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Carlson LM. Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Values for Perylene (CASRN 198-55-0). Cincinnati (OH): U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; 2023 Feb.

Cover of Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Values for Perylene (CASRN 198-55-0)

Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Values for Perylene (CASRN 198-55-0).

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As summarized in Tables 3A and 3B, no short-term, subchronic, chronic, or reproductive/developmental toxicity studies of perylene in humans or animals exposed by oral or inhalation routes adequate for deriving provisional toxicity values have been identified. The phrase “statistical significance,” used throughout the document, indicates a p-value of < 0.05 unless otherwise specified.

Table 3A. Summary of Potentially Relevant Noncancer Data for Perylene (CASRN 198-55-0).

Table 3A

Summary of Potentially Relevant Noncancer Data for Perylene (CASRN 198-55-0).

Table 3B. Summary of Potentially Relevant Cancer Data for Perylene (CASRN 198-55-0).

Table 3B

Summary of Potentially Relevant Cancer Data for Perylene (CASRN 198-55-0).


Studies directly examining the toxicity or carcinogenicity of perylene in humans were not located. Perylene is a component of complex PAH-containing combustion product mixtures, several of which are known or suspected to be carcinogenic in humans (e.g., coal tars, soot, and tobacco smoke and products) (IARC, 1998, 1983). However, results from studies of these mixtures do not provide adequate exposure data for dose-response assessment to derive toxicity values for perylene or other individual PAH components.


No studies were located regarding cancer or noncancer effects in animals after oral or inhalation exposure.


Available toxicity data for perylene are limited to dermal and injection studies in laboratory animals evaluating immunotoxicity and carcinogenicity. Other available data include toxicokinetic studies and genotoxicity assays.

2.3.1. Genotoxicity

The genotoxicity of perylene has been examined in numerous in vitro studies and a very limited number of in vivo studies. Available studies are summarized in Table 4A. The data indicate that perylene is mutagenic in bacteria in the presence of metabolic activation and is usually less mutagenic in the absence of metabolic activation. In cultured human cell lines, perylene was not mutagenic with endogenous or exogenous metabolic activity. In general, perylene did not cause chromosomal damage in vitro or in host-mediated assays, and there is no evidence that perylene directly damages or binds deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Perylene induced cell transformation in metabolically competent mouse cells but did not induce cell transformation in hamster cells in the absence of metabolic activation (see Table 4A).

Table 4A. Summary of Perylene Genotoxicity.

Table 4A

Summary of Perylene Genotoxicity.


Of the available reverse mutation studies in Salmonella typhimurium, 10/13 reported that perylene was at least weakly mutagenic in the presence of metabolic activation in one or more strains (Carver et al., 1986, 1985; Sakai et al., 1985; De Flora et al., 1984; Lofroth et al., 1984; De Flora, 1981; Ho et al., 1981; Florin et al., 1980; Lavoie et al., 1979; Anderson and Styles, 1978) (see Table 4A). In general, perylene induced borderline or low reverse mutation rates in comparison to other mutagens (e.g., other PAHs) (Hera and Pueyo, 1988; Carver et al., 1986; De Flora et al., 1984; Lofroth et al., 1984; De Flora, 1981; Ho et al., 1981; Florin et al., 1980; Anderson and Styles, 1978). Three studies indicated that perylene was not mutagenic with metabolic activation (Hera and Pueyo, 1988; Anderson et al., 1987; Salamone et al., 1979). Two of these studies [Anderson et al. (1987) and Hera and Pueyo (1988)] used low concentrations of S9 (2–3%), which may have been inadequate to promote metabolic transformation; however, Salamone et al. (1979) reported negative results with 10% S9. Perylene also induced forward mutations in S. typhimurium strains in the presence of metabolic activation (Hera and Pueyo, 1988; Thilly et al., 1983; Penman et al., 1980; Kaden et al., 1979). In contrast to reverse mutations, the forward mutagenic potential of perylene in the 8-azaguanine resistance assay was similar or more potent compared to other PAHs (e.g., benzo[a]pyrene [BaP]) (Thilly et al., 1983; Penman et al., 1980; Kaden et al., 1979). In the absence of metabolic activation, perylene did not induce reverse mutations in S. typhimurium in four of six assays (Anderson et al., 1987; Sakai et al., 1985; Lofroth et al., 1984; Salamone et al., 1979) and was weakly mutagenic in one or more strains in two of six assays (De Flora, 1981; Florin et al., 1980). Perylene did not induce forward mutations in S. typhimurium in the absence of metabolic activation (Penman et al., 1980).

Perylene was not mutagenic in metabolically competent human cell lines (Durant et al., 1996; Crespi and Thilly, 1984) or in human cell lines with exogenous metabolic activation (Penman et al., 1980).


