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Baba AI, Câtoi C. Comparative Oncology. Bucharest (RO): The Publishing House of the Romanian Academy; 2007.

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Comparative Oncology.

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Comparative pathology has developed in time, as a natural process, the result of the study of human diseases, as well as of the diseases of living beings that surround man, either as production or companion animals. The pathological conditions were at first observed, then scientifically studied, compared between them according to their causative factors, and also compared between the different animal species, including humans.

In comparative oncology, things have evolved in a similar way, through the accumulation of data, facts that once recorded, analyzed and classified, have led to the conclusion that sometimes there are similarities, even identical phenomena, and at other times confusing differences between human and animal tumors. It is these contrasts that have caused biological and oncologic research to mobilize human work, intelligence and material means for the declared purpose to elucidate this “mystery”, but especially, to find ways to prevent and/or fight cancer disease.

Scientific research, at first of spontaneous tumors, has correlated the conditions of occurrence of neoplasms in various species with elements common to humans and animals, such as the geographic area, nutrition, age, neurohormonal impact, pollution factors and also intrinsic local (tissue) and general factors (organism).

Regarding extrinsic oncogenic factors, animal species with a particular sensitivity, much higher than that of man's, are known and used, which are called “sentinel animals”.

The concept of neoplasia is difficult to express in a concise definition that may include the various components of a biological process submitted to permanent movement and evolution, with special specific physiological manifestations, with a mosaic-like morphological picture that changes from one moment to another. However, there are many elements characteristic of neoplasms in general, but also with more or less marked peculiarities from one tumor type to another. If we did not accept these realities, medicine would be in a delicate position, unable to define a disease, which is, after cardiovascular diseases, the second cause of mortality in humans and in obvious progress, from year to year, in animals, especially in companion animals. The omission of the differences existing between pathological conditions in animal species and humans would lead to false conclusions, and the negligence of common aspects would also be extremely harmful and would create confusions in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

The neoplastic process is characterized by elements that are constantly common to the majority of tumors, such as biological behavior, autonomy, uncontrolled proliferation, invasiveness and metastasizing, the formation of new cell clones and irreversibility. These properties are completely useless for the host organism and finally cause death. Another series of common properties are morphological ones, starting with molecular and ultrastructural aspects, up to the histological and macroscopic aspect of the neoplastic tissue.

The altogether specific and particular morphophysiological characteristics of neoplasms, as compared to what are known of normal and accepted classical structures, justify for a certain developmental stage the concept of neoplastic tissue.

Comparative oncology has developed, including two branches of activity: spontaneous oncology, for all animal species and humans, and experimental oncology.

Spontaneous oncology studies aspects of carcinogenesis, epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment. A special aspect is the scientific research of spontaneous tumors, compared to what is known or investigated in humans. The results and conclusions obtained from animal research can sometimes be extrapolated to human oncology or/and they allow for a better understanding of cancer disease, in general. Subjects with spontaneous neoplasms can be used for both investigations with a view to understanding tumor disease and in the experimentation of treatment methodologies and schemes that can be subsequently implemented in humans.

Experimental oncology has developed into a real discipline and branch of scientific investigations, with specializations related to carcinogenesis, diagnosis and therapy. These specializations, in their turn, include concerns regarding viral, chemical, radiation oncogenesis, the implication of polluting residues, food additives, environmental conditions, etc. The progress in the field of diagnosis is remarkable and has been obtained in particular by experimental investigations. The knowledge of the triggering and evolution of tumor disease, as well as treatment, are due to a large extent to the results obtained under experimental conditions. As it was mentioned before, experimental oncology is practiced on both spontaneous tumors occurring in different animal species and in laboratory animals.

In oncology, the comparative principle will develop and elucidate some less known aspects, such as the more or less exclusive appearance of certain neoplasms in one species or another, including humans, then the involvement of some organs or tissues common to several species, but with the maintenance of differences between the various species [121].

Comparative oncology has proved its value, through the enlargement and deepending of knowledge regarding cancer disease in humans and animals. Some details have been mentioned when necessary, emphasizing that there are few types of tumors that are not common to humans and animals, and the common features are undeniably more numerous and essential than the differentiating ones.

Synthesizing the comparative principle in pathology, PAPILIAN-TODORUŢIU (1992) remarks the fact that as species are different, so are their diseases, which is also true for oncology. The following phenomena are found: the appearance of neoplasms in one or another animal species, including humans; the common involvement of certain organs in several species, with detail differences. In order to elucidate these differences and to explain the similarities of the various neoplastic forms and types, the peculiarities of involvement of the (extrinsic or intrinsic) carcinogenic agent and the target tissue with the participation of the whole organism remain to be further studied.

Concerning the neoplastic tissue, given its morphophysiological complexity and the fact that it is a non-self structure, it can be assumed that there is a genetic code specific for each tumor, in the same way as it has been demonstrated that there is an irrepeatable genetic print for each human being. These issues will be clarified step by step, which will result into a unitary whole contained in an all-comprehensive definition, clarifying what we genetically call tumor disease.


The term tumor or neoplasm defines a group of lesions characterized by abnormal tissue proliferations of the genetically modified cells, proliferations that exceed the dimensions and speed of all processes occurring in the case of regeneration, repair or inflammation.

Pathomorphologically, we define tumor disease as a process of progressive multiplication of cell elements, leading to the appearance of new ontogenetically differentiated tissue with peculiar properties, with a special metabolic activity, which influences in various degrees the general state of the organism. Cancer in a pluricellular living being is an irreversible cellular differentiation with biological autonomy, the neoplastic tissue escaping from the control of tissue homeostasis.

ROBINS (1974) defines neoplastic transformation as a hereditary change in cells manifesting through: escape from control, increased proliferative potential, changes in cell membranes, the appearance of new surface antigens, karyotype anomalies, morphological and biochemical deviations, as well as other attributes that confer the cells the capacity to invade, metastasize and kill.

The term tumor is derived from the Latin tumor, which means a pathological swelling, whether of inflammatory, cystic, edematous or other nature. In order to avoid confusions, the expression tumor formation is used until the nature of the pathological swelling is established. In oncology, the expression tumor disease, cancer disease and the term neoplasm are used. The term cancer has been used since the Antiquity and is derived from the Latin cancer. The term neoplasm is composed of the prefix neo-, which comes from the Greek neos (new) and plasis (formation). Carcinogenesis defines the initiation of a tumor, and oncogenesis indicates the maintenance and the subsequent evolution of the tumor.

Neoplasms can proliferate locally, they can invade or diminish adjacent tissues. Cells are detached from primitive tumors and they can be carried by blood or lymph towards other organs, where they will develop secondary tumors, a process called metastasizing. The term metastasis means in Greek change of place. The metastasizing of a primary neoplasm occurs, as we have shown, by blood, lymphatic route, but also by implantation, contiguity, tissue continuity or canalicular route (tracheobronchial tree, digestive tract, etc.).

