D., et al., Repeat cesareans: how many are elective? Obstet Gynecol, 1994. 84(4): p. 574–8.

Exclusion code: 4

327. Grobman, W.A., A.M. Peaceman, and M.L. Socol, Cost-effectiveness of elective cesarean delivery after one prior low transverse cesarean. Obstet Gynecol, 2000. 95(5): p. 745–51.

Exclusion code: 6

328. Gross, T., R.J. Sokol, and K.C. King, Obesity in pregnancy: risks and outcome. Obstet Gynecol, 1980. 56(4): p. 446–50.

Exclusion code: 6

329. Gross, T.L., et al., Avoiding prematurity in elective repeat cesarean section. A role for amniotic fluid phosphatidylglycerol. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 1984. 63(8): p. 683–6.

Exclusion code: 6

330. Groutz, A., et al., Persistent postpartum urinary retention in contemporary obstetric practice. Definition, prevalence and clinical implications. J Reprod Med, 2001. 46(1): p. 44–8.

Exclusion code: 7

331. Grunebaum, A.N., et al., The relationship of maternal antibody levels to post-cesarean section endometritis. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1983. 147(8): p. 919–22.

Exclusion code: 5

332. Gudgeon, C.W., Uterine rupture and scar dehiscence.[comment]. Anaesth Intensive Care, 1997. 25(4): p. 434.

Exclusion code: 6

333. Guleria, K., G.I. Dhall, and K. Dhall, Pattern of cervical dilatation in previous lower segment caesarean section patients. J Indian Med Assoc, 1997. 95(5): p. 131–4.

Exclusion code: 4

334. Gupta, A., et al., Meconium stained urine: an unusual sign of combined uterine and bladder rupture. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 2005. 45(4): p. 334.

Exclusion code: 9

335. Haas, A.V., Homebirth after cesarean: the myth & the reality.[erratum appears in Midwifery Today Int Midwife. 2008 Winter;(88):8]. Midwifery Today Int Midwife, 2008(86): p. 44–7.

Exclusion code: 6

336. Habek, D. and R. Becarevic, Emergency peripartum hysterectomy in a tertiary obstetric center: 8-year evaluation. Fetal Diagn Ther, 2007. 22(2): p. 139–42.

Exclusion code: 5

337. Haberman, S., et al., Variations in compliance with documentation using computerized obstetric records. Obstet Gynecol, 2007. 110(1): p. 141–5.

Exclusion code: 6

338. Hales, K., Influence of labor and route of delivery on the frequency of respiratory morbidity in term neonates. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 1993. 43: p. 35–40.

Exclusion code: 4

339. Hall, M.H., Mode of delivery and future fertility. Br J Obstet Gynaecol, 1989. 96: p. 1297–1303.

Exclusion code: 4

340. Hamar, B.D., et al., Expectant management of uterine dehiscence in the second trimester of pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol, 2003. 102(5 Pt 2): p. 1139–42.

Exclusion code: 9

341. Hammond, H., Death from obstetrical hemorrhage. Calif Med, 1972. 117(2): p. 16–20.

Exclusion code: 10

342. Hamrick-Turner, J.E., P.E. Cranston, and B.S. Lantrip, Gravid uterine dehiscence: MR findings. Abdom Imaging, 1995. 20(5): p. 486–8.

Exclusion code: 4

343. Hankins, G.D.V., S.M. Clark, and M.B. Munn, Cesarean section on request at 39 weeks: impact on shoulder dystocia, fetal trauma, neonatal encephalopathy, and intrauterine fetal demise. Semin Perinatol, 2006. 30(5): p. 276–87.

Exclusion code: 4

344. Haq, C.L., Vaginal birth after cesarean delivery. Am Fam Physician, 1988. 37(6): p. 167–71.

Exclusion code: 4

345. Harper, L.M. and G.A. Macones, Predicting success and reducing the risks when attempting vaginal birth after cesarean. Obstet Gynecol Surv, 2008. 63(8): p. 538–45.

Exclusion code: 6

346. Harris, W.J., J.F. Daniell, and J.W. Baxter, Prior cesarean section. A risk factor for adenomyosis? J Reprod Med, 1985. 30(3): p. 173–5.

Exclusion code: 10

347. Has, R., et al., Imaging features of postpartum uterine rupture: a case report. Abdom Imaging, 2008. 33(1): p. 101–3.

Exclusion code: 4

348. Hauth, J.C., G.D. Hankins, and L.C. Gilstrap, 3rd, Uterine contraction pressures achieved in parturients with active phase arrest. Obstet Gynecol, 1991. 78(3 Pt 1): p. 344–7.

Exclusion code: 5

349. Hawe, J.A. and K.S. Olah, Posterior uterine rupture in a patient with a lower segment caesarean section scar complicating prostaglandin induction of labour. Br J Obstet Gynaecol, 1997. 104(7): p. 857–8.

Exclusion code: 9

350. Hawkins, J.L., Obstetric anesthesia work force survey, 1981 versus 1992. Anesthesiology, 1997. 87: p. 135–43.

Exclusion code: 6

351. Hawkins, J.L., et al., Oral intake policies on labor and delivery: A national survey. J Clin Anesth, 1998. 10(6): p. 449–451.

Exclusion code: 4

352. Hawkins, J.L., et al., A reevaluation of the association between instrument delivery and epidural analgesia. Reg Anesth, 1995. 20(1): p. 50–6.

Exclusion code: 7

353. Hawkins, J.L., et al., Anesthesia-related deaths during obstetric delivery in the United States, 1979–1990. Anesthesiology, 1997. 86(2): p. 277–284.

Exclusion code: 4

354. Heddleston, L.N. and W.J. Watson, Vaginal birth after cesarean section in a small hospital. Mil Med, 1991. 156(5): p. 239–40.

Exclusion code: 6

355. Heffner, L.J., Uterine rupture among women with a prior cesarean delivery. N Engl J Med, 2002. 346(2): p. 134–7.

Exclusion code: 6

356. Hendricks, M.S., et al., Previous cesarean section and abortion as risk factors for developing placenta previa. J Obstet Gynaecol Res, 1999. 25(2): p. 137–42.

Exclusion code: 4

357. Henrich, W., et al., Ultrasound finding and operative management of a uterine rupture during vaginal delivery after Cesarean section. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 2005. 25(2): p. 203–5.

Exclusion code: 9

358. Henriksen, T.B., et al., Cesarean section in twin pregnancies in two Danish counties with different cesarean section rates. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 1994. 73(2): p. 123–8.

Exclusion code: 5

359. Heritage, C.K. and M.D. Cunningham, Association of elective repeat cesarean delivery and persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1985. 152(6 Pt 1): p. 627–9.

Exclusion code: 7

360. Hicks, P., Systematic review of the risk of uterine rupture with the use of amnioinfusion after previous cesarean delivery. South Med J, 2005. 98(4): p. 458–61.

Exclusion code: 4

361. Hildingsson, I., et al., Few women wish to be delivered by caesarean section. Bjog, 2002. 109(6): p. 618–23.

Exclusion code: 6

362. Hill, D.A., et al., Uterine rupture and dehiscence associated with intravaginal misoprostol cervical ripening. J Reprod Med, 2000. 45(10): p. 823–6.

Exclusion code: 9

363. Hodgkinson, R., Repeat caesarean section associated with gross obesity. Br J Anaesth, 1981. 53(10): p. 1108.

Exclusion code: 6

364. Hodnett, E.D., et al., Continuous support for women during childbirth. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2007.

Exclusion code: 4

365. Hoffman, M.K., et al., Uterine rupture in patients with a prior cesarean delivery: the impact of cervical ripening. Am J Perinatol, 2004. 21(4): p. 217–22.

Exclusion code: 7

366. Hofmeyr, G.J., et al., Methods for cervical ripening and labour induction in late pregnancy: generic protocol. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2000.

Exclusion code: 4

367. Hofmeyr, G.J. and A.M. Gulmezoglu, Vaginal misoprostol for cervical ripening and induction of labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2004.

Exclusion code: 4

368. Hofmeyr, G.J. and M.E. Hannah, Planned caesarean section for term breech delivery. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2003.

Exclusion code: 4

369. Hofmeyr, G.J. and R. Kulier, External cephalic version for breech presentation at term. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2006.

Exclusion code: 7

370. Hofmeyr, G.J., L. Say, and A.M. Gulmezoglu, WHO systematic review of maternal mortality and morbidity: the prevalence of uterine rupture. Bjog, 2005. 112(9): p. 1221–8.

Exclusion code: 6

371. Horey, D., J. Weaver, and H. Russell, Information for pregnant women about caesarean birth. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2004(1): p. CD003858.

Exclusion code: 6

372. Howarth, G.R. and D.J. Botha, Amniotomy plus intravenous oxytocin for induction of labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2001.

Exclusion code: 4

373. Hsu, C.D., et al., Rupture of uterine scar with extensive maternal bladder laceration after cocaine abuse. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1992. 167(1): p. 129–30.

Exclusion code: 9

374. Hurry, D.J., B. Larsen, and D. Charles, Effects of postcesarean section febrile morbidity on subsequent fertility. Obstet Gynecol, 1984. 64(2): p. 256–60.

Exclusion code: 10

375. Hutton, E. and E. Mozurkewich, Extra-amniotic prostaglandin for induction of labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2001.

Exclusion code: 4

376. Hutton, E.K. and G.J. Hofmeyr, External cephalic version for breech presentation before term. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2006.

Exclusion code: 4

377. Iglesias, S., R. Burn, and L.D. Saunders, Reducing the cesarean section rate in a rural community hospital.[see comment][erratum appears in Can Med Assoc J 1992 May 15;146(10):1701]. Cmaj, 1991. 145(11): p. 1459–64.

Exclusion code: 4

378. Imberti, R., et al., Blood transfusion during cesarean section. A 12 years' retrospective analysis. Acta Anaesthesiol Belg, 1990. 41(2): p. 139–44.

Exclusion code: 7

379. Imoh-Ita, F. and S. Williams, Prostaglandin E2 induction of labour proceeding to vaginal delivery after two previous caesarean sections. J Obstet Gynaecol, 2002. 22(5): p. 559–60.

Exclusion code: 9

380. Jackson, N. and S. Paterson-Brown, Physical sequelae of caesarean section. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol, 2001. 15(1): p. 49–61.

Exclusion code: 6

381. Jacob, J. and J. Pfenninger, Cesarean deliveries: when is a pediatrician necessary? Obstet Gynecol, 1997. 89(2): p. 217–20.

Exclusion code: 7

382. Jaillard, S., V. Houfflin-Debarge, and L. Storme, Higher risk of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn after cesarean. J Perinat Med, 2003. 31(6): p. 538–9.

Exclusion code: 4

383. Janke, J.R., Breastfeeding duration following cesarean and vaginal births. J Nurse Midwifery, 1988. 33(4): p. 159–64.

Exclusion code: 7

384. Janni, W., et al., The prognostic impact of a prolonged second stage of labor on maternal and fetal outcome. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 2002. 81(3): p. 214–21.

Exclusion code: 5

385. Janssen, P.A., et al., Outcomes of planned home birth with registered midwife versus planned hospital birth with midwife or physician. CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne, 2009. 181(6/7): p. 377–383.

Exclusion code: 4

386. Jarrell, M.A., G.G. Ashmead, and L.I. Mann, Vaginal delivery after cesarean section: a five-year study. Obstet Gynecol, 1985. 65(5): p. 628–32.

Exclusion code: 10

387. Jastrow, N., et al., Inter- and intraobserver variability in sonographic measurement of the lower uterine segment after a previous Cesarean section. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 2006. 27(4): p. 420–4.

Exclusion code: 4

388. Jerbi, M., et al., Predictive factors of vaginal birth after cesarean delivery. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 2006. 94(1): p. 43–4.

Exclusion code: 8

389. Jerbi, M., et al., Previous cesarean scar exploration following vaginal delivery and hemorrhagic morbidity. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 2006. 92(2): p. 135–6.