Evidence from in vitro studies in mammalian cells regarding clastogenicity is mostly negative. Sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) were not observed in Chinese hamster V79 cells in the absence of metabolic activation (Popescu et al., 1977). Similarly, chromosomal aberrations (CAs), specifically chromosomal G bands, were not observed during metaphase in human peripheral lymphocytes or Syrian hamster embryonic (SHE) cells in the absence of metabolic activation (Popescu et al., 1977; DiPaolo and Popescu, 1974). However, the frequency of CAs was increased in Chinese hamster V79 cells without metabolic activation, including dicentric chromosomes, chromatid gaps, and chromatid interchanges (Popescu et al., 1977). None of the in vitro clastogenicity studies were conducted in the presence of metabolic activation. In a host-mediated assay, SCEs were not observed in Chinese hamster V79 cells implanted into the peritoneal cavity of mice prior to perylene injection (Sirianni and Huang, 1978).

DNA Damage and Repair

Findings were generally negative in in vitro assays of DNA damage and repair. In Escherichia coli, perylene did not induce DNA damage or repair without metabolic activation; with activation, findings were negative or equivocal/borderline (Mersch-Sundermann et al., 1992; von der Hude et al., 1988; De Flora et al., 1984). In mammalian cells, perylene did not induce DNA synthesis in Sprague Dawley rat primary hepatocytes or unscheduled DNA synthesis in SHE cells in the absence of metabolic activation; assays were not conducted in the presence of metabolic activation (Zhao and Ramos, 1995; Casto et al., 1976).

Perylene did not form DNA adducts in cultured human peripheral blood lymphocytes (Gupta et al., 1988). Similarly, no DNA adducts were identified in mouse skin following repeated topical application of perylene to shaved skin of mice (four exposures over 54 hours) (Reddy et al., 1984).

Cell Transformation

Perylene did not induce cell transformation in SHE cells in the absence of metabolic activation (Popescu et al., 1977; Casto et al., 1973). In an assay specifically designed to evaluate tumor initiation and promotion potentials of compounds, perylene induced transformation foci in metabolically competent Bhas 42 cells (derived from BALB/c mouse 3T3 cells) in both initiation and promotion stages (Asada et al., 2005).

2.3.2. Supporting Studies in Animals


Humoral immunity in mice was not suppressed following subcutaneous (s.c.) injection of perylene for 1 or 14 days (see Table 4B), as measured by antibody responses to an antigen (sheep red blood cells [sRBCs]) in a plaque-forming cell (PFC) assay (White et al., 1985). The study also evaluated spleen weight, spleen cellularity, and thymus weight, and observed no statistically significant changes. A statistically significant increase in body weight was reported following a 14-day exposure to perylene. This study compared the response of perylene to the robust immunosuppressive response of BaP administered at the same dose level (40 mg/kg-day). It is unclear whether perylene would have elicited an immunosuppressive response if given at higher doses, for a longer duration, or via a different route of exposure. No additional in vivo studies evaluating immunotoxicity were identified. In an in vitro assay in human skin keratinocytes, perylene induced dose-dependent inflammatory cytokine secretion (interleukin-1α, interleukin-6) (Bahri et al., 2010).

Table 4B. Other Supporting Studies of Perylene.

Table 4B

Other Supporting Studies of Perylene.


Available skin painting studies (see Table 4B), while limited by design flaws (lack of negative controls, potentially inadequate dose levels, small group sizes) and/or limited reporting (abstract only), do not indicate that perylene is a complete dermal carcinogen or cocarcinogen. No skin tumors were observed in 16 mice following exposure to 0.15% perylene twice weekly in a decalin vehicle for up to 82 weeks; in contrast, the same protocol with 0.14% BaP induced skin tumors (Horton and Christian, 1974). Similarly, no skin tumors were observed in 20 mice exposed to 0.3% perylene in benzene every 4 days for up to 24 weeks, while exposure to 0.3% BaP induced skin tumors using the same protocol (Finzi et al., 1968). In a study only available as an abstract, dermal application of 1% perylene (vehicle not reported) 3 times weekly for 1 year did not increase the number of skin tumors, compared to vehicle control (incidence data not reported) (Anderson and Anderson, 1987).

Skin tumor initiation-promotion studies do not indicate that perylene is a strong tumor initiator or promotor. Perylene was not a mouse skin tumor initiator following single exposure (800 μg in benzene) or 10 repeated exposures (total dose 1 g in acetone) with 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13 acetate (TPA) as a promotor (El-Bayoumy et al., 1982; Van Duuren et al., 1970). In both studies, the positive control group (BaP or 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene) showed expected tumor-initiating activity. In a study only available as an abstract, perylene was not a tumor promotor when applied as a 1% solution (vehicle not reported) 3 times weekly for 1 year following a single initiating dose of 300 μg BaP (Anderson and Anderson, 1987).