Primary neoplasms represent the appearance and development of a tumor cell clone, forming at the beginning a nodule with infiltrative growth, followed by metastasizing, generalization and death.

Multiple primary neoplasms are defined by multiple tumor growths of various types in the same organ system or in different organ systems. These neoplasms have been described in several animal species, with an increased frequency in dogs. In this species, the presence of benign tumors indicates a predisposition to malignant neoplasms. The Boxer breed is exposed to a significantly increased risk for the development of multiple primary neoplasms, and the age of 6–8 years represents a much higher risk for such neoplasms. Hormonal influences have been proved to be risk factors for multiple primary neoplasms of the reproductive tract.

Benign tumors are slow tissue growths, local proliferations, without the invasion of adjacent tissues, without the production of metastases and without recurrences after ablation. These characteristics have led to the designation good nature tumor.

Malignant tumors are characterized by rapid proliferation, the invasion of the neighboring structures, recurrences after surgery and metastasizing, resulting most frequently in the death of the affected subject. These characteristics have determined the use of the expression bad nature tumor.

Orthoplastic tumors are organoid, well differentiated and have a structure highly similar to that of the homologous tissue. In the characterization of a tumor, the term immature or mature is used, which only applies to well differentiated tumors. Thus, if the postmitotic daughter cells do not evolve, the differentiated tumor is classified as immature. An example can be the immature squamous cell carcinoma or malpighian carcinoma, characterized by weak or no keratinization. In contrast, if the tumor undergoes a typical, natural maturation, the mature squamous cell or malpighian carcinoma is characterized by focal, centripetal and aberrant cornification, with the formation of keratotic pearls.

Anaplastic tumors are undifferentiated, structures gradually lose their morphological features, which makes them less and less similar to the original tissue. The tumor is formed by undifferentiated embryonic cells.

Solid tumors the expression characterizes neoplasms formed by dense, uniform tissue, without any differentiation tendency, with homogeneous cells.

Endophytic tumors are characterized by proliferation towards the depth of the tumors, e.g. the tumors of surface epithelia that grow penetrating the subjacent tissues.

Exophytic tumors are characterized by growth towards the exterior, in the form of papillae.

Papillary tumors are characterized by finger projections of neoplastic cells, sometimes with vascular stroma, and they can appear in a cyst or a tumor cavity.

Tubular tumors are characterized by structures under the form of tubules that consist of neoplastic cells and are separated by a connective stroma, appearing in microscopic sections as fascicles of parallel tubules.

Adenoid tumors are microscopically characterized by the disposition of neoplastic cells in small acini, similarly to glandular structures.

Cystic tumors are neoplasms containing one or more cavities with fluid, necrosed tissue or keratinized structures.

Simple tumor is an expression used for single tumors, composed of epithelial cells.

Complex tumors are characterized by the presence of vascular connective tissue between epithelial structures.

Blastomas or embryomas are tumors derived from and composed of embryonic cells.

Teratomas are congenital tumors formed by embryonic tissue derived from three fundamental tissue types. Examples: malignant teratomas or teratocarcinomas; dermoid cysts are benign teratomas.

Hamartomas are not tumors properly speaking, but they appear as a mass with a tumor aspect, formed by an abnormal organization of the tissue/tissues from the anatomic region concerned. Possible examples: cartilaginous nodules attached to a bronchus; cutaneous hemangiomas.

Choristomas are masses with a tumor aspect, developed from embryonic, cell or tissue debris, with heterotopic development. Examples of choristomas: tissue nodules of the adrenal gland developed in the diaphragm; splenic tissue developed in the scrotum.

Dysgerminomas are testicular or ovarian neoplasms formed by undifferentiated gonadal cells.

Dysembryomas are teratoid tumors characterized by marked anaplasia of the tissue components.

The terminology used in human and veterinary oncology is the same. The World Health Organization has published a classification of tumors, having as principle the microscopic structure and embryonic origin of cancer tissue. This nomenclature is widely used in Europe, but it is less used in USA and Canada. Thus, French-speaking veterinary pathologists use for malignant epithelial tumors the term epithelioma, while Anglo-Saxon authors call them carcinomas.

WHO recommends the use of the term carcinoma for malignant tumors of glandular origin. The use of one or other of the mentioned terms is not an obstacle in the understanding and definition of some tumors and the current name will be mentioned when necessary. The literature tends to use the Anglo-Saxon terminology and, at the same time, to avoid eponymous terms such as Sticker's sarcoma, round cell sarcoma being preferred.


The classification of tumors was and is both a practical and theoretic necessity and requirement. Difficulties are numberless, starting with the structural variability and the high number of factors, some of which are suspected, others still unknown, which are involved in the onset and evolution of a tumor, then the response of the organism or even the organ and tissue involved, not to mention the accumulation of a large amount of facts and bibliography, difficult to systematize. And last but not least, the adoption of a unanimously accepted classification [12].

Over the past decades, the World Health Organization based in Geneva, has succeeded, with the help of internationally reputed specialists, in elaborating a morphological classification, updated with new bibliographic data and recent discoveries in the field of oncology. The World Health Organization has been supported by international bodies and commissions, within which reputed specialists in narrow oncologic areas have elaborated classifications based on clinicomorphological data with predictive support for both humans and animals.

Veterinary or comparative oncology has joined these efforts, contributing to the enlargement and deepening of knowledge in this field, benefiting in particular from the opportunities of experimental research. The first observations, then scientific investigations, have shown a surprising similarity, even identity, of human and animal tumors.

The principle that oncology is the same, with peculiarities varying from one species to another, and especially from one subject to another, is unanimously accepted, without changing in the least the previous statements.

In what follows, we will present the classifications used and accepted in oncology, for both humans and animals.

1.2.1. Embryological classification

The classification of tumors is based on the embryonic origin of tissues and their histological structure. Thus, there are:

  • tumors originating from the ectoderm and endoderm: epithelial tumors or carcinomas;
  • neuroectodermal tumors: tumors of the nervous system and of the APUD (Amine Precursor Uptake and Decarboxylation) system or DES (diffuse endocrine system) tumors;
  • tumors originating from the mesoderm: tumors of the hematopoietic system and connective sarcomas.

A histogenetic classification, taking into account practical reality, is proposed by GHILEZAN (1992), including the following types of malignant tumors:

  1. epithelial tumors (carcinomas, epitheliomas) which include basal cell tumors, pavement tumors, transitional tumors, adenocarcinomas;
  2. connective tumors (sarcomas) with bone, cartilaginous and soft tissue tumors;
  3. hematopoietic tissue tumors, with: lymphomas, leukemias, plasmacytic neoplasms, histiocytosis;
  4. nerve tissue tumors;
  5. multiple tissue tumors;
  6. rare or difficult to classify tumors.