Exclusion code: 8

390. Johnson, C. and N. Oriol, The role of epidural anesthesia in trial of labor. Reg Anesth, 1990. 15(6): p. 304–8.

Exclusion code: 6

391. Johnson, K.C. and I.M. Gaskin, Vaginal delivery after caesarean section. Safety of single-layer suturing in caesarean sections must be proved. Bmj, 2001. 323(7324): p. 1307–8.

Exclusion code: 6

392. Johnson, S.R., et al., Obstetric decision-making: responses to patients who request cesarean delivery. Obstet Gynecol, 1986. 67(6): p. 847–50.

Exclusion code: 4

393. Jolly, M.C., Risk factors for macrosomia and its clinical consequences: a study of 350,311 pregnancies. European Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 2003. 111: p. 9–14.

Exclusion code: 7

394. Jonas, H.A., N. Khalid, and S.M. Schwartz, The relationship between Caesarean section and neonatal mortality in very-low-birthweight infants born in Washington State, USA. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol, 1999. 13(2): p. 170–89.

Exclusion code: 5

395. Jonas, H.A. and J.M. Lumley, The effect of mode of delivery on neonatal mortality in very low birthweight infants born in Victoria, Australia: Caesarean section is associated with increased survival in breech-presenting, but not vertex-presenting, infants. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol, 1997. 11(2): p. 181–99.

Exclusion code: 7

396. Jones, R.O., et al., Rupture of low transverse cesarean scars during trial of labor. Obstet Gynecol, 1991. 77(6): p. 815–7.

Exclusion code: 9

397. Joseph, G.F., Jr., C.M. Stedman, and A.G. Robichaux, Vaginal birth after cesarean section: the impact of patient resistance to a trial of labor. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1991. 164(6 Pt 1): p. 1441–4; discussion 1444–7.

Exclusion code: 4

398. Joura, E.A., Minimal wound closure at cesarean delivery. Geburtsh Frauenheilkd, 1998. 58: p. 651–3.

Exclusion code: 4

399. Joyce, D.N., F. Giwa-Osagie, and G.W. Stevenson, Role of pelvimetry in active management of labour. Br Med J, 1975. 4(5995): p. 505–7.

Exclusion code: 10

400. Kabir, A.A., et al., Unnecessary cesarean delivery in Louisiana: an analysis of birth certificate data. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2004. 190(1): p. 10–9; discussion 3A.

Exclusion code: 6

401. Kaczmarczyk, M., et al., Risk factors for uterine rupture and neonatal consequences of uterine rupture: a population-based study of successive pregnancies in Sweden. Bjog, 2007. 114(10): p. 1208–14.

Exclusion code: 5

402. Kamal, P., et al., Factors influencing repeat caesarean section: qualitative exploratory study of obstetricians' and midwives' accounts. Bjog, 2005. 112(8): p. 1054–60.

Exclusion code: 6

403. Kaplan, B., et al., Routine revision of uterine scar after prior cesarean section. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 1994. 73(6): p. 473–5.

Exclusion code: 7

404. Kaplan, D.L., Outcomes associated with a trial of labor after prior cesarean delivery.[comment]. N Engl J Med, 2005. 352(16): p. 1718–20; author reply 1718–20.

Exclusion code: 6

405. Karaer, A., F.A. Avsar, and S. Batioglu, Risk factors for ectopic pregnancy: a case-control study. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 2006. 46(6): p. 521–7.

Exclusion code: 4

406. Kastner, E.S., et al., Emergency peripartum hysterectomy: experience at a community teaching hospital. Obstet Gynecol, 2002. 99(6): p. 971–5.

Exclusion code: 5

407. Kavak, Z.N., A. Basgul, and N. Ceyhan, Short-term outcome of newborn infants: spinal versus general anesthesia for elective cesarean section. A prospective randomized study. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 2001. 100(1): p. 50–4.

Exclusion code: 5

408. Kavanagh, J., A.J. Kelly, and J. Thomas, Sexual intercourse for cervical ripening and induction of labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2001.

Exclusion code: 4

409. Kavanagh, J., A.J. Kelly, and J. Thomas, Breast stimulation for cervical ripening and induction of labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2005.

Exclusion code: 4

410. Kavanagh, J., A.J. Kelly, and J. Thomas, Corticosteroids for cervical ripening and induction of labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2006.

Exclusion code: 4

411. Kavanagh, J., A.J. Kelly, and J. Thomas, Hyaluronidase for cervical ripening and induction of labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2006.

Exclusion code: 4

412. Kayani, S.I. and Z. Alfirevic, Induction of labour with previous caesarean delivery: where do we stand? Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol, 2006. 18(6): p. 636–41.

Exclusion code: 4

413. Keeler, E.B., et al., Adjusting cesarean delivery rates for case mix. Health Serv Res, 1997. 32(4): p. 511–28.

Exclusion code: 7

414. Kelly, A., et al., Induction of labour in specific clinical situations: generic protocol. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2001.

Exclusion code: 4

415. Kelly, A.J. and J. Kavanagh, Nitric oxide donors for cervical ripening and induction of labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2008.

Exclusion code: 5

416. Kelly, A.J., J. Kavanagh, and J. Thomas, Castor oil, bath and/or enema for cervical priming and induction of labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2001.

Exclusion code: 4

417. Kelly, A.J., J. Kavanagh, and J. Thomas, Relaxin for cervical ripening and induction of labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2001.

Exclusion code: 4

418. Kelly, A.J., J. Kavanagh, and J. Thomas, Vaginal prostaglandin (PGE2 and PGF2a) for induction of labour at term. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2003.

Exclusion code: 4

419. Kelly, A.J. and B. Tan, Intravenous oxytocin alone for cervical ripening and induction of labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2001.

Exclusion code: 4

420. Kendrick, J.S., et al., Previous cesarean delivery and the risk of ectopic pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol, 1996. 87(2): p. 297–301.

Exclusion code: 5

421. Khan, K.S. and A. Rizvi, The partograph in the management of labor following cesarean section. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 1995. 50(2): p. 151–7.

Exclusion code: 8

422. Khan, K.S., A. Rizvi, and J.H. Rizvi, Risk of uterine rupture after the partographic 'alert' line is crossed--an additional dimension in the quest towards safe motherhood in labour following caesarean section. JPMA J Pak Med Assoc, 1996. 46(6): p. 120–2.

Exclusion code: 8

423. Kirk, E.P., et al., Vaginal birth after cesarean or repeat cesarean section: medical risks or social realities? Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1990. 162(6): p. 1398–403; discussion 403–5.

Exclusion code: 4

424. Kirkinen, P., Multiple caesarean sections: outcomes and complications. Br J Obstet Gynaecol, 1988. 95(8): p. 778–82.

Exclusion code: 10

425. Kirkinen, P., Ultrasonography of the lower uterine segment after multiple caesarean sections. Ann Med, 1990. 22(2): p. 137–9.

Exclusion code: 4

426. Kishor, T., et al., Study of vaginal delivery in patients with one previous lower segment caesarean section. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 1986. 26(4): p. 245–8.

Exclusion code: 8

427. Kline, J. and F. Arias, Analysis of factors determining the selection of repeated cesarean section or trial of labor in patients with histories of prior cesarean delivery. J Reprod Med, 1993. 38(4): p. 289–92.

Exclusion code: 4

428. Knight, M., et al., Cesarean delivery and peripartum hysterectomy. Obstet Gynecol, 2008. 111(1): p. 97–105.

Exclusion code: 7

429. Kobelin, C.G., Intrapartum management of vaginal birth after cesarean section. Clin Obstet Gynecol, 2001. 44(3): p. 588–93.

Exclusion code: 4

430. Kolas, T., et al., Indications for cesarean deliveries in Norway. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2003. 188(4): p. 864–70.

Exclusion code: 7

431. Kolderup, L.B., R.K. Laros, Jr., and T.J. Musci, Incidence of persistent birth injury in macrosomic infants: association with mode of delivery. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1997. 177(1): p. 37–41.

Exclusion code: 10

432. Kopelman, J.N., et al., Computed tomographic pelvimetry in the evaluation of breech presentation. Obstet Gynecol, 1986. 68(4): p. 455–8.

Exclusion code: 5

433. Koroukian, S.M., Uterine rupture among women with a prior cesarean delivery. N Engl J Med, 2002. 346(2): p. 134–7.

Exclusion code: 6

434. Koroukian, S.M., D. Bush, and A.A. Rimm, Comparison of cesarean section rates in fee-for-service versus managed care patients in the Ohio Medicaid population, 1992–1997. Am J Manag Care, 2001. 7(2): p. 134–42.

Exclusion code: 6

435. Koroukian, S.M. and A.A. Rimm, Declining trends in cesarean deliveries, Ohio 1989–1996: an analysis by indications. Birth, 2000. 27(1): p. 12–8.

Exclusion code: 6

436. Koroukian, S.M., B. Trisel, and A.A. Rimm, Estimating the proportion of unnecessary Cesarean sections in Ohio using birth certificate data.[erratum appears in J Clin Epidemiol 1999 Apr;52(4):379]. J Clin Epidemiol, 1998. 51(12): p. 1327–34.

Exclusion code: 6

437. Korst, L.M., et al., Hospital rates of maternal and neonatal infection in a low-risk population. Matern Child Health J, 2005. 9(3): p. 307–16.

Exclusion code: 7

438. Kotagal, U.R., et al., The impact of legislation and secular trends on newborn length of stay for Medicaid infants in Ohio. J Pediatr, 2002. 141(3): p. 392–7.

Exclusion code: 6

439. Kozak, L.J. and J.D. Weeks, U.S. trends in obstetric procedures, 1990–2000. Birth, 2002. 29(3): p. 157–61.

Exclusion code: 6

440. Krishnamurthy, S., et al., The role of postnatal x-ray pelvimetry after caesarean section in the management of subsequent delivery. Br J Obstet Gynaecol, 1991. 98(7): p. 716–8.

Exclusion code: 10

441. Kuczkowski, K.M., Vaginal birth after previous cesarean delivery: what are the most common signs of uterine rupture?[comment]. West Afr J Med, 2004. 23(4): p. 329.

Exclusion code: 6

442. Kwee, A., et al., Uterine rupture and its complications in the Netherlands: a prospective study. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 2006. 128(1–2): p. 257–61.

Exclusion code: 5

443. Kwee, A., et al., Outcome of subsequent delivery after a previous early preterm cesarean section. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med, 2007. 20(1): p. 33–7.

Exclusion code: 5

444. Lagrew, D.C., Jr. and J.A. Adashek, Lowering the cesarean section rate in a private hospital: comparison of individual physicians' rates, risk factors, and outcomes. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1998. 178(6): p. 1207–14.

Exclusion code: 6

445. Lam, C.M., S.F. Wong, and L.Y. Chan, Labor outcomes of short multiparous women with a previous successful vaginal delivery. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 2001. 75(3): p. 313–4.

Exclusion code: 5

446. Landon, M.B., Vaginal birth after cesarean delivery. Clin Perinatol, 2008. 35(3): p. 491–504.

Exclusion code: 6

447. Langer, O., Shoulder dystocia: should the fetus weighing greater than or equal to 4000 grams be delivered by caesarean section? Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1991. 165: p. 831–837.

Exclusion code: 10

448. Lao, T.T. and B.F. Leung, Rupture of the gravid uterus. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 1987. 25(3): p. 175–80.

Exclusion code: 8

449. Laopaiboon, M., et al., Music during caesarean section under regional anesthesia for improving maternal and infant outcomes. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2008.

Exclusion code: 4

450. Laros, R.K., Jr., T.A. Flanagan, and S.J. Kilpatrick, Management of term breech presentation: a protocol of external cephalic version and selective trial of labor. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1995. 172(6): p. 1916–23; discussion 1923–5.

Exclusion code: 5

451. Latendresse, G., P.A. Murphy, and J.T. Fullerton, A description of the management and outcomes of vaginal birth after cesarean birth in the homebirth setting. J Midwifery Womens Health, 2005. 50(5): p. 386–91.

Exclusion code: 5

452. Latthe, P., et al., Factors predisposing women to chronic pelvic pain: systematic review. Bmj, 2006. 332(7544): p. 749–55.

