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Ospina MB, Bond K, Karkhaneh M, et al. Meditation Practices for Health: State of the Research. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2007 Jun. (Evidence Reports/Technology Assessments, No. 155.)

  • This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.

This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.

Cover of Meditation Practices for Health

Meditation Practices for Health: State of the Research.

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List of Studies Potentially Relevant to the Review

    The following studies were not retrieved through the formal literature search and wereidentified by peer reviewers as potentially relevant to this review. (n = 17).

    More detailed examination of these studies is required to determine which, if any, of theresearch topics they may help to address.

  1. Alexander CN, Swanson GC, Rainforth M, et al. The Transcendental Meditation program and business: a prospective study. In: Wallace RK, Orme-Johnson DW, Dillbeck MC, eds. Scientific research on Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program: collected papers. Vol. 5. Fairfield, IA: Maharishi International University Press; 1990. p.3141–9.
  2. Backon J, Matamoros, Ramirez M. et al. A functional vagotomy induced by unilateral forced right nostril breathing decreases intraocular pressure in open and closed angle glaucoma. Br J Ophthalmol. 1990;74:607–9. [PMC free article: PMC1042230] [PubMed: 2285684]
  3. Bassette JE, Blanchard EB. Effects of instructional-expectancy sets on relaxation training with prisoners. J Community Psychol. 1977;5(2):166–70. [PubMed: 10297066]
  4. Cranson R. Increased general intelligence through the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program. In: Wallace RK, Orme-Johnson DW, Dillbeck MC, eds. Scientific research on Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program: collected papers. Vol. 5. Fairfield, IA: Maharishi International University Press; 1990. p.3078.
  5. Fergusson LF, Bonshek AJ, Le Masson G. Vedic Science based education and nonverbal intelligence: a preliminary longitudinal study in Cambodia. Higher Education Research and Development. 1995;15:73–82.
  6. Garnier D, Cazabat A, Thebault P. An experimental study: pulmonary ventilation during the Transcendental Meditation technique—applications in preventive medicine. Est-Médicine. 1984;4(76):867–70.
  7. Gelderloos P. Psychological health and development of students at Maharishi International University: a controlled longitudinal study. In: Wallace RK, Orme-Johnson DW, Dillbeck MC, eds. Scientific research on Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Program: collected papers. Vol. 5. Fairfield, IA: Maharishi International University Press; 1990. p.3097–3106.
  8. Haratani T, Hemmi T. Effects of Transcendental Meditation on the mental health of industrial workers. Japanese Journal of Industrial Health. 1990;32(7):656.
  9. Hill DA, Wallace RD, Walton KG, Meyerson LR. Acute decreased platelet serotonin and attenuation of autonomic activity in the Transcendental Meditation program (TM) [abstract] Soc Neurosci. 1989;15:1281.
  10. Jevning R, Wilson AF, Pirkle H, et al. Modulation of red cell metabolism by states of decreased activation: comparison between states. In: Wallace RK, Orme-Johnson DW, Dillbeck MC, eds. Scientific research on Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Program: collected papers. Vol. 5. Fairfield, IA: Maharishi International University Press; 1990. p.2988–92.
  11. Jevning R, Wells I, Wilson AF, Guich S. Plasma thyroid hormones, thyroid stimulating hormone, and insulin during acute hypometabolic states in man. In: Wallace RK, Orme-Johnson DW, Dillbeck MC, eds. Scientific research on Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program: collected papers. Vol. 5. Fairfield, IA: Maharishi International University Press; 1990. p.2999–3002.
  12. Luparello TJ, Leist N, Lourie CH, Sweet P. The interaction of psychologic stimuli and pharmacologic agents on airway reactivity in asthmatic subjects. Psychosom Med. 1970;32(5):509–13. [PubMed: 4097491]
  13. MacLean C, Schneider R, Wenneberg S, Levitsky D, Walton K. Reactivity of plasma serotonin to psychological stress. Trans Lamer Soc Neurochem. 1992;23:223.
  14. Schneider RH, Mills PJ, Schramm W, et al. Luteinizing hormone: a marker for type A behavior and its modification by the Transcendental Meditation program? In: Wallace RK, Orme-Johnson DW, Dillbeck MC, eds. Scientific research on Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Program: collected papers. Vol. 5. Fairfield, IA: Maharishi International University Press; 1990. p. 3011.
  15. Tjoa A. Some evidence that the Transcendental Meditation program increases intelligence and reduces neuroticism as measured by psychological tests. In: Orme-Johnson DW, Farrow JT, eds. Scientific Research on Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program: collected papers. Vol.1. Switzerland: Maharishi European Research University — MVU Press; 1977. p.363–7.
  16. Travis F. Development along an integration scale: longitudinal transformation in brain dynamics with regular Transcendental Meditation practice. Psychophysiology. 2002;39:S81.
  17. Walton KG, Gelderloos P, Pugh NDC, Macrae P, Goddard P, MacLean C, Levitsky D. Stress as the cause of serotonergic dysfunction in mental disorders: support from correlates of serotonin turnover in normal subjects [abstract] Soc Neurosci. 1989;15:1282.
Bookshelf ID: NBK38351


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