This book aims to be accessible, and especially, to be a practical guide for veterinary oncologists and researchers in the field. The different forms and types of tumors will be described by systems and large tissue groups.

The classification used is that proposed by WHO, and in certain cases, new and/or practical classifications will be adopted for different tumor forms, which are abundant in the literature.

1.2.2. Anatomical classification

The great majority of anatomical classifications proposed refer to dog and cat tumors but, with small adjustments, they can be used for all species. A short characterization is required for each location:

  • – description of the tumor location or region;
  • – strict definition of the region, regional and juxtaregional lymph nodes for each location;
  • – depending on the case, clinical and surgical methods recommended for the evaluation of TNM categories.

Classification according to anatomical location:

  1. skin, without lymphosarcoma and mastocytoma;
  2. skin, mastocytoma;
  3. mammary gland;
  4. head and neck;
  5. digestive tract, including the pancreas and liver;
  6. urinary system;
  7. genital system;
  8. bones and joints;
  9. lymphatic and hematopoietic system, including malignant skin lymphoma;
  10. respiratory system;
  11. endocrine glands (the thyroid and adrenal glands).

The tumors of the eye, central nervous system, heart and other endocrine glands are not included, as they are difficult to classify and many of these tumors show only a local invasion.

1.2.3. Histological classification

The quantified assessment of architectural and especially cytological parameters (cell differentiation grade, mitotic index, etc.) allows to establish a hierarchy of malignancy and to assign the studied tumor to a certain category. The notion of grade is intended to define histoprognosis.

Histological categories have been established for humans, then they have been adapted or modified, becoming totally specific for animals. According to their histological structure, tumors can be grouped in the following main categories: epithelial tumors, of ectodermal and endodermal embryonic origin; mesenchymal or connective tumors, of mesodermal origin; neuroectodermal tumors and tumors of unknown origin.

Examples of benign and malignant tumors, according to their histological structure:

  • – covering epithelium, at skin level; benign tumor: keratoacanthoma; malignant tumor: squamous cell carcinoma;
  • – covering epithelium, at intestinal level; benign tumor: papillary adenoma; malignant tumor: papillary carcinoma;
  • – glandular epithelium, in the pancreas; benign tumor: adenoma; malignant tumor: adenocarcinoma;
  • – glandular epithelium, in the liver; benign tumor: hepatoma; malignant tumor: hepatocellular carcinoma;
  • – connective tissue, in the oral cavity; benign tumor: fibroma; malignant tumor: fibrosarcoma;
  • – connective tissue, in the subcutaneous tissue; benign tumor: lipoma; malignant tumor: liposarcoma;
  • – nerve tissue in the brain; benign tumor: astrocytoma; malignant tumor: malignant astrocytoma.

1.2.4. Tumor-lymph node-metastasis (TNM) classification

In 1980, OWEN adapted the TNM classification used in human oncology for domestic animals. The author justified the need for a unique classification of human and animal tumors, given the progress achieved since 1975, when the World Health Organization made the first classification of animal tumors.

The TNM system for the tumors of domestic animals raises the accuracy standard for diagnosis, clinical evolution and prediction. The main objective of the international agreement regarding the classification of cancer cases, after the extension of the disease, is to ensure a method that could allow for a unique and clear professional language. The task of the veterinary clinician is to make a provisional diagnosis and to make a decision regarding the most efficient therapeutic approach.

The objectives of tumor staging in animals are:

  • – to assist the veterinary clinician in planning treatment;
  • – to assist in the evaluation of treatment results;
  • – to facilitate the information exchange between veterinary oncologists;
  • – to contribute to the development of cancer investigations in animals;
  • – to contribute to the information exchange between human and animal oncology.

These objectives can be achieved through the TNM classification system, in which the basic principles can be applied for all locations, regardless of treatment, with the advantage that it can be subsequently completed with the findings obtained from histopathological and surgical investigations.

The TNM system concerns: the extension of the primary tumor (T); the condition of lymph nodes (N); the absence or presence of distant metastases (M). In order to increase the accuracy of these parameters, numbers are added, which indicate the extension of the malignant tumor.

OWEN (1980) establishes some general rules that can be applied to all tumors, regardless of their location.

In all cases, malignancy should be confirmed by histological and/or cytological examination. The cases in which this confirmation is not possible will be recorded separately. In some locations, several types of cancer may appear, which differ not only by their histological appearance, but also by their clinical behavior. Such an example is mammary gland carcinoma in female dogs: in the case of a well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, prognosis is favorable after mastectomy, in contrast with anaplastic carcinoma, when prognosis is reserved or even unfavorable.

All cases will be classified using TNM categories and they will be classified and recorded before the initiation of treatment. In the case of an animal with a poor clinical condition, which excludes surgical intervention, the case will not be recorded through the TNM system. The clinical TNM classification performed before treatment is of maximum importance in the reporting and evaluation of the tumor. Detailed histological information is a decisive supplement to clinical diagnosis.

The clinical diagnosing of a tumor in an animal requires multiple investigations. Compulsory investigations will be associated with complementary ones, in order to establish the grade of malignancy. The TNM classification includes a minimum number of categories, among which the regional lymph nodes for each location.

The determining of the extension degree by TNM categories facilitates the grouping of certain tumors at different clinical stages. Due to their location, some tumors are more accessible to a complete clinical examination. Thus, mammary gland, skin and bone tumors, esophageal and laryngeal tumors can be seen, palpated and measured directly, and regional lymph nodes are also accessible. At the same time, other locations such as visceral tumors (stomach, colon, kidney, ovarian tumors), situated at a greater depth, are less accessible to clinical examination, which requires additional investigations in order to complete the data of the TNM classification.

In veterinary oncology, postsurgical TNM classification, pTNM, which also includes histopathological classification, is less used. However, the postsurgical histopathological examination of both the excised tumor and the removed regional lymph nodes is extremely useful in certain cases.

Primary tumors (T) are classified according to their grade in four categories: T1, T2, T3 and T4. There are peculiarities depending on the location, but each tumor should be examined clinically, if possible, in order to define its limits, size, whether it is mobile or fixed and adherent to the adjacent tissues.

An extremely accurate, simple and stereographic record is necessary, which allows cancer specialists to establish, based on a common language, certain criteria for a positive diagnosis and an adequate therapeutic approach. For this purpose, the following definitions are given for primary tumors (T):

T0 – means a clinically undetectable tumor, which is evidenced through adenopathies or metastases;

T1 – refers to a small, strictly circumscribed tumor, which does not reach the organ limits;

T2 – in this case the tumor reaches the organ limits;

T3 – the tumor is fixed to the neighboring organs;

T4 – refers to a tumor that has invaded the neighboring organs.

An in situ tumor is noted IST.