Exclusion code: 4

453. Lavin, J.P., et al., Vaginal delivery in patients with a prior cesarean section. Obstet Gynecol, 1982. 59(2): p. 135–48.

Exclusion code: 4

454. Leaphart, W.L., M.C. Meyer, and E.L. Capeless, Labor induction with a prenatal diagnosis of fetal macrosomia. J Matern Fetal Med, 1997. 6(2): p. 99–102.

Exclusion code: 5

455. Lee, K.S., et al., Relationship of cesarean delivery to lower birth weight-specific neonatal mortality in singleton breech infants in the United States. Obstet Gynecol, 1998. 92(5): p. 769–74.

Exclusion code: 5

456. Leeman, L. and R. Leeman, A Native American community with a 7% cesarean delivery rate: does case mix, ethnicity, or labor management explain the low rate? Ann Fam Med, 2003. 1(1): p. 36–43.

Exclusion code: 6

457. Lewis, S. and M. Collins, Induction of vaginal birth after cesarean using intracervical Foley bulb. J Midwifery Womens Health, 2008. 53(6): p. 563–6.

Exclusion code: 6

458. Lieberman, E., Risk factors for uterine rupture during a trial of labor after cesarean. Clin Obstet Gynecol, 2001. 44(3): p. 609–21.

Exclusion code: 6

459. Lieberman, E., et al., Assessing the role of case mix in cesarean delivery rates. Obstet Gynecol, 1998. 92(1): p. 1–7.

Exclusion code: 5

460. Linton, A. and M.R. Peterson, Effect of managed care enrollment on primary and repeat cesarean rates among U.S. Department of Defense health care beneficiaries in military and civilian hospitals worldwide, 1999–2002. Birth, 2004. 31(4): p. 254–64.

Exclusion code: 6

461. Linton, A., M.R. Peterson, and T.V. Williams, Effects of maternal characteristics on cesarean delivery rates among U.S. Department of Defense healthcare beneficiaries, 1996–2002. Birth, 2004. 31(1): p. 3–11.

Exclusion code: 6

462. Lipscomb, K.R., K. Gregory, and K. Shaw, The outcome of macrosomic infants weighing at least 4500 grams: Los Angeles County + University of Southern California experience. Obstet Gynecol, 1995. 85(4): p. 558–64.

Exclusion code: 5

463. Liston, F.A., et al., Neonatal outcomes with caesarean delivery at term. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed, 2008. 93(3): p. F176–82.

Exclusion code: 7

464. Little, M.O., et al., Mode of delivery: toward responsible inclusion of patient preferences. Obstet Gynecol, 2008. 112(4): p. 913–8.

Exclusion code: 6

465. Localio, A.R., et al., Relationship Between Malpractice Claims and Cesarean Delivery. JAMA: the journal of the American Medical Association, 1993. 269(3): p. 366–373.

Exclusion code: 4

466. Lomas, J., et al., Opinion leaders vs audit and feedback to implement practice guidelines. Delivery after previous cesarean section. Jama, 1991. 265(17): p. 2202–7.

Exclusion code: 6

467. Longo, D.R., et al., Consumer reports in health care. Do they make a difference in patient care? Jama, 1997. 278(19): p. 1579–84.

Exclusion code: 6

468. Lucas, A., Information for women after CS: are they getting enough? RCM Midwives, 2004. 7(11): p. 472–5.

Exclusion code: 6

469. Lurie, S., et al., Routine previous cesarean scar exploration following successful vaginal delivery. Is it necessary? Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 1992. 45(3): p. 185–6.

Exclusion code: 11

470. Lyerly, A.D., et al., Risks, values, and decision making surrounding pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol, 2007. 109(4): p. 979–84.

Exclusion code: 6

471. Lynch, J.C. and J.P. Pardy, Uterine rupture and scar dehiscence. A five-year survey. Anaesth Intensive Care, 1996. 24(6): p. 699–704.

Exclusion code: 6

472. Macario, A., Y.Y. El-Sayed, and M.L. Druzin, Cost-effectiveness of a trial of labor after previous cesarean delivery depends on the a priori chance of success. Clin Obstet Gynecol, 2004. 47(2): p. 378–85.

Exclusion code: 6

473. MacDorman, M.F., et al., Fetal and perinatal mortality, United States, 2005. Natl Vital Stat Rep, 2009. 57(8): p. 1–19.

Exclusion code: 6

474. MacDorman, M.F., F. Menacker, and E. Declercq, Cesarean birth in the United States: epidemiology, trends, and outcomes. Clin Perinatol, 2008. 35(2): p. 293–307.

Exclusion code: 6

475. MacKenzie, I.Z., S. Bradley, and M.P. Embrey, Vaginal prostaglandins and labour induction for patients previously delivered by caesarean section. Br J Obstet Gynaecol, 1984. 91(1): p. 7–10.

Exclusion code: 5

476. Macones, G.A., The utility of clinical tests of eligibility for a trial of labour following a caesarean section: a decision analysis. Br J Obstet Gynaecol, 1999. 106(7): p. 642–6.

Exclusion code: 4

477. Magee, B.D., Uterine rupture among women with a prior cesarean delivery. N Engl J Med, 2002. 346(2): p. 134–7.

Exclusion code: 6

478. Mahmood, T.A., Maternal height, birthweight, obstetric conjugate and their influence on the management of parturients with a previous cesarean scar. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 1989. 68(7): p. 595–8.

Exclusion code: 10

479. Mahmood, T.A., The influence of maternal height, obstetrical conjugate and fetal birth-weight in the management of patients with breech presentation. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 1990. 30(1): p. 10–4.

Exclusion code: 5

480. Mahony, R., et al., Outcome of second delivery after prior macrosomic infant in women with normal glucose tolerance. Obstet Gynecol, 2006. 107(4): p. 857–62.

Exclusion code: 5

481. Makino, S., et al., Prospective comparison of delivery outcomes of vaginal births after cesarean section versus laparoscopic myomectomy. J Obstet Gynaecol Res, 2008. 34(6): p. 952–6.

Exclusion code: 4

482. Makoha, F.W., et al., Multiple cesarean section morbidity. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 2004. 87(3): p. 227–32.

Exclusion code: 8

483. Mankuta, D.D., et al., Vaginal birth after cesarean section: trial of labor or repeat cesarean section? A decision analysis. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2003. 189(3): p. 714–9.

Exclusion code: 4

484. Many, A., et al., Neonatal respiratory morbidity after elective cesarean section. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med, 2006. 19(2): p. 75–8.

Exclusion code: 5

485. Martel, M.-J., et al., Guidelines for vaginal birth after previous Caesarean birth. J Obstet Gynaecol Can, 2004. 26(7): p. 660–83; quiz 684–6.

Exclusion code: 4

486. Martel, M.-J., et al., Guidelines for vaginal birth after previous Caesarean birth. J Obstet Gynaecol Can, 2005. 27(2): p. 164–88.

Exclusion code: 4

487. Martin, J.N., Jr., J.C. Morrison, and W.L. Wiser, Vaginal birth after cesarean section: the demise of routine repeat abdominal delivery. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am, 1988. 15(4): p. 719–36.

Exclusion code: 4

488. Martin, J.N., Jr., et al., The case for trial of labor in the patient with a prior low-segment vertical cesarean incision. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1997. 177(1): p. 144–8.

Exclusion code: 7

489. Martin, L.F., K.M. Finigan, and T.E. Nolan, Pregnancy after adjustable gastric banding. Obstet Gynecol, 2000. 95(6 Pt 1): p. 927–30.

Exclusion code: 5

490. Maslow, A.S. and A.L. Sweeny, Elective induction of labor as a risk factor for cesarean delivery among low-risk women at term. Obstet Gynecol, 2000. 95(6 Pt 1): p. 917–22.

Exclusion code: 7

491. Mastrobattista, J.M., Vaginal birth after cesarean delivery. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am, 1999. 26(2): p. 295–304.

Exclusion code: 6

492. Matalon, S., et al., Relationship of treated maternal hypothyroidism and perinatal outcome. J Reprod Med, 2006. 51(1): p. 59–63.

Exclusion code: 7

493. Mathelier, A.C., Radiopelvimetry after cesarean section. J Reprod Med, 1996. 41(6): p. 427–30.

Exclusion code: 4

494. Mauldin, J.G. and R.B. Newman, Prior cesarean: a contraindication to labor induction? Clin Obstet Gynecol, 2006. 49(3): p. 684–97.

Exclusion code: 4

495. Mawson, A.R., Reducing cesarean delivery rates in managed care organizations. Am J Manag Care, 2002. 8(8): p. 730–40.

Exclusion code: 6

496. Maymon, E., et al., Peripartum complications in grand multiparous women: para 6–9 versus para > or =10. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 1998. 81(1): p. 21–5.

Exclusion code: 5

497. McCarthy, F.P., A. Ades, and W.C. Ang, Spontaneous combined bladder and uterine rupture in pregnancy. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 2009. 49(2): p. 234–5.

Exclusion code: 9

498. McClain, C.S., Why women choose trial of labor or repeat cesarean section.[erratum appears in J Fam Pract 1986 Nov;23(5):425]. J Fam Pract, 1985. 21(3): p. 210–6.

Exclusion code: 4

499. McClain, C.S., Patient decision making: the case of delivery method after a previous cesarean section. Cult Med Psychiatry, 1987. 11(4): p. 495–508.

Exclusion code: 4

500. McClain, C.S., The making of a medical tradition: vaginal birth after cesarean. Soc Sci Med, 1990. 31(2): p. 203–10.

Exclusion code: 4

501. McCracken, L., Issue 57: Cesarean prevention/VBAC. Midwifery Today Int Midwife, 2001(58): p. 4.

Exclusion code: 4

502. McDonagh, M.S., P. Osterweil, and J.-M. Guise, The benefits and risks of inducing labour in patients with prior caesarean delivery: a systematic review. Bjog, 2005. 112(8): p. 1007–15.

Exclusion code: 6

503. McShane, P.M., P.S. Heyl, and M.F. Epstein, Maternal and perinatal morbidity resulting from placenta previa. Obstet Gynecol, 1985. 65(2): p. 176–82.

Exclusion code: 5

504. Meddings, F., et al., Vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC): exploring women's perceptions. J Clin Nurs, 2007. 16(1): p. 160–7.

Exclusion code: 6

505. Meehan, F.P., Delivery following prior cesarean section: an obstetrician's dilemma? Obstet Gynecol Surv, 1988. 43(10): p. 582–9.

Exclusion code: 6

506. Meehan, F.P., Trial of scar with induction/oxytocin in delivery following prior section. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol, 1988. 15(4): p. 117–23.

Exclusion code: 10

507. Meehan, F.P., et al., Delivery following cesarean section and perinatal mortality. Am J Perinatol, 1989. 6(1): p. 90–4.

Exclusion code: 10

508. Meehan, F.P., G. Burke, and J.T. Kehoe, Update on delivery following prior cesarean section: a 15-year review 1972–1987. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 1989. 30(3): p. 205–12.

Exclusion code: 10

509. Meehan, F.P., et al., True rupture/scar dehiscence in delivery following prior section. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 1990. 31(3): p. 249–55.

Exclusion code: 10

510. Meehan, F.P. and I.M. Magani, True rupture of the caesarean section scar (a 15 year review, 1972–1987). Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 1989. 30(2): p. 129–35.

Exclusion code: 10

511. Megafu, U., Factors influencing maternal survival in ruptured uterus. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 1985. 23(6): p. 475–80.

Exclusion code: 8

512. Mehta, S.H., et al., Shoulder dystocia and the next delivery: outcomes and management. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med, 2007. 20(10): p. 729–33.

Exclusion code: 5

513. Meikle, S.F., et al., A national estimate of the elective primary cesarean delivery rate. Obstet Gynecol, 2005. 105(4): p. 751–6.

Exclusion code: 5

514. Menacker, F., E. Declercq, and M.F. Macdorman, Cesarean delivery: background, trends, and epidemiology. Semin Perinatol, 2006. 30(5): p. 235–41.