Two dermal studies also evaluated carcinogenic potential of perylene in the presence of other chemicals. Horton and Christian (1974) evaluated cocarcinogenic potential of 0.15% perylene twice weekly in a decalin/dodecane vehicle (50:50 ratio). Dodecane had previously been shown to be a skin cocarcinogen with benz[a]anthracene, but is not a skin carcinogen when administered alone (Horton and Christian, 1974). Animals coexposed to perylene did not have significantly increased skin papillomas (1/15) compared with animals exposed only to decalin/dodecane (2/13). In contrast, BaP and dodecane showed evidence of cocarcinogenicity following a similar protocol (Horton and Christian, 1974). In a study by Finzi et al. (1968), perylene coexposure decreased the number of skin tumors induced by BaP (13/40) compared to BaP alone (36/40); however, statistical analysis of the data was not performed. The study authors proposed that perylene prevented BaP-induced tumor formation via competitive binding to epidermal proteins.

In a study only available as an abstract, intraperitoneal (i.p.) injections of perylene at doses of 200–1,000 mg/kg 3 times/week for 8 weeks did not induce lung tumors in Strain A mice, a sensitive model for detecting lung tumor induction, following a 16-week postexposure observation period (Anderson and Anderson, 1987). Due to the limitations of these available injection and dermal cancer studies, it is not possible to thoroughly assess perylene’s carcinogenic potential following oral and inhalation exposures.

2.3.3. Metabolism/Toxicokinetic Studies

There is limited information available on in vivo toxicokinetics or metabolism of perylene. A single study evaluated metabolism in rat subcutaneous tissue following s.c. injection of various PAHs (Flesher and Myers, 1990). In this study, perylene did not show any evidence of bioalkylation or metabolism within subcutaneous tissue. In contrast, a weakly carcinogenic PAH, benz[a]anthracene, showed evidence of bioalkylation substitution reactions in rat subcutaneous tissue. Other tissues in the body were not evaluated for parent compound or metabolite levels in this study. No other studies were identified to evaluate in vivo toxicokinetics or metabolism of perylene. Because absorption and distribution of a chemical in the body are determined largely by physical and chemical properties related to chemical size and general structure (e.g., lipophilicity, vapor pressure, etc.), it is reasonable to assume that perylene will be absorbed and distributed similarly to other PAHs of similar size and structure with similar physical and chemical properties (e.g., BaP). PAHs, in general, are metabolized in multiple tissues in the body into more soluble metabolites, including dihydrodiols, phenols, quinones, and epoxides, that form conjugates with glucuronide, glutathione (GSH), or sulfate (U.S. EPA, 2017b; IARC, 2010; ATSDR, 1995).

Several studies have evaluated the potential for perylene to induce metabolic enzymes. Most studies have focused on aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH), an enzyme induced by many PAHs (Neubert and Tapken, 1988; Asokan et al., 1986; Mukhtar et al., 1982; Neubert and Tapken, 1978). Findings for AHH induction by perylene are mixed. In dermal studies with neonatal rats, Asokan et al. (1986) reported a significant 1.6-fold induction of AHH in neonatal rat skin, but not neonatal liver, while Mukhtar et al. (1982) observed the opposite (a significant 1.6-fold increase in AHH in neonatal liver, but not the skin). In both studies, the induction by perylene was approximately an order of magnitude lower than known inducers (e.g., 3-methyl-cholanthrene, 7,12-demethylbenzanthracene). During gestational exposures, both AHH activity and overall “BaP hydrolase” activity were elevated in maternal livers, but not in fetal livers (Neubert and Tapken, 1988, 1978). “BaP hydrolase” activity was measured as total BaP breakdown, as opposed to activities of specific hydrolase enzymes. In these studies, the magnitude of perylene enzyme induction was ∼25% lower than induction by BaP. In male rats, i.p. injections of perylene did not induce AHH in the liver (Harris et al., 1988). In vitro, perylene is a weak inducer of AHH and a weak binder of aryl hydrocarbon receptors (AhRs) in rat hepatocytes (Piskorska-Pliszczynska et al., 1986).

In general, exposure to perylene did not lead to induction of other metabolic enzymes measured in skin and/or liver, including 7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD), 7-ethoxycoumarin O-deethylase (ECOD), benzphetamine n-demethylase (BPD), nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)-cytochrome c, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide hydrogen (NADH)-ferricyanide reductase, or cytochrome P450 (CYP450) (Harris et al., 1988; Asokan et al., 1986; Mukhtar et al., 1982). Following i.p. exposure to perylene, there was no evidence of induction of glycolytic enzymes, pyruvate kinase, or lactate dehydrogenase in the mouse lung (Rády et al., 1981; Rády et al., 1980).


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