According to their location and possibilities of investigation, primary tumors can be grouped into three categories for the TNM classification:

  1. Tumors that appear in a single organ and are the easiest to classify. Such an example can be mammary gland tumors in dogs, whose dimensions, relation to the skin and the deep tissues can be established accurately. The T growth grade and clinical assessment are synthetically shown in the following table:
    <3 cm3–5 cm>5 cm
    SkinMinor invasionMajor invasion
    Fascia, muscle, thoracic wallWith or without fascia or muscle fixationTumor fixation to the thoracic or abdominal wall
  2. Less circumscribed or completely uncircumscribed tumors, whose size and extension cannot be established, such as bladder tumors that are evaluated by cystoscopy, radiography, local examination under anesthesia and the assessment of tumor penetration into the bladder wall.
  3. Tumors that cannot be completely diagnosed without taking into consideration the surgical findings. An example can be ovarian tumors, evaluated through laparotomy; colon and bone tumors, assessed postoperatively.

Multiple primary tumors will be evaluated as follows:

  • – tumors found simultaneously in pair organs, such as the mammary gland chain, which will be classified independently;
  • – tumors found simultaneously in the skin, when the tumor with the highest T category is first identified, and the number of tumors is indicated between brackets: T2 (5);
  • – tumors found in cavitary viscera or tubular organs, such as: bladder, vagina, penis, for which the number of tumors is not important and which are defined by adding the “m” suffix: T3 (m).

In order to define the local tumor extension, the grades of the T category should be completed by the following symbols:

  • – T0, for a tumor that cannot be evidenced, such as the cases in which metastases are produced by lymphatic or hematogenous route, while the primary tumor remains occult;
  • – Tx, for a primary tumor whose extension is impossible to appreciate; this category is reserved exclusively for the in situ carcinoma, a preinvasive carcinoma, with locations in the sclera, cornea, eyelid, nose, etc.

Regional lymph nodes (N) are catalogued using indices, N0, N1, N2 and N3, depending on the characteristics of the examination by palpation, lymphangiography and other procedures. For each index of lymph node changing, the following are considered:

  • – N0 means palpable lymph nodes;
  • – N1 is used for palpable, mobile lymph nodes, without pathognomonic characteristics;
  • – N2, for large, hard, still mobile, or with bilateral metastasis in lymph nodes;
  • – N3, for adherent and fixed, uni- or bilateral metastasis in lymph nodes.

If the presence of cancer cells is histologically confirmed, N+ is noted, and if no cancer cells are detected, N is noted.

Distant metastases (M) are codified as follows:

  • – M0, no metastases have been clinically and radiologically identified;
  • – M1, metastases are clinically and radiologically present in organs or tissues, and the metastatic organ (liver, lung, bones, etc.) can be mentioned.

Histopathological extension (P) and grading (G) can offer additional information. The P symbol refers to the depth of the tumor infiltration in an organ or tissue, and the G symbol to the grade of tumor malignancy. For example, in the case of some cavitary organs, histopathological extension is expressed by four P grades:

  • – P1, tumor limited to the mucosa;
  • – P2; the tumor involves the mucosa and submucosa, extending to the serous membrane but without penetrating it;
  • – P3, the tumor penetrates through the serous membrane, with or without the invasion of adjacent structures;
  • – P4; the tumor diffusely and completely invades the organ wall, without the evidencing of limits.

The malignancy grade (G) is expressed by three categories:

  1. G1, low malignancy grade;
  2. G2, moderate malignancy grade;
  3. G3, high malignancy grade.

1.2.5. Clinical classification

The combination of the three elements of the TNM classification allows to establish the clinical stage, with the possibility of prognostic evaluation. An example:

  • – clinical stage I: T1 N0, M0 or T2, N0, M0;
  • – clinical stage II: T2, N1, M0 or T2, N1, M0;
  • – clinical stage III: T1, N2,3, M0 or T2, N2,3, M0;
  • – clinical stage IV: T3, N0,1,2,3, M0 or T4, N0,1,2,3, M0 or any TN + M1.

Survival at one year in the first group can be 60%, while in the last group this can be only 15%. The TNM classification is more practical than the classification by clinical stages.


Over the past decades, the study of cancer disease in animals has benefited from modern epidemiological methods. Although it is an old science, epidemiology has gradually developed its study methods, discovering the carcinogenicity of some products and subsequently allowing the experimental study of some etiological hypotheses. Parallel epidemiological studies on humans and animals have contributed to the development of knowledge and have played an important role in cancer prevention policy, in both cases.

Comparative epidemiology of cancer is a new concept, with good potential for the future [156], which performs parallel studies on human and animal populations, for the benefit of both. The evaluation of a carcinogenic product is compulsorily performed by experimenting on animals. Animal epidemiology concerns etiology or risk factors in certain cancers. The risks involved by the hormones of the genital area for mammary cancer in the dog, as well as the age and breed for other types of neoplasms have been studied. In 1968, CHAKLIN et al. suggest the idea of associated tumor studies in humans and animals, by specialist teams with diversified profiles.

The epidemiology of cancer disease by adequate studies and methodologies is extremely actual. Reliable, updated epidemiological data are provided by the US universities, based on the registries conceived by these (“Veterinary Medical Data Program”) [145] or by veterinary practitioners (“CAM Registry”, “Tulsa Registry”), while in France, the codified ADICAP (“Association pour le Developpement de 1’Informatique en Cytologie et en Anatomic Pathologique”) system is used [119].

Epidemiological studies have dealt with production animals from the point of view of the possible human contamination by products of animal origin, as well as companion animals that live close to man. Veterinary oncological epidemiology provides complex data regarding the number, age, sex and breed of animals, in environmental context (food, water, pollution, etc.). These data will be corroborated with the incidence rate, frequency of the disease in a population, over a certain time period, the prevalence and quantification of selective importance such as locations, cancer types, tendency in time and geographical pathology [63].

In retrospective investigations of cancer disease, the study of estimated relative risk or the cause or chance ratio is extremely useful. Thus, tumor studies in animals offer by the evaluation of relative risk data for the evaluation of the influence of a tested risk factor. So, in the study of mammary cancer in dogs, the risk for mammary cancer in castrated female dogs can be estimated compared to uncastrated ones.

The collection of data for an epidemiological study is one of the most important actions, followed by the processing of these data by modern methodologies. The introduction of special systems for the collection of information regarding the neoplasm cases identified in certain areas and in well defined populations is required.

The accumulation and systematization of the data concerning the epidemiology and etiology of cancer in animals can provide a scientific support and practical perspectives, influencing both the prevention of and the fight against cancer disease in all living beings, and especially the ecological approach of modern society. New and important knowledge regarding the main carcinogenic agents and their mode of action on humans and animals can be obtained. Animal species that can be used for experimental studies will be identified, which will have beneficial consequences for human oncology. Ecological epidemiological investigations will clarify the obscure aspects of some diseases in animals, but they will be particularly useful for comparative oncology. The data obtained in this way will be used as a warning system for the premature appearance of cancer in humans, allowing the early initiation of rational and efficient control measures for the protection of humans and animals.