Exclusion code: 6

515. Menihan, C.A., The effect of uterine rupture on fetal heart rate patterns. J Nurse Midwifery, 1999. 44(1): p. 40–6.

Exclusion code: 9

516. Menticoglou, S.M., Must macrosomic fetuses be delivered by a caesarean section? A review of outcome for 786 babies greater than or equal to 4,500 g. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 1992. 32: p. 100–103.

Exclusion code: 4

517. Merrill, B.S. and C.E. Gibbs, Planned vaginal delivery following cesarean section. Obstet Gynecol, 1978. 52(1): p. 50–2.

Exclusion code: 10

518. Meyer, M.C., Translating data to dialogue: how to discuss mode of delivery with your patient with twins. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2006. 195(4): p. 899–906.

Exclusion code: 5

519. Miller, D.A., et al., Intrapartum rupture of the unscarred uterus. Obstet Gynecol, 1997. 89(5 Pt 1): p. 671–3.

Exclusion code: 5

520. Miller, D.A., et al., Vaginal birth after cesarean section in twin gestation. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1996. 175(1): p. 194–8.

Exclusion code: 5

521. Miller, E.S., J. Partezana, and R.L. Montgomery, Vaginal birth after cesarean: a 5-year experience in a family practice residency program. J Am Board Fam Pract, 1995. 8(5): p. 357–60.

Exclusion code: 6

522. Miller, P.J., et al., The relationship between surgeon experience and endometritis after cesarean section. Surg Gynecol Obstet, 1987. 165(6): p. 535–9.

Exclusion code: 4

523. Milsom, I., et al., Influence of maternal, obstetric and fetal risk factors on the prevalence of birth asphyxia at term in a Swedish urban population. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 2002. 81(10): p. 909–17.

Exclusion code: 7

524. Minkoff, H. and S. McCalla, Uterine rupture among women with a prior cesarean delivery. N Engl J Med, 2002. 346(2): p. 134–7.

Exclusion code: 6

525. Minkoff, H.L., et al., The relationship of amniotic fluid phosphate-to-zinc ratios to post-cesarean section infection. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1982. 142(8): p. 988–91.

Exclusion code: 4

526. Misra, A., Impact of the HealthChoice program on cesarean section and vaginal birth after C-section deliveries: a retrospective analysis. Matern Child Health J, 2008. 12(2): p. 266–74.

Exclusion code: 6

527. Mo, A. and M.S. Rogers, Sonographic examination of uteroplacental separation during the third stage of labor. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 2008. 31(4): p. 427–31.

Exclusion code: 4

528. Moffat, M.A., et al., Decision making about mode of delivery among pregnant women who have previously had a caesarean section: A qualitative study. Bjog, 2007. 114(1): p. 86–93.

Exclusion code: 6

529. Molloy, B.G., O. Sheil, and N.M. Duignan, Delivery after caesarean section: review of 2176 consecutive cases. British Medical Journal Clinical Research Ed, 1987. 294(6588): p. 1645–7.

Exclusion code: 10

530. Montgomery, A.A., et al., Two decision aids for mode of delivery among women with previous caesarean section: randomised controlled trial. Bmj, 2007. 334(7607): p. 1305.

Exclusion code: 6

531. Mootabar, H., et al., Vaginal delivery following previous cesarean section in 1983. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 1984. 22(2): p. 155–60.

Exclusion code: 10

532. Moran, C., et al., Gastrin levels in mothers and neonates at delivery in various perinatal conditions. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 1996. 75(7): p. 608–11.

Exclusion code: 8

533. Morency, A.-M., N. Brassard, and R.J. Gauthier, Can uterine rupture in patients attempting vaginal birth after cesarean delivery be predicted?[comment]. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2007. 196(6): p. e6; author reply e6.

Exclusion code: 4

534. Moriel, E.Z., et al., Experience with the immediate treatment of iatrogenic bladder injuries and the repair of complex vesico-vaginal fistulae by the transvesical approach. Arch Gynecol Obstet, 1993. 253(3): p. 127–30.

Exclusion code: 4

535. Morin, K.H. and L. Reilly, Caring for obese pregnant women. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs, 2007. 36(5): p. 482–9.

Exclusion code: 6

536. Morrison, J., Neonatal respiratory morbidity and mode of delivery at term: influence of timing of elective cesarean section. Br J Obstet Gynaecol, 1995. 102: p. 101–6.

Exclusion code: 4

537. Mor-Yosef, S., A. Samueloff, and J.G. Schenker, The Israel perinatal census. Asia Oceania J Obstet Gynaecol, 1992. 18(2): p. 139–45.

Exclusion code: 4

538. Mor-Yosef, S., et al., Vaginal delivery following one previous cesarean birth: nation wide survey. Asia Oceania J Obstet Gynaecol, 1990. 16(1): p. 33–7.

Exclusion code: 5

539. Mozurkewich, E.L. and E.K. Hutton, Elective repeat cesarean delivery versus trial of labor: a meta-analysis of the literature from 1989 to 1999. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2000. 183(5): p. 1187–97.

Exclusion code: 10

540. Muench, M.V., et al., Gravid hysterectomy: a decade of experience at an academic referral center. J Reprod Med, 2008. 53(4): p. 271–8.

Exclusion code: 7

541. Mulik, V., The outcome of macrosomic fetuses in a low risk primigravid population. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 2003. 80: p. 15–22.

Exclusion code: 5

542. Murphy, D.J., Uterine rupture. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol, 2006. 18(2): p. 135–40.

Exclusion code: 6

543. Murphy, D.J., et al., The relationship between Caesarean section and subfertility in a population-based sample of 14 541 pregnancies. Hum Reprod, 2002. 17(7): p. 1914–7.

Exclusion code: 4

544. Murphy, H., Uterine rupture without previous caesarean section. Review of twelve cases. Ir Med J, 1976. 69(20): p. 531–2.

Exclusion code: 10

545. Murphy, M.C. and S.M. Harvey, Choice of a childbirth method after cesarean. Women Health, 1989. 15(2): p. 67–85.

Exclusion code: 6

546. Murray, T.M., Case 9–1998: uterine rupture.[comment]. N Engl J Med, 1998. 339(4): p. 268; author reply 269.

Exclusion code: 6

547. Murta, E.F.C. and R.S. Nomelini, Is repeated caesarean section a consequence of elective caesarean section? Lancet, 2004. 364(9435): p. 649–50.

Exclusion code: 4

548. Murtha, A.P., et al., Umbilical venous D-dimer concentrations with and without labor. Obstet Gynecol, 1998. 92(2): p. 184–6.

Exclusion code: 5

549. Murthy, K., et al., Association Between Rising Professional Liability Insurance Premiums and Primary Cesarean Delivery Rates. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2007. 110(6): p. 1264–1269.

Exclusion code: 4

550. Myers, S.A. and T.L. Bennett, Incidence of significant adhesions at repeat cesarean section and the relationship to method of prior peritoneal closure. J Reprod Med, 2005. 50(9): p. 659–62.

Exclusion code: 6

551. Myers, S.A. and N. Gleicher, A successful program to lower cesarean-section rates. N Engl J Med, 1988. 319(23): p. 1511–6.

Exclusion code: 4

552. Myles, T., Vaginal birth of twins after a previous Cesarean section. J Matern Fetal Med, 2001. 10(3): p. 171–4.

Exclusion code: 5

553. Nasrat, H. and A. Warda, X-ray pelvimetry-reappraisal. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol, 1991. 18(1): p. 27–33.

Exclusion code: 8

554. Nather, A., et al., Nonclosure of peritoneum at cesarean delivery and future fertility. Fertil Steril, 2002. 78(2): p. 424–5.

Exclusion code: 6

555. Naulty, J.S., et al., Epidural fentanyl for postcesarean delivery pain management. Anesthesiology, 1985. 63(6): p. 694–698.

Exclusion code: 4

556. Ngu, A. and M.A. Quinn, Vaginal delivery following caesarean section. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 1985. 25(1): p. 41–3.

Exclusion code: 10

557. Ni, H.Y., et al., Previous abdominal surgery and tubal pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol, 1990. 75(6): p. 919–22.

Exclusion code: 4

558. Nicoll, A.E., et al., An audit of neonatal respiratory morbidity following elective caesarean section at term. Scott Med J, 2004. 49(1): p. 22–5.

Exclusion code: 5

559. Nielsen, T.F., H. Hagberg, and U. Ljungblad, Placenta previa and antepartum hemorrhage after previous cesarean section. Gynecol Obstet Invest, 1989. 27(2): p. 88–90.

Exclusion code: 4

560. Nielsen, T.F. and K.H. Hokegard, The course of subsequent pregnancies after previous cesarean section. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 1984. 63(1): p. 13–6.

Exclusion code: 10

561. Nielsen, T.F., U. Ljungblad, and H. Hagberg, Rupture and dehiscence of cesarean section scar during pregnancy and delivery. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1989. 160(3): p. 569–73.

Exclusion code: 10

562. Nordin, A.J. and J.A. Richardson, Lower segment uterine scar rupture during induction of labour with vaginal prostaglandin E2. Postgrad Med J, 1993. 69(813): p. 592.

Exclusion code: 9

563. Norman, P., S. Kostovcik, and A. Lanning, Elective repeat cesarean sections: how many could be vaginal births? Cmaj, 1993. 149(4): p. 431–5.

Exclusion code: 6

564. Norris, M.C., Are combined spinal epidural catheters reliable? Int, 2000. 9(1): p. 3–6.

Exclusion code: 4

565. November, M.T., Cost analysis of vaginal birth after cesarean. Clin Obstet Gynecol, 2001. 44(3): p. 571–87.

Exclusion code: 4

566. Nuthalapaty, F.S., D.J. Rouse, and J. Owen, The association of maternal weight with cesarean risk, labor duration, and cervical dilation rate during labor induction.[erratum appears in Obstet Gynecol. 2004 May;103(5 Pt 1):1019]. Obstet Gynecol, 2004. 103(3): p. 452–6.

Exclusion code: 6

567. Nwokoro, C.A., et al., Vaginal birth after primary cesarean section: the fetal size factor. J Obstet Gynaecol, 2003. 23(4): p. 392–3.

Exclusion code: 8

568. O'Brien-Abel, N., Uterine rupture during VBAC trial of labor: risk factors and fetal response. J Midwifery Womens Health, 2003. 48(4): p. 249–57.

Exclusion code: 4

569. Odibo, A.O. and G.A. Macones, Current concepts regarding vaginal birth after cesarean delivery. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol, 2003. 15(6): p. 479–82.

Exclusion code: 6

570. O'Driscoll, K., Rupture of the uterus. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, 1966. 59: p. 65.

Exclusion code: 10

571. Ofir, K., et al., Uterine rupture: risk factors and pregnancy outcome. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2003. 189(4): p. 1042–6.

Exclusion code: 5

572. Ohkuchi, A., et al., Effect of maternal age on blood loss during parturition: a retrospective multivariate analysis of 10,053 cases. J Perinat Med, 2003. 31(3): p. 209–15.

Exclusion code: 5

573. Ojo, V.A. and J.Y. Aliyu, Determinant factors in uterine rupture following previous caesarean section. East Afr Med J, 1988. 65(5): p. 307–13.

Exclusion code: 8

574. Okereafor, A., et al., Patterns of brain injury in neonates exposed to perinatal sentinel events. Pediatrics, 2008. 121(5): p. 906–14.

Exclusion code: 7

575. Ola, E.R., O.D. Imosemi, and O.O. Abudu, Vaginal birth after one previous Caesarean section--evaluation of predictive factors. Afr J Med Med Sci, 2001. 30(1–2): p. 61–6.

Exclusion code: 8

576. Oladipo, A. and A. Syed, The views of obstetricians in the south-west of England on the use of prostaglandins and syntocinon in VBAC. J Obstet Gynaecol, 2008. 28(2): p. 177–82.

Exclusion code: 4

577. Oleske, D.M., et al., Cesarean and VBAC delivery rates in Medicaid managed care, Medicaid fee-for-service, and private managed care. Birth, 1998. 25(2): p. 125–7.