Frequency of primary tumors. Depending on the cell type, primary tumors are classified into three categories: benign, malignant and with undetermined malignancy. These data allow to establish a chart of relative frequency or tumor profiles for each animal species, tumor location and histological type. In this way, a detailed epidemiological study is possible. Thus, in cattle, tumors are located in the eye, hemolymphatic system, skin and genital organs; in horses, in the skin, eye and genital organs; and in cats in the hemolymphatic system (data from the USA and Canada program of veterinary medicine, 1964 [63]). According to the same sources, histological types in cattle are to a large extent epithelial and hematopoietic, while in horses tumors arise in the epithelium and connective tissues, and in cats, in the hematopoietic system and epithelium. Dogs show a much wider variability, both in terms of location and histological types. Skin locations have the highest frequency, and tumors of epithelial origin exceed in number all the other types.

The relative frequencies for each of the more common locations and cell types of each species give a general view, allowing for adequate conclusions.

1.3.1. Tumor incidence in animals

Production animals have a short life or, to put it differently, they have an “economic life”, which is why old age diseases, including cancer, are not expressed. In addition, animal populations fluctuate considerably from year to year, making almost impossible the definition of the populations exposed to the disease. The same problem, but to a smaller extent, occurs in the case of companion animals.

The data obtained for small populations and geographical areas are difficult to extrapolate to humans, and generalizations can be highly biased.

The literature offers fragmentary data regarding the morbidity of cancer disease in animals. We consider that the citation of studies investigating the incidence rate or/and the prevalence of neoplasms in different animal species, in smaller or larger populations, is useful.


The morbidity of neoplasms in cattle, evaluated according to the literature, reveals some differences depending on the geographical area and the breed. The statistic performed by ANDERSON [63] over the period 1958–1962 shows a high incidence of squamous cell carcinoma in cattle, located in the eyelid and eye. According to the cited author, preneoplastic lesions and squamous cell carcinoma located in the eye, in adult Hereford cattle, varied between 20 and 30%. The study was performed on 45 cattle populations from 23 USA states. Bovine lymphoma (bovine leukosis) was the second most frequent disease, with an annual incidence of 19/100,000, the Holstein breed occupying the first place.

By examining 1335 cattle in Iran, NAGHSHINEH et al. (1991) found neoplasms in 138 subjects (10.3%), ocular tumors being the most frequent, 38 cases, 27.5%, respectively.

Comparative statistical studies between various species of domestic animals, performed in Israel, situate cattle on the second place in terms of tumor incidence, after the canine species [131].

Similar data are provided by ESCUDERO et al. (1982): of 372 tumors from different species, 9.94% belong to the bovine species, which comes next after the dog.


In horses, the incidence of benign and malignant tumors is generally lower compared to other species. Thus, ESCUDERO et al. (1982) find a proportion of 8.06% tumors, which situates horses on the third place. In a study on horses killed in slaughter houses, COTCHIN et al. (1975) find 10 malignant tumors in 10,000 horses. There are many epidemiological researches on the incidence of neoplasms in the horse, corroborated with clinical data and microscopic aspects [48, 140, 167].

By analyzing over a period of 40 years 378 tumors in solipeds (339 horses; 32 mules; and 7 donkeys), BASTIANELLO (1983) diagnoses the following types of neoplasms: sarcoids (38%); squamous cell carcinomas (23.5%); fibromas (8.2%); melanomas (8.0%); papillomas (4.5%); fibrosarcomas (3.4%) and lymphosarcomas (3.0%), representing in total 88.6%. The increased incidence of sarcoids and squamous cell carcinomas is noted.

Dogs and cats

In dogs and cats, epidemiological studies are more numerous and of special interest for human oncology. SCHNEIDER (1987) estimates the general cancer rate in dogs at 213/100,000 per year, and in cats at 264.3/100,000 per year.

The study of 3388 neoplasms of the canine species, performed by BASTIANELLO (1983) allowed the following hierarchy of the incidence of the different tumor types: mesenchymal tissue, 33.7%; skin and adnexae, 20.8%; female genital system, 10.2%; lymphohematopoietic tissue, 8.9%, and male genital system, 5.8%. The histological examination showed that mastocytoma was the most frequent tumor type, with a frequency of 12.7% of all neoplasms. In skin tumor types, incidence was in decreasing order: basaliomas, squamous cell carcinomas, perianal gland tumors and melanomas. Female genital system tumors included 80% mammary gland neoplasms, of which 50% were mixed mammarytumors. Of testicular tumors, the most frequent was Sertoli cell tumor.

The majority of digestive tract neoplasms were located in the oral cavity, under the form of inflammatory epulides and melanomas. Osteosarcomas had the highest incidence, neurofibromas were most frequently diagnosed as nervous system tumors, and carcinomas in the thyroid gland. Lung carcinomas, ocular melanomas and liver carcinomas were also diagnosed.

The same author analyzed 243 neoplasms in cats, finding the highest incidence in the skin, followed by lymphoid tissue, digestive tract and genital system. All these locations represented 76.5% of all tumors. Squamous cell carcinoma was diagnosed in 65 subjects (26.7%) of all 243 neoplasms, being followed by malignant lymphomas in 50 subjects (20.5%). Squamous cell carcinoma was the most frequent type of skin tumor, followed by basalioma, mastocytoma and melanoma. Malignant melanomas, the multicentric form, had the highest frequency, followed by digestive, renal and thymic locations. Digestive tract tumors were diagnosed in 33 subjects (13.5%), squamous cell carcinoma, malignant lymphoma and intestinal adenocarcinoma having the highest frequency. Mammary gland tumors were diagnosed in 23 subjects (9.5%) of all neoplasms, and 61% of these were carcinomas. Other tumors were: fibromas and fibrosarcomas, more frequently of the skin; skin and eye melanomas; osteosarcomas; hepatocellular carcinomas and hemangiosarcomas.

In the United Kingdom, COTCHIN (1957) found squamous cell carcinoma to be the most frequent, followed by malignant lymphoma, mammary carcinoma and osteosarcoma.

In USA, WHITEHEAD (1967) established the following decreasing hierarchy of tumor incidence in the cat: malignant lymphoma, mammary carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin.

MIALOT and LAGADIC (1990) performed in France an extensive comparative epidemiological study of tumors existing in a large dog and cat population. The authors carried out a retrospective analysis of 29,649 tumors from a population of 40,408 dogs and 5,609 tumors from a population of 8,328 cats. More than 80% of the material taken from both the canine and feline species consisted of pieces of surgical excision, while the rest were biopsies and very few necropsy material. 11,243 benign tumors and 18,406 malignant tumors were found in dogs, and 764 benign tumors and 4,845 malignant tumors in cats. It can be remarked that in dogs, the number of malignant tumors is 1.5 fold higher than that of benign tumors, while in cats, malignant tumors are 6 times more numerous than benign ones.

In the canine species, the distribution of tumors was as follows: the tumors of the female genital system (predominantly mammary tumors) had a proportion of 57.2%, followed by skin tumors 19.5%, mesenchymal tissue tumors 7.6%, tumors of the male genital system 4.0%, and the oral cavity and the hemolymphopoietic system had very close frequencies, 3.8% and 3.6%, respectively. This distribution of tumor incidence in various organs and tissues is identical to that published by American authors [62, 63].

In cats, the distribution of tumors by systems and tissues was the following: mesenchymal tissue tumors, 35.7%; mammary tumors 34.5%; skin tumors 18.0%; tumors of the oral cavity 4.1%; tumors of the hemolymphopoietic system 2.1%; and skeletal tumors 1.5%. This incidence is similar to that found by the above mentioned American authors. The much higher frequency of hemolymphopoietic tumors in the epidemiological study published by the American authors should be mentioned. Regarding the study of hemolymphopoietic tumors, we note the difference of the investigation methodology, malignant lymphomas diagnosed by histogram [40] including ganglionic, multicentric and mediastinal forms, which are considered in cats less frequent than digestive forms [124].

1.3.2. Tumor incidence by age

The epidemiological study performed by MIALOT and LAGADIC (1990) includes precise references to the age of dogs and cats, correlated with tumor incidence. A positive correlation of all tumor types with the age of animals is remarked. The increase in tumor incidence is correlated until the age of 10 years with animal age, in both dogs and cats. Tumor frequency remains high until the age of 12 years in dogs and 13 years in cats, then it gradually diminishes, because of the life duration of these species. This distribution of tumor incidence depending on age is mentioned by other authors as well [32, 40, 149].

In dogs, the percentage of benign tumors is significantly higher than that of malignant tumors until the age of three years (p< 0.02), while the percentage of malignant tumors is significantly higher than that of benign tumors, starting with the age of 7 years (p < 0.001).

In cats, tumors are infrequent before the age of three years, being predominantly benign, and the difference between benign and malignant tumors is insignificant. In contrast, the percentage of malignant tumors is significantly higher than that of benign tumors, starting with the age of three years (p < 0.001) and remains significantly high for the studied age group [119].

Cancer seems to appear or can potentially appear in direct relation to life duration; in this sense, the following hierarchy is estimated in decreasing order: man, dog, horse, cat and cattle [89]. There are tumors that occur in both humans and animals, at a young age. Thus, the study of hemolymphatic neoplasms in young animals, under two years of age, shows that cats are the most exposed to this category of tumors, followed in decreasing order by cattle, dogs and horses.

1.3.3. Tumor incidence by sex

The global distribution of tumors in the two sex groups shows a higher frequency of tumors in females, in both dogs and cats, with the predominance of mammary tumors. Mammary tumors in males have a low incidence, less than 1% of mammary tumors in dogs and 1.3% of mammary tumors in cats [146].

In dogs, malignant and benign orodental salivary tumors are more frequent in males than in females (p > 0.001) [119]. DORN and PRIESTER (1976) have shown that there is an increased risk for the appearance of fibrosarcomas and oral melanomas in male dogs.

The frequency of malignant digestive tract tumors is also significantly higher in males compared to females (p > 0.001), while the difference regarding the benign tumors of this system is not significant in dogs [119].

Highly significant differences are found in the frequency of skin tumors in male and female dogs (p > 0.001). The considerable difference of these tumors in males is due to the high proportion of hepatoid gland tumors. These tumors are constant in males, but can also be found in females, with an extremely low percentage, representing 5.5% of all skin tumors, compared to 88.0% in males.

In cats, the malignant tumors of the oral cavity and digestive tract are more frequent in males (p > 0.001) than in females. Male cats have an extremely high frequency (p > 0.001) of bone cancer.

1.3.4. Tumor incidence by breed

In general, no breed has a predisposition to cancer, although the Boxer breed has a higher risk for the development of tumors in certain organs [40, 61, 145]. The literature emphasizes the fact that certain dog breeds have a higher or lower incidence of a certain tumor type.

MIALOT and LAGADIC (1990) were able to test the incidence of tumors in 60 breeds. PARODI’s conclusions (1977) concerning the breed predisposition to certain tumors are classical. The predisposition of dolichocephalic breeds to the tumors of the nasal cavity and sinuses, associated with a lower frequency of these tumors in brachycephalic breeds is well known. The predisposition of large size breeds to skeletal tumors is also known, while small dog breeds have a frequency of these tumors significantly lower than the mean.

The Boxer breed has been proved to have a predisposition to skin tumors, as well as endocrine, testicular and mesenchymal tumors.

The breeds: Teckel, Bichon, Caniche, Yorkshire and Pincher have a predisposition to female genital tumors.

The frequency of oral tumors is related to the presence of melanoma, which predominantly affects the breeds with pigmented mucosae (Scottish, Chow-Chow) or mucosae that can be pigmented (Cocker). The problem of the relation between the tumors of the melanogenic system and natural skin or mucosal pigmentation is posed.

Skin tumors are more frequent in certain breeds, without the predominance of a certain tumor type (epidermoid or basal cell carcinoma, melanoma, tumors of the skin adnexal glands). In the Boxer breed, skin mastocytoma has the highest frequency. A particular aspect is represented by the predisposition of the Briard and Schnauzer breeds to skin tumors, especially epidermoid carcinomas located in the phalanges.

The predisposition of different animal breeds to certain skin neoplasms seems to be more related to skin pigmentation and exposure to solar radiation. Thus, squamous cell carcinoma is 13.4 times more frequent in white cats, compared to cats of other colors. Ocular cancer in Hereford cattle is associated to the white face color and exposure to sun rays. Horse melanoma is associated with hair depigmentation with age, in breeds or/and half-breeds of gray color.

Mesenchymal tissue tumors are more frequent in German Shepherd, Briard, Collie and Belgium Shepherd breeds. The predisposition of the Boxer breed to mesenchymal tumors can be the result of a predisposition to mastocytomas, with subcutaneous location, as well as to hemangiomas and hemangiopericytomas.

There is a real breed predisposition to the tumors of the male genital system and of the hemolymphopoietic system. For the first, the Pincher, Chow-Chow, Collie, Fox Terrier, Basset and Boxer breeds are cited. The Beauceron, German Shepherd, Afghan greyhound and Scottish breeds are predisposed to hemolymphopoietic tumors.