Exclusion code: 6

578. Olive, E.C., et al., Placenta praevia: maternal morbidity and place of birth. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 2005. 45(6): p. 499–504.

Exclusion code: 7

579. Ollendorff, D.A., et al., Vaginal birth after cesarean section for arrest of labor: is success determined by maximum cervical dilatation during the prior labor? Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1988. 159(3): p. 636–9.

Exclusion code: 4

580. Onwude, J.L., S. Rao, and D.O. Selo-Ojeme, Large babies and unplanned Caesarean delivery. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 2005. 118(1): p. 36–9.

Exclusion code: 5

581. Ophir, E., et al., Breech presentation after cesarean section: always a section? Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1989. 161(1): p. 25–8.

Exclusion code: 5

582. Ophir, E., et al., Delivery mode and maternal rehospitalization. Arch Gynecol Obstet, 2008. 277(5): p. 401–4.

Exclusion code: 5

583. Ophir, E., et al., Trial of labor following cesarean section: dilemma. Obstet Gynecol Surv, 1989. 44(1): p. 19–24.

Exclusion code: 6

584. O'Sullivan, M.J., et al., Vaginal delivery after cesarean section. Clin Perinatol, 1981. 8(1): p. 131–43.

Exclusion code: 6

585. Oyelese, Y. and J.C. Smulian, Placenta previa, placenta accreta, and vasa previa. Obstet Gynecol, 2006. 107(4): p. 927–41.

Exclusion code: 6

586. Ozdemir, I., N. Yucel, and O. Yucel, Rupture of the pregnant uterus: a 9-year review. Arch Gynecol Obstet, 2005. 272(3): p. 229–31.

Exclusion code: 7

587. Pan, P., Multifactorial preoperative predictors for postcesarean section pain and analgesic requirement. Anesthesiology, 2006. 104: p. 417–25.

Exclusion code: 4

588. Parazzini, F., et al., Risk factors for placenta praevia. Placenta, 1994. 15(3): p. 321–6.

Exclusion code: 5

589. Parilla, B.V., et al., Iatrogenic respiratory distress syndrome following elective repeat cesarean delivery. Obstet Gynecol, 1993. 81(3): p. 392–5.

Exclusion code: 5

590. Penn, Z. and S. Ghaem-Maghami, Indications for caesarean section. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol, 2001. 15(1): p. 1–15.

Exclusion code: 6

591. Penso, C., Vaginal birth after cesarean section: an update on physician trends and patient perceptions. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol, 1994. 6(5): p. 417–25.

Exclusion code: 6

592. Perez-Rios, N., G. Ramos-Valencia, and A.P. Ortiz, Cesarean Delivery as a Barrier for Breastfeeding Initiation: The Puerto Rican Experience. Journal of Human Lactation, 2008. 24(3): p. 293–302.

Exclusion code: 8

593. Persadie, R.J. and R.J. McDonagh, Vaginal birth after caesarean section: clinical and legal perspectives. J Obstet Gynaecol Can, 2003. 25(10): p. 846–52.

Exclusion code: 6

594. Perveen, F. and Q. Shah, Obstetric outcome after one previous caesarean section. J Obstet Gynaecol Res, 1997. 23(4): p. 341–6.

Exclusion code: 8

595. Peschers, U., et al., Changes in vesical neck mobility following vaginal delivery. Obstet Gynecol, 1996. 88(6): p. 1001–6.

Exclusion code: 4

596. Petitti, D.B., Maternal mortality and morbidity in cesarean section. Clin Obstet Gynecol, 1985. 28(4): p. 763–9.

Exclusion code: 4

597. Petitti, D.B., et al., In-hospital maternal mortality in the United States: time trends and relation to method of delivery. Obstet Gynecol, 1982. 59(1): p. 6–12.

Exclusion code: 10

598. Petrikovsky, B.M., Endoscopic assessment of the integrity of the postcesarean uterine wall before a trial of labor. Transcervical Endoscopy Registry. J Reprod Med, 1994. 39(6): p. 464–6.

Exclusion code: 4

599. Peyrat, L., et al., Prevalence and risk factors of urinary incontinence in young and middle-aged women. BJU Int, 2002. 89(1): p. 61–6.

Exclusion code: 5

600. Phelan, J.P., Uterine rupture. Clin Obstet Gynecol, 1990. 33(3): p. 432–7.

Exclusion code: 10

601. Phelan, J.P., L.M. Korst, and D.K. Settles, Uterine activity patterns in uterine rupture: a case-control study. Obstet Gynecol, 1998. 92(3): p. 394–7.

Exclusion code: 7

602. Pietrantoni, M., Peritoneal closure or non-clusure at cesarean. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1991. 77(2): p. 293–6.

Exclusion code: 4

603. Pinette, M.G., et al., Vaginal birth after Cesarean rates are declining rapidly in the rural state of Maine. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med, 2004. 16(1): p. 37–43.

Exclusion code: 6

604. Piver, M.S. and R.A. Johnston, Sr., The safety of multiple cesarean sections. Obstet Gynecol, 1969. 34(5): p. 690–3.

Exclusion code: 10

605. Placek, P.J., S. Taffel, and M. Moien, Cesarean section delivery rates: United States, 1981. Am J Public Health, 1981. 73(8): p. 861–862.

Exclusion code: 6

606. Placek, P.J. and S.M. Taffel, The Frequency of Complications in Cesarean and Noncesarean Deliveries, 1970 and 1978. Public Health Rep, 1983. 98(4): p. 396–400.

Exclusion code: 4

607. Placek, P.J. and S.M. Taffel, Recent patterns in cesarean delivery in the United States. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am, 1988. 15(4): p. 607–27.

Exclusion code: 6

608. Placek, P.J. and S.M. Taffel, Vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) in the 1980s. Am J Public Health, 1988. 78(5): p. 512–5.

Exclusion code: 6

609. Plauche, W.C., W. Von Almen, and R. Muller, Catastrophic uterine rupture. Obstet Gynecol, 1984. 64(6): p. 792–7.

Exclusion code: 10

610. Plaut, M.M., M.L. Schwartz, and S.L. Lubarsky, Uterine rupture associated with the use of misoprostol in the gravid patient with a previous cesarean section. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1999. 180(6 Pt 1): p. 1535–42.

Exclusion code: 9

611. Pollio, F., et al., Uterine dehiscence in term pregnant patients with one previous cesarean delivery: growth factor immunoexpression and collagen content in the scarred lower uterine segment. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2006. 194(2): p. 527–34.

Exclusion code: 4

612. Poma, P.A., Effect of departmental policies on cesarean delivery rates: a community hospital experience. Obstet Gynecol, 1998. 91(6): p. 1013–8.

Exclusion code: 6

613. Poma, P.A., Correlation of birth weights with cesarean rates. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 1999. 65(2): p. 117–23.

Exclusion code: 5

614. Poma, P.A., Effects of obstetrician characteristics on cesarean delivery rates. A community hospital experience. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1999. 180(6 Pt 1): p. 1364–72.

Exclusion code: 6

615. Poma, P.A., Rupture of a cesarean-scarred uterus: a community hospital experience. J Natl Med Assoc, 2000. 92(6): p. 295–300.

Exclusion code: 7

616. Ponkey, S.E., et al., Persistent fetal occiput posterior position: obstetric outcomes. Obstet Gynecol, 2003. 101(5 Pt 1): p. 915–20.

Exclusion code: 5

617. Porreco, R.P. and J.A. Thorp, The cesarean birth epidemic: trends, causes, and solutions. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1996. 175(2): p. 369–74.

Exclusion code: 6

618. Porter, T.F., Survival and neurologic outcome of apparently stillborn infants. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1997. 176(1 (2)): p. S15.

Exclusion code: 6

619. Practice, A.C.o.O., Committee opinion. Induction of labor for vaginal birth after cesarean delivery. Obstet Gynecol, 2002. 99(4): p. 679–80.

Exclusion code: 6

620. Pridjian, G., Labor after prior cesarean section. Clin Obstet Gynecol, 1992. 35(3): p. 445–56.

Exclusion code: 4

621. Pridjian, G., J.U. Hibbard, and A.H. Moawad, Cesarean: changing the trends. Obstet Gynecol, 1991. 77(2): p. 195–200.

Exclusion code: 4

622. Qublan, H.S. and Y. Tahat, Multiple cesarean section. The impact on maternal and fetal outcome. Saudi Med J, 2006. 27(2): p. 210–4.

Exclusion code: 8

623. Qureshi, B., et al., Ultrasonographic evaluation of lower uterine segment to predict the integrity and quality of cesarean scar during pregnancy: a prospective study. Tohoku J Exp Med, 1997. 183(1): p. 55–65.

Exclusion code: 5

624. Qureshi, S., Uterine rupture after induction of labour in women with previous caesarean section.[comment]. Bjog, 2005. 112(12): p. 1668–9; author reply 1669.

Exclusion code: 4

625. Rahman, J., et al., Emergency obstetric hysterectomy in a university hospital: A 25-year review. J Obstet Gynaecol, 2008. 28(1): p. 69–72.

Exclusion code: 8

626. Rasmussen, S., S. Albrechtsen, and K. Dalaker, Obstetric history and the risk of placenta previa. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 2000. 79(6): p. 502–7.

Exclusion code: 4

627. Rattan, P.K., et al., Cesarean delivery of the second twin after vaginal delivery of the first twin. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1986. 154(4): p. 936–9.

Exclusion code: 5

628. Rayburn, W., et al., Attempted vaginal birth after cesarean section: a multicenter comparison of outpatient prostaglandin E2 gel with expectant management [abstract]. Primary Care Update for Ob/Gyns, 1998. 5(4): p. 182–183.

Exclusion code: 6

629. Read, A.W., et al., Trends in caesarean section in Western Australia, 1980–1987. Med J Aust, 1990. 153(6): p. 318–23.

Exclusion code: 5

630. Read, J.A., The scheduling of repeat cesarean section operations: prospective management protocol experience. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1985. 151(5): p. 557–63.

Exclusion code: 4

631. Rees, K.M., et al., Healthcare professionals' views on two computer-based decision aids for women choosing mode of delivery after previous caesarean section: a qualitative study. Bjog, 2009. 116(7): p. 906–14.

Exclusion code: 6

632. Reime, B., et al., Do maternity care provider groups have different attitudes towards birth? Bjog, 2004. 111(12): p. 1388–93.

Exclusion code: 6

633. Renner, R.M., et al., Informational factors influencing patient's childbirth preferences after prior cesarean. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2007. 196(5): p. e14–6.

Exclusion code: 6

634. Rhodes, J.C., K.C. Schoendorf, and J.D. Parker, Contribution of excess weight gain during pregnancy and macrosomia to the cesarean delivery rate, 1990–2000. Pediatrics, 2003. 111(5 Part 2): p. 1181–5.

Exclusion code: 6

635. Ridgeway, J.J., D.L. Weyrich, and T.J. Benedetti, Fetal heart rate changes associated with uterine rupture. Obstet Gynecol, 2004. 103(3): p. 506–12.

Exclusion code: 7

636. Ridley, R.T., et al., What influences a woman to choose vaginal birth after cesarean? J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs, 2002. 31(6): p. 665–72.

Exclusion code: 6

637. Rinehart, H., A VBAC primer. Technical issues for midwives. Midwifery Today Int Midwife, 2001(57): p. 16–20.

Exclusion code: 4

638. Roberts, H., et al., Ectopic pregnancy in lower segment uterine scar. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 1998. 38(1): p. 114–6.

Exclusion code: 5

639. Roberts, R.G., et al., Trial of labor or repeated cesarean section. The woman's choice. Arch Fam Med, 1997. 6(2): p. 120–5.

Exclusion code: 6

640. Roberts, R.G., et al., Changing policies on vaginal birth after cesarean: impact on access. Birth, 2007. 34(4): p. 316–22.

Exclusion code: 6

641. Rock, S.M., Variability and consistency of rates of primary and repeat cesarean sections among hospitals in two states. Public Health Rep, 1993. 108(4): p. 514–6.