For experimental studies, it is important to identify the breed with a higher incidence of a certain tumor type or carcinoma (chemical, physical, viral). Sometimes, the breed predisposition to a neoplasm can be easily identified: for example, the direct relation between pigmentation and the development of melanomas or the higher frequency of osteosarcomas in large size dog breeds.

Due to the small number of some tumor types (urinary, endocrine, digestive, of digestive tract adnexal glands), a direct relation could not be established between incidence and certain breeds.

The particular aspects regarding the epidemiology of a certain tumor type will be mentioned in the chapters treating the tumor in cause.

1.3.5. Tumor incidence in the human-animal correlation

The risk for cancer of people living close to animals is controversial, and it cannot be excluded, but it is also difficult to prove. A series of other risk factors should be discussed, and in the first place the cohabitation of man and animals, especially companion animals, the same area being under the influence of the same environmental factors (pollution and stress).

Taking data from studies performed in USA, DORN and PRIESTER (1987) show a lymphoid cancer incidence increased by 80%, in a sample of 19 000 veterinary doctors aged over 45 years, compared to human doctors and the general population. In another study, in California, an excessive risk for melanomas was found in veterinary doctors. The same authors cite BLAIR and HAYES (1980), finding an excessive incidence of leukemia and Hodgkin disease in veterinary doctors.

Epidemiological studies, also performed in the USA, reveal the presence of a higher risk for lymphatic and lymphopoietic cancer in the rural population, compared to urban residents. Farmers have a risk for exposure to the bovine leukosis virus, as well as to chemical agents used in agriculture, insecticides in the first place.

In Los Angeles, in a retrospective study of exposure to infections by cohabitation with companion animals, 684 families, in which people with neoplasms were diagnosed, and 1042 control families were inquired. The conclusion was that there were no significant differences regarding the risk of cohabitation with companion animals (dogs, cats and parrots) between families with cancer and controls.

VAN HOOSIER et al. (1968) inquired 100 children with leukemia, 48 lymphoma children and 141 healthy children, without finding significant differences between the children who cohabited with or were bitten by dogs and the other children.

According to BROSS and GIBSON (1970) [63], the cat was the only one of 15 animal species that exceeded by far the risk of association with leukemia cases. Thus, 7.3% of the children with leukemia aged less than 14 years were exposed to ill or dead cats, compared to 4% of the controls.

According to the California Register for Neoplasms in Animals (CRNA), over a period of 5 years, in 675 households with cats affected by neoplasms and 675 control households with normal cats, there were no differences regarding the risk of malignancy in humans, dogs or cats. A subsequent study on feline leukemia-lymphoma cases recorded by CRNA did not confirm the hypothesis that human or feline leukemia would be contagious. There were no significant differences regarding the frequency of human neoplasms in 221 households with affected cats and 221 control households. Additional problems such as allergic reactions, animal and insect bites, scratches were studied.

Human immunoepidemiological studies of feline leukemia virus antibodies were conducted by HARDY (1981), results being negative [63].

1.3.6. Tumor incidence in correlation with environmental factors

HIGGINSON and MUR (1979) from the International Cancer Research Agency (ICRA) affirm that “the majority of cancers are associated to a certain extent with environmental factors” [63].

In the study of the role of environmental factors in the etiology of human cancer, important data can offer companion animals (dogs, cats) that live in the same habitat as man. Epidemiological studies on spontaneous tumors in pets are a real “sentinel model” for the identification of environmental conditions as risk factors in human oncogenesis. Regional variation in the incidence and morphological forms of cancer depends in the first place on quantitative and qualitative fluctuations of carcinogenic agents from the environment of a given geographical area, and in the second place, on specific and individual differences, according to species, breed, age, etc., in the reactivity to environmental carcinogenic agents.

Over the course of millennia, our planet's environment has changed, and man has contributed in a decisive way to its pollution with carcinogenic agents. It can be assumed that primitive man was in contact with chemical substances or physical carcinogenic factors, existing in nature. Gradually, especially over the past 100 years, man has changed natural environment essentially, with disturbing intensity, due to the effects of rapid industrialization and alarmingly increased environmental chemical contamination with synthetic substances. Man has added to the spectrum of natural carcinogens an increasing number of various artificial chemical and physical carcinogenic agents. Air, water, soil and food products are contaminated with these carcinogens, which act on both humans and domestic and wild animals.

HUEPER's conclusions (1963), formulated more than 40 years ago, are not only extremely actual, but they also reveal an increased risk of environmental contamination with carcinogenic agents. The author mentions the fact that mankind has few chances to avoid environmental carcinogens, as it cannot avoid exposure to pathogenic microorganisms. But, if over the past century new means for the reduction and/or control of the impact of carcinogenic agents were discovered, the activity of protection against the increasing number of carcinogenic agents was insignificant. The carcinogens produced and disseminated by man were and still are a serious threat to human and animal health and life.

At present, experimental research has undeniably proved that a great number of synthesis substances, chemical and physical residues, have a carcinogenic action. The knowledge of scientific, practical and ecological aspects of neoplastic diseases requires further epidemiological studies on the general and regional incidence of cancer in animals, and the data thus obtained can be used as a warning system for the potential appearance of cancer in humans. This will allow the institution of rational and efficient control measures for the protection of man and animals.

The first observations on oncogenesis due to environmental pollution date back to 1939, when NIEBERLE reported the appearance of ethmoid tumors in sheep living in the proximity of arsenic gas and dust emission plants [50].

In dogs, epidemiological studies have shown that there is a statistical significant association between the occurrence of mesothelioma and asbestos pollution of the animal's environment.

There is a positive correlation between bladder cancer and the general level of industrial activity, as shown by epidemiological studies performed in veterinary clinics from USA and Canada.

The relatively high incidence of tonsillar carcinoma in dogs from urban environment is associated with industrial or vehicle gas pollution. COTCHIN (1984) found a decreased incidence of tonsillar carcinoma in dogs, in London, after the initiation of measures for the limitation of pollution in this big metropolis.

The great majority of environmental polluting agents have been identified, but modern activities of contemporary society permanently produce new polluting agents, which are risk factors in carcinogenesis.

We consider useful to review the main carcinogenic factors existing in nature, which pollute the environment through the modern activities of human society.

Medical and epidemiological observations have established beyond any doubt that the exposure of humans or animals to certain chemical substances, such as aromatic compounds (alpha- and beta-naphthylamine, benzidine and their derivatives) and azo-colorants, causes an increase in the incidence of cancer at the level of the urinary system and especially of the bladder. Chemical industries, rubber, cosmetic or food colorant industries spread in nature (air, water, food products) potentially carcinogenic chemical products and residues.

Tar coming from the incomplete burning of coal and its derivatives (creosote, anthracene oil, etc.) is the most common polluting agent, being a carcinogenic factor responsible for skin and lung neoplasms.

Oil and its derivatives, mineral oils, lignite and its subproducts represent another important source of environmental pollution in the development of skin, laryngeal, pulmonary and intestinal cancer.