Exclusion code: 4

642. Rogers, J.F. and W.L. Graves, Risk factors associated with low Apgar scores in a low-income population. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol, 1993. 7(2): p. 205–16.

Exclusion code: 7

643. Roopnarinesingh, A.J., Abdominal delivery of the second twin. J Obstet Gynaecol, 2002. 22(4): p. 379–80.

Exclusion code: 5

644. Rosen, M.G. and J.C. Dickinson, Vaginal birth after cesarean: a meta-analysis of indicators for success. Obstet Gynecol, 1990. 76(5 Pt 1): p. 865–9.

Exclusion code: 6

645. Rosen, M.G., J.C. Dickinson, and C.L. Westhoff, Vaginal birth after cesarean: a meta-analysis of morbidity and mortality. Obstet Gynecol, 1991. 77(3): p. 465–70.

Exclusion code: 6

646. Rossi, A.C. and V. D'Addario, Maternal morbidity following a trial of labor after cesarean section vs elective repeat cesarean delivery: a systematic review with metaanalysis. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2008. 199(3): p. 224–31.

Exclusion code: 4

647. Rothman, K.J., S. Greenland, and T. Lash, Modern Epidemiology. 3 ed. 2008, Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Exclusion code: 4

648. Roumen, F.J., A.A. Janssen, and F.P. Vrouenraets, The course of delivery after previous cesarean section. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 1990. 34(1–2): p. 15–20.

Exclusion code: 10

649. Rouse, D.J., J. Owen, and J.C. Hauth, Active-phase labor arrest: oxytocin augmentation for at least 4 hours. Obstet Gynecol, 1999. 93(3): p. 323–8.

Exclusion code: 5

650. Rousseau, J.A., et al., A randomized study comparing skin closure in cesarean sections: staples vs subcuticular sutures. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2009. 200(3): p. 265.e1–4.

Exclusion code: 4

651. Ruiz-Velasco, V., J. Rosas-Arceo, and T. Quezada-Rocha, Hazards of multiple Cesarean sections. Int Surg, 1969. 51(4): p. 292–8.

Exclusion code: 10

652. Sachs, B.P., Vaginal birth after cesarean: a health policy perspective. Clin Obstet Gynecol, 2001. 44(3): p. 553–60.

Exclusion code: 6

653. Sachs, B.P., et al., The risks of lowering the cesarean-delivery rate. N Engl J Med, 1999. 340(1): p. 54–7.

Exclusion code: 6

654. Sadan, O., et al., Once a cesarean always a cesarean? A computer-assisted decision analysis. Arch Gynecol Obstet, 2007. 276(5): p. 517–21.

Exclusion code: 4

655. Saglamtas, M., et al., Rupture of the uterus. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 1995. 49(1): p. 9–15.

Exclusion code: 11

656. Sahala, D., A call to action: vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) in crisis in Florida. Midwifery Today Int Midwife, 2005(76): p. 41–2.

Exclusion code: 6

657. Saldana, L.R., H. Schulman, and L. Reuss, Management of pregnancy after cesarean section. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1979. 135(5): p. 555–61.

Exclusion code: 10

658. Salihu, H.M., et al., Risk of stillbirth following a cesarean delivery: black-white disparity. Obstet Gynecol, 2006. 107(2 Pt 1): p. 383–90.

Exclusion code: 10

659. Salim, R., et al., Abdominal scar characteristics as a predictor of intra-abdominal adhesions at repeat cesarean delivery. Fertil Steril, 2008. 90(6): p. 2324–7.

Exclusion code: 4

660. Sanchez-Ramos, L., F.L. Gaudier, and A.M. Kaunitz, Cervical ripening and labor induction after previous cesarean delivery. Clin Obstet Gynecol, 2000. 43(3): p. 513–23.

Exclusion code: 6

661. Sanchez-Ramos, L. and A.M. Kaunitz, Uterine rupture associated with the use of prostaglandin E1 in patients with previous cesarean delivery.[comment]. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2000. 182(4): p. 990–1.

Exclusion code: 6

662. Sanchez-Ramos, L., et al., Route of breech delivery and maternal and neonatal outcomes. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 2001. 73(1): p. 7–14.

Exclusion code: 5

663. Sansregret, A., E. Bujold, and R.J. Gauthier, Twin delivery after a previous caesarean: a twelve-year experience. J Obstet Gynaecol Can, 2003. 25(4): p. 294–8.

Exclusion code: 5

664. Sarno, A.P., Jr., et al., Vaginal birth after cesarean delivery. Trial of labor in women with breech presentation. J Reprod Med, 1989. 34(10): p. 831–3.

Exclusion code: 5

665. Saunders, L.D. and G. Flowerdew, Cesarean sections in Alberta from April 1979 to March 1988. Cmaj, 1991. 144(10): p. 1243–9.

Exclusion code: 10

666. Schimmel, L.M., et al., The Yolo County Midwifery Service. A descriptive study of 496 singleton birth outcomes, 1990. J Nurse Midwifery, 1992. 37(6): p. 398–403.

Exclusion code: 7

667. Schneider, J., D. Gallego, and R. Benito, Trial of labour in patients with a prior caesarean section and an intervening vaginal delivery. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 1987. 27(3): p. 178–9.

Exclusion code: 5

668. Schnitker, K.A., Uterine rupture during trial of labor: risk management recommendations. J Healthc Risk Manag, 1999. 19(4): p. 12–6.

Exclusion code: 6

669. Schreiner, R.L., et al., Respiratory distress associated with elective repeat cesarean section. A two-year experience in one medical community. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 1981. 60(3): p. 261–4.

Exclusion code: 10

670. Schreiner, R.L., et al., Respiratory distress following elective repeat cesarean section. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1982. 143(6): p. 689–92.

Exclusion code: 10

671. Sciscione, A.C., et al., A randomized comparison of transcervical Foley catheter to intravaginal misoprostol for preinduction cervical ripening. Obstet Gynecol, 2001. 97(4): p. 603–7.

Exclusion code: 9

672. Scott, J.R., Mandatory trial of labor after cesarean delivery: an alternative viewpoint. Obstet Gynecol, 1991. 77(6): p. 811–4.

Exclusion code: 4

673. Scott, J.R., Avoiding labor problems during vaginal birth after cesarean delivery. Clin Obstet Gynecol, 1997. 40(3): p. 533–41.

Exclusion code: 6

674. Scott, J.R., Vaginal birth after cesarean section. Book: Queenan JT, Hobbins JC, Spong CY (eds): Protocols in High Risk Pregnancy. 4th Ed., 2005: p. 559–64.

Exclusion code: 4

675. Segal, S., et al., Evaluation of breast stimulation for induction of labor in women with a prior cesarean section and in grandmultiparas. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 1995. 74(1): p. 40–1.

Exclusion code: 8

676. Sela, H.Y., et al., Safety and efficacy of external cephalic version for women with a previous cesarean delivery. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 2009. 142(2): p. 111–4.

Exclusion code: 4

677. Sen, S., S. Malik, and S. Salhan, Ultrasonographic evaluation of lower uterine segment thickness in patients of previous cesarean section. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 2004. 87(3): p. 215–9.

Exclusion code: 8

678. Seow, K.M., et al., Cesarean scar pregnancy: issues in management. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 2004. 23(3): p. 247–53.

Exclusion code: 5

679. Seow, K.-M., et al., Subsequent pregnancy outcome after conservative treatment of a previous cesarean scar pregnancy. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 2004. 83(12): p. 1167–72.

Exclusion code: 8

680. Shalev, E., et al., External cephalic version at term--using tocolysis. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 1993. 72(6): p. 455–7.

Exclusion code: 9

681. Sheffield, J.S., et al., Valacyclovir prophylaxis to prevent recurrent herpes at delivery: a randomized clinical trial.[see comment][erratum appears in Obstet Gynecol. 2006 Sep;108(3 Pt 1):695]. Obstet Gynecol, 2006. 108(1): p. 141–7.

Exclusion code: 4

682. Sheiner, E., et al., Identifying risk factors for peripartum cesarean hysterectomy. A population-based study. J Reprod Med, 2003. 48(8): p. 622–6.

Exclusion code: 5

683. Sheiner, E., et al., Failed vacuum extraction. Maternal risk factors and pregnancy outcome. J Reprod Med, 2001. 46(9): p. 819–24.

Exclusion code: 5

684. Sherrard, A., et al., Maternal anthropometric risk factors for caesarean delivery before or after onset of labour. Bjog, 2007. 114(9): p. 1088–96.

Exclusion code: 10

685. Shihady, I.R., et al., Vaginal birth after cesarean: do California hospital policies follow national guidelines? J Reprod Med, 2007. 52(5): p. 349–58.

Exclusion code: 6

686. Shin, Y.K., Shoulder pain in a trial of labor after cesarean delivery. South Med J, 1989. 82(10): p. 1320.

Exclusion code: 6

687. Shipp, T.A., Maternal age as a predictor of symptomatic uterine rupture during a trial of labor after previous desarean delivery. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2001. 184: p. S186.

Exclusion code: 4

688. Shorten, A., et al., Making choices for childbirth: development and testing of a decision-aid for women who have experienced previous caesarean. Patient Educ Couns, 2004. 52(3): p. 307–13.

Exclusion code: 6

689. Shorten, A., D.E. Lewis, and B. Shorten, Trial of labour versus elective repeat caesarean section: a cost-effectiveness analysis. Aust Health Rev, 1998. 21(1): p. 8–28.

Exclusion code: 6

690. Shorten, A., et al., Making choices for childbirth: a randomized controlled trial of a decision-aid for informed birth after cesarean. Birth, 2005. 32(4): p. 252–61.

Exclusion code: 6

691. Shukunami, K.-I., K. Nishijima, and F. Kotsuji, Re: Use of the Atad catheter for the induction of labour in women who have had a previous Caesarean section: a case series.[comment]. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 2006. 46(1): p. 70; author reply 70.

Exclusion code: 6

692. Shy, K.K., J.P. LoGerfo, and L.E. Karp, Evaluation of elective repeat cesarean section as a standard of care: an application of decision analysis. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1981. 139(2): p. 123–9.

Exclusion code: 4

693. Silberstein, T., et al., Routine revision of uterine scar after cesarean section: has it ever been necessary? Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 1998. 78(1): p. 29–32.

Exclusion code: 4

694. Silver, R.K. and J. Minogue, When does a statistical fact become an ethical imperative? Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1987. 157(2): p. 229–33.

Exclusion code: 4

695. Simon, R. and D. Altman, Statistical aspects of prognostic factor studies in oncology. Br J Cancer, 1994. 69: p. 979–85.

Exclusion code: 4

696. Singh, P.M., C. Rodrigues, and A.N. Gupta, Placenta previa and previous cesarean section. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 1981. 60(4): p. 367–8.

Exclusion code: 10

697. Singhal, S.R., et al., Intrapartum posterior uterine wall rupture in lower segment cesarean section scarred uterus. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 2005. 84(2): p. 196–7.

Exclusion code: 9

698. Skelly, H.R., A.M. Duthie, and R.H. Philpott, Rupture of the uterus: the preventable factors. Samj, S, 1976. Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif Vir Geneeskunde. 50(13): p. 505–9.

Exclusion code: 10

699. Smith, G.C.S., Predicting antepartum stillbirth. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol, 2006. 18(6): p. 625–30.

Exclusion code: 5

700. Smith, G.C.S., J.P. Pell, and R. Dobbie, Caesarean section and risk of unexplained stillbirth in subsequent pregnancy. Lancet, 2003. 362(9398): p. 1779–84.

Exclusion code: 4

701. Smith, J.G. and D.C. Merrill, Oxytocin for induction of labor. Clin Obstet Gynecol, 2006. 49(3): p. 594–608.

Exclusion code: 6

702. Smith, J.G., H.L. Mertz, and D.C. Merrill, Identifying risk factors for uterine rupture. Clin Perinatol, 2008. 35(1): p. 85–99.

Exclusion code: 4

703. Sobande, A. and M. Eskandar, Multiple repeat caesarean sections: complications and outcomes. J Obstet Gynaecol Can, 2006. 28(3): p. 193–7.

Exclusion code: 8

704. Songane, F.F., et al., Balancing the risks of planned cesarean section and trial of vaginal delivery for the mature, selected, singleton breech presentation. J Perinat Med, 1987. 15(6): p. 531–43.

Exclusion code: 4

705. Spaulding, L.B. and D.G. Gallup, Current concepts of management of rupture of the gravid uterus. Obstet Gynecol, 1979. 54(4): p. 437–41.

Exclusion code: 7

706. Spellacy, W.N., et al., Neonatal seizures after cesarean delivery: higher risk with labor. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1987. 157(2): p. 377–9.

Exclusion code: 5

707. Spetz, J., M.W. Smith, and S.F. Ennis, Physician incentives and the timing of cesarean sections: evidence from California. Med Care, 2001. 39(6): p. 536–50.

Exclusion code: 6

708. Spurrett, B. and C.M. Cook, Why we choose caesarean section: a prospective study. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 1997. 37(3): p. 297–300.

Exclusion code: 6

709. Stafford, R.S., The impact of nonclinical factors on repeat cesarean section. Jama, 1991. 265(1): p. 59–63.

Exclusion code: 6

710. Stalnaker, B.L., et al., Characteristics of successful claims for payment by the Florida Neurologic Injury Compensation Association Fund. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1997. 177(2): p. 268–71; discussion 271–3.

Exclusion code: 6

711. Stevenson, D.K., et al., Increased immunoreactive erythropoietin in cord plasma and neonatal bilirubin production in normal term infants after labor. Obstet Gynecol, 1986. 67 (1): p. 69–73.

Exclusion code: 7

712. Stone, J.L., et al., Use of cervical prostaglandin E2 gel in patients with previous cesarean section. Am J Perinatol, 1994. 11(4): p. 309–12.

Exclusion code: 5

713. Strong, T.H., Jr., et al., Vaginal birth after cesarean delivery in the twin gestation. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1989. 161(1): p. 29–32.

Exclusion code: 5

714. Stubbs, T.M., Oxytocin for labor induction. Clin Obstet Gynecol, 2000. 43(3): p. 489–94.

Exclusion code: 6

715. Sumigama, S., et al., Placenta previa increta/percreta in Japan: a retrospective study of ultrasound findings, management and clinical course. J Obstet Gynaecol Res, 2007. 33(5): p. 606–11.

Exclusion code: 7

716. Sur, S. and I.Z. Mackenzie, Does discussion of possible scar rupture influence preferred mode of delivery after a caesarean section? J Obstet Gynaecol, 2005. 25(4): p. 338–41.

Exclusion code: 6

717. Sur, S., K.W. Murphy, and I.Z. Mackenzie, Delivery after caesarean section: consultant obstetricians' professional advice and personal preferences. J Obstet Gynaecol, 2009. 29(3): p. 212–6.

Exclusion code: 6

718. Swaim, L.S., C.S. Holste, and D.K. Waller, Umbilical cord blood pH after prior cesarean delivery. Obstet Gynecol, 1998. 92(3): p. 390–3.

Exclusion code: 5

719. Szczesny, W., et al., Bishop score and the outcome of labor induction with misoprostol. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 2006. 85(5): p. 579–82.

Exclusion code: 5

720. Takayama, T., Risks associated with cesarean section in women with placenta previa. J Obstet Gynaecol Res, 1997. 23: p. 375–9.

Exclusion code: 10

721. Tammelleo, A.D., Failure to "fully communicate": catastrophic results. Case in point: Baptist Medical Center v. Wilson 618 So. 2d 1335--AL (1993). Regan Rep Nurs Law, 1993. 34(3): p. 2.

Exclusion code: 9

722. Tan, P.C., R.N. Subramaniam, and S.Z. Omar, Predictors for caesarean delivery and neonatal admission after trial of labour in women with one previous lower segment caesarean scar. Singapore Med J, 2008. 49(3): p. 188–92.

Exclusion code: 8

723. Tan, P.C., R.N. Subramaniam, and S.Z. Omar, Trial of labor after one cesarean: role of the order and number of prior vaginal births on the risk of emergency cesarean delivery and neonatal admission. Taiwan, 2008. 47(3): p. 305–11.

Exclusion code: 5

724. Targett, C., Caesarean section and trial of scar. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 1988. 28(4): p. 249–62.

Exclusion code: 10

725. Tatar, M., et al., Women's perceptions of caesarean section: reflections from a Turkish teaching hospital. Soc Sci Med, 2000. 50(9): p. 1227–33.

Exclusion code: 6

726. Taylor, V.M., et al., Placenta previa and prior cesarean delivery: how strong is the association? Obstet Gynecol, 1994. 84(1): p. 55–7.

Exclusion code: 5

727. To, W.W. and W.C. Leung, Placenta previa and previous cesarean section. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 1995. 51(1): p. 25–31.

Exclusion code: 7

728. Tripathi, J.B., H.U. Doshi, and P.J. Kotdawala, Vaginal birth after one caesarean section: analysis of indicators of success. J Indian Med Assoc, 2006. 104(3): p. 113–5.

Exclusion code: 8

729. Tuggy, M.L., Uterine-vesicular rupture during trial of labor. J Am Board Fam Pract, 1995. 8(5): p. 405–9.

Exclusion code: 9

730. Tuncer, R., et al., Emergency postpartum hysterectomy. J Gynecol Surg, 1995. 11(4): p. 209–13.

Exclusion code: 5

731. Turner, M.J., Delivery after one previous cesarean section. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1997. 176(4): p. 741–4.

Exclusion code: 7

732. Turner, M.J., Uterine rupture. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol, 2002. 16(1): p. 69–79.

Exclusion code: 6

733. Turner, M.J.A., G. Agnew, and H. Langan, Uterine rupture after a previous Caesarean section. Ir Med J, 2005. 98(8): p. 229–30.

Exclusion code: 4

734. Turner, M.J.A., G. Agnew, and H. Langan, Uterine rupture and labour after a previous low transverse caesarean section. Bjog, 2006. 113(6): p. 729–32.

Exclusion code: 11

735. Turnquest, M.A., et al., Vaginal birth after cesarean section in a university setting. J Ky Med Assoc, 1994. 92(6): p. 216–21.

Exclusion code: 4

736. Tutschek, B., H.G. Bender, and W. Henrich, Silent uterine rupture during vaginal delivery successfully managed conservatively. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 2005. 26(2): p. 199–200.

Exclusion code: 9

737. Udayasankar, V., R. Padmagirison, and F. Majoko, National survey of obstetricians in Wales regarding induction of labour in women with a previous caesarean section. J Obstet Gynaecol, 2008. 28(1): p. 48–50.

Exclusion code: 6

738. Udo-Inyang, A., C. Lee, and E. Evans, Gravid uterine rupture following cesarean section and intervening vaginal delivery. Henry Ford Hosp Med J, 1986. 34(3): p. 215–7.

Exclusion code: 9

739. Uppington, J., Epidural analgesia and previous Caesarean section. Anaesthesia, 1983. 38(4): p. 336–41.

Exclusion code: 9

740. Usta, I.M., et al., Placenta previa-accreta: risk factors and complications. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2005. 193(3 Pt 2): p. 1045–9.

Exclusion code: 4

741. Usta, I.M. and A.H. Nassar, Advanced maternal age. Part I: obstetric complications. Am J Perinatol, 2008. 25(8): p. 521–34.

Exclusion code: 5

742. van Amerongen, D., Vaginal birth after cesarean section in an HMO. Hmo Pract, 1989. 3(3): p. 104–7.

Exclusion code: 4

743. van Amerongen, D., Vaginal birth after cesarean section. Experience in a community-based practice. J Reprod Med, 1989. 34(8): p. 531–4.

Exclusion code: 4

744. Van Bogaert, L.J., The relation between height, foot length, pelvic adequacy and mode of delivery. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 1999. 82(2): p. 195–9.

Exclusion code: 7

745. van Bogaert, L.J., Mode of delivery after one cesarean section. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 2004. 87(1): p. 9–13.

Exclusion code: 4

746. van Loon, A.J., et al., Randomised controlled trial of magnetic-resonance pelvimetry in breech presentation at term. Lancet, 1997. 350(9094): p. 1799–804.

Exclusion code: 5

747. van Roosmalen, J. and C.D. van der Does, Caesarean birth rates worldwide. A search for determinants. Trop Geogr Med, 1995. 47(1): p. 19–22.

Exclusion code: 6

748. Varner, M.W., et al., The Maternal-Fetal Medicine Unit cesarean registry: trial of labor with a twin gestation. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2005. 193(1): p. 135–40.

Exclusion code: 5

749. Varner, M.W., et al., Trial of labor after one previous cesarean delivery for multifetal gestation. Obstet Gynecol, 2007. 110(4): p. 814–9.

Exclusion code: 5

750. Vause, S. and M. Macintosh, Evidence based case report: use of prostaglandins to induce labour in women with a caesarean section scar. Bmj, 1999. 318(7190): p. 1056–8.

Exclusion code: 9

751. Veille, J.C., et al., Human umbilical artery flow velocity waveforms before and after regional anesthesia for cesarean section. Obstet Gynecol, 1988. 72(6): p. 890–3.

Exclusion code: 4

752. Vellekoop, J., E.A.M. Roell-Schorer, and J. van Roosmalen, Uterine scar rupture after a previous cesarean section and induction of labor with prostaglandins. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 2006. 85(2): p. 132–4.

Exclusion code: 9

753. Veltman, L., Vaginal birth after cesarean checklist; an evidence-based approach to improving care during VBAC trials. J Healthc Risk Manag, 2009. 29(1): p. 22–7.

Exclusion code: 6

754. Vendittelli, F., et al., Is a breech presentation at term more frequent in women with a history of cesarean delivery? Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2008. 198(5): p. 521.e1–6.

Exclusion code: 5

755. Vengadasalam, D., Vaginal delivery following caesarean section. Singapore Med J, 1986. 27(5): p. 396–8.

Exclusion code: 4

756. Veridiano, N.P., N.S. Thorner, and J. Ducey, Vaginal delivery after cesarean section. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 1989. 29(4): p. 307–11.

Exclusion code: 5

757. Wadhawan, S. and J.N. Narone, Outcome of labor following previous cesarean section. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 1983. 21(1): p. 7–10.

Exclusion code: 8

758. Wagner, M., What every midwife should know about ACOG and VBAC. Critique of ACOG Practice Bulletin #5, July 1999, “Vaginal birth after previous cesarean section”. Midwifery Today Int Midwife, 2001(59): p. 41–3.

Exclusion code: 6

759. Wallace, D.H., et al., Indirect sonographic guidance for epidural anesthesia in obese pregnant patients. Reg Anesth, 1992. 17(4): p. 233–6.

Exclusion code: 6

760. Wareham, V., C. Bain, and D. Cruickshank, Caesarean section audit by peer review. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 1993. 48(1): p. 9–14.

Exclusion code: 4

761. Warren, L., A revelation in birth--home VBAC. Midwifery Today Int Midwife, 2005(74): p. 40–1.

Exclusion code: 4

762. Wax, J.R., et al., Pregnancy following gastric bypass surgery for morbid obesity: maternal and neonatal outcomes. Obes Surg, 2008. 18(5): p. 540–4.

Exclusion code: 7

763. Wax, J.R., et al., Twin vaginal birth after cesarean. Conn Med, 2000. 64(4): p. 205–8.

Exclusion code: 5

764. Wax, J.R., et al., Interpregnancy interval as a risk factor for placenta accreta. Conn Med, 2000. 64(11): p. 659–61.

Exclusion code: 5

765. Weeks, A., et al., Misoprostol for induction of labor with a live fetus. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 2007. 99 Suppl 2: p. S194–7.

Exclusion code: 6

766. Weeks, J.W., T. Pitman, and J.A. Spinnato, 2nd, Fetal macrosomia: does antenatal prediction affect delivery route and birth outcome? Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1995. 173(4): p. 1215–9.

Exclusion code: 5

767. Weiss, J., A. Nannini, and L. Bartlett, Uterine rupture among women with a prior cesarean delivery. N Engl J Med, 2002. 346(2): p. 134–7.