The pollution of drinking water and plant food products, especially vegetables, with detergents derived from industrial leakage and urban sewerage represents another source of carcinogenic factors, for both man and animals. Detergents definitely facilitate the penetration of carcinogens into tissues, in addition to their action as carcinogenic agents.

Companion animals, dogs and cats, are exposed in the context of urban life to the same polluting agents as man. Air carcinogens, coming from vehicle combustion gases, the soot and smoke of coal and oil, have all a neoplastic action on the respiratory system. Our observations, as well as those of the literature, show a constant increase of pulmonary cancer in dogs over the past years. Epidemiological evidence and histological structures of pulmonary neoplasms in dogs and cats can offer prediction regarding pulmonary cancer in man.

Arsenic, one of the oldest carcinogens known, has become particularly common and polluting with the extensive use of pesticides and herbicides. Arsenic causes skin, pulmonary, laryngeal, sinus, esophageal, hepatic neoplasms. Arsenic pollutants from the soil, water and plants are responsible for the development of cancer in domestic and wild animals. Studies, which are rarely systematic, are focused more on arsenic intoxication episodes, and less on the incidence of neoplasms induced by pollutants with pesticides and herbicides.

Radioactive substances can determine the development of carcinomas and sarcomas. Radioactive energy, with direct action on skin or internal organs, is followed by the appearance of skin or bone sarcomas, carcinomas and leukemia. The contamination of the environment with radioactive carcinogens derived from polluting industrial activities results in neoplasms in both man and domestic and wild animals.

Ultraviolet radiation is responsible for the appearance of skin neoplasms, in both man and animals. Thus, squamous cell carcinoma episodes have been described in sheep exposed for a prolonged time to ultraviolet radiation. The location of these neoplasms was on the ear, periorbital, mouth and eyelid skin, in the areas with rare pilosity. Observations on spontaneous neoplasms and experimental studies have demonstrated the higher incidence of neoplasms induced by ultraviolet rays, in the poor pigmented or unpigmented skin areas.

Chloride hydrocarbons, other pesticides and herbicides have been incriminated and proved to be carcinogenic. These chemical substances can induce hepatic, pulmonary neoplasms and leukemia. Some hydrocarbons (tri-ß-anisyl chloroethylene; methoxy chloride) have estrogenic activity, also having carcinogenic properties, and they can develop mammary, uterine, renal, bladder, testicular and hematopoietic tissue neoplasms. The use for 30 years of DDT proves that all aspects of the undesired biological aspects of a chemical product should be studied before its use. The decision to forbid DDT was made only after the negative action of this product on man and animals was demonstrated by epidemiological observations.

Carbamate derivatives (ethyl carbamate; isopropyl-N-phenyl carbamate) are used as insecticides and herbicides. These products have carcinogenic properties, developing pulmonary and epidermal cancer.

Goitrogenic chemicals, thiouracyl derivatives, possess tumorigenic properties on the thyroid and other organs. Strumal changes are considered as premalignant lesions.

Food rations, through contaminated additives and deficiencies, are potentially carcinogenic, which is proved by both epidemiological and experimental studies. Chemical products (colorants, preserving agents, etc.) that were not adequately tested were introduced in human food industry. Later, these were demonstrated to be carcinogenic. Mycetes contamination of human and animal foods causes the appearance of hepatic or/and other carcinomas.

Epidemiological and environmental pollution studies, correlated with the risk of cancer in man and animals, have demonstrated the role of natural agents or agents due to human activities (physical and chemical factors), in the initiation and evolution of neoplasms. These studies provide evidence on the spreading of these dangers through the environment both indirectly, by water, air and plant contamination with carcinogens, and by the direct action of carcinogens on humans and animals. The extension of carcinogens in the surrounding environment explains the role of these factors in the significantly increased risk for man and animals in the appearance of cancer.

We consider the study of carcinogens and neoplasms influenced by environmental factors as extremely useful. In this sense, we mention:

  • – the rapid spread of a great number of particularly diverse oncogenic agents, coming from the activities of the overindustrialized human society;
  • – unlimited possibilities of a great number of subjects, humans and animals, to come into contact with environmental carcinogenic factors;
  • – the hidden or undetected presence of carcinogens that can act since a young age or even transplacentally;
  • – difficulties, sometimes hard to overcome, in the obtaining and study of potential carcinogens, due to economic interests and, implicitly, difficulties regarding the dissemination of required information and measures.

HUEPER's warning from 1963 is more actual, because some of his predictions have come true ...the non-discriminated, irrational, superficial and irresponsible contamination of current practices can or will probably cause the appearance of uncontrollable disasters, for man and animals, taking the form of severe epidemic cancers, similar to those that have affected the whole trout population from American fish farms.

In the next chapters, related to tissue and organ tumors, risk factors specific for certain neoplasm types will be mentioned.

1.3.7. Viral epidemiology, immunoepidemiology and molecular epidemiology

DORN and PRIESTER (1987) propose the use of the terms “immunoepidemiology” or “molecular epidemiology”, instead of the term “seroepidemiology”, which is to restrictive, as modern laboratory methodologies use both serum and cells in leukemia detecting tests.

The identification of the feline leukemia virus, bovine leukemia virus and human leukemia virus using T cells has facilitated epidemiological studies of the natural history of leukemia and associated diseases, in the species concerned.

Classical seroepidemiological studies of feline leukemia have shown that antibodies to feline oncornavirus associated cell membrane antigen develop after feline leukemia virus infection and that these antibodies are protective.

In order to offer realistic data, comparable to those of human oncology, epidemiological studies in veterinary oncology should be conducted skillfully, by investigating well defined parameters, but especially in precisely defined animal populations, and the data obtained should be finally corroborated with the results of laboratory investigations. Of special interest is the knowledge and adaptation of human oncology methodologies for investigations in veterinary medicine, so that results can be finally compared.

Mortality in tumor disease

Mortality through cancer disease in animals is difficult to estimate, due to both the absence of systematically and objectively conducted evidence, and the necessary killing of animals with tumors.

There are published data on the mortality of companion animals, but estimations for these have only been performed in the case of special studies, without the inclusion of large geographical areas.

An epidemiological study should start with an annual census, for the estimation and accurate calculation of the cancer incidence rate in an animal population.

Epidemiological researches have demonstrated that domestic and wild animals respond to chemical contaminants from air, water and soil in the same way as man, by developing neoplasms in different organs and tissues. The extremely long duration, over 10 years, of cancer induction in man should be considered. This reality does not allow the undifferentiated extrapolation of some epidemiological data, found in animals, to humans. As it has been shown in relation to age, at least in the case of production animals, “economic life” should be considered.

Copyright © 2007, The Publishing House of the Romanian Academy.
Bookshelf ID: NBK9561


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