Exclusion code: 6

768. Whiteman, M.K., et al., Incidence and determinants of peripartum hysterectomy. Obstet Gynecol, 2006. 108(6): p. 1486–92.

Exclusion code: 4

769. Whiteside, D.C., C.S. Mahan, and J.C. Cook, Factors associated with successful vaginal delivery after cesarean section. J Reprod Med, 1983. 28(11): p. 785–8.

Exclusion code: 7

770. Wilson, P.D., R.M. Herbison, and G.P. Herbison, Obstetric practice and the prevalence of urinary incontinence three months after delivery. Br J Obstet Gynaecol, 1996. 103(2): p. 154–61.

Exclusion code: 5

771. Windrim, R., Vaginal delivery in birth centre after previous caesarean section. Lancet, 2005. 365(9454): p. 106–7.

Exclusion code: 6

772. Wing, D.A. and C.A.L. Gaffaney, Vaginal misoprostol administration for cervical ripening and labor induction. Clin Obstet Gynecol, 2006. 49(3): p. 627–41.

Exclusion code: 4

773. Wing, D.A. and R.H. Paul, Vaginal birth after cesarean section: selection and management. Clin Obstet Gynecol, 1999. 42(4): p. 836–48.

Exclusion code: 6

774. Wood, S.L., et al., The risk of unexplained antepartum stillbirth in second pregnancies following caesarean section in the first pregnancy. Bjog, 2008. 115(6): p. 726–31.

Exclusion code: 7

775. Woods, J.R., Jr., et al., The effect of labor on maternal and fetal vitamins C and E. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2002. 187(5): p. 1179–83.

Exclusion code: 5

776. Yamani, T.Y. and A.A. Rouzi, Induction of labor with vaginal prostaglandin-E2 in grand multiparous women with one previous cesarean section. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 1999. 65(3): p. 251–3.

Exclusion code: 8

777. Yamani Zamzami, T.Y., Indication of emergency peripartum hysterectomy: review of 17 cases. Arch Gynecol Obstet, 2003. 268(3): p. 131–5.

Exclusion code: 8

778. Yamani Zamzami, T.Y., Vaginal birth after cesarean section in grand multiparous women. Arch Gynecol Obstet, 2004. 270(1): p. 21–4.

Exclusion code: 8

779. Yamani-Zamzami, T.Y., Delivery outcomes at term after one previous cesarean section. Saudi Med J, 2007. 28(12): p. 1845–9.

Exclusion code: 8

780. Yang, J.I., et al., Sonographic findings of placental lacunae and the prediction of adherent placenta in women with placenta previa totalis and prior Cesarean section. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 2006. 28(2): p. 178–82.

Exclusion code: 4

781. Yang, Y.T., et al., Relationship between malpractice litigation pressure and rates of cesarean section and vaginal birth after cesarean section. Med Care, 2009. 47(2): p. 234–42.

Exclusion code: 6

782. Yangzom, Y., et al., Outcome of hospital deliveries of women living at high altitude: a study from Lhasa in Tibet. Acta Paediatr, 2008. 97(3): p. 317–21.

Exclusion code: 8

783. Yap, O.W., E.S. Kim, and R.K. Laros, Jr., Maternal and neonatal outcomes after uterine rupture in labor. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2001. 184(7): p. 1576–81.

Exclusion code: 10

784. Yasumizu, T., et al., Trial of vaginal birth following cesarean section for arrest disorders of labor: analysis of patients with well-documented medical records. Asia Oceania J Obstet Gynaecol, 1994. 20(4): p. 407–13.

Exclusion code: 7

785. Yeh, S., X. Huang, and J.P. Phelan, Postterm pregnancy after previous cesarean section. J Reprod Med, 1984. 29(1): p. 41–4.

Exclusion code: 10

786. Yogev, Y., et al., Induction of labor with vaginal prostaglandin E2. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med, 2003. 14(1): p. 30–4.

Exclusion code: 7

787. Yu, C.K.H., T.G. Teoh, and S. Robinson, Obesity in pregnancy. Bjog, 2006. 113(10): p. 1117–25.

Exclusion code: 6

788. Yudkin, P.L. and C.W. Redman, Caesarean section dissected, 1978–1983. Br J Obstet Gynaecol, 1986. 93(2): p. 135–44.

Exclusion code: 7

789. Zagorzycki, M.T. and C.R. Brinkman, 3rd, The effect of general and epidural anesthesia upon neonatal Apgar scores in repeat cesarean section. Surg Gynecol Obstet, 1982. 155(5): p. 641–5.

Exclusion code: 7

790. Zaideh, S.M., A.T. Abu-Heija, and M.F. El-Jallad, Placenta praevia and accreta: analysis of a two-year experience. Gynecol Obstet Invest, 1998. 46(2): p. 96–8.

Exclusion code: 8

791. Zaki, Z.M., et al., Risk factors and morbidity in patients with placenta previa accreta compared to placenta previa non-accreta. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 1998. 77(4): p. 391–4.

Exclusion code: 8

792. Zhang, J. and D.A. Savitz, Maternal age and placenta previa: a population-based, case-control study. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1993. 168(2): p. 641–5.

Exclusion code: 4

793. Zhuang, Y.L., et al., [Treatment of pregnancy in a previous caesarean section scar with uterine artery embolization: analysis of 60 cases]. Zhonghua yi xue za zhi, 2008. 88(33): p. 2372–4.

Exclusion code: 8

794. Ziadeh, S.M. and A.T. Abu-Heija, Duration of labor in patients delivered vaginally after one previous lower segment cesarean section. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 1994. 45(3): p. 213–5.

Exclusion code: 8

795. Ziadeh, S.M., M.R. Zakaria, and E.I. Sunna, Obstetric uterine rupture in north Jordan. J Obstet Gynaecol Res, 1996. 22(3): p. 209–13.

Exclusion code: 8

796. Zorlu, C.G., et al., Vaginal birth following unmonitored labor in patients with prior cesarean section. Gynecol Obstet Invest, 1996. 42(4): p. 222–6.

Exclusion code: 4

797. Zweifler, J., et al., Vaginal birth after cesarean in California: before and after a change in guidelines. Ann Fam Med, 2006. 4(3): p. 228–34.

Exclusion code: 7

Studies excluded by specific topics of interest

Trial of labor and vaginal birth after cesarean rates:

Studies were excluded from the trial of labor and vaginal birth after cesarean rates sections for various reasons, these include: limited population that was not comparable to others included, poor quality studies, examined the same group of cohort as included studies, studies were not specific about all who was eligible for a trial of labor.

1. Blanchette, H., et al., Is vaginal birth after cesarean safe? Experience at a community hospital. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2001. 184(7): p. 1478-84; discussion 1484-7.

2. Bujold, E., et al., Modified Bishop's score and induction of labor in patients with a previous cesarean delivery. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2004. 191(5): p. 1644–8.

3. Cahill, A.G., et al., Is vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) or elective repeat cesarean safer in women with a prior vaginal delivery? Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2006. 195(4): p. 1143–7.

4. Carroll, C.S., Sr., et al., Vaginal birth after cesarean section versus elective repeat cesarean delivery: Weight-based outcomes. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2003. 188(6): p. 1516–20; discussion 1520–2.

5. Chauhan, S.P., et al., Mode of delivery for the morbidly obese with prior cesarean delivery: vaginal versus repeat cesarean section. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2001. 185(2): p. 349–54.

6. Gibson, D.H., Vaginal delivery after caesarean section in primigravidae. Ir J Med Sci, 1988. 157(9): p. 290–2.

7. Gonen, R., et al., Variables associated with successful vaginal birth after one cesarean section: a proposed vaginal birth after cesarean section score. Am J Perinatol, 2004. 21(8): p. 447–53.

8. Grobman, W.A., et al., Pregnancy outcomes for women with placenta previa in relation to the number of prior cesarean deliveries. Obstet Gynecol, 2007. 110(6): p. 1249–55.

9. Heddleston, L.N. and W.J. Watson, Vaginal birth after cesarean section in a small hospital. Mil Med, 1991. 156(5): p. 239–40.

10. Kabir, A.A., et al., Racial differences in cesareans: an analysis of U.S. 2001 National Inpatient Sample Data.[see comment][erratum appears in Obstet Gynecol. 2005 Jun;105(6):1495]. Obstet Gynecol, 2005. 105(4): p. 710–8.

11. King, D.E. and K. Lahiri, Socioeconomic factors and the odds of vaginal birth after cesarean delivery. Jama, 1994. 272(7): p. 524–9.

12. Landon, M.B., et al., Maternal and perinatal outcomes associated with a trial of labor after prior cesarean delivery. N Engl J Med, 2004. 351(25): p. 2581–9.

13. Leung, A.S., E.K. Leung, and R.H. Paul, Uterine rupture after previous cesarean delivery: maternal and fetal consequences. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1993. 169(4): p. 945–50.

14. Melnikow, J., et al., Vaginal birth after cesarean in California. Obstet Gynecol, 2001. 98(3): p. 421–6.

15. Mercer, B.M., et al., Labor outcomes with increasing number of prior vaginal births after cesarean delivery. Obstet Gynecol, 2008. 111(2 Pt 1): p. 285–91.

16. Montgomery, A.A., et al., Two decision aids for mode of delivery among women with previous caesarean section: randomised controlled trial. Bmj, 2007. 334(7607): p. 1305.

17. Paterson, C.M. and N.J. Saunders, Mode of delivery after one caesarean section: audit of current practice in a health region. Bmj, 1991. 303(6806): p. 818–21.

18. Paul, R.H., J.P. Phelan, and S.Y. Yeh, Trial of labor in the patient with a prior cesarean birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1985. 151(3): p. 297–304.

19. Peaceman, A.M., et al., The MFMU Cesarean Registry: impact of fetal size on trial of labor success for patients with previous cesarean for dystocia. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2006. 195(4): p. 1127–31.

20. Quinones, J.N., et al., The effect of prematurity on vaginal birth after cesarean delivery: success and maternal morbidity. Obstet Gynecol, 2005. 105(3): p. 519–24.

21. Rudick, V., et al., Epidural analgesia for planned vaginal delivery following previous cesarean section. Obstet Gynecol, 1984. 64(5): p. 621–3.

22. Shorten, A., et al., Making choices for childbirth: a randomized controlled trial of a decision-aid for informed birth after cesarean. Birth, 2005. 32(4): p. 252–61.

23. Srinivas, S.K., et al., Predicting failure of a vaginal birth attempt after cesarean delivery. Obstet Gynecol, 2007. 109(4): p. 800–5.

24. Stone, C., et al., Vaginal births after Caesarean (VBAC): a population study. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol, 2000. 14(4): p. 340–8.

25. van der Walt, W.A., H.S. Cronje, and R.H. Bam, Vaginal delivery after one cesarean section. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 1994. 46(3): p. 271–7.

Uterine rupture

Studies not using the anatomical definition, defined as: complete uterine rupture – separation through the entire thickness of the wall including visceral serosa (with or without extrusion of part of all of fetal-placental unit). The following studies were excluded from the risk of uterine rupture section of the report because they did not use this definition.

1. Amir, W., J. Peter, and Z. Etan, Trial of labor without oxytocin in patients with a previous cesarean section. Am J Perinatol, 1987. 4(2): p. 140–3.

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11. Gregory, K.D., et al., Vaginal birth after cesarean: clinical risk factors associated with adverse outcome. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2008. 198(4): p. 452.e1-10; discussion 452.e10–2.

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35. van der Walt, W.A., H.S. Cronje, and R.H. Bam, Vaginal delivery after one cesarean section. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 1994. 46(3): p. 271–7.

36. Wen, S.W., et al., Comparison of maternal mortality and morbidity between trial of labor and elective cesarean section among women with previous cesarean delivery. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2004. 191(4): p. 1263–9.

37. Zwart, J.J., et al., Uterine rupture in The Netherlands: a nationwide population-based cohort study. Bjog, 2009. 116(8): p. 1069–78; discussion 1078–80